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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Elmore Township "D" Surname Index

Dackery, Adell	        Page 20A
Dackery, Frank	        Page 20A
Dackery, Hubert L.	Page 20A
Dackery, Vida B.	Page 20A
Dackery, William	Page 20A
Dackery, Willie M.	Page 20A
Daffern, Dovey L.	Page 35B
Daffern, Eva V.	        Page 35B
Daffern, Lovey C.	Page 35B
Daffern, Valley L.	Page 35B
Daily, Bertha M.	Page 20A
Daily, Bettie J.	Page 20A
Daily, Mary E.	        Page 20A
Daily, Tom	        Page 20A
Daniels, Albert A.	Page 19A
Daniels, Clarence	Page 268A
Daniels, Emma M.	Page 19A
Daniels, Emma V.	Page 19A
Daniels, Georgie	Page 268A
Daniels, Glorisue	Page 268A
Daniels, John P.	Page 19A
Daniels, Lenamay	Page 268A
Daniels, Stelling	Page 19A
Davidson, Eliza J.	Page 266B
Davidson, Thomas J.	Page 266B
Davis, Alta M.	        Page 30B
Davis, Annie	        Page 30B
Davis, Billy Joe	Page 16B
Davis, Calvin L.	Page 30B
Davis, Dewitt	        Page 20B
Davis, Georgia Lee	Page 16B
Davis, Houston	        Page 3B
Davis, James	        Page 31B
Davis, Jeff	        Page 16B
Davis, Jim J.	        Page 16B
Davis, Johnnie? D.	Page 16B
Davis, Laura	        Page 16B
Davis, Lillian	        Page 16B
Davis, Litta P.	        Page 30B
Davis, Mary E.	        Page 20B
Davis, Melvin	        Page 20B
Davis, Opal E.	        Page 31B
Davis, Ophilia M.	Page 20B
Davis, Oscar	        Page 20B
Davis, Raybunn	        Page 16B
Davis, Raymond	        Page 16B
Davis, Stanley J.	Page 30B
Davis, Zachariah	Page 30B
Dean, Alma	        Page 36A
Dean, Alton	        Page 36A
Dean, Ben	        Page 27B
Dean, Bonnie	        Page 36A
Dean, Chester	        Page 24A
Dean, George	        Page 36A
Dean, Gladis	        Page 36A
Dean, Gusan C.	        Page 23B
Dean, Horace	        Page 36A
Dean, Jessie H.	        Page 24A
Dean, Jessie L.	        Page 24A
Dean, John A.	        Page 23B
Dean, Kattie	        Page 31B
Dean, Laurence W.	Page 27B
Dean, Lilly L.	        Page 27B
Dean, Lula J.	        Page 27B
Dean, Melvin E.	        Page 24A
Dean, Millie    	Page 36A
Dean, Millie L.	        Page 24A
Dean, Mit       	Page 36A
Dean, Nancy L.	        Page 27B
Dean, Neoma L.	        Page 27B
Dean, Oliver W.	        Page 24A
Dean, Osker	        Page 31B
Dean, Royce	        Page 31B
Dean, Royce H.	        Page 27B
Dean, Vada	        Page 31B
Dean, Viva	        Page 36A
Dean, William	        Page 36A
Deburger, Ada B.	Page 19B
Deburger, Cliford	Page 19B
Deburger, Emmit	        Page 19B
Deburger, Herman	Page 19B
Deburger, Hubert	Page 19B
Deburger, Jewel	        Page 19B
Deburger, Opal	        Page 19B
Deburger, Warren H.	Page 19B
Decker, Jewel	        Page 11A
Delgado, Alonzo	        Page 20A
Delgado, Refligio	Page 20A
Delgado, Sara	        Page 20A
Dendy, Daniel B.	Page 10B
Dennington, Joe S.	Page 30A
Dennington, Mar??etta	Page 30A
Dennington, Nettie	Page 30A
Dennis, Alvin	        Page 10A
Dennis, Austin	        Page 10A
Dennis, Carlee	        Page 10A
Dennis, Ethel	        Page 10A
Dennis, Froman	        Page 10A
Dennis, John H.	        Page 10A
Dennis, Lillie	        Page 10A
Dennis, Lucy	        Page 10A
Dennis, Ollie	        Page 10A
Dennis, Willard	        Page 10A
Derdezn, Marcell	Page 18A
Dickens, Calvin	        Page 22A
Dickens, Delbert	Page 22A
Dickens, Lewie W.	Page 22A
Dickens, Lewis	        Page 22A
Dickens, Lloyd	        Page 22A
Dickens, Mildred	Page 22A
Dickens, Reford	        Page 22A
Dickens, Susie	        Page 22A
Dickens, Unice	        Page 22A
Dickerson, Frank J.	Page 17A
Dickerson, Gertrude	Page 17A
Dilbeck, Bessie	        Page 4B
Dilbeck, Frank	        Page 4B
Dilbeck, Jodie	        Page 4B
Dilbeck, Mable	        Page 4B
Dilbeck, Mary	        Page 4B
Dilbeck, Myrtle	        Page 4B
