Tulsa County

Tulsa County
County Seat - Tulsa

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From 11 Dec 00 - 30 Apr 01


I invite you to enter a query for your Tulsa Co. ancestors. Please give me your email address, your name and your query in that order. Thanks
Email OKGenWeb Tulsa County Coordinator Tim Connor with a new Query

Note: Your query MUST have a Tulsa County connection or it will not be posted here.
I will NOT post queries that are in regard to Birth Parents, lost friends or that are vague in nature.

Posted by Gail Knights <laig46@hotmail.com> on Mon, 11 Dec 2000

Searching for GEORGE SCHNEIDER b.1871 IL. d.1942 Tulsa, Tulsa county Oklahoma.
wife Bertha Handke , children: Edward, William, Walter,  and Esther.
ROBERTS (First posted 14Feb2000) Posted by Jennie <wiljen@castles.com> on Mon, 14 Feb 2000

Seeking information on the following two Roberts' as they were on the 1920 Tulsa Co., OK census.
1.) Roberts, George W. age 61, born MO
Roberts, Maggie E. wife, age 61, born IL
Dunn, George E. gs(grandson) age 11, born OK
Dunn, Frank A. gs age 9, born OK
2.) Roberts Robert R. age 66, born MO
Roberts, Nellie wife age 51, born IN
Roberts, Catherine daug age 32, born IN
These two Roberts are the same names for my G-Grandfather's brothers who lived in OK in 1929 when he died. Their names, age, place of birth match the information I have for this family. Would appreciate help with this line.
Posted by Cyndi Donohew <Scotrish@aol.com> on Sat, 16 Dec 2000, in response to Roberts, posted by Jennie on Mon, 14 Feb 2000

The Roberts are my husbands great-great Grandparents, the boys living with them at the time were Alice and Frank Dunn's children. Frank died in 1914 and Alice lived with her 4 children, Frank Allen, George Earl, Tip and Dora on the farm with her parents. The boys probably stayed on the farm when Alice moved to Tulsa to work, taking the girls with her. Dora my husband's grandmother is 95 years old.

FORREY Posted by Gloria Gingrich Belair <giginbel@worldnet.att.net> on Fri, 22 Dec 2000

I posted a query in Muskogee Co. because that was the last known residence of Edwin Forrey. Someone answered my query. She stated that there was a Dr. Forrey in Bixby, Tulsa Co., OK. Although he has passed away some years ago, I'd like to contact any Forrey's still living in the area. 
COGBURN, BIRKLAND, SUMMERS, SPURLINE  Posted by mick bradley <bradleys@fullnet.net> on Sat, 23 Dec 2000

seeking information on Joe Cogburn, Tulsa county, Oklahoma. he is parent of Joni Birkland, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Joe was married to a Summers, name unknown. there is a Spurline line here as well.
HICKS, DOWNS Posted by M. Strait <mastrait@efn.org> on Sat, 23 Dec 2000

I am looking for information on Amos (Orlando?) Hicks b; abt .1903 Mother Mary Jane Downs father Joseph Hicks. Siblings - Ethel, Mamie, Ollie, Farley, Nellie. Please e-mail me with any information thanks
BAKER Posted by Scott Fowler <ironheadf@aol.com> on Sat, 30 Dec 2000

Hi i am looking for cemetery records or death records of James Wesley Baker. He died in Tulsa Dec 5, 1927. I don't know where or even if he is buried in Tulsa.Any help would be appreciated.

IN RESPONSE Posted by Linda Haas Davenport <lhaasdav@mindspring.com> on Sat, 30 Dec 2000

The easy way is to write to the vital statistics office in Tulsa OK. You will find the information on the USGenWeb Project Tulsa page. Death records were kept in OK in 1927. Good Luck.<http://www.rootsweb.com/~oktulsa/>
MAINES, CONNER Posted by Judy McElyea <Judycatmc@aol.com> on Sat, 30 Dec 2000

A home accident on March 3, 1945 claimed the lives of John Maines, Betty Conner Maines, and Ralph W. Maines. The accident happened in Oakhurst OK. The newspaper article I obtained about the accident said they were taken to a Tulsa County funeral establishment. I need to know who their survivors were and where they were buried..
ADAMS Posted by Denise Adams-Cagle <denise009@icq.com> on Sun, 31 Dec 2000

I am looking for the family of Lee Adams, son of Joseph Adams and Mattie Raines Adams. He had two brothers Elmer and Bee. My grandfather was Elmer. I understand that Lee and his family lived in the Tulsa area and that he is probably buried in Tulsa.
BENSON Posted by paul dunn <dunn@interfree.it> on Mon, 01 Jan 2001

I'm looking for the widow or children of Bill Dunn Benson who was my cousin and the nephew of my aunt Margaret Dunn Benson and adopted by her and Tony Benson (detective, Tulsa police force). In Margaret's obituary, Bill's address was given as 4673 N. Hartford( Tulsa?) A grand daughter, Virginia Dunn was also mentioned. She may be Bill's daughter but I'm not sure why the last name Dunn instead of Benson was used. Mae Kaufman a 1/2 sister also of Tulsa County (Glenn Pool?) was also mentioned. I'm looking for a relative and hopefully a family bible that will give the maiden name of my grand mother Lydia or Liddia Dunn who also died in Tulsa County. Lydia was 1/4 Chippewa according to a teachers report at Chilocco Indian Agricultural School where my father Hayden and Margaret were students in 1900. Most of the school records were destroyed. Lydia's maiden name is my brick wall. Any information will be appreciated. 
EUBANKS Posted by Vivian Sliva <esliva@wcnet.net> on Mon, 01 Jan 2001

