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Washita County, Oklahoma

The Cloud Chief, Washita County, Oklahoma history pages have been contributed by Doyle Fenn with the stipulation that all credit is here by given to Doyle Fenn as the author and publisher. If using information from these pages, please cite your source as

Fenn, Doyle. Cloud Chief, Original County Seat Of Washita County, Oklahoma. Dexter, Michigan: Thomson-Shore, Inc., 1996.

The book can be purchased at the Washita County Museum for $40 + $5 for mailing or from Doyle Fenn for the same price address is at the end of the page.

The book includes the Indian development and history, the run, court house controversy, school history, town history, businesses, cemeteries, churches, stories, etc.

The book has 319 pages including the index.

A. Five Civilized Tribes movement to Indian Territory
B. Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribes - the movement, life, and opening the
reservation to whites.
C. Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation Run and Washita County Elected
officials during the first years.
D. Court House Controversy with newspaper reports at the time.
E. Cloud Chief (Tacola) the town, businesses, people,
F. Pioneer Homes (photographs)
G. Churches - history
H. Cemeteries (Cloud Chief and Church of the Brethren) A record of the
burials and a history of the cemetery.
I. U. S. Census records for Cloud Chief
J. Post Office, Post Masters, Mail carriers - history and photographs
K. Law & Disorder The story of crime and criminals during the early
days taken from news articles and court records.
L. Economic Depression of the 1930's. History and stories of its effect
on Washita Co.
M. Teacher Normal & Teacher Summer Institute - history and photos
N. Events & Stories an assortment of stories about events, places etc.
O. Cloud Chief School - its development and closure. Numerous photos
of classes, the school buildings, history, etc.

A copy of the book is in the Cordell Library and in the Washita County Museum.

Any question please contact

Doyle Fenn
9510 Twin Oaks Dr
Manvel, TX 77578


A special appreciation is expressed to those who shared their photographs, information and provided assistance to make this publication possible. Among those who have assisted in this publication are:


Arlene (Franklin) Anderson
J.B. Best
Susie (Maupin) Akers Bewley
Harvey W. Brubaker
Juhree (Isbell) Calvert
Gladys (Childs) Carter
Ilma (Hyde) Cleary
Edith (Holt) Conner
Abe Deutschendorf
Waldo Emerson
Betty (Jordan) Gilmer
Rena Mae Goesling
Burrell & Kay (Goesling) Griffin
Bernice (Wilkerson) Hill
Ed Holt
Henry "Hank" & Auma Jean (Price) Holt
George & Barbara (Simpson) Isbell
Frankie (Maupin) Jones
Dorothy (Jones) Kemp
Beulah Linder
Peggy (Price) Maddox
Carroll Maddox
Everett Masters
Winona (Eugate) Miller
John McCornack
Dorotha (Black) Nash
Charlinda (Maddox) Ogle
James Price
Helen Faye (Patterson) Seyler
Mary (Atha) Dawson Simpson
Gilbert Thiessen
Tim Weaver
Emily (Goodrum) Weixel


My wife, Betty (Simpson) Fenn

My daughter, Brenda (Fenn) Sanzone

My daughter-in-law, Kay Lynn Fenn


Washita County Museum Volunteers
Shirley McLaughlin,
Deputy County
Clerk, Washita County, Oklahoma
Washita County Court Clerk Staff
Oklahoma Archives Staff
Cordell Library Staff
Federal Archives Staff, Ft Worth, TX

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