Dilbeck, Sue????	Page 4B
Dilbeck, Walon Lee	Page 4B
Dilbeck, Willie	        Page 4B
Dill, Bettie C.	        Page 21B
Dill, Daralee	        Page 23B
Dill, John M.	        Page 23B
Dill, Paul D.	        Page 21B
Dill, Paul Jr.	        Page 21B
Dill, Robert	        Page 23B
Dill, Robert B.	        Page 23B
Dill, Robertlea	        Page 23B
Dill, Vera B.	        Page 23B
Dill, William	        Page 23B
Dillingham, Ernest A.	Page 20B
Dillingham, Gladis	Page 22A
Dillingham, J. C.	Page 23A
Dillingham, Jim	        Page 23A
Dillingham, John	Page 22A
Dillingham, Lahoma M.	Page 20B
Dillingham, Lela G.	Page 23A
Dillingham, Louise A.	Page 23A
Dillingham, Maud E.	Page 20B
Dillingham, Mildred L.	Page 22A
Dillingham, Myrel	Page 22A
Dillingham, William	Page 20B
Dixon, James A.	        Page 37B
Dobbins, Bernice	Page 35B
Dobbins, Cleburn R.	Page 35B
Dobbins, Dillard D.	Page 35B
Dobbins, Hershle	Page 32A
Dobbins, Jack F.	Page 34B
Dobbins, James H.	Page 34B
Dobbins, Jessie V.	Page 34B
Dobbins, Lula E.	Page 35B
Dobbins, Lura	        Page 34B
Dobbins, Starrett	Page 35B
Dobbins, Sylvia E.	Page 34B
Dobbins, Wilburn H.	Page 35B
Dodge, Lillie M.	Page 266A
Dodge, William E.	Page 266A
Douthit, Buster	        Page 11A
Douthit, Hubert	        Page 11A
Douthit, Kenneth	Page 11A
Douthit, Lendal	        Page 11A
Douthit, Lorene	        Page 11A
Douthit, Maggie	        Page 11A
Douthit, Opal	        Page 11A
Douthit, Robert C.	Page 11A
Downey, ??	        Page 2A
Downey, Alford	        Page 4A
Downey, Alton	        Page 2A
Downey, Anne	        Page 4A
Downey, Audie	        Page 2A
Downey, Betty	        Page 2A
Downey, Cletis	        Page 4A
Downey, Flona	        Page 4A
Downey, Herman	        Page 2A
Downey, Ima Gene	Page 4A
Downey, John	        Page 4A
Downey, Milburn	        Page 2A
Downey, Mir??il Bell	Page 4A
Downey, Mortt	        Page 4A
Downey, Sam	        Page 4A
Downey, Willie	        Page 4A
Drain, Cliffie	        Page 4A
Drain, Ellen	        Page 3B
Drennan, Amos	        Page 268B
Drennan, Clara B.	Page 268B
Drennan, Clara Y.	Page 268B
Drennan, David L.	Page 266A
Drennan, Dillard	Page 266A
Drennan, Floyd	        Page 266A
Drennan, Hester	        Page 266A
Drennan, Imaruth	Page 268B
Drennan, Iva	        Page 268B
Drennan, Jean R.	Page 268B
Drennan, Mollie	        Page 266A
Drennan, Rayford	Page 268B
Drennon, Alford	        Page 27A
Drennon, Alma	        Page 27A
Drennon, Bob	        Page 15A
Drennon, Brozne?	Page 15A
Drennon, Lenord?	Page 15A
Drennon, Margurette	Page 27A
Drennon, Marie	        Page 27A
Drennon, Mattie A.	Page 27A
Drennon, Tim?	        Page 27A
Drennon, Verna	        Page 27A
Drennon, Vernnie	Page 15A
Driskill, Betty J.	Page 38A
Driskill, James B.	Page 38A
Driskill, Lavaina M.	Page 40A
Driskill, Lois L.	Page 40A
Driskill, Loyd E.	Page 40A
Driskill, Mary L.	Page 40A
Driskill, Maude S.	Page 38A
Driskill, Vera L.	Page 38A
Driskill, William E.	Page 40A
Duke, Darrell D.	Page 266A
Duke, Gurtie M.	        Page 266A
Duke, Omega M.	        Page 266A
Dunham, W.H.	        Page 4A
Dunigan, Alace E.	Page 21B
Dunigan, Freeman L.	Page 21B
Dunigan, Joe C.	        Page 21B
Dunigan, Willie R.	Page 21B
Dunn, Cecil J.	        Page 30A
Dunn, Effie D.	        Page 23B
Dunn, John W.	        Page 30A
Dunn, Margaret L.	Page 30A
Dunn, Oliver L.	        Page 30A
Dunn, Ollie	        Page 23B
Dunn, Pearl	        Page 30A
Dunn, Stephen O.	Page 30A
Durr, Violet M.	        Page 266A
Dye, J. D.	        Page 13B
Dye, Jesse M.	        Page 13B
Dye, Rizza?	        Page 13B
Dyer, ??	        Page 17B
Dyer, ??	        Page 17B
Dyer, ??	        Page 17B
Dyer, ??	        Page 17B
Dyer, ??	        Page 17B
Dyer, Frank	        Page 17B
Dyer, Mary	        Page 17B
Dyer, Willie	        Page 17B