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Created By Sharon McAllister

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Cemeteries in Garvin Co. Oklahoma

Twenty-seven cemeteries were found using GNIS, others identified by Oklahoma's GenWeb volunteers. Links are provided for both GNIS maps that show the general location with respect to nearby towns and DoT maps that show the township in great detail. Tips for finding other online canvasses and lists of burials follow this list. 

Name/GNIS Link S-T-R Map Latitude Longitude

USGS 7.5' Map

Abney GNIS Map 30-4N-3E 344656N 0970128W Byars
Antioch GNIS Map 16-3N-2W 344340N 0972503W Elmore City North
Bethlehem GNIS Map Searching... 344311N 0971235W Pauls Valley
Butterly GNIS Map 35-1N-1E 343029N 0971025W Joy
Carver (?) 11-1N-3W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Civit GNIS Map 20-4N-2E 344757N 0970650W Byars
Clabber Flats GNIS Map Searching... 344520N 0970215W Byars
Corley GNIS Map 23-3N-3E 344324N 0965800W Hart
Dixon Chapel Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Dripping Springs GNIS Map  33-1N-3W 343058N 0973104W Pernell
Elmore City GNIS Map 28-2N-2W 343711N 0972516W Elmore City South
Fivemile Creek GNIS Map 29-1N-1W 343118N 0971859W Hennepin
Florence GNIS Map 28-4N-1W 344731N 0971855W Paoli
Foster GNIS Map 34-2N-3W 343614N 0972937W Elmore City South
Hopewell GNIS Map Searching... 344225N 0970939W Pauls Valley
Howell 35-1N-1E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Katie 1-1N-2W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Klondike GNIS Map Searching... 344016N 0971532W Elmore City NE
Lewis GNIS Map 15-3N-2E 344328N 0970445W Pauls Valley NE
Little Flock ?-1N-3W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Lizzie Keel Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Maysville GNIS Map 21-4N-2W 344833N 0972435W Maysville
McGee 14-4N-3E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Mount Olive Cemetery Mt. Olivet (?) 344246N 0971237W Pauls Valley
Mount Olivet 21-3N-1E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Myers Family Cemetery ?-1N-1E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Oak Grove GNIS Map 10-2N-2E 343952N 0970426W Pauls Valley NE
Oak Ridge GNIS Map 35-1N-1E 343046N 0971132W Joy
Oaklawn GNIS Map 22-2N-1E 343805N 0970927W Pauls Valley
Paoli GNIS Map 18-4N-1E 344923N 0971447W Byars SW
Purdy GNIS Map 22-3N-4W 344302N 0973602W Purdy
Randolph GNIS Map 4-4N-2W 345117N 0972423W Maysville
Red Bluff Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Robberson GNIS Map 19-1N-3W 343252N 0973149W Pernell
Rounds Creek Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Sandy Bear Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
State School GNIS Map 28-3N-1E 344208N 0971218W Pauls Valley
Tussy 31-1N-3W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Whitebead GNIS Map 34-4N-1W 344612N 0971725W Paoli
Wynnewood View GNIS Map 4-1N-1E 343443N 0971141W Joy


Finding an Online Canvass or List

Once you know the name of a cemetery and the county it's in, the next step is finding any online canvasses or lists of burials.  A few counties  have direct links for individual cemeteries, but those are obvious when the search engine leads you to one of them.  In most cases you must search the resources directly.

OKGenWeb has an extensive and rapidly-growing collection of cemetery canvasses and lists of burials, which you can find through the OKGenWeb Cemeteries Site or in the OKGenWeb Archives.  

Many of the OKGenWeb county sites also include cemetery information. Use the clickable map to get to the county/counties you're interested in.  (If you a new Coordinator, we have a special Help Section for matching contributions of cemetery data with mapped locations.)

The Oklahoma Cemetery Mailing List is also accumulating canvasses, organized by county.  Go to its Home Page for the latest information, and select the county or use its search engine to find a specific canvass. 

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Maps 'n' More

State-wide resources formerly found on Ceil's Corner 
Created By Sharon McAllister
Became an OKGenWeb Special Project  March 31, 2001
© 2001 - 2024 OKGenWeb

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 Wednesday, July 17, 2024 

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