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Abbot, Adair, Adams, Adams, Alexander, Alred, Allen, Allred, Anderson, Anthamatten, Anthony, Archer, Arculeer, Arnold, Ashlock,
Babb, Bacus, Bader, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Barbee, Barber, Barker, Barlow, Barnes, Barnett, Bartlett, Basse, Beall, Beasley, Beasley, Beasly, Beattie, Beckett, Bell, Bell, Benediktson, Bennett, Bercher, Berry, Berry, Bevard, Black, Blackburn, Blankenship, Blankinship, Bobo, Bond, Boone, Boots, Boseman, Bowman, Boydston, Brady, Braninburg, Brandenburg, Brimm, Brooks, Brooks, Brown, Brown, Brown, Bryant, Bryant, Buckner, Buffington, Burgess, Burham, Burhans, Burkhart, Burks, Burley, Burton, Butterfield, Byrd, BOWMAN, BRUCE
Cahoun, Cardenas, Carner, Carter, Caruth, Casebeer, Casebeer, Caswell, Caulkins, Caughey, Cearley, Chastain, Cheadle, Cheadle, Childers, Childers, Church, Church, Clark, Clark, Clouse, Cobb, Cobb, Coble, Cochran, Coker, Comer, Conner, Connery, Condreay, Conry, Cooper, Cooper, Coppick, Cox, Crain, Crawford, Creekmore, Creed, Crook, Crutcher, Culver, Cunningham, Cutburth
Dahlan, Dalton, Dalton, Daugherty, David, Davidson, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davisson, Dearston, Dearstone, Deberger, Debusk, Dempsey, Dick, Dickerson, Dickey, Dillinger, Dobbs, Dobson, Dodson, Dorman, Doty, Downey, Drake, Duke, Duncan, Dunivan, Durham
Eakin, East, Eaton, Eaton, Eaton, Eby, Ecker, Eddy, Edwards, Ellis, Engard, English, Enyart, Evans
Featherson, Felker, Fenton, Fergerstrom, Fields, Fields, Fiske, Fitzhugh, Fleetwood, Flinn, Ford, Ford, Foreman, Forman, Foster, Freeman, Freymuth, Fritch, Fritts, Frost
Gallagher, Gamble, Gamble, Gammel, Gann, Gardner, Gay, Geheb, Gentner, Gilbert, Gipson, Gilmore, Gist, Glasgow, Glossop, Goldberger, Good, Goodrum, Gosnell, Graham, Gray, Gray, Green, Greenlee, Gregory, Gregory, Griffin, Gross, Guthrie
Hackleman, Hall, Hall, Hall, Hall, Haley, Hamby, Hanby, Handby, Hannaford, Hannebrink, Harlow, Harmon, Harper, Harris, Harris, Harris, Harris, Harrison, Harter, Hayes, Hayes, Hays, Hays, Hendrix, Hennings, Henry, Herndon, Hill, Hodge, Hoffman, Hoffman, Hogan, Holmes, Homer, Hood, Hopper, Hosler, Howard, Howard, Hudson, HUNTER, Hurst, Hutchinson, Hyatt
Jackson, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jones, Jordan, Junger, Justice,
Kelley, Kelley, Kelley, Kelley, Kellogg, Kellogg, Kemp, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, Keylow, Killion, King, Kirk, Kissee, Knox, Kolter, Krigbaum, Kuck,
Lafarlett, Laforge, Lancaster, Lander, Lawfer, Lawley, Ledbetter, Ledford, Lee, Leverett, Lewis, Lewis, Libbert, Locke, Lockwood, Lomax, Louis, Lombard, Long, Love, Loving/Loring, Lyle, Lyles, Lyon
Mabie, Mabrie, Maddox, Maines, Martin, Martin, Martin, Marshall, Mathis, Matlock, Matson, May, Mays, McAnaw, McBroom, McCain, McCartney, McCowen, Mc Donald, McDonald, Mc Farland, McGehee, McGuire, McKay, Mc Nair, McWilliams, Medlin, Meyers, Millender, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Mills, Minesinger, Mitchell, Moffett, Moody, Moore, Moore, Moore, Moreland, Morris, Morris, Morrow, Mosing, Mowbray, Mullikin, Myers,
Nichols, Nichols, Nichols, Neese, Netzger, Norris,
Odell, O'Hara, O'Hara, Olsen, O'Rourke, Orman, Orvis, Overbay, Owens, Owens
Pack, Page, Palmer, Parks, Parnell, Payne, Perry, Perry, Perry, Peters, Phillips, Phillips, Phillips, Phillips, Phillips, Pickford, Pigford, Pitt, Poplin, Poplin, Porter, Powell, Price, Prosser, Puett
Raffety, Ragsdale, Rayborn, Reed, Reese, Reeves, Reeves, Reynolds, Reynolds, Richards, Richie, Riddle, Rigsby, Rippetoe, Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, Robertson, Robertson, Robinson, Rodney, Rogers, Roland, Rowland, Rule, Ryan
Sanderson, Sanderson, Schroeder, Scoles, Scott, Scott, Sedlacek , Seifried, Selvidge, Severs, Sevier, Sewell, Shaffer, Shannon, Sharp, Sharp, Shay, Sheets, Shipman, Shipley, Shubring, Shunterman, Sigler, Simms, Simons, Siner, Sinor, Sisney, Skelton, Skinner, Sloan, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smittle, Smotts, Sneed, Snow, Souter, Southwood, Spaid, Sparks, Sparks, Spaulding, Speaks, Springfield, Spurgeon, Spurgin, Stanfield, Stevens, Stewart, Stokes, Strange, Stunkard, Sullivan,
Tackett, Talley, Tate, Tattershall, Taub, Taylor, Teague, Tedford, Terhune, Terrell, Tipsword, Thrasher, Thede, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thompson, Thompson, Thornberry, Tincup, Tipton, Titsworth, Tomer, Tompkins, Trammell, Trout, Trowbridge, Troxell, Tugman, Turner, Turner, Tyer, Tyler, Tysen, Tyson
Wadlow, Wagner, Walkup, Wallace, Wallace, Wallis, Waltrip, Ward, Wards, Wasson, Watchous, Waters, Watts, Webb, Weber, Weiss, Welkson, West, Wheaton, Whidbee, Whitcomb, Whiten, Whitten, Whitten, Whittenburg, Williams, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wolfe, Wolfenbarger, Woods, Woolford
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OKGenWeb Tulsa County Coordinator
Tim Connor
OKGenWeb State
Mel Owings
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