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Pauls Valley, Garvin County
From information at the Nora Sparks Warren Library in Pauls Valley.
This information may not include all classes.
Spellings are exactly as the teachers have written them or as they appear to the
transcriber and may be in error.
Teacher - Mrs. Delia Hamilton, of Pauls Valley
Year Beginning Jan 13, 1919 and Ending May 30, 1919
White school, Number of months taught- 5, Number of days school was taught-
118, Number of visits by superintendent- 1,
Grade and kind of certificate held by teacher - 2nd County, Salary of teacher per
month - $75.00, Number of 8th grade applicants for diplomas - 2, Number of pupils
failing in year's work - 21, Number of acres in school site - 1, Number of teacherages in
district - 3
Name | Age | Sex | Days Attended |
L.D. Anderson | 9 | M | 58 |
R.B. Anderson | 11 | M | 49 |
Walter Anderson | 7 | M | 57 |
Lela Ashton | 9 | F | 17 |
Lena Ashton | 13 | F | 14 |
Dorothy BeaM | 6 | F | 2 |
Lee Beam | 10 | M | 1 |
Austin Berry | 9 | M | 96 |
George Berry | 15 | M | 93 |
Albert Bonds | 6 | M | 5 |
Fred Coffey | 8 | M | 5 |
Vera Coffey | 6 | F | 3 |
Hubert Covel | 10 | M | 80 |
Lizzie Covel | 7 | F | 95 |
Marie Covel | 11 | F | 94 |
Bertha Dickison | 12 | F | 23 |
Eugene Diskison | 6 | M | 22 |
Floyd Dickison | 10 | M | 31 |
John Dickison | 15 | M | 15 |
Adeline Gillian | 10 | F | 74 |
Bertha Gillian | 16 | \f | 45 |
Marcella Gillian | 13 | F | 78 |
Wade Gillian | 8 | M | 77 |
Erby Gynn | 7 | M | 23 |
Gerlyn Gynn | 5 | F | 34 |
Vance Gynn | 8 | F | 29 |
Lester Hancock | 10 | M | 118 |
Essie Harris | 13 | F | 5 |
Elza Hoyl | 9 | M | 27 |
Willie Kemp | 14 | M | 34 |
Buster Lane | 7 | M | 5 |
Gladys Lane | 10 | F | 36 |
Baxter Looney | 12 | M | 98 |
Dyros Looney | 9 | M | 112 |
John Looney | 17 | M | 14 |
Lola Looney | 14 | F | 91 |
Lula Looney | 6 | F | 93 |
Opal Shores | 5 | F | 3 |
Barbie Shores | 8 | M | 72 |
Ruby Shores | 12 | F | 74 |
Walter Shores | 15 | M | 57 |
Chalmor Shugart | 6 | M | 78 |
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