Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, and Widows, Etc
Enumerated June 1890
Return to Veterans Index

See Entire Index at Mary Kinard's Listing

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Eleventh Census of the United States
Special Schedule


This is a list of UNION Veterans and/or their widows living in Oklahoma in 1890.  It does not list all Confederate Veterans but some enumerators listed them and they were marked off, so this list will include those Confederate Veterans whose names can be read and are marked as Conf.

Line #-House#-Family #-Name-Rank-Company-Regiment-Type-Date Enlisted-Date Discharged-Time Served-PO address-Disability-Ad'l Info


Page-6(marked through), SD-125 Oklahoma, ED-16, Minor Civil Division-Kingfisher Oklahoma

13. 232-235, James Saunders(Jaunders?Launders?) (marked through listed as Conf), Private, Co. A, 8 Alab Inf, June 1, 1861 to 186?, 1 yr 6 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Confederate Army

14. 272-276, John Walker, Lieut(?), Co. A, 26 Tenn(?) Inft, Sept ?, 1862 to ? ?-1863, 9 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Lung trouble from cold & exposure in army

15. 242-247, Benjamin Maul, Private, Co. B, Don't know regiment, date of enlistment or discharge, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Defection in hearing, can't remember regiment, discharge lost

16. 248-254, Ophelia, widow of Thomas Jones, Private, Co. A, 5 O Inf Collored, 1864 to 186?, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Died in the army, don't know date of enlistment or discharge

17. 249-255, Elijah C Cole, 1st Lieut, Co. E, 6 Ill Inf, May 10, 1863 to May 10, 1864, 1 yr 5 mos,  PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

18. 250-256, Harry P. Hays, ????, Co. T, 25 Ill Inf, ? 15, 1863 to Aug 15, 1865, 2 yrs 6 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

19. 249-255, Thomas Grayer, Private, Co. G, 44 Md(?) Inf, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Wounded in head, don't know date of enlistment or discharge

20. 249-257, John Elson, Private, Co. B, 20 Ind(?) Inf, June 10, 1861 to July 12, 1865, 4 yrs 1 mos 2 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

21. 254-260, Josephine Scott, formerly widow of John Hall, Private, Co. K, 109 Inf, June 21, 1864 to Aug 6, 1866, 2 yrs 1 mos 15 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Chronic diarrhea, died one year after return from army

22. 258-264, James Lane(Mase?), Sargt, Co. T, 17 Ten  Inf, Sept 15, 1863 to May 15, 1866, 2 yrs 8 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Hernia, not drawing pension but should

23.258-264,  Mildred Parrish, widow of Grandesaun(?) Parrish, Sargt, Co. T, 101 Ten Inf, Oct 1, 1865 to Jan 21, 1866, 3 mos 20 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

24. 259-265, Martha Pryor, widow of Israel Pryor, Private, Co. A, 56 Mo Inf, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Died in service, don't know date od enlistment

25. 262-268, Samule J. Peltier, 1st Serg, Co. T, 153 NY(Ky?Az?) Inf, Aug 30, 1862 to May 12, 1865, 2 yrs 8 mos 12 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

26. 263-269, Samuel Simmons, Private, Co. D, 10 Ind(?) Inf, Sept 6, 1861 to Sept 19, 1864, 3 yrs 13 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

Page-blank, SD-Oklahoma, ED-16, Minor Civil Division-Kingfisher Oklahoma

27. 263-269, Julia Simmons formly widow of Edward Lockwood, Private, Co. E, 1 Mo? Cav, July 1862 to June 1865, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Kidney & dropsey, widow is married child is not drawing pension

28. 268-274, James W. Rose(Ross?), Private, Co. G, 1 Md? Inf, March 12, 1863 to Feb ?, 1865, 1 yr 11 mos 5 dys,   PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, General dibility

29. 298-301, Jospeh Meyers, Private, Co. D, 27 Ind Inf, Aug 19, 1862 to Jan 9, 1863, 9 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Gunshot wound

30. 299-302, Joel Alexander, Private, Co. G, 7 Va Mt(?) Cal, March 18, 1864 to Aug 1, 1865, 1 yr 4 mos 13 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

31. 280-283, George Lanjer(Layer?), Com Sargt, Co. D, ( Ky Cal, Aug 2, 1862 to Aug 2, 1864, 1 yr, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Kidney disease

32. 293-296, William F. Dooley(Doorley?), Private, Co. A, 1 Az(Ky?NY?) Inf, April 4, 1861 to July 19, 1861, 3 mos 15 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Wounded 7 times

33. 293-296, William F. Dooley(Doorley?), Lieut, Co. G, 6 Az(Ky?NY?) Cav, Aug 3, 1861 to Sept 27, 1865, 4 yrs 1 mos 15 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

34. 284-287, Gustavus A. Colton(Calton?), Col, 5 Kan Cav, 2 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Don't know date of enlistment or discharge

35. 284-287, William H. Wisner, Private, Co. H, 6 Pa Inf, April 22, 1861 to June 14, 1864, 3 yrs 1 mos 22 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Wounded in arm, Rheumatism & Kidney

36.288-291, Taylor P. Christy, Private, Co. L, 12 Mo Cav, Nov 22, 1864 to April 9, 1866, 2 yrs 0 mos 17 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Diarrhea

37. 291-294, Samule P. Gillispie, Private, Co. E, 83, Pa Inf, Aug 17, 1862 to May 29, 1865, 2 yrs 9 mos 18 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

38. 295-298, Reuben J. Love(?), Private, Co. G(?), 18 Mo Inf, Aug 25, 1863 to Jan 25, 1865, 1 yr 6 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Chronic Diarrhea

39. 254-260, Henry Herndon, Private, Co. T, 12 Ky Artil, SEpt 1864 to April 29, 1866, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Hernia

40. 287-290, George A.(?) Barber, Corporal, Co. A, 10 M?? Inf, April 25, 1861 to April 24, 1864, 2 yrs 10 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Wound left leg

Page-8, SD-Oklahoma, ED-16, Minor Civil Division-Kingfisher Oklahoma

41. 285-288, Amanda(?) Roberts(?) widow of Horace N(?) Hammontree, Private, Co. D, 129 Ind(?) Inf, ?-28, 1863 to Sep 1865, 1 yr 9 mos, PO address-Kingsfisher Oklahoma

42. 300-303, Martha Jones, widow of George A. Jones, Private, PO address-Maui(?) St, Kingfisher, Discharge lost, don't konw camp or reg

43. 98-98, William W. Brown, U.S., PO address-Lyeu(?) St., Kingfisher

44. 6-6, John U(?) Keller, PO address-Harris(?) St., Kingfisher

45. 15-15, Charles L. Wall

Page No.-blank, Supervisors District No.-125, Enumeration District No.-17, Kingfisher, County of-blank, State of-Oklahoma, Enumerated June 1890 by H.C. St. Clair

1. 517-525, Hardy H. Reynolds, Private, Co. B, 51 Mo(?) Inft, Setp 1861 to Aug 1865, 5 yrs 11 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Partial loss of use of limbs caused by measles 25 years

2. 523-529, Charles A. Grinsted, Sergt, Co. C(O?) 16 US Cal, 1865 to 1865, 8 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Partial blind both eyes 24 years

3. 528-534, Alonzo G. Vincent, Private, 15 Ky Mt Inft, ?-1863 to Oct-1865, 1 yr 5 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Gunshot wound, vericose viens 26 years

4. 534-540, Albert M(W?) Calolson(?), PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

5. 502-508, Abraham Mehen(Mehew?), , Priv, Co. A, 124 Ill Inf, Aug 9, 1862 to Sept 15, 1865, 2 yrs 11 mos ? dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Partially deaf pleurisy

6. 503-509, Francis M. Flemming, Corp, Co. L(C?) 103 ?a Inft, Sept 16, 1861 to Jan 25, 1986, 3 yrs 10 mos 29 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Rheumatism part blink caused measles

7. 513-519, John S. Frilhum(Hrillum?), Pri, Co. K, 4 Wis(?) Inf, Aug 15, 1864 to June 15, 1865, 10 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Rheumatism

8. 517-523, William R. Richardson, Priv, Co. H, 49 Mo Inf, Nov 18, 1864 to Nov 18, 1865, 1 yr, PO address-Dover Oklahoma, Sun stroke US service 29 years standing

9. 539-545, Charles W(N?) Jackson, Lieut, Co. B, 42 Ill Inf, Aug 20, 1861 to ?-28-1865m 3 yrs 7 mos 8 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

Page No-blank, Supervisor's District-125, Enumeration District No.-17, Oklahoma, County of- Kingfisher, State of- Oklahoma, Enumerated June 1890 by -H.C. St. Clair

1. 10-10, William Martin, Private, Co. A, 72 Ind(?) Inft, July 1, 1862 to June 24, 1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 24 dys,PO address-Kingfisher OK, catarah & piles enlisted as Thomas Martin

2. 12-12, James Gould, Private, Co. C, 87 Ind(?) Inft, Aug 12, 1862 to June 24, 1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 12 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Rheumatism 26 years

3. 138-141, Henry Rickman, Corp, Co. A, 14 US Col Inft, Oct 1, 1863 to March 26, 1866, 2 yrs 5 mos 26 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Rheumatism & piles caused US service 24 years

4. 144-147, Frank Fort(Font?), Corp, Co. K, 16 US Col Inf, ?-13, 1864 to April 30, 1866, 2 yrs 2 mos 17 dys,  PO address-Kingfisher OK, Diarrhea, catarra & piles contracted in US service 25 years

5. 154-157, John W. Williams, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Wounded in ancls(?) diarrhea 25 years

6. 165-169, Arther Holmes, Servant of Gen Benj Harrison, PO address-Kingfisher OK

7. 166-170, John L. Bates, Private, Co. B, 12 US ?? Inft, Oct 5, 1864 to Sept 16, 1865, 9 mos 11 dys,  PO address-Kingfisher OK

8. 169-193, Walker H. Martin, Private, Co. E, 155 Ils(?) Inft, Feb 13, 1865 to Sept 4, 1865, 6 mos 21 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Rheumatism & piles US service 25 years

9. 205-209, Hametto(?) Mackabee, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Measles causey?(causing?)  lap?(lost?) one eye & lung disease 25 years

10.  212-216, Jacob, Wangler, Private, Co. ?, 2 Ky Cav, 1861 to 1865, 4 yrs 2 mos, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Catarah & piles

11. 119-125, ?Aeor(Olear?)  L. Sweetman, Private, Co. B, 197 Ind?? Inft, Jan 24, 1865 to Aug 4, 1865, 6 mos 10 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK

12. 221-225, John P. Sweetman, Private, Co. D, 147 Ind??m Jan 19, 1865 to Aug 4, 1865, 6 mos 15 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Very cure veinz-Rheumatism 25 years US service

Page-blank, SD-125, ED-17, Minor Civil Division-Kingfisher

13, 224-228, Alexander Fraley, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Diarrhea caused US service 25 years standing

14. 234-238, William W. Fraley, PO address-Kingfisher OK

15. 235-239, Samuel Frisbey, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Rheumatism slight wound in US service 25 years

16. 236-241, Benjamin Frisby, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Prisoner at Harpers Ferry in US Service

17. 18-19, Johnotte Morgan, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Thorat desean(?) & diarrhea in US service 25 years

18. 21-23, Gustoves Bollenback, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Ulceres, ears partially deaf caused by artilery Ag 64

19. 23-25, Clark Jones, PO address-Kingfisher OK

20. 28-31, William H. Clark, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Weak ack contracted in US service 26 years

21. 25-27, George W. Williams, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Diarrhea 25 years

22. 32-35, Henry C. Keefer, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Diarrhea 25 years

23. 39-49, Joseph Merritt, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Gunshot wound in thigh serving discharge for wound(?) 25 years

24. 46-49, Davis(Lorsi?) C. Hopkins, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Diarrhea incurred in US service 24 years

25. 47-50, David A. Dieyger(Dieyyes?), PO address-Kingfisher OK

26. 48-52, Samuel McCormick, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Mustered out on account of wounds 29 years

Page-blank, AD-125, ED-17, Minor Civil Division-Kingfisher

27.  50-54, Henry Clemons(?), Private, Co. I(?) 99 Ill(?) Inf, 5-1-1862 to 9-15-1865, 3 yrs 5 mos 15 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK

28. 51-55, Arthur Grimez(?Grumez?Yrinez?), Private, Co. F, 15 Tenn Inft, 12-1-1863 to 7-1-1865, 2 yrs 7 mos, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Wound in left lung in battle, 25 years

29. 65-66, John W. De Thals(Lhafs?), Corp, Co. E, 149 Penn Inft, 8-?-1862 to 7-7-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 18 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, wound in arm & leg, rheumatism, 25 years

30. 68-71, James E. Burns, Private, Co. A, 39 ?? Inft, 8-16-1861 to 8-7-1865, 3 yrs 11 mos 25 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Diarrhea, sunstroke in US service 25 years

31. 69-72, Minnie, widow of Merlin P. Liberty (Liberty P. Merlin?),   Lieut(?), Co. H, 1 Tenn Inft, 12-1861 to 12-1865, 4 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Husband died March 97 of Fistula(?), PO address-Kingfisher OK

32. 72-76, Absalom Neeaberg(?), Private, Co. E, 27 ?? Inft, 8-12-1861 to 9-12-1863 1 yr 7 mos, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Lame ankle caused by US service 27 years

33. 73-76, Homer W. Johnson, Private, Co. E, 44 ?? Inft, 4-17-1864 to ?-17-1865, 10 mos, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Diarrhea, rheumatism & kidney disease, 25 years

34. 87-90, Benjamin Williams, Private, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Gunshot wound, not at home

35. 96-99, Hannibel C. Sablain(SaclainSaclair?), Leut, Co. G, 35 Ill(?) Inft, ?-1-1862 to 12-29-1864, 2 yrs 9 mos 29 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Rheumatism & lose of hearing in one ear, 26 years

36. 102-105, Jerry(?) E. Stone, Private, Co. E, 97 Ill(?) Inft. 8-18-1862 to ?-21-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 5 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, diarrhea, weak eyes, 25 years

37. 103-109, Samuel Crenlofe(?), Corp, Co. C, 8 Ohio Inft, 7-1861 to 7-1864, 3 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher OK, vericose veins, 26 years

38. 116-119, Nelson Lenighton(Leiughton?), Private, Co. E, 10 Ind(?) Inft, 9-7-1861 to 74-1865, 2 yrs 9 mos 27 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Consumption, heart disease, re-inlisted veteran

39. 126-129, George Jackson, Private, Co. E, 65 Mo Inft, ?-1-1863 to 7-1865, 2 yrs 6 mos, PO address-Kingfisher OK, scurvy contracted in US service 25 years

40. 130-133, Charles R. Conarst(Canarst?), Private, Co. G(?), 16 Iow(?) Inft, ?-12-1862 to 6-16-1863, 1 yr 3 mos, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Gunshot wound in hand, heart disease, 27 years

Page-blank, SD-125, ED-17, Minor Civil Division-Kingfisher

13. 224-228, Alexander Fraley, Private, Co. K, 40 KY(NY?) Inft, 7-22-1863 to 1-6-1865, 1 yr 5 mos 17 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Diarrhea caused by US service 25 years stoney(?)

14. 234-238, William W. Fraley, ???, Co. L(?) ?? Cav(?), 9-19-1862 to?-17-1865, 3 yrs 6 PO address-Kingfisher OK

15. 235-239, Samuel H. Frisbey, Private, Co. B, 10 ?? Inft, 6-1-1862 to 6-1-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Rheumatism, slight wound in US service 25 years

16, 236-2?1, Benjamin H. Frisby, Private, Co. I, 44 Wis(?) Inft, 12-1-1865 to 12-1-1866, 1 yr, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Prisoner at Harpers Ferry, in US service

17. 18-19, Johnettion(?) Morgan, Private, Co. G, 123, ?? Inft, 8-12-1862 to 6-20-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 20 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Throat dessar(?) & diarrhea in US service 25 years

18. 21-23, Gustoves(?) Bollenback, Private, Co. B, 96 Ill(?) Inft, 8-9-1862 to 1-14-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 5 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Ulceres, ears partially deaf caused by artilery, ag 64

19. 23-25, Clark Jones, Private, Co. B, 8 ?? Inft, 7-1-1861 to 9-15-1863, 2 yrs 2 mos 15 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK

20. 28-31, William H. Clark,  Private, Co. A, 14 ?? Inft, 1-1-1862 to 7-21-1865, 4 yrs(?) 6 mos 21 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Weak back contracted in US service 26 years

21. 25-27, George W. Williams, Private, Co. H, 98 Ill(?) Inft, 3-7-1865 to 9-8-1865, 6 mos 1 dy, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Diarrhea 25 years

22. 32-35, Henry C. Keefer, Private, Co. B, 124 ?? Inft, 8-4-1864 to 9-30-1865, 1 yr 1 mos 26 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Diarrhea 25 years

23. 39-42, Joseph Merritt, Private, Co. E, 107 ?? Inft, 8-1-1862 to 4-1-1865, 2 yrs 7 mos, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Gunshot wound in thigh, serving, discharged for wound(?) 25 years

24.  46-49, Louis C. Hopkins, Private, Co. Y(?), 12 Mo(?) Cav, ?-1-1864 to 4-15-1866, 2 yrs 1 mos 15 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Diarrhea, incurred in US service 24 years

25. 47-50, David A. Diegger(Dregger?Dieyger?), Private, Co. G, 2 Neb(?) Cav, 12-1-1861 to 12-1-1863, 1 yr, PO address-Kingfisher OK

26. 48-52, Samuel H. McCormick, Private, Co. G, 38, ?? Inft, 3-5-1862 to 3-5-1863, 1 yr, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Mustered out on account of wounds, 26 years

Page-blank, SD-125, ED-17, Minor Civil Division-Kingfisher

41. 2-2, Cavid(David?Carid?) Copenbarger(Lopenbarger?Lorenbarger?), Private, Co. B, 107 Ill Inf, 8-9-1862 to 6-19-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 10 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, shell wound ?? hand, caused by US service 26 years

42. 4-4, John W. Aylca, Private, Co. A, 85 Ill(?) Inft, 7-?-2862 to 5-29-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 6 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Chronic diarhea, heart disease caused by US service 26 years

43. 5-5, Francis M. Alyca, Private, Co. A, 85 Ill Inft, 7-18-1862 to 6-18-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Chronic diarhea, piles, part deaf incured in US service 26 years

44.  7-7, Daniel H. Pemberton, Private, Co. B, 77(?) Ohio Inft, 11-2?- 1861 to 9-12-1862, 9 mos 22 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, ?alp of ??? ??? caused by fever, turner(?) on hea(?) discharge on ?ery Certificate

45. 70-73, John W. Presler, Private, PO address-Kingfisher OK, discharge lost have no record

46. 79-82, David McCarr(marked through as Confederate), PO address-Kingfisher OK, no record

47. 95-98, Augustus H. Lacey, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Gunshot wound at Ft. Dolalson, absent

48. 109-112, William R.(B?) Burnes, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Gunshot wound in hand, not at home

49. 238-242, John H. Harrison, No record, PO address-Kingfisher OK, gunshot wound, not at home

50. 246-250, Charles E. Ogden, Private, Co. F(H?), 38 Ill Inf, 2-1-1864 to 3-12-1866, 2 yrs 1 mos 12 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Chronic Diarhea & piles, 27 years

Page No.-blank, Supervisor's District No.-125, Enumeration District No.-17, Kingfisher, County of-Kingfisher, State of-Oklahoma, Enumerated June 1890 by H.C. Stoflse(?)

1. 251-255, George W. Smartwont(?), Corp. Co. F, 143 Az(?) In, 8-20-1862 to 7-20-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 11 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, gunshot sun strok in line of duty

2. 267-2??, Sheldon A. Shepherd, Private, Co. L, 3 O Cal, 1-4-1864 to 8-4-1865, 1 yr 7 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Chronic diarhea & rheumatism

3. 264-268, Samuel Brockston, Priv, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Blind one eye, not at home

4. 273-277, Steven Butler, Private, Co. B, 2 Neb(?) Col, 10-4-1862 to 9-4-1863, 1 yr 10 mos 20 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Deaf in both ears caused by fever? in service

5. 274-278, Thomas J. Smith, Private, 10 Md(?) Inf

6. 274-278, Thomas J. Smith, Marine, 12-25-1861 to 1863, 2 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Chronic diarhea, contracted in ???

7. 277-281, Josiah A. Tice, Private, no record, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Chronic diarhea, absent from home

8. 283-287, James McKnight, Private, Co. K, 13 US Col Inf, 10-26-1863 to 1-5-1868, 2 yrs 2 mos 9 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Rheumatism & weak eyes 27 years standing

9. 284-288, Ridrick J. Allen, Priv, Co. A, 2 Col Cal, 1862 to 1866, 4 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Chronic Diarhea, gunshot wound

10. 286-290, James O(?) McGinnis, Corp, Co. G, 90 Ind(?) Inf, 8-11-1862 to 7-17-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Rupture, heart disease

11. 287-291, Thomas Coyne, Priv, Seaman Indianola, 12-23-1862 to 7-11-1864, 1 yr 6 mos 19 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

12. 287-291, Thomas Coyne, Priv, Regular army, 3 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Chronic catarrh(?), 25 years standing

Page-blank, SD-125, ED-17, Minor Civil Division-Kingfisher

13. 302-309(?), George ? Smith, Private, Co. A, 137 Az(?) Inf, 7-?-1863 to 12-1866, 3 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, gunshot wound in knee in US service

14. 313-317, William A. Adams, Private, Co. T(?), Co. 1, Ind(?) Cav, 9-1863 to 5-1865, 2 yrs 4 mos

15. 313-317, William A. Adams, Private, Co. H, 16 Ind Inf, 4-1861 to 5-1862, 1 yr 1 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Rheumatism, liver disease & bronchitis, 25 years

16. 314-318, William W. Roger(Rages?), Private, Co. D, 13 Ill Cal, 1-3-1863 to 9-23-1865, 2 yrs 8 mos 20 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Liver disease & bronchitis

17. 320-324, Charles B. Howe, Priv, Co. A, 14 Mo(Ms?) Cal, transfer

18. 320-324, Charles B. Howe, Private, Co. G, 4 Mo(Ms?) Cal, 1-24-1862 to 2-4-1865, 3 yrs 9 mos,  PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Internal ulcus(?)

19. 322-327, William King, Sarg, Co. D, 16 Col Inf, 4-1863 to 4-1866, 3 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Lame back, general disability

20. 327-31, Michael Shearn(Shears?), Private, Co. G, Ka(?) Cal, 1-30-1864 to 7-15-1865, 1 yr 5 mos 25 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Lung disease caused by measles 25 years ago

21. 332-336, William C. Vines, Priv, Art Cal, 1862 to 1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Rheumatism hands & feet de??? out of shape

22. 335-339, Thomas Ford, Priv, T(?), 51 Ill Inf, 7-25-1865 to 9-25-1865, 7 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, serious(?) Prostration 6 years

23. 338-342, Daniel Preston, Priv, Co. A, 7 Iow(?) Cal, 7-1861 to 5-1862, 10 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Gun shot leg & arm, 28 years ago

24. 364-365, Thomas F. Phillips, Priv, Co. B, 145 Ill Inf, 5-1864 to 9-1864, 5 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Siatic Rheumatism

25. 371-374, John Roggers, 1st Lt, Co. G, 19 Pa Cal, 10-19-1862 to 12-19-1865, 3 yrs 2 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Malaria, soriasa(?) scurvy, piles & rheumatism

26. 375-379, Richard Hausing, Marine, Dinlplin(?), 5-1863 to 12-1864m 1 yr 6 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

Page-blank, SD-125, ED-17, Minor Civil Division-Kingfisher

27. 374-378, Nathan V. Cleaver, Lit, Co. H, 79 O Inf, 8-14-1862 to 10-8-1864, 2 yrs 1 mo 28 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Gunshot wound, chronic diarhea 25 years

28. 379-383, Leonadas(?) Chapman, Priv,  Co. K, 60 Ill Inf, 11-18-1860 to 7-20-1862, 2 yrs 9 mos 2 dys, PO address-Kingfisher OK, Bronchitas, partially deaf

29. 386-390, William S. Hurt, Priv, Co. K, 106 Ill Inf, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, not at home

30. 392-397, James H. Posey, 2 Lieut, Co. D, DC(?) Cav, 4-15-1-861 to 7-15-1862, 3 mos

31. 392-397, James H. Posey, Capt, Co. D, 1 DC(?) Cac, 7-20-1861 to 12-1-1866, 4 yrs 5 mos 10 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Gunshot wounds

32. 396-401, Joshua Se? Robinson, Sarg, Co. F(T?), 1 Kan Inf, 8-11-1862 to 3-34-1864, 1 yr 7 mos 13 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Rupture

33. 397-402, Daniel Porter, Priv, Co. B, 115 US Col Inf, 8-3-1864 to 2-10-1866, 1 yr 6 mos 9 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Spinal disease caused by US service 26(?) years(?)

34. 398-403, William Burger, Priv, Co. D, 2 US Col Artil, 4-21-1865 to 4-24-1866, 1 yr 3 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Gunshot wound

35. 404-409, Joel T. Crofut(?), Priv, Co. K, 50 Pa Inf, 8-19-1861 to 9-7-1863, 1 yr 3 mos 18 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Heart disease 26(?) years(?) standing

36. 407-412, Lewis C. Seward, Lieut(?), Co. E, 11 Ill Inf, 1-11-1865 to 1-11-1866, 1 yr, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Lost one eye

37. 412-417, Alfred E. Miller, 2nd Lt, Co. A, 8 Ky Cav, 10-1861 to 11-1863, 2 yrs 1 dy, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Rheumatims, Piles & Diarhea

38. 419-424, Milton Slites(?), Priv, Co. A, 26 Mic Inf, 8-12-1862 to 6-4-1865, 2 yrs 9 mos 22 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Diarhea & Piles(?)

39. 428-433, Henry C. Winchester, Pric, Co. T(?), 34 Ill Inf, 9-29-1861 to 7-12-1865, 3 yrs 9 m os 12 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Muscular Rheumatism

40. 432-437, Joshua Dean, Priv, Co. T(?), 2 Ka Cal, 1861 to 1861, 3 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

Page (can't read), SD-125, ED-17, Minor Civil Division-Kingfisher

41. 433-438, Joseph Triplett, Priv, 7 O Cav, 1862 to 1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

42. 451-451, Abijah(?) Johnson, Priv, 28 Ky Inf, 1862 to 1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Rheumatism, piles, Diarhea

43. 367-371, James H. Alurris(Alwris?), ??, Co. H, 4 Ill Cal, 1862 to 1865, 2 yrs 10 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma

44. 470-476 Orlando Northrup, Priv, Co. T(?), 6 Pa Inf, 4-1861 to ?-1864, 3 yrs 7 mos, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Gunshot wound & rupture

45. 473-479, Joseph R. Paradis, Priv, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Asthma

46. 477-483, James M. Sherpy, No record, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Bronchitis caused by measles

47. 481-487, Howard Lucas, Priv, Co. L(?), 138 Ten(?) Inf, 5-15-1864 to 9-22-1864, 4 mos 7 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma,Rheumatism

48. 484-490, James Cooder, Priv, Battn H, O, 1862 to 1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Rheumatism & catarah

49. 486-492, Gun(Givn?) Omey, Pri, Ar(?) Cav, 1863 to 1865, 2 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher Oklahoma, Rupture, asthma ????? standing

50. 493-499, Thomas(Dhomas?) C. Dugan, Pr, Co. A, 7 Kan(?) Inf, 1-29-1864 to 7-12-1865, 1 yr 5 mos 13 dys

Page No. 1, Supervisor's District No. -Oklahoma, Enumeration District No.-18, Township 15, Range 4 West, County of-Guthrie, State of-Oklahoma, Enumerated June 1890 by Silas W. Rhodes

1. 17-17,  Oscar P. Roberts, Private, Co. N, 2 Wis Cav, Jan 21, 1865 to July 29, 186?, 6 mos 8 dys, PO address-Downs El Reno Co. O Ter, Inflamation stomach

2. 18-18, James W(?) Bogart, Private, Co. B, 33 Ind Inf, 3-6-1865 to 8-1865, 5 mos, PO address-Downs El Reno Co. O Ter

3. 21-21 Benjamin F. Woodworth, Bugelor, Co. B, 5 Kas Cav, 3-9-1862 to 11-9-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Downs El Reno Co. O Ter, Sunstroke, galstone colia

4. 33-33, Oliver J. West, Private, Co. C, 28 Ill Inf, 8-5-1861 to Jan 1, 1864, 3 yrs 4 mos 25 dys & Corporal, Co. C, 28 Ill Inf, 1-5-1864 to 6-15-1866, 1 yr 1 mos, 10 dys, PO address-Downs El Reno Co. O Ter, wound in left shoulder, reinlisted as verteran 6/64

5. 39-39, Noah B. Ruhl, Corporal, Co. H, 100 Ind Inf, 8-18-1862 to 6-25-1865, 2 yrs 7 mos 10 dys, PO address-Downs El Reno Co. O Ter, Liver and kidney disease resulting chronic rheumatism

6. 53-55(?), George Watts, Private, Co. G, 8 Iow Cav, 10-3-1863 to 2-3-1866, 2 yrs 4 mos, PO address-Downs El Reno Co. O Ter, one eye injured also breast complaint

7. 45-47, William Watts, Private, Co. C, 10 Iow Inf, 1861 to 1864, PO address-Downs El Reno Co. O Ter, rupture, sunstroke

8. 46-48, James R. Mowry(Mowing), Private, Co. D, 128 Ohio Inf, 11-6-1863 to 7-13-1865, PO address-Downs El Reno Co. O Ter, Chronic Diahoer, troubled to pres time

9. 55-57, Saul Harding, Private, Co. K, 48 Miss(?) Inf, 1864 to 1865, PO address-Downs El Reno Co. O Ter, diarhoe & scurvy

10. 55-57, Alphens G. Clark, Private, Co. B, 26 Ind Inf, 4-4-1864 to 10-?-1865, 1 yr, PO address-Downs El Reno Co. O Ter, Rheumatism ankles

11. 75-77, James J.Rhodes, Private, Co. A, 10 Ill Cav, ?-21-1861 to 6-6-1866, 4 yrs 3 mos, PO address-Edmond Guthrie Co. O Ter, Piles

12. 86-88, William C. Wood, Sargent, Co. A, 42 Ill Inf, 8-13-1861 to 6-5-1864, 3 yrs 9 mos 22 dys, PO address-Edmond Guthrie Co. O Ter, Gunshot wound leg, suffered from gangreen in wo??ud(?)

Page 2, SD-125, ED-18, Minor Civil Division-blank

13. 102-105, Thomas J. Lindsey, Sergent, Co. M(?), 17(12?) ?? Cal, 2-29-1864 to 4-11-1866, 2 yrs 1 mo 11 dys, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter, Deranged(?) stomach liver

14. 104-107, Henry Hipple, Private, Co. H, 129 Penn Inf 8-14-1862 to 5-30-1863, 9 mos, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter, Rheumatism, heart disease

15. 105-108, Arthur Calvin, Sergent, Co. F(?), 27 Ind Inf, 8-1861 to 9-1864, PO address-Guthrie Guthrie Co O Ter, 2 wounds shoulder & arm

16. 111-114, William H. Piersall, Private, Co. I, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter, absent could not ??? Pos?????

