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Franklin B. Harrison





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Company C, 30th Alabama Infantry

Born January 28, 1844 in Alabama  
Died January 16, 1941  
He was almost 97 years old.

      He is buried in the Confederate Section of 
Rose Hill Cemetery in Ardmore, Oklahoma

      In 1900, he was in the Wynnewood census.  
When he applied for his pension on September 18, 1931, 
he lived near Devol, Oklahoma at Route #1, Box 8

      On the internet, there is a marriage to 
Mary Washington, on December 27, 1880, in 
Madison, Alabama.  But, the wife buried next to him in 
Ardmore is Julia C., born Nov. 22, 1853, 
and died Jan. 9, 1940
 Perhaps, having lived so long, 
he outlived one wife and married again.

      On the 1900 census, he lists his occupation 
as minister of the gospel

      He says in his pension that he was born in 
Grundy County, Tennessee, 
but the 1900 census says Alabama

      His military unit is on his tombstone at Ardmore

He enlisted in the Confederate army on February 6, 1862. 
He was captured by the Yankees on
July 4, 1863, at Vicksburg when the troops
 were surrendered by General Pemberton.  
He was paroled there on July 9, went home, and then 
returned to the army.  
His officers were Col. Shelley and Capt. Anderson.  
He was released from active duty by Dr. Austin 
at the hospital in Westpoint, Georgia, in March, 1865

 He had been wounded in the hip and leg

Complied & Contributed by:
Michael Andrew Grissom

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