This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

Garvin County's Military Hall of Fame

Mahlon Erickson's listing of Civil War Soldiers buried in Garvin County

World War I Soldiers

World War II Soldiers
The WWII U.S. Veterans Website

Korean War Soldiers

Vietnam War Soldiers

5 Veterans of World War II Honored at Bray-Doyle

Names on Memorial South Side    Even

To add your relative to this list of honored Garvin County citizens send information to the County Coordinator

Some Military Links

Garvin County Military at Genealogy Trails

Civil War Soldiers Buried in Garvin County
Second Arkansas Union Cavalry

Monument to Wynnewood's Confederate Soldiers
With links to some information about those listed

County War Dead 
Make sure you ancestor is listed & submit a picture and/or biography

Garvin County Soldiers Index    
Need your help to update and complete this listing

World War I

World War II
Index of Navy, Marine Corps, & Coast Guard Casualties for all of Oklahoma
More on:
BAKER, Douglas, Lieutenant (jg), USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Baker, Rt. 3, Lindsay.


Korean War

Vietnam War

1865 Census Soldier records

Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, and Widows, Etc
Enumerated June 1890