Vietnam War Soldiers
by Diane Gann
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Name Rank/Service Information

ALLEN Gary PFC MARINES Wynnewood, OK. Died: 26 Apr 69 S. Vietnam non-hostile.died-other born: 06 Apr 49

ARMSTRONG James Leonard SGT ARMY Pauls Valley OK. Died 11 Apr 71 S. Vietnam hostile, killed born: 13 Aug 50

CLEMENTS Richard Bart PFC ARMY Lindsay OK d: 01 Oct 68 S. Vietnam hostile, killed b: 19 Sep 46

CRAWFORD William Loyd LCPL MARINES Pauls Valley, OK d: 22 Oct 66 S. Vietnam non-hos.died-other b: 29 Jun 47

HAMMER Robert Wayne SP4 ARMY Pauls Valley, OK d: 18 May 68 S. Vietnam hostile, killed b: 30 Sep44

MANESS Martin Rowland PFC ARMY Pauls Valley, OK d: 01 Jun 68 S. Vietnam hostile ,killed b: 13 Mar 48

MOYERS Murl Alvin CPL ARMY Pauls Valley, OK d: 29 Mar 70 S. Vietnam hostile,killed b: 28 Aug 50

NEWFIELD Jimmy Charles LCPL MARINES Wynnewood, OK d: 12 Jun 68 S. Vietnam hostile,died-wounds b: 15 Jan 48

PIERCE Oscar Wayne SP4 ARMY Pauls Valley, OK d: 09 Mar 67 S. Vietnam hostile,killed b: 17 Feb 44

WRIGHT Roscoe JR CPL ARMY Wynnewood, OK d: 27 dec 66 S. Vietnam hostile,died-wounds b: 23 Jan 46

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