Tulsa County

Tulsa County
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       From January, Feb, & March 1998       

I invite you to enter a query for your Tulsa Co. ancestors. Please give me your email address, your name and your query in that order. Thanks
Email OKGenWeb Tulsa County Coordinator Tim Connor with a new Query

Note: Your query MUST have a Tulsa County connection or it will not be posted here.
I will NOT post queries that are in regard to Birth Parents, lost friends or that are vague in nature.

Sue Fitzhugh
Sun, Jan 4 1998 00:06:04
My father, Charles Richard Fitzhugh, was born in Tulsa, December 16, 1918. He died in Tulsa in April of 1978. His parents both died within a year of each other when he was around 6 years old. He was raised by his sister Margueritte Fitzhugh (later Rotton). The only things they remembered about their parents were their names: John Fitzhugh and Anna Evangeline Fitzhugh (Scoles). I would like to learn more about them.

Roy Wed, Jan 7 1998 10:14:13
My maternal grandmother, Emma KELLEY: b 17 Oct 1886, Pierce City, MO: married Wesley M. SULLIVAN abt. 1905, unknown location: d 10 Apr 1970, at Tulsa, Ok. I would like to find where she was married and also to learn more about Wesley M. SULLIVAN. thank you for any help.

Roy Wed, Jan 7 1998 10:26:13
John Thomas KELLEY: b 1859 in Indiana, married Ona B. Turner: He died 22 Aug 1938 in Tulsa, OK. She died 24 nov 1964 in Tulsa, OK. They had two sons; Thomas Burton KELLEY and Joel Randolf KELLEY. I would appreciate any information on when and where they married. I have no other information on the two sons. Thank you.

Leslie A. Penn Wed, Jan 7 1998 10:26:13
I am seeking information with regard to my grandfather, Thomas Gerald WATTS. He passed away in 1966. Prior to that time, he and my grandmother had divorced and my mother lost touch with him. He was a corporate attorney in Tulsa County until his death. He had also been the youngest County Attorney in Kiowa County in the 1940's. Need information about his family.

Harold David Bryant Sat, Jan 10 1998 22:13:12
Do you have any information on Coble's living in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area? In 1971, Marietta, Oklahoma, a COBLE reunion was held. At that reunion the following Tulsa, Oklahoma Coble's attended:
Johnny, Sharon, and Paige Coble who are all related to my grandmother VICTORIA MATILDA COBLE BRYANT.
If you have any information on these people, or their kin ,I sure would appreciate sharing that info or perhaps contacting them in person.

Mary F.Hentschel Mon, Jan 12 1998 21:53:48
Am seeking information regarding the Henry E. THEDE family. His wife Blanche is a daughter of my gdfather's sister. According to Social Security Death Index, Blanche died March 1987 in Tulsa. I would like to have in particular, Blanche THEDE's obituary. Would anyone consider doing a look up for me? Thank you.

Carolyn Deripaska Tue, Jan 13 1998 18:53:56
Researching : HOFFMAN, MATHIS, ECKER, from Tulsa, Skiatook,and Sperry. Anyone with any info on these names please email.doggiebathhouse@juno.com

Charisse Floyd Sat, Jan 17 1998 23:44:38
I am seeking information on the ANTHAMATTEN line that migrated to America in the 1880's from Zion, Switzerland. Would also like to correspond with any descendants. Family known to have settled in Faulkner Co., AR and Tulsa Co., OK.

Bonnie Harris Sun, Jan 18 1998 09:30:30
I am trying to get information on William Wallace Watchous, and wife Lucinda Allison Watchous, the lived in Collinsville, until his death in 1940, Lucinda went to live with a daughter in Texas(Clara Watchous) They had six children,William,Watchous,Sarah Lawrence,Clara Watchous, Lillie Watchous all of Collinsville, and,Bessie Thompson of Corpus Christi, Tx Ruby Burham of Idaho.Three brothers John, Alex of Collinsville and Charles of Eureka, Ks
He came to Collinsville from Mattfield Green, Ks and before moving to Ks as a boy he lived in Jefferson County, Wisconsin.
William Wallace was my great grandfather, I would appreciate any informatiom anyone would have.

hpl@intplsrv.net Wed, Jan 21 1998 16:03:47
I am looking for information on J.B. Gray who was a Tulas County Commissioner around the years of 1934-37. He lived in Tulsa on 1st st.

Terrie McCreery Mon, Jan 26 1998 21:52:22
Searching for Silas H. BARBER. Listed Broken Arrow, OK as residence on Dawes Act application as Creek Indian. Also, Hardy Jay BARBER, who went missing around 1911 and was said to be murdered by members of the infamous Cook Gang. Also, Mary Ella COKER BARBER. Applied under the Dawes Act as Cherokee, listing Broken Arrow as residence. Eli SMITH applied under the Dawes Act as Cherokee. These are my ggg and gg grandparents. Any info is most gratefully received.

