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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Lindsay Township "O" Surname Index

Obeg, Fremont Carl		Page 47B
Odell, Bertha			Page 77B
Odell, Harvey R.		Page 77B
Odell, Mary			Page 77B
Odell, Ray			Page 77B
Odell, Roy			Page 77B
Odell, Terrie			Page 77B
Odell, Wilber			Page 77B
Odom, Bert F.			Page 71A
Odom, Billy J.			Page 45B
Odom, Dora			Page 71A
Odom, M. G.			Page 45B
Odom, Marvin			Page 71A
O'Neal, J.C.			Page 42A
O'Neal, Norma(Naoma)		Page 42A
Osment?, Burnie			Page 55B
Osment?, Fred			Page 55B
Osment?, Fred Junior		Page 55B
Osment?, Lena			Page 55B
Overman, Lloyd			Page 52A
Overman, Sue			Page 52A
Owen, Clara			Page 69A
Owen, Clinton			Page 69A
Owen, E. B.			Page 69A
Owen, Eula			Page 69A
Owen, Hallie			Page 69A
Owen, Lou Eddie			Page 69A