Interview # 8686
Field Worker: Jennie Selfridge
Date: September 23, 1937
Name: Salina LeFlore
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Alikchi is located in McCurtain County in Section 21, Township 3 South,
Range 22 East. This was known as the Sulphur Springs court ground and the first
court was held here in December 1871. William Cornelius, uncle of Salina LeFlore,
held the first court there. District Court for all of the counties was held
here in July and December of each year. The court was abolished at statehood.
This location is now owned by Jim Cook of Idabel.
Information obtained from Salina LeFlore of Garvin who is a Choctaw Indian
and has several copies of the Choctaw laws and other Choctaw books.