Tulsa County


Tulsa County
County Seat - Tulsa

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Marriage, Divorce and Probate records from 1907 to the present:
Tulsa County Clerk
500 S. Denver Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74103-3835

Three copies of the Tulsa County marriage index (for the earliest marriages through the mid-1990's) are on microfiche. There is one at the Tulsa County Court Clerk's office (918-596-5000); <www.courtclerk.tulsacounty.org/>, one at the Tulsa Genealogical Society Library (918-627-4224); <www.tulsagenealogy.org/researcher.asp> and one at the Tulsa City-County Library's Genealogy Center (918-746-5222) <www.tulsalibrary.org/genealogy/about.htm>.

Birth and Death Certificates:                                            
Oklahoma State Department of Health's
Tulsa Division of Vital Records at
315 South Utica, Tulsa, OK
Phone: (918) 594-4840.

Office hours: 8:30 am-4:00 pm M-F

Certified copies can also be obtained by forwarding your request, a $15.00 check or money order made payable to OSDH, and a self-addressed stamped return envelop to the

Division of Vital Records
Oklahoma State Department of Health
1000 N.E. 10th Street
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73152-3551

With your request, be sure to include your full name, date and place of birth, father's full name, and mother's maiden name. Also, sign and date the application.
The forms are available from the following links:


Tulsa Central Library
Has Great collections of Oklahoma History, Tulsa City Directories and
a Great Topo Map Collection
400 Civic Center                       
Tulsa, OK 74103  
(918) 596-7977
Mon.-Thurs., 9-9; Fri.-Sat., 9-5 (Sun., 1-5, Sept..-April)

The main Tulsa Library also has a card index of vital information (births, deaths & marriages) abstracted from the Tulsa Daily World and The Tulsa Tribune newspapers. The library also has the early newspapers on microfilm. The reference section also contains early city phone books.

Tulsa Law Library            


Chapman Library
2727 S. Rockford Rd. 
Tulsa, OK 

Tulsa Public Libraries       Phone#s
   2601 S. Garnett Road    669-6340
   6038 E. 23rd St.              669-6060
   1520 N. Hartford            596-7280
   1207 E. 45th Pl               746-5012
   5131 E. 91st St.              596-2466

Tulsa World Library Department
315 S. Boulder Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74103 
(918) 581-8583

University of Tulsa, McFarlin Library 

Tulsa City-County Library locations.

To see more information about the library in which you are interested click on the name of the library. 