Bette Kosmolak Wed, Jan 28 1998 02:48:06
I have an Icelandic friend who is looking for descendants, relatives or information about:
Einar BENEDIKTSON, b. 28 Oct 1918, d. 12 Jun 1993 last known address is Sand Springs, Tulsa, Oklahoma (he must also have moved after retiring because he applied for his SSN in Washington)

Chris Morrell Thu, Jan 29 1998 14:09:39
WILSON Looking for relatives of Abb WILSON b. 1898 d. 1967 Tulsa. Had brothers Ernest, Edward, E.P., Claude, Gene, and Fred. Also sisters Mae (FEATHERSON) and Edna (MARROW). Any info to help locate this family line would be appreciated.

Norman Rawlings Sat, Jan 31 1998 21:08:39
Am looking for descendants of brothers of my grandfather, Ernest Hood, who were in this area in the early 1900's. Their names were William, Joe, Hurley, Thomas and James Hood. Ernest Hood was born in TN in 1864 and all brothers were older than he except James, who was 2 years younger. Their father was James Hood, born 1823 in Knox Co., TN and mother was Nancy Debusk, also born in Knox Co., TN in 1825. Any information concerning this family would be appreciated. Thanks.

Don Tugman Sun, Feb 1 1998 16:53:32
I am looking for information about my grandfather George Tugman who die in or around Tulsa around 1970's. I am trying to trace my family roots. Any information please contact me at tug@atlcom.net.

Robert Seeger Sat, Feb 7 1998 07:59:11
Looking for information on the family of William Fiske (1895-1964) and Virginia Harris (1897-1975). They had a son William Fiske, married to ?. Who had at least a daughter Andrea and perhaps a son. Both who might still be in the Tulsa area. Would like information or contact with a descendant.

George Lee Sat, Feb 7 1998 16:51:15
I invite all correspondence regarding the family of Richard J. LEE of Tulsa in 1920's. He and second wife Dorothy had sons Lloyd and Raymond. Richard had several siblings who settled in Tulsa: Angeline REYNOLDS, Amy RIPPETOE, and Drury LEE. Please address all correspondence to geolee@juno.com. Thank you.

Reg PittsTue, Feb 10 1998 20:35:40
I am trying to find if the Bess Mabie (b. 2/18/1883) who died in Tulsa in May 1967 (Social Security Death Index) is the same as Bessie Mae Mabie (nee Bozeman--Boseman, Bozemon or Bosemon--spelled variously) who was born in Anderson County KS 2/18/1881, the youngest of four kids of William Stewart Boseman (1849-93) and Sarah (Purvis) Boseman (1844-1932) of Iola KS, and who married George E. Mabie (1881-1966) of Geneva KS in 1901; they were divorced sometime before 1920. No children that I know of. Bessie lived in Dallas Tx after the divorce and was last heard from in Fort Worth TX with her brother Eustace Boseman at the time of America's entry into WWII. Any help appreciated.

Kathey Kelley HuntThu, Feb 12 1998 17:36:26
I am seeking info on my gggrfather- Edwin S KELLEY. He died in Dallas at the home of his son but the small obituary in the Dallas paper said he was buried in Tulsa OK- he died Jul 23,1935. He was a grocer saloonkeeper all his life apparently he divorced my gggrmother circa 1911 moved to OK- I don't know why or even if he had family there- Can someone help me see if there is an Obit for him there or check Cemetery abstracts to see where he is buried? I will gladly pay for your time- Thank you

TracySat, Feb 14 1998 18:54:11
My 2nd great grandfather David Perry Casebeer was born in 1865 in Iowa and died on 11/24/1924 in Sand Springs, Tulsa County, OK. His father was a Joseph CASEBEER, born in Iowa, and his mother was a ??? KELLOGG who was also supposedly born in Iowa. The plot for my 2nd great grandfather was purchased by a Mrs. Thomas CASWELL. I'm wondering if anyone out there knows anything about this family! Does anyone know the unnamed KELLOGG's first name?

Thelmarie "Thel" Alexander Curtis Sun, Feb 15 1998 22:27:56
WILSON / ENYART - I need a "Marriage Record" look up for the years 1914-1915 (I'm not sure exactly) for:
John Dixon WILSON to Zetta Dee Tedford, ENYART
I'll greatly appreciate any assistance.

Thelmarie "Thel" Alexander Curtis Sun, Feb 15 1998 23:18:34
TEDFORD - I need an obituary lookup on my G-grandmother, "Hanna(h) Frances Turnbough TEDFORD." Family sources say that she died in Tulsa on April 29, 1917. Would like to know the names of her surviving family, etc.