I am looking for information on Anna Rains Eubanks who resided in Tulsa, Ok. in the early 1900's. She was the sister of my grandfather Ernest Rains. Her father's name was John W. Rains, his last known residence was Webb City, Mo. She was probably born in Missouri in the late 1890's.
MARTIN Posted by Janet Hubbard <jhubbard@mcn.org> on Tue, 02 Jan 2001

I am looking for Garvin Martin. I believe he was a fireman around Tulsa during the 1950's. Probably born about 1920. His mother was Julia C. (___) Martin. After his father's death, Julia married my grandfather, Frank Roepke. Garvin had a sister, Kay, whose married name was Turner and whose daughter's name was Linda. I believe Garvin died before 1975.
TABER, HUNTER(First posted 20Jun2000)
Posted by Annie Baker <iame@uswest.net> on Tue, 20 Jun 2000

Need information on Arch Taber married to Belle Hunter
Lived in Jenks, Tulsa Co.
Thomas, Elmer, Stanley, Tilda, Charley, Gladys, Minnie.
Posted by Charlotte <Genequeen988@cs.com> on Fri, 12 Jan 2001

Annie, have you tried Taney co Mo. The Tabers came from around there. My grandfather was Ed Taber. Son of Elias. I know they moved from there to Muskogee, Wagoner, Tulsa and Creek co. If you are from some of the same people e-mail me if you want to.

Posted by tina brennan <dtinc@pcis.net> on Fri, 12 Jan 2001

Looking for any info on my grand father or missing Buckmaster family in Tulsa . My grandfathers name is James Edward Buckmaster m Sylvia Louella Critser. I do not have any info on my family my grand father died after coming home in WW2 he was still active Army when he died. I do have his death date Feb 1, 194? if I have any living family members in Tulsa. Sure would like to meet all my family.
STROER Posted by M.K.Stroer <feniancladdaugh@aol.com> on Fri, 12 Jan 2001

Stroer's in Tulsa county Oklahoma. Looking for information on: Children of Garrett Henry Stroer(11),William, George, Lizzy, Garrett Harmon, Mary May, Jasper, Anthony, Edmon, Cora, Evaline, Anna.....Thank You for any help.
NEEDHAM Posted by Tammy Needham Peterson <Boogs070100@aol.com> on Sat, 13 Jan 2001

Seeking information on my late grandmother, Maude House Needham. Last resided in Tulsa, OK. Died in late 1960's.
FISHER Posted by Judith Jones <judithjones2000@yahoo.com> on Thu, 18 Jan 2001

I am looking for information on William Fisher and his wife Charlotte Jones. She was born in Scottsburg In. in 1978. I think she moved to Tulsa in 1899 with her father Leander S. Jones. I have pictures but not information.
MATYCH Posted by Susan <smatych@sienahts.edu> on Fri, 19 Jan 2001

Searching for any information on the descendants of William J. Matych (d. 12 September 1946, Tulsa, OK) and Catherine Logue. Daughter was Virginia Rose Matych, b. ca. 1930.
O'BRYAN Posted by Bonnie J. Bittle <casademb@msn.com> on Sat, 20 Jan 2001

I am looking for descendants/relatives to the Baker Family established in both Tulsa and Wagoner counties at or about the turn of the century.
Family members included parents, Jasper and Margaret Baker and their 6 children: Ollie May, Chester, Clyde, Stanley and Nellie Bly (all last names of Baker).
Nellie Bly married John O'Bryan (originally from Kansas) and they moved to Hollywood, CA. in the late teens and early 20's.
Nellie worked for the Chaplin Studios and John for Paramount.
I am preparing a book on the life of Nellie Bly Baker O'Bryan and would appreciate any info/leads. I may be contacted via email: casademb@msn.com or telephone: (909) 597-7328.
MCMULLEN Posted by Rebecca Brown <rsbrown@iwon.com> on Sun, 21 Jan 2001

I am looking for the Cemetery that Joseph and Hettie McMullen and their Daughter Dorothy Melhorn who lived in Broken Arrow, OK., Tulsa County, are buried in.
EVANS Posted by Mary Littleton <sponger@zoomnet.net> on Wed, 24 Jan 2001

Looking for the family of Norval W. Evans who lived in Tulsa Co. in the early 1920's. He was the son of James Preston and Ida Watson Evans of Kentucky. Norval had a sister Maude Evans Crowe. Norval lived in Pawhuska and Bartlesville. There was another family name of Konpay/Koupay of which I'm not sure of the spelling. Thanks you for any help you can give me.
TEDFORD,WILSON,CARTANA Posted by Thelmarie Alexander Curtis <pdcurtis@ix.netcom.com> on Wed, 24 Jan 2001

