Tulsa County


Tulsa County
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Freymuth | Libbert | Barbee | Junger | Ford

Submitted by David L Barbee
Submitted on 2 August 2010

Would like to see the surnames "Freymuth" and Libbert" included in the list of Tulsa surnames, and if possible, "Barbee", "Junger" and "Ford", who married into the Freymuth family in the early 1900s. All were dairy farmers NW of Tulsa between 1900 and the 1950s. All leased land from the Kennedy family.
Phillip Edwin Freymuth and his wife, Theresa, moved into the Tulsa area shortly after 1900 and were instrumental in the construction of the Holy Family Catholic Church. Phillip had been tasked with drumming up donations and help from local farmers to provide labor for the construction of the church. His son, Henry, my grandfather, and his wife Lucy Libbert, were married in the basement of the new church before construction was completed.
Henry Phillip Libbert, and his wife Mary, moved to Tulsa about the same time as the Freymuths. Henry worked in a north Tulsa brick factory for a time before getting into the grocery and meat cutting business.
Henry and Mary were the parents of Lucy, who married Henry Freymuth, son of Phillip.
Another son of Phillip Freymuths, Leo, worked for a time in the administrative side of the oil business, later to get involved in missionary work for the Catholic church in Tulsa and surrounding area, spending a good deal of time among the black population of North Tulsa.
Two publications can be found that relate the presence of this Freymuth family in Tulsa, a 25th anniversary book printed in 1924, and a book published in 1974 as a 75th anniversary follow-up to the 25th anniversary book. The first book has no title, the second book is titled Tulsa Catholics, and a copy may be found in the Tulsa downtown library. I have copies of both books.
My Barbee grandfather moved his family to the Tulsa area in 1921 when my father was seven years old. I was born in Tulsa in 1938 in what was then Morning side Hospital, which is now Hillcrest Medical Center. I now live in Sapulpa.
Hope this is justification to have at least the names Freymuth, Libbert, and Barbee listed among the Tulsa surnames.
Henry Phillip Libbert and wife are buried in the 11th and Utica Cemetery, Phillip Edwin Freymuth is buried in the Calvary Cemetery on 90th with several of his grandchildren. His son Henry and wife are buried in Sand Springs.
Thank you for any consideration you may give my request.
David L Barbee

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This page last modified:08/02/10

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