
Harper Co. OKGenWeb


Welcome to the Harper County Churches Page

Please E-mail Michelle if you have information on modern-day or old-time churches in Harper Co. OK

Do you know of a church in Harper County that I've not listed on this page? If so, let me know and I'll put the name of the church online. I'm especially looking for churches in now defunct towns.

Old-time Churches

First Baptist Church of Brule (1903) became First Baptist Church of Buffalo (1908)
First Christian Church (Brule) became First Christian Church at Buffalo in 1909
Pleasant Valley Christian Church
Selman Christian Church
Selman Methodist Episcopal Church
Methodist Episcopal Church (Brule) became United Methodist Church (Buffalo)
Congregational Church (Doby Springs)
Baptist Church (Paruna)
Union Church (Pleasant Valley)

Description of link goes here.

Current Church Contact Information

AUGUST 28, 1997
Submitted By: Randel Thrasher -- Thanks Randel!

Officers for 1997-1998
President: Randel Thrasher
Vice-Pres: Bobby Smithson
Secretary: Gaylon Cox
Treasurer: Bob Taylor

Assembly of God
Pastor Wes Peterman (LuAnn)
306 S Oklahoma
P.O. Box 387
Laverne, OK 73848
Home: 921-5495
Office: 921-5495

Apostolic Faith Church
Pastor James Wallis (Lavonda)
P.O. Box 411
Laverne, OK 73848
Home: 921-3996
Office: 921-5144

Baptist Church
Pastor Gaylon Cox (Karen)
121 N Texas
P.O. Box 630
Laverne, OK 73848
Home: 921-5031
Office: 921-5111

Christian Church
Pastor Bobby Smithson (Christy)
P.O. Box 358
Laverne, OK 73848
Home: 921-3360
Office: 921-5514

Church of Christ
Pastor David Hamlin (Darla)
311 N Broadway
P.O. Box 352
Laverne, OK 73848
Home: 921-5474

Community Church
Pastor Bob Taylor (Hazel)
Rt. 2, Box 340
Laverne, OK 73848
Home: 921-5502

Gospel Lighthouse
Pastor Harold McGuire (Judy)
Rt. 2, Box 75
Laverne, Ok 73848
Home: 837-5477

Methodist Church, Fairview
Pastor Greg Coats (Trisha)
Methodist Church, Catesby
Rt. 1, Box 356
Laverne, OK 73848
Home: 837-5380
Office: 837-5380

Methodist Church, Laverne
Pastor Gary E. Holdeman (Joyce)
Methodist Church, Rosston
P.O. Box 612
Laverne, OK 73848
Home: 921-5580
Office: 921-3329

Midway Church
Pastor Neil Reagan ( )
Rt. 2, Box 165
Laverne, OK 73848
Office: 837-5595

Sure Foundation Fellowship
Pastor Randel Thrasher (Sally)
US 64 & NS 183 Rd.
Rt. 1, Box 49
Buffalo, OK 73834
Home: 735-2436
Office: 735-2019

Assembly of God
NE 1st & Forster
Buffalo, OK   73834
(580) 735-2298

1st Baptist Church
308 NE 2nd
Buffalo, OK   73834
(580) 735-2626

St. Joseph Catholic Church
325 SW 2nd
Buffalo, OK   73834

1st Christian Church
121 NW 2nd
Buffalo, OK   73834
(580) 735-2627

Lutheran Church
Hwy 64 SW
Buffalo, OK   73834
(580) 735-2733

1st United Methodist Church
223 SE 2nd
Buffalo, OK   73834
(580) 735 2620

Church of God, Holiness
Pastor Mike Olsen (Joyce)
P.O. Box 30
May, OK 73851
Home: 689-2300
Office: 689-2314

Clearlake Baptist Church
Pastor Olan Bullard ( )
Rt. 2, Box 73
Beaver, OK 73932
Office: 837-5388

Friends Church
Pastor Lyle Whiteman (Peggy)
P.O. Box 128
Gate, OK 73844
Home & Office: 934-2611

Methodist Church, Forgan
Pastor Terry Fox
Methodist Church, Gate
P.O. Box 308
Forgan, OK 73938
Home: 487-3586
Office: 487-3720

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Page created: 27 February 2002
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Last updated Saturday, 19-Jul-2008 14:58:33 CDT
Last Swept: 19 March 2005
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