Researching my Grandmother, Zetta Dee TEDFORD who married husband #2 - JOHN DIXON WILSON abt 1910-11 in Tulsa. Would appreciate someone doing a "lookup" for me for their marriage date and place of marriage, witnesses, etc.. They lived in an old area of Tulsa on "Stove Pipe Hill/Stand Pipe Hill" (Is this familiar to anyone)?
My Mother, Lilly Lee Wilson was born in Tulsa. She attended elementary school somewhere in Tulsa from abt 1924-1926. Her baby sister, BEATRICE WILSON, was born and died in abt 1920 in Tulsa. I do not know her date of birth, death, or place of burial.
In abt 1925 Zetta Dee Tedford Enyart Wilson and John Dixon WILSON were divorced, I believe, in Tulsa
In abt 1925-26 Zetta Dee Tedford Enyart Wilson married husband #3, WILLIAM CARL CARTANA, I believe in Tulsa or Oklahoma City. Would like for someone to do a "lookup" for me for their wedding date, witnesses, etc..

If any of these names sound familiar to you, please contact me.

If you know of an Oklahoma web site where I might search for Births - Deaths - Marriages - Divorces please contact me.
KELLEY (First posted 13May1999) Posted by Kathy <ffconsult@worldnet.att.net> on Thu, 13 May 1999

Seeking info on William E. “Ed” KELLEY, his wife Billie M., and their parents/siblings. Ed's family thought to have moved to Tulsa area some time after his death.

(Possible parents for William E. KELLEY = Abner H. KELLEY (c.1831 AR - c.1863 Hunt Co.,
TX) and Mary E. Unknown (c.1840 AR or TX - ?). Abner’s other children: Elijah (c.1859 TX - ?)
and Mary (c.1863 TX - ?).)

William E. “Ed” KELLEY (1856 TX - 1905 Caddo, Bryan Co., OK)... m. 1) Billie M. (1865 
Posted by Kathy <talktalk@houston.rr.com> on Sun, 22 Oct 2000, in response to William E. "Ed" KELLEY (AR?>TX>OK), posted by Kathy on Thu, 13 May 1999

Still looking for any info on E. V./F. (Crook) KELLEY, 2nd wife of William "Edward" KELLEY, and their son Abner.

My new personal e-address: talktalk@houston.rr.com
Posted by Marcella <mbell@planetkc.com> on Sun, 28 Jan 2001, in response to William E. "Ed" KELLEY (AR?>TX>OK), posted by Kathy on Thu, 13 May 1999

Seeking relatives of William Black and Rosa Lee Bess. They lived in Tulsa Co. and are buried in Sapulpa.
Posted by Mary Callaway <gracette368@yahoo.com> on Mon, 29 Jan 2001, in response to William E. "Ed" KELLEY (AR?>TX>OK), posted by Kathy on Thu, 13 May 1999

Is Virginia Kelley any relation to your Kelley's she lived in Tulsa around 1967-1969 not sure when she left but she was my biological mother. i was put up for adoption in sixty eight. born march twenty first of that year..any help would be apperciated

FLOWERS Posted by Mary Tuley <marya@texoma.net> on Mon, 29 Jan 2001

I would like to have the obituary of Milisa Flowers whose obituary was in the Tulsa World, Sept. 1 1996
IN RESPONSE Posted by Janice DeCamp <wjdecamp@webzone.net> on Tue, 30 Jan 2001

I e-mailed the Tulsa World about a obituary for you. I will let you know if I hear from them.
HARPERS Posted by Lucy Smith <lansmith@gallatinriver.net> on Wed, 31 Jan 2001

HARPER, ROSS. Any information on Ross Harper who was a young lawyer in Tulsa in the 1930's. He is connected to the Missouri Harpers, as he attended a family reunion there in 1936.
Any info appreciated, and I will share my info on the Harpers in Missouri
IN RESPONSE Posted by Ron Harper <rharper@lsol.net> on Tue, 06 Feb 2001,

Is this the Missouri Harper family you mention? This family moved from Ozark County, MO in 1925 and settled in the Broken Arrow, OK area. Descendants of Jonathan Ela Harper

