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John Anderson McDaniel

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Rebel flag


Company B, 1st Regiment Tennessee Cavalry

Born May 10, 1844 in Grainger County, Tennessee

Died Aug 14, 1918

Buried at Oaklawn Cemetery in Wynnewood, Oklahoma and does have a military headstone. 

His wife, Winnie McDaniel is also buried at Oaklawn.   She was born November 13, 1839 in Rutledge, Tennessee and died February 8, 1922.  Her tombstone has 'Winnie' on it but some sources indicate her real name may have been Minerva.  Winnie maybe a short name for Minerva

They came to Indian Territory in 1893 where he made his living as a blacksmith while living in the Wynnewood area

He received the Southern Cross of Honor on June 3, 1915 at which time he was living in Vinita, Oklahoma

There is also a Caledonia A. McDaniel buried in Oaklawn who may or may not be related, although she is buried in the Kendall plot


Complied & Contributed by:
Michael Andrew Grissom

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