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     For October, November, & December 1999       

I invite you to enter a query for your Tulsa Co. ancestors. Please give me your email address, your name and your query in that order. Thanks
Email OKGenWeb Tulsa County Coordinator Tim Connor with a new Query

Note: Your query MUST have a Tulsa County connection or it will not be posted here.
I will NOT post queries that are in regard to Birth Parents, lost friends or that are vague in nature.

PHILLIPS Posted by Kim Phillips Randolph <groovin@midwest.net> on Thu, 14 Oct 1999
I am looking for any relatives of the PHILLIPS family who lived in Tulsa, OK in 1930's. My Grandfather, Clarence Henry PHILLIPS was the son of William (Bill) PHILLIPS and Mary Floyd Gallagher. Clarence Henry married Mildred Ann Baker in 1934. At that time "Red" as he was known was a student at Tulsa University where he was a football and track star. He later worked for Gulf Oil. "Red" and Mildred had two sons, Clarence Bruce PHILLIPS b. 1936 in Tulsa and Charles Patrick b. 1938 in TX. Any information would be greatly appreciated. In Search Of My Phillips Roots
BLACK,Rubie Posted by Bobbie Elrod Davis <bdavis@intellex.com> on Thu, 14 Oct 1999
Searching for any information or persons related to a Rubie Black that lived in Tulsa County in 1933. She was born in Polk County, Arkansas. She had two brothers: Lester and Sylvester. Sylvester was killed in 1933 in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on his 21st bday. Lester died in 1990 in Bakersfield, California. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bobbie Elrod Davis E-mail bdavis@intellex.com
TEDFORD,ENYART,WILSON,CARTAN Posted by Thelmarie "Thel" Alexander Curtis <pdcurtis@ix.netcom.com> on Wed, 20 Oct 1999 Researching my Grandmother, Zetta Dee TEDFORD ENYART who married husband #2 - John Dixon WILSON abt 1910-11 in Tulsa. Would appreciate someone doing a "lookup" for me for their marriage date and place of marriage, witnesses, etc.. They lived in an old area of Tulsa on "Stove Pipe Hill/Stand Pipe Hill" (Is this familiar to anyone)? My Mother, Lilly Lee Wilson was born in Tulsa Jul 06, 1918. Her baby sister, BEATRICE WILSON, was born and died in abt 1919-20 in Tulsa. Would appreciate someone doing a "lookup" for me for Beatrice Wilson's date of death and place of burial. In abt 1925 Zetta Dee Tedford Enyart Wilson and John Dixon WILSON were divorced, I believe, in Tulsa. Would like someone to do a "lookup" for me for their date of divorce. In abt 1925-26 Zetta Dee Tedford Enyart Wilson married again to husband #3, WILLIAM CARL CARTANA, I believe in Tulsa or Oklahoma City. Would like for someone to do a "lookup" for me for their wedding date, witnesses, etc. If any of these names sound familiar to you, please contact me.
TATE,DENTON Posted by Re Edinger <Tate1899Shells@webtv.net> on Wed, 20 Oct 1999
Is there anyone that remembers any of the businesses below? And if so do any of you remember Leo Edward TATE Jr., or W.T. DENTON ? This would be after the late 1920's & before the early 1950's as my parents moved to Tx. around 1952-1953. My dad was a jack of all trades, but mostly he worked for the Yellow Cab company. He was in the service part of the time and my mother worked as a nurse. I do think tho' that W.T. and or B.T. Denton worked with him at the cab company. Sorry I just don't know for sure of other jobs. I think he worked at the ? factory ( could be Phillips ?) in Garden City, he also worked for a cleaners somewhere delivering clothes on Memorial maybe. He may have worked for Wayne Pagnent an auto dealership in Tulsa for a long time. He was also involved in stock car racing. His name was Tonsils TATE. I think this was because he could yell so loud ! From what my sister tells me, my dad was pretty well known in this area. He was also associated with Everly Stables, and was a good friend of the owner. I believe W.T. was with my dad in many of these ventures. My sister remembers W.T. more than I do , and this is what she told me. Oh ! And I have a photo of a business called L. ? Webber . Does that ring a bell with anyone? Is there a way on the internet to search for some of these businesses ? If not is there anyone that can help me in this area? 
