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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Elmore Township "L" Surname Index

Lambkin, Abbielee	Page 15A
Lambkin, Berl	        Page 15A
Lambkin, Dewey L.	Page 15A
Lambkin, Ferill	        Page 15A
Lambkin, Jennisee	Page 15A
Lambkin, Johnnie	Page 15A
Lambkin, Martha	        Page 15A
Landon, Susie	        Page 268B
Lawrence, Cecil E.	Page 35B
Lawrence, Claraine	Page 35B
Lawrence, Dorris M.	Page 35B
Lawrence, Dovie L.	Page 41B
Lawrence, Ethel M.	Page 41B
Lawrence, Frank B.	Page 41B
Lawrence, Ione S.	Page 35B
Lawrence, Iva	        Page 35B
Lawrence, Juanita T.	Page 41B
Lawrence, Ross	        Page 35B
Lawrence, Theodore	Page 41B
Lawrence, Wilma L.	Page 41B
Leader, Clarence	Page 37B
Leath, Eva	        Page 13B
Leath, Jimmie F.	Page 13B
Ledsinger, Harry C.	Page 266A
Ledsinger, Harry C.	Page 266A
Ledsinger, Kate	        Page 267A
Ledsinger, Orea Z.	Page 266A
Ledsinger, Thad	        Page 267A
Ledsinger?, Do???	Page 6B
Lem, Elizabeth	        Page 25B
Lemay, ??	        Page 2A
Lemay, A.	        Page 2A
Lemay, B. S.	        Page 7A
Lemay, Charles	        Page 7A
Lemay, David	        Page 7A
Lemay, Eva	        Page 7A
Lemay, H. B.	        Page 7B
Lemay, James	        Page 7A
Lemay, Jaunita(sic)	Page 8A
Lemay, John Wesley	Page 8A
Lemay, Louis	        Page 8A
Lemay, Lula	        Page 7A
Lemay, Martha	        Page 8A
Lemay, Nettie	        Page 8A
Lemay, O. H.    	Page 8A
Lemay, Paul	        Page 7A
Lester, Doris	        Page 14A
Lester, Mary	        Page 14A
Lester, Thurman	        Page 14A
Lievsay, Lena L.	Page 266B
Lievsay, William C.	Page 266B
Lindsay, Abbiegail	Page 269A
Lindsay, Dale	        Page 268B
Lindsay, Howard	        Page 268B
Lindsay, Joe A.	        Page 268B
Lindsay, John C.	Page 32B
Lindsay, Johnie A.	Page 25A
Lindsay, Laura Mae	Page 6A
Lindsay, Maud D.	Page 268B
Lindsay, May	        Page 268B
Lindsay, Mona	        Page 268B
Lindsay, Richard	Page 268B
Lindsay, William M.	Page 25A
Lindsay?, ??	        Page 8B
Lindsay?, ??	        Page 8B
Lindsay?, ??	        Page 8B
Lindsay?, ??	        Page 8B
Lindsay?, Luther	Page 8B
Lindsey, Bryer Jr.	Page 267A
Lindsey, Bulah	        Page 267A
Lindsey, Elbert	        Page 267A
Lindsey, Mamie Joe	Page 267A
Lindsey, Velma J.	Page 267A
Lindsey, William	Page 267A
Linker, ??	        Page 10B
Linker, Allen	        Page 10B
Linker, Arthur	        Page 10B
Linker, Bessie	        Page 10B
Linker, Johnnie	        Page 10B
Linker, Juanita	        Page 10B
Linker, Kenneth	        Page 10B
Linker, Viola	        Page 10B
Littrell, Bertha	Page 9B
Littrell, Bonnie	Page 9B
Littrell, Elijah D.	Page 9B
Littrell, Herbert	Page 9B
Littrell, Jessie	Page 9B
Livesay, Nancy E.	Page 40A
Livesay, Oliver P.	Page 40A
Loftis, Addville	Page 32B
Long, Clarence	        Page 20B
Long, Claudie	        Page 20B
Long, Darling	        Page 20B
Long, Duke R.	        Page 20B
Long, Flossie	        Page 20B
Long, Nellie R.	        Page 20B
Long, Normala	        Page 20B
Lopes, Catalina	        Page 20A
Lopes, Francis	        Page 20A
Lopes, Joe	        Page 20A
Lopes, Juanita	        Page 20A
Lopes, Juvie	        Page 20A
Lopes, Lilly	        Page 20A
Lopes, Lowesa	        Page 20A
Lopes, Paul	        Page 20A
Lopes, Paulino	        Page 20A
Lopes, Sunday	        Page 20A
Love, Alvie R.	        Page 30A
Love, Bob F.	        Page 30A
Love, Nola B.	        Page 30A
Love, Patricia	        Page 30A
Love, Vivian	        Page 30A
Love, William	        Page 30A
Lynch, Euel	        Page 20B
Lynn, Argus	        Page 27A
Lynn, Billy R.	        Page 21B
Lynn, Elmer	        Page 21B
Lynn, Elnor	        Page 21B
Lynn, Floy T.	        Page 27A
Lynn, Johnnie M.	Page 27A
Lynn, Lahoma	        Page 27A
Lynn, Maud M.	        Page 27A
Lynn, Olis P.	        Page 27A
Lynn, Ona T.    	Page 27A
Lynn, Thomas F.	        Page 27A