17. 120-123, John Chitwood, Private, Co. B, 13 Ken(Kan?) Cav, 1863 to 1865, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter, Catarrah head, could not get dates

18. 124-127, Luther H. Hill, Private, Co. G(?), 86(?) Ohio Inf, 6-20-1863 to 2-10-1864, 7 mos 20 dys, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter

19. 127-130, Jehial(Jebiah?) R.Craig, Private, Co. D, ? Ill Cav, 10-1861 to 186?, PO address-Guthrie Guthrie Co O Ter, ?us? by horse, could not get dates

20. 135-138, Rhuben Lowder, Private, Co. K(?), 99 Ill Inf, 8-1862 to 1865, PO address-Guthrie Guthrie Co O Ter, Weak lungs, could not get dates

21, 141-144, Tomas(?) Pearson(?) (marked through), Private, PO address-Guthrie Guthrie Co O, Bayonet wound - knee

22. 165-168, George B. Mills, Corporal, Co. K, 9 Iowa Cav, 6-1861 to 2-3-1866, PO address-Wandel(Waudel?) Kingfisher Co O Ter, Rheumatism, partial deafness

23. 196-200, Alford F.  Goodhue, Private, Co. .K, 1 NH Art, 9-13-1864 to 6-15-1865, 8 mos 28 dys, PO address-Wandel(Waudel?) Kingfisher Co O Ter, Lungs & Kidneys

24. 212-216, Fillier(?) L(T?) U?rels(?), 1st Lieut, Co. C, 95 Ill Inf, 9-3-1862 to 8-30-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 27 dys, PO address-Wandel(Waudel?) Kingfisher Co O Ter, Crippled in lower limbs

25. 221-225, Jason O. Brewster, Private, Co. F, 40 Ohio Inf, 9-25-1861 to 9-26-1864, 3 yrs 1 dy, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter

26. 236-241, Joseph E. Ruhl, Sergarnt, Co. L(?), 13 Ind Inf, 1-1862 to 9-1865, 2 yrs, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter

Page 3, SD-125, ED-18, Minor Civil Division-blank

27. 257-262,  Ferverra(?) Hugelo, Herve(?) Smith, Private, Co. J(?), 29 Ill Inf, 8-11-1861 to 8-11-1864, 3 yrs, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Te, Crippled by fall left b????

28. 250-255, Charles H. Morris, Private, Co. H, 126 NY(?) Inf, 8-6-1862 to 6-2-1865, 2 yrs 9 mos 24 dys,PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter, Lung diseasee

29. 267-272, Michael Eaton(Eotuw?Eatow?), Private, Co. E, 116 Ill Inf, 8-4-1860 to 12-1861, PO address-Wandell(Waudel?) Kingfisher Co O Ter, Wounded foot

30. 278-283, Spea??(Shcu?Skiu?Spencer?) W. Johnson, Ensign Navy, ?-1862 to 10-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter

31. 288(?)-285, Thomas G. Black, 1st Lieutenat, Co. C. 70 Ill Inf, 1-1862 to ?-1862, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter

32. 280-285, William S. Berry, Private, PO address-Kingfisher Kingfisher Co O Ter, Chronic diahrea & porlaps bowels, wound left thigh

33. 282-287, Frank Rector(Reator?), PO address-Kingfisher Kingfisher Co O Ter

34. 293-299, Burrel W. Burchett, Corporal, Co. H, 22 Kan(Ken?) Inf, 10-22-1861 to 1-26-1865, 3 yrs 5 mos, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter, Rheumatism, wounded right shoulder, inflamation kidney

35. 305-310, John Ross, Private, Co. B, 111 Ohio Inf, 1862 to 1865, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter, Weak lungs

36. 312-317, John W. McTutina(Lutina?), Private,  Co. D, 32 Mo Inf, 10-3-1862 to 7-18-1865, 2 yrs 9 mos 15 dys, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter, Wound in head & deafness

37. 317-322, John Short, Private, Co. B, 5 Ken(Kan?) Cav, 10-1-1861 to 7-1865, 3 yrs 9 mos 9 dys, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter

38. 327-331, Joe Wassan, Corporal, Co. A, 5 Kan Cav, 7-16-1861 to 4-21-1865, 3 yrs 9 mos 5 dys, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter, Weak lungs

39. 331-335, Samuel McCall, Co. B, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter

40. 333-337, Soloman S. Cole, Private, Co. G(?), 12 Kan Inf, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter

Page 4, SD-125, ED-18, Minor Civil Division-blank

41. 335-339, Samuel Abercrombie, Private, Co. H(K?), 11(7?17?) ?? Cav(?), 8-1864 to 1865, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O. Ter, Weak lungs

42. 363-407, Joseph R. Parker, Private, PO address-Kingfisher Kingfisher Co O Ter

43. 368-373, George ? Tobias, Private, Co. K, 120 Ind Inf, 11-1864 to 1866, PO address-Box 218(129?) Kingfisher Kingfisher Co O Ter, weak lungs

44. 370-375, Funlan(?) G. Miller, Private, Co. A, 68 Ohio Inf, 10-13-1861 to 6-27-1862, 8 mos 15 dys, PO address-Kingfisher Kingfisher Co O Ter

45. 371-376, Thomas W(?) Diner(?),  Sergent,  Co. B, 6 Ten(?) Cav, 8-16-1861 to 8-16-1864, 3 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher Kingfisher Co O Ter, Privates crushed

46. 374-379, James S(?) Tucker, Private, Co. C, 8 Kan Inf, 10-1-1861 to 1864, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter, Heart Disease

47. 377-382, Charles G. Kimball, Private, Co. C, 186? to 6-2-1863, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter, Kidney disease

48. 390-395, George B. Olney, Corporal, Co. A, 40 Ohio Inf, 7-13-1861 to 2-10-1863, 2 yrs 3 mos 27 dys, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter, Wound side shoulder,   fracture collar bone

49. 391-396, Joseph B. Seal, Corporal, Co. B, 11 Kas(?) Cav, 1863 to 9-1865, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter, Piles & Rheumatism

50. 394-399, Thomas D. Cassbolt(Casebolt?Canbolt?), Private, Co. E, 3 Iow(?) Inf, 8-25-1861 to 10-17-1862, 1 yr 1 mos 8 dys, PO address-Downs El Reno Co O Ter, Lost left leg, paralasis(?) right leg

Page No. 1, Supervisor's District No.-125(marked through), Enumeration District  No. -19, R 13 R 6, T 13 R 7, T 14 R 6 & 7, County of -Reno, State of-Oklahoma, Enumerated June, 1890 by George D. Allen

1. 1(?)-1, Andrew Smith, Seaman on George B McClella(?), 1861 to 1862, 1 yr 9 mos, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Lost his discharge

2. 4-4, Winston W. Gilbert, Private, Co. F, 49 Ind In, 11-7-1861 to 2-26-1863, 3 yrs 8 mos 10 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma

3. 5-5, John H. Segar(?), Private, 57 Ill Ln, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma

4.8-9, Edwin C. Sheets, Private, Co. F(H?), 20 Iow In, 8-2-1862 to 2-7-1865, 2 yrs 5 mos 13 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma

5. 9-10, John V. Hults, Private, Co. H, 8 Penn In, 2-25-1863 to 7-20-1865, 2 yrs 4 mos 25 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma

6. 11-12, Thomas Cannon(Carmon?), alias Patrick Cannon(Carmon?), 1st Lieut, Co. L., 16 NY Cav, 9-5-1863 to 8-19-1865, 1 yr 11 mos 18 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Shot in foot & hand

7. 17-18, Jacob Bristow(Brinton?), Private, Co. B, 8 Penn In, 1863 to 1865, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Lost his discharge

8. 21-22, Jacob J. Lewis, Private, Co. C, 59 Ohio In, 9-13-1861 to 4-27-1865, 3 yrs 7 mos 14 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Andersonville 9 months 11 days

9. 22-23, William H. Hillman, Capt, Co. H. 57 Mo In, 1861 to 1862, 1 yr, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma

10. Henry A. Franklin, Private, Co. C, 11 NY In, 7-3-1862 to 6-6-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 12 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Piles, Rheumatism & Sunstroke

11. 44-46, Charles Du Bois, Private, Co. K, 1 Iow Cav, 4-15-1861 to 3-12-1866, 4 yrs 11 mos 29 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Wounded battle bayou Milas(?)

12. 45-47, John Leddy, Private, Co. H, 94 Ill In, 7-14-1862 to 8-20-1865, 3 yrs 1 mos 15 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma

Page 2, SD-125(marked through), ED-19, Minor Civil Division-T 12-13 R 6 & 7 Reno(Deno?) Oklahoma

13. 54-56, John B. Martans(?), Private, Co. L(F?), 59 Ill In, 10-7-1864 to 10-7-1865m 1 yr, Lung disease & foot smashed, piles & partially deaf (but all illness is marked through)

14. 59-61, Oliver(?) P. Johnson, Private, Co. H, 6 Kan Cav, 5--27-1862 to 5-22-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 25 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Shot in the leg, Held rank Corp & Sergt

15. 82-84, Joseph E. Martans(?), Private, Co. E, 49 Ind(?) In, ?-17-186? to ^-22-1865PO address-Reno City Oklahoma

16. 83-85, Nathan Beacham, Private, Co. A, 126, Ill Inf, 2-15-1863 to 9-18-1865, 1 yr 7 mos 3 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma

17. 84-86, James Patton, Private, Co. C, 1 Mich I, 1-4-1864 to 7-28-1865, 1 yr 5 mos 25 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Chronic Diarrhea

18. 87-89, John N. Turner, Private, Co. L. 3 Iow Cav, 5-19-1861 to 9-22-1865, 4 yrs 4 mos 3 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Shot in the lef, Lieut 11th Kans Inf

19. 101-103, Silar Richardson, Private, Co. C, 8, Mo In, 186? to 1863, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Chronic diarrhea, hearing bad not able to work at any trade ??? hear

20. 103-105, Jospeh S. Bassinger, Private, Co. K, 18 Ind(?) In, 8-17-1862 to 4-18-1864, 1 yr 8 mos 7 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Consumption, rheumatism contracted ??? ???? copied from ????

21. 107-109, Newton J. Myers, Serg,  Co. K, 12 Kan In, 7-24-1861 to 8-20-1864, 3 yrs 18 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Deaf from gun firing in battle

22. 111-113, Charles A(?) Thomas, Serg, C o. H(F?), 114 NJ(NY????) In, 8-9-1862 to 6-18-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 9 dys,  PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Rheumatism & ?read in bladder causes inflammation

23. 123-125, Thomas A(?) Farris, Serg, Co. K, 21 Mo In, 12-3-1862 to 2-11-1865, 2 yrs 2 mos 8 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Lung disease & foot smashed

24. 133-135, Jacob Coucarociu(?), Private, Co. D, 36 Ind In, 7-10-1861 to 1-15-1864, 3 yrs 5 mos 4 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma

25. 137-139, George D. Allen, Private, Scout, Co. R, 1 Iow Cav, 5-4-1861 to 1-15-1864, 4 yrs 5 mos 18 dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Clinton prison general wreck(?) from 78 days confined

26. 149-151, George W. Smith, Private, Co. F, 20 Iow In, 7-16-1862 to 10-10-1863, 1 yr 2 mos 14 dys, PO address-Frisco Oklahoma

Page 3, SD-125(marked through), Minor Civil Division-Reno Oklahoma
(on our copy on this page Unit, dates, disability and comments are unreadable in most cases)

27. 159-161, Franklin Richards (Richard Franklin?), Private, ????? , 9-15-1862 to ?-20-1865, 2 yrs ? mos ? dys, PO address-Reno City Oklahoma, Gunshot in left leg

28. 165-167, Harrison Lee (Lee Harrison?), Corp, Co. B, 2? Ind(?) In, ?-1861 to ?-?-1865, 3 yrs 8 mos, PO address-Frisco Oklahoma, lungs diseased

29. 189-189, David Captock, Private, Co. G(?), 153 Ind? In, 1864 to 8-8-1865, PO address-Frisco Oklahoma, re-inlisted

30. 188-190, Charles H. Miller, Private, Co. K(?),  ???? 4-3-1861 to 7-19-1865, 4 yrs 3 mos ? dysPO address-Frisco Oklahoma, shot and crippled

31. 189-191, James A. Roberts, Corp. Co.  B(?), 134(?), Penn(?) In ?-6-1862 to ?-20-186?, PO address-Frisco Oklahoma, Chronic diarrhea

32. 194-195, Jacob Slusher(Slushes?), Private, Co. G, 153 Ind(?) In(?), 1864 to 8-?-1865, 9 mos, PO address-Frisco Oklahoma, re-inlisted(marked through)

33. 197-199, John A(F?J?) Kensley, Private, Co. ?, 2? Ind(?) In(?), ?-?-186? to ?-?-1864, 2 yrs 5 mos 2? dys,  PO address-Frisco Oklahoma

34. 203-205, Joseph Coffman, Private, Co. L(?)_, 30 Ohio Ind, 8-13-1861 to 9-22-1864, 3 yrs 10 mos 19(?) dys, PO address-Frisco Oklahoma, Chronic Diarrhea

35. 214-216, Albert W. Sake(Saks?), Private, Co. B, ?? Ind(?) In(?), ?-?-1861 9-31-1863, 2 yrs 4 mos 11 dys,PO address-Frisco Oklahoma, Eyes powder burnt

36. 218-220, Bacon B. Marlin(Warlin?), Private, Co. D, 3 Ohio Cav, ?-?-1862 to ?-?-1864, ? yr, 11 mos 1 dy, PO address-Frisco Oklahoma, Piles, Gunshot in ??

37. 219-221, Levick H. Preston, Private, Co. L(?), 12 ?? Cav(?), ?-?-1863 to ?-?-1865, PO address-Frisco Oklahoma, Mustered ????

38. 237-239, James M. Bryant, Private, Co. D(?), 115(45?) ?? In(?), ?-?-1862 to _?-?-1985, 2 yrs 10 mos 14 dys, PO address-Ualthoon(Ualthoow?Alathoon?Alathoow?), Andersonville

39. 239-241, James M. Castle, Private, Co. ?, 53 ?? ??, ?-22-1865 to ?-?-1865, 2 mos 15(?) dys, PO address-Frisco Oklahoma, Claims he ???

40. 250-252, William H. Taylor, Private, Co. K, 137 Pa(?) ?, 5-?-1862 to 8-1863, PO address-Frisco Oklahoma

Page 4, SD-unreadable, ED-19, Minor Civil Division-Reno(Keno?) Oklahoma
(on our copy here the side of the sheet with the name and address on it is completely unreadable so on this page info starts with rank)

41. Private, Co. H, 22 iow In, 8-13-1862 to 7-25-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 12 dys, ??????? right arm blind from exposure in ?????, R??? of L???? in left leg

42. !st Lieut, Co. F, 118 Ill In, 186? to 5-28-1863, 7 mos

43. Private, Co. B, 150 Ill In, 2-1-1865 to 2-1-1866, 1 yr, ????? affected

44. Private, Co. J(?), 2nd Col Cav, 1-1-1865 to 9-28-1865, 8 mos 23 dys, General order

45. Private,  Co. L(?), 101 Ill In, 7-22-1862 to 7-7-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 15 dys

46. Private, Co. J(L?), 18 Ohio In, 9-23-1864 to 6-10-1865, 8 mos 17 dys

47. Private, Co. B, 13 Mo(?) In, 4-1861 to 186?, captured never exchanged

48. Private, Co. H, 61 Ill In, 11-5-1864 to 9-20-1865, 10 mos 15 dys

49. Private, Co. B, 24 Iow(?) In, 3-30-1864 to 7-17-1865, 1 yr 2 mos 17 dys

50. Private, Co. G, 97 La US Col Inf, papers in Kansas(?), 70 years old & very poor

Page No. 5, Supervisor's District No. -125(marked through), Enumeration District No.-19, T 12-13-14 R 6 & 7,  County of-Reno, State of-Oklahoma, Enumerated by-George D. Allen

1. 322-324, David C.  Bothell, Private,  Co. H, 176 Ohio In(?), 8-30-1864 to 6-14-1865, 9 mos, 14 dys,PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma, Piles, shrunken(?) shoulder caused by fall at Nashville

2. 329-329, Moses W(?) Myers, Private, Co. B, 11 Kan Cac, 8-22-1862 to 9-5-1865, 3 yrs 1 mos 18 dys, PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma, General order-Secretary War

3. 328-330, James Edwards,US Navy, PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma, could not show papers

4. 341-343, George Rockwood(Rookwood?Bookwood?), Private, Co. G, 15 Kan(?) Cav, 9-9-1862 to 2-12-1865, 2 yrs 5 mos 3 dys, PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma, General order - War Dept

5. 349-351, William H. Burton, Private, Co. J(?), 53 Ind In, 8-1864 to 9-20-1865, PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma, General order - War Dept

6. 351-353, Ethanon(?Elhanon?) W. Smith, Private, Co. D, 50 Penn(?) In, 4-1-1862 to 186?, PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma, Transferred 1862 Private(?) Def?l(?)

7. 354-356, John B.  Coykendall, Private, Co. F, 1 Ill C, 7-1-1861 to 2-14-1863, 2 yrs 7 mos 16 dys, PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma

8. 355-357, James L. Godfrey, Private,  Co. E(G?), 1 Le?(?) Cav, 4-1-1864 to 5-3-1865, 1 yr 1 mo 3 dys, PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma, General order - War Dept

9. 362-364, Thomas J.(L?) Cantrell, Private, Co. G, 10 Ill Cav, 9-1861 to 12-1865,  PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma

10. 366-368, William H. Hunt, Private, Co. C, 175 Ohio In, 7-1864 to 1-1865, PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma, General order - War Dept

11. 373-375, Samuel M. Pool, Private, Co. E, 51 Mo(Md) In, 2-20-1863 to 8-30-1865, 2 yrs 6 mos 10 dys, PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma

12. 381-383, Joseph Giosogenhorset(Georogenhorset?), 1st Serg, Co.   A, 37 Ill In, 8-6-1861 to 9-27-1863, 2 yrs 1 mo 21 dys, PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma, Chronic rheumatism, chronic diarrhea, shot in right hip(?)!!!

Page 6, SD-125(marked through), ED-19, Minor Civil Division-Reno, Oklahoma

13. 392-394, William D(?) Stephens, Not at home, discharge cannot be found, from talk with nephew believe he was a Confederate Soldier, PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma

14. 406-408, Glmer(Glenn?Glines?) Samon(Simon?),  PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma, went over to his home, absent

15. 414-416, Henry Dow(Sow?), PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma, not at home

16. 419-419, Daniel Teal(Teat?), PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma, would not give information

17. 418-420, Madison Rogers, Private, Co. B, 16 US Col'd(?), 1864 to 1865, PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma

18. 431-433, Joseph Robertson, Private, Co. F, 67 Ohio In(?), 11-15-1861 to ?-1865, PO address-Rock Island Oklahoma

19. 443-443, George W. White, Private, Co. H, 10 Ohio Cav, 8-12-1863 to 12-15-1864, 1 yr 4 mos 3 dys, PO address-14-7 Reno Oklahoma

20. 446-448, Samuel Shore(Storie?), Private, Co. G, 119 US C(?) In(?), 4-22-1865 to 4-27-1866, 1 yr 0 mos 5 dys, PO address-14-7 Reno Oklahoma, Chronic diarrhea and rheumatism

21. 447-449, Louis Hess(?), Private, Co. L(?), 109 US C In(?), 6-17-1864 to 2-6-1866, 1 yr 7 mos 19 dys, PO address-14-7 Reno Oklahoma, Pleurisy of right side at times paralyzed

22. 450-452, George Clevenger, Private, Co. K(R?), USM, 6 mos, PO address-14-6 Reno Oklahoma, Lung disease, catarrh(?) of head, consumption

23. 450-452, George Clevenger, Private, Co. B, 3 Mo US M I(?), 1-11-1862 to 1-23-1865, 3 yrs 0 mos 21 dys, PO address-14-6 Reno Oklahoma, hearing affected eyes nearly blind

24. 452-454, Henry Payne, PO address-14-6 Reno Oklahoma, Not at home, on the R??Road(railroad?)

25. 450-458, John Matthews, PO address-14-6 Reno Oklahoma, Not at home, on the R??Road(railroad?),  has applied for pension

26. 459-459, Stephen B. Jones, PO address-14-6 Reno Oklahoma, His wife cannot inform, not at home, has applied for pension(marked through)

Page 7, SD-125(marked through), ED-19, Minor Civil Division-Reno, Oklahoma

27. 459-461, James Bochette(Bochelte?Rochette?Rochelte?), Private, Co. D, 96 Ohio In(?), 8-8-1862 to 7-7-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 29 dys, PO address-Rock(?) Island Oklahoma, Catazrk(?) of head

28. 460-462, William D. Smith, Private, Co. F(T?), 98 Ill In(?), 1-1864 to 6-1865, Private, Co. D, 10 Ind Cav, 12-2-1863 to 8-31-1865, 1 yr 7 mos,  PO address-Rock(?) Island Oklahoma, Poison Uirys(?), poisoned by vaccine in ?en?al corps

29. 24-25, Ira M. Sindley(Sin?ley), U.S. Sol, PO Address-Reno City Oklahoma, Chronic diarrhea & deaf

30. 8-9, Edwin C. Sheets, PO address-13-7 Reno Co Oklahoma, Lungs

Page No. 1, Supervisor's District-125(marked through), Eumeration District-20, Township 12 R 5?, County of #4, State of-Oklahoma, Enumerated by- Ishmael Cutright

1. 4-4, H?her(H?hes) T(?) Tappan, Pri, Co. E, 11 Ill Cav, ?-1862 to 11-1865, 3 yrs 9 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Chronic Diarrhea, re-enlisted veteran

2. 5-5, Frank E. Allen, Corp, Co. D, 15 NY(?) Ca, 8-8-1863 to 8-10-1865, 2 yrs 4 mos 2 dys, PO address-Miller, O Ty, None

3. 6-6, Barton W. Hall, Pri, Co. C, 1 Mo Cav, ?-1862 to ?-1865, 3 yrs 4 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Rheumatism & rheumatitis of heart

4. 7-7, John B. Taylor(?), Sergt, Co. D, 4 Ten Mt Inf, 8-29-1864 to 9-30-1866, 1 yr 1 mo, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, None, ????? for 17 months ?? for ?????

5. 11-12, Rhoda E., widow of Charles E. Tappan, Pri, Co. B, 15 NY(NJ?) Inft, 8-25-1862 to 7-19-1863, 10 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, None

6. 12-13, Samuel P. Strahan, Pri, Co. E, 8 Ind I, 5-1861 to 8-1861, 3mos,   PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Wounded 8 times

7. 12-13, Samuel P. Strahan, 1st Lt, Co. G(S?), 54 Ind I, 11-16-1862 to 7(?)-9-1864, 1 yr 2 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea and rheumatism

8. 12-13, Samuel P. Strahan, 2nd Lt, Co. T(F?), 1 Ind H A, 5-1864 to 7-1865, 1 yr 2 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Disability of respiratory org, transferred July 1864 to U V V Engineers(?) served until close of war

9. 14-15, William Wilson, Corp, Co. C, 117 Ill I, 8-18-1862 to 8-13-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Frisco, O Ty,

10. 16-17, William Chambers(Chambess?Chamblen?), Pri(?), Co. A(H?), 84 Ind(?) Inf, 8-9-1862 to 6-1-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty

11. 18-19, Leiors(Levis?Louis??) Gill, Pri, Co. E, 18(?) O Inf, 10-3-1861 to 7-19-1862, 8 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Foot hurt

12. 18-19, Leiors(Levis?) Gill, Pri, Co. E, 149 O Inf, PO address-Frisco, O Ty

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13. 20-22, Benjamin F. Coe(Cae?), Pri, Co. R, 11 O Cav, 2-15-1864 to 8-1866, 2 yrs 6 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Partial paralysis of left side

14. 21-23, Jacob Bauer, Pri, Co. G, 14 Ind Inf, 6-15-1861 to ????(marked through) PO address-Frisco, O Ty

15. 21-23, Jacob Bauer, transferred into -, Sergt, Co. B, 1 US Cav, 10-24-1862 to 10-24-1865(?), PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Chronic Diarrhea

16. 29-32, Benjamin F Sayre, Pri, Co. L, 2 Md(Ind?) Col(Cal), 1861 to 9-1862, 1 yr 6 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty

17, 29-32, Benjamin F Sayre, Corp, Co. B, 118 Ind Inf, 9-1862 to 8-1863, 11 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Prisoner in Andersonville 2 months

18. 29-32, Benjamin F. Saye(?)(same as above), Capt, Co. B, 47 Md(Ind?), 8-1863 to 8-1865, 2 yrs, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Kidney & heart

19. 31-34, James L. Rogers, Pri, Co. I, 145 Md(Ind?) Inf, 1(?)-25-1985 to 1(?)-26-1866, 1 yr, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Liver & kidney change, dyspepsia

20. 32-35, Lorenzo D. Wassen, Pri, Co. E, 110 Ind Inf, 7-1863 to 7-1863, 1 mo,  PO address-Frisco, O Ty,

21. 33-36, James W. Jail(Cail?Lail?), Pri, Co. D, 110 O VI, 8-15-1862 to 1-23-1865,  2 yrs 11 mos 10 dys, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Hemorhoids

22. 35-38, William H(?) M?ey(Moey?), Pri, Co. A(H?), 33 Wis Inf, 8-8-1862 to 8-14-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Sunstroke

23. 42-45, Andrew J. Storosengen(?), Pri, Co. G(S?), 11 O C,  PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Chronic Diarrhea

24. 45-48, Joseph Dillon, Pri, Co. B, 52 Ill Inf, 1-1862 to 7-1865, 3 yrs 7 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Rheumatism and neuralysis(?), re-enlisted veteran

25. 52-55, Margaret A., widow of Cary(Casy) Litbon(Litbures?)

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27. 54-57, Edward D. Wolf, Pri, Co. I, 151 O VI, May 1, 1862 to 9-1864, 2 yrs 4 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea and ???

28. 56-59, William F. Buford(Burford?), Pri, Co. F, 186? to 186?, 2 yrs 6 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea

29. 66-69, Wilson L. Booth, Pri, 28 Iow Inf, PO address-Frisco, O Ty

30. 69-72, Thomas Main, Pri, Co. B, 30 Iow Inf, 1862 to 1865, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea

31. 70-73, Aaron G(S?) Graynok(Graynuk?Griynuh?Griynuk?), Pri, Co. A, 60 NY(?) I, 7-1863 to 1864, 1 yr 4 mos

32. 70-73, Aaron G(S?) Graynok(Graynuk?Griynuh?Griynuk?), Pri, Co. ?, 1 NY C, 1(7?)-19-1865 to 7-6-1865, 6 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Bayonet wound

33. 76-80, Moses Crumby, Pri, Co. T(F?Y?), 15 ??? Inf, ?-1863 to 8-1865, 1 yr 9 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea and piles

34. 78-78, Robert B. Easley, Sergt, Co. G(S?), 21 Ill Inf, 8-15-1861 to 2(7?)-20-1865, 3 yrs 6 mos 5 dys, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, hemmoroids, scurvy, chronic diar, Prisoner Belle Isle ????, Danville and Andersonville

35. 81-85, Moses M. Lester, Pri, Co. L, 9 Ten Cav, ?-1-1864 to 9-13-1865, 1 yr 8 mos 13 dys, PO address-Frisco, O Ty,  Piles and neuralgia

36. 91-94, Samuel Keffer(Keffen?), Pri, Co. F(T?), 39 Io Inft, 8-17-1862 to 8-25-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, disease ?????

37. 91-95, Robert H. Miller(Milter?), 1st Sergt, Co. B, 2 Md Cav, 6-16-1863 to 11-17-1865, 2 yrs 5 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Piles

38. 97-101, William H. Skud(Sheed?Skied?), Sergt, Co. M. 7 Ill Cav, 1-30-1865 to 5-13-1865, 4 mos 13 dys, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Loss of left eye

39. 97-101, William H. Skud(Sheed?Skied?), Capt(Corp?), Co. M. 8 Ill Cav, 9-1981 to 11-14-1861, 3 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea

40. 97-101, William H. Skud(Sheed?Skied?), Pri, Co. D, 11 Ill Inf, 4-25-1861 to 7-25-1861, 3 mos,  PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Heart disease & rheumatism

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41. 110-113, William H.H. Sigler(?), 1st sargt, Co. D, 86 Ind Inf, ?-10-1862 to ?-27-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 17 dys, PO address-Eda, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea, transferred to vet r corps

42. 111-115, Mark(Monk?Mork?) Cunningham, Pri, Co. F, 42 NY Inf, 11-1863 to 7-1865, 1 yr 8 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty

43. 120-121, Timothy Somes(Games?Somer?), Pri, Co. B, 12 O VI, 4-11-1861 to 7-1861, 3 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Deaf, sight injured, wounded at Vicksburg

44. 120-121, Timothy Somes(Games?Somer?), Pri, Co. D, 114 O VI, 8-1862 to 7-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Plurisy in left leg

45. 121-125, Samuel Rice, Pri, Co. K, 29 Iow Inf, ?-?-1864 to 7-1865, 1 yrs 6 mos, PO address-Eda, O Ty

46. 123-127, John Eulesland(Eulerlin?), Pri, Co. K, 152 Ill Inf, ?-8-1865 to 9-11-1865, ? yr ? mos ? dys, PO address-Eda, O Ty,

47. 127-131, Elam(?) R. Smith, Pri, Co. A, 2 O VI, 8-24-1861 to 10-10-1864, 3 yrs 1 mos 6 dys, PO address-Eda, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea, rheumatism

48. 129-133, Thos A. Bowles, Pri, Co. L(T?), 10 O VC, ?-15-1863 to 186?, PO address-Miller, O Ty, Plurisy of heart, gunshot in right thigh

49. 130-134, Ezra(?) Foster, Pri, Co. R, 6 M?? Vol, 4-1861 to 7-1861, 8 mos, PO address-Miller, O Ty

50. 138-143 Daniel S(?) Conch, Corpl, Co. F, 23 Mo Inf, 10-1861 to 7-3-1865, 5 yrs 4 mos, PO address-Miller, O Ty, Prisoner at Tibby(Libby)

Page 5(15 marked through), Supervisor's District-125(marked through), Enumeration District-20, Township 13-10-11-12 Range 4-5, County of-No. 2 & 4, State of-Oklahoma

1. 192-197, William T. Burton, Pri, I or K(R?), 52 Ind Inf, 8-1864 to 9-1865, 1 yr 1 mo, PO address-Frisco, O Ty

2. 199-202, David M. Thomas, Pri, Co. F, 34 Iow(Ind?) Inf, 8-15-1862 to 6-13-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 2 dys, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea

3. 198-205, Samuel M. Pool, Pri, Co. F, 51(7?) Mo Inf, ?-20-1865 to 8-?-1865, 6 mos 8 dys, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Weak eyes and lung, served 2 years ???? ?????

4. 202-207, John H. Ularah(Tilarch?????), Pri, Co. C, 8 NY(?) Cav, ?-26-1861 to ?-27-1865, 3 yrs 9 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Rheumatism, re-enlisted veteran, in prison(?) 5 mos(?)

