Carter County

Wilson News - February 1915

The Wilson News
New Wilson, Carter County, Oklahoma

Healdton, January 26, 1915
The past week has witnessed the departure of many from the oil field.

The farmers of this locality have purchased a car load of oats which were hauled from Wilson yesterday. The oat acreage will be good in this section this spring.

We hear no more of Rag Town moving. Hope they have made some terms by which all satisfied and all will work for a “better Wirt.”

The opening of the post office out there bids fair to eclipse any former occasion ever held there, if there’s anything in advertising.

It is reported that there were five deaths in the field last week.

Health in our immediate vicinity is good.

Mr. and Mrs. HENRY DAVIS and family of Ardmore were out last week. Mr. Davis is a contractor and was looking for live material with which to construct a derrick down near Marietta, another wild cat.

It seems that Oklahoma is getting her share of big game, such as wild cats. There’s no use to go to the Kiamichi Mountains to hunt and our eastern correspondents, who are not already familiar with the fact should be notified of the vast amount of ‘wild cats’ that infest Oklahoma.

Mr. and Mrs. ATHEY have gone to Ardmore this week.

GEORGE AWNSBY has moved to Staunton.

E. A. CRAFT has moved from Staunton to Healdton.

May each find contentment in their new abode.

February 4, 1915
From the Hewitt Notes column written by MRS. LUCY TODD:

Mr. JONAH MCCURLEY, who had been sick a long time, but lately thought to be improving, died very suddenly late Saturday evening. He had been at his son-in-law's, CHESSLEY PIERCE, at Graham, and came with them to Hewitt, dying just as he got here. The body was taken back to Graham and buried by the side of his wife who died about three months ago.

We have two teachers and both are doing splendid work. MRS. WOLVERTON is teaching the primary grades and MISS HELEN GOFF the advanced grades. There are about 65 pupils.

MISS ANN MOORE who teaches the school at Blue Ribbon visited with MISS ANNIE TODD Saturday. The young folks enjoyed a pound supper Saturday night at thee home of MISS ANNIE TODD.

Oil Notes

J. L. HAMON and C. F. COLCORD have let the contract to T. F. MALONEY to drill a drill well in the nw of 15-4-3. The location is between the Stockmen’s well and the Desada.

Local Items

The Needleworkers’ Club planned to meet with MRS. P. W. MCKAY this week but postponed the meeting on account of the illness of MRS. JONES, the president of the club.

MR. FOSTER, who has been chef at the Royal Café for several months past, left last week for Pryor where he takes charge of a hotel.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. REED and children had their car out last Saturday for a trip to Lone grove where they visited friends.

MR. ED RIGGS of Black Jack, who was operated upon the first of the week for appendicitis, died in the operation. He leaves a widow and a large family.

Mr. N. P. ‘POLE’ TODD and MISS NELLIE SAVAGE were married last Sunday at the residence of the justice of the peace WISEMAN.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JOHN SAVAGE of the Blue Ribbon community and is a charming and highly respected young lady.

PICK COUCH and family have moved to Wilson.

JOHN PATTERSON and wife of Wheeler visited here.

February 25, 1915
From Healdton, the little infant of Mr. and Mrs. GIBSON, living two miles north of Healdton, died Monday.

Two children of J. A SMITH who lives southeast of Healdton are ill. The little boy of J. C. STEADMAN who has been quite sick is reported better.

Miss LUCILLE ORME is home again after visiting in Ardmore.

Ice Cream Factory for Wilson
MR. TUCK, the ice man, is planning to put in machinery for making ice cream this coming season….




17 August 2014