PACE,MILLER,MCCARTNEY Posted by B Thomas <bthomas@wport.com> on Thu, 21 Oct 1999   Would like to contact anyone with information regarding these related individuals, who were named in a local newspaper in a card of thanks after the death of Mary E MCCARTNEY c. 1927/1928 (these should be her children living at the time):
HILL Posted by Ronda <genlady@attitude.com> on Thu, 21 Oct 1999
Looking for information on a Mr.T.M Hill of Tulsa OK. Had a son Edward Talmadge HILL (B) @1825 Tulsa OK. They later moved to Evanston,ILL.... Any information on this line will help my family tree grow.
RENFROW Posted by M. Tigert <aft@merlin.ebicom.net> on Thu, 21 Oct 1999
I have a letter written by Emma T. Renfrow of Tulsa, OK, RR#6, Box 205 in Apr., 1965. It's loaded with genealogical info about her family from the 1880's to 1965. However, I don't know her maiden name. She had no children. Emma died in Oct., 1975, according to SSDI. Could someone look up obit in Tulsa and let me know about her? I'd love to send a copy of the letter to anyone researching her people.
HOOVER Posted by Charles Paul <pb204CD@worldnet.att.net >on 23 Oct 1999
I am searching for descendants of Scott Hoover, who died in 1909 around
Skiatook. It is said that he had two indian children.
HILL Posted by Ronda Trounce < genlady@animail.net > on 20 Oct 1999
I am in search of any help anyone can give me, in my search of a Edward Talmadge Hill. I know very little about him other than he was born about 1925 in Tulsa OK. I believe his father was Talmadge M HILL. I am new in this part of the country, so if anyone has any ideas to get me started.. as to where and what to search. 
HAWKMAN Posted by Justin Dingman <JLDD4321@aol.com> on 15Oct99  
Looking for obituaries for the following: Jessie HAWKMAN, died Jul 1982, Tulsa, Tulsa, OK and Buzz HAWKMAN, died Nov 1968, Tulsa, Tulsa, OK. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Willing to pay for copying and postage or SASE, whichever you prefer. Thank you. Sincerely, Justin L. Dingman, Tacoma,WA.
MEEK Posted by Wendy Gayle <WendyGayle@aol.com> on 14Oct9
Anyone out there related to James Meek? He graduated from Central High in 1953 with my dad Gordon Walkup. James owned Meek's furniture and lived in a house behind it. I used to go to their house when I was little (don't think it was the same house) and me and James would get in a dune buggy and ride around. They were a lot of fun. His wife Ginger was beautiful inside and out. She found that she had cancer and committed suicide, that's what my dad told me. I remember they had kids but that's all. I was a lot younger than them. I 
was looking through my Dad's old yearbook and saw so many people that were also in my life when I was young. Most are gone but they brought back nice memories. I have several pictures of James in the yearbook if anyone is interested. My aunt Peggy Walkup was in there a few 
times. I also noticed a Doris or Dorothy Rippetoe, anyway, anyone need a look-up from these?
POWERS Posted by Sabrina L. Peart(Kramer)< Genut42@aol.com> on 14Oct99
I am looking for John Powers who was my gg-grandfather. I believe that his wife's name was Edith Pearl Powers. She later re-married a man named Hayes and is buried next to Rosa E. Powers Walls.
John was a boxer...Prizefighter it was called in those days, and was killed in the ring in 1892/93. He had a daughter named Rosa Ethel (Powers)Walls. She is buried in the Oilton Cemetery and there might be some information on her stone, or a John Powers buried nearby.If any one could go do a lookup for me, 
I'd be so grateful. John's father's name was Richard. Phillip Adkins who died in Okla. in 1911. His wife Emma died in 1900. I don't know anything about them except that they had a daughter Emma Jane 
who married my gg-grandfather Bert Kramer (Albert Leonard Kramer) in 1912 in Avard, Woods, OK. and he died in Oklahoma. If you need help from this front -- i.e., lookups at the FHL I'd be happy to exchange services! Thanks, in advance, to all who will read this and put up with me! Ha! Sabrina
HOROWITZ PIPE Posted by Donna< DJApo3@aol.com> on 11Oct99
I am looking for info on two companies that my grandfather worked for between 1930 and 1941. He worked for Horowitz Pipe & Supply - address at that time was 165 N. Madison, Tulsa, OK - about 1937 to 1941. Prior to that Gulf Oil Co in or near Ardmore just south of OKC in the earlier 1930's. I would like 
to try to get his employee records and hopefully a social security number. Does anyone have access to current address/phone number? is there a city directory for these years that shows a listing for either? I'm open to any 
suggestions on a better way to obtain info on old records of this nature.