Thelmarie "Thel" Alexander Curtis Sun, Feb 15 1998 23:20:16
WILSON - I need a "Divorce" lookup for the years 1924-26 (?), I'm not exactly sure of the year, for
Zetta Dee WILSON from John Dixon WILSON
Thank You for your help.

Bruce W. Matson Sun, Feb 28 1998 12:59:34
Looking for descendants of Thomas MATSON, b. 9 Dec 1842 died in Strang, NE 1 Mar 1917, m. Susanna Charlton, left 8 grandchildren, 2 gggrandchildren. A son, George Charlton MATSON was in Tulsa, OK in 1931 when his mother died. Earlier, in 1917 when his father died, he was doing U.S. gov Geological Survey work in South America. Any information on this or any other MATSON family would be appreciated. I have hundreds of other MATSON ancestors to share with others.

Ronald B. Miller Sun, Feb 28 1998 13:36:37
My g father was supposedly buried in tulsa around 1916-1917 His name was Ben,Bennie,Benjamin Miller. If possible I would also need a marriage license for him and my G mother Sylvia Smith around that same time. I would be glad to pay for your time. thanks.

Linnie Hoover Howell Wed Mar 4 1998 16:14:20
Query - Lue (Mrs. George) EATON died in Sedalia MO Nov 1918. According to her obituary, one of her survivors was Mrs. Chas. DICKERSON of Tulsa. Would like to contact descendants of this person as we have the same ancestors. George EATON was the son of John M. Eaton of Benton Co MO. Eaton information is on our home page at http://www.telepath.com/sysjer

Fiona O' Mahony Fri Mar 6 1998 21:47:36
I am looking for information on a Winnie O'Hara who came from County Roscommon and joined the order of the Sisters of The Holy Ghost. From a letter she wrote in the late 1920's she gave her address as ST.Monicas School,401 E.Haskill street,Tulsa. Despite many letters to different religious orders and even to go so far as to ring a number in Tulsa I don't know where to get information on this nun as both the school and the religious order seem to have disappeared ! Can anyone help me in my search as I live in Ireland and don't know where to start. By the way, Winnie was known as Sr. Mary Scholastica. Many thanks. Fiona.

Janet Sue Milam Sat Mar 7 1998 18:17:23
TYER Wesley Swinney TYER b. ca 1860 in Linn Co, MO. d. 1839 in Jenks. Wife Mary Alice BARLOW d. 1833 in Jenks. Both bur in Broken Arrow. CH: James Milton d. 1964 in Jenks, John Wesley bur 1939 Broken Arrow and Charles Everett mar Marjorie Helen BORN in Jenks 1924. Would like to trace Wesley's parents. Janet Sue Milam 108 W. Ollie Floydada, TX 79235.

Robert Jon Rivard Sun Mar 8 1998 11:26:56
Would appreciate any information concerning a Robert Carl Harter known to have lived in Tulsa, OK in 1954, or his ancestors or descendants. It is believed he was probably born sometime between 1915-1930.

Mary Ellis Sun, Mar 8 1998 19:39:17
Letcher Reeves signed her name in 1941 Mrs. Al K. Hall. Would like to know names of any children they may have had. She was a widow before 1941 and later married a Bernard Morris. Letcher Reeves/Hall/Morris died in 1980 in Los Angelos Co., CA.

Ron Grassi Mon, Mar 9 1998 22:39:22
Is there anyone that might be able to look up an obituary for me for a Floyd DICK who died in/near Tulsa, OK 3 Jun 1994? He was married to Myrtle Thomas, daughter of William Edgar Thomas and Catherine Nellie Doty. I believe he was born 9 Feb 1904. I am wanting to find out if there were any children born to he and Myrtle. I will be happy to pay copy and postage cost.

Melvina Arnett Wed, Mar 18 1998 22:16:50
Researching the CUTBURTH/CUTBIRTH surname in Tulsa Co., OK. Looking for descendants of Walter Scott Nancy Cordelia (PETERS) CUTBURTH. Believed to have had sons, Finley and Harry A. CUTBURTH. Would very much appreciate a 1920 Tulsa Co. Census lookup for Harry A. CUTBURTH, b. 2 Oct 1894, married to Ollie Dee PHILLIPS.

Karen Harris Mon, Mar 30 1998 15:02:24
I was hoping someone has a cemetery listing on Rose Hill. I believe it is in Tulsa. I am looking for Mary Elizabeth Dalton Smith born 4/1863 died about 1951 and Charles B. Smith born 5/1858. I don't know when he died. I'm also looking for Vida Smith Gilmore born 9/1887 and C. Robert Gilmore. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Karen Harris Mon, Mar 30 1998 15:28:20
There used to be a Coulter Funeral Home in Tulsa in the 50s. I cannot find a listing for it so I'm assuming that it was bought by someone else. Could you please tell what funeral home it is now?

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This page was last updated on 10/05/08 .

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Tim Connor

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