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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Elmore Township "S" Surname Index

Saunders, Audrey	Page 11B
Saunders, Bernice	Page 11B
Saunders, Emmet	        Page 11B
Saunders, Fay	        Page 11B
Saunders, Herman	Page 11B
Saunders, Homer	        Page 11B
Saunders, John	        Page 11B
Saunders, Luola	        Page 12A
Saunders, Pearl	        Page 11B
Saunders, Pearl	        Page 11B
Saunders, Verdie	Page 12A
Schri???, ??	        Page 6B
Scoggins, Ben W.	Page 26A
Scoggins, Bert B.	Page 26A
Scoggins, Floyd B.	Page 26A
Scoggins, Mary E.	Page 26A
Scoggins, Mary L.	Page 26A
Scott, ??	        Page 5A
Scott, Al	        Page 6B
Scott, Bessie	        Page 6B
Scott, Charles	        Page 5A
Scott, Harding	        Page 6B
Scott, Henry	        Page 6B
Scott, Mildred	        Page 6B
Seals, Phoeba	        Page 22A
Seals, William R.	Page 22A
Sebedea, Richard	Page 8A
Selby, ??	        Page 12A
Selby, ??       	Page 12A
Selby, G.C.	        Page 12A
Selby, Gladys	        Page 12A
Selby, Jewel	        Page 12A
Selby, Lorenzo	        Page 12A
Selby, Misy?    	Page 12A
Sempter, Albert R.	Page 38B
Sempter, Easel	        Page 38B
Sempter, Elizabeth G.	Page 38B
Sempter, Fannie	        Page 38B
Shakleford, Alfred	Page 7B
Shakleford, Dale	Page 7B
Shakleford, Daphnie	Page 7B
Shakleford, Dorsey	Page 7B
Shakleford, Rosie	Page 7B
Shakleford, Thurman	Page 7B
Shanks, Alpha A.	Page 23A
Shanks, Audie	        Page 23A
Shanks, Bessie M.	Page 23A
Shanks, Caudis	        Page 24A
Shanks, Charley	        Page 23A
Shanks, Dema	        Page 23A
Shanks, Earl	        Page 23A
Shanks, Elbert	        Page 23A
Shanks, Elbert	        Page 23A
Shanks, Euylass	        Page 23A
Shanks, Harvey O.	Page 23A
Shanks, Jessie	        Page 24A
Shanks, Lorine	        Page 23A
Shanks, Mary E	        Page 24A
Shanks, Raymon	        Page 23A
Shanks, Robert L.	Page 23A
Shanks, Rosie L.	Page 23A
Shaw, Goldie M.	        Page 33B
Shaw, James 	        Page 33B
Shaw, Julia S.	        Page 33B
Shaw, Luther S.	        Page 33B
Shaw, Minnie M.	        Page 33B
Shaw, Ollie M.	        Page 33B
Shaw, Pauline J.	Page 33B
Shaw, Troy	        Page 33B
Shelton, Ben	        Page 21A
Shelton, Emma	        Page 21A
Shelton, George	        Page 21A
Shelton, John R.	Page 21A
Shelton, Marvin C.	Page 27A
Shelton, Mary A.	Page 27A
Shelton, Richard H.	Page 21A
Shelton, Ruth E.	Page 27A
Shepard, Bell	        Page 23A
Shepard, Hester B.	Page 23A
Shepard, Marcalee	Page 16B
Shepherd, Chlotile?	Page 16A
Shepherd, Freida?	Page 16A
Shepherd, Ira M.	Page 16A
Shepherd, Ruth	        Page 16A
Shepherd, Wanda	        Page 16A
Shirley, Berniece	Page 4A
Shirley, Bobbie	        Page 4A
Shirley, Cassie	        Page 4A
Shirley, Clarence	Page 10B
Shirley, Irene	        Page 10A
Shirley, Landy	        Page 10B
Shirley, Lu	        Page 10B
Shirley, Ralph	        Page 10A
Shirley, Ruby	        Page 10B
Shuler, Charley 	Page 8A
Shuler, Flora	        Page 8B
Shuler, Frank	        Page 8B
Shuler, Gertie	        Page 8B
