Interview #
Field Worker: Maurice R. Anderson
Date: February 23, 1937
Name: Mr. John Howard
Residence: Pauls Valley, Oklahoma
Date of Birth: 1897
Place of Birth: Texas
Father: Isaac Howard
Mother: Kitty

I came to Indian Territory with my father and mother in 1891. we
stayed at Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, a few days. Then we went on to Lexington, Old
Oklahoma, and my father settled on an 80 acre farm, 18 miles northeast of Lexington.
We raised cotton and garden vegetables. Stayed there three years.
I have watched the Indians play ball every summer. They would meet
at old Center and have their ball games. Old Center is eight miles east of Old
McGee. Old McGee is two miles north of Stratford, Oklahoma. Before the game
was over they would have a big fight.
In those days, about 1895, there were lots of horse and cattle thieves.
I remember in 1897 my father and I had gone to Healdton, Indian Territory, and on
our way back one night, we had camped. We were asleep in the wagon, when along in
the night my father woke up in time to see someone climbing into the wagon. My
father grabbed his gun and made the party back out of the wagon. When we got out on
the ground we found he was an Indian. He said he wanted to borrow some coffee, so
father gave him coffee. Then he wanted to know how to get to Pauls Valley, so
father told him, but he went the wrong way. After he had gone, we hooked up our team
and drive the rest of that night. We were not bothered any more by that Indian.
That was near Old McGee, Indian Territory.
I have seen corn ricked up sometimes four or five thousands bushels in a
pile, and have seen it sell for 10 cents a bushel, cotton seed, 10 cents a bushel.
You could buy bacon at four cents a pound. Labor was 50 cents a day.
We moved near Lindsay, Oklahoma in 1898. We farmed there.
In 1899, I helped drive 200 head of fat hogs to Purcell from Lindsay.
It took us 4 days.
I have lived around Pauls Valley and farmed there since 1899.
My father and mother are now deceased.
Mr. John Howard lives in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, at present.