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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Elmore Township "F" Surname Index

Farber)?, (Ben)?	Page 2B
Farber)?, (Bessie)?	Page 2B
Farris, Alene	        Page 15A
Farris, Etta	        Page 13B
Farris, George	        Page 13B
Farris, Harvey	        Page 14B
Farris, Ida Mae	        Page 15A
Farris, Lane	        Page 14B
Farris, Lizzie	        Page 14B
Farris, Mae	        Page 13B
Farris, Mary Ruth	Page 13B
Farris, Melzar	        Page 13A
Farris, Merle	        Page 14B
Farris, Mertel?	        Page 14B
Farris, Randell	        Page 13B
Farris, Roy	        Page 15A
Farris, Thad	        Page 14B
Faust, Angie L.	        Page 39A
Faust, Fay N.	        Page 39A
Faust, William A.	Page 39A
Fenton, Cora	        Page 15B
Fenton, Ester Lee	Page 15B
Fenton, Evelynn	        Page 15B
Fenton, John	        Page 15B
Ferry, H.	        Page 2A
Ficklin, Clyde O.	Page 30B
Ficklin, Sylvia L.	Page 30B
Ficklin, Willie	        Page 30B
Fitzgerald, Billie	Page 5B
Fitzgerald, H. H.	Page 5B
Fitzgerald, Ida	        Page 5B
Fitzgerald, Max? Wayne	Page 5B
Fitzgerald, Sylvia Lee	Page 5B
Flesher, Anna 	        Page 32B
Flesher, Ellwood H.	Page 33A
Flesher, Flora A.	Page 32B
Flesher, Urel V.	Page 32B
Flowers, Dorris	        Page 38B
Flowers, Joy F.	        Page 38B
Flowers, Paden L.	Page 38B
Flowers, Ruby	        Page 38B
Flowers, Verda	        Page 38B
Flowers, William R.	Page 38B
Floyd, Cecil F.	        Page 22B
Floyd?, ??	        Page 5A
Floyd?, ??	        Page 5A
Floyd?, ??	        Page 5A
Floyd?, ??	        Page 5A
Floyd?, ??	        Page 5A
Floyd?, ??	        Page 5A
Floyd?, T. A.?	        Page 5A
Forest, Audrey	        Page 12A
Forest, Cora	        Page 12A
Forest, Eugene	        Page 12A
Forest, Pink	        Page 12A
Forest, Vernnon	        Page 12A
Foster, Coy	        Page 32A
Foster, Ella	        Page 29A
Foster, Emma A.	        Page 32A
Foster, Ennis J.	Page 32A
Foster, Erskin C.	Page 32B
Foster, Loraine E.	Page 32B
Foster, Samiel	        Page 29A
Foster, Wyanice A.	Page 32B
Fowler, Albert	        Page 19B
Fowler, Albert B.	Page 12A
Fowler, Arnold C.	Page 19B
Fowler, Arthur	        Page 12A
Fowler, Bit	        Page 12A
Fowler, Byron	        Page 19B
Fowler, Carl	        Page 12A
Fowler, Clyde	        Page 12B
Fowler, Cora A.	        Page 19B
Fowler, Dollie	        Page 10A
Fowler, Emma	        Page 12A
Fowler, Ethyl	        Page 12B
Fowler, Eyna	        Page 3A
Fowler, Henry	        Page 3A
Fowler, Horton	        Page 3A
Fowler, Larry	        Page 3A
Fowler, Lue A.	        Page 19B
Fowler, Merl	        Page 3A
Fowler?, Fred J.	Page 25B
Fowler?, Jessie 	Page 25B
Fowler?, Luther	        Page 25B
Fowler?, Myrl	        Page 25B
Franklin, Belle	        Page 17B
Franklin, Carl	        Page 17A
Franklin, Clifford	Page 17A
Franklin, Corda M.	Page 26B
Franklin, Essie	        Page 17B
Franklin, Gracie	Page 17A
Franklin, Howard	Page 3B
Franklin, J. C.	        Page 17B
Franklin, Jack E.	Page 26B
Franklin, Johnie	Page 17A
Franklin, Kenneth R.	Page 34B
Franklin, Lucile	Page 17A
Franklin, Maggie	Page 17A
Franklin, Merle?	Page 17A
Franklin, Ora M.	Page 26B
Franklin, Oscar	        Page 17A
Franklin, Ruby A.	Page 34B
Franklin, Thomas C.	Page 34B
Franklin, Troy	        Page 4A
Franklin, Vina	        Page 17B
Frost, Alvis	        Page 268A
Frost, Georgia	        Page 268A
Fuelong, Lois	        Page 17A
Fuller, Cleo	        Page 29A
Fuller, Donie	        Page 29A
Fuller, Enoch	        Page 29A
Fuller, George W.	Page 29A
Fuller, Lucy	        Page 29A
Fuller, R. L.	        Page 29A
Furr, Allen E.	        Page 24A
Furr, Ida L.	        Page 24A
Furr, Theo M.	        Page 24A
Furr, Thomas M.	        Page 24A
Furr, Wilburn	        Page 24A