PARKERSON, SPENCER, MARTIN, FISHER Posted by Allison < vavoom@inreach.com >
(aligatorz) in Sep99
Patricia Jean Parkerson was born 6-14-33 in Carbondale OK (now a part of Tulsa). Her parents were part Cherokee and due to the economic conditions of the Depression she was given to her aunt and uncle (Parkerson) to raise. They had no other children. She was unaware that these were not her birth
parents until she came home one day and found a letter from her 'sister' who apparently had also written previously with the letters being destroyed. At that time she found that she had siblings. The only name I have from them is'Jack' with no last name.>>>* I was just given the information that Jack's surname is FISHER. The other siblings in the family are; Mae (m. GordonWORTHINGTON)still living, but in an 'old age home'in TX, William (d. 1997? in Opelousas LA) and Sue, who was a half-sister (m. to a past head of the TX
bar association who was tried for 'murder for hire').*<<<Since my mom-in-law died last year I ordered her death certificate and the death certificates of her parents that she was raised with, trying to find
her true family name. Her mother's (aunt) name was Irene Winona (Spencer)Parkerson and her death certificate lists her as being born in OK 1-8-02. Her father's name is Richard Spencer, but her mother's name is shown as unknown.>>>* Her SSA app shows her mother's name was Hattie MARTIN.*<<<Her
father's (uncle) name was Louis Russel Parkerson b. 4-5-01 in OK. His parents are shown as James Russel Parkerson b. (?) in IT and Ella Fitzgerald, no date or place given. I also have Louis R. Parkerson's place
of birth listed as KS (possibly Liberal KS) on one document, but that info was given by someone who would have only heard childhood stories.>From information given to me previously, I know that two of my
mother-in-laws siblings were enrolled and two were not enrolled, but have CDIBs.The remaining people in my husband's family, his father and his sister, do not want to give us any more information on the names, etc. (as usual, it is one of those complicated family situations). I do believe that her 'family' name would have been Spencer. I did find one reference to a Richard Spencer in Familysearch/Ancestral file, that fits the place (IT), not the time, and think that this may be a grandfather of my mom-in-law. The other names listed as his siblings ring a bell from the few stories I ever heard. Again, thanks for plowing your way through this and any pointers would be truly appreciated. New info I have found...from Irene Spencer's SSA application. Her mother's
name is listed as Hattie M. MARTIN. This is supposedly the 'Cherokee'. There is a Hattie M. MARTIN listed on the Dawes Roll in about the right time/place.(recent info shows that the MARTIN on the Dawes roll was married to a Martin not born a Martin) Siblings of Irene are Flossie SPENCER (m. ? FISHER), Teddy SPENCER, and Ollie SPENCER (female, known to still be living in OK in the 50's). Flossie SPENCER is Patricia Jean PARKERSON's birth mother, but supposedly her birth certificate says PARKERSON. I have just tried to order that document. If it does say PARKERSON does anyone know if that would be a 'delayed' birth certificate due to the adoption?
STOKES Posted by John Stokes <JJSTOKESOK@aol.com> in Sep99
We are looking for the parents of Francis M. "Frank" Stokes, B: 10-1-1864 in Elwood, Madison County, Indiana. All of his children were born there except for William Herman Stokes and he was born in Ft. Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas. Frank came to Oklahoma in the early 1900s and settled in Collinsville, 
Oklahoma. Herman Stokes also settle in Collinsville, Ok. Both are buried there.
LOMAX Posted by Nathan <bash@busprod.com > in Sep99
I am still researching the Lomax surname. I have posted requests on here a couple of times but I am hoping to reach someone new to the list or a veteran that maybe someday this name will ring a bell. The information I
have so far.. Eugene Thomas Lomax born March 8, 1865 married Sarah Ann Jordan, "Gene"
possibly from either Missouri or Illinois known to have been in Johnswitch Arkansas in 1892. He also was known to live in Prague, Ok in 1898 and on. John William "Joe" Lomax born 12-12-1898 in Prague, Ok(maybe or Pottowatamie Co.) died in Tulsa, Ok in 1957. Eugene"Gene" was his father.
