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The WAURIKA TELEGRAPH – Thursday, October 19, 1905

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Vol. 1 No. 5




Plans Being Drawn – Business Buildings and

Residence Properties Being Contracted

The outside world is fast learning the value of our location relative to railroads and the good farming country surrounding us.  Some of the best men of Old Oklahoma, Kansas, and other states have come in lately and purchase (sic) Main street lots and are having plans drawn for the location of business buildings.

There has been felt the need of more residence property and quite a good many houses are now being built, and contracts let for more.  Houses that can be built at a cost of $650 can be rented for $15 per month or $180 a year.  This gives 27 per cent on an investment that is absolutely safe.

There is no a (sic) vacant building in town and several business men are looking over the city with a view to locating.  A jobbing house for groceries has men looking for a location.  We expect in the near future other financial institutions that will be a great benefit.

The best way to guage (sic) the amount of business is by freight bills.  In conversation with O. C. Brooks, agent of the C. R. I. & P. road at this place, he said: “There has been a single mouth (sic) since August, one year ago but the corresponding month for this year has doubled and often times has been three times the amount of business for the month.”


There is (sic) more buildings under construction in Waurika than any other town of its size in the territory.


Citizens State Bank of Waurika is a New Institution.

There will be a meeting of the stockholders next Monday night to organize and apply for a charter for a new bank to be organized at this place.


The shareholders are principally home men and they realize that to begin the business at this time gives them the advantage over other institutions coming here.  This bank will be as strong as any state bank in the territory and will do an immense business.

A Large Appropriation

Should the war department succeed in securing an appropriation of one million dollars from the coming congress, for the pvrpose (sic) of improving Fort Sill, it will prove a wonderful thing for Comanche county*.  Not only the expenditure of a million dollars in construction of improvements at the fort, but it means a regimkntal (sic) post with a pay roll of $25,000 a month, and large expenditure daily for supplies for the post.



Below is the opinion of some of the land buyers visiting Waurika and surrounding country:


ELIAS FOX of Missouri: “I cannot find a description of this country.  It is all you claim and more, too.”
Mr. CALLOPLY, OF DESTER, MO.: “It is the best land I have seen outside the state of Missouri.”
Mr. LITTLE of Wharten county, Tex.: “I want to own some of this land.  I believe it will be a good investment.”
Mr. D. TALKINGTON, of Waxahacie, Texas, expressed himself by saying he was making arrangements to buy a farm.
Mr. W. M. DUNCAN, of Wharten county, Texas, drove out one day, was pleased with the locality, and was on a trade for one of the best farms he ever saw.
Mr. THOMAS STONE, of Newkirk, O. T., liked it well enough to spend $12,000 in three quarter sections.  There is no question as to his sincerity upon this subject.

No one comes to this county and fails to be pleased.  Many eastern and northern men are coming here on account of the mild climate.  Surely this is the garden spot of Oklahoma.

Mr. W. T. BRANDON visited Hastings today.
Mr. and Mrs. KING visited Mr. and Mrs. ETON, Sunday.
Mr. COPELAND marketed some seed in Addington this week.
Mr. CARUHERS and family visited Mr. and Mrs. TURNELL, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. HEDGECOCK visited Mr. and Mrs. WILCOX, SUNDAY.
Mr. Mike SMITH and son Will were Hastings visitors Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. DRUMMOND visited with her sister, Mrs. RAY, Sunday.

We had a fine rain last night.  It will be a great benefit to the wheat.
Miss Millie RIDDLE visited with Miss Lorena WILCOX, Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. BRANDON visited Mr. and Mrs. CASADAY, Sunday afternoon.
Rev. BODINE failed to fill his appointment Sunday at the Texas Schoolhouse.
Mrs. John
JAMES has returned from a month’s visit in Texas with her daughter in Texas.
Quite a lot of the Texas young folks went to Diamond, Sunday, to attend the singing contest.
                                           BLACK-EYED SUSIE.

Palice (sic) Records Show That City if Well Gaverned (sic) and No Grafting Tolerated.

