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The WAURIKA TELEGRAPH – Thursday, October 19, 1905

Vol. 1 No. 5


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Roy MARTIN marketed corn last week.
These windy days remind us of old March.
Mr. Bob WITT is at Lawton on the petit jury.
Wheat is looking fine in this part of the county.
Mrs. W. R. LILES, of Banner, visited in Texas the last of the week.
Constable STONE was too busy (?) Sunday to attend Sunday School.
Mr. Will GARDNER’S family attended church at Independence last Sunday.
Miss Grace
JEFFREY has been employed to teach the Rocky Knob school the coming term.
With “The Telegraph” and the telephone, we keep in touch with the world.
Mrs. Geo.
JEFFREY is visiting her mother, Mrs. GARDNER, of Riverview, this week.
A misprint in last week’s paper cause the proceeds of the Valley View supper to read $13, instead of $73.
Mrs. M. E. REEDY, formerly of Banner, but now of Texas, was visiting friends on this side of the river last week.
Mrs. Bob MADRY and daughters, of Bowie, Texas, who have been visiting at her brother’s, Rev. HUGHES of Banner, returned home Saturday night.
Rev. FREEMAN, of Comanche, preached at Banner, Sunday.  Rev. FREEMAN is always appreciated, having made many friends in that neighborhood last summer during the meeting.
The girls of Riverview are busy this week preparing their boxes for the box supper Saturday night.  Save up your coin, boys’ for they don’t intend that you shall have them for nothing.
Mrs. Emma MARTIN returned home Sunday from an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. AUSTIN, of near Walter.  Mrs. MARTIN is just recovering from a severe attack of rheumatism.

A Snap for Little Money

A nice clean little stock of Groceries for sale, and building for rent reasonable.  Other business to look after only reason for selling.  Call on or write to J. M. BILTON, Waurika, O. T.

$5.00 REWARD
For the apprehension and arrest of any one found tacking signs or advertising matter, or otherwise mutilating the poles in Waurika and addition thereto, including those on Chickasaw side.

J. M. BELLAMY, President of Farmers and Merchants Mutual Telephone Co.

Mr. J. E. TANDY, of Temple, was in town Monday.
W. E. CONNER is in the market for (rest of sentence was omitted).
Ads on this page:


JOE WOLF – At Lawton - Comanche County’s Absolutely One-Price Clothier
Olivers Studio, Third and C Ave, Lawton, Okla.
I. N. REED, Bilton Hotel Barber, Waurika, O. T., East Side Main Street
Palace Hotel Barber Shop – A. C. EGLE, Proprietor
J. A. MARLEY & Co. – Town Site Promoters – Hastings, O. T.
LOWERY & Co. – Real Estate! – 318 D. Avenue, Lawton, Oklahoma
Merchants Café – Lawton - Elmer Terry, Prop.
Bilton Hotel – Waurika, Oklahoma – Opp C. R. I. & P. Depot
Meat Market – Hides, Furs and Produce - CLIFTON & POWERS, Props., Waