
In 1909 Oklahoma passed Senate Bill No. 188 under whose section No. 24 states that doctors were to be paid 10 cents silver money to register the births and deaths of their patients. They could go back to 1908 if they had those records. At a time when many doctors were paid in chickens, crops. etc.-or not paid at all, the 10 cents in hard silver was an excellent way to get the doctors in the habit of registering the births and deaths as required by the new law.

Craig County is lucky to have copies of the records as recorded by the county superintendent of public health and sent to the state from October 1908 to August 1912. We will be listing the births and deaths recorded by Craig county doctors, one doctor at a time until they are all listed. The doctors were 

F. M. Adams--Big Cabin
Louis Bagby--Vinita
C. P. Bell-- Welch
A. M. Clinkscales--Vinita
C. F. Ensign-- Welch
M. P. Haynes-- White Oak
F. L. Hughson-- Centralia
Glenn E. Miller--White Oak
C. S. Neer-- Vinita
T. L. Robinson-- Bluejacket
W. F. Snorgrass--Centralia
J. H. L. Staples --Bluejacket
Daniel B. Stough--Vinita.
Unknown doctor

In most cases births listed parents only and date of birth of the child.

On the following doctors pages Hover over the blue arrow to scroll page. Repeatedly click an arrow to slow down or speed up scroll effect.

ccgs 10-2000

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This page last updated: 12/01/2010
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