  Oklahoma Genealogy
   OKGenWeb Indian Pioneer Papers
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1500 Interviews Online Today!!

  We DO NOT provide the original material to be transcribed.

 How to submit an interview.

  • Transcribe the interview into an email or send as a .txt or .doc attachment.  
    See example for the format we are using.   
  • Some of the information in this format may not be in your interview, include only the information from the interview.  
  • Feel free to add additional comments to the bottom of the transcription clearly marked as "Submitter's Comments."     
  • Send the interview to okgenweb@cox.net SUBJECT=Indian Pioneer Interview

 How you can help.  

  • Obtain an interview from one of the sources listed here.  
  • Follow the instructions above to transcribe and submit the interview. 



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Updated:  08 Jan 2025