Satterwhite School

District 30
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This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

In the second row first on the far right numbered 2 is my mother Clairssa Juanita Main six years old.  In the third row fourth from the left numbered 1 is my aunt, Opal Geneva Main nine years old. In the fourth row on the far right numbered 3 is my grand uncle, Lee Allen Slate 15 years old.  Lee is my mother�s uncle on her mother�s side of the family.  I have some doubts as to Lee�s identity.  I don�t know who identified the people.  The teacher in the upper left is Elsie Clark.


Submitted by DeWayne Colwell

Satterwhite School Rosters
Return to School Pictures

This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

Satterwhite School Roster Comments
The school year date is October 6, 1924 through May 15, 1925 in document 005.  The tattered roster appears to be 3 years earlier.  You can compare some of the students ages who appear in both rosters.
Mother�s (Clairssa Main) age is listed as 8.  Mother�s birthday is May 4, 1916 and she would be 8 years old at the beginning of the school year.  Aunt Pat�s (Reppard Main) birthday is November 16, 1918 and her age is listed as 6 years.  She would be 5 years at the beginning of the school year.  Aunt Opal�s (Opal Main) birthday is September 18, 1913 and her age is listed as 11.  She would be 11 at the beginning of the school year.
The teacher, D. D. Duke, is Darrel Duke.   Mr. Duke later became the superintendent of schools in Stonewall, OK.

School rosters (7) provided by & posting permission given by Mr. & Mrs. C. L. Satterwhite who live south of Elmore City in the Satterwhite Community.

Roster #1      Roster #2     Roster #3    Roster #4     Roster #5    Roster #6    Roster #7


Submitted by DeWayne Colwell

Satterwhite School
District 30

School Year 1932 - 1933

This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

County Superintendent of Schools Year Book

School – Satterwhite    Garvin County District No. 30           School Year 1932 - 1933

General Levy Fund 14.25 Mills
Bldg. Fund ___ Mills
Sinking Fund Levy ___ Mills
Total Levy 14.25 Mills

School Census
White 81 Male, 75 Female, 156 Total
Colored 17 Male, 26 Female, 43 Total
Aggregate 98 Male, 101 Female, 199 Total
Indians 0 Male, 0 Female, 0 Total
No. 8th Grade Graduates – 5
No. 12th Grade Graduates – blank
Model School  1351  Points
Accredited School – Yes

Revenue From Sources Other Than Taxes
County Apportionment - blank
State Appointment – blank
State Aid - blank
Federal Aid - blank
Transfer Fees – blank
Other Revenue – blank

Valuation of Assessed Property
Personal Property - 6460
Real Estate - 109280
Public Service - 59999
Total Valuation - 175739 (listed as all in dollars column but s/b 1757.39?)

General Fund Appropriation – blank
Sinking Fund Appropriation – blank
School Expense this fiscal year – blank
Deficit at close of year – blank
Surplus at close of year – blank

School Officers
Name                                               Post Office                  Term Expires              Appointed Date
Director –
J. C. Snellgrove                Elmore City, Rt. 4        March 1935             blank
Clerk –
R. Cook                               Elmore City, Rt. 4       March 1934             blank
Member –
B. L. Kennedy                 Elmore City, Rt. 4        March 1933             blank

Name                              Address              Yrs taught Monthly Salary Certificate College/University Attended
Pearl Brewer                Elmore City                  8           $100.00                   Life                          E.C.
Bernyce Bradley             Elmore City                  3               75.00                 2 yr St                     E.C.
Geneva Clark                  Elmore City                  2                75.00                   Life                         E.C.

Length of Term          Summer Term – 2 months                                      Winter Term – 6  months
Opening School         Summer Term – July 11, 1932                              Winter Term – October 31, 1932
Closing School           Summer Term – September 2, 1932                     Winter Term – April 21, 1933

Estimate Approved for school year
Gen Control    $15
Teachers Salary    2000.00
Inst Supplies    10
School Library    25
Janitors Salary    80
Janitors Supplies    15
Light Fuel Water   25
Maint of Buildings    15
Repair of Furniture    25
Insurance    29.50
Int. on Warrants   100
Transfer Fees    462.39
Total    $2792.39

Name of pupil transferred to district From Dist No Cost of transfers

Acres in site – 2            Estimated Value of Bldg $4000.00
Date Erected – blank, First Cost - $2000.00 Value of Equipment - $500.00,  Insurance - 3500.00

                                    Total enrolled to date Total Days attended Av Daily Attendance     Days Taught 
Total Boy, Grades              52                           4522                          27      
Total Girl, Grades               46                          4618                            27                              160                                         
Total Boys, High School     
Total Girls, High School           

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