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This is the Beaty School House Built about 1925
Submitted by R. L. & Shirley Beaty
Beaty School Return to School Pictures |
This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission. |
Beaty School |
This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission. |
County Superintendent of Schools Year Book
General Levy Fund 14.2 Mills
Bldg. Fund ___ Mills
Sinking Fund Levy 3.0 Mills
Total Levy 17.2 Mills
School Census
White 58 Male, 49 Female, 107 Total
Colored 0 Male, 0 Female, 0 Total
Aggregate 0 Male, 0 Female, 0 Total
Indians 0 Male, 0 Female, 0 Total
No. 8th Grade Graduates 7
No. 12th Grade Graduates blank
Model School 1370 Points
Accredited School Yes
Revenue From Sources Other Than Taxes
County Apportionment - blank
State Appointment blank
State Aid - blank
Federal Aid - blank
Transfer Fees blank
Other Revenue blank
Valuation of Assessed Property
Personal Property - 7300
Real Estate - 63798
Public Service - 54318
Total Valuation - 125416 (listed as all in dollars column but s/b 1254.16?)
General Fund Appropriation blank
Sinking Fund Appropriation blank
School Expense this fiscal year blank
Deficit at close of year blank
Surplus at close of year blank
School Officers
Term Expires
Appointed Date
Director R.B. Beaty
Pauls Valley, Rt. 4 March
1935 blank
Clerk Fred Kennedy
Valley, Rt. 4 March
1934 blank
Member U. G. Logan
Pauls Valley, Rt. 4 March 1933
Yrs taught Monthly
Salary Certificate College/University Attended
Wyndell Hall
Valley 4
Dulcye Whitfield
Length of Term Summer Term
One & 1/2 months Winter Term
6 1/2 months
Opening School Summer Term July 18,
Winter Term October 31, 1932
Closing School Summer Term
August 26, 1932
Winter Term April 21, 1933
Estimate Approved for school year
Gen Control $5
Clerks Salary 10
Teachers Salary 1400
Inst. Supplies 5
School Library 25
Janitors Supplies 10
Light Fuel Water 75
Maint of Building 10
Upkeep of Grounds 50
Int. on Warrants 50
Transfer Fees 368.23
Furniture & Fix 20
Total $1978.23
Name of pupil transferred to district From Dist No Cost of transfers
Vera Fennell
Vevia Fennell
Acres in site 3
Estimated Value of Bldg
Date Erected blank, First Cost - $3500.00 Value of Equipment - $1000.00,
Insurance - 3000.00
Total enrolled to date Total Days attended Av Daily Attendance
Days Taught
Total Boy, Grades
Total Girl, Grades
Total Boys, High School
Total Girls, High School
Top Row, Left to Right: Teachers Glenna Russell & Hal Russell,
Ramona Brooks, Don Snelgrooes,
Mathel Evans, Jackie Evans, Dora Childress, Tommy Snelgrooes, unknown
2nd Row from Top, Left to Right: Jackie Sams, Wanda Thompson, Earnest
Milam, Curtis Evans,
Vickie Ward, Eva Mae Dorman
3rd Row from Top, Left to Right: Joyce Shaw, David Milam, Trisha Evans,
Jimmy Garden,
Oneka Hannah, Donnie Evans, Virginia Brooks, Alvin Dean Isaac, Julie Poyner
4th Row from Top, Left to Right: R.L. Beaty, Etta Faye Milam, L.J.
Beaty, Lena Gorden, Charles Evans,
Kay Hutchins, Robert Brooks, Elaine Childress, unknown
Bottom Row, Left to Right: Cleatus Holland, Frankie Childress, Alvin
Dean Isaac, Herrell Beaty,
Timmy Evans, Joe Ray Shaw, Cleburn Ray Gorden, Melvin Lane, Bobby Turner?
Submitted by R.L. & Shirley Beaty
Pauline Beaty
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Beaty School Memories
submitted by R. L. & Shirley Beaty
This book was written by Vonda Beaty, Paulines Granddaughter and
published by my brother Bruce Patton of Hinkles in Pauls Valley. My daughter asked
grandmother to write down things she remembered from her childhood. Vonda
gave a copy to all of the grandchildren of Pauline and her two sons as a
Christmas present several years ago. It is a wonderful book which we all treasure.
Here are a few
pages from it about Beaty School..
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