1 Jonathan Ela Harper b: July 07, 1866 in Longrun, Ozark County, Missouri d: August 06, 1943 in Broken Arrow, Wagoner County, Oklahoma
.. +Rebecca Lourannie Peacock b: January 05, 1868 in Jasper Township, Ozark County, Missouri d: December 23, 1939 in Broken Arrow, Wagoner County, Oklahoma, buried in Park Grove Cemetery. m: January 05, 1887 in Lutie, Missouri
.. 2 Lucille Harper
...... +Thurmon Herd
.. 2 Lamal Harper b: November 28, 1888 d: December 18, 1888
.. 2 Arthur McCoy Harper b: March 20, 1890 d: January 14, 1972 in Broken Arrow, Wagoner County, Oklahoma, buried in Park Grove Cemetery.
...... +Lucy Hale b: July 30, 1894 in Lutie, Ozark County, Missouri d: June 24, 1982 in Broken Arrow, Wagoner County, Oklahoma, buried in Park Grove Cemetery.
.. 2 Ollie Mae Harper b: May 10, 1892 d: November 24, 1975
...... +Samuel Fredrick Martin b: October 31, 1892
.. 2 Anna Raye Harper b: January 24, 1894 in Mammoth, Ozark County, Missouri d: September 09, 1916
...... +Edward Newton Van Meter b: July 15, 1880 in Isabella, Ozark County, Missouri d: January 03, 1958 in Tuscon, Pima County, Arizona m: July 03, 1915 in Gainesville, Ozark County, Missouri
.. 2 [1] Jonathan Leroy "Roy" Harper b: January 17, 1896 in Lutie, Ozark County, Missouri d: September 15, 1980 in Mount Hope, Sedgwick County, Kansas Aka (Facts Page): Jonathan Roy
...... +Alice Alaska Foster b: November 14, 1896 in Lutie, Ozark County, Missouri d: February 1936 in Broken Arrow, Wagoner County, Oklahoma, buried in Park Grove Cemetery. Aka (Facts Page): Laskie m: December 05, 1920 in Gainesville, Ozark County, Missouri
.. *2nd Wife of [1] Jonathan Leroy "Roy" Harper:
...... +Zelma Edith Porterfield b: April 10, 1913 in Flint Hill, Strawberry Township, Fulton County, Arkansas d: June 25, 1985 in Mount Hope, Sedgwick County, Kansas m: June 12, 1936 in Broken Arrow, Wagoner County, Oklahoma
.. 2 Florence Lourannie Harper b: September 22, 1899 in Lutie, Ozark County, Missouri d: April 22, 1989 in Lutie, Ozark County, Missouri
...... +Jesse Andrew Mahan b: January 27, 1887 in Mammoth, Missouri d: March 23, 1962 in Lutie, Ozark County, Missouri m: February 08, 1914 in Lutie, Ozark County, Missouri
.. 2 Ira Donald Harper b: November 18, 1902 in Ozark County, Missouri d: December 23, 1973 in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, buried in Park Grove Cemetery, Broken Arrow, OK
...... +Nellie Mashburn b: August 31, 1900 in Gainesville, Bridges Township, Ozark County, Missouri d: October 13, 1946 in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, buried in Park Grove Cemetery, Broken Arrow, OK m: August 23, 1929
.. 2 Joseph Toll Harper b: January 05, 1903 d: January 24, 1980
...... +Mary Delphia Hillhouse b: January 25, 1904
.. 2 Edsel Boyd Harper b: January 23, 1906 d: Abt. 1908
.. 2 Elza Hubert Harper b: October 03, 1908
...... +Edith Carpenter b: May 01, 1916
.. 2 Conda Dean Harper b: February 23, 1910 d: Infant

Posted by Lucy Smith <lansmith@gallatinriver.net> on Wed, 07 Feb 2001, in response to MO Harpers, posted by Ron Harper on Tue, 06 Feb 2001

Tulsa County OK Harper: At first blush, this does not seem to be my Harpers, but will investigate more. Do you have any line on ROSS Harper?
Lucy in Illinois

Posted by Ron Harper <rharper@lsol.net> on Wed, 07 Feb 2001, in response to Harpers, posted by Lucy Smith on Wed, 07 Feb 

Sorry, no Ross Harper in this family that I know of.
OWENS, KINDEL, JOHNSON, ROGER, NORRIS, MCGUIRE, GOODING Posted by judith enos <jabudabe51@aol.com> on Thu, 01 Feb 2001

They were all from Tulsa, OK. Any information might help .judy enos
Posted by Bill Muller <muller@fredonia.edu> on Sat, 03 Feb 2001

Seeking information on Bradford TURNER, son of my wife's great grandfather, Norman TURNER (b. Feb 8, 1852 in Marshall Co., WV; m. Jenny (Jane)
LOWRY on Dec 7 1875 at Ryerson's Station, Greene Co., PA; d. Nov 8 1921 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Co., OK) and his children. Norman was a veteran of the 1870's Indian wars and applied for a pension based on his service in 1917 while still living in Greene Co., PA.

Norman and Jenny had 12 children: Daisy Turner (b. 1876);
Olive Maud Turner (b. 1878);
BRADFORD TURNER(b. Nov 10, 1880; m. Molly Gallentine [prob. in Greene Co., PA or Marshall Co., WV); d. Dec 31, 1937 in Tulsa, OK);
Lela Turner (b. Sept. 3 1882; m. William REED; d. May 15, 1963 in Chickasha, Grady Co., OK);
Thomas Turner (b. 1884)
Winnifred Turner(b. 1887) (my wife's line);
Max Turner (b. 1889);
Kathryn Jane Turner (b. 1891);
May Turner (b. 1894);
Otaye Turner (b. 1896);
Lucille Turner(b. 1898); and
Howard Turner (b. 1902).

Why was Norman TURNER in Oklahoma City when he died? Was he living with one of his children? Or . . ..

Willing to share all information that we have on Norman TURNER, his ancestors, siblings and children.

Bill Muller
Barbara Morris Muller (a Turner)
Posted by Helen <willards352@cs.com> on Sun, 04 Feb 2001

I am looking for any information on ,Gertrude Woodlock. This is her married name, she was born around 1911. Thank you . Helen
Posted by Ann Jones <billyboy@datalinkok.com> on Sun, 04 Feb 2001

Searching for descendants of Ellen Finch, b 1879 in Iowa. Her married name on my grandmother's obit was ELLEN BOREN of Tulsa OK. Ellen was the daughter of L. B. FINCH & Sarah BAKER. Your help will be appreciated. 
TURLEY Posted by Zelpha Thompson <Lazat@aol.com> on Wed, 07 Feb 2001

Thomas Turley, Benjamin Turley, William Turley decedents
Posted by Juanita Berly <jberly@swbell.net> on Wed, 07 Feb 2001, in response to Turley Family, posted by Zelpha Thompson on Wed, 07 Feb 2001

My Samuel Turley was in IT. and what is now Tulsa County. I have some research on the Turley family if I knew what you wanted exactly.
WHITCOMB (First posted 14May1999)
Posted by BRivas <sayona@telepath.com> on Fri, 14 May 1999

Helping a Canadian friend who's looking for his roots.