Judging from the police docket, as given by Justice TRAYER,

there has (sic) been less violations of city ordinances in Waurika than any town of its size in the two territories.  We have a regular council and city officers.  The town marshal, J. W. HORN, is fearless in the discharge of his duties.  Justice TRAYER is police judge, and in conversation with him, he said:
“I was elected and qualified in May, 1905, and my docket shows six arrests, one for assault, one for fast driving, and four for drunkenness,” The assault was made by an Oklahoman, and also the fast driving.  The four drunks were Chickasaw fellows who had been drinking “long-horn” at some of the little inland towns to the east of this country and had come over to sober up.  The city has the best class of citizens, made up from the different states, all workers.  No drones permitted to light here.  There are more strangers in this town daily than inhabit some of our neighboring villages.

There is no adverse criticism offered by any.  All agree that we are situated in the right locality and that we have the best railway facilities of any town in the southwest.


Senators are no longer in doubt as to the condition of affairs in the territories.  Senator CLAPP and Senator BEVERIDGE have both made personal observations in the Southwest and have expressed themselves strongly and emphatically in favor of Joint Snatehood (sic).  Their ideas heretofore have been obtained through a few scheming politicians, but personal investigation has caused them to change their views.

LAWRENCE & TUCKER have purchased the BILTON CAFÉ and will make it one of the nicest places in the city.  They are making a specialty of giving their patrons the best the market affords in the way of fresh oysters, fish and game in season.
Mr. Ben GRIFFIN was visiting our druggist, M. J. McGRAW, and drove to Sugden, Tuesday.

VALUES HAVE DOUBLED And some of the early settlers are berating themselves for having sold their farms for fifteen hundred dollars.  They have just cause to feel, and rightly so, that they have lost a nice little fortune.  These same farms are selling every day at a good price, some bringing $5,000.  No place in the Southwest offers such good investments as Southwest Comanche county*.

Of Indiana, Stands Firmly for Joint Statehood.

In a letter recently received by Congressman McQuire from Senator Albert J. Beveridge of Indiana, the latter assures the passage of the statehood bill, saying:
“You need have no fear, Oklahoma and Indian Territory combined into one state, will be admitted as a single American commonwealth at the coming session of congress.  By the way, what does that Tomfoolery mean over in the Indian Territory?  Write me about it.  It looks to me like a scheme to prevent statehood of any kind.  They know just as well as I do that no bill making Indian Territory a separate state can pass.  If a bill making Oklahoma a state by itself cannot pass, and it cannot, certainly a bill making Indian Territory a state by itself cannot pass.”


The Oklahoma Federation of commercial and Industrial Organization is getting up a Statehood Special to visit Washinton (sic) at the opening of congress.

Each city is asked to organize one or more Single Statehood Clubs, consisting of 100 members each, at 50 cents per person, each member must sign a roll of membership stating his occupation and approximate worth must wear a Sigle (sic) Statehood button, and each club of 100 is to select one of its number as a delegate for this trip to Washington.

The $50.00 raised in this way, pays the transportation to and from Washington, sleeper for 10 days, being two days going, six days at Washington and two days returning, also pays for the buttons for each club, )which bears their name and number) membership rolls, expressage, buttons and printed matter, and pays for placing the banner on each side of the car used on this trip.  It is sincerely believed that this movement will be of vast benefit in the way of organizing the single statehood element in the two territories, be of great power at Washington and as a method of advertising for the two territories will be unsurpassed.  No other state or territory has ever undertaken a project of its kind and only the wonderful get-np-and-go (sic) activities of the single statehooders of Oklahoma and Indian Territory could hope to make it a success.  The press of the two territories and the whole United States will be back of the movement, and great good will come of it.
Hamly’s Photo Car is in town.  It is a magnificent car and carries all equipment for artistic work.  Their samples are very fine and show superior photographic ability.
Little Jean BERRY fell from his burro while riding the other day.  Aside from a few slight bruises, “Buster” sustained no injuries, and is enjoying again his favorite pastime.
All kinds of tin and repair work, by ECKLES Bros. & Co.

*In 1905, Waurika was part of Comanche county.

submitted by Sheridan Brandon Drowatzky


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