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James William Smith


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Rebel flag


Company H, 13th Texas Infantry

Born August 20, 1842 in Forsythe County, Georgia

Died January 6, 1928 in Wynnewood, Oklahoma, from an infected gall bladder, at the age of 85

Buried in Oaklawn Cemetery in Wynnewood, Oklahoma  A Confederate tombstone was ordered for him Oct 1, 1999      He is in Lot 1, Block 22, Grave 1333 and currently unmarked.   It is the first grave spot north of "Ella"

James came to Oklahoma from Texas in 1909 and moved to this area in 1912

He lists himself as a 'laborer' in the 1920 census.  He was a carpenter and worked for Carey Lumber Company

James witnessed the bank robbery in Wynnewood in 1927

His pension application #6318 of March 30, 1926, shows him as 83 years old at that time

His obituary states he left no children.   He lived his final years with Mr.  C.A. North and his wife Eula

He was affectionately know as "Dad Smith"


Complied & Contributed by:
Michael Andrew Grissom

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