Archibald Whitcomb, born 1910 in Oklahoma. His mother was Aimee Lee Porter. His father
was possibly a Baptist minister. Archibald seems to have emigrated to Canada and died there
in 1971. The friend thinks his father was from Tulsa, but is unsure.

Any information would be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail me at sayona@telepath.com
Posted by POTTER <GHUDCO@AOL.COM> on Wed, 07 Feb 2001, in response to WHITCOMB, Archibald, posted by BRivas on Fri, 14 May 1999

Creek county andTulsa county
Posted by Linda DeWitt Hughey <lhughey1@excite.com> on Thu, 08 Feb 2001

I am looking for any information on my mother's father, Earl Randolph Johnston. Earl and my grandmother, Irma Fay Boyce were married in Tulsa, Tulsa Co, around 1915/16. They had my mother, Alma Faye, on January 3, 1917 and then a son, Earl Rankin Johnston around 1920/21. Both children were born in Tulsa. He was originally from Vandenvork, Arkansas and was born around 1890. His occupation was that of a tailor. My grandfather, Earl and my grandmother, Irma were divorced about a year after their son, Earl, was born. My mother says that she can barely remember him when he left his family. She never saw him again. There was a rumor that he stayed around Tulsa for awhile then moved to the Houston, TX area, remarried and had another family. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Please respond or email me. Thank you, Linda, Alma's daughter, Irma's granddaughter
BENSON Posted by Nancy Skinner <enea@qwest.net> on Thu, 08 Feb 2001

I am trying to find any information on my grandfather Roy Benson he was born in Tulsa Ok. To Steven and Florence Benson. I was originally told he was a barber on the Cherokee Strip. But now I am thinking it might have been his father Steven who was the barber, because the family came from Glasco KS. before Roy was born and returned there some years later. I am very interested in finding his birth announcement or record. He was born April 7, 1896. Any information on Roy or his family would be very much appreciated. 
SHEETS Posted by Beth Peck Cooper <BPCa4u@aol.com> on Fri, 09 Feb 2001

I am searching for descendants of or anyone with knowledge of the family of Minnie BRASHEAR SHEETS b. 30 Jun 1916 d. 14 Sep 1996 Tulsa, Tulsa Co., OK. I do not have her husband's name but believe that they lived in Tulsa for many years and I think she had children, maybe a son or more. She was my grandfather's sister and I have only the address given in the g grandfathers Obit, that address was 4820 No. Garrison Pl in Tulsa, OK. Any information about this family would be appreciated! Any little tidbit of information would be valuable to us! EDWARD HARRISON BRASHEAR Obit.
ROBERTS Posted by
DELILAH BUETZOW <BUETZOW1620@CS.COM> on Tue, 13 Feb 2001

BROWN Posted by Harvey Brown <sabhlb@sheltonlink.com> on Thu, 15 Feb 2001

Am searching for information on my Father: Tom Lee and Nola? Brown. They had 3 daughters, Floy, Gladys, Ruth. The family moved to Sand Springs in Tulsa County, from Dover Ark date? Ruth, was said to be living in Sand Springs in 1986 after Nola's death. Tom Lee was born Nov 1st 1890 in Parker Texas and died Aug 23 1949 in Pemiscot Co Mo. He was the son of Harvey Newton and Susie Smith Brown, married Jan 30th 1884 in White Co Ark., and had the following children, Ada Pearl, Dora Belle, Burl and Tom Lee. Susie died in Texas and the family moved back to Dover Ark where Harvey N. married Elizabeth Linker and they had sons, Calvin and Jess. Send responses to Harvey Brown 604 Cotton Ave Caruthersville, Mo 63830 573-333-5858 or <sabhlb@sheltonlink.com> and forward to my daughter Angela Brown Ricketts at <revncaer@brightok.net >Thanks for any help.
FARMER Posted by Jody Farmer <mystic@kalama.com> on Fri, 16 Feb 2001

Looking for family members of Goldie Farmer, Daughter of
James Farmer and Eliza Hawk or Hawkins.
She is a granddaughter of Martha (Geren) (Ross) and Richard Farmer.
According to the Social Security Death index there is a Goldie Farmer Born in 1901 and died in Tulsa.
Posted by Mary Pafford <cody@bscn.com> on Sat, 17 Feb 2001

Looking for any info on Joel B. Moore born 1882 who married Dora (LEWALLEN) Moore born 1885 she was born in Pope county AR. They had 3 girls 1.Shirley 2.Walice 3. ? and a son Dorvle R. MOORE. He was my grandfather. Thanks for reading!