5. 203-208, George H. Watkins, Pri, Co. M, 12 Mo(?) Cav, 2-1-1864 to 4-11-1866, 1 yrs 2 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea

6. 207-212, John H. Godfrey, Pri, Co. E, Tex(Ten?) Cav, 4-5-1864 to 5-3-1865, 1 yrs 1 mo, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Skull fracture above right eye, deaf in left ear

7. 207-214, John H. Godfrey, Pri, Co. E, Tex(Ten?) Cav, 186? to 186?, 1 yr 1 mo, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea

8. 217-222, Charles C. Russell, Pri, Co. A, 18 Iow Inf, 7-13-1862 to 4-21-1864, 1 yr 10 mos 30 dys, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, General disability

9. 220-225, James H. Smith, Pri, Co. A, 16 Iow Inf, 11-20-1861 to ?-4-1864, 2 yrs 2 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Wounded at Shiloh, prisoner at ?????

10. 220-225, James H. Smith, Pri, Co. A, 16 Iow Inf, ?-5-1864 to 7-19-1865, 1 yr 6 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Rheumatism, ????? & ?????

11. 229-234, James P. Gray(?), Pri, Co. B, 6 Ind Inf, 4-1861 to 8-1861, 4 mos, PO address-Britton, O Ty, Rheumatism, heart illness, transfer o???????

12. 229-234, James P. Gray(?), Sergt, Co. L(T?), 39 Ind Cav, 9-1861 to ?-1864, 3 yrs 2 mos,  PO address-Britton, O Ty, Piles & wounded & 8 cavalry

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13. 242-247, Joseph P. Conn(?), Sergt, Co. D, 48 O VI, 10-1-1861 to 7-17-1865, 3 yrs 6 mos, PO address-Miller, O Ty, hernia, re-enlisted veteran

14. 246-2?7, Joshua S. Vincent, 1st Lt, Co. C, 13 Iow Inf, ?-?-1861 to 7-26-1865, 3 yrs 8 mos 24 dys, PO address-Britton, O Ty, re-enlisted veteran

15. 247-252, James M(W?) Chaffer,  PO address-Edmond, O Ty, re-enlisted veteran

16. 262-267, Wm J. Hatton(?), Pri, May(?) S?????? USS, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Asthma and deafness, discharged ?? from disability?

17. 264-269, Nancy, widow of Sandius(Sardius?) G. Polk,  Pri, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Gunshot wound in left arm, disabled from unit(?)

18. 290-236, Thomas J. Muher(Muker?), Pri, Co. H, 11 Mo Inf, ?-20-1861 to ?-15-1866, 4 yrs 7 mos 5 dys,PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Piles and rheumatism

19. 272-238, Ivan S. Clark, Pri, Co. G(S?), 11 Kas(?) Cav, 7-29-1862 to 5-1864, 2 yrs 4 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Dispepsia

20. 293-299, Milton S. Hanod(Harod?Hann?Hamm?Hanu?), Pri, Co. D, 45 O VI, 8-6-1862 to 8-9-1865, 2 yrs 9 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Disability incurred-Senualgia(?)

21. 295-301, Charles Austin, Pri, Co. D, 7 Mo Cav, 1863 to 9-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Wounded in leg and hand at Mobile, Ala

22. 303-310, William H. Crigles(Crigler?Cigler?Cigles?), Pri, Co. K(?), 3 DE(?) Inf Mt, ?-1-1865 to 8-8-1865, 5 mos 8 dys, PO address-Frisco, O Ty

23. 304-311, Hillary C. Bunch, Pri, Co.  H, 8 Ten Cav, ?-19-1865 to 9-19-1865, 7 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Chronic Diarrhea, re-enlisted veteran

24. 307-314, James Porter (color), Pri, Co. D, 2 Ten Col, 1862 to 1864, 2 yrs 2 mos

25. 195-200?, John W. Conner, Pri, Co. G, 8 R?? R???, 4-25-1861 to 7-186?, 1 yr 3 mos

26. 307-324, Daniel Killingsworth(Rillingsworth?), Pri, Co. E, 1 WVa(?) Cav, 9-23-1861 to 7-8-1865, 3 yrs 10 mos 10 dys

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27. 317-324, Fritz Ammon(Ammon Fritz?), Private

28. 322-329, David Smith,

29. 321-328, Vincent Anuesson(Amuson?), Private, Co. E(?), 29 O. VI, 1863 to 1865, 2 yrs,  PO address-Oklahoma City, O.Ty, Rheumatism

30. 325-332, William H. Miller(Milles?), Private, Co. I, 12 Iowa(Ind?) Cav, 11-1-1861 to 5-1-1862, 1 yr, PO address-Oklahoma City, O.Ty, Rheumatism, In Andersonville 6 mos

31. 331-332, Oliver H(K?) Ratts(Katts?), PO address-Oklahoma City, O.Ty

32. 336-343, William D. Earl, Corp, Co. I, 1 Iow(Ind?) Cav, 4-1-1862 to 3-7-1866(5?), 3 yrs 8 mos,  PO address-Oklahoma City, O.Ty, General Debility

33. 337-344, Sylvester Wells, Private, Co. I, 6 Kan(?) Cav, 10-1861 to 8-1862, 10 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O.Ty, Neriseclysis(?) & left eye out

34. 322-329, David Smith, Private, Co. H(A?), 142 O. VI, 9-?-1864 to ?-21-1865, 9 mos 4 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, O.Ty, Rheumatism

35. 344-351, George H. Nervy(Nuvey?)

36. 347-354, Peter D. Shoup, Sergt, Co. k(?), 29 Iow(?) Inf, 10-1-1861 to 12-2-1865, 4 yrs 2 mos 2 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, O.Ty, Finger shot off

37. 347-354, Peter D. Shoup, Private, Co. I, 9 ??? Inf, 4-18-1861 to 8-1-1861, 3 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O.Ty, Wound in leg(?)

38. 348-355, Benjamin Myena(?), Private, Co. C, 140 Iow(?) Inf, 10-5-1861 to 7-11-1865, 8 mos,  PO address-Oklahoma City, O.Ty, Rupture

39. 354-361, William S. Gregory, Private, Co. S(G?), 22 Iow(Ind?) Inf, 10-8-1861 to ?-8-1863, 1 yr 6 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O.Ty, Gunshot wound

40. 358-365, Lucinda, widow of William B. Rash, Private, 21 Mo(?) Inf, 8-1861 to 4-1862, 10 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O.Ty, Debility(?)

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41. 155-160, George Blackerly(Blackenly?), Private, Co. C, 6 Mo Cav, 7-8-1862 to 3-1864, 2 yrs 2 mos, PO address-Miller, O. Ty

42. 155-160, George Blackerly(Blackenly?), Private, Co. C, 10(18?) Mo Cav, ?-?-1864 to ?-?-1866, 2 yrs 2 mos, PO address-Miller, O. Ty

43.  164-169, Henry J. Wages(Major?), Private, Co. B, 3 Ark Cav, 1863 to 1863, 2 yrs, PO address-Edmond, O. Ty

44. 165-173, Samuel Hardy, 2 Maj, Co. C, 9 Mo Cav, ?-4-1864 to ?-?-1865, 1 yr 6 mos 9 dys, PO address-Edmond, O. Ty, Hernia

45. 174-179, John P. Guyes(?), Corp, Co. H, 45 Ill Inf, 4-27-1864 to 1864, PO address-Frisco, O. Ty, Chronic Diarrhea

46. 176-181, Lester Weston, 1 Lt, Co. H, 152 Org(?) Inf, 7-25-1862 to ?-?-1863, 6 mos, PO address-Frisco, O. Ty, Chronic Diarrhea

47. 176-181, Lester Weston, Private, Co. B, 90 NY(NJ?) Art, 9-3-1864 to 7-1865, 10 mos, PO address-Frisco, O. Ty,

48. 185-190, James P. Goff, Sergt, Co. B, 1 WVa Lt Art, 9-2-1861 to 10-22-1864, 3 yrs 1 mos 24 dys, PO address-Frisco, O. Ty, Right leg off, shot through left

49. 186-191, William M. Mattoch(Matlock?), Sergt, Co. C(E?), 58 Ill Inf, ?-1-1863 to ?-1-1866, 3 yrs 1 mo, PO address-Frisco, O. Ty, Rheumatism, reenlisted veteran

50. 196-201, Elisanthan(Eluanthan?Elmanthan?) W. Smith, Private, Co. D, 50 Penn Inf, 5-1862 to 186?, 3 mos, PO address-Frisco, O. Ty, Lamfever to prove mashed??

Page 9, Supervisor's District-125(marked through), Enumeration District-20, Twp 13-14-11 Range 4-5, County of-blank, State of-Oklahoma, Enumerator-Ishmael Cutright

1. 358-365, John S. Rash, Private, Co. A(H?), 3 Mo(?) Cav, 8-8-1861 to 2(7?)-27-1865, 3 yrs 6 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Wounded in head(?)

2. 357-364, William H(K?) Gilliand, Sergt, Co. F, 11 Mo Inf, 7-25-1861 to 7-20-1866, 4 yrs 5 mos 25 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Diarrhea, piles & liver, totally disabled

3. 359-366, John H.(?) Ferguson, Private, Co. E, 4 Ind(?) Cav, ?-1862 to 4-1965, 3 yrs 4 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty

4. 360-367, Warren B. Herriman(?), Private, Co. K, 1 Iowa Ca, 5-1861 to 4-1864, 3 yrs 4 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty

5. 362-369, Ephraim Brooks, Private, 7 Mo(Nev?) Cav, 6-1861 to 7-12-1864, 2 yrs 7 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Caused by falling horse(?)

6. 362-369, Ephraim Brooks, Private, Co. K, 1 Mo(Nev?) Cav, 7-18-1864 to 7-13-1865, 1 yr, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Hemmohage of stomach, reenlisted veteran

7. 363-370, Charles E. Dunn, Private, Co. G(S?), 3 Iowa Inf(?)m 7-1861 to 1864, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Transferred to 2nd Iowa Infantry(?)

8. 366-373, George C. Foster(Fortes?), Private, Co. H, 29 Mo Inf, 8-15-1862 to 7-1863(8?), 6 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Chronic Diarrhea

9. 367-376, William B. Nesbitt, Private, Co. G(S?), 38 ??? ???, 8-22-1861 to 7-22-1865, 3 yrs 11 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Reenlisted veteran

10. 369-376, Alexander C. Brady, Private, Co. H, 13 Mo Inf, 6-1861 to ?-1861, 5 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Hernia at Lexington, Mo, Caflunco(?)

11. 376-384, William D. Cole, Private, Co. F(T?), 30 O. VI, 8-27-1861 to 1865, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Broken ankle, reenlisted veteran

12. 379-387, Monk(Wonk?Mork?) C. McAfee, 2 Lt, Co. D, 87 Ind(?) Inf, 8-9-1862 to 7-30-1863, 6 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Hurt by R??????gt???

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13. 3?4-3?2, William O. Woods, Private, Co. G(F?), 126 O VI, 8-2-1862 to 6-20-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Rheumatism, kidneys & stomach, prisoner at Andersonville 10 m

14. 3??-4??, Ebnezer(?Eleaner) Mills, Private, Co. B, 4 Cal(Col?) Vol, 3-28-1865 to ?-18-1866, 1 yr 1 mo, PO address-Milller, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea, horse fell, broke arm ???? ????

15. 409-417, John P. Cartwright,  PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty

16. 410-418, William W. French(?), Lieut(?), Co. G(?), 183(?) ???(Ny?NJ?) Inf, 9-?-1864 to 7-13-1865, 10 mos 10 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Chronic lung & heart disease (marked through)

17. 411-419, James A.H. Markwell(?) (marked through), Private, Co. A, 145 Id(?) Vol,7(?)-14-1865 to ?-?-1866, 1 yr 1 mo, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Chronic lung & heart disease

18. 418-427, William McGrady, Private, Co. H, 11 Ind Bat, 7-15-1862 to 7-7-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Chronic Diarrhea

19. 419-428, Thur??? Hays, Private, Co. C, 123 Ill Inf, 8-9-1862 to 1-26(?)-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 19 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Rhuematism, gunshot wound

20. 420-424, Henry C. Hurst(Huret?), Private, Co. B, 69 Md(?) Inf, 8-9-1862 to 7-5-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 27 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Heart & lung disease, prisoner

21. 421-450, Ishmael Cutright, Private, Co. K(?), 2 Md(Mo?) Cav, 2-1-1865 to 7-12(?)-1865, 4 mos 12 dys,  PO address-Frisco(?), O Ty, Chronic affection of heart(?)

22. 423-282(?),  William Tompkins, Private, Co. H(?), 2 Col Cav, 10-1862 to 10-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Lost left eye & chronic diarrhea

23. 324-327(?), John P. N??tt??f??(N??ll??f??)(Nietlfan?) (marked through), Sergt, 10 WVa(?) Inf, 9-8-1861 to 12-29-1864, 3 yrs 3 mos 21 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Rheumatism, stomach & bowel

24. 425-435(?), James Kelly, Private, Co. T(F?), 7 Kas Cav, 9-1961 to 9-1865, 4 yrs 10 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, O Ty, Bronchitis & wound, reenlisted veteran

25. 4??-???, Ann Edwards(?), widow of John E. K????(N????), Lieut(?), 133 Ill Inf, 8-9-1864 to 3(?) 24-1865, 4 mos 17 dys, PO address-Edmond, O Ty

26. 4??-4??, Anne E, widow of John O(?) Mone(?), Chap, 154 Ill Inf, ?-23-1865 to 9-18-1865, 6 mos, PO address-Edmond, O Ty

Page 11, SD-125(marked through), ED-20, Minor Civil Division-Th(?) 14 R 4 Oklahoma

27. 435-445, William J. Ladd, Capt, Co. I, 85 Ind Inf, 8-15-1862 to 5-19-1865, 2 yrs 9 mos 18 dys, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Struck by shell, head & heart injured

28. 437-447, Brison(?) Leonaver(?), Sergt, Co. G(S?), 75 Ill Inf, 6-1862 to 6-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 11 dys, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Lympal(?) affection ???? feet

29. 452-462, Jay H. Morton, Private, Co. G, 95 Ill Inf, 8-4-1862 to 8-17-1865, 3 yrs 13 dys, PO address-Edmond, O Ty

30. 460-470, Isaac W. Daniel, Private, Co. F(T?), 7 Kan Cav, 9-25-1861 to 9-29-1865, 4 yrs 4 dys, PO address-Edmond, O Ty,

31. 462-472, George Elinek(?), Capt, Co. D, 30 Iow Inf, 8-1-1862 to 6-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Seurclgie(?) of muscle of heart & rheumatism

32. 468-474, Joseph L. Chamberlain, Capt, Co. S, 46 Iow(?) Inf, 10-24-1861 to 9-4-1865, 3 yrs 11 mos 20 dys, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea, reenlisted veteran

33. 476-487, Hardee(?) C. Hawkens, Sergt, Co. B, 17 One(Ore?) Lt Art, 8-13-1862 to 7-8-1865, 2 yrs 4 mos 28 dys, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Scuvy(scurvy?) & disease ??? ???, reenlisted veteran

34. 485-496, Andrew Adkinson(?), Private, Co. A, 10 WV Inf, 9-1861 to 1865,, PO address-Edmond, O Ty

35. 486-497, William R. Vaughn, Private, Co. H, 36 Iow(?) Inf, 1861 to 186?, PO address-Edmond, O Ty

36. 486-497, William R. Vaughn, PO address-Edmond, O Ty

37. 492-503, Edmond(?) Splies(Shells?) (marked through), Private, Co. G(S?), 3 Ill Cav,  1861 to 1864, 3 yrs 8 mos, PO address-Edmond, O Ty

38. 499-510, William Stanbrough, Private, Co. H, 29 Mo(?) Inf, ?-14-1863(?) to 7-14-1863, 11 mos, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea & its effects

39. 500-511, Henry J. Sheldon, Private, Co. A, 33 Wis(?) ???, 2-15-1864 to 5-30-1865, 1 yr 3 mos, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea & ???

40. 505-516,  S????K A.(?) Leedom, Corp,  Co. G, 1 O Light, 9-16-1861 to 7-22-1865, 3 yrs 10 mos 20 dys, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Chronic diarrhea, piles & rheumatism & scruvy, reenlisted veteran

Page 12, SD-blank, ED-20,  Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma

41. 516-517, William L. Whisler, Sergt, Co. I, 23 Iow Inf, 8-1862 to 7-25-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Center, O Ty, Gunshot wound left thigh

42. 512-523, Clois Specht, Artifee(rank?), 1 ?? Eng, 8-15-1861 to 9-28-1864, 3 yrs 1 mos 18 dys,  PO address-Center, O Ty, Rupture & right chest

43. 519-530, William Baskins, Sergt, Co. K, 4 Mo(?) Cav, 3-4-1862 to 4-9-1865, 3 yrs 1 mos 3 dys, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Eyes(?) affected by sinus

44. 531-532, Michale J. Creswell(?), Corp., Co. D, 17 Pa Cav, 10-28-1862 to 8-7-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Wounded(?)

45. 544-556, John H. Starkweather(Storkweather?), Private, Co. A, 1 ??? Inf, 4-25-1861 to 5-28-1862, 1 yr 1 mo, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Rheumatism

46. 544-556, John H. Starkweather(Storkweather?), 2nd Lt, Co. B, 10 Mich(?) Cav, 9-1862 to 10-25-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Gunshot wound, prisoner 10 months

47. 546-552, Henry R. Caste(Carte?), Corp, Co. G, 6 W(M?N?U?) Ca, ?-11-1862 to ?-21-1864, 2 yrs 2 mos, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Nervous(?) debility (continued on next line)

48. 546-552, Henry R. Caste(Carte?), Sergt, Co. C, 14 Mo(?) Cav, ?-22-1864   to ?-12-1866, 2 yrs 2 mos, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, caused by stroke, reenlisted veteran

49. 547-???, Laurence Gannon(Garvin?), Sergt, Co. C, 6 Kas(?)  Cav, 4-1862 to 1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Edmond, O Ty

50. 550-562, Franklin Tenyia(?Timges???), 1st Lt, Co. A, 21 Pen  Ca, 7-1-1863 to 8-?-1865, 1 yr 10 mos, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Shoulder ??? Heart rheumatism ??? ???

Page 13, Supervisor's District-1(with 25 marked through) Enumeration District-20, Townships 13-14-11-12 Range-4-5, County of-No. 4, State of-Oklahoma, Enumerator-Edward(?) Cuiyts, initialed by OH

1. 557-569, Simon(?) P. Starr, Private, Co. B, 125 Ill Inf, 8-10-186? to ?-?-1862(3?), 4 yrs 16 mos(sb 4 mos 16 dys?), PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Chronic Diarrhea

2. 577-589, James Conly, Private, 10 Tenn Cav, 186? t0 1865, 2 yrs, PO address-Downs(?), O Ty, Lung disease, shot through left thign

3. 580-592, Pliardiue(?), widow of William Hinderman(?), Private, I(J?), 7 Iow Inf, 8-1-1861 to 7-12-1861(?), 3 yrs 11 mos 12 dys, Downs, O Ty, Chronic Diarrhea, Reenlisted veteran

4. 586-598, Nathan V(?) Culvers, Private, Co. G, 15 NJ Vol, 8-25-1861 to ?-2-1865, 3 yrs 5 mos 20 dys, POa ddress-Edmond, O Ty, Rheumatism, gunshot wound in left shoulder ???

5. 587-601, Monas(?) Dickerson(Dickenson?), Private, Co. A, 13 Kan(?) Inf, 10-28-1862 to 1-26-1865, 2 yrs 8 mos, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Disease(?) eye, prisoner of war 19 months

6. 592-604, Leander McMeir(?), Private, Co. B, 33 Iow Inf, ?-13-1862 to 7-17-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, (can't read disability)

7. 596-608, John C. Goe(Soe?), Private, Co. E, 3 MS M, 12-17-1861 to 10-29-1862, 1 yr 10 mos 10 dys, PO address-Matthewson(?), O Ty, Chronic diarrhea

8. 596-608, John C. Goe(Soe?), Private, Co. E, 12 Ind Cav, 10-29-1863 to 4-9-1865(?), 2 yrs 6 mos, PO address-Matthewson(?), O Ty, Rheumatism

9. 598-610, Henry P.  Gouler(?), Private, Co. G, 12 Org(?) Inf, 10-15-1861 to 7-1865, 3 yrs 9 mos, PO address-Matthewson(?), O Ty, Rheumatism & loss of right leg(?), shell ????? in ????, Reenlisted veteran

10. 624-237(?),  John Cooper, Private, C(E?), 3 Ill Cav, 8-12-1861 to 10-1865, 4 yrs 2 mos, PO address-Kingfisher, O Ty,  Heel hurt, reenlisted veteran

11. 624-637, Thomas W(M?) Sinne(Dinne?), Sargt, Co. D, 6 Mo Cav, 8-16-1861 to 8-16-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Kingfisher, O Ty

12. 655-666, George A. Marshall, Private, Co. I, 2 Ten Inf, 11-1864 to 6-1865, 7 yrs(sb 7 mos?), PO address-Center, O Ty

Page 14, SD-1, ED-20, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma

13. 659-672, William P. Smith, Private, 4 Ky Inf, 6-1861 to 1862, 6 mos, PO address-Edmond, O Ty, Spinal Dability

14. 66?-676, William(?? W?ll???(Williams?), Private, Co. B, US Lt Art, 5-17-1861 to 4-31(?)-1865, 4 yrs 5 mos 13 dys, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Gunshot in left leg, Reenlisted veteran

15. 664-677, John R(D?) Coykendall, Capt, Co. G, 11 Ill Cav, 9-1861 to 2-19-1863, 1 yr 5 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Hernia & heart disease(?) & partial sunstroke

16. 664-677, John R.(D?) Coykendall, Private, Co. F, 1 Ill Cav, 6-1861 to 10-1861, 4 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty

17. 667-680, Thomas J. Coutsall(Coutnall?), Private, Co. G, 10 Ill Cav, 9-1861 to 12-1865, 4 yrs 2 mos, PO address-Frisco, O Ty, Nuireslyis(Wicseslyes?), Reenlised veteran

18. 674-687, William B. Murphy, Private, Co. C, 44 Ill ???, 9-23-1864 to 1(6?)-15-1865, 8 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City

19. 675-688, John W. Jones, Surgeon, 12 M? Cav, 1861 to 1865, 4 yrs, PO address-Frisco, O Ty

20. 668-681, James E. Roberts, 64 Pa(?) Inf, PO address-Frisco, O Ty

21. 669-682, William H. Hurst

22. 679-692, John R. Coykendall

23. 627(?)-640(?), Howard J. Crossfield(?), (marked off as Conf)

24. 195-200, John M(?) Cannon(?), (marked through, could be Conf)

25. 191-196, George Rockwood

Page 5, Supervisor's District-125 Oklahoma, Enumeration District-21, Oklahoma, County of-No. 4, State of-Oklahoma, Enumerator- T.D. Gibson

1. 287-289, Chas S. Little(Bittle?), Corp, Co. H, 148 Ill In, 1865 to 1866, 9 mos, PO address-Frisco, OK Ter, Indigestion

2. 285-287, Reuben R. Fry, Private, Co. B, 125 NY In, 8-6-1862 to 6-5-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 15 dys, PO address-Frisco, OK Ter, General debility from hardships in prison camps

3. 271-274, W.T. Bottoms, Private, Co. F, 60 Ill In, 12-24-1861 to 4-5-1865, 3 yrs 3 mos 12 dys,  PO address-Frisco, OK Ter,  Chronis Diarrhea, crippled in right shoulder

4. 316-324, H.H. Flesher, Private, Co. J(I?), 8 Mo Cav, 4-22-1862 to 4-22-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Liberty, OK Ter, Rheumatism & Chronic Diarrhea, wounded in 4 places

5. 316-324, H.H.  Flesher, Private, Co. B, 4 Mo Home Guards, 6 mos, Po address-El Reno, OK Ter, Chronic Diarrhea, lost index finger on left hand

6. 367-373, Moses D. Wright, 1st Lt, Co. A, 147 Ind Inft, 1864 to 1865, 1 yrs, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter (one of the above Flesher maladies could belong here as he is listed with two different PO address & two different maladies)

7. 365-370, Henry Castens, Private, Co. A, 35 Miss(Mass?) Inft, 5-1864 to 7-1865, (one of the above Flesher maladies could belong here as he is listed with two different PO address & two different maladies)

8. 365-370, Henry Castens, Private, Co. A, 29 Mass Inft, 1865 to 1866

9. 354-359, J.W. Hughes, 1st Sgt, Co. K, 8 Mich Cav, 10-1863 to 9-27-1865, 2 yrs,  PO address-El Reno, OK Ter, Chronic Diarrhea

10. 354-359, J.W. Hughes, Sargt, Co. F(H?T?), 15 Mich Inft, 12-1861 to 9-1862, 9 mos

11. 369-369(?), Jas W. Snyder, Private, Co. H, 2 Cal(Col?) Inft, 1862 to 1865, 3 yrs, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter, Crippled in back & leg

12. 363-368, Joseph Hamilton, Private, Co. C, 3 Col Cav, 1862 to 1864, 1 yr, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter, Asthma & Pyles

Page 6, SD-125 Oklahoma, ED-21, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma

13. 370-375, John L. Johnson, Sargt, Co. A, 2 Ill Art, 1862 to 1865, 2 yrs 10 mos, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter, Wounded in left leg

14. 370-375, James Thompson, Co Sadler, 1st Mo Cav, 1862 to 1865, 3 yrs

15. 27-28, Jackson Berger, US, PO address-Town10 R 16 W

16. 112-115, Elonzo D. Butcher, US, PO address-Town 11 R 7 W

17. 96-97, John Yoults(Yonlts?), US, PO address-Town 11 R 7 W

18. 69-70, John F(T?) Burge, US, PO address-Town 11 R 6 W

19. 159-162, John Kerby, US, PO address-Town 11 R 7 W

20. 156-159, Marion W(?) Rumbley, US, PO address-Town 11 R 7 W

21. 124-126, John G. Peniston, US, PO address-Town 11 R 6W

22. 138-143, John W(?) Wright, US, PO address-Union City

23. 148-154, Thomas Wadkins, US, PO address-Town 12 R 7 W

24. 236-244, Wm G. McDonald, US, PO address-Town 12 R 7 W

25. 230-235, Robert Walker, US, PO address-Town 12 R 7 W

26. 221-227, Gillman C. Wall, US, PO address-Town 12 R 7 W

Page 1, Supervisor's District-Oklahoma, Enumeration District-21, Oklahoma Ter, County of-District No. 21, State of-Oklahoma Ter, Enumerated by Thos D. Gibson

1. 1-1, Thos D. Gibson, Corp, Co. C, 6 Mo Cav, 9-1861 to 3-1862, 6 mos, PO address-Union, OK Ter, Lungs affected caused by exposure with measles, served 2 months in a independent campaign in 61

2. 1-1, Thos D. Gibson, Corp, Co. D, 4 Mo Cav, 4-3-1862 to 4-5-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Union, OK Ter

3. 10(?)-19, Isaac M. Cooper, Private, Co. F, 9 Ks Cav, 8-14-1862 to 6-24-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos, PO address-Union, OK Ter, Rheumatism, not able to work on farm

4. 22-25, Charles Ricketts, Private, Co. B, 1 Mou(?) Inf, 4-1861 to 9-18-1862, PO address-Union, OK Ter, Loss of right arm, draws pension

5. 28-29, R.S. Champs(?), Sargt, Co. A, 24 Mi(Mo?) Inf, 8-1861 to 186?, 3 yrs 4 mos, PO address-Union, OK Ter, Lungs affected caused by exposure with measles, never has applied for pension

6. 34-35, Daniel Rigdon, PO address-Town(10) R (16) W, He was away from home

7. 85-87, George Bly, Private, Co. A, 61 Penn Inf, 3-1864 to 7-1865, PO address-Union, OK Ter, Rheumatism caused by exposure

8. 65-66, James K. Massa (marked through, could be Confederate), Private, Co. L(T?), 23 Iow(?) Inf, 6-1862 to 6-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma, Wounded in right knee, Mobile Spanish Fort

9. 71-72, Cromwell P. Taylor, Private, Co. A, 4 V(?)F(?) RC, 9-1-1861 to 9-22-1864, Chronic Diarrhea, contracted in 1863, on the pension roll (this chronic diarrhea and pension roll could belong to Ezra Pool and not on this line)

10. 89-90, Ezra Pool, Private(?), Co. D, 19 Wis(Mis?Ms?) Inf, 3-1862 to 2-1864, 1 yr 10 mos 15 dys, PO address-Union, OK Ter, Chronic Diarrhea, contracted in 1863, on the pension roll (this chronic diarrhea and pension roll could belong to Cromwell P. Taylor and not on this line)

11. 89-90, Ezra Pool, Sgt, Co. J, 47 Wis(Mis?Ms?) Inf, 3-1865 to 8-1866, 7 mos

12. 130-132, Thomas Burrell, 1st L, Co. K, 189 NY Inf, 4-24-1861 to 6-1865, 3 yrs 5 mos, PO address-Thurston, OK, Chronic Diarrhea, not on pension roll

Page 2, SD-Oklahoma, ED-21, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma

13. 97-98, James C. Kirby, Private, Co. D, 42 Ms(Mo?) Inf, 8-8-1864 to 9-1865, 1 yr 1 mo, PO address-Union, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Epilepsy, on pension role at ?? & ??  m?

14. 132-134, Wells(?) S. Rice, Capt, Co. D, 5 Ioa(?) Inf, 7-1861 to 1-1861(says 1, should be 2???), 6 mos, PO address-Frisco, OK Ter, Disability incurred-kidney disease

15. 142-144, William Mullendon(Mullendor?Wullendon?), Private, Co. A, 41, Ind(Iwa?) Cav, 1861 to 1864, 3 yrs,  PO address-Frisco, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Chronic diarrhea, not on pension role

16.151-153, Clark Tompkins, Private, Co. D, 18 Mo Inf, 7-27-1861 to 11-17-1864, 3 yrs 3 mos 17 dys, PO address-Frisco, OK Ter, Disability incurred-from(?) wounds

17. 168-171, Martin Boon, Private, Co.  B, 4 Iow(?) Inf, 1864 to 1865, 8 mos, PO address-Frisco, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Chronic Diarrhea, not on pension role

18. 173-176, John J. Campbell, Private, Co. B, 11 Ks Inf, 1863(?) to 1865, PO address-Frisco, OK Ter, Disability incurred-rupture

19. 176-179, Caldwell Sadd, QM, 121 Ill Inf, 9-20-1862 to 12-25-1862, PO address-Frisco, OK Ter

20. 115-120, Frank Walker, Private, Co. E, 5 Iow(?) Inf, 3-3-1863 to 6-7-1865, 2 yrs, PO address-Frisco, OK Ter

21. 225-231, James D. Harston, Capt, Co. C, 48 Mo Inf, 1863 to 7-3-1864, 9 mos, PO address-Frisco, OK Ter, Disability incurred-kidney disease, not on pension role

22. 199-200, Eugene Sage, Private, Co. E, 20 Wis(Ms?) Inf, 2-28-1864 to 3-16-1866, 2 yrs, PO address-Frisco, OK Ter, Disability incurred-rupture, no on pension role

23. 202-205, Nathanial L. Haywood, Co. E, 19 Mass(?) Inf, 1863 to 1865, PO address-Frisco, OK Ter, not on pension role

24. 202-205, Nathanial L. Haywood, American Navy, 1869 to 1871, 3 mos(sb years?), PO address-Frisco, OK Ter

25. 1(?)-207, Benjamin Hudson, Private, Co. L, 7 Tenn(?) Inf, 11-1-1864 to 7-17-1865, PO address-Frisco, OK Ter, Disability incurred-mease(?) eyes from measles, made application for pension

Page 3, SD-Oklahoma, ED-21, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma

27. 117-122, John C. Creiger, Sargt, Co. E, 21 MO(?) Inf, 3-6-1862 to 12-4-1865, 1 yr 3 mos, PO address-Union, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Chronic Diarrhea, on pension role

28. 117-122, Elizabeth Bean, widow of Thos Nalkin(Walkin?), Private, Co. E, 18 Iowa Inf, 6-21-1862 to 186?, 4 mos, PO address-Union, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Died of heart disease, on pension role

29. 139-144, John J. Covert, Sargt, Co. B, 2 Ill Cav, 8-12-1861 to 186?, PO address-Union, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Lombard(?) abcess, Prisoner at Carol Station

30. 139-144, John J. Covert, Private, Co. C, 106 Ill Inf, 10-1862 to 186?, PO address-Union, OK Ter, Tenn 9 mo & 22 days

31. 139-144, John J. Covert, 1 Sgt, Co. D, 145 Ill Inf, 1862 to 186?, PO address-Union, OK Ter

32. 143-149, Samuel  Blodgett, Private, Co. L, 94 NY Inf, 1861 to 1862, 1 yr, PO address-Union, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Wounded in left arm, Battle Bull Run

33. 143-149, Samuel Blodgett, Private, Co. H, 20 NY Cav, 1863 to 1865, 2 yrs,PO address-Union, OK Ter

34. 144-150, Sherman Mockabea(?), Private, KY Inf,  1861 to 1865, 4 yrs, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Pyles, arm broke and wounds in leg

35. 167(?)-163(?), William C. Muzzy, 1 Sgt, Co. D, 1 Ill L Art, 9-15-1861 to 1863(?) 3 yrs 11 mos 9 dys, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter

36. 167(?)-163(?), William C. Muzzy, 1 Sgt, Co. D, 1 Ill L Art, 1863 to 117-28-1865, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter

37. 167-163, Amos B. Muzzy (marked through),  Artf(?), C o. D, 1 Ill L Art, 186? to 7-1863,  1 yr 6 mos, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter

38. 176-182, James A. Williams, Sargt, Co. H, 12 Mo Cav, 1-1864 to 4-1866, 2 yrs 6 mos, PO address-Frisco, OK Ter

39. 193-199, Calvin P. Sides, Private, Co. A, 54 Ill Inf, 2-1861 to 7-1865, 3 yrs 6 mos, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter, Disability incurred-sore(?) eyes and pyles

40. 208-214, W.S. Soww(Sarvw?Sawrv?Saww?), Private, Co. I, 18 ?? Inf, 8-10-1861 to 8-23-1864, 3 yrs 0 mos 13 dys,  PO address-El Reno, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Rheumatism and heart disease, deaf in right ear

Page 4, SD-Oklahoma, ED-21, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma

41. 215-221, Wiliam S. Orbaun(?), Sargt, Co. A, 8 Ind Battery, 12(?)-1861 to 1-25-1866(?), 3 yrs, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Wounded at Shilo in right leg

42. 220-226, Sanford Doty, Private, Co. H, 83 Penn Infty, 8-1861 to 8-1-1862, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Crippled at Malvin Hill

43. 220-226, Sanford Doty, Private, Co. C, 2 Penn Heavy Artlery, 2-1862 to 3-1865, 4 yrs 3 mos, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter

44. 228-229, Orville P. Light, Chap, 7 Min, 1862(?) to 1864, 1 yr 10 mos, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Deafness in right ear

45. 232-237, Francis Marion Bartley, 1st Sargt, Co. J, 146 Ind Inf, 2-13-1865 to 8-31-1865, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Heart disease, receives sun(?) stroke

46. 235-240, Alexander Henderson, L?anls(?)man(oman), Marble Head Gun Boat, South Atlantic Blockading squad, 1 yr, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Wounded in both legs, at stono(alono?) river inlet

47. 246-251, Jacob R. Musgrove(gorve?), Private, Co. E, 37 ov vi(?), 7-20-1861 to 7-20-1865, 4 yrs, PO address-El Reno, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Reumatism, wounded in 3 places

48. 257-262, Isaac C. Hendricks, Maj, 1st Ind H?av Artillry, 1861 to 2-3-1866, 4 yrs 6 mos, PO address-Frisco, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Spinal Disease

49. 250-256, C.A. Harvley(?), Sarg, Co. C, 38 Ms(Mo?) Inf, 1863 to 1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Frsico, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Wounded in left thigh

50. 248-25?, Ira(Iva?) Pack, Private, Co. H, 5 O?? Inf, 1861 to 1865, 3 yrs 6 mos, PO address-Frisco, OK Ter, Disability incurred-Rheumatism and deafness

Page 5, Supervisor's District-Oklahoma, Enumeration District-22, Township 10R4W, County of-blank, State of-Oklahoma Ty,  Enumerator-Daniel(Samuel?) F. Parr

1. 410-412, John M(?) Miller, Private, Co. A, 146 Ill Inf, 1864 to 1865, PO address-Mapre(?), OT

2. 423-425, John R. Stiner(?), Private, Co. C, 114 Penn(?) Inf, 8-1862 to 1865, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

3. 427-431, Richard Thompson, Private, Co. K, 2 Wis(?) Cav, 1-1862 to 2-1865, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

4. 43?-433, Robert W. Thrayer(?), PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, Disability incurred-shot through right foot

5. 43?-435, Peter R. Raines, Private, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, Disability incurred-shot in the nose

6. 94-95, William E. Bauke, Private, Co. B, 7 Ill Cav, 1861 to 1864, PO address-Township 11R5, Oklahoma

Page 1, Supervisor's District-Oklahoma, Enumeration District-22, Township 11 Range 4 west, County of-No. 2, State of-Oklahoma, Enumerator-Daniel(Samuel?) F. Parr

1. 8-8,  Charles H. Taylor(Trylor?), Private, Co. I, 28 Wis Light Artly, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, Disability incurred-Malarial fever and diahrea, caused from exposure in US war

2. 11-11, Adam Stuber, Capt, Co. M, 17 Ill Cav, 10-1861 to 3-1863, 1 yr 6 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, Disability incurred-Diahrea and rheumatism, caused by exposure, ????? caused by same

3. 19-20, James A. Loughmiller, Private, Co. A, 11 Kan Cav, 8-18-1862 to 9-1865, 3 yrs 2 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, disability incurred-ankle sprained, on crutches 3 months, now walks without appearance of lameness

4. 28-29, Joseph J. Brady, Private, Co. E, 8 Tenn(?) Cav, 2-25-1865 to 9-1-1865, 6 mos 7 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

5. 32-33, William C. Narron(?), Private, Co. G(?), 7 Mo Cav, 3-26-1862 to 4-20-1865, 3 yrs 0 mos 25 dys, , PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

6. 52-53, James O(D?) Hurst, Capt, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, Disability incurred-Shot in right hand, now cannot use right hand

7. 37-38, Prince Evans, Private, Co. H, 17 Ind Inf, 10-25-186 -12-28-1863, 2 yrs 1 mos 3 dys,PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

8. 37-38, Prince Evans, Private, Co. H, 57 Ind(?)  Inf, 12-29-1863 to 12-14-1865, 2 yrs 0 mos 14 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

9. 75-76, Frederick Beck, Private, Co. B, 73 Ill(?) Inf, 8-11-1862 to 8-8-1863, 11 mos 28 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, Disability incurred-Prisoner at Richmond, Va, 2 months, discharged on surgeon's certificate

10. 90-91, Robert F. Wood, Private, Co. K, 136 Ind Inf, 1864 to 1864, 3 mos 3 dys, PO address-Frisco, OT

11. 92-93, Thomas J. Miller, Private, Co. K, 14 Kan Cav, 1-8-1863 to 186?, PO address-Frisco, OT, Discharged on surgeon's certificate

12. 99-100, James Beasley, Private, 2 Col Cav, 3 yrs 6 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

Page 2, SD-Oklahoma, ED-22, Minor Civil Division-Township 12R5, Oklahoma

13. 107-108, Gottlieb Grant(?), Private, Co. C, 10 NY Cav, 2-1864 to 7-1865, 1 yr 5 mos, PO address-Frisco, OT

14. 132-134, Joel P. Keyes, Private, Co. F, 46 Ill Inf, 11-11-1861 to 5-27-1863, 1 yr 7 mos 16 dys, PO address-Frisco, OT, Disability incurred-shot through hand, legs & face

15. 132-134, Joel P. Keyes, 1st Lieut, Co. E, 3 US Cav, 5-27-1863 to 4-6-1865, 1 yr 11 mos 9 dys, PO address-Frisco, OT, Disability incurred-shot through the kidneys, now unable to do heavy work for a living

16. 81-82, Robert O. Keltoner, Private, 3 US Cav, 1862 to 186?, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, Disability incurred-caught cold was sick in bed several months, now living with only two ??? ??? ???

17. 136-139(?), David P. Ogle, Private, 67 Mo(?) Inf, PO address-Frisco, OT

18. 143-145, James H. Clay, Private, Co. V, Kan(Ken?) Cav, 1862 to 10-1865, PO address-Frisco, OT, Disability incurred-shot through both legs below knee

19. 152-154, John C. Roth, Private, Co. A, 3 Mo Inf, 4-22-1861 to 1861, 3 mos, PO address-Frisco, OT

20. 152-154, John C. Roth, Private, Co. B, 4 Mo Cav, 1861 to 12-1861, 3 mos, PO address-Frisco, OT, Disability incurred-shot through neck

21. 154-156, Darnell Burton, widow of Ira Burton, Private, Co. A, PO address-Frisco, OT

22. 156-158, Harry A. Haskins, Private, Co. B, 35 NY Inf, 10-7-1861 to 6-1863, 1 yr 7 mos, PO address-Frisco, OT, Disability incurred-Caught cold from exposure

23. 164-166, Josiah M. Cox, Private, Co. K, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

24. 165-167, Jacob Keller, Private, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

25. 169-171, Samuel L. Matthews, Private, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

26. 178-180, Calb(Cabb?) C. Sanders, Sargent, 124 Ind Inf, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

Page 3, SD-of Oklahoma, ED-22, Minor Civil Division-Township 11R4 Range 4, 11R5, 12R5, Oklahoma

27. 179-181, Charles Percon(?), Private, Co. A, 62 Mo Cav, 8-1862 to 1865, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

28. 196-198, Daniel Mow??, Private, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

29. 206-208, George W. Maxwell, Private, Co. D, 8 Mo(?) Cav, 3-2-1862 to 3-2-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

30. 226-228, James N. Peder(?), Private, Inf, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

31. 249-251, James(Jerome?) Steen, Private, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, Disability incurred-shot through left thigh, now walks louse(Louie???)

32.  259-261, Benj F. Chavra????tt(s)?, Private, Co. F, 70 Ill Cav, 7-4-1862 to 10-23-1862, 3 mos 19 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

33. 261-263, Henry Peck, Private, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

34. 269-271, John G. Surgean(?), Private, Co. A(?), 44 Mo Cav, 1864 to 4-1865, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

35. 274-276, John A. Ta?y, Private, Co. H, 35 Iowa Inf, 1862 to 1863, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, Disability incurred-Caught Cold(?), Discharged on Surgeons certificate

36. 286-288, Henry H. Haywood (black), Private, 43 Ohio Inf, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

37. 288-290, David D. Frost, Private, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

38. 289-291, John Tankersley(?), Sargeant, Co. G, 4 KY Cav, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, Disability incurred-Prisoner at Andersonville 3 months

39. 325-327, Augustus Darrow, Private, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

40. 330-332, James E. Weaver, Private, Co. E, 1 M??? Inf, 10-1861 to 7-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

Page 4, SD-Oklahoma, ED-22, Minor Civil Division-Township 10R5 Range 4, Oklahoma

41. 337-339, Louis H. Smith, Private, Co. D, 27 Ill Inf, 8-1861 to 1(7?)-19-1865, 3 yrs 4 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, Now sick in bed from chronic pleurisy

42. 338-340, Isaac B. Todd, Private, Co. B, 54 Ill(?) Inf, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

43. 246-348, Benjamin F. eBuckner(?), Private, Co. C, 62 Ill Inf, 1-11-1864 to 3-6-1866, 2 yrs 1 mo 26 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, Disability incurred-Two fingers shot off right hand

44. 349-351, Mary Huff, formerly Mary King, widow of Robert King, Private, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, Disability incurred-Died in hospital from sickness caused while in service of ????(country?)

45. 349-351, Mary Huff, widow of Samuel Huff (marked through), Private, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

46.358-360(?), William Thornton(?), Private, Co. H, 14 Kan(?) Cav, 8-18-1863 to 8-18-1865, 2 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

47. 375-377, Uriah Johnson, Private, Co. H, 161 Ohio(?) Inf(?), 5-2-1864 to 9-5-1864, 4 mos 3 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

48. 377-379, Theodore F. Dixon, Private, Co. K, 3 I??? Cav, 1863 to 1865, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

49. 379-381, Joseph Williamson, Private, Co. D, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT

50. 390-392, Sarah O(A?) Hofford, widow of Isaac Hofford, Private, Co. G, 29 Ill Inf, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, Disability incurred-Taken sick while in service and came home and died, congestive(?) chill about 1866

Page 1, Supervisor's District-125(marked through), Enumeration District-23, Guthrie, County of-First, State of-Oklahoma, Enumerator-Wm Connolly

1. 61-66, Harry G. Cavanaugh, Capt, Co. I, 1 Del V.?. Inf, 9-2-1861 to 7-28-1865, 3-10-1826, PO address-Guthrie

2. ---, John Cemmings, Private, Co. H, 14(19?) NY V. Inf, 5-18-1861 to 5-18-1863, 2 yrs, PO address-Camp Guthrie

3. ---, Theodore Maeder, Private, Co. G, 15 NY V Art, 8-11-1863 to8-29-1865, 2 yrs 18 dys, PO address-Camp Guthrie

4. ---, Maurice Kane, Sergt, Co. C, 87 NY V Inf, 11-17-1861 to 186?,   PO address-Camp Guthrie

5. ---, Maurice Kane, Sergt, Co. C, 40 NY V Inf, 9-1862 to 11-17-1864, 3 yrs, PO address-Camp Guthrie

6. 27-29, Roswell B. Wooder(Wooden?), Private, Co. B, 87 Ind V Inf, 12-26-1863 to 7-21-1865, PO address-Block 86, Guthrie

7. 28-30, James W.(H?) Snyder, Capt, Co. A, 9 NY Art, 8-9-1862 to 6-27-1865, PO address-Block 87, Guthrie

8. 28-30, James W.(H?) Snyder, Colonel, 9 Ny Art, 11-28-1864 to 2-27-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 19 dys, PO address-Block 87, Guthrie

9. 28-30, Bennett Creech, 1st Sargt, Co. F, Iow Inf, 9-9-1861 to 12-16-1864, PO address-Block 87, Guthrie

10. 33-33, John M. Nelson, Private, Co. C, 144 Ill Inf, 9-2-1864 to 7-14-1865, 10 mos 12 dys, PO address-Block 13, Guthrie, Okla

11. 36-36, Jacob Smith, Private, Co. F, 77 Ill Inf, 1-20-1864 to 6-17-1865, 1 yr 4 mos 28 dys, PO address-Suward(?), Guthrie, Okla

12. 37-37, John L.  Howey, Private, Co. K, 140 Ind Inf, 6-1864 to 7-1865, 1 yr, PO address-Block 19, Guthrie, Okla

Page blank, SD-blank, ED-blank, Minor Civil Division-blank

41. 95-97, Hiram Cook, Private, Co. F, 58 Miss Inf, 8-19-1863 to 4-13-1865(66?) , PO address-Block 51, Guthrie

42. 96-98, Jesse Croslin(?), Private, Co. I, 10 Ohio Cav, 12-1863 to 7-1865, PO address-Block 51 Guthrie

43. 98-111, Robert Collins, Private, Co. H, 6 Penn(?) Cav, 8-8-1862 to 186?, PO address-Block 51 Guthrie

44. 98-111, Robert Collins, CS, US Staines(Stainer?) Eastern Kansas, 186? to 1865, 2 yrs 10 mos, PO address-Block 51 Guthrie

45. 100-112, Albert R. Seaman, Private, Co. G, 53 Ind Inf, PO address-Block 52 Guthrie, Disability incurred-Kidneys affected

46. 111-117, Collier(Corlier?Conllier?) Van Dyke, Private, Co. C, 35 Penn Mil, 3-25-1865 to 8-2-1865, 4 mos 8 dys, PO address-Block 52(?) Guthrie

47. 107-115, Tom B. Cam(?), Sarg Maj, 22 Ind Inf, 7-4-1861 to 2-17-1862, PO address-Block 40 Guthrie

48. 107-115, Tom B. Cam(?), Major on Jeff C. Davis staff

49. 107-115, Tom B. Cam(?)m Lieut Col on Jeff C. Davis staff, 3 yrs 11 mos 16 dys

50. 13-17, William Saulsberry, S, Co. M, 1 Reg Min(Miss?) Cav, 12-22-1862 to 11-14-1863, 3 yrs 21 dys, PO address-Block 15(?) Guthrie

Page 7, Supervisor's District-125(marked through), Supervisor's District-23,Guthrie, County of-First, State of-Oklahoma, Enumerator-Wm Connolly

1. 60-65, William S. Robertson, Private, Co. G, 137 I???(J???) Inf, 5-7-1864 to 8(9?)-21-1864, PO address-Guthrie, Block 56

2. 63-68, Henry C. Beavers(Beawes?Beaues?), Private, Co. G, 1 Penn Cav, 8-1861 to 1-1863,  PO address-Block 56

3. 68-73, Edward M. Lester, Corp, Co. F, 35 Ind Inf, 10-12-1861 to12-10-1865, 4 yrs 1 mos 28 dys, PO address-Block 46

4. 72-77, Elijah N. Yates, SM, Co. C, 6 Iowa Cav, 7-19-1862 to 1-17-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 28 dys, PO address-Block 55

5. 73-78, Tiliman(Tilivan?) Lilly, Private, Co. C, 17 Ill Cav, 10-1862 to 10-1865, PO address-Block 55

6. 81-81, Henry D. Harmen, Private, Co. F, 12 Ky Inf, 9-22-1861 to 10-5-1864, PO address-Block 54, Disability incurred-broken shoulder

7. 82-90, John W. Ray, Private, Troop 7 Ohio Cav, 12-7-1863 to 5-17-1865, PO address-Block 53

8. 84-92, Ella R. Hyde, widow of Frederick Hyde, Sarg, Co. F, 1 Min(Miss?) Cav, 10-8-1862 to 12-2-1863,  PO address-Block 46

9. 84-92, Ella R. Hyde, widow of Frederick Hyde, Sarg, Co. D, Min(Miss?) Cav, 7-4-1864 to 3-23-1866

10. 85-93, John W. Clevenger, Corp,  Co. E, 7 Ind Cav, 8-20-1863 to ?-14-1866, PO address-Block 45

11. 85-93, William W. Barbrick(?), Col Sarg, Co. C, 120 Ohio Inf, 11-1863 63 to 5-1864

12. 85-93, William W. Barbrick(?), Sarg, Co. D, 90 NY Inf, 9-1-1861 to 3-1862, PO address-Block 55

Page 8, SD-blank, ED-23, Minor Civil Division, Guthrie, Okla

13. 86-94, Louis Chase, Private, PO address-Block 55, Guthrie, OK

14. 91-99. Alonzo Seaniew(Seamew?Seauiew?Searnew?), Private, PO address-Block 49, Guthrie, OK

15. 100-109, John M. Plummer, Private, Co. E, 38 Ohio Inf, 11-6-1864 to 3-1865, PO address-Block 47, Guthrie, OK

16. 100-109, John M. Plummer, Private, Co. E, 30 Ohio Inf, 5-1865 to 7-1865

17. 108 116, John M. Craig, Sarg, 134 Ind Inf, 4-22-1864 to 9-1864, 4 mos, PO address-Block 55, Guthrie, OK

18. 109-117, Richard King(Krug?Kug?Kiug?), Private, Co. H, 11 Ill Inf, 4-1861 to 186?, PO address-Block 55, Guthrie, OK

19. 109-117, Richard King(Krug?Kug?Kiug?), Musician, 19 Ill Inf, 9-1861 to 3-1862

20. 109-117, Robt M. Hone(?), Sarg, Co. I, 13 Penn(?) Inf, 9-13-1861 to 186?, PO address-Block 55, Guthrie, OK

21. 109-117, Robt M. Hone(?), Sarg, Co. E, 3 Penn Art, 11-21-1862 to 11-9-1865, 4 yrs 1 mos 26 dys

22. 109-117, Harry P. Reeves, Private, 192 NY Inf, PO address-Block 55, Guthrie, OK

23. 110-118, Claibon T. Carr, Private, Co. T, 84 Ill Inf, 8-7-1862 to 1(7?)-8-1865, 3 yrs 5 mos 1 dys, PO address-Block ??, Guthrie, OK

24. 116-119, Samuel(crossed out Lance? written in) Slocum, Private, Co. C, 14 US(Ms?) Inf, 2-20-1862 to 2-20-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Block 19(?), Guthrie, OK

25. 2-2, John Ralston, Private, PO address-Block 59(?), Guthrie, OK, Disability incurred-gunshot wound right leg

26. 6-6, John M. Patterson, Private, Co. H, 7 Ill Cav, 4-1861 to 7-25-1865, 4 yrs 3 mos 20 dys, PO address-Block 55, Guthrie, OK

Page 9(marked over 10), SD-blank, ED-23, Minor Civil Division, Guthrie, Okla

27. 66-70, John T. Taylor, Private, Co. E, 48 Ind I, 2-20-1862 to 8-1864, PO address-Guthrie

28. 66-70, John T. Taylor, Private, Co. K, 147 Ill I, 12-1864 to 12-1865, PO address-Guthrie

29. 79-83, Walter Brewer, Private, Co. C, 115 Ind I, 7-15-1863 to 2(?)-18-1864(?), 8 mos, PO address-Guthrie, Disability incurred-Dyspepsia

30. 81-85, James Kelly, Private, Co. E, 18 Con I, 1861 to 1864, PO address-Guthrie

31. 84-88, John Jones, Private, Co. G, 11 Ill, PO address-Guthrie

32. 85-89, Thomas B. Graves(Glaves?), Private, Co. G, 10 ?? I, 3-5-186? to 6-10-1865, PO address-Guthrie

33. 89-94, William P. Hackney, Private, PO address-Guthrie

34. 90-95, George W. Sexton, Private, Co. B, 71 Ill I, 7-15-1862 to 10-29-1862, PO address-Guthrie

35. 90-95, George W. Sexton, Private, Co. B, 14 Mo I, 12-13-1862 to 10-1865, PO address-Guthrie

36. 96-101, George W. Tanne(Tannes?Tauice?Tauices?Tawies?could be F instead of T), Private, PO address-Guthrie

37. 97-103, William T(F?) Null (marked through), Private, Co. G, 134 Ind I, 5-10-1864 to 9-7-1864, PO address-Guthrie

38. 97-103, William T(F?) Null, Private, Co. F, 147 Ind I, 2-7-1865 to 8-4-1865, PO address-Guthrie, Disability incurred-???

39. 98-104, Daniel Hay, Capt, Co. I, 80 Ill I, 8-25-1862 to 5-16-1865, PO address-Guthrie, Disability incurred-gain(?) debility(?)

40. 101-107, John Harmon, Private, Co. F, 12 Ken I, 9-22-1861 to 10-5-1864, PO address-Guthrie

Page 9, SD-blank, ED-23, Minor Civil Division-Guthrie, Okla

41. 8-8, George Washington, Corp, Co. H, 86 La I, 8-186? to 186?, 2 yrs 8 mos 6 dys, PO address-River Bank,  Guthrie, Okla

42. 9-9, McHenry Brooks, Capt, Co. I(?), 27 Ill I, 7-28-1861 to 6-26-1863, PO address-Block 62, Guthrie

43. 9-9, McHenry Brooks, Major, 9 Ind I,

44. 14-15, Joseph Mabry(Maloney?Mabney?), Private, Co. C, 78 Penn Inf, 8-29-1861 to 11-4-1864, PO address-Block 59, Guthrie, Disability incurred-Optheua(?) of the eye, First suffered at battle of Kensaw Mountain

45. 14-15, George Webster, Private, PO address-Block 59, Guthrie

46. 27-29, James P. Beggs, Private F(W?), 33(5?) Kan C, 1862 to 1863, PO address-Block 61, Guthrie

47. 30-32, Jeptha Sturgeon, Private, Co. A, 33 Ind, PO address-Block 63, Guthrie

48. 53-57, John Howe, Private, PO address-Block 69, Guthrie

49. 63-67, David B. Smart(?), Private, Co. E, 50 Ill I, 9-2-1861 to 12-31-1863, PO address-Block 74, Guthrie

Page 11, Supervisor's District-125, Enumeration District-23, Guthrie, County of-First, State of-Oklahoma, Enumerator- Wm Connolly

1. 103-109, James T(F?) Bell, Private, Co. A, 16 Ill I, 5-22-1861 to 1-8-1865, PO address-Block 70

2. 118-124, John W. Cresman(?), Private, Co. I, 124 Ohio I, 10-17-1862 to 6-9-1863, PO address-Block 73

3. 118-124, John W. Cresman(?), Private, Co. B, 4B(412? 4?) Ohio C, 1-26-1863 to 186?

4. 118-124, John W. Cresman(?), Sarg, Co. H, 13 Ohio C, 2-27-1864 to 7-4-1865

5. 120-126, John R. Smith, Corp, Co D, 17 Ill I, 8-20-1862 to7-8-1865,   PO address-Block 70

6. 121-127, Benjamin W. Bonniage(Bowirage?Bornage?), Private, Co. I, 6 WV(NV?) I, PO address-Block 70

7. 132-138, August Walters, Private, PO address-Block 70

8. 133-139, Benjamin S. Wilson, Private, Co. D, 8 Ill I, 9-22-1864 to 9-22-1865, 1 yr, PO address-Block 70, Guthrie

9. 138-145, John Lunceford(?), Private, Co. H, 3 Ohio Inf, 4-16-1861 to 6-9-1861, PO address-Block 59, Guthrie

10. 138-145, John Lunceford(?), Private, Co. H, 3 Ohio Inf, 6-10-1861 to 5-15-1864

11. 138-145, John Lunceford(?), Private, Co. I, 180 Ohio Inf, 11-18-1864 to 6-7-1865

12. 160-167, Edward W(?) Slawson, Private, Co. D, 50 Penn Inf, 9-1861 to 10-1865, PO address-Block 60, Guthrie

Page 12, SD-blank, ED-23, Minor Civil Division-Guthrie, Okla

13. 161-168, James W. Dooling, Private, Co. I, 118 NY Inf, 8-9-1862 to 7-28-1865, PO address-Block 59, Guthrie

14. 162-170, George Loden(Loder?), Private, Co. G, 25 NY Inf, 4-19-1861 to 8-4-1861,  PO address-Block 59, Guthrie

15. 162-170, George Loden(Loder?), Private, Co. K, 42 NY Inf, 8-6-1861 to 8-27-1864, 3 yrs 0 mos 21 dys, PO address-Guthrie

16. 163-171, David Blubaugh, Private, Co. K, 43 Ohio Inf, 10-7-1861 to 7-7-1865, 4 yrs 3 mos, PO address-Block 6?, Guthrie

17. 163-171, Rebecka Perken(Perkes?Perker?Pesken?Peske?Pesker?), widow of US Soldier, Private, PO address-Block 6?, Guthrie

18. 167-175, Benjamin Eggleston, Private, PO address-Block 6?, Guthrie

19. 171-178, James Goodhue, Private,  PO address-Block 69, Guthrie

20. 6-7, Rufus Tucker, Private, Co. C, 2 Ill Cav, 11-1863 to 8-14-1865, PO address-can't read

21. 7-8, William F. McClane(McClaire?), Private, Co. A, Ind(Iowa?) Mt Inf, 7-7-1864 to 8-1865, PO address-can't read

22. 7-8, William F. McClane(McClaire?), Private, Co. I, 19 Kan Cav, 10-19-1868 to 1869, PO address-can't read

23. 14-15, William Brown, Private, Co. I, 1 Va Cav, 7-1864 to 7-1865, PO address-Railroad Section House

24. 35-37, Salem J. Harding, Private, PO address-can't read

25. 40-2, Jesse A. Stuller(Stulles?Stullen?), Private, Co. A, 94 Ill Inf, 8-6-1862 to 7-20-1865, PO address-can't read

26. 44-46, Thomas Woofe, Private, Co. G(Y?) 7 Ohio Inf, 6-1861 to 7-1864, PO address-can't read

Page 12, SD-blank, ED-blank, Minor Civil Division-blank

27. 54-58 Joshua(marked through with Josiah written in) T. Showalter, Private, Co. K, 1 Kas Inf, 5-31-1861 to 7-16-1864, PO address-Block 93, Guthrie

28. 61-63(66?), John R. Smith, Corp, Co. D, 15 Ill Inf, 8-20-1862 to 7-8-1865, PO address-Guthrie

Page blank, Supervisor's District-125, Enumeration District-23, Guthrie, County of-First, State of -Oklahoma, Enumerator-Wm Connolly

1. 12-12, Widow of US Soldier, Carre(Casse?) Williams, PO address-Block 14, Guthrie, Ok

2. 15-15, John B. Howard, Private, 186? to 9-1862, PO address-Block 30, Guthrie, OK

3. 18-18, Widow N(W?).W. Mercer, Nancy E. Mercer, Private, Co. C, 120 Ill Inf, 10-29-1862 to 9-16-1865, PO address-Block 29, Guthrie, OK

4. 26-27, Lordine(Lovdine?) J. Dyke, Corp, Co. F, 111 Penn Inf, 11-16-1861 to 11-1862, PO address-Block 30, Guthrie

5. 29-30, William P. Gordy, Private, Co. C, 5 Iowa Inf, 7-16-1861 to 1864, 3 yrs, PO address-Block 30, Guthrie

6. 30-31, Orange R. Randall, Sarg, Co. A, 13 NY Cav, 2-9-1863 to 2-9-1864, PO address-Block 30, Guthrie

7. 31-32, John A. Smith(Smich?), Private, Co. G, 24 Ohio Inf, 5-16-1861 to 4-1-1865,  PO address-Block 44, Guthrie

8. 32-33, Elisha(Elisher?) A. Carr, Private, Co. E, 15 Kan Cav, 1861 to 186?, PO address-Block 44, Guthrie

9. 34-35, Cashus M. Barnes, Private, ??a? Batte, 11-11-1871 to 3-1862, PO address-Block 31, Guthrie

10. 35-37, Rasmus Johnson, Private, 141 Ill Inf, 186? to 12-15-1864, PO address-Block 31, Guthrie

11. 36-38, Frank S. Duier(Diuer?Diues?Duies?), Private, Co. I, NY Ift, 4-19-1861 to 6-12-1863

12. 36-38, Frank S. Duier(Diuer?Diues?Duies?), Private, 97 NY Ift, 6-9-1864 to  6-12-1865

Page 2, SD-blank, ED-23, Minor Civil Division-Guthrie, Oklahoma

13. 44-46, William W. Barbrick(?), Sarg, Co. D, 90 NY Inf, 8-1861 to 3-1862, PO address-Block 42, Guthrie, Okla

14. 45-47, Jesse Cook, Private, Co. G, 86 Ind ?, 8-15-1862 to 6-6-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 9 dys, PO address-Block 44, Guthrie

15. 48-50, Harry T. Clark, Private, PO address-Block 44, Guthrie

16. 55.57, Mariah Cantrell, widow of US Soldier, PO address-Block ??, Guthrie

17. 62-64, George W. Holbrook, Private, Co. I, 36 Iowa Inf, 8-11-1862 to 186?, PO address-Block 3? Guthrie, Okla

18. 23-25, David M. Haines, Private, PO address-Block 46(76?) Guthrie, Okla

19. 25-26, James M. Ragsdale, Private, Co. E, 1?2 NY Inf, 126 Ohio(?), 2-9-1864 to 2-9-1865, 1 yr 4 mos, PO address-Block 46, Guthrie, Okla

20. 30(?)-33(?), James T. Ralston,  Private, Co. A, 7 Kan Cav, 1862 to 1864, 2 yrs 6 mos, PO address-Block 46, Guthrie, Okla

21. 26-28, Jonas McGuire, Private, Co. F, 11 M M S C, 4-22-1862 to10-16-1862, 5 mos 23 dys, PO address-Block 46, Guthrie, Okla

22. 1-1, William P. Haworth, Corp, Co K, 156 Ill Inf, 1865 to 1865,   PO address-Block 46, Guthrie, Okla

23. 21-23, Warren W. Brown (marked through), Private, Co. A, 120 Ind Inf, 1863 to 1864, PO address-Block 47, Guthrie, Okla

24. 23-25, David M.Heiuas(Henias?HemasHeirras?), PO address-Block 46, Guthrie, Okla

25. 27-29, Joseph B. Johnson, Private, Co. B, 193 Penn Inf, 5-1864 to 9-20-1864, 3 mos 20 dys, PO address-Block 46, Guthrie, Okla

26. 27-29, Joseph B. Johnson, Private, Co. K, 4 Penn C, 3-20-1865 to 7-2-1865, 4 mos 13 dys,

Page 3, SD-blank, ED-23, Minor Civil Division-Guthrie, Oklahoma

27. 31-34 James J. Merrick, Private, Co. E, 15 Ohio Inf, 4-16-1861 to 8-9-1861, 3 mos 24 dys,  PO address-Block southern 46, Guthrie, Okla

28. 31.34, Widow of S.D. Edwards, Louie L. Troupe, Private, Po address-Block 46, Guthrie, Okla

29. 32-35, Harry S. Smith, Private, Co. E, 2 Ohio Cav, 8-10-1861 to 9-10-1865, 4 yrs 1 mo, PO address-Block 46, Guthrie, Okla

30. 33-36, William H. Minton, Corporal, Co. D, 48 M Inf, 8-24-1864 to 6-3-1865, 10 mos 6 dys, PO address-Block 55, Guthrie, Okla

31. 34-37, Robert Huidenson(?), Sargeant, Co. F, 14 Mas Inf, 7-5-1861 to 5-30-1862, PO address-Block 54, Guthrie, Okla.

32. 41-43, Widow of souldier, Jennie Smith, Private, PO address-Block 45, Guthrie, Okla

33. 46-50, George J. Evans, Private, Co. K, 79 Ind Inf, 1862 to 1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Block 45, Guthrie, Okla, Disability incurred-Rheumatism

34. 48-52, Ira(Iva?) D. Ralph, Private, 63 Ohio Inf, 1861 to 1861, PO address-Block 57, Guthrie, Okla

35. 48-52, Thomas J. Adair, Corporal, Co. L, 3 Ind Cav, 8-28-1863 to 7-28-1865, PO address-Block 57, Guthrie, Okla

36. 55-60, Peter K. Boon, Private, Co. A, 27 Ohio Cav, ?-?-1864 to 3-6-1865, PO address-Block 57, Guthrie, Okla

37. 55-60, John C. Eckard (marked through), Private, Co. H, 7 Ill Cav, 2-1863 to 1865, PO address-Block 57, Guthrie, Okla

38. 55-60, Reuben E. Nichols, 1st Serg(?), Co. E, 97 NY Inf, 12-14-1863 to 7-18-1865, PO address-block 57, Guthrie, Okla

39. 59-64, Lewis W(N?) Graham, Serg, Co. I, 2 Kan Cav, 5-14-1861 to 10-4-1861, PO address-Block 56, Guthrie, Okla

40. 59-64, Lewis W(N?) Graham, Serg, Co. I, 2 Kan Cav, 6-2-1862 to 4(?)-1865

Page blank, SD-125(Marked through), ED-23, Guthrie, County of-First, State of-Oklahoma, Enumerator-Wm Connolly

1. 96-105, Isaac W(N?) Abbott, Private, Co. F, 2 Neb Cav, 1861 to 186?, PO address-Block 55, Guthrie, Oklahoma

2. 152-159, Charles Day(Aay?), 1st Lieut, Co. H, 7 Ind Inf, 4-1861 to 7-1861, PO address-Block 76(46?), Guthrie, Oklahoma

3. 152-159, Charles Day(Aay?), Captain, Co. C, 33 Ind Inf, 8-25-1861 to 9-22-1864

4. 2-45, Alva C. Ricksicker, Private, Co. H, 100(102?) Ohio Inf, 1865 to 1865, 7 mos, PO address-Block 45, Guthrie, Oklahoma

5. 17-18, Thomas Atkinson, Private, Co. B, 12 Ohio Inf, 6-13-1861 to 6-12-1864, PO address-Block 100, Guthrie, Oklahoma

6. 72-77, William A. Mahan, Private, Co. E, 22 Iowa(?) Inf, 8-27-1862 to 8-5-1865, PO address-Block 55, Guthrie, Oklahoma

7. 94-103, Jacob W. Perkins, Private, Co. H, 3 Wis Cav, 7-16-1864 to 7-3-1865, PO address-Block 56, Guthrie, Oklahoma

8. 21-23, James P. Taylor, Private, Co. A, 8 Mary(?) Inf, 1861 to 6-1-1865, PO address-Block 45, Guthrie, Oklahoma

9. 30-32, Victor Good(Hood???), Jr. (marked through), Naval Apprentice, US Salime(Sabine?), 3-19-1867 to 7-14-1868

10. 22-24, Cyrus M(W?) South, 1st Lieut, Co. F, 15 Mch(?) Inf, 1863 to 4-1865, PO address-Block 42, Guthrie, Oklahoma

11. 23-25, Reuben E. Laurence, Private, Co. G, 129 Ill Inf, 9-8-1862 to 7-1-1865, PO address-Block 29, Guthrie, Oklahoma

12. 44-46, Alfred Miller, 1st Lieut, Co. B, 97 Ill Inf, 9-8-1862 to 10-5-1863, PO address-Block 48, Guthrie, Oklahoma

Page blank, SD-blank, ED-23, Minor Civil Division-Guthrie, Okla

13. 45-48, Moselcam(?) Bucannan, alias, William W. Bucannan, Private, Co. H, 31 Ohio Inf, 9-17-186? to 1863 PO address-Block 46, Guthrie, Oklahoma

14. 45-48, Mosecam(?) Bucannan, alias, William W. Bucannan, Private, Co. H, 1 Mis(Mo?Ms?) Marine Brigade, 3-1863 to 7-25-1965

15. 44-46, Thomas W. Stanton, Private, Co. C, 84 Ind Inf, 8-9-1862 to 8-14-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 5 dys, PO address- Block 48, Guthrie, Oklahoma

16. 37-40, Sherman(?) L. Bullard, Private, Co. E, 41 Ind Inf, 1861 to 7-1864, PO address-Block-47, Guthrie, Oklahoma

17. 50-53, John H. Armstrong, Private, Co.  H, 13 Kan Inf, 9-13-1861 to 6-15-1865, PO address- Block 28, Guthrie, Oklahoma

18. 33-35, David A. Samuels(Daniels?), Corporal, Co. A, 10 Ill(?) Cav, 9-21-1861 to 7-25-1865, PO address-Block 28, Guthrie, Oklahoma

19. 54-57, Henry Slusser(Glusser?), Sargeant, Co. H, 16 Ill Cav, 6-30-1863 to 8-19-1865, PO address-Block 33, Guthrie, Oklahoma

Page blank, SD-125(marked through), ED-23, Guthrie, County of-First, State of-Oklahoma, Enumerator-Wm Connolly

1. 98-104, Harry Colton, Private, Co. I, 3 NY C, 4-27-1861 to 6-7-1865, 4 yrs 1 mos 10 dys,  PO address-Block 60, Guthrie

2. 149-156, William H. Ward, Captain, Co. B, 41 Ohio Infantry, 6-15-1861 to 8-9-1864, 3 yrs 1 mos 24 dys, PO address-Block 60, Guthrie

3. 149-156, George N(W?) Steele, Private, Co. H, 8 Ind Inf, 4-22-1861 to 5-19-1862, PO address-Block 60, Guthrie

4. 149-156, George N(W?) Steele, 1st Lieut, Co. I, 101 Ind Inf, 8-11-1862 to 7-3-1865

5. 149-156, George N(W?) Steele, Lieut Col, 101 Ind Inf, June(?) 1, 1865   to ?-?-1865

6. 93-102, Aaron M(W?) Black(?), ??, 35 ?? ??, ?-?-1861 to 4-15-1862, PO address-(can't read)

7. 157-164, Joshua E. Clardy, Captain, Scout, 3 Kan ??, 1865 to 1865, PO address-Block 60, Guthrie

8. 11-11, William A. Beach, Private, Co. E, 117 Ill V Inf, 8-14-1862 to 8-5-1865, PO address-Block 15, N.(W?) Guthrie

9. 11-11, Everett V. DuBois, Sergeant, Co. D, 9 Iowa Inf, 9-1861 to 8-1865, PO address-Block 15, N.(W?) Guthrie

10. 7-7, Thomas O Malley, Private, Co. D, 7 Ms(?) Cavl, PO address- Block 10, N(W?) Guthrie

11. 5-5, William H. Beal, PO address-Block 4, Guthrie, Okla

12. 26-28, James B. McLamen(McLarnen?McLarren?), PO address-Block 46, Guthrie, Okla

Page 2, SD-blank, ED-23, Minor Civil Division-Guthrie, Oklahoma

13. 93-98, William Dickensheed(Rickensheed?), PO address-Block 60, Guthrie, Oklahoma

14. 90-95, John Ackerman

Page 1, Supervisor's District-125, Enumeration District-24, East Guthrie, State of No. 1, State of, Oklahoma Ter, Enumerator-Geo M. DeGroff(DeGraff?)

1. 2-2, Abraham B. Colier, Private, Co. D, 6 Ill Cav, 10-11-1861 to10-26-1865, 4 yrs 15 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-rupture

2. 2-2, James Farrell, Private, Co. A, 45 Ill Inf, 8-18-1862 to 5-20-1865, 2 yrs 9 mos 20 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-5 gunshot wounds

3. 12-12, John H. Burnham, Corporal, Co. F, 13 Tex Art, 4-1865 to 11-1865, 8 mos, PO address-Guthrie, OT

4. 16-16, Cyrus Evans, (marked through, could be Confederate), Private, Co. F, 22 Mo(Ms?) Inf, 1861 to 1865, 4 yrs, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-shot in knee

5. 25-25, John B. Hinesburger, Private, Ouachito(Quachito?), 12-7-1864 to 12-7-1865, 1 yr, PO address-Guthrie, OT

6. 31-31, Alexander Hester(Kester?), Private, Co. K, 174 Ill Inf, 3-1865 to 7-1865, 4 mos, PO address-Guthrie, OT

7. 32-32, John H. Ketchen, Private, Co. H, 2 Tenn Inf, 6-1861 to 7-1965, 4 yrs 1 mo, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Teamster in late war, in Mexican War

8. 36-36, Stephen Harris, Private, Co. A, 1 Kan Inf, 5-1-1861 to 11-26-1865, 3 yrs 6 mos 25 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT, In regular army 5 years

9. 40-40, John Kedash, Private, Co. I(?), 67 O. Vol Inf, 9-9-1864 to 7-?-1865, 10 mos, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-Rheumatism

10. 51-51, Anne Revis, widow of Daniel Revis, 2nd Lieut, Co. L, 2 Neb Cav, 3(5?)-23,1863 to 12-20(?)-1863, 9 mos, PO address-Guthrie, OT

11. 159-159, Stirage(?) Brooks, Chap, 8 Kan Cav, 3-24-1864 to ?-24-1864, 4 mos, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-hives

12. 61-61, David Cloud, Private, Co. C, 83 Ind Inf, 1861 to 1864, 3 yrs, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disabilityncurred-Diovealion(?)

Page 2, SD-125, ED-24, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma Ter

13. 70-71, Richard C. Marl, Private, Co. H, 18 Ind(?) Inf, 10-27-1863 to 8-28-1865, 1 yr 10 mos 1 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-Dioevalion(?)

14. 82085, William L(T?). Bryan, Private, Co. H, 7 Kan Cav, 10-12-1861 to 10-10-1865, 3 yrs 10 mos 18 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-gunshot wound in side & hand

15. 83-89, John L. Ginn, Private, Co. I(?), 7 Wis(Mis?) Inf, 6-11-1862 to 10-15-1864, 2 yrs 4 mos 4 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-fever som(?)

16. 89-91, Martin V. Strine, Private, Co. C 41 O. Inf, 8-14-1862 to 6-4-1865, 2 yrs 9(?) mos 20 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT

17. 96-99, Robert M. Patterson, Private, Co. E, 9 NY Vol Cav, 8-22-1862 to 4-5-1865, 2 yrs 7 mos 13 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-gunshot wound in arm & leg

18. 96-99, Frank W. Hix, Captain, Co. D, 1 O. Art, 6-4-1862 to 9-4-1865, 3 yrs 3 mos, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-gunshot wound in arm

19. 96-99, Joseph Murlin(Muilin?), Private, Co. D, 195 O. Inf, 2-11-1865 to 8-4-1865, 5 mos 23 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT

20. 99-101, Thomas Maloney, Private, 3 Iowa Bat, 10-3-1864 to 10-25-1865, 1 yr 20 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-fever & ague

21. 103-106, Landon P. Tipton, Private, Co. G, 7 Ill Inf, 8-7-1862 to 6-15-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 8 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT

22. 104-107, William Zages(?), Private, PO address-Guthrie, OT

23. 108-111, John B. Cook, (marked through-could be Confederate), Private,   Co. K, 7 KY Mt Inf, 6-1864 to 5-1865, 11 mos, PO address-Guthrie, OT

24. 114-116, Joseph Wishard(?), PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-piles & rheumatism

25. 117-119, Lee Robbins, Private, Co. D, 115 O. Inf, 8-1862 to 7-4-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 4 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-rheumatism

26. 124-126, John Carpenter, Private, Co. F, 94 Ill Inf, 1861 to 1865, 4 yrs, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-rheumatism

Page 3, SD-125, ED-24, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma Ter

27. 130-133, Robert Lacy, Private, Co. I, 39 Ill Inf, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-Diver?lon(?)

28. 133-136, Henry Hemirugh(Hen?), 1st Lieut, Co. I, Eng(?) Mo(?) Vol, 9-8-1861 to 6-1864, 2 yrs 9 mos 1 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT

29, 134-137, Wilson Lumpkin, Ord. Ser, Co. B, 15 Iowa(?) Inf, 10-4-1861 to 7-24-1865, 3 yrs 9 mos 20 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT

30. 137-140, Frank Olsmith, Bugler, Co. O(J?I?) 16 Kas(?) Vol Cav, 2-10-1864 to 11-28-1865, 2 yr 9 mos 18 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT

31. 144-147, Andrew J. Smith, PO address-Guthrie, OT

32. 145-148, William H. Eads, Private, Co. B, 10 Ill Vol Inf,  PO address-Guthrie, OT

33. 151-154, James Dooling, Private, Co. I, 118 NY Inf, 8-9-1862 to 7-28-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 19 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT

34. 154-157, John A. Gilbert, Private, Co. G, 25 Mo(Ms?) Inf, PO address-Guthrie, OT

35. 159-162, Elisha H. Furrow, Sergeant, Co. A, 47 O. Inf, 8-31-1861 to 7-15-1865, 3 yrs 10 mos 14 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-rupture

36. 161-164, James Fugate, PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-crippled

37. 163-166, Peter W. Nutter, PO address-Guthrie, OT

38. 164-167, James Gaffney, Private, Co. D, 20 Wis Vol Inf, 8-4-1862 to 6-14-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 10 dys,  PO address-Guthrie, OT, Disability incurred-rupture

39. 167-172, Hettie Mikesell, widow of John Mikesell, Private, 11 Ind Inf, PO address-Guthrie, OT

40. 169-174, Joseph Saunders, Lieut, Co. D, 35 O. Inf, 8-18-1861 to 11-18-1864, 3 yrs 3 mos, PO address-Guthrie, OT

Page 8, (4 marked through, SD-125, ED-24, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma Terr

41. 405-412, William B. Gibbs, PO address-Guthrie, OT

42. 411-419, Edward Lawson, PO address-Guthrie, OT

43. 412-419, John Foster, PO address-Guthrie, OT

44. 414-421, Max Roberts, PO address-Guthrie, OT

45. 424-431, James Fugatt(?), Private, Co. G, 1 Mo(Ms?) Cav, 1(7?)-9-1862 to 186?, 5 yrs 9 mos 1 dys, PO address-Guthrie, OT

46. 425-432, Frank Daugh(Darigh?), Private, Co. A, 1 Kan Inf, 7-12-1861 to 186?, 3 mos, PO address-Guthrie, OT, discharged from hospital

47. 426-434, No first name listed Woodruff, PO address-Guthrie, OT

48. 443-450, John R. Wallace, 2 US, 48  Ind(Md?) Inf, 1861 to 5-1865, 4 yrs, PO address-Guthrie, OT

49. 444-451, L.J. Hoggard(Haggard?), Private, Co. I(?), 39 Ill Inf, PO address-Guthrie, OT

50. 445-452, James ? Kester(Kesler?), Private, Co. A, 91 Ill Inf, 8-1-1862 to 7-12-1865, PO address-Guthrie, OT

Page 9 (a 1 & a 3 marked through), Supervisor's District-125, Enumeration District-24, Capital Hill, County of #1, State of-Oklahoma Territory, Enumerator-Geo M. DeGroff(DeGraff?)

1. 451-458, William F. Kisler, Po address-Gutherie, OT

2. 456-458, Albert Low, Po address-Gutherie, OT

3. 1-1, Thomas Mason, Private, Co. B, La(?) C????, 7-1865 to 10-1865, 10 mos, Po address-Gutherie, OT

4. 7-7, Louisa Anderson, widow of Washington Anderson, Po address-Gutherie, OT

5. 9-9, Henry Wilkins, Private, Co. A, 6 Wis ???? Art, 1864 to 1866, 1 yr 4 mos, Po address-Gutherie, OT, Disability incurred-Rheumiatisum

6. 14-14, Perry Tillman, Po address-Gutherie, OT

7. 24-24, James Treaster(Treasts?), Private, Co. E, 137 Penn Inf, 8-5-1862 to 6-1-1863, 9 mos 26 dys, Po address-Gutherie, OT, Disability incurred-Diarehon?(Diovehon?)

8. 27-27, Benjamin Bowman, Po address-Gutherie, OT

9. 29-29, William Henderson, Private, Co. D, M??? Inf, 1862 to 1865, 3 yrs 3 mos, Po address-Gutherie, OT, Disability incurred-sight

10. 30-30, Mary S. Young, widow of Thomas Young, Po address-Gutherie, OT

11. 32-32, Andrew McCormack, Po address-Gutherie, OT, Disability incurred-Diarehon?(Diovehon?)

12. 33-33, John Garrett, Po address-Gutherie, OT, Disability incurred-lumbago

Page 10(2 marked through), SD-125, ED-24, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma Ter

13. 42-44, Jacob Clark, PO address-Gutherie, OT

14. 45-45, Avery J. Deal, PO address-Gutherie, OT

15. 51-51, Chris(?) M. Dunbar, Private, Co. F, 30 Wis Inf, 8-12-1862 to 9-25-1865, 3 yrs 1 mo 13 dys, PO address-Gutherie, OT

16. 53-53, Gilina(Silina?) W. Popplewell, Private, Co. E, McCarver Cav, 1861 to 1865, 4 yrs, PO address-Gutherie, OT

17. 56.56, David W. West, (marked through-could be Confederate), PO address-Gutherie, OT

18. 73-73, William Williams, Private, Co. C(?), 84 La Inf, 5-21-1863 to 3-14-1866, 2 yrs 12 mos 23 dys, PO address-Gutherie, OT, Disability incurred-kidneys

19. 79-79, James H. Martin, PO address-Gutherie, OT

20. 80-80, William H(A?) Chickscab(?), PO address-Gutherie, OT

21. 82-82, William Traver, PO address-Gutherie, OT

22. 86-86, William Kiner(Kinen?), Private, Co. E, 19 Kan Cav, 10-19-1868 to 4-18-1869, 5 mos 29 dys,  PO address-Gutherie, OT

23. 87-87, John F. Weh(?), Private, Co. H, 63 O. Inf, 5-1864 to 10-1864, 4 mos, PO address-Gutherie, OT

24. 90-90, John W. Muflow(Muplow?), Private, Co. G, 1 Col Cav, 1861 to 10-1864, 3 yrs, PO address-Gutherie, OT

25. 91-91, Walace H. Kinkead(?), PO address-Gutherie, OT

26. 100-100, Henry W. Baker, PO address-Gutherie, OT

Page 1, Supervisor's District-125, Enumeration District-25, Oklahoma City, north of Grand Avenue, County of Oklahoma, Territory of Oklahoma, Enumerator-William H. Ketcham

1. 13-13, Edward B(O?) Bryden, Private, 10 Oklahoma Battery, 8-31-1862 to 7-10-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 9 dys, Po address-Oklahoma City, Light Artillery

2. 16-16, James E. Kabler(Habler?), Private, Co. I(J?), 10 Konn(?) Cav, 8-10-1862 to 9-18-1863, 1 yr 1 mo 8 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

3. 12-12, John Rogan, Private, Co. A, 14 Tenn Inf, 10-1863 to 3-1866, 2 yrs 5 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City

4. 35-35, John M. Marcus, Private, Co. I, 113 Ark Inf, 8-26-1864 to 6-26-1865, 10 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City

5. 38-38, Alexander B. Collet, Corp/Sergeant, Co. M, 6 Kan Cav, 9-18-1863 to 7-16-1865, 1 yr 9 mos ?8 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

6. 39-39, John C. Langhoff, 1 Sergeant, Co. H, 27 Miss Inf, 8-12-1861 to 9-17-1864, 3 yrs 1 mo 5 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

7. 47-47, Mary J. Baldwin, formerly widow of John T. Crawley, Private, Co. B, 42 Mo(Ms?) Inf, 8-2-1864 to 6-28-1865, 10 mos 26 dys,  PO address-Oklahoma City

8. 50-50, George W. Dozier, Private, Co. I(J?), 138 Ga Inf, 3-2-1865 to 1-1866, 10 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City

9. 65-65, George D. Munger, Private, Co. D, 7 Mich Inf, 8-22-1861 to 7-7-1865, 3 yrs 11 mos 15 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, Inprisoned in Libby, Salisbury & Danville

10. 71-71, Alfred B. Beard, Private, Co. I, 40 Ill Inf, 8-14-1861 to 2-13-1863, 1 yr 5 mos 29 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

11. 72-72,  John  W. Gee, Musician, Co. C, 111 Ill Inf, 8-9-1862 to 6-27-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 18 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

12. 81-81, James W. Johnson, Private, Co. D, 17 Ill Cav, 10-14-1863 to 12-5-1865, 2 yrs 1 mos 21 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

Page 2, SD-125, ED-25, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma City, north of Grand Avenue

13. 87-87, Mattie J., widow of William J.Kruck(Huck?), Private, Co. C, MO(?) Inf, PO address-Oklahoma City, papers lost

14. 91-91, Carrie Ricks, formerly widow of Providence Smith, Private, Ark Inf, PO address-Oklahoma City, papers lost

15. 96-96, Bartholdt J. Drieson(?), Private, Co. H, 40 NY Inf, 2-13-1865 to 6-5-1865, 3 mos 22 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

16. 125-125, Martha J. Hicks, formerly widow of Samuel P. Felson, Corporal, Co. F, KY Cav, 3-17-1865 to 11-3-1865, 7 mos 16 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

17. 134-134, Peter Cassidy, Private, Co. D, 35 Ill Inf, 7-3-1861 to 9-27-1864, 3 yrs 2 mos 24 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

18. 172-172, George W. Jones, Corporal, Co. A, 1 NY Dragoons, 8-6-1862 to 7-20-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 15 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

19. 177-177, Henry H. Black, Private, Co. E, 71 Ill Inf, 6-20-1862 to 1862, PO address-Oklahoma City

20. 179-179, Maggie L., widow of Elias D. Rockwell, Assistant Sergeon, Ill, 2-1861 to 4-5-1861, 1 mo, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-died in the service

21. 181-181, John Ayers, Private, Co. H, 2 Vt Inf, 5-1861 to 8-23-1865, 4 yrs 2 mos 3 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

22. 183-183, Milton W. Milligan, Private, Co. D. US Engineer Vet, 8-15-1862 to 6-30-1865, 2 yrs 10 m os 15 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

23. 188-188, Dillian, widow of Albert Dyar, Corporal, Co. F, 71 Ind Inf, 7-29-1862 to 3-27-1865, 2 yrs 7 mos 28 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

24. 190-190, John J. Chase, Sergeant, Co. B, 11 Kan Inf, 8-19-1862 to 8-31-1865, 3 yrs 0 mos 12 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

25. 192-192, Sarah Wallace, formerly widow of Isaac N. Charles, Private, Co. D, 9 Iowa Inf, 1861 to 1864, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-shot through left knee, re-enlisted veteran

26. 193-193, Ora Van Duzos(?), Private, Co. G, 1 KY Cav, 9-20-1864 to 6-8-1865, 8 mos 18 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

Page 3, SD-125, ED-25, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma City, north of Grand Avenue

27. 111-111, George W. Fahs(?), Musician, Co. D, 50 Ill Inf, 8-19-1862 to 7-25-1865, 3 yrs 11 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City

28. 111-111, Elizabeth H. Fahs, formerly widow of James H. Harris, Ill Inf, 4 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City

29. 111-111, Joel R. Harvey, Private, 12 Ind Battery, 65 Reg Vol, 12-18-1861 to 10-21-1862, 10 mos 3 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-gunshot wound in left arm

30. 213-213, Marquis L. Brown, Private, Co. B, 76 O. Inf, 2-15-1863 to 7-19-1865, 2 yrs 5 mos 4 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, re-enlisted veteran

31. 216-216, Ollie E., widow of Francis L. Cramer, Major, 1 Ala Cav, 7-17-1861 to 10-20-1865, 4 yrs 3 mos 3 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, re-enlisted veteran

32. 225-225, Isaac Smith, Private, Co. C, 36 Ind Inf, 8-22-1862 to 8-24-1865, 3 yrs 0 m os 2 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

33. 228-228, Ruth M. Rhodes, formerly widow of Alfred Cole, Major, 116 Ind Inf, 5 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City

34. 233-233 Melima A. Stinger, formerly widow of George Livingston, Private, Co. I(J?), Ms(Mo?) Inf, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-right hip dislocated

35. 237-237, Annie Newman, formerly widow of William Adams, Private, O. Cav, 1861 to 186?, 9 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-killed

36. 247-247, Theophilus H. East, PO address-Oklahoma City, not able to get further data

37. 248-248, Ebenezer A. Johnson, Private, Co. H. 41 US Colored Troops, 1862 to 186?, 2 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-both eyes injured

38. 257-257, Oliver P. Lamborn, Private, Co. H, 153 Ind Inf, 4-10-1864 to 9-14-1865, 1 yr 5 mos 4 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

39. 259-259, Isaac H. Little, Private, Co. B, 75 Ind Inf, 7-1862 to 6-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City

40. 267-267, Wiley W. Boyd, Private, Co. J(I?), 2 Kan Cav, 4-1861 to 6-1862, 7 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-gunshot left hand & shoulder, right hip dislocated

Page 3, SD-125, ED-25, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma City, north of Grand Avenue

41. 267-267, Samuel Bailey, Private, Co. A, 15 Iowa Inf, 9-1861 to 1-27-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-gunshot left hand & shoulder, right hip dislocated

42. 268-268, Samuel Hendry, Private, Co. D, 63 Ind Inf, 2-22-1862 to 5-3-1865, 3 yrs 2 mos 11 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

43. 272-272, Alonzo Ketcham, Sergeant, Co. L, 2 Mich Cav, 9-14-1861 to 8-17-1865, 3 yrs 11 mos 3 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, re-enlisted veteran

44. 275-275, Joseph S. Freeman, Private, Co. B, US Colored Troops, 1863 to 1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City

45. 282-282, Lindley Beard, Private, Battery 15, Oklahoma Light Artillery, 11-2-1864 to 4-24-1865, 0 yrs 5 mos 22 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

46. 285-285, Jessie Johnson, Sergeant, Co.  D, E Ky Cav, 11-7-1861 to12-26-1864, 3 yrs 1 mos 19 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

47. 289-289, William J. Garrett, Private, Co. L, 16 Kan Cav, 6-10-1864 to 12-6-1865, 1 yr 5 mos 26 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

48. 290-290, John L. Jackson, Private, Co. E, 2 Md Inf, 8-27-1861 to 1-20-1863, 1 yr 4 mos 23 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

49. 290-290, Kate A. Jackson, formerly widow of Nelson B. Adams, Private, Co. H, 9 Ind Inf, 1-20-1864 to 9-28-1865, 1 yr 8 mos 8 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

50. 291-291, James F. Bell, Sergeant, Co. H, 106 Ill Inf, 8-9-1862 to 7-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City

Page 5, Supervisor's District-125, Enumeration District-25, Oklahoma City, north of Grand Avenue, County of Oklahoma, Territory of Oklahoma, Enumerator-William H. Ketcham

1. 124-124, Eugene E. Bacon, 2nd Lieut, Co. D, 19 Mich Inf, 8-9-1862 to 5-20-1865, 2 yrs 8 mos 11 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-shot through right & left lung

2. 138-138, Samuel Clay, Private, Co. G, 68 O. Inf, 1-6-1864 to 7-1865, 1 yr, PO address-Oklahoma City

3. 147-147, William A. Monroe, Sergeant, Co. E, 161 Pen Inf, 8-1-1862 to 7-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City

4. 182-182, DeForest D. Leach, Captain, Co. C, 28 Wis Inf, 5-1963 to 7-1865, 2 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City

5. 309-309, Joseph Pennock(?), 2nd Lieut, Co. G, 1 Kan Inf, 4-30-1861 to 6-17-1864, 3 yrs 0 mos 17 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

6. 316-316, Frank Johnson, Private, ???tas signed, 1 Kan Inf, 2-27-1865 to 1865, PO address-Oklahoma City

7. 318-318, David Lane, Private, Co. D, 1 NJ Cav, 9-9-1861 to 9-16-1864, 3 yrs 0 mos 7 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

8. 319-319, Wm Morin, Private, Co. E, 12 Ill Inf, 7-1862 to 1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City

9. 319-319, James M(W?) Anderson, Private, Co. D, 2 W. Va Inf, Co. H, 6 W.Va Cav, 5-1-1861 to 5-30-1866, 5 yrs 1 mos,  PO address-Oklahoma City

10. 322-322, James K. Hathaway, Private, Co. E, 8 Mo Cav, 4-1-1862 to 4-1-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City

11. 330-330, James G. Drake, 2 Lieut, Co. A, 146 Ind Inf, 4-17-1861 to 10-20-1865, 4 yrs 2 mos 3 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

12. 339-339, Albert A. Barnes, Private, Co. B, 2 Iowa Inf, 4-20-1861 to 7-12-1865, 4 yrs 2 mos 22 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-shot in hip & breast

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13. 344-344, Phillipe H. Ray, 1st Lieut, Co. E. 66 Ill Inf, 9-10-1861 to 12-25-1863, 2 yrs 3 mos 25 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

14. 355-355, Eliza Morris, formerly widow of David W. Tildon(?), Private, Co. E, 25 Mo Inf, 1861 to 6-1865, 4 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-gun shot in ankle, re-enlisted veteran

15. 366-366, John S. Carry(Carly?), Private, Co. A, 106 NY Inf, & Private, Co. C, 53 NY Inf, 10-4-1861 to 7-4-1865, PO address-Oklahoma City

16. 376-376, William Claborn, Private, Co. I, 65 Mo(?) Inf, 2-2-1865 to 2-1-1866, 0 yrs 11 mos 29 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-gunshot right thigh, saber wound right hand

17. 379-379, Frankie J., widow of George T. Garr(?), Sergeant Major, 22 Ind Inf, PO address-Oklahoma City, no papers

18. 392-392, Colonel S. ?rendenburg(may start with V), Private, Co. F, 101 O. Inf, 8-1862 to 6-1865, 3 yrs 2 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-lost right eye

19. 412-412, Wm D. Horseman, Private, Co. K, 31 Ill Inf, 8-1862 to 12-1865, 3 yrs 9 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City

20. 419-419, Ralph Harr, Private, Co. M, 21 NY Cav, 8-1863 to 4-1966, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City, re-enlisted veteran

21. 421-421, William Hollenbeck, Private, Co. K, 1 Mo Cav, 8(5?)-1-1861 to 7-21-1865, 3 yrs 11 mos 20 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

22. 439-439, Henry C. Atchison, Private, Co. I, 135 Ind Inf, 8-1862 to 11-1863,  2 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City

23. 443-443, Frank B. McMaster, Private, Co. G, 52 Ill Inf, 11-19-1861 to 11-19-1864, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City

24. 465-465, Samuel M. Smith, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-gunshot right limb, no able to get data

25. 470-470, James T. Farrell, Corporal, Co. G, 25 Iowa(?) Cav, 12-12-1863 to 8-11-1865, 1 yr 7 mos 29 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

26. 485-485, Benjamin E. Binns, Captain, Co. C, 12 Mich(?) Inf, 10-14-1861 to 5-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City

Page 7, SD-125, ED-25, Minor Civil Division, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, north of Grand Avenue

27. 458-458, Franklin L. Wright, Corporal, Co. C, 85 NY(?) Inf, 9-10-1861 to 7-10-1865, 3 yrs 10 mos 0 dys,PO address-Oklahoma City

28. 498-498, Thomas R. Cook, Orderly, Co. C, 3 Wis Inf, 4 yrs 8 mos 0 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

29. 496-496, James Geary, 1st Lieut, Co. I(?), 2 Kan Cav, 5-3-1862 to 10-18-1865, 3 yrs 5 mos 15 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

30. 501-501, Sylvester Young, Sergeant, Co. K, 29 Ind Inf, 2-10-1864 to 12-2-1865, 1 yr 9 mos 22 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

31. 501-501, Eliza Young, formerly widow of, Lorenzo Kern, Private, PO address-Oklahoma City, Not able to get dates

32. 502-502, Samuel D. Waggoner, Private, Co. G, 5 Ten Cav, 9-20-1862 to 8-14-1865, 2yrs 10 mos 24 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

33. 504-504, Mary E., widow of David McGee, Private, Ill Inf, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City

34. 504-504, Archibald J. Alexander, Lt. Col, 11 KY Cav, 1861 to 186?, PO address-Oklahoma City

35. 396-396, John H. Barry, Private, Co. A, 160 NY Inf, 8-26-1862 to 11-16-1865, 3 yrs 2 mos 20 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

36. 511-511, Jacob Mower(Mover?), Private, Co. F, 102 O Inf, 8-6-1862 to 6-30-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 24 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

37. 513-513, Alva J. Rogers, 1st Lt, Co. B, 58 Pen Inf, 9-5-1861 to 6-22-1865, 3 yrs 9 mos 17 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-gunshot wound in right hip, re-enlisted veteran

38. 518-518, Ehud(Eluid?Elnid?)  J. Davis, Musician,  Co. F, 13 Kan Inf, 1862 to 1862, 5 mos, PO address-Oklahoma City

39. 520-520, Lewis L. Bell, Major,, 110 O. Inf, 7-1862 to 8-5-1865, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma City, Disability incurred-gunshot wound in left limb,

40. 521-521, Alex A. Stringer, Private, Co. F, 32(12?) Mo Inf, 8-13-1862 to 7-18-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 5 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

Page 8, SD-125, ED-25, Minor Civil Division, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma north of Grand Avenue

41. 522-522, David W. Gibbs, Corporal, Co. M, 1 O Inf, 5-15-1863 to 4-17-1865, 1 yr 11  mos 2 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

42. 549-549, Clayborn Mecham (marked through, could be Confederate), Private, Co. F, 59 Ten Inf, 1865 to 1866, 1 yr, PO address-Oklahoma City

43. 550-550, Nathan M. Tubbs, Private, Co. C, 211 Pen Inf, 9-1863 to 1(6?)-2-1865, 1 yr, PO address-Oklahoma City

44. 555-555, Wm L. Harvey, Private, , O, PO address-Oklahoma City, Not able to get dates

45. 558-558, Daniel Hensey, Private, Co. I(J?), 35 Ill Inf, 7-23-1861 to 10-4-1864, 3 yrs 2 mos 11 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

46. 564-564, John Ellerton(?), Private, Co. F, 2 Ill Cav, 7-20-1861 to 7-28-1864, 3 yrs 0 m os 8 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City

47. 152-152, James Wilkinson, PO address-Oklahoma City

48. 152-152, Mary Wilkinson, widow of US Soldier, PO address-Oklahoma City, Widow of US Soldier

49. 207-207, Benjamin F. Ball, PO address-Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

50. 473-475, Lottie Bassett, (marked through), PO address-Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US Soldier

50. 215-215, John F. Scheil(?), 

Page 1, Supervisor's District-Oklahoma, Enumeration District-26, Oklahoma City, County of Oklahoma, Territory of Oklahoma, Enumerator-Lyman H. North

1. 46-47, William A. Robertson, Private, Co. E, 2 Iowa, served 100 days, 100 dysPO address-Oklahoma, OK T, sick or drunk when visited

2. 52-53, John W. Hudson, Private, Co. B, 57 US Col Infantry, 1864 to 12-20-1967, 3 yrs

3. 52-53, John W. Hudson, Corporal, 1866-1867, 1 yr 18 mos,  PO address-Oklahoma, OK T, Disability Incurred- Small Pox affected eyes

4. 64-65, Jasper N. Clark, Sergeant, Co. E, 8 Mo Cav V, 7-1862 to 5-1865, 2 yrs 9 mos, PO address-Oklahoma, OK T, Disability incurred-loss of eyesight, partially

5. 96-97(?), Horatis Smith, not mustered in, 1865 to 1865, PO address-Oklahoma, OK T, Went to Washington, was closed

6. 100-101, Joseph Smith, Private, Co. A, 199(133?) Penn, 10-1-1864 to 10-21-1965, 1 yr 0 mos 17 dys, PO address-Oklahoma, OK T, Disability incurred-rupture & rheumatism, also contracted catarrah

7. 22-23, Fred(ck) H. Berndit(Bundit?), Private, Co. E(C?), 2 Tex Cav, 2-1865 to 10-1865, 7 mos, PO address-Oklahoma, OK T, Disability incurred-thrown from horse, unable to work at ???

8. 112-113, John H. Graves(Graver?), Private, Co. K, 54 Ind Vol, 6-1862 to 9-1862, 3 mos,  PO address-Oklahoma, OK T

9. 112-113, John H. Graves(Graver?), Private, Co. A, 123 Ind Vol, 10-3-1863 to 8-20-1865, 1 yr 11 mos,  PO address-Oklahoma, OK T, Disability incurred-measles settled on lungs, never asked for pension, large family

10. 76-77, Eli L. McComb, 2nd Lieut(?), Co. E, 10(?) Iowa(?) 17 A(?) C 4.8(?), ?-?-1861 to 8-1865, 4 yrs 8 mos, PO address-Oklahoma, OK T, Disability incurred-leg shattered, wound in face & arm(?), never asked pension(?)

11. 151-152, Henry N. Dunlap, Sarg, Co. A, 3 Kan Cav, 7-1861 to 186?, PO address-OK T

12. 151-152, Henry N.  Dunlap, Private, Co.  F, 5 Kan Cav, 4-1862 to 10-1862

Page 2, SD-Okla, ED-26, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

13. ???-???, Henry N(?) Dunlop, 1st Lieut(?), Co. M, 5 Kan(?) Cav, 10-1862 to 10-10-1865, 4 yrs 7 mos. PO address-Oklahoma City, OT,

14. 149-150, Milton W. Mitchell, Private, Co. B, 15 Ohio V, 8-1-1864(?) to 7-4-1865, 11 mos 4 dys, PO address-Oklahoma City, OT, Disability incurred-Piles? heart disease, exposure in army

15. 174-175, George W. Mapes(?), Ms. State Militia, PO address-Oklahoma Ter, Disability incurred-Rheumatism, Indian arrow wound in leg very painful

16. 77-78, Daniel W. Ohn(?), Private, Co. K, 21 Iowa(?) Vol, 8-13-1862 to 6-16-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 3 dys, PO address-Oklahoma Ter, Disability incurred-piles, scurvy in back sent home but returned

17. 181-182, William Becker, Private, 22 O Bat light A(H?), 1863 to 1865, 2 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma Ter, Disability incurred-fell under two horses and mashed somewhat

18. 170-171, Mliard(?) W(?) Witehill(Mitehill?),

19. 184-185, Eli Blick, Private, Co. K, 32 Iowa(?) Inf, 1(6?)-4-196? to8-14-1865, 6 yrs 27 mos, has 3 yrs 6 mos marked through, Disability incurred-rupture

20. 184-185, Mary C. Blick, widow of  Herman G. Conner, Private, Co. E, 50 Iowa(?) Vol, 1862 to 196?, 6 mos, Died in 6 months

21. 183-184, Annie A., widow of William Harrell, Corporal, Co. H, 39 Ind Vol, 9-28-1861 to 10-27-1864, 3 yrs 2 mos 28 dys

22. 216-217, Henry H. Cash(Cook?), Corporal, Co. M. 10 NY Cav, 9-1862 to 1-1-1865, 2 yrs 4 mos, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, Disability incurred-heart disease, bronchitis

23. 19?-???, ???? Reed, widow of ??? Reed, (marked through, could be Confederate)

24. 188-189, George(?) ? Monical(?), marked through, could be Confederate)

25. 199-200, John(?) H. Schultz, (marked through, could be Confederate)

26. 216-217, Henry H. Cash, (marked through-duplicate of #22?)

Page 3, SD-Oklahoma, ED-26, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

27. 236-236, Elizabeth Whitson, widow of  William W. Whitson, Private, Co. G, 8 Kan V, 1861 to 1863, 2 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma, OT. Disability incurred-starved in ???? prison, on ground ???? ????

28. 246-247, James G. Cox, Cor & Private, Co. A, 81 Ill ???,   186? to 186?, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, forgotten dates

29. 247-248, Samuel Worthington, 1st Lieut, Co. B, 51 Ohio ?? Inf Vol, 9-8-1861 to 10-3-1865, 4 yrs 1 mos 23 dys, PO address-Oklahoma, OT

30. 253(?)-254, Hariette M. McGee, widow of William McGee, Private, Co. B, 7 ?? ?? Cav, 1862 to 1865, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, Died in prison, widow lives alone

31. 268-269, Augustus(?) M(?) Dickson, Private, Co. E, 60 ???, 1864 to 1865, 11 mos,  PO address-Oklahoma, OT, forgotten dates

32. 268-269(?), Elijah Schull, (marked through, may be Confederate or just never mustered in?), PO address-Oklahoma, OT, never mustered in

33. 278-279, William Wentz(?), Corp, Co. F, 116(196?) O V.I., 2-1865 to 8-1865, 6 mos 18 dys, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, forgotten dates

34. 290-291, Birney Dunn, Private, Co. A, 10 Kan Inf, 1861 to 8-1864, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, forgotten dates, papers in ???

35. 290-291, Birney Dunn, Private, Co. D, 22 Ill Inf, 8-1864 to 1865, 4 yrs 1 mos, PO address-Oklahoma, OT

36. 307-308, Charles C. Deittmar, Private, Co. C(?) 9(?) Ill C, 11-15-1864 to 7-1865, 1 yr, PO address-Oklahoma, OT

37. 306-307, Lon(Ion?Son?) Bates(Bales?), widow of Charles M(?) Rubin(Rubie?), Private, Ill Cav, 1865(?) to 1865, 1 mos, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, Young and papers lost

38. 309-310, George Denny, Private, Co. G, O ???, 8(5?)-1862 to ?-1863, 7(?) mos,  PO address-Oklahoma, OT

39. 315-316, Jeremiah French, K, M?, 4 Cav, 1861 to 1865, 3 yrs 6 mos, PO address-Oklahoma, OT

40. 316-317, William H. Hamens(Honnens?Homens?), Sar, Co. ?, 6(?) M?er(?) B., 1-1862 to 5-25-1865, 3 yrs 1 mos, PO address-Oklahoma, OT

Page 4, SD-Okla, ED-26, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

41. 318-319, Benjamin F. Burns(?), Pirvate, Co. H, 12 Kan, 1863 to 1865, 2 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, Disability incurred-wound in hand & thigh(?), Camps(?) lost his discharge ??? young(?)

42. ???-???, John T(F?) Townsend(?), 1st Sergeant(?) ????, ?????, 5 Kan Ill(?), price(?) rade(?),  186? to 1864, 60 dys, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, misplaced papers

43. 514-515, Patrick C. Pannell(Barnett?), Private, 31(?) Kan(Pen?), 1861 to 1862, 1 yr 6 mos, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, misplaced papers

44. Blank

45. 310-311, ??? A. Eastes(?), Private, Co. D, 79 Ind Vol, 8-8-1862 to 3-25-1863, 0 yrs 8 mos 17 dys, PO address-Oklahoma, OT

46. 265-266, Margaret Holgi(Holtzi?), widow of, Frederrick Holgi(Holtzi?), Private, Co. C(I?G?), 18 KY(?), 1-1861 to 7-18-1865, 5 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, papers lost of part of service

47. ?21-?22, Hugh Kelley, Private, Co. K, 1 ??? ?gland, 1864 to 8-1865, 6 yrs(?), PO address-Hugh Kelley, Oklahoma, OK Ter, 14 years old when enlisted

48. 219-220, Joseph G. Sweet(Smot?Sneed?), Cor., Co. C(?), ??? ??? ???, 2-21-1864 to 8-8-1865(?), 1(?) yr 5 mos 15 dys, PO address-Oklahoma, OK Ter

49. 223-224, Henry P. Green, Private, Co. F, 7 Arizona(?) Vol, ?-2-1864 to 12-6-1864, PO address-Henry P. Green, Disability incurred-lost left arm at shoulder joint, papers not a hand

50. -, Angeline Reed, Widow of John Reed, (marked through, may be Confederate), Private & Lieut

Page 5, Supervisor's District-125(marked through) Enumeration District-26, Oklahoma City, County of Oklahoma, Territory of Oklahoma, Enumerator-Lyman H. North

1. 188-189, James F(?) Monical(?), Private, Co. I, 40 Ill, 3-4-1862 to 7 or 8-21-1865

2. 145-145, Aaron Jones, Private, Co. E, 12 Iowa?, 10-1864 to 7-23-1865, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, Disability incurred-ruptured & rheumatism, Lost his discharge papers

3. 148-148, Jonathan A.L. Bleeker, Latin(?) Bleeker, Private, Epponnent(?) l?p?h ??? ???, 1863 to 1863, 4 mos, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, Papers were lost ???

4. 154-155, Rachael E. Mason, widow, William Herman(?), Captain, Co. C, 27 Mo(Mi?) Vol, 7-4-1861 to ?-13-1862

5. 3-4, William Alexander, Corporal, Co. F, 48 H?D Col Infantry, 5-1-1863 to 1-4-1862, 2 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma, OT,

6. 20-21, Robert Cissna, Private, Co. G(C?), 128(?) Ind, 12-3-1863 to 4-10-1866, 2 yrs 4 mos 7 dys, PO address-Oklahoma, OT

7. 81-82, Joseph A. Swope, Private, Co. G, 17 Ind, 12-1863 to 8-28-1865, PO address-Oklahoma, OT

8. 330-331, Lewis Simon, Private, Co. F, 8 O.I(?) Vol, 10-24-1861 to 1862, 1 yr, PO address-Oklahoma, OT

9. 351-352, Delos Walker, Private, Co. B, ????anes Regiment, 4-22-1861 to 7-8-1865, 4 yrs, 7 mos 11(?) dys, PO address-Oklahoma, OT

10. 351-352, Delos Walker, Captain & Major, 117(127?137?) Penn, PO address-Oklahoma, OT

11. 351-352, Delos Walker, Lieut Col, 143(145?) Penn,  PO address-Oklahoma, OT

12. 352-???, Amelia Thomtson(?), widow of Edman Thomtson(?), Cor., Co. B, 100 Col Inf, 5-28-1864 to 12-21-1865, 4 yrs, 6 mos, 28 dys,

Page 6, SD-Okla, ED-26, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma City, Okla

13. 353-354, George Banford, alias George Taylor, Private, Co. E, 114 US Col ???, 5-28-1864(?) to 4-2-1876

14. 333-334, Ben(jamin?)  Ancey(?), Private, Co. B, 21 Wis, 8-1862 to at close 1865, PO address-H??toh, Kansas, Disability incurred-Chronic P, often unable to work

15. 33-334, Ben(jamin?) Ancey(?), Private, Co. C, NY ??, 1865 to 1865, 3 mos, PO address-Oklahoma, OT

16. 372(?)-373, William Hickey, 2 L(?), 10 O ??, 4-14-1861 to

17. 372-373, William Hickey, Captain, 10 O Inf, 1862 to 6(?)-17-1864

18. 372-373, William Hickey, Major, 184(?) O Inf, 7-23-1864 to 7-14-1865

19. 360-361, Benjamin(?) Card(?), Private, Co. B, 21 Ind Inf, 7-6-1861(?) to 9-1864

20. 360-361, Benjamin(?) Card(?), 1st Lieut, Co L, 21(?) Ind Inf, 9-1863 to 9-1864

21. 37?-374(?), John A. Courtney, 1st Lieut, 66 Ill, PO address-Oklahoma, ???? was  s(r?)???? mustered(?) in on a c??? ?? ??? of Kan

22. 378-379, Henry Lane(Dane?), Reg ???, 13 Kan, 1863 to 1865, 1 yr 6 mos

23. 116-117, Matthew(?) Lewis(?), ??? Sarg, Co. D(?), 28 NY, 5-11-1861 to 6-26-1863

24. 422-423, George Massier(Missier?), Private, Co. F, 16 Mich. 8-15-1861 to 8-15-1864, 3 yrs, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, Disability incurred-C??tra?t??, Catarrah(?)(Cataracts?)

25. 432-435, T(?)ricker W. Williamson, 1st Lieut, Co. B, 43 Ind, 10-1861 to 6-1865 PO address-Oklahoma, OT

26. ???-544, Thomas A. He?iston , Hos S & Private, Co. B, 134 Ill, 12-21-1862 to ??-1864, PO address-Oklahoma, OT

Page 7, SD-Okla, ED-26, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma City, Okla

27. 479-481, Hiram F. Butler, Private, Co. A, 64 Ill ??, 9-16-1862 to 12-12-1862, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, Disability incurred-shot in hand

28. 480-482, Sarah(?) ? Peters, widow of William H. Harrs Peters, First Sa(La?), Co.B, 66(?) Ind Infantry, 8-2-1862 to 1-3-1865,  2 yrs 10 mos 0 dys

29. 488-490, Charles F. Mavis, Private, Co. F, 19 US R, 8-7-1863 to 7-1865

30. 490-492 Annie Hare, widow of Albert R. Lenord, Private, Co. A, 118 Ill V, 1-24-1864 to 10-1-1865

31. 25-26, Chess elden Fisher, ?, 75 Ill Infantry, 9-1862 to 12-1864, 2 yrs 3 mos 0 dys, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, Disability incurred-chronic D., Resigned

32. 531-538, John C. Bomick(?), Private, Co. C, 43 O VV In, 1-24-1864 to 7-10-1865

33. 214-215, Joseph G?a?ter(S?a?ter), Corporal, 143 Ind, 1864 to 1865

34. 257-262, James L. Brown, Private, Co. A, 60 Ohio Infantry, 10-16-1861 to

35. 257-262, James L. Brown, same as #34, Private, Co. K, 86 Ohio Infantry

36. 257-262, James L. Brown, same as #34, Private, Co. A, 127 Ohio Infantry

37.257-262, James L. Brown, same as #34, Private, Co. D, 47(97?) Ohio Infantry, -- to 5-1865

38. 322-323, James M. Gaston, Private, Co. F, 26 Ill Infantry, 2-22-1864 to 1865, PO address-Oklahoma, OT, Discharge papers stolen with goods ?? R???? Md(?)

39. 333-334, William Vance(Lance), Private, Co. G, 119 Ill, 3-10-1864 to 9-10-1864, 0 yrs 6 mos 0 dys

40. -

Page 8, SD-Okla, ED-26, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma City, Okla

41. 74-75, Edward Zwickerk(h)?, US Soldier, PO address-Frisco, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

42. 62-63, Edward Hopk?iy Waiter, US, PO address-Choctaw, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

43. 50-51, Susan McCray, widow of soldier, PO address-Frisco, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

44. 24-25, Kennau(n) Fisher, US Soldier, PO address-Choctaw, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

45. 125-126, Jane Oldham, widow of a wagoner, US, PO address-Pottawatomie, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

46. 79-80, John Wells, US Soldier, PO address-Frisco, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

47. 199-200, Harry H. Shultz, US Soldier, PO address-Noble, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

48. 190-191, Angeline Reed, widow of US Soldier, PO address-Noble, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

49. 535-542, Moses P. Brown, US Soldier, PO address-Gran(?), Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

50. 455-457, William J. Gault, US Soldier, PO address-California, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Page 1, Supervisor's District-1, Enumeration District-27, County of-seventh, State of-Oklahoma

1. 234-234, John Reed, Private, Co. H(K?), 91(92?) Ill Infantry, 1862 to 8-1865, 3 yrs 8 mos 0 dys, PO address-Logan, OT, Disability incurred-left arm shot off, Discharged on surgeons certificate disability

2. 254-254, John R. Farra, Private, Co. D, 13 Iowa Infantry, 1861 to 1865, 4 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Ivanhoe, OT

3. 399-399, Charles O. Tannahill, Captain, Co. B, 63(65?) Ohio Infantry, 10-20-1861 to 9-16-1864, 2 yrs 8 mos 26 dys, PO address-Bluegrass, OT

4. 247-247, James A. Taft, Private, Co. A, 65 Ill Infantry, 3(?)-8-1862 to 4-8-1865, 3 yrs 1 mos 0 dys, PO address-Lockwood, OT

5. 213-213, James A. Matthews, Private, Co. G, 24 Iowa Infantry, 8-13-1862 to 11-20-1864, 2 yrs 3 mos 7 dys, PO address-Logan, OT, Disability incurred-gunshot wound in forearm

6. 274-274, Robert. Steward, Sergeant, Co. I(D?), 115 Ill Infantry, 8-2-1862 to 6-14-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 12 dys, PO address-Benton, OT

7. 301-301, Westley(?) Hibbs, Private, 4 Ill Cav, 9-14-1861 to 11-3-1864, 3 yrs 1 mos 19 dys, PO address-Glenwood, OT

8. 280-280, William Cranson(?), Private, Co. A, 130 Ind Infantry, 2-1863 to 9-1866, 3 yrs 7 mos 0 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT, Disability incurred-shot in foot

9. 282-282, William Brown, Private, Co. A, 66 Ind Infantry, 7-9-1863 to 6-3-1865, 2 yrs 9 mos 24 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT

10. 299-299, James Ban(Barr?), Private, Co. C, ?? Infantry, 8-14-1862 to 9-20-1865, 3 yrs 1 mos 6 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT

11. 316-316, Robert Wells, Private, Co. B, 122 Ill Infantry, 7-13-1862 to 7-16-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 2 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT, Disability incurred-loss of right eye

12. 318-318, James V. Thompson, Private, Co. T(F?), 80 Ohio Infantry, 2-17-1864 to 8-30-1865, 1 yr 6 mos 13 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT

Page 2, SD-the, ED-27, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma

13. 325-325, David Miller, Private, Co. D, 72 Ill Infantry, 1862 to 186?,   PO address-Beaver, OK

14. 326-326, Noah Lane, Private, Co. G, 39 Iowa Infantry, 6-1862 to 8-1865, 3 yrs 2 mos 0 dys, PO address-Beaver, OK

15. 327-327, William R. Waddle, Private, Co. D, 7 Ill Infantry, 4-17-1861 to 8-5-1862, 1 yr 3 mos 18 dys, PO address-Beaver, OK

16. 327-327, William R. Wadle, Private, Co. C(?), 126(?) Or(?) Infantry, 8-2-1862 to 7-2-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 10 dys, PO address-Beaver, OK, Disability incurred-chronic rheumatism

17. 328-328, James Y. Lane, Private, Co. A, 51 Mo Infantry, 3-1865 to 10-1865, 0 yrs 7 mos 0 dys, PO address-Beaver, OK

18. 331-331, Onoll(?) L. McClung, Seargeant, Co. F(T?), 69 Ohio Infantry, 10-11-1861 to 7-24-1865, 3 yrs 9 mos 13 dys, PO address-Beaver, OK

19. 334-334, L.M. Hubbard, Captain, Co. I(?), 39 Ohio Infantry, 8-12-1861 to 7-22-1863, 3 yrs 11 mos 10 dys,  PO address-Gate City, OK

20. 334-334, Robert Hubbard, Col, 9(?) NC Infantry, 1862 to 1865, 3 yrs, 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Gate City, OK

21. 353-353, Andre(?) M. Farmer(?), Private, Co. D, 35 NY Infantry, ?-7-1861 to 6-7-1863, 1 yr 6 mos 0 dys, PO address-Beaver, OK, Disability incurred-hay fever, chronic rheumatism, piles, ??? ???, sergeons certificate of disability

22. 337-337, John Donley, Private, Co. A, 13 Penn Cav, 8-26-1862 to 7-14-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 18 dys, PO address-Beaver, OK

23. 344-344, Owen G. Chase, Captain, Co. T, 9(?) Va Infantry, 8-1861 to 1862, 0 yrs 4 m os 0 dys, PO address-Beaver, OK, Disability incurred-rheumatism & piles

24. 345-345, Thomas Kirtley(?), Sergean, Co. D, 139(?) Md Infantry, 5-8-1861 to 10-20-1864, 3 yrs 5 mos 12 dys, PO address-Beaver, OK

25. 346-346, John B. Nikolas(Mikolas?), Sergeant, Co. F,48 Mo Cav, 10-20-1864 to 6-29-1865, 0 yrs 7 mos 29 dys, PO address-Beaver, OK

26. 347-347, Herman S. Smith, Private, Co. D, 4 Iowa Infantry, 10-1-1864 to  5-1865, 0 yrs 7 mos, 0 dys, PO address-Beaver, OK

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27. 348-348, John R.  Thomas, Private, Co. I, 7 Ill Cav, 9-3-1861 to 8-27-1864, 2 yrs 11 mos 24 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT

28. 354-354, Asa Sinclair, Private, Co. F(?), 16 Ind Infantry, 7-20-1862 to 6-30-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 10 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT, Disability incurred-gunshot wound in ???? & chronic diarrhera

29. 355-355, Judd D. Hornback, Private, Co. E, 32 Iowa Infantry, 1-11-1864 to 6-14-1865, 1 yr 5 mos 3 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT

30. 360-360, James R. Quinn, Private, Co. C, 75 Ind Infantry, 8-20-1861 to 6(1?)-8-1865, 3 yrs 9 mos 18 dys, PO address-Provia(?), OT, Disability incurred-gunshot wound in right shoulder

31. 365-365, Thomas J. Weeden, Private, Co. D, 12 Mo Cav, 10-13-1863 to 1-1-1866, 2 yrs 2 mos 18 dys, PO address-Provia(?), OT

32. 373-373, James A. King, Private, Co. A, 126 Ohio Infantry, 8-18-1862 to 6-25-1865, 3 yrs 10 mos 7 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT

33. 377-377, William D. Matthews, Private, Co. B, 89(7?) Ohio Infantry, 6-16-1862 to 9-1862, PO address-Beaver, OT, Disability incurred-asthma, chronic rheumatism

34. 377-377, William D. Matthews, same as #33, Sergeant, Co. C, 86 Ohio Infantry, 10-1863 to 1864

35. 377-377, William D. Matthews, same as # 33, 1864 to 1865, 1 yr 0 mos 0 dys, 1st Lieut, Co. G, 178 Ohio Infantry,

36. 218-218, Alonzo Vantessel, Private, Co. G, 87 Ind Infantry, 8-9-1862 to 7-10-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 1 dys, PO address-Logan, OK

37. 252-252, Maggie Cartwright(Cortwright?), widow of William Cartwright, Private, Co. B, 44(9?),  9-5(6?)-1862 to 7-2-1865, PO address-Lockwood, OK

38. 398-398, Andrew B.Hulit(?), Private, Co. S(G?), 18 Ill Cav, 7-1-1862 to 4-13-1863(5?), PO address-Beaver, OK

39. 236-236, Marry G. McClan, widow of Tipp W. Clan(?) McClan,   Private, Co. I, 15 Ind Infantry, 1861(?) to 1863, PO address-Lockwood, OK

40. 388-388, John Gunn(Sunn?), Private, Co. D, 8 Ill Infantry, 9-14-1862(?) to 11-1861(?), PO address-Beaver, OK

Page 4, SD-the, ED-27, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma

41. 388-388, James C. Owens, PO address-Beaver, OT

42. 391-391, Delvin Crafft, PO address-Beaver, OT

43. 375-375, Rebeca Havius(?), widow of, PO address-Beaver, OT

44. 78-78, Eliza Shalker, widow, PO address-OT

45. 124-124, Charley D. Richards, PO address-OT

46. 127-127, Barthl(Bartlil?)McCartney, PO address-OT

47. 128-128, James C. Bench, PO address-OT

Page 6, Supervisor's District-The Okla, Enumeration District - 27, County of-seventh, state of Oklahoma, enumerated by Robert F. Overstreet

1. 2-2, William Darby, Private, Co. A, 26 Ill Infantry, 4-8-1865 to 6-15-1865, 0 yrs 2 mos 7 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT, In govt(?) at Camp Douglas

2. 5-5, Joshua K. Whuire(?), Private, Co. I, 22 Ohio Infantry, 4-21-1861 to 8-19-1861, 0 yrs 3 mos 27 dys, Private, Co. H, 140 Pen Infantry, 8-22-1862 to 5-20-1865(?), 2 yrs 8 mos 28 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT, Disability incurred-left arm shot off, pheumabi??? & chronic diarrhera, Discharges on certif of disability

3. 7-7, Adams C. Sanderson, Private, Co. H, 73 Ind Infantry, 5-6-1862 to 3-13-1863, 0 yrs 7 mos 7 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT, Disability incurred-Gunshot wound in upper ???/???, Discharged on gunshot wound

4. 8-8, Margret, widow of Robert Crawford, Private, Co. H, 73 Ind Infantry, 8-4-1862 to 2-5-1863, 0 yrs 6 mos 1 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT

5. 9-9, John J. Mobler(?), Private, Co. D, 68 Ind Infantry, 8-9-1862 to 6-30-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 21 dys, PO address-Rothwell, OT, Disability incurred-indolent ulcer on left leg

6. 16-16, John H. Rosavelt, Private, Co. G, 187(1?) Ohio Infantry, 2-24-1865 to 1-20-1866, 0 yrs 10 mos 26 dys, PO address-Boyd, OT, Disability incurred-Chronic diarrhera

7. 18-18, William R. Haley, Private, Co. A, 7 Ky Infantry, 7-13-1861 to ??, PO address-Boyd, OT, Disability incurred-bullet wound in thigh, Never discharged from the service

8. 20-20, Sarah E., widow of Samuel Woolsey, Private, Co. K, 25 Wis(?) Infantry, 8-15-1862 to 2-26-1863, 0 yrs 6 mos 5 dys, PO address-Fulton, OT, Died in hospital at Madison, Wis

9. 25-25, Edward G. Carson, Private, Co. G, 11 Penn(?) Infantry, 4-22-1861 to 7-31-1861, 0 yrs 3 mos 7 dys, PO address-Boyd, OT, Disability incurred-Epilipsy

10. 26-26, Jane, widow of Nathaniel A. Coulter, Private, Co. D, 13 Mo Cav, 12-1861 to 4-24-1862, 0 yrs 4 mos 24 dys, PO address-Boyd, OT, Died at Ithaca Hospital

11. 28-28, Henry E. Clark, Private, Co. H, 16 Vt Infantry, 8-26-1862 to 8-10-1863, 1 yr 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Rothwell, OT, Disability incurred-piles & heart disease

12. 35-35, John A. Wiseman, C??d H??????, Black Hawk, PO address-Kokomo, OT

Page 7, SD-The, ED-27, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma

13. 36-36, John Boger(?), Private, Co. D, 11 Ohio Cav, 10-24-1861 to 4-1-1865, 3 yrs 5 mos 7 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT, discharged on sergeants(?) ??? of disability

14. 52-52, Irvine Brown, Private, Co. I(?), 7 ?? Infantry, 9-18-1861 to 12-9-1862, 1 yr 3 mos 21 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT, Disability incurred-spine affected

15. 53-53, John W. Smith, Private, Co. G, 29 Ohio Infantry, 8-9-1862 to 6-9-1985, 2 yrs 10 mos 0 dys,  PO address-Beaver, OT, Disability incurred-piles & hemmaroids

16. 54-54, Samuel ??id, Private, Co. H, 1 W Va Infantry, 9-11-1861 to 3-3-1865, 3 yrs 10 mos 22 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT, disability incurred-F????? & ?????

17. 57-57, Annis(Ammie) Hibbs(Gibbs), Private, Co. G, 4 Ill Cav, 1861 to 1864, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Bo?? Mich(?) County, Kansas, Right leg broken

18. 68-68, Nathan J. Rhodes, Private, Co. I, 24 Iowa Inf, 8-9-1862 to 9-16-1866, 3 yrs 11 mos 7 dys, PO address-Garland, OT

19. 79-79, Joseph Whitaker, Private, Co. A, 3 Mo Cav, 8-1862 to 7-1865, 3 yrs 11 mos 0 dys, PO address-Garland, OT, Disability incurred-Rheumatism & diarhea

20. 81-81, Fredner Fox, Private, Co. K, 5 Ind Inf, 10-16-1862 to 7-30-1863, 0 yrs 9 mos 14 dys, PO address-Garland, OT

21. 86-86, James W. Muers(?), Private, Co. G, 54 Ill Inf, 2-21-1864 to 10-15-1865, 1 yr 7 mos 23 dys,  PO address-Englewood, Kansas

22. 103-103, Rudopehess ? Goidale(?), Private, Co. B, 15 ?? Inf, 8-1862 to 7-1863, 0 yrs 11 mos 0 dys, PO address-Murdock, OT

23. 104-104, Charles W. Sagner?), Private, Co. C, 3 NY Inf, 7-16-1863 to 9-27-1865, 2 yrs 0 mos 5 dys, PO address-Murdock, OT

24. 105-105, Baldwin(?) W. ???(McGee?), Private, Co. M, 7 Ind Cav, 9-14-1863 to 8-1865, 1 yrs 11 mos 0 dys,PO address-Murdock, OT, Disability incurred-Rheumatism & scurvy

25. 108-108, Benjamin F. McPherson(?), Private, Co. B, 11 Kan Cav, 8-6-1862 to 8-1865, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Englewood, Kansas

26. 112-112, Jefferson Randell, Private, Co. D, 33 Iowa Inf, 2-27-1864 to 8-9-1865, 1 yr 5 mos 12 dys, PO address-Gate City, Okla, Disability incurred-piles & kidney affected

Page 8, SD-The, ED-27, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma

27. 113-113, James R. Hudson, Private, Co. I, 49 Ohio Infantry, 8-23-1861 to 6-1-1862, 0 yrs 9 mos 11 dys, PO address-Gate City, OT, Disability incurred-typhoid fever

28. 113-113, Goodman F. Simons, Private, Co. C, 20 Ind Infantry, 6-18-1861 to 7-15-1865, 4 yrs 0 mos 27 dys, PO address-Gate City, OT, Disability incurred-gunshot wound thigh & shoulder

29. 114-114, William Pivett(Pruitt?), Private, Co. B, 10 Ky Cav, 8-10-1862 to 9-17-1863, 1 yr 1 mos 7 dys, PO address-Gate City, OT, Disability incurred-??? affected from measles

30. 119-119, Robert B. Kerns(?), Private, Co. D(?), 135(?) Ill Infantry, 10-20-1862 to 10-20-1865, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Gate City, OT, Disability incurred-Chronic rheumatism

31. 121-121, James Jarrell(?), Private, Co. F 11, Ind Infantry, 2-17-1861 to 8-15-1865, 4 yrs 5 mos 28 dys, PO address-Gate City, OT, Disability incurred-Chronic diarhea & piles

32. 140-140, Barney Pitts, Private, Co. M, 8 Mo Cav, 5-17-1863 to3-2-1864, 0 yrs 9 mos 15 dys, PO address-Lansing, OT, Disability incurred-Chronic heart disease & diarhea

33. 150-150, John Ron(?), Private, Co. G, 3 Iowa Cav, 9-1861 to 12-1864, 3 yrs 3 mos 0 dys, PO address-Benton, OT

34. 131-131, Andrew J. Nichols, Private, Co. K, 17 Kan(?) Infantry, 8-1864 to 2-1865, 0 yrs 6 mos 0 dys, PO address-Lansing, OT

35. 135-135, James Williams, Private, Co. K, 109 Ill Infantry, 8-11-1862 to 6-21-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 10 dys, PO address-Gate City, OT

36. 137-137, Benjamin F. Cole,   PO address-Lansing, OT, Disability incurred-gunshot wound in foot & mouth(?) (could not see him, enumerator RFO)

37. 208-208, Franklin J. Birdsell, Private, Co. ?, 55 NY Infantry, Sergeant, Co. M, 7 Miss(?) Cav, 5-20-1863 to 3-10-1865, 1 yr 9 mos 20 dys, PO address-Bluegrass, OT, Disability incurred-ankel sprained

38. 210-210, William A. Bridges(?), Private, Co. L, 5 Kan Cav, 5-10-1863 to 7-28-1864, 1 yr 2 mos 18 dys, PO address-Bluegrass, OT

39. 212-212, James A. Doty, Private, Co. A, 10 Ill Cav, 2-6-1862 to 12-20-1865, 3 yrs 10 mos 14 dys, PO address-Lorgan, OT, Disability incurred-foot smashed

40. 158-158, Robert T. Barnfield(?), Private, Co. F, 40 Ill Infantry, 3-1861 to 4-20-1865, 4 yrs 1 mos 20 dys, PO address-Beaver, OT

Page 9, SD-The, ED-27, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma

41. 159-159, John W. McCool, Pirvate, Co. B, 183(?) Pen Infantry, 9-1861 to 6-14-1863, 3 yrs 9 mos 14 dys, PO address-B???, Okla

42. 162-162, Marry A. Pedn??, widow of Henry O. Clark, Private, Co. G, 42 Ill Infantry, 1861 to 1865, 4 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Alpine, Okla

43. 163-163, Jesse Perkins(?), Private, Co. E, 1 Neb(?) Cav, 3-29-1864 to 7-1-1866, 2 yrs 3 mos 2 dys, PO address-Benton, Okla

44. 164-164, Benjamin D. Fowler, Private, Co. H 87 Ind(?) Infantry, 9-18-1861 to 11-1864, 3 yrs 2 mos 0 dys, PO address-Benton, Okla, Disability incurred-Chronic ???? Rheumatism

45. 165-165, James Cainble(?), Private, Co. H 5 Iowa(?) Infantry, 1-17-1861 to 10-10-1862, 1 yrs 3 mos 22 dys, PO address-Benton, Okla, Disability incurred-Chronic broncitis & diarhea

46. 167-167, William H. Bright(?), Private, Co. G, 6 Ind Infantry, 10-20-1861 to 12-7-1864, 3 yrs 1 mos 17 dys, PO address-Benton, Okla

47. 260-260, Henry C. Drum, Sergeant, Co. G, 4 Ill Cav, 9-6-1861 to 11-3-1864, 3 yrs 1 mos 27 dys, PO address-Lorgan, Okla

48. 181-181, William M. In(?)(can't read last name), Private, Co. A, 21 Mo Infantry, 1-13-1862 to 5-8-1865, 3 yrs 3 mos 25 dys,  PO address-Bluegrass, Okla, Disability incurred-head(hand) disease(?) & chronic diarhea

49. 190-190, George W. Dawkins(?), Private, Co. K(?) 43 M(?) Infantry, 9-4-1864 to 6-24-1865, 0 yrs 9 mos 20 dys, PO address-Bluegrass, Okla, Disability incurred-rupture & hernia

50. 259-259, Leandre(?) Curtis, Private, Co. C, 33 Ill Infantry, 6-1863 to 12-1865, 2 yrs 6 mos 0 dys, PO address-Lorgan, Okla

Page 1, SD-Oklahoma, ED-28, Territory of Oklahoma, County of No Man's Land, State of Oklahoma, enumerated by Richard B. Quinn

1. 3-3, James P. Williken, Private, Co. H, 7 Mo Cav, 101-1861 to 10-16-1862, 1 yr 0 mos 16 dys, PO address-Hardesty, IT

2. 3-3, James P. Williken, Private, Co. D, 15 Iowa Infantry, 10-1-18654 to 8-1-1865, 0 yrs 9 mos 16 dys, PO address-Hardesty, IT, Disability incurred-broken constitution

3. 14-16, Sylvester A. Watson, Private, Co. D, 150 Ill Infantry, 8-1-1863 to 5-1-1865, 2 yrs 9 mos 0 dys, PO address-Grand Valley

4. 17-19, Thomas Burtnett(Burtuett?), Private, Co. H. 43 Ohio Infantry, 12-22-1863 to 7-13-1865, 2 yrs 5 mos 21 dys, PO address-Grand Valley

5. 21-23, Arkansas Sutton, widow of Hiram Sutton, Private, Co. D, 39 Iowa Infantry, 8-1-1862 to 6-8-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 4 dys, PO address-Hardesty, IT

6. 28-31, Jacob Ingold, Private, Co. A, 162 Ohio Nate Gussie(?), 5-20-1864 to 9-4-1864, 0 yrs 3 mos 15 dys, PO address-Grand Valley

7. 29-32, Ami(?), widow of Samuel Ewing, Private, Co. ?, 40 Iae(?) Infantry, PO address-Hardesty, IT, cannot get further information

8. 31-34(?), Isaac U(W?) Hubbard, Private, Co. G, 33 Iut(?) Infantry, 9-1862 to 10-1864, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Hardesty, IT, information obtainable from wife, not at home

9. 40-43, James N. Loveless, Corporal, Co. M, 11 Teuh(?) L Cav, 1-3-1864 to 9-19-1865, 1 yr 8 mos 8 dys, PO address-Tyrone, Kansas

10. 38-41, Hayes B. Fore, Private, Co. E, 43 ?? L Infantry, 8-13-1864 to 6-29-1865, 0 yrs 11 mos 0 dys, PO address-Tyrone, Kansas, Disability incurred-Rheumatism

11. 46-49, Amos E. Foreman, Private, Co. F, 26 Ill ??, 2-4-1863 to 7-6-1865, 2 yrs 5 mos 2 dys, PO address-Tyrone, Kansas, Disability incurred-left foot mashed by ambulance wagon

12. 48-51, John M. Montgomery, Private, Co. H, 117 Ind(?) L Infantry, 7-16-1863 to 2-24-1864, 0 yrs 6 mos 8 dys, PO address-Tyrone, Kansas

Page 2, SD-Oklahoma, ED-28, Minor Civil Division-No Man's Land

13. 56-59, Robert ? B??y(?)(Basy?), Private, PO address-Tyrone, Kansas, Disability incurred-stomach & bowl disease

14. 57-60, Alexander Morrison(?), Private, Co. E, 150 Ill Infantry, 2-4-1865 to 2-1-1866, 0 yrs 11 mos 26 dys,  PO address-Tyrone, Kansas

15. 58-61, Solomon Knows(?), Private, Co. C, 53(?) Ill Infantry, 3-29-1865 to 7-22-1865, 0 yrs 3 mos 22 dys, PO address-Tyrone, Kansas

16. 63-67, Vernon(?) Bockhurst(?), Sergeant, Co. H(?), 62(52?) NY(?) Infantry, 1861 to 1862, 1 yr 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Buffalo, No Man's Land, Disability incurred-Wounded in left shoulder

17. 65-69, Calvin French(Friech?), Private, Co. D, 125 Ohio Infantry, 6-26-1863 to 3-9-1864, 1 yrs 2 mos 8 dys, PO address-Buffalo, No Man's Land

18. 65-69, Calvin French(Friech?), Private, Co. K, 85 Ohio Infantry, 1862 to 9-20-1862, 0 yrs 4 mos 0 dys, PO address-Buffalo, No Man's Lnad

19. 66-70, Andrew R. Hruderson(?), Private, Co. K, ?? Ill Cav, 3-19-1863 to 1865, 2 yrs 5 mos 0 dys, PO address-Buffalo, No Man's Land

20. 67-7?, James A. Hutchenson, Private, Co. F(?), 55(?) Ohio Infantry, 1862 to 1863, 0 yrs 11 m os 0 dys,PO address-Buffalo, No Man's Land, Disability incurred-Wounded in face by shell, totally blind, caused by ill treatment while prisoner

21. 73-77, George(?) F. Ray, Sergeant, Co. I, 31 Miss(Mo) Infantry, 3-1863 to 7-1865, 2 yrs 0 mos 0 dys,PO address-Hardesty, No Man's Land

22. 79-83, Samuel Pierson, Private, Co. F, 78 Ind Infantry, 1864 to 1864, 0 yrs 2 mos 0 dys, PO address-Hardesty, No Man's Land

23. 80-84, Charles E. R(?)eterman, Private, Co. A, 208 P?? Infantry, 8-24-1864 to 1-1-1865, 0 yrs 9 mos 7 dys,PO address-Hardesty, No Man's Land, Disability incurred-Malaria

24. 97-102, Isaac H. Barrett, Private, Co. J(?), 26 Ind(?) Infantry, PO address-Richfield, Kansas, Disability incurred-Right arm crippled

25. 93-108, William N(W?) Epperson, Corporal, Co. A, 16 Kan(?) Cav, 9-5-1862(?) to 12-6-1863, 0 yrs 9 mos 7 dys,  PO address-O?????, No Man's Land

26. 109-116(?), Edward T. Talcott, Partefecer(?), Co. T(?), Neb Cav, 186? to 7-1-1866, 2 yrs 4 mos 0 dys, PO address-Hardesty, No Man's Land

Page 3, SD-Oklahoma, ED-2?, Minor Civil Division-No Man's Land

27. 117-124, Andrew Houriastrue(?), Captain, Co. ?, 65 Ohio Infantry, 11-30-1861 to 3-10-1865, 3 yrs 3 mos 10 dys, PO address-Hardesty, No Man's Land, Disability incurred-shot through right lung, heart disease.

28. 130-137(2), Geo W. Spraks(?), Private, Co. H, 7 Kan Cav, 10-2-1862 to 1-1865, 2 yrs 3 mos 18 dys, PO address-Hardesty, No Man's Land

29. 101-108, William L. Green, U.S., PO address-Hardesty, No Man's Land

30. 104-108, Charles F. Grammer(?), PO address-Hardesty, No Man's Land

31. 70-74, Wm. Q(?) Eldridge, PO address-Hardesty, No Man's Land

Page 1, SD-125, ED-29, County of Beaver, State of Oklahoma, Enumerated by George W. Hubbard

1. 10-10, William O(C?) Coheane(?), Private, Co. H, 10 Kan(?) Infantry, 8-25-1861 to 8-23-1864, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Cauizo, IT

2. 19-19, Joseph J. Wardell(Wandell?), Corporal, Co. B, 114(16?) Ohio Infantry, 8-20-1862 to 8-20-1865, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys

3. 24-24, Absalim A. Wilt(?), Sergeant, Co. E, 18 ?? ??, 9-28-1862 to 9-1-1865,  3 yrs 0 mos o dys

4. 26-26, Maud, widow of Rheuben Winkleplick(Hinkleplick?), Private, Col F, Kan(?) Infantry, 8-1862 to 8-1865, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys

5. 33-33, Martha A, widow of Charles M. Simmons, Private, Co. G(?), 122(?) ?? Cav, 1-5-1864 to2-15-1866

6. ??-??, William C. McCormick, PO address-Mineral City, IT, Disability incurred-gunshot wound

7. 48-49, Madison Spurgeon, Private, Co. E, 16(11?), Kan ??, 1-81-1863 to 8-18-1865, 3 yrs 7 mos 10 dys, PO address-Cauizo, IT

8. 53-54, John Lyons, Private, Co. A, 3 Texas(?) Cav, 1864 to 1865, 1 yrs ? mos 3 dys,  PO address-Mineral City, IT

9. 53-54, John Lyons, Private, Co. A, 3 Texas(?) Cav?, 12-17-1861 to 1864, 2 yrs 2 mos 11 dys, PO address-Mineral City, IT

10. 62-63, Tilfona(?) N. Barnes(?), 1st Lieut, Co. K, 1 Ky Cav(?), 10-29-1861 to 1-1865, 4 yrs 3 mos 0 dys, PO address-Cauizo, IT, Disability incurred-gunshot wound in forearm

11. 64-??, Sarah C., widow of Rheuben  Beins(?), Private, Co. E, 84(?) Penn(?) Infantry, 9-1861 to 1-1863, 1 yrs 10 mos 0 dys, PO address-Cauizo, IT, Killed at Petusburg(?) MD(?)

12. 66-67, William F. McCash, Sergeant, Co. B, 1 Mo ??, 10-31-1861 to 10-31-1864, 3 yrs 1 mos 5 dys,  PO address-Baston, Colo, Disability incurred-Malaria

Page 2, SD-125, ED-29

13. 70-??, John W. Layton, Private, Co. G(?), 5 ?? Infantry, 3-1864 to 5-1865, 1 yr 2 mos 0 dys, PO address-Exeter(?), Nebraska(?)

14. 71-0??, Rachael B., widow of Adam T. Hewett(Merritt), Private, Col K, 2? ?? Infantry, 10-12-1861 to 2-29-1864, 3 yrs 5 mos 0 dys

15. ??-??, Adam T Hewett(Merritt), Private, Co. K, 22(?) ?? Infantry, 3-12-1864 to 7-17-1865, 1 yrs 3 mos 17 dys,  PO address-Lalago(?), Kansas, Disability incurred-comsumption

15. 44-45, James L. Leach

Page 1, Supervisor's District- 125, Enumeration District -29, Western Dist of Oklahoma, B????? or 7th, State of Oklahoma Terr, Enumerated by George W. Hubbard

1. 10-10, William C(O?) C(I?)oheane, Private, Co. H, 10 ?? Miss(Mo?Kan?), 8-23-1861 to 8-23-1864, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mineral City, IT, Infantry

2. 19-19, Joseph J. Waidell, Corporal, Co. B, 114 Ohio Infantry, 8-20-1862 to 8-20-1865, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys,  PO address-Cauizo, IT, Infantry

3. 24-24, Absalim A. Weit(?), Seargeant, Co. E, 18 ?? Cav, 9-28-1862 to 10-1865, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mineral City, IT, Could not recall unit

4. 26-26, Mollie Wenk?????, widow of Rheubin Wenklegalielr(?), Private, Co. F, Ken Infantry, 8-1862 to 1865, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Barnes, Kansas

5. 34-35, Martha O(?), widow of Charles M. Simmons, Private, Co. G(?), 1 Iowa?? Cav, 1-5-1864 to 2-15-1866, w yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Cauizo, IT

6. 39-40, William C. McCormick(McComick?), Private, Co. D, 55(?) Penn(?) Infantry, 3-4-1862 to 6-2-1863(?), 1 yr 2 mos 29 dys, PO address-Mineral City, IT, Disability incurred-wounded in leg

7. 44-45, James L. Cash, Private, Co. M, 11(?) ?? Arti(?), 10-1-1863 to 1-10-1866, 2 yrs 3 mos 10 dys, PO address-Mineral City, IT, Disability incurred-wounded in leg

8. 40-41, John H. Williams, Private, Co. I, 16 Kan(?) Cav, 1863 to 1865, 2 yrs 8 mos 4 dys, PO address-Mineral City, IT

9. 48-49, Madison Spurgeon, Private, Co. E(?), 64(?) Kan(?) Cav, 1-18-1863 to8-15-1866, 3 yrs 4 mos 0 dys, PO address-Cauizo, IT

10. 53-54, John Lyons, Privae, Co. A, 3 ?? ??, 2-11-1864 to 1-13-1865, 1 yr 4 mos 3 dys, PO address-Cauizo, IT, Disability-shot in right arm

11. 53-54, John Lyons, Private, Co. A, 3 ?? Cav, 12-17-1861 to 12-1864, 2 yrs 2 mos 22 dys,

12. 62-65, Lilford(?) N(?) Barnes(?), 1st Lieut, Co. R, 1 ?? Cav, 1861 to 1-1865, 4 yrs 3 mos 0 dys

Page 2, SD-25/29, ED-29, Western District(?) of Oklahoma

13. 64-65, Sarah C., widow of Rheuben(?) Bairs(?), Private, Co. E, 84 Penn(?) Infantry, 9-1861 to 1962, 1 yr 10 mos 0 dys, PO address-Cauizo(?), IT, widow moved again

14. 66-67, William F. McCash, Seargeant, Co. B, 1 Mo(?) Infantry, 10-31-1861 to 10-31-1864, 3 yrs 1 mos 5 dys,  PO address-Baston(Barton), Colo, Disability incurred-Malaria

15. 70-71, John N. Layton, Private, Co. G, 65 ?? Cav, 3-1864 to 5-1865, 1 yr 2 mos 0 dys, PO address-E??tis Metra??ea

16. ??-72, Rachael B, widow of Adam T. Nivitt(Hewett/Merritt?), Private, Co. K, 25 ?? Infantry, 5-14-1861 to 2-29-1864, 3 yrs 3 mos 0 dys, PO address-Barton(Baston), Colo, Disability incurred-died from consumption

17. 86-89, Romero(?) ?intayo?, Private, Co. ?, 6 NM(?) Cav, 1861 - 1864, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-?????

18. 67-68, William Oneley(?), Soldier, PO address-?????

19. 47-48, Thomas D. Beatcher

20. 17-18, David B. Collins(?)

Page 1, SD-125(?), ED-30, Precinct No1, County of Greer, State of Unassigned Lands, enumerated by J.W. Logan

1. 1-1, Th?? A. Stone(Stowe?), Private, 0 yrs 3 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

2. 3-3, John D. Dacus, 1st Lieut,1861 to 5-17-1865, 4 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas, Disability incurred-3 fingers cut off

3. 5-5, Henry G. Daniel, Private, Co. I, 2 ?? ??, 6-1861 - 1-1862, 0 yrs 8 mos 8 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

4. 8-9, May M. Webb (Widow),  PO address-Mangum, Texas, Disability incurred-consumption

5. 9-10, John A. Jones (Conf), 1st Lieut, Co. F, 4 ?? Cav, 1861 to 5-1865, 4 yrs 5 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

6. 11-12, B(?)ashia L. Wasley(Hasley?),  PO address-Mangum, Texas

7. 14-15, Albert G. Barnard, Private, Co. B, 22 Ill Infantry, 6-1861 to 5-1865, 4 yrs 11 mos 0 dys, PO address-Quartz City, IT

8. 18-19, John N. Nelson (Conf), Private, 1861 to 186? PO address-Martha, Texas

9. 20-21, James P. B???d (Conf), Private, Co. A, 186? to 1865, 2 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

10. 21-24, John O. Settles (Conf), PO address-Mangum, Texas

11. 22-25(?), Alexander Ferguson, Mississippi(Missouri?) ??, Co. F, 3 ?? ??,  PO address-Mangum, Texas

12. 27-30, Benjamin ? Cameron (Conf), Private, 53 Ten(?) ??, 1861 to 1864, 4 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

Page 3, SD-Oklahoma, ED-30, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma

13. 81-83, John Park, Private, Co. J, 192 New Jersey Infantry, 1863 to 1864, 0 yrs 8 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

14. 82-84, John F(T?H?) Sullivan (Conf),  Private, Co. J(I?), 6 ?? Cav, 1861 to 186?, PO address-Mangum, Texas

15. 86-87, Thomas H. Barre (Conf), Corporal, 1863 to 1865, PO address-Mangum, Texas

16. 90-92, John R. Crouch (Conf), Private, PO address-Mangum, Texas

17. 92-94, Francis M. Phillips (Conf), Ardly(Ordly) Sargeant, Co. C, 4 ?? Bat, 8-8-1861 to 186?, PO address-Mangum, Texas

18. 95-87, Mollie P., wife of James A. Edwards, Private, Co. G, ? ?? Cav, PO address-Mangum, Texas

19. 97-99, William T. Dodson, (Conf), Private, Co. F, 6 ?? Infantry, 5-1862 to 5-1865, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

20. 100(?)-104, Mary M(?), wife of Burton Graham(?), PO address-Mangum, Texas, Disability incurred-shot in right leg

21. 104-106, William Jones (Conf), Private, Co. D, ? ?? Cav, 1861 to 1865, 4 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

22. 105-107, John Eddy (Conf),  Private, Co. G, 41 Mo(Mis?) Infantry, PO address-Mangum, Texas, Disability incurred-shot through the arm and neck

23. 107(?)-109(?),  James T(?) Hafern(?) (Conf),  Private, Co. D, 7 Mis(?) Infantry, 4-6-1861 to 4-6-1865, 4 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas, Disability incurred-shot in shoulder and side

24. 105-110, Robert A. Addison (Conf), Private, Co. A, 13 ?? Infantry, 1864 to 1865, 1 yrs 0 mos 0 dysPO address-Mangum, Texas

25. 109-111, Matthew D. Stripling(?) (Conf), Private, Co. I(T?), 20(?) ??   Cav, PO address-Mangum, Texas

26. 110-112, Milas E. Morse (Conf), Private, PO address-Mangum, Texas, Disability incurred-shot in the hip

Page 2, SD-Oklahoma, ED-30, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma Prct 1

27. 34-36, Walter P. Johnston (Conf), 1st Lieut, Co. M, 2 Mich Cav, 3-27-1861 to 6-17-1865, 4 yrs 2 mos 20 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas, Disability incurred-shot in groin? finger ho???? shin & rifle?

