Woods County, Oklahoma Queries

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Dee Raymond Tue Oct 29 17:30:53 1996

Can anyone tell me the location of a town in OK called Estelle in the year 1904? My great grandfather, William Perry Hobson died on 8 Feb. 1904. His obituary which appeared in the Pratt County Republican newspaper located in Pratt, KS says that he died in Estelle, OK apparently while visiting other relatives with the same last name of Hobson. I'm trying to find out more about his death and who he was visiting. Since his funeral was held in Pratt just 2 days later, Estelle must have been fairly close to Pratt. If that is the case, then Estelle must have been in either Woods, Major, Grant, or Alfalfa counties. However, Estelle no longer appears on current maps. There is an Estella that is in Craig County in eastern OK, but that would appear to have been too far away. Thanks,
NOTE: Estella in Craig County and an Estelle in Major County

George E Lewis Wed Jan 1 22:31:04 1997

Need info on a Charles Hatfield who`s wife Julia Garringer born 11/11/1873 in MO and died 8/18/1902 in Woods county OK. They were married in 1893 and had a daughter Della Marie born 4/24/1897 in Freeport, Harper county KS. After her mother`s death Della was raised by an aunt and they moved to Alberta Canada. Also were there any other children of Charles and Julia? AllI have on Charles is his name. Della died 5/18/1979 in Calif. She was my wife`s grandmother. Thanks for any help George in Redlands CA

Terry Straub Tue Jan 21 14:04:34 1997


Garry Johnson Sat Jan 25 18:10:09 1997

My grandmother's name was Ethel All,she married Carl A. Johnson Her family had a hotel in Alva at one time.any information you could give me on this family would be appreciated.

Joyce Duncan Tue Feb 18 12:17:12 1997

Researching these Woods County Settlers: BROWN, BURKHOLDER, DALEY, DEBORN, ECKELS, FARRIS, FORD, GLASGOW, HIATT, KEENER, KINNARD, MURDOCK, QUINN, RIDDLE, & SEE Any other researchers for these families, Please contact me. Thanks.

Don Nickell Thu Feb 20 03:48:28 1997

Searching for a Joseph Franklin NICKELL, b.ca 1960?? d.ca 1991. Joe's father was Henry Stelson NICKELL. Joe married Karen Sue KESSINGER. Joe was from Alva, OK area. Any information would be appreciated.

Margie Wiggins Sat Feb 22 08:03:38 1997

Searching for any information on Frank Evan Park, b. 15 Nov 1872, d. 18 Nov 1943 in Woods County, Oklahoma. His father was Frank Park, who may have died in Ohio. His mother was Elizabeth Barton Park, who appears on the 1910 Woods County census as a widow. I am especially interested in any information on Frank Evan Park's siblings, parents, or states of residence prior to Oklahoma.

Judy McKinney Sun Feb 16 15:00:25 1997

Moses Viles was born 1834 in Ind. He married Martha E Murray in Polk Co., MO. They ended up in Woods Co, OK. Moses died 1917, and Martha in 1921, buried in Union Center Cemetery. Their son, William Caleb Viles (born 1861) and Henry Murray Viles (born 1865) both died there, also. Both were still alive in 1920. I would like very much to have death dates and obituaries on these 2 men. I will be happy to share VILES information. Judy

Michael Saffold Wed Mar 19 19:21:35 1997

I am researching the Saffold family that lived in Grant and Woods counties between 1900 and 1920. They are listed in these counties; Grant in the 1900 and 1920 census and in Woods county in the 1910 census. Any information would be appreciated. Ben W. Saffold, Sr was a physician. Ben W Saffold, Jr was born in 1917.

John Burdick Wed Mar 19 20:43:58 1997

Looking for cemetery records for the "Keith Cemetery" or "New Home Cemetery" located near Nash, Woods Co., OK (maybe the same cemetery?). Looking for inscriptions for John & Eve (Church) Whitman in Keith Cemetery; and for Pleasanton & Leona (Whitman) Combs in New Home Cemetery. Possibly Combs children as well. Any help appreciated.