James Thomas Lomax born 12-12-1898 in Prague, Ok (or Potttowatamie Co.) died 1946.
BOYD Posted by Ronald C. Watson <RWa5172347@aol.com> on Sun, 24 Oct 1999                            I am looking for information on descendants of Leonard Boyd married to Vera. They had a child named John and a daughter (name unknown). Leonards siblings are: Clarence, Mabel, Alice, George, Bill or William, Russell and Neva or Geneva Frances. Geneva married Paul Watson and lived in Tulsa and California. We believe she was born in Gamsburg, Mo. Leonard was probably born late 1800s or early 1900s. Any information would be appreciated
Posted by M.L. Canfield <mlcan@worldnet.att.net> on Sun, 24 Oct 1999                     Edward E.Harvey b. 1865 Appanoose Co Iowa s/o E.E. Harvey and Marilla Flynn Harvey,md.to Frances Horner was an attorney in Tulsa died 1933. Children: Harold E., Marilla Rose md a Ferguson, Hilda A. md. a Heath, Edward Elton (born Francis Horner Harvey changed name to E.E. JR.). Would like to make contact with his descendants or any descendants of E.E.and Marilla Harvey.
Attorney Harvey lived on Columbia Ave in Tulsa , Frances was a teacher.
Posted by shay <calidreambabe@aol.com> on Thu, 28 Oct 1999                                         Anything anyone knows about an accident in Oklahoma that happened Monday October 25 in which Dylan Shaw was killed...I want any info at all. Please
Posted by P.W. Hagen <hagenpam@hotmail.com> on Fri, 29 Oct 1999                     Searching for George WILKINS b. 1915, appeared in 1920 census on S. Phoenix St. with family and parents, Clarence S. WILKINS and Louise F.ANDRES. It is believed he died young.  
Posted by diane denman <D114477@webtv.net> on Wed, 03 Nov 1999                                     I am looking for my friend's birth sister. Here are the few facts that we have. Nora May JONES was born in Dawson, Oklahama, on (we think) the 4th of July in 1940-41, to very poor share croppers. Nora was about a year and a half when her parents gave her up. Nora may or may not know that she had a twin brother named Norman, who was given to the nurse who helped deliver these babies. Nora has several siblings, many of whom grew up in an orphanage. If anyone can help , my friend Linda will be very happy. Thank you Diane 
Posted by Doug Walker <dougwalker@jps.net> on Wed, 03 Nov 1999                     My grandfather, Lanier Craven Trowbridge lived in Topeka (1233 N. Monroe St.-5/3/17) and Tulsa in the years around 1917 to 1936. A railroad fireman, may have been in city politics during later years. He was also a veteran of WWI, served in France (5/17/18 to 9/18/19), but the war Department records were destroyed. We don't know the place of death. He was married to Josephine Marie Buyken Trowbridge, who died in 1917, giving birth to my father, who was adopted a year later by Arthur Dewitt Walker. We are anxious to correspond with anyone who might know of him.
Posted by Henry J. Terhune <hjterhune@earthlink.net> on Thu, 04 Nov 1999                  I notice in the SSDI there are two Ira Terhunes. The first that died in WI is my father. Does any one have information on the other Ira? From SSDI: Ira Terhune, b. 11/9/1905, d. 11/1986, last residence, Tulsa, OK.
Posted by Ebbon Carl Balcom <ebalcom@shasta.com> on Mon, 08 Nov 1999 Looking for information on my father, Elmer J. Balcom. He moved to The Tulsa area around 1936. The Livingston County, New York Welfare Department informed me several years ago that he was staying with Alma Tadlock at that time. Just recently, I have begun tracing my family tree and would like to find out any information on my father that I can. I was placed in a foster home at the age of 6 weeks and have never seen either of my parents. 
Posted by Faye Miller <kramma54@mail.com> on Mon, 08 Nov 1999   I am looking for a long lost cousin. Her name is LENOISE CALVERT. She was living in Tulsa in the summer of 1961. She may have been married then or she may have been using her stepfather's name. I do not know her stepfather's name.
