Voters 1909-1910
    MI  Mc  MO  MU
Surname First, Middle Town
Mabrey Chas. Miles
Macy Fred Bluejacket
Macy John (c) Welch
Madison J.F. Big Cabin
Madison R.L. Big Cabin
Maloney Bert Bluejacket
Maloney James Bluejacket
Maloney W.S. Bluejacket
Manry John Centralia
Manry L.L. Centralia
Manspeaker James Wimer
Mante Fred Bluejacket
Mantorth J.W. Big Cabin
Mapey J.A. Afton
Marange Paul Estella
Marker Chas. Vinita
Marker John Vinita
Marker Robt. Vinita
Marker W.L. Welch
Marks I.S. Estella
Marrow Ernest Centralia
Marrow Frank Centralia
Marrow G.W. Centralia
Marrow J.P. Centralia
Marrow T.C. Centralia
Marrs C.G. Hudson
Marrs Ed Hudson
Marsh Ed Edna, Ks
Marshall A.C. Chetopa, Ks
Marshall Geo. Welch
Marshall J.W. Chetopa, Ks
Martin A.J. Centralia
Martin Chas. (c) Catalee
Martin Earn (c) Chelsea
Martin Ezza Wimer
Martin G. Chelsea
Martin G.E.A. Welch
Martin J. Welch
Martin J.L., Jr Bluejacket
Martin J.S., Sr. Bluejacket
Martin J.W. Vinita
Martin James Big Cabin
Martin James (c) Bluejacket
Martin Jas. M. Vinita
Martin John (c) Chelsea
Martin July (c) Chelsea
Martin L. Welch
Martin Mike (c) Catalee
Martin Tom Big Cabin
Martin Wm. (c) Catalee
Masey W.J. White Oak
Mask Cecil Estella
Massey Oscar Bluejacket
Massey W.H. Welch
Mathews Albert Vinita
Maupin Chas. Bluejacket
Maupin W.S. Bluejacket
Mayers Henry Welch
Mayers Wm. Welch
Mayfiels M.C. Chetopa, Ks
Mays Wm. (c) Hudson
Means J.S. Centralia
Mease E.A. Chetopa, Ks
Melton Chas. Albia
Melvin Ed Centralia
Merritt W. Hollow
Metcalf Wm. Afton
Metzen T.W. Edna, Ks.
Mickles Ed Welch
Midaugh Ed Estella
Midaugh Pete Estella
Midaugh Wm. Estella
Miles B. Bluejacket
Miles B. Chetopa, Ks
Miles Elmer Welch
Miles J.B. Welch
Miller Boot Hudson
Miller C.W. Centralia
Miller Chas. Bluejacket
Miller Chas. Edna, Ks
Miller Chas. Welch
Miller Chesley Centralia
Miller Dr. Bluejacket
Miller E. Chetopa, Ks
Miller Fran White Oak
Miller G.E. White Oak
Miller J.H. Chetopa, Ks
Miller John Centralia
Miller Phillip Welch
Miller S.S. Vinita
Miller Thos. Centralia
Miller Thos. Welch
Miller W.F. Chetopa, Ks
Miller W.H. Wimer
Millhall Jos. Vinita
Millholland John Ketchum
Millholland R. Vinita
Milliken Arthur Big Cabin
Milliken Wm. Big Cabin
Mills B. Chetopa, Ks
Mills C. Chetopa, Ks
Mills Frank Welch
Mills J.A. Welch
Mills W. Chetopa, Ks
Minor C.E. Centralia
Minor Simp. Centralia
Mitchell C.H. Afton
Mitchell C.S. Bluejacket
Mitchell Claud Bluejacket
Mitchell Claud S. Bluejacket
Mitchell Ed Edna, Ks
Mitchell G.W. Bluejacket
Mitchell John Edna, Ks
Mitchell R.W. Bluejacket
Mitchell Robt. White Oak
Mitchell Sid White Oak
Mohler Saml. Bluejacket
Mohoney Tom Centralia
Montgomery Fred Centralia
Montgomery J. Vinita
Montgomery J.R. Welch
Montgomery Kill Centralia
Montgomery M.D. Welch
Montgomery T.C. Centralia
Montgomery T.R. Centralia
Moore Albert (c) Kinnison
Moore Ben Kinnison
Moore E.F. Vinita
Moore Frank Kinnison
Moore Geo. Kinnison
Moore Geo. Vinita
Moore J.R. Kinnison
Moore Len Centralia
Moore R.W. Estella
Moore Wm. Kinnison
Morgan A.A. Welch
Morgan O. Big Cabin
Morney J.R. Miles
Morran J.J. Centralia
Morran Oscar Centralia
Morris J.P. Hudson
Morris Jack Estella
Morris James Kinnison
Morris John Hudson
Morris T.J. Bluejacket
Morrison Burley Vinita
Morrison Frank Vinita
Morrison John Vinita
Morrison Rube Vinita
Morton C.T. MIles
Mosher Jack Centralia
Mosler J. Estella
Moss D. Hayden
Moss Howard Hayden
Motley J. Fred Bluejacket
Mount Ed Hollow
Mount Fred Hayden
Mount MIke Hollow
Mount R. Hollow
Mount S. Hollow
Mudd Jos. Bluejacket
Mudd T.O. Big Cabin
Mulholland John Big Cabin
Mullett Tom Big Cabin
Mulvahill Len Centralia
Munsie H.L. Vinita
Munsie Lee Vinita
Murphy A. Chetopa, Ks
Murphy B.L. Vinita
Murphy E. Chetopa, Ks
Murphy Ed Centralia
Murphy J. Kinnison
Murphy J.T. Vinita
Murphy J.W. Vinita
Murphy W.T. Vinita
Murray J. Big Cabin
Murray T.G. Big Cabin
Myers Newt Vinita
(c) - colored

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