Field Worker: Jessie Chisholm
Date: March 1, 1937
Name: Mr. J.R. Rock
Tribe: Shawnee
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Shawnee Chief J.R. Rock as told by Bill Chisholm
(this interview is typed exactly as written except maybe for some punctuation.
The initials for Mr. Rock do vary from J.R. to J.F. to F.R. - could be more than
one Mr. Rock.)
( Bill Chisholm is 65 years of age. Born in
Pottawatomie County, McCloud Okla. in 1872 in the Kickapoo Country. His Indian
name is We-ni-she meaning Buzzard in Indian word. He is mae-kan-kee
Indian and Spainard. Lives 2 miles from Sperry Okla. Information from
him on Bob Deer - fight with the Osages between the
Hominy post and Wynona, Okla, where he shot the Osage in the mouth.
There where Joe Ceboney was shot through the seat of his body with
an arrow which Bob pulled the arrow out of him in battle. Also information
from him of a fellow by the name of Robert Stewart - married one of Joe
Lans, a Quapaw, sisters. In early days, Mas-kah-kees Indians
of Holdenville, Okla. He said that Ben Hagge of Broken Arrow, Okla
is another Indian who could tell more about Bob Deer battle. Tell
me more about my grandfather estate some where in Texas, Bob was a friend with all the
Shawnee Warriers.)
This man J. F. Rock is known to be Chief of the absent
T. Shawnee at Washington D.C. on the records. This man had
everything memorized down from the time he was boy to his death. He could tell you
just what happen every day in year round. He has been tryed out time and again.
I used to hear him make speaches about things that happen back in Penn, Ohio, down
in Texas. He was about 5 foot 9 inches, weighting about 195 lbs. Broad fore
head, long gray hair, strong sharp voice, when he is talking. He smoked plenty.
Sharp answers when he is spoken too. He has been in many Indian battles -
also through the Civil War. Never was wounded in his battles. He was at Fort
Gibson in the 17 Calvary. Fought against the Seminole
Chief Johnie Jomby, along about the Kansas line. 40 Shawnee, 40
whites whiped out. Thousands of Seminoles Indians.
J.R. Rock said to have wanted Johnie Jomba
big gray horse - more than he wanted him. By having fast horse he got away. J.R.
Rock was also in the battle with Tonkawas battle. Two or
three battles with Osages. Fought with Texas government against
Spainards. He was Yankie Doodle right. Never got a scratch while in
battle. He draw $70.00 per quarterly from pension from U.S. Government.
Some where along 1906, he was hurt and had lost one hand. He was
hurt by his step-son, Allen Longhorn. Longhorn was crazy drunk.
Hit the old man Mr. Rock with across cut saw. Dr. J.T.
Rock was also an Indian Doctor. Had saved many Indians from death.
His right hand man in battles was Bob Deer. Uncle
of Bob Froy of Tulsa, Oklahoma who died at his home on or near the Kendall
College on east eleven street. Bob Fry is the very picture
of his Uncle. Bob Deer also drew pension in his days. He was
buried at Shawnee City Cemetery. F. R. Rock died
near Shawnee, Okla. at the place called horse shoe band,
at the age of 80 years. Bob Deer died first at the age of about 65.
These Shawnee Warriors - under Dr. F.R. Rock.
1. Bob Deer
2. Charley Star
3. Buck Heart
4. Bill Johnson
5. Sam Charley
6. John Deer
7. William Little Ax
8. James Little Bear
9. Gibson - died at Fort Gibson while a soldier
10. Joe Ellis
11. Long Tom Washington
12. Jim Switch
13. Jim Warrier
14. Snakeman
Dr. J.R. Rock has a son living near Shawnee. Has
also been over sea in the world war. By the name of Jimmie Rock.