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Created By Sharon McAllister

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Back to Garvin County Township Maps Back to Garvin County Cemetery Lists

Garvin County - T4N-R2W

Maysville - Section 21.  Take Highway 19 through Maysville.  At the west end of the Beef Creek Bridge in Maysville you will see the cemetery sign.   Turn back south here and just follow the road on around.  It goes back south and then turns and runs east and ends in the cemetery.

Randolph - Section 4 Corine Head Martin says, "The one that I found with the name Randolph Cemetery on the sign is located between Maysville and Purcell. It is just inside Garvin Co., OK. Go north from Maysville to the sign pointing toward Story, OK. It is on the left, just after you turn. It is behind a house. I don't have the number of the paved road going north or the road going toward Story at hand. The reason that I was and am interested in it is because this is where I think that my great grandmother is buried. There didn't appear to be a tombstone, so searching was fruitless at the time. When we were up there it was terribly grown up. I thought that we would get back up there and see what we could do to get it cleaned, but other things have kept me very busy, lately. I know that they lived in the area at the time of her death around 1904."

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Created By Sharon McAllister
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