Mayes County


Mayes County
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County Pioneers


The Indian and Pioneer Interviews of Oklahoma was a project of the Works Progress Administration, which was active during the depression era. While these interviews were made during the 1930's, these older people were talking about their early life in Indian and Oklahoma Territories, their families and neighbors. These are some of the most valuable resources for true Oklahoma history.

Listed below are some interviews that have been extracted from the Oklahoma Pioneer papers.  I may have missed some for the county.
Please let me know if I did, so that I can add them to the following list.

Jeff B. Smith

Oklahoma Pioneer Papers 

            BEWLEY, W. C.                                          Locust Grove
    BOGLE, J. Sachem                                     Langley
BRANSTETTER, James Andrew              Pryor
BROWN, C. W. (Mrs.)                               Pryor
BRYAN, J. M.                                             Pryor
       BRYANT, W. C. (Dr.)                                 Chouteau
CHOCHRAN, Ned (Mrs.)                          Pryor
COLE, Cora Lee                                          Pryor
CRITTENTON, George                             Pryor
DIAL, Newton                                             Pryor
             DOWNING, Thomas Bluford                     Locust Grove
DUNCAN, John E. (Mrs.)                         
DUNCAN, Red Cloud                                 Rose
     GRIMES, Margaret                                   Spavinaw
HAIRSTON, J. T.                                       Pryor
                                            Haymes, Samuel Wesley                        
Pryor and Webster County MO  
             Markham, Ewing                                  
Locust Grove
MARTIN, James Henry                            Pryor
    PHILLIPS, Martha                                    Murphy 
                      Poplin, George Washington                  
Adair and Arkansas
ROGERS, Love                                          Adair
SMITH, George                                          Rose
       WALKER, W. A.                                         Spavinaw 
     WEST, Nancy Brown                                 

Chouteau Trading Post

Springston, John Leaf. 1845-1929

Vallandingham Student at Whitaker

Some Biographies from The Indian Territory
Its Chiefs,  Legislators And Leading Men

This page was last updated on 05/25/11

Mayes Co

God Bless America

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