Bixby Library 20 E. Breckenridge, Bixby, 74008 366-3397 Mon.-Thurs., 12-8; Fri., 12-6; Sat., 10-5
Broken Arrow Library 300 W. Broadway, Broken Arrow, 74012 251-5359 Mon.-Thurs., 10-8; Fri.-10-6; Sat., 10-5
Brookside Library 1207 E. 45th Pl., 74105 746-5012 Mon.-Thurs., 10-8; Fri.-10-6; Sat., 10-5
Central Library 400 Civic Center, 74103 596-7977 Mon.-Thurs., 9-9; Fri.-Sat., 9-5 (Sun., 1-5, Sept.-May)
Charles Page Library 551 E 4th St., Sand Springs, 74063 591-4585 Mon.-Thurs., 10-8; Fri. 10-5; Sat. 10-5
Collinsville Library 1223 Main, Collinsville, 74021 596-2840 Mon.-Thurs., 12-8; Fri. 12-5; Sat., 10-5
Genealogy Center 2901 S. Harvard  74114 746-5222 Mon.-Wed., 10-5;
Thurs., 1-8;
Fri.-Sat., 10-5
Glenpool Library 730 E. 141st St., Glenpool, 74033 746-5190 Mon.-Thurs., 12-8; Fri., 12-5; Sat., 10-5
Hardesty Regional Library 8316 E. 93rd St., 74133 250-7307 Mon.-Thurs., 9-9; Fri.-9-6; Sat., 9-5 (Sun., 1-5)
Helmerich Library 5131 E. 91st St. 74137 596-2466 Mon.-Thurs., 10-8; Fri.-Sat., 10-5
Herman & Kate Kaiser Library 5202 S Hudson, Ave., Suite B
Tulsa, OK  74135
499-5400 Mon.-Thurs., 10-8; Fri, 10-6; Sat., 10-5
Jenks Library 523 W. B St., Jenks, 74037 746-5180 Mon.-Thurs., 12-8; Fri, 12-5; Sat., 10-5
Judy Z. Kishner Library 10150 N. Cincinnati Ave.
Tulsa, OK, 74073
591-4690 Mon.-Thurs., 12-7;
Fri., 12-5; Sat., 10-5
Kendall-Whittier Library 21 S. Lewis, 74104 596-7303 Mon.-Thurs., 10-8; Fri.-Sat., 10-5
library@51st See Herman & Kate Kaiser Library    
Martin Regional Library 2601 S. Garnett Rd. 74129 669-6340 Mon.-Thurs., 9-9; Fri.9-5;-Sat., 9-5
(Sun., 1-5)
Maxwell Park Library 1313 N. Canton, 74115 669-6055 Mon.-Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5
Nathan Hale Library 6038 E. 23rd St., 74114 669-6060 Mon.12-8;Tues-Thurs., 10-6; Fri.-Sat., 10-5
Owasso Library 103 W. Broadway, Owasso, 74055 591-4566 Mon.-Thurs., 10-8; Fri.10-6; Sat., 10-5
Peggy V. Helmerich Library 5131 E. 91st St. 74137 596-2466 Mon.-Thurs., 10-8; Fri. & Sat., 10-5
Pratt Library 3219 S. 113th W. Ave.,
Sand Springs, 74063
591-4595 Mon.-Thurs., 10-8; Fri.-Sat., 10-5
Rudisill Regional Library 1520 N. Hartford, 74106 596-7280 Mon.-Thurs., 9-9; Fri.-Sat., 9-5 (Sun., 1-5)
Schusterman-Benson Library 3333 E. 32nd Place, 74135 746-5024 Mon.-Thurs., 10-8; Fri.-Sat., 10-5
Skiatook Library 316 E. Rogers, Skiatook, 74070 596-2830 Mon., 12-8; Tues-Thurs.,10-6;Fri.-Sat., 11-5
South Broken Arrow Library 3600 S. Chestnut, Broken Arrow, 74011 451-0002 Mon.-Thurs., 10-8; Fri.-Sat., 10-5
Sperry Library See Judy Z Kishner Library    
Suburban Acres Library 4606 N. Garrison Ave., 74126 591-4004 Mon.-Thurs., 10-6; Fri.-Sat., 11-5
Zarrow Regional Library 2224 W. 51st St., 74107 591-4366 Mon.-Thurs., 9-9; Fri.-Sat., 9-5 (Sun., 1-5, Oct.-April)

Sapulpa Public Library
27 W. Dewey Avenue
Sapulpa, OK 74066
Sapulpa Library also has a Genealogical collection.


Oklahoma Historical Society
800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-7917
(405) 522-5225 and (405) 522-5224

Owasso Historical Society    Laura Flebbe
Owasso Library              
103 W. Broadway Street
Owasso, OK

Tulsa Historical Society         THS@galstar.com          
PO Box 521145             
Tulsa, OK 74152                      
(918) 712-9484             

Bixby Historical Society

Turley Historical Association

Tulsa Genealogical Society

9136 E 31st Street
Tulsa, OK 74145(Briarwood Village Shopping Center <Behind>)

Mailing… PO Box 585, Tulsa, OK 74101-0585

(918) 627-4224
Library Hours:
Mon, Wed and Sat, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Information: Monthly Meetings and Beginners Class (Sept – May); and Annual Educational Workshop (Oct)

Carol Ellis
Publicity & Public Relations Chairperson
918-857-3239 (c)

Oklahoma Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 12986
Oklahoma City, OK. 73157

Broken Arrow Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 1244
Broken Arrow, OK 74013
Research Library at 1800 S. Main Street . 
Open noon to 4PM-Tuesday,Thursday & Saturday

Oklahoma Society, Sons of the American Revolution
P.O. Box 715
Sapulpa, OK 74066

LDS Family History Center
12110 E. 7th 
Tulsa , OK 
(918) 437-5690
Hours:9am-9pm Tue & Thur;9am-1pm Sat

LDS Family History Center
9300 N. 129th E. Avenue
Owasso, OK
Hours: 7pm-9pm Tue and Thu; 9am-9pm Wed;9am-5pm Sat

This page was last updated on 02/06/12 .

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