Linda Nixon Thu Mar 27 22:23:24 1997

Seek anyone searching Cellan-Devlin. Alexander & Elizabeth (Pearson) Cellan settled in Alva abt 1890. I believe died in Alva, early 1900's. Their daughter Ann Devlin said to died in Alva abt 1917. Seek any info' but in particular when they died and where buried. Any information would be appreciated and

Bill Tandy Sat Mar 29 18:58:31 1997

SHUTTs lived in Alva OK. EVINS > Gallitan MO > KN > OK > Ochilltree Co TX Bill Tandy in Austin, TX tandy@wstandy.com tandy@tab.com Harry N. EVINS b. 7-13-1885 at Burlington KN m. Ada SHUTT From hand written note in Bible ------------------ Arthur Shutt Mar 23, 1885 Ada Jan 25, 1888 Ida Nov 1, 1892 Earl Aug 30, 1895 Melvin Oct 4, 1900 W. R(?) Feb 4, 1858 L???? (Laura or Louis) Jan 7, 1861 From a Letter Postmarked Gray OK Jul 23, 1927 --------------- from Ada (SHUTT) EVINS, Perryton TX to Laura EVINS, 1027 South Main St., Alva OK c/o Mrs. W. R SHUTT "tell Grandma hello...and when you go see Aunt Ida... make her come to Alva and stay until I come..."

Pattie Stigers Sat Apr 19 08:25:58 1997

I am looking for a WILL for Jefferson Pendergrass PIERCE,he died 14 May 1932 in Manchester, Grant, OK, but his WILL is filed in Woods, OK.

Melvin A. Besthorn Thu May 1 17:09:11 1997

I am researching an ancestor whom I believe could be buried in one of the cemeteries in the Alva area. Her name is Anna Urban and she died on March 14, 1899. Her maiden name was Anna Komestikova. She was married to Joseph Urban who died in Wyoming near Cheyenne in 1919. I would certainly appreciate any informat- ion that is available on this ancestor.

Kay Decker Tue May 6 08:49:52 1997

I cannot access Joyce Duncan's email address, so here is some info that may help her in her Woods County search. Regarding the Kinnard names, contact Leota Nusser of Alva, OK. Her mother, Jennie Gately Kinnard, and my grandmother, Ina Marie Gately Curtis, were sisters. Leota's mother married a Kinnard of Dacoma, OK. The Farris' and Glascow names are from Dacoma, OK. Look up Bob Glascow in Alva.

Lori Deardorff Marquette Mon May 26 00:19:18 1997

I am interested in corresponding with anyone connected with the Nixon Family, Harry B.(1836-1919) and Louyse (1844-1932) Nixon of Freeedom, OK. There is an "Old Nixon Cemetary"located 10 miles SW from Freedom in Woodward Co.,close to the Harper Co.line,and I am sure, close to Woods Co., in Woodward Co. My greatgrandmother,DellaM.Nixon Cox was married in 1899, my grandfather,Guy Richard Cox,born 1900 and she died in 1901, buried in this cemetary.

Dawn Clanin Tue Jun 10 11:32:35 1997

Looking for information on GEORGE EMERY JOHNSON and his wife LUCY ANN MOORE came to OK for a land run on the Cherokee Strip I think in 1895. Married there May 23, 1895 in Woods Co. Lived near a place called Rusk,OK in Woods Co. Children were Martin Emery Johnson, Iris Ferne Johnson, John Charles Johnson, Daniel Boone Johnson, Lawrence Glen Johnson, Macie Lavina Johnson, George Washington

Mary Creswell Hancock Wed Jun 11 09:29:32 1997

I am looking for information on the 101 Ranch. Supposedly my great- grandfather Greenberry (GB) Buxton worked there in the early part of the century. He is buried in GAR cemetery in Miami, Ottawa Co., Oklahoma. Another great-grandfather was in Alva, Woods Co., Oklahoma. He had a dairy there called the Reid dairy. His name was Noah Walter Reid. He had the big house on the hill that always seemed to be on fire at sunset. I have one of the milk bottles from his dairy. I hope to hear from lots of people. Thanks a bunch.

F. Crowe Wed Jun 18 11:17:25 1997

Researching Warren BROWN and Newton BROWN families (sons of Daniel Brown & Sarah Jane (Self) (Brown) Allen. Also looking for Warren/Warrenton BROWN (dob abt 1844/46 GA) who left Alabama after 1866. The family moved through Scott Co. Arkansas into Hughes and possibly Woods counties of Oklahoma. Associated families include

David M. Love Sun Aug 17 08:37:56 1997

Records on marriage of Marion Seward Love and Nellie Martha Bock. m. 1904 in Waynoka OK. Any information or related information.

