Tulsa County


Tulsa County
County Seat - Tulsa

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Tulsa County Schools 
Tulsa Public Schools 
Broken Arrow Public Schools 
Sand Springs Public Schools

Charles Page High School 
Tulsa Community College
Jenks Public Schools
Collinsville Public Schools

Bixby Public Schools
Sperry Public Schools
Glenpool Public Schools
Union Public Schools
Berryhill Public Schools
University of Tulsa
Oral Roberts University

 Some Year books & School Photos
Listings of the following City Schools that have been submitted by Volunteers
who will look up information from their Yearbooks. I am always 
looking for more Volunteers to do lookups. 

Please contact me if you have a Yearbook and would be willing to do lookups so that I can add your 
name to the list of wonderful people who are listed below. Thanks. Jeff Smith

Photo Gallery of Schools on OK Gen Web.
TomTom Class of Seniors 1931

School Year Submitted by
Central High School 1906 Joan Case
Central High School 1910 Priscilla Arnold
Central High School 1917 Joan Case
Central High School 1925 rcb404@bankrcb.net
Central High School (List of names) 1929 WendyGayle
Central High School  1934 HolmanBE
Central High School  1935 -1936
Central High School  1931 Penny Flaherty
Central High School 1935 Holman BE
Central High School 1941 gcs2pkj@aol.com
Central High School 1944 JoanCase
Central High School 1945 Joan Case
Central High School 1946 Joan Case
Central High School 1947
Central High School 1948
Central High School 1949
Central High School  1948 Wendy Gayle
Central High School 1956 Millard New
Central High School 1957 Millard New
Central High School 1958 Millard New
Central Student Directories 1955-56 M. Davidson
Central Student Directories 1957-58 M. Davidson
Kendall College 1913 Priscilla Arnold
Old Annuals at County Library   Priscilla Arnold
Cleveland Jr. High (Picture Only) 1949 Jeff  Smith
Golden Rule School
Joan Case
Jenks (Photos with names) 1937 M Hull
Jenks 2nd Grade 1926 M Hull
Basketball Team "Jenks Trojans" Unknown M Hull
Jenks School 1918 Joan Case
Jenks High Pictures 1925-27 Gus Lewis
Sand Spring 2ndGrade 1923/24 MKrebs6337
History of Turley (Cherokee) School
Linda Haas Davenport
Bethel Union School 6thGradeGrad 1940 Joan Case
Bethel Union School 1914 M Hull
Union School  1911 M Hull
Tulsa's 1st School 1884
Marquette School 1931 Sean Drury
Daniel Webster Seniors Pictures 1938 Frank Chilton
Daniel Webster Seniors Pictures 1939 Frank Chilton
Daniel Webster Seniors Pictures 1940 Frank Chilton
Daniel Webster Seniors Pictures 1941 Frank Chilton
Daniel Webster Seniors Pictures 1942 Frank Chilton
Daniel Webster Seniors Pictures 1943 Frank Chilton
Daniel Webster Seniors Pictures 1944 Frank Chilton
Daniel Webster Seniors Pictures 1945 Frank Chilton
Daniel Webster 1946 PATSYGENIE
Daniel Webster Seniors Pictures 1946 Frank Chilton
Daniel Webster 1947 PATSYGENIE
Daniel Webster Seniors Pictures 1947 Frank Chilton
Daniel Webster 1948 PATSYGENIE
Daniel Webster Seniors Pictures 1948 Frank Chilton
Daniel Webster Seniors Pictures 1949 Frank Chilton
Daniel Webster Seniors Pictures 1950 Frank Chilton
Will Rogers High School 1952 Jeff Smith
Will Rogers High School 1953 Jeff  Smith
Will Rogers High School 1957 Beth Davis
Will Rogers High School 1958 Beth Davis
Will Rogers High School 1959 Beth Davis
Will Rogers High School 1964 Wendy Gayle
Will Rogers High School 1967 Billy Caperton
Woodrow Wilson Jr. High 1935 V. Burke
Woodrow Wilson Jr. High  1951 Jeff B. Smith
Woodrow Wilson Jr. High 1955 Beth Davis
Woodrow Wilson Jr. High 1956 Beth Davis
Woodrow Wilson Jr. High 1964 Jim Walker
1st Public School

Tom-Tom Honor Roll 1918 Kathy Harrison
Cherokee Elementary & Jr. High 1955 Kerry
Sand Springs Elementary - 5th Grade - 1931-32 Rod Vaughn
Sand Springs 2nd Grade 1928-1929 Rod Vaughn
John Burrows Elementary 1939 Barbara Prather
Park Elementary School 1956_57 and 57_58 Trisha Davis
Webster School Yearbooks 1973-1976 Tim Connor
Some park elementary school pictures
Tim Connor
Clinton Junior High Yearbooks 1971-1973 Tim Connor

Oklahoma Archives
    USGenWeb Archives
This page was last updated on 03/30/13

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Tim Connor

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Linda Simpson
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