Shuler, Hattie	        Page 8B
Shuler, Jewel   	Page 8A
Shuler, Ona	        Page 8B
Shuler, Thomas D.	Page 8B
Simmons, Bernice N.	Page 38B
Simmons, Frances E.	Page 37A
Simmons, Harold F.	Page 40A
Simmons, Henry E.	Page 38B
Simmons, Lilly M.	Page 38B
Simmons, Ruben	        Page 37A
Sims, George	        Page 38A
Skelton, Jack	        Page 14A
Skelton, Mattie	        Page 14A
Skelton, Mydell	        Page 14A
Skelton, Oscar	        Page 14A
Slarts, Harvey H.	Page 26A
Slate, Bessie	        Page 41A
Slate, Clara J.	        Page 41A
Slate, Jim	        Page 41A
Smart, Bettie C.	Page 23A
Smart, Charles F.	Page 23A
Smart, Eunice O	        Page 23A
Smart, J. W.	        Page 23A
Smart, Tom	        Page 23A
Smith, Alice	        Page 38B
Smith, Alla G.	        Page 269A
Smith, Allien	        Page 35B
Smith, Amos	        Page 38B
Smith, Betty Jo	        Page 269A
Smith, Bill	        Page 5A
Smith, Buck	        Page 6B
Smith, Carrie	        Page 38B
Smith, Cecil H.	        Page 38B
Smith, Charley	        Page 22A
Smith, D. C.	        Page 35B
Smith, Don	        Page 6A
Smith, Don Jr.	        Page 6B
Smith, Dorothy	        Page 9A
Smith, Ella	        Page 9A
Smith, G. R.	        Page 4B
Smith, George E.	Page 35B
Smith, Ima Gene	        Page 4B
Smith, Ina	        Page 22A
Smith, Iva C.	        Page 35B
Smith, J. D.	        Page 5A
Smith, Laudie N.	Page 35B
Smith, Leodur?	        Page 38B
Smith, Lester P.	Page 268A
Smith, Lola C.	        Page 22A
Smith, Lucille	        Page 268A
Smith, Lucy	        Page 4B
Smith, Mary T.	        Page 38B
Smith, May	        Page 14B
Smith, Myatie		Page 22B
Smith, Neda L.	        Page 27B
Smith, Olin	        Page 269A
Smith, Pete	        Page 9A
Smith, Richard	        Page 9A
Smith, Robert	        Page 14B
Smith, Ruth	        Page 22A
Smith, Ruth?	        Page 9A
Smith, Sallie J.	Page 21B
Smith, Samuel G.	Page 27B
Smith, Savanah	        Page 27B
Smith, Stanley	        Page 9A
Smith, Victor	        Page 38B
Smith, Walter	        Page 9A
Smith, William C.	Page 21B
Smith, William D.	Page 38B
Smith, William E.	Page 22A
Smith, William J.	Page 22A
Smith, Zonita	        Page 35B
Smith?, ??	        Page 11B
Snodgrass, Arthur	Page 7A
Snodgrass, Boon	        Page 7A
Snodgrass, Eugene	Page 7A
Snodgrass, Fannie	Page 7A
Snodgrass, Jewel	Page 7A
Snodgrass, Owen	        Page 7A
Snodgrass, T. H.	Page 7A
Snodgrass, Ted	        Page 7A
Southing, William	Page 41A
Southland, Elsie	Page 7A
Southland, Ruth	        Page 7A
Sparks, Elna D.	        Page 25B
Sparks, George	        Page 25B
Sparks, Mark W.	        Page 25B
Speer, Eldon A.	        Page 37A
Speer, Lillie L.	Page 37A
Speer, Ray A.	        Page 37A
Spence, Alex	        Page 26B
Spence, Archie	        Page 22A
Spence, Estell	        Page 17A
Spence, Lloyd L.	Page 26B
Spence, Susie	        Page 22A
Spence, Treon?	        Page 26B
St.Clair, Alice	        Page 30B
St.Clair, Nadine	Page 30B
St?????, Albert	        Page 1A
St?????, Anna	        Page 1A
St?????, Thomas	        Page 1A