Kim Morris Mon Aug 25 20:17:00 1997

Millard ONEEL and Margaret Elizabeth ONEEL both died in Jet, ALfalfa County, Oklahoma they are buried at Karoma Cemetary. He died July 1, 1929 and was born June 1, 1842 Margaret(Maggie)was born Nov. 8, 1851 in Virginia and died Dec. 29, 1930. They were married Nov. 6 1873 in Labette County Kansas near Parsons.They had several Children. They were Beatrice, Estelle or Stella, Gertie and a son Upton E Oneal. Stella married a RILEY and Upton ONEEL married a lady named Ethel Alberta HILL, daughter of Sarah Roberts and Samuel Hill. Upton Died in Denver CO. in Sept. 1969 and Ethel died nearby in August 1979. Anyone interested in this family or previous generations please contact me.

Butch Romig Sun Sep 14 17:59:09 1997

I need a volunteer to go to the college in Alva and lookup and copy an obituary for me.  I will pay a reasonable fee for a copy, mailed to me. The name is C.H. Stanbery, died Nov. 28 or 29, 1923. My phone is 785 448-2211
Thanks, Butch Romig

John S. Kostick Mon Sep 15 16:27:15 1997

Looking for researchers and descendants of James CUMMINGS (son of Israel) born Feb 21, 1856 in Nemaha, NE, and died Oct 3, 1935 in Ozark, AR. He married Effie C. UNKNOWN. James and Efiie CUMMINGS lived in Woods Co. OK. They had the following known children: 1.) Asa B. CUMMINGS, born Oct 1882 in MO. 2.) Lola D. CUMMINGS, born Apr 1884 in KS. 3.) Cora M. CUMMINGS, born Apr 1886 in KS. 4.) Nena P. CUMMINGS, born Oct 1892 in KS. Thanks!

John Nicholas Wed Sep 17 20:56:55 1997

In or near Alva, Ok. I am looking for information on Thomas LIGHTLE, his wife Louetta KING LIGHTLE, and their daughter Myrtle Irene LIGHTLE GREENFIELD. I know the parents were in Alva ca 1890 - 1905, because Cora was born there in 1897. Her obituary from 1983 in Coffey County, Ks. had that information. Louetta died there. Thomas moved to Coffey County, Ks. Myrtle is my wife's grandmother. She died Coffey County, Ks. in 1917. I am interested in information on Thomas, born IA ca 1850 and Louetta born IN ca 1860. Please e-mail information to stnick45@aol.com Thank You!

Scott Hamlett Fri Sep 26 12:02:49 1997

Looking for others researching HAMLETT family name in Woods Co. during late 1880s. Aurelius J. HAMLETT married to Ellen "Nellie" WILSON had four sons in this area: William James (1887), Robert (1890), Herman (1894) and Claude (1897).

Patricia A. Sturdevant- Jewell Wed Oct 1 12:53:41 1997

Charles North Sturdevant, Born February 3, 1846 in Indiana, Died in Alva, Oklahoma on June 5th, 1930. Buried in the Methodist Cemetery in Alva. Wives - Ella R. Hunter of Larned, who died September 6, 1897. Second wife - Mrs. Anna Margaret Walters of Larned, who survived him. Two children - Coila Alyce and G. Wardell Two grandchildren, Coila Alyce and Enid Shirley. Charles North Sturdevant's parents were Rev. Charles B. Sturdevant and Sarah Wardell Sturdevant of Larned, Kansas. I am looking for any information I can find on his wife, children or grandchildren including married names, and current locations. If E-Mail address does not work, please contact me at the following address - 3208 Champions Drive, Wilmington, DE 19808.