Posted by Dave Dinham <ddinham@birch.net> on Sun, 27 Feb 2000, in response to MC NEAL, WM.City Directory Info, posted by W. E. Sharp on Sun, 27 Feb 2000

I have a William H. McNeal in my tree, brother of John McNeal born in 1830 from whom my mother was a descendent. We know John went to Tulsa and possibly started another family, however we have come to a dead end on this. Possibly a link can be developed somewhere on this. Although this is nearly a century earlier, I wanted to reply in case someone has something on this. We have nothing further on this particular William H. McNeal, however have a lot on John's known family. Possibly your William is from John's new family in Tulsa?????? Dave Dinham

Posted by W.E.Sharp <bsharp@gvn.net> on Sun, 27 Feb 2000, in response to McNeal family in Tulsa, posted by Dave Dinham on Sun, 27 Feb 2000

Thanks for the post. Our William Cicero McNeal was born in GA or AL in 1864. There are a lot of family stories and I thought I had found his family but did not. He went from AL>AR>OK>NB where he died in 1928. I am trying to see if anything in Jenks Town would give us a clue of his family. It's like he appeared at my grandmother's doorstep one day in 1882 in AL, married her and they went on their travels having 10 children-6 who survived to adulthood.
Posted by mcneal <lmcnit@aol.com> on Mon, 04 Dec 2000, in response to McNeal family in Tulsa, posted by Dave Dinham on Sun, 27 Feb 2000


There is a couple of William Henry Mcneal's in our branch of the family in Alleghany County- Pittsburgh,Pa. area
MARTIN Posted by SALLY <BOZEMAN45@YAHOO.COM> on Sat, 03 Mar 2001

Haskell 'Ray' HASKELL born about 1904/1905 died 24/25 December 1944 in Tulsa, OK.
HULSMAN Posted by David Morath <dk-morath@msn.com> on Sun, 04 Mar 2001

My grandfather, William Wayne Johnson, lived in Tulsa and died 3 Mar 1920. He is buried in Oakview Cemetery in Tulsa.

I am searching for information about his mother, Nellie Gratton Johnson Hulsman. She divorced my great-grandfather William Johnson in IL and later married Edward or Edd Hulsman. She lived on South Quaker in Tulsa and died some time in the 1950s. I'm told she was a minister.
HINSON Posted by Clay Nidiffer <claynidiffer@hotmail.com> on Mon, 05 Mar 2001

I am searching for information about Onis Hinson's Children in the Tulsa County. His social security number is 440-12-3747 born March 20 1913 - Dec. 13 1976 and was married to Bernadine who died in Tulsa county in 1995.
Any information on William F Haggett would be helpful. I need to know when he died. He was born in Portland, Maine in approx. 1895
HAGGETT Posted by Clay Nidiffer <claynidiffer@hotmail.com> on Mon, 05 Mar 2001

I would like to know when William F. Haggett died. I think it was in the Tulsa County around before 1940. He was born in Portland, Main. around 1895 His wife might have been Virginia
PALMER Posted by Heather Blair <h431@midway.uchicago.edu> on Fri, 09 Mar 2001

I am trying to find where my great-grandmother married her second husband. Her name was Zena Mae Beasley (1893-1969) and she applied for Social Security in Tulsa in 1939 using the name Palmer. Her city directory entries in San Diego in the 1960s say that she was the widow of Jack Palmer.
She divorced her first husband, Charles Elisha Woolsey, in Springfield, MO in 1931. Springfield does not have a record of her marriage to Jack Palmer.
Where should I write to find out if she married Jack Palmer in Tulsa?
RINGSTAFF, RINGSTAFF Posted by Heather Blair <h431@midway.uchicago.edu> on Fri, 09 Mar 2001

I am looking for more information on my grandmother, Mildred Virginia Woolsey (1915-1974) and her third husband, M.C. Ringstaff. She applied for Social Security in Tulsa in 1942, but apparently was living in Springfield, MO. in the 1950s. She moved to San Diego before 1960 and died there in 1974.
The San Diego city directories say that she was the widow of M. C. Ringstaff, but her death certificate says that she was divorced.
ADAMS, COWENS Posted by belinda <ranb@pioneer-net.com> on Sat, 10 Mar 2001

Hello, I am looking for a link to my greatgrandfather JAMES THOMAS COWENS and a MARY JANE ADAMS there son was Buster R. Cowens that what it show on his SS# records. I do know that he was born in 1912 in Keystone, Oklahoma  in Tulsa county. Can any body give me a place to look in census records are any place else 
RAGAN Posted by Robert Rice <elborice@gj.net> on Sun, 11 Mar 2001

Everett Ragan lived in Tulsa county in the 1960s. There were 3 daughters born in the 1940s. Could any one give me a lead on any of these people? 
WARD Posted by Gary Russell <ggrussell@chartertn.net> on Tue, 13 Mar 2001


