Tulsa County

Tulsa County
County Seat - Tulsa

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    From 17 Feb 02 to ?   

I invite you to enter a query for your Tulsa Co. ancestors. Please give me your email address, your name and your query in that order. Thanks
Email OKGenWeb Tulsa County Coordinator Tim Connor with a new Query

Note: Your query MUST have a Tulsa County connection or it will not be posted here.
I will NOT post queries that are in regard to Birth Parents, lost friends or that are vague in nature.


Queries from Jan-Mar 1997///
Queries from Apr-Jun 1997
///Queries from Jul-Sep 1997/// Queries from Oct-Dec 1997///
Queries from Jan-Mar 1998
///Queries from Apr-Jun 1998///Queries from Jul-Oct 1998///
Queries from Mar99
///Queries from Mar-Jun99///Queries from Jul-Aug 1999///
Queries from Sep-Oct99///Queries from Oct99-31Dec99///
Queries from lJan00-Jun00
Queries from Jun00-Aug00///Queries fromAug-Dec00///Queries from Dec00-Apr01
Queries from Apr01-Oct01///Queries from Oct01-Feb02///Queries from Feb02

This page was last updated on 10/05/08

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Hosted & © 2025 by

OKGenWeb Tulsa County Coordinator
Tim Connor

OKGenWeb State Coordinator
Linda Simpson
Asst: Mel Owings

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