Galen Woods Sat Oct 4 13:12:43 1997

Count Pulaski HEDRICK  b. 3 Aug 1860, Brown County, IL. d. 9 Mar 1925, Scotland County, OK. Wife was Amy Violetta Mosley, b. 2 Oct. 1867, Scotland County, MO. d. 11 Aug. 1943, Woods County, OK. "Pash", as he was called, was part of the land rush into the Cherokee Strip in 1893. According to my information "Pash" and Amy had 7 children, 5 boys and 2 girls, viz Oliver, Fred, Ethel, Clarence, Arthur, Leela, and Harlan. I would like to know what land they staked out, who inherited it, or if it was sold. Would like any obituary information on any of the family. The only info I have on the children is that of Harlan, b. 9 Oct. 1888, McPherson, KS. d. 17 Jun. 1977, Collin County, TX. Married Marguerite Miller Cantrell.

Beth Mattingly

I am trying to locate information on the marriage of Mary Golbek (could be Maria Golbek) to Adolph M. Miller (sometimes spelled Mueller). This marriage took place in Avard, Oklahoma, near Alva, the county seat of Woods County in 1909. It is very important to Mary Golbek's daughter to have proof that this marriage actually did occur.

Do you have record of this marriage? If not, do you know where I might be able to locate this information?

Beverley Smith

Seeking records, ie 1880, 1900 census, obits, local newspapers, names of newspapers, of the period, cemeteries and morticians of 1880 through 1907 to locate WEST families in Woods and/or Major Counties.
John Wesley WEST b. 1835 Ohio, d. 1907 near Ringwood or Enid, OK, Woods, "M" or Major Counties. Wife: Margaret GRIFFITH b. 1841 Ohio, d. 1881 near Ringwood or Enid, OK (Margaret may have had Indian ancestry-not sure) Their children were probably with them 1880.
Their children: (Note: some married later & had children same area.) Elgar Bramwell WEST b. 1866 Ohio, resided near Ringwood at least 1903-1908 Wife: Ada & Anna Atterberry. Children: John, Jesse, Earnest, Margaret b. 1904 Ringwood, Edgar, b. 1906 Ringwood, Lawrence b. 1908 Ringwood, Elmer b. 1902 Ringwood.
Walter Sylvanus WEST b. 1867 in MO. Wife: Louella HEATH Children: Leroy, Alfred, Lora Ethel, Flora b.1902 Ringwood
Herbert Clarence WEST b. between 1869-71 in MO. 1st wife: Mary & maybe 2 children; 2nd wife Rachael Olive BURKE (called Ollie or Florence)
Alfred Llewellyn WEST b. abt 1869 in MO. Wife: Cornelia GORDON
Clara Arabella WEST b. 1873 in MO. Husband: Calvin PARSONS
Great Grandfather John Wesley WEST may have been a teacher, was in Civil War (probably on side of North), may have shot someone in a card game.
Any possibilities will be appreciated. Beverley Smith Pioneer001@AOL.com

John Reed

I am searching for information on Isaac S. and Loretta GENTRY who lived on a land claim near Avard in Woods County in 1893. In 1923, Isaac and Loretta were living in Avard when Issac was 90 years old. Loretta died about 1941 at age 105.

Margie Smith

Barbara Paralee LITTRELL, We are looking for my husband's great-grandmother who lived in Alva or Carmen Oklahoma around 1900. Barbara supposedly died there as well. In 1902 her daughter Henietta Cornelia Smith and her son-in law Wesley Elmer Smith were living in Carmen, OK. My husband's uncle was born in Carmen in 1902. Barbara was supposedly 1/2 Cherokee Indian and had Henrietta out of wedlock; then later married a man name Elijah Littrell or Luttrell. Basically we have no information on this family. If anyone knows anything about any of these people or there possible relatives please contact us. We are at a complete road block with this family. Help! Thank you!

Mel Besthorn

It is possible my great great grandmother is buried in one of Alva, OK cemeteries. Her name was Anna (Komestikova) Urban. Anna passed away March 14, 1899. She was married to Joseph Urban who died near Cheyenne, Wyoming on April 6, 1919. Any leads you might have on her burial site would be much appreciated. Thanks for any help ahead of time. Mel Besthorn

Sandra Quinn

I would like to submit to query, I have lots of information on the Eckles/Eckels of Alva Oklahoma and would like to share it with other genealogists interested in this surname. Sandra Quinn

Carole Shanahan

Looking for grave of infant son of my grandparents, WILLIAM H. & CYNTHA L. BECKNER, who lived in Woods County and were land owners in 1900, according to the U. S. Census records for that year. They were Baptists. Thank you, Carole Shanahan

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