28. 29-31, Stephen C(?) Tully (Conf), Chap(?), Co. B, 2 ?? Cav, 10-19-1861 to 5-11-1865, 3 yrs 5 mos 8 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

29. 41-430, John Ross, Private, Co. C, 54 Ill Infantry, 1864 to 1865, 1 yrs 8mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas, Disability incurred-eyes injured

30. ??-??, Henry La Daut(?) (Conf), Lieut, Co. F, 18 Ohio Dist(?) Cav, 1-1-1862 to 1865, 3 yrs 4 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

31. 49-51, Richard J. Worthen, Private, Co. G, 9 Ill Infantry, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

32. 50-54, William S. Pierson(?) (Conf), Private, Co. A, 10 ?? Cav, 5-4-1861 to 6-5-1865, 4 yrs 1 mos 1 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

33. 53-55, James M. Bergman (Conf), High Private, Co. E, 1 ?? Cav, 1861 to 3-17-1865,  4 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas, Disability incurred-right leg shot off

34. 55-57, Jarret Todd (Conf), O??dly Seargeant, Co. A, Shel Brig, Mo Cav, 1863 to 1865, 2 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas, Disability incurred-shot in left leg

35. 57-59, Casseae(?) V. Wortheat(?) (Conf), PO address-Mangum, Texas

36. 58-60, William C. Murphree (Conf), Private, PO address-Mangum, Texas

37. 66-68, John A. Richardson (Conf), Private, PO address-Mangum, Texas

38. 68-70, Gaberial M. Williamson (Conf), Sargeant, Co. B, ?? ?? Cav, 1861 to 1865, 4 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

39. 70-72, Merric(?) Bartlett (Conf), Wagon Master, Co. C, 6 ?? Infantry, 1863 to 186?, PO address-Mangum, Texas

40. 71-73, Jospeh B. Armstrong (Conf), Private, Co. H., 8 Mo Infantry, 8-5-1862 to 6-7-1865, 2 yrs 10 mos 2 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

Page 4, SD-Oklahoma, ED-30, Minor Civil Division-Precinct 1

41. 112-114, William E. Norman(?) (Conf), Private, PO address-Mangum, Texas

42. 110-115, Andrew J. Miers(?) (Conf), Captain, PO address-Mangum, Texas, Disability incurred-shot in the head

43. 115-118, Sir? E?, wife of Andrew Anderson(?) (Conf), Hospital Steward, PO address-Mangum, Texas

44. 118-119, William Bradford(?), Private, Co. B, 1 Col Cav, 10-22-1864 to 10-22-1865, 1 yr 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Quartz City, Texas, Disability incurred-health impaired from exposure

45. 122-125, Alexander F. Worie(Norie?), Private, Co. F, 11 Penn(?) Infantry, 6-1861 to 6-1865, 4 yrs 0 mos 0 dys,   PO address-Quartz City, Texas, Disability incurred-shot right leg

46. 127-130, Rachael A., wife of James B. Crow, PO address,-Quartz City, Texas, Disability incurred-lost his hearing

47. 132-135(?), E(O?)??? A???, wife of George W(H?) Robbins(?) (Conf), , PO address-Quartz City, Texas, Disability incurred-shot through left leg

48. 138-141, Moses J. Giles (Conf), High Private, Co. C, 1 ?? Infantry, 5-20-1861 to 9-5-1862, PO address-Quartz City, Texas, Disability incurred-shot in left leg

49. 140-143, Edwin C. Louder(Lowder?) (Conf), Private, PO address-Mangum, Texas

Page 2, Supervisor's District-Oklahoma, Enumeration District-30, Precinct 3, County of Greer, State of Unassigned Lands, Enumerated by J.W. Logan

1. 148-151, Isaac J. Rude(?) (Conf), PO address-Mangum, Texas

2.149-152, John Beaumont, Private, Co. K, UT(?) Infantry, 9-13-1861 to 8-1-1863, 1 yr 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas, Disability incurred-shot in right foot

3. 151-154, James C. Collins (Conf), Private, Co. C, Infantry, PO address-Mangum, Texas

4. 154-155, William H. Thompson (Conf), Private, Co. I, Penn(?), 1864 to 1865, 1 yr 0 mos 0 dys,  Cav, PO address-Mangum, Texas

5. 153-157, William E(?) Jones (Conf), Private, 1862 - 1865, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

6. 164-168, John R. Bolin, Private, PO address-Mangum, Texas

7. 246-250, William M. Paxton, Private, Co. L, Ma, PO address-Mangum, Texas

8. 257-261, Efflebert(?) F. Barnes(?), Private, Co. G, 6 W Va Cav, 6-17-1861 to 8-12-1864, 3 yrs 2 mos 12 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas, Disability incurred-Himorlinds(?) & disease of lungs

9. 280-284, Delos W. Simson, Private, Co., 89 Ill, 8-13-1862 to 6-27-1865, 2 yrs 2 mos 14 dys, PO address-Mangum, Texas

10. 271-275, blank

11. 203-207, Mattie, wife of Michael Hayfort(?), Private, Co. K, 1 Wis Infantry, PO address-Mangum, Texas

12. 306-310, Cutle(?) B(?) Goodman, Private, PO address-Mangum, Texas

Page ?. SD-Oklahoma, ED-30, Minor Civil Division-Prct 1

13. 311-315, Richard W. Stonam, PO address-prct 1

14. 167-161, Joel C. Dickson, PO address-prct 3

Page 1, Supervisor's District-of Oklahoma, Enumeraton District No.- 31, Precincts 4, 5, 6 & 7, County of Greer, State of Oklahoma, Enumerated by John W. Patterson

1. 12-16, Curtis Woods, Private, Co. E, 48 Mo Infantry, 9-16-1864 to 6-29-1865, 0 yrs 9 mos 15 dys, PO address-Doans, Texas, Disability incurred-kidney disease

2. 107-116, Alford Chilton, Private, Mo Cav, 1862 to 7-1863, PO address-Chilton, IT

3. 115-125, Andrew J. Lancester, Coporal, Co. G, 3 Ark Cav, 10-12-1863 to 5-1865, 1 yr 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Chilton, IT, was no discharge

4. 41-46, James C. Dunaway, PO address-Frazer, IT

5. 61-68, Frank Johnston, Private, Co. C, 101 Ohio Infantry, 8-6-1862 to 2-16-1863, 0 yrs 6 mos 10 dys,  PO address-Frazer, IT, Disability incurred-rupture

6. 130-138, William A. Hunter, Private, Co. C, 2 Col Cav, 10-23-1862 to 10-3-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 10 dys, PO address-Hess, IT

7. 161-169, Thomas J. Craddock, Private, Co. D, 2 Ken(Kan?) Cav, 11-4-1861 to 11-3-1864, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Frazer, IT, Disability incurred-relapse from measles

8. 225-253, David Shaver,  Sergeant, Co. K, 1 Mo Cav, 7-21-1861 to 8-1-1865, 4 yrs 0 mos 9 dys, PO address-Navajo, IT, Disability incurred-rheumatism, re enlisted veteran

9. 189-198, Beniah Fitzgerald, Private, Co. E, 192 Ohio Infantry, PO address-Frazer, IT, Disability incurred-inflammatory rheumatism

10. 185-196, Canis(Cania?) I. Schooley, Private, Co. G, 118 Ind Infantry, 1864 to 1864, 0 yrs 7 mos 0 dys, PO address-Frazer, IT

11. 185-196, Canis(Cania?) I. Schooley, Private, Co. C, 89 Ind Infantry, 1865 to 1866, PO address-Frazer, IT

13. 211-221, Albert W. Stevens, Private, Co. D, 23 Mo, 3-1863 to 8-1865, PO address-Navajo, IT

Page 2, SD-of Oklahoma, ED-No. 31, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma

13. 215-225, Sherod Hatley, Private, Co. M, 9 Ken(Kan?) Cav, 7-1-1863 to 7-17-1865, 2 yrs 0 mos 17 dys,  PO address-Frazer, IT

14. 230-240, Robert F. Reid(Rud?),  PO address-Frazer, IT

15. 242-252, Frederick Leikart(Luikart?), Private, Co. A, 77(17?) Ohio Infantry, 9-22-1861 to 3-8-1864, 4 yrs 5 mos 14 dys, PO address-Frazer, IT, disability incurred-lost left eye

16. 270-281, James C. Allen, Private, Co. F, 3 Ken Infantry, 1861 to 1864, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys,  PO address-Martha, IT, disability incurred-gunshot in face

17. 274-285, William E. Martin, Private, Co. B, 124 Ind Infantry, 5-26-1864 to8-31-1865, 1 yr 3 mos 4 dys, PO address-Martha, IT

18. 290-301, Benjamin Bloker, Private, Co. B, 32 Iowa(Ind?) Infantry, 8-16-1862 to 8-20-1865, 3 yrs 0 mos 4 dys, PO address-Aaron, IT

19. 293-306, Madison Naibols(?), Private, Co. C(I?G?), 13 US Infantry, 11-11-1861 to 11-11-1864, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Aaron, IT

20. 310-322, John Smith, PO address-Aaron, IT

21. 311(314?)-323, John S. Bradley, Private, Co. S, 145 Ind Infantry, 2-2-1865 to 1-21-1866, 0 yrs 11 mos 19 dys,  PO address-Aaron, IT

22. 318-330, Jesse S. Ragon, Lieut, Co. G, 5 Tenn(?) Infantry, 3-1-1862 to 12-20-1863, 1 yr 8 mos 20 dys, PO address-Aaron, IT

23. 330-342, James W. Poindexter, Private, Co. L, 6 Mo Cav, 1-31-1862 to 2-29-1865, 3 yrs 1 mos 0 dys, PO address-Frazer, IT, disability incurred-dyspepsia

24. 400-412, James O'Neal, Private, Co. C(I?G?), 11 Ill Infantry, 8-15-1862 to 7-29-1865, 2 yrs 11 mos 14 dys, PO address-Willowvale, IT

25. 403-415, Bates, Isaac (Conf), PO address-Vernon, Texas

26. 408-420, Origan F. Bayoinger, Private, Co. A, 9 Kan Cav, 5-5-1862 to 5-4-1865, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Aaron, IT

Page 3, Supervisor's District-of Oklahoma, Enumeration District-No. 31, Minor Civil Division-Oklahoma

27. 414-427, John Curtain, 8 Mo Cav, 1-31-1864 to 4-8-1864, 0 yrs 2 mos 8 dys, PO address-Quahah, IT, disability incurred-general dibility, unassigned recruit

28. 435-447, Samuel W. Dial, Corporal, Co. E, 48 Mo Infantry, 7-29-1864 to 6-29-1865, 0 yrs 11 mos 0 dys,  PO address-Dial, IT, disability incurred-fever

29. 472-484, Lewis M. Lindle, PO address-Quahah, IT

30. 512-525, George W. Cain, Corporal, Co. H, 2 NY Cav, 8-3-1861 to 9-10-1864, 3 yrs 1 mos 7 dys,  PO address-Quahah, IT

31. 545-553, Thomas J. Moore, Private, Co. E, 7 Tenn(?) Cav, 7-30-1862 to 7-22-1864, 1 yr 9 mos 7 dys, PO address-Quahah, IT, disability incurred-Phtesis(?) Pulmonalis(?)

32. 542-555, William W. Lockhart, Private, Co. D, 1 Texas Cav, 6-16-1863 to 10-31-1865, 2 yrs 4 mos 14 dys, PO address-Quahah, IT

33. 541-554, Joseph Shatto, Mo, PO address-Quahah, IT

34. 570-584, Corneilius C. Howard, Private, Co. D, 49 Mo Infantry, 1-24-1865 to 6-11-1865, 0 yrs 4 mos 13 dys, PO address-Warren, IT

35. 571-585, Jerome B. Smith, Private, Co. A, 3 Kan(?) Cav, 3-28-1864 to 7-15-1865, 1 yr 3 mos 17 dys, PO address-Warren, IT, disability incurred-rupture, re enlisted veteran

36. 584-594, Narcissu McKelroy, widow of John R. McKelroy, PO address-Warren, IT,

37. 587-601, Edward Freeman, Lieut, Co. B, 6 Iowa Infantry, 7-18-1861 to 6-1862, 0 yrs 11 mos 0 dys, PO address-Warren, IT, disability incurred-chronic diahrea

38. 592-606, John M. Pearson, Private, Co. G 43 Ind Infantry, 10-8-1861 to 12-10-1862, 1 yr 2 mos 2 dys,   PO address-Warren, IT, disability incurred-diarhea

39. 592-606, John M. Pearson, Private, Co. D, 11 Ind Cav, 11-23-1863 to 9-19-1865, 1 yr 9 mos 26 dys, PO address-Warren, IT, disability incurred-rupture, re enlisted veteran

40. 601-615, William M. Warren, Private, Co. A, 26 Ill Infantry, 8-3-1861 to 10-1862, 1 yr 2 mos 0 dys, PO address-Navajo, IT, disability incurred-hemmorhage

Page 4, Supervisor's District - of Oklahoma, Enumeration District - No. 31, Minor Civil Division - Oklahoma

41. 601-615, William M. Warren, Private, Co. L, 5 Ill Cavalry, 2-1864 to 10-1865, 1 yr 8 mos 0 dys, PO address, Navajo, IT

42. 602-616, James M. Foss, Private, Co. A, 27 Ind Infantry, 7-23-1861 to 10-26-1862, 1 yr 3 mos 3 dys, PO address- Navajo, IT, disability incurred - gunshot wound

43. 604-618, Jeremiah M. Sanderlin, Private, Co. B, 42 Ind Infantry, 11-1864 to 7-1865, 0 yrs 8 mos 0 dys, PO address-Navajo, IT

44. 607-621, Newton V. White, PO address-Navajo, IT

45. 608-622, Charles K. Bauner(Bauer?), Private, Co. K, 1 Kan(?) Infantry, 5-1863 to 1864, 1 yr 0 mos 0 dys, PO address-Navajo, IT

46. 629-643, John Brown, Private, Co. I(?), 8 ??? Cav, 12-1-1863 to 9-11-1865, 1 yr 9 mos 11 dys, PO address-Navajo, IT

47. 630-644, Jefferson Moss, Private, PO address-Navajo, IT

48. 637-650, William B. Cook, Private, Co. D, 122 Ohio Infantry, 1862 to 1862, PO address-Navajo, IT

49. 661-675, Zachariah (O?) Cox, Private, Co. F, 48 Mo Infantry, 9-3-1864 to 7-29-1865, 0 yrs 9 mos 29 dys, PO address-Navajo, IT, disability incurred-relaspe from measles

50. 699-713, George A. Morris, Sergeant, Co. G, ?? Ark(?) Cav, 1862 to 186?, PO address-Chilton, IT

Page 5, Supervisor's District- The(?), Enumeration District-31, Precincts 4, 5, 6 & 7, County of-Greer, State of -Oklahoma, Enumerated by John M. Patterson.  Added by E.W. Little, Clerk, Oct 11

1. 713-727, William J. Phipps, Private, Co. ?, 152 Ohio Infantry, 4-1864 to 8-1864, 0 yrs 4 mos 0 dys, PO address-Navajo, IT

2. 713-727, Lou A. Phipps, formerly widow of

2. 713-727, John D. Richey, Corporal, Co. A, 71 Ohio Infantry, 10-15-1861 to 1-13-1864, 2 yrs 2 mos 28 dys, PO address-Navajo, IT

3. 713-727, John D. Richey, Lieut, Co. A, 71 Ohio Infantry, 1-14-1864 to 11-30-1865, 1 yr 10 mos 15 dys, PO address-Navajo, IT

4. 715-729, John A. Benight, Captain, Co. D, 18 Ill Cav, 7-9-1861 to 12-1861, disability incurred-rupture

5. 729-743, John C. Plew, Corporal, Co. C(L?I?), 114 Ill Infantry, 8-1862, was no discharge

8. 253-264, Benjamin B. La Dow, Private, PO address-Precinct #5, Greer Co., Oklahoma

Page Blank

Top part of page missing

51. 713-727(?), William J. Phipps, Private, Co. H, 152 Ohio Infantry, 4-1864 to 8-1864, 0 yrs 4 mos 0 dys, PO address - Navajo, Indian Territory

52. Phipps, Lou A., formerly widow of

52. 713-727, John D. Richey, Corporal, Co. A, 71 Ohio Infantry, 10-15-1861 to 1-13-1864, 2 yrs 2 mos 24 dys, PO address - Navajo, Indian Territory

53. 713-727, John D. Richey, Lieut, Co. A, 71 Ohio Infantry, 1-14-1864 to 11-30-1865, 1 yrs 10 mos 15 dys PO address - Navajo, Indian Territory

54. 715-729, John A. Bennight, Captain, Co. D, 13 Ill Cav, 7-9-1861 to 12-1861, PO address - Navajo, Indian Territory, disability - rupture

55. 729-743, John G(?) Plew, Corporal, Co. G(I?), 114 Ill Infantry, 8-1862, PO address - Navajo, Indian Territory, was no discharge 

Page blank

Page 1, Supervisor's District - The Oklahoma, Enumeration District - Camp Wade, Enumerated by A.M. Holmes
Added by A.C. Walsh, transfer clerk ???

1. 17-?, Family -X, Samuel Moore, Soldier, PO address - Camp Wade, Indian Territory

2. 34-?, House 34, Family - X, Michael Herlihy 

Page 1, S District - The Oklahoma, Enumeration District - Camp Wade, Minor Civil Division - Oklahoma, Indian Territory
No Names listed

Page 2., S District - The Oklahoma, Enumeration District - Camp Wade, Minor Civil Division - Camp Wade, Indian Territory
No Names listed

 Page 1, Supervisor's District - Oklahoma, Enumeration District - US Military Res, Ft. Gibson, Indian Territory, Persons in Ft. Gibson Mil Res, County of - Cherokee Nation, State of - Indian Territory, Enumerated by Moses H.(W?) LaFayette

1. 1-1, Capt John P. Schindel, Commissioned Officer ??? ??? Oct,24, 1861, 1st Sergeant?, Co A, 104 PA, 9-6-1861 to 11-14-1861

2. ?-?, David L. Driscoll, O???, Co. B(?), 56 reg "Mil", 7-6-1864 to 8-6-1864 0 yrs 0 mos 30 dys

3. ?-?, Edward Bradfield, Private, Co. G(?) 14th Maine(?) Vol, 1-20-1862 to 1-20-1865 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address - Little Rock Arkansas

4. ?-?, Edward Bradfield, Private, Co. I, US Vol, 3-12-1865 to 5-12-1866 1 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, PO address - Little Rock Arkansas (Same as 3)

5. 1-1, John Cavanaugh, Private, Co. C, 5th Jersey(?), 3-10-1862 to 4-26-1865, PO address - Little Rock Arkansas

6. ?-?, George Miller, Private, Co. H., 50 Penn(?), 8-22-1861 to 12-31-1863, 1 yr 4 mos 9 dys

6. ?-?, George Miller, Corporal, Co. H., 50 Penn(?) Vol Infantry(?), 12-31-1863 to 7-30-1865 1 yrs 6 mos 29 dys

7. ?-?, John Smith, Private, Co. A, 128 ???,

8. ?-?, Michael Marrion(Massion?), Private, Co. E, 10 Ohio Vol Infantry, 4-18-1861 to 6-24-1864 3 yrs 2 mos 0 dys

9. ?-?, John S. Bishop, Sergeant. Co. A, 68 Ill Infantry, 5-27-1860 to 9-26-1862, 4 yrs total, PO address - Little Rock Arkansas

9. ?-?, John S. Bishop, Corporal?, Co. A 68 Ill Infantry, 6-4-1862 to 9-26-1862, 4 yrs total, PO address - Little Rock Arkansas

10. ?-?, John S. Bishop, ??, Co. ??, 108 US Infantry, 9-1-1864 to 9-19-1865, 1 yr 8 mos 30 dys total (Same as 9)

10. ?-?, John S. Bishop, Colonial, Co. ?? 108th Infantry, 9-19-1865 to 3-30-1866, 1 yrs 8 mos 30 dys total (Same as 9)

11. ?-?, Louis N. De Lacy(?), Sergeant, Co. A, ?? Vol, 9-15-1864 to 6-29-1865 0 yrs 9 m os 14 dys

12. ?-83, Lennon P. Lyon, Sol

 Enumeration District - US Military Res Indian Territory, Minor Civil Division - Oklahoma

? Eduard T. Caury(?), US Sol, Ft. Gibson Mil Res, Oklahoma

 Page 1, Enumeration District - Fort Reno, Indian Territory, State of - Oklahoma Terr, Institution - Ft. Reno, Indian Territory

1. 1-1, James F. Mada(Wade?), 1 Lieut & Captain, 6 US Cav, 5-14-1861 to 7-27-1866, 5 yrs 2 mos 15 dys, 2nd Colonial 5th US Cavalry, Fort Reno, Lieut Colonial & Colonial 5th US Colonial Cavalry 1 May 64, 15 April 66,

2. 1-1, James F. Mada(Wade?), Major, 9 US Cav, 7-28-1866 to 8-20-1866, 0 yrs 0 mos 40 dys (Same as 1)

3. 2-3, Gerald Russell, ?? Corpl, Sergeant, 2nd Lieut, Lieut, ???, Co. D 3 US Cav, Mounted Rifles, 1-25-1857 to 8-20-1866, 5 yrs 4 mos 8 dys, Major, 5th Cavalry, Fort Reno, US Mounted Rifles changed to 3 US Cavalry by act of congress Aug 3, 1861

4. 2-3, Ella, widow of Albert J. Perry(Penny?), Major, 30 NY Infantry, 11-1863 to 9-1865, 1 yrs 10 mos ? dys , Also served as Engineer Officer in 1865 but in what company not known

5. 15-16, Frederick M. O?th, Private, Co. O, 3 Battalion, Private Co. B, 2 Batt, 8 US Infantry, 5-29-1862 to 5-29-1865, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys, Co. C 3 Battalion consolidated with Co. B 2 Batt during the soldiers enlistment

6. 21-22, Will A. Pattingen(?), Sergeant, 213 Pa Vol, 2-1-1865 to 11-16-1865, 0 yrs 9 mos 16 dys

7. 21-22, P. Kennedy alias Charles Kennedy, Private, Co. D 7 Vt(?) Infantry, 7-1864 to 4-18-1865, 0 yrs 9 mos 0 dys

8. 21-22, Charles Knatgendurg(?), Private, Co. D, 4 US ??, 8-8-1860 to 7-14-1864, 3 yrs 0 mos 1 dys, No permanent disability ??? from wounds, Gun shot wound (nick) at Suffolk, Va, sabre cut wound (head) at Richmond, Va

9. 21-22, Charles Knatgendurg(?), Private & Hosp. S??? U.S.A., Co. D 4 US ??, 7-14-1864 to 7-14-1867, 2 yrs 4 mos 9 dys (Same as 8)

10. 21-22, Philip Harris alias John P. Hogan, Private, Co. C 1 Mo Infantry, 2-4-1862 to 2-4-1965, 3 yrs 0 mos 0 dys

11. 21-22, Jacob C. Franklin, Private, Corpl, Sergeant, Co. G 2 Mo ?? 1863 to 1864, 1 yrs 0 mos 0 dys

12. 21-22, Jacob C. Franklin, Private, Corpl, Sergeant, Co. B 4 US Cav, 11-6-1865 to 11-6-1968, 0 yrs 9 mos 14 dys (Same as 11)

Page 2, Enumeration District - Fort Reno, Indian Territory

13. 21-22, Thomas J. Miller, Private, Co. F 8 NY(?) SM(?), 4-1861 7-1861 0 yrs 3 mos 0 dys, No permanent disability resulting from wounds, Bayonet wound, B???ty, Ohio in right hand, Shotgun wound at C?? St????on, right leg, Shotgun wound at ???? left temple

14. 21-22, Thomas J. Miller, Sergeant, Co. F 6 NY Vol Cav, 9-19-1861 to 2-29-1864 2yrs 5mos 10 dys (Same as 13)

15. 21-22, Thomas J. Miller, Sergeant, Co. F 6 NY Vol Cav, 2-29-1864 to 8-9-1965 1yr 5 mos 9 dys (Same as 13)

15. 21-22, Thomas J. Miller, Private, Co. F 5 US Cav, 5-9-1866 to 5-9-1869 0 yrs 3 mos 11 dys(?) (Same as 13)

17. 24-25, William P. Hall, Cadet, Military Academy, 9-1-1864 to 6-15-1868 1 yrs 11 mos 20 dys

18. 26-28, John G. Scholl, Private, Co. G 4 Md Infantry, 8-13-1862 to 5-30-1865 2 yrs 9 mos 17 dys

19. 32-32, Benjamin Blue,Private, Co. ? 26 ?? Infantry, 6-30-1861 to 7-6-1863 2 yrs 0 mos 7 dys

20. 30-33, Michael(?) Healey alias Hi??? ???ichar,Private, Co. G, 1 Col(Cal?) Infantry 8-19-1861 to 8-31-1864 3 yrs 0 mos 12 dys

21. 31-34, ???ard M. Hayt???, 1st Lieut & Captain, Co. ?, 10 Ohio Cav, 6-16-1863 to 7-24-1865 1 yr 5 mos 10 dys B??? Major of Vol 13 March 1865

22. 31-34, ???ard M. Hayt???, 2nd Lieut & 1st Lieut, Co. ?, 5 US Cav, 2-23-1866 to  8-20-1866 0 yrs 6 mos 28 dys

23. 36-40, Albert E. Madison, Private & Hosp. S????, Co. E 1 Wash Terr Infantry, 5-27-1862 to 4-14-1863 0 yrs 10 mos 17 dys

24. 36-40, Albert E. Madison, 2nd Lieut, 1 Wash Terr Infantry, 4-14-1863 to 3-25-1865 1 yrs 11 mos 11 dys (same as 23)

25. 39-43, John R. Higher(?), Not known, supplemental schedule will be finished, Temporarily absent

26. 38-43, Joshua W. Latta, Private, Co. C 1 ??? Md Vol, 8-29-1861 to  2-29-1864 2 yrs 6 mos 0 dys

Page 3, Enumeration District - Fort Reno, Indian Territory, Minor Civil Division - Fort Reno, Indian Territory

27. 39-43, Joshua W. Latta, Private, Co. C 13 Md Vol, 2-29-1864 to 5-29-1865 1 yr 3 mos 0 dys (same as 26)

28. 42-45, Jesse C. Chance(?), Private Co. E, 25 Ohio Infantry, 8-9-1862 to 3-17-1865 2 yrs 7 mos 8 dys, Captain 13th US Infantry, Fort Reno, I.T.

29. 41-45, Jesse C. Chance(?), Lieut,, 103 US Colored? Infantry, 3-17-1865 to  4-16-1866 1 yr 1 mo 0 dys (same as 28)

30. 44-48, Joseph King, Private, Co. I, 4 NJ Infantry, 9(?)-12-1864 to 7-11-1865 0 yrs 11 mos 0 dys

31. 47-51, Zacharias Rosh, Private, Co. K, 5 US Infantry, 6-22-1961 to 6-22-1862 1 yr 2 mos 7 dys, Prisoner of war 17 mos, mostly at Andersonville,retired as Sergeant

32. 47-51, Zacharias Rosh, Sergeant, Co. H(?), 73 PA Infantry, 9-1862 to 5-1865 2 yrs 8 mos 2 dys (same as 31)

33. 47-51, Zacharias Rosh, Private, Co. L., 3 US Cav, 7-11-1866 to 7-11-1869 2 yrs 7 mos 10 dys (same as 31)

34. 49-53, Charles Robinson, Private, Co. B, 132 ?? Vol , 6-1-1863 to 10-17-1864 1 yr 4 mos 17 dys

35. 49-53, Charles Robinson, Private, Co. C, 147 ?? Vol, 2-3-1865 to  1-20-1866 0 yrs 11 mos 18 dys (same as 34)

36. 143-136, Richard Stroshen(?), Private, Co. D, 8 Col US ??, 3(?)-15-1864 to 2-10-1866, 1 yr 10 mos 26 dys

37. 145-135, William Adams, Not Known Supplemental schedule will be finished.

38. 130-137, Thomas McCormack, Private, Corp & Sergeant, Co. K, 2 US Cav, 7-1864 to 7-1864, served through the war from commencement to end, 2nd Cav changed to 5th Cav

39. 130-137, Thomas McCormack, Private, Corp & Sergeant, Co. K, 5 US Cav, 7-1864 to 7-1869, 5 yrs 4 mos 8 dys (same as 38)

40. 131-138, Ben Clark

Page 4, Enumeration District - Fort Reno, Indian Territory, Minor Civil Division - Fort Reno, Indian Territory

41. 132-139, Hermon Hauser(Hausen?), Private Co. P 25 PA Infantry, 4-15-1861 to 7-27-1861 0 yrs 3 mos 13 dys

42. 136-143, Gaylord Willoughby (Willoughby Gaylord?) Private, Co. H 1 US Vol 5-24-1864 to 6-26-1865 1 yr 1 mos 3 dys

43. 137-144, Tony(Foy?) William, Not known, supplemental schedule will be finished

44. 138-145, Jacob Walker, alias Frank Ross, Private Co. K 2 Iowa Cav 12-8-1863 to 6(?)-7-1865 1yr 6 mos 0 dys, Prisoner of war 5 /12 mos at Andersonville

45. ?-39, Hermon Hauser(Hausen?), ?? NC Officer & 1st Leiut, Co. I 1 NY Cav, 8-1861 to 9-1865 4 yrs 2 mos 2 dys (same as 41)

Page 1, Supervisors District - Oklahoma, Enumeration District - Fort Sill comprising Terr,
Fort Sill, County of - Kiowa Reserve, enumerated by John G. Hewett

1. ?-?, John G. Hewett, ??, Co. C, 15 Mich(?) ??, 1864 to 1865

2. ?-?, Joseph Brown, Private, Co. B, 7 NY Infantry

3. ?-?, Joseph Davis, Private Co. C, 1 Del(?) Infantry,

4. ?-?, Francis O'Tool, Private, Co. C, 5 US Cav, 9-25-1860 to 7-11-1867 5 yrs

4. ?-?, Francis O'Tool, Private, Co. K, 5 US Cav 9-25-1860 to 7-11-1867 5 yrs

5. ?-?, Wm. H. Deal, Private,, 123 Mo(Md?) Infantry, 12-15-1862 to 8-16-1865, 2 yrs 8 mos 0 dys

6. ?-?, Edward Dawson, Private,, 5 US Cav, 5-12-1864 to 5-12-1867

7. ?-?, Paul Schleffiursh(?), Private,, 1 Mo(Md?) Cav, 8-1-1861 to 9-30-1865 4 yrs 1 mos 0 dys

8. ?-?, Patrick Spain, Private, Co. ?, 9 Ill Vol, 5-7-1861 to 8-7-1861

8. ?-?, Patrick Spain, Private, Co. ?, 7 Ill Vol, 8-12-1861 to 7-9-1865 4 yrs 2 mos 0 dys

9. ?-?, Gustov Opitz, Private, Co. H 416 NY(?) Vol, 8-9-1862 to 6(?)-8-1865 4 yrs

10. ?-?, George Deary, Private, Co. B, 29 PA Vol, 7-28-1861 to 4-12-1865 3 yrs 8 mos 0 dys

11. ?-?, Marcus(?) Levalley(?), Private,, 7 PA Cav, 5-1861 to 3-1864

12. ?-?, Timothy Suttwan(?), Private, Co. G, 2 Mass Infantry, 5-18-1861 to 2-16-1864 2 yrs 9 mos 0 dys

Page 2, Military Post at Fort Sill, State District - Oklahoma, Minor Civil Division - Oklahoma Territory
Enumerated by John G. Hewett

13. ?-?,???? Scott US Sol

14. ?-?, ????? Thomas US Sol

15. ?-?, ???? Du Rudio(?) US Sol

16. ?-?,John B. Guthrie US Sol

17. ?-?, Caleb H. Sartton(?) US Sol

18. ?-?, Eldon A. Baldman US Sol

19. ?-?, Claude(?) ? Mathey(?) US Sol  

Fort Supply, Indian Territory, enumerated by M.J. Miglui?

1. 1-1. Montgomery Confaut? Captain Co. D 6 US? Infantry 2-21-1857 to 1865 4 yrs

2. 1-26. Ferdinand E. De Courcy Lieut Adj 13 US? Infantry 12-23-1865 to 1865 4 yrs

3. 1-29. James Biddle Private Co. A 10 NY Infantry 5-02-1861 to  8-1865 4 yrs

4. 1-43. George S. Mansfield Private Co. E 49 Ohio Infantry 9-1866   to 6-1965 1 yr 8 mos 0 dys

5. 1-71. Henry Newman Private Co. E 9 MS Infantry 5-2-1863 to 3-27-1864 0 yrs 8 mos 25 dys

6. 1-122. Elizabeth, widow of Joseph E. Mason, Seargeant Co. E 22 Iowa? Infantry 8-10-1862 to 7-25-1865 2 yrs 11mos 15 dys

7. 1-180. Edmond Schreiber Sergeant Co. A 3 MD Infantry 11-16-1861 to 7-31-1865 3 yrs 8 mos 15 dys

8. 1-171. Jerome H. Gifford Private Band Private 49(44)? Ohio Infantry 8-1861 to 1-1862 5 mos

9. 1-171. Jerome H. Gifford Private Co. Y(G)? 3 Ohio Cavalry 3-24-1864 to 8-4-1865 1 yr 4 mos 20 dys

10. 1-175. William Klute? ?Skinner? Co. C 188 PA Infantry 6-5-1863 to 12-19-1865 2 yrs 6 mos 14 dys

11. 1-175. William Klute? ?Skinner? Co. M 3 PA Infantry 4-9-1861 to 8-14-1862 2 yrs

12. 1-201. George Irwin Sergeant Co. I 26 Ohio Infantry 3-1861 to 6-1863

Page 2, Oklahoma, Fort Supply, Indian Territory

13. ?-201, George Irwin Private 136 Ohio Infantry 6-1864 to 8-1864 3 mos 8 dys

14. ?-201, George Irwin Private 62 Ohio Infantry 9-1864 to 6-1865 9 mos

15. ?-243, Patrick Conway Private Co. M 1 MO Bat? 12-27-1860? to 12-27-1865 5 yrs

16. ?-214?, James Kelly? Private Co. C 10 US? Infantry cannot give dates

17. ?-266, John M Hults? Private Co. F 7 IA? Infantry 2-6-1864 to 7-18-1865 1 yr 5 mos 6 dys

18. ?-299, Charles Trudell Private Co. I 7 NH Infantry 3-3-1864 to 7-26-1865 1 yr 4 mos 17 dys 

Page No. 1, Supervisor's District No. 1, Enumeration District - Military Post at Oklahoma,
County of Oklahoma, State of Oklahoma, enumerated by Berry S. Miller

1. Bernard Lyons US Sol

2. Benjamin Blue, US Sol

3. John Lutz US Sol

4. Charles Herman US Sol

5. Herbert Bixby US Sol

6. Daniel T(?) Stiles US Sol

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