St?????, Violet	        Page 1A
Stelding, Claude	Page 268A
Stelding, Joe H.       	Page 268A
Stelding, Maxine	Page 268A
Stelding, Ralph	        Page 268A
Stelding, Rebecca	Page 269B
Stephens, Alice	        Page 28A
Stephens, Bessie E.	Page 31A
Stephens, Essie M.	Page 31A
Stephens, Ethel B.	Page 31A
Stephens, Iva L.	Page 31A
Stephens, John H.	Page 28A
Stephens, William D.	Page 31A
Stephens, William O.	Page 31A
Stevens, Audie	        Page 269A
Stevens, Billy Henry	Page 15B
Stevens, Della	        Page 15B
Stevens, Henry L.	Page 15B
Stevens, John Walter	Page 15B
Stevens, Lillie	        Page 269A
Stevens, Marguaisse?	Page 15B
Stevens, Mary C.	Page 269A
Stevens, Rowenia	Page 266B
Stevens, William A.	Page 269A
Stevens, William H.	Page 266B
Stewart, Delia E.	Page 39B
Stewart, Grady J.	Page 39B
Stewart, Homer A.	Page 39B
Stewart, Jim A.	        Page 39B
Stewart, Leonard C.	Page 39B
Stewart, Lizzie	        Page 17A
Stewart, Lon R.	        Page 39B
Stewart, Marie A.	Page 39B
Stewart, Noel B.	Page 39B
Stewart, Valerae D.	Page 39B
Stone, ??	        Page 5B
Stone, ??	        Page 5B
Stone, Clarence	        Page 19A
Stone, Clyde	        Page 5A
Stone, Dannie	        Page 19A
Stone, Darline	        Page 19A
Stone, L	        Page 5B
Stone, Olida	        Page 19A
Stone, Pearl?	        Page 5A
Stovall, ??	        Page 9B
Stovall, Billy	        Page 9B
Stovall, Dorothy	Page 9B
Stovall, Eva	        Page 9B
Stovall, Jewel	        Page 9B
Stovall, Lucile?	Page 9B
Stovall, Odis E.	Page 9B
Striblins, Ernest R.	Page 13A
Striblins, Henry	Page 13A
Striblins, Joyce	Page 13A
Striblins, Lizzie	Page 13A
Striblins, Neoma	Page 13A
Striblins, Robert	Page 13A
Striblins, Woodroe	Page 13A
Stricklan, Lucy	        Page 15B
Stuard, Jim M.	        Page 36A
Stubblefield, Della	Page 3B
Stubblefield, Luis	Page 3B
Stutten?, ??	        Page 10B
Stutten?, ??	        Page 10B
Stutten?, Buster?	Page 10B
Stutten?, Frank M.	Page 10B
Stutten?, Guss?	        Page 10B
Stutten?, Iva?	        Page 10B
Stutten?, J. G.?	Page 10B
Stutten?, Opal	        Page 10B
Stutten?, Orie?	        Page 10B
Stutten?, Rheubin	Page 10B
Stutten?, Rosa?	        Page 10B
Sullivan, Gordon	Page 13A
Sullivan, Jane	        Page 13A
Sullivan, John L.	Page 13A
Sullivan, Ruth	        Page 13A
Suttle, Claud E.	Page 41A
Suttle, Clifford T.	Page 41A
Suttle, Clinton H.	Page 41A
Suttle, Della A.	Page 41A
Suttle, Della J.	Page 41A
Suttle, Harriett D.	Page 41A
Swaford, Carroll W.	Page 23A
Swaford, John M.	Page 23A
Swaford, Matilda J.	Page 23A
Sweat, Ada L.	        Page 23A
Sweat, Clide A.	        Page 23A
Sweat, Joe T.	        Page 23A
Sweat, Terry	        Page 23A
Sweat, Velma A.	        Page 23A
Swinnel, Odessa	        Page 4A
Swinnery, illiam D.	Page 25B
Swinnery, James	        Page 25B
Swinnery, Kurby C.	Page 25B
Swinnery, Lizzie	Page 25B
Swinnery, Luther M.	Page 25B
Swinney, James C.	Page 25A
Swinney, James P.	Page 25A
Swinney, Mallie L.	Page 25A
Swinney, Nola F.	Page 25A
Swinney, Ruby P.	Page 25A
Swinney, Velma L.	Page 25A
Swinney, Willie R.	Page 25A