Her parents were CHAROLETTE SWARTS AND HESTER (BUD) CALVERT. They were married around 1937 in Garvin County, OK. LENOISE was born about 1938 in Garvin County. CHAROLETTE AND HESTER were divorced about 1940 to 1941. CHAROLETTE THEN MARRIED AGAIN. CHAROLETTE HAD ANOTHER DAUGHTER BY THE NAME OF CAROL. I DON'T KNOW IF SHE HAD ANY OTHER CHILDREN. In the summer of 1961 this daughter CAROL, half sister to LENOISE, was working at THE RIO CAFE in Stillwater, OK. If anyone has any information on either LENOISE CALVERT (HER BIRTH NAME) or her half sister CAROL please contact me 
TELL Posted by M. Monfils <Monfils@dcwis.com> on Sat, 13 Nov 1999                 
I am looking for information about the family of William H. Tell of Tulsa. He died about 5-6 years ago. I am working on my family tree, and need to get in touch with his children.
HOLLAND Posted by Donna Hornback <dharth@cottoninternet.net> on Sun, 14 Nov 1999          John J.C. Holland b. 1846 GA. had children that are said to have been in the Tulsa area. I am hoping some of their families are still in the area. I have information to share on the Holland family. The names are as follows:
Rod, Harvey, Evertt, Mack, Joseph, Josie and Rose. They were born in Shannon co. Missouri from 1882-1897. I am not sure when they made their way to the Tulsa area.
FREW Posted by Barbara Harris Hewitt <araseph@aol.com> on Tue, 16 Nov 1999. Am looking for information about John FREW who is my gggg grandfather. Ireland>OH>IL. Some of his descendants moved to OK. Martha Jane FREW married Alfred MATTHEW, MATTHEWS, MATHIS And they both died in OK. Another descendant, Della Frew PHILLIPS is said to have had 13 children there. Am hoping some of these descendants have info on John FREW.
RIGSBEE Posted by Caolyn Carter Johnson <rhunterg@ix.netcom.com> on Sat, 27 Nov 1999  Hoping to find information/connections/ancestors on; MRS. NED C. RIGSBEE, 1524 S. Boston Ave, Tulsa.  In 1919, she wrote the Natl. Archives regarding HIRAM DAVID THACKER, my 3rd gr-grandfather. She may have been his gr-grandaughter? Wondering what her connection to him was (possibly a DAVIDSON???) and any additional information.
JETT Posted by Miriam <gelsey99@yahoo.com> on Fri, 10 Dec 1999                     
Looking to share info with anyone else working on the following line. Samuel Peyton JETT m. (1) Mary Louisa Jane BISHOP: Reland JETT; Imogene JETT m. (1) ? SHERMAN, (2) Wesley GIBBS; Mary Elizabeth (Marie) JETT; m. (2) Ruth BISHOP (sister of 1st wife): Corinne JETT; Sam Jett, Jr; Imogene Jett's son, Phillip Gary Sherman (d.Nov 1995) worked for one of the major radio stations in Tulsa.
HARRIS Posted by M. R. Harris <MelzieK@aol.com> on Sun, 12 Dec 1999          
I am looking for Robert Lee HARRIS from the Tulsa Ok. area. He was married to Ida O. HAYES. They had several children. Cecil, Preston, Bertha, Zora, Opal, Doc(nickname), Louie. There are others but I do not have names. 
ROGERS Posted by Suzanne Rogers <sridgely1@aol.com> on Fri, 17 Dec1999     I am searching for a John and Mary Kincaid Rogers. They both died in Tulsa Oklahoma - John in 1920 and Mary in 1936. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
STONES Posted by Robert Stone <azdzrtrt@aztec.asu.edu> on Fri, 17 Dec 1999   I am trying to find out any information about my grandparents. Robert Stone married Sussie Adkins about 1900 they lived in the Owasso area. Sussie was part cherokee and her family lived in the area. Sussie died about 1917 and is buried near Owasso. buried NE of Tulsa near Owasso. They had three sons, Noel, Dwight, and Lowell. 
BROWN Posted by Phillip Crow <crowslanding@netscape.net> on Thu, 23 Dec 1999

Does anyone reading this have information on suject families living in or around Tulsa Co. OK?
I am looking for Jefferson Brown and his unknown wife. Wife is said to be full blood Indian (maybe Cherokee) and were my wife's GG Grandparents. Martha Ann Brown was b. 29 Feb. 1868 in Howell Co. MO, to
Jefferson Brown and wife, unknown. Martha married Samuel Trenton McClelon Boster (s/o Daniel J. Boster of Franklin/Howell Co.)on 13 Sept. 1880 in Howell Co., MO. (Believe Bosters came from Franklin Co., MO abt.1863+ and lived in Howell Co.?) Martha and Samuel Boster family is listed on the 1900 census of Indian Territory, Choctaw Nation, TWP, SNR14E, JUNE 5, 1900, E. D. 70, PAGE 3915A.Listed are:
Boster, Samuel Head 14 Feb. 1862 Born- Franklin Co., MO
Dacie L. Wife Dec 1858 Born- TN
Daniel J. Son 20 Jul. 1881 Born-Bly, Howell Co. MO
John H. Son 30 Nov. 1885 Born- AR
Beulan I. Dau. 27 Dec. 1887 Born- AR
Jocie Mae Dau. 26 Oct. 1890 Born-Howell Co. MO
Jessie Lou Ann Dau.9 Jul. 1893/94 Born-OK Indian Terr.
Note: for information, Martha is not listed, she died in 1896, one day after giving birth, baby died too, on the way back to Howell Co. from OK, and both were buried along the way. Dacie L. ? was Samuel's second wife, and she had no children with Samuel, but nine by a previous marriage? (This information from "The Boster Family in America" book.) Where was/is Bly, Howell Co., Mo. and was it a community or??Any and all information on Jefferson Brown and his unknown wife and family will be appreciated. Phillip and Janet Crow
FOWLER Posted by Linda Fowler Crawford <lcrawford@alltel.net> on Sun, 26 Dec 1999
Does anyone know if a genealogy has been done on Patti Page's Fowler line? It has been "rumored" for years that we were connected. I would like to prove or disprove and put it to rest. Some of our Fowlers were in the Tulsa area and I am just starting on this so any help would be appreciated and am willing to share my data.
CRABTREE Posted by Audrey <aksdt@aol.com> on Wed, 29 Dec 1999
My ggreatgrandfather SAMUEL CLABORN CRABTREE died in KS. on April 10 1934. The death certificate says he was a resident of Jenks OK. His body was sent to Tulsa for burial. His wife MARGARET A> CRABTREE died around 1910. She (or they) could be at old RED FORK. If anyone could fine obituaries, pictures of headstones or anything I will gladly pay for them. Please email me at aksdt@aol.com 
CROOK Posted by Joanne <kenedy77@aol.com> on Wed, 29 Dec 1999
I am looking for any information no matter how insignificant it may seem on James CROOK, born about 1853. Or any of his family. Also looking for info on Thomas Henry Spear, Nancy (Wills) Crook, Frances (Robinson) Crook, Sally (Etheridge) Crook or Josephine (Hodge) Crook. Any information appreciated. Thanks.
GRIDER Posted by Ray Gryder, II <rggryder@dscr.dla.mil> on Thu, 30 Dec 1999
Looking for information on descendants and ancestors of Amon L. GRIDER & wife Effie Belle Crowell. I am writing a book on the Grider/Gryder families and don't know who this Amon's ancestors are. Here is what was found on the web in a gedcom file: A.L. Grider (s/o Amon), b. Jul 17, 1921 in Tulsa, Tulsa Co., OK; d. Aug 14, 1993 in Glenpool, Tulsa Co., OK. A.L. is burried in Mellette Cemetery, Mellette, McIntosh Co., OK. He married Betty Jo Fowler in 1944(d/o William Robert 'Bob' Fowler & Rachel May Watkins). There children: Dorothy Leona Grider (1m. Christopher Joseph Stagl, 2m. Rene Nicholas Farsaci), Allen Loyd Grider (m. Joan McIntosh), David Richard Grider (1m. Dorothy Danielle Osborn, 2m. Ella Louise Munson), Pamela Sue Grider (m. Donald W. Pate). If you have info on these folks and know who Amon L. Grider's parents and ancestors were please contact me at my home mailing address (given below). I am trying to include as many Grider/Gryders in my book as possible. Want to make sure this family is connected into the 8000+ Griders/Gryders I already have in a database tree. Whatever info you might have will be greatly appreciated. 
Ray G. Gryder, II 3008 Homestead Dr., Petersburg, VA 23805-2345

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