I had a grand uncle that just past away the last week of Nov 2000. I have not been able to get an obit online. Would someone please look for it and email it. William (Billy) Marshall Ward b. Jan 8, 1909 d. Nov 2000. He was born in Sevier County, TN and died in Tulsa, OK
IN RESPONSE Posted by Audrey <audrey@wilhelm.as> on Thu, 15 Mar 2001,
I have a stack of papers to take to recycling. I checked my "Tulsa World Newspapers" from March 2nd to March 15th and find no mention of a notice of death nor an obit for your Mr. Ward. Perhaps he lived in a nearby community? If so, do you know the name? Or perhaps no obit was submitted yet. That paper is also online at: www.tulsaworld.com/ Your uncle lived a long, long life. He deserves an obit.
ANOTHER RESPONSE Posted by Audrey <Audrey@wilhelm.as> on Fri, 16 Mar 2001,
A second read of your post, Gary, strengthens my resolve to get glasses! Oooops, you did say Nov 2000--not "last week", as I first took it.
If there was an obit, I still might be able to send you a copy. Will contact you later Posted by Audrey <Audrey@wilhelm.as> on Sat, 17 Mar 2001

Sorry, Gary. I searched the Tulsa World newspapers for November 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30 and December 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and find no mention of William Marshall Ward's obit or notice of death in the Tulsa listings. (I do not have the November 26th paper) Perhaps a notice of death was submitted to another town's paper? Was he in a hospital in another town?

I also went to the Tulsa World website (www.tulsaworld.com) and did an archive search. The only WARDs that came up for that period were notices of death for women.
COLLINS Posted by Curt <dittoz22@yahoo.com> on Wed, 21 Mar 2001 Surname: Collins

Still looking for my biological father Jack Collins of Skiatook OK
Born approx 1934
Reportedly married a Nancy Holsteen late 1950's
ROARK, MILLER Posted by Carolyn Shields Lysandrou <CarolynLysandrou@cs.com> on Wed, 21 Mar 2001

Looking for info and descendants of a Mamie Miller Roark and a Byrd Roark. I believe he passed away recently in 1995. I am researching the family tree and have LOTS to share. Byrd's wife was Mamie Miller of Cross Co Arkansas, daughter of Emily Archer or Greene Co IN. I have lots on
the Archer family and some on the Miller family to share. Looking for descendants to exchange info with!
Carolyn Shields Lysandrou, Peoria, IL
WOOTON Posted by Rhonda James <canyonjames@aol.com> on Fri, 23 Mar 2001

I am trying to locate my Great-grandmothers obituary if anyone can obtain a copy for me it would be greatly appreciated.

Name: Alice Mierneve Wooton
Died: September 16,1955 at the Hillcrest Medical Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma
DICUS/CRABB/DUNKERSON/ROBERTSON/OLDFFIELD/HENDERSON Posted by Floretta (Dicus) Woodworth <dicustree@qwest.net> on Sat, 24 Mar 2001

Looking to find people also doing research on Dicus, Crabb, Dunkerson, Robertson, Oldfield and Henderson families from Tulsa, Okla.

LONG Posted by Beverly Clark <rclark5@elp.rr.com> on Sun, 25 Mar 2001

I am looking for any information in Tulsa on the following family:

Descendants of Harry Long
1 Harry Long, born: 1873-1895 d: Tulsa, Oklahoma
. +Bertha
... 2 Bruce Long
... 2 Phyllis Long

Harry was the son of Robert Samuel Long and Emma Frances Hurlbut
.Descendants of Robert Samuel Long

1 Robert Samuel Long b: 1 November 1851 Dade County, Missouri d: 3 February 1928 Green County, Missouri
. +Elizabeth S. Orr

*2nd Wife of Robert Samuel Long:
. +Emma Frances Hurlbut b: 11 November 1852 Essex,, Vermont d: 13 January 1912 Dade County, Missouri m: 6 April 1873 Dade County, Missouri
... 2 Alice Long
...... +Allen Johnson
((((((2 Harry Long d: Tulsa, Oklahoma
...... +Bertha)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
... 2 Louella Long
...... +John Johnson
... 2 Mary Long
...... +Clarence Johnson
... 2 Charles Noble Long b: 14 November 1873 Greenfield, Dade County, Missouri d: 22 March 1970 Greenfield, Dade County, Missouri
...... +Mary Viola Young b: 27 August 1873 Dade County, Missouri d: 16 January 1926 Dade County, Missouri m: 3 July 1894 Greenfield, Dade County, Missouri
... *2nd Wife of Charles Noble Long:....
 +Maggie Sweeney b: 19 April 1879 Dade County, Missouri d: 29 December 1973 Dade County, Missouri m: 28 August 1927 Greenfield, Dade County, Missouri
... 2 Will A. Long b: 1875 Dade County, Missouri d: 1973 Golden City, Barton County, Missouri
...... +Sarah Johnson
... *2nd Wife of Will A. Long:
...... +Jenny Hampton
... 2 Henryettie Long b: 30 November 1877 Dade County, Missouri d: 25 April 1967 Lawrence County, Missouri
...... +Herman Eggerman
... 2 John R. Long b: 1880 Dade County, Missouri d: 1973
...... +Tressie P. Kemble b: 12 September 1886 Dade County, Missouri d: 2 January 1974 Greenfield, Dade County, Missouri m: 10 December 1905 Dade County, Missouri
... 2 Ralph Long b: 18 March 1894 d: 7 October 1897
... 2 Ray Long b: 18 March 1894 d: Bef 1987
...... +Mable Thraw b: 20 January 1900 Iowa d: 15 April 1987 Paramount, California
STANLEY Posted by Phyllis Curry <sissy@mail.renet.com> on Fri, 30 Mar 2001

Looking for these Stanley's in Oklahoma.
Claude Stanley, may have had a daughter named Claudia Jeannie. This could have been in Creek or surrounding counties. Claude lived with George & Clara (Stanley) Robinson for a while. George & Clara had one girl, Anna Leora married Glen Curry. Anna was born in 1905 and I think Claude was quite a bit younger. Last known living in Tulsa, OK. I have some very good pictures of Claude. I will email to anyone interested.

