Woods County, Oklahoma Researchers

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Name SurName Town Date Homepage
Mary Kaye Shouse GREENLEES Alva 1900-1947 Shouse House
Lorrie Slaughter  SULLIVAN  Alva 1904-1908 xx
Eugene Morris Azbill, Jr. AZBILL Ingersoll 1906 xx
Margaret Dunning DUNNING 1880-1916 xx
Linda Lang  VANSICKLE, HOLLOWAY Alva 1900 xx
Sheri Thomas  DARR, COPE, THOMAS Freedom xx xx
Sue QUINLAN, HAMILTON Alva 1895- ? xx
Stefanie Hatfield  HUDSON Lookout 1906 -? xx
Vicki KRUSE Alva xx xx
Doris Mahoney  MAHONEY Alva 1902  xx
Caroline Sherwin WASHBURN, BRADBURY Waynoka-Quilan. 1900 -Present xx
Terry Sayre  SAYRE Dacoma ? - 1918 xx
Therese Colvin BINGAMON, WRIGHT Freedom 1894 - ? xx
Hugh Seivers  WHITE, WALTEN / WALTON Auburn 1888 /1889 xx
Jimmie Fishgrab  MALTBIE Patterson Twp 1907 -? xx
Mike Davis Burgoyne Alva 1850-1899 xx
Don W. Allen BRADBURY Alva bef. 1900 xx
Perry Bauer  BOND  xx bef. 1906 xx
William T. Smith  ABELL, THOMPSON  Alva early 1900s xx
Marla Andrus  DAVIS, MCHENRY, GOODALE  Ames 1890s to 1915 xx
xx xx xx
Cindy Gettle  MEDDLES, LEE, MAYFIELD  Freedom xx Cindy Gettle's Homepage
Neal North  BROWN, NORTH  Alva 1890s to 1920s xx
Richard (Skip) L. D'Eon  WATSON  Indian Meridian Around 1900 xx