Luther and Lucille Yeatman

David Aaron Yeatman

Glen and Min West

baby Derrick 1973

Elizabeth West

Olive West Marbut

Harvey Leroy West

Asa H. Derrick

Eliza J. Derrick

Margaret Derrick Grimes

Alfred Oscar Yeatman

Kenneth S. Ball

Opal Leota Yeatman

Luther Alfred and Stella May Yeatman

John David and Emogene Richards

Daisy D. Padgett

Leslie L. Padgett

Infant son of W. B. and B. E. Buxton

Bernis Lee Beal

Otho D and Willie M. Beall

Harry Kygar

Mattie Kygar

Charles M. Purtee

George H. and Ella May Purtee

Ben B. Atchison

William Atchison

Franciso Javier

James Kenneth Beck

John L. and Wilma W. Jackson

Wendell Beck

Grayson and Neva Belew

William and Dora Schall

Luther William Ray

F. E. Ray

Alene Bowman Padgett

Alexander and Ardella Crow

Cecil Crow

Jettie Ann Belew

Sidney Belew

William and Maggie Belew

Grayson Richard

Samuel Belew

? Belew

Mary C. Derrick

W. H. Derrick

Golden Derrick

James and Ellen Roach

Barney Kygar

Gladyce Kygar

Elizabeth Ray |

William Ray

Dale Cessna

Chas. T. Beatty

Pearlee M. Beatty

Grace Campbell

Cheryl Lynn Miller Brannock

Forrest and Lena Roach

Mrs. J. P. Morton

Sam H. Wells

Stella Wells

Warren and Kate Wells

George M. Beck

Edna E. Beck

Infant son of G. M. and Edna Beck

David J. and Emily J. Goodail

Preston R. and Susan Ann Halsey

H. Teague and Eva Ellen Ray

Verdie Ray

daughter of E. E. Ray

Euel W. Crow

Eules Crow

William C. Sheets

John Flynn

Evelyn Louise Lee

Marvin Lee

Elysabeth Keele

H. A. (Hank) Zeiler



Charles Kygar

Frank and Ethel Kygar

baby Kygar


Peteson Kygar

McDaniel Kygar

Andrew C. Kygar

Dosha Olivan Kygar Zeiler

M. B. and Jennie Frazier

Gabbie May Davis

John and Rebecca Larison

Velma Rebecca Shaw

Joseph Albert and Eva Jane Shaw


T. E. Williams

Nannie M. Williamson

Edmund S. Williamson

Jeff Eldridge
 George and Mary Burns

T. N. Ray