Found in some old notes of Mrs. Anna Curry (1940s-50s)
Lt. Forrest Stanley Camp Burkley TX
Joe Stanley McPherson, KS
Roy Stanley Tulsa, OK
Mrs. Luella Fowler Red Oak, OK ( Also had address for West Tulsa, OK)
Franklin Stanley Fort Bliss, TX (Also West Tulsa, OK address)
Ruth Stanley (West Tulsa)
Mrs. C. W. Stanley (West Tulsa)
SPINK Posted by Barbara Lane <CZNBJL@aol.com> on Sun, 01 Apr 2001

Looking for information on relatives of Hershall Ray SPINK, born 1895, in Oklahoma. CRAIG may have been spouse's surname -- may have been divorced. Frank SPINK is believed to be father's name. Do not know for sure what county they lived in. Would appreciate any help. Thanks.
MOORE Posted by Mary Pafford <cody@bscn.com> on Sun, 01 Apr 2001

I am looking for info on Dora (LEWALLEN) MOORE born in Pope
County Arkansas married Joel B MOORE.They Had 3 girls 1.Lucile (MOORE) 2.Walsie (MOORE) Mills 3.Shirley L.(MOORE) BRIDGES. A son which is my Grandfather. Info on any of the people that i have listed would HELP so much!

EATON/WYATT/CARMEN Posted by Kathy Eaton <katy@positech.net> on Fri, 06 Apr 2001

I'm looking for the descendants of Lee EATON, died: August 22, 1941. Laura Bell CARMEN, died in 1967 both are buried in Rosehill Cemetery, Tulsa, Oklahoma. and Earl WYATT was living in Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma in 1941. Would like to correspond with anyone thats in these families. Lee and Laura was born in Missouri and came to Oklahoma about 1901, Any information on these families would be greatly appreciated.
DAVIS Posted by B Thomas <bthomas@wport.com> on Sat, 07 Apr 2001

Looking for descendants of Oneida MCCARTNEY DAVIS b. November 1898 OK d. August, 1970 in Tulsa. She was the daughter of Alfred MCCARTNEY and Pearl BROWN, Collinsville. Thanks for any information. Granddaughters include Joyce HARBERSON, Judy GRAY, Judy SOWARD. Mrs. Walter PHARRIS of Tulsa was listed as niece.
Barb Thomas bthomas@wport.com or 23812 3rd PL W Bothell, WA 98021.
CHASTAIN Posted by Tom Cooper <tcooper@hcnews.com> on Fri, 09 Mar 2001

Edward Colfax Chastain died in Bixby, Tulsa County, in 1950. Does any one have a copy of this Obituary?
BUNCH Posted by Kathy Mercer <meemawof7@hotmail.com> on Fri, 06 Apr 2001

My grgrandmother was Missouri Josephine Agee Bunch. She lived in Sapulpa, Creek Co, Ok, but was buried in Collinsville, Tulsa? Co, Ok. I know she died after 1920 but I dont know the exact year. I would like to get into the Collinsville cemetary records, if possible, and research this. Her husband, Samuel Pleasant Bunch, is also buried there. He died in 13 Feb 1917. My e-mail is meemawof7@hotmail.com. Any help you could give me would be very much appreciated. Thank you. Kathy (Bunch) Mercer
PIRTLE Posted by Calvin Kelley <PirtleTackett@msn.com> on Mon, 09 Apr 2001

I would like to have a picture of Lewis Calvin Pirtle's Wagon Yard in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma......Lewis came to Tulsa before state hood and did not think it would be much of a town so he settled down in Broken Arrow, his wagon yard was a block east of Young's Laundry. This Picture would mean a lot to me, I heard diff people speak of it, but no one seems to have one. I was named after him, I am his great grandson.
IN RESPONSE to Above from Eric Pirtle on 31 Aug 2001 L C Pirtle Wagon Yard in BA, OK  by:  Calvin Kelley
I was checking thru my records of different Pirtle's and I have no information on any of the children other than names of Bazzibel and Rebecca. I would be greatful if you could bring me up to date on any of the children. I wish I had something to help you with on Lewis. Do you trace your ancestry back to John Pirkle Sr.? I believe there is a place in Oklahoma that has the name of Pirtle Rd. and Pirtle school. Would there be any connection with Lewis?
Posted by Rick Womack <Rick Womack@ak.net> on 10 Apr 2001
I'm trying to find a needle in a hackstack.  I'm looking for a Gardner (first name unknown); born before 1904 (perhaps 10-20 years); who was said to be affluent; he had a wife and family in 1922; and may have lived in the Tulsa area at that time (1922).  My great-grandmother Mary Jane Qualls (b.1904) bore his child in July of 1923 in Claremore, but she actually married a family friend, John Harry Womack (a professional baseball player).  My grandfather was very dark complexioned so Gardner, like many, may have been part Indian, as was my great-grandmother.
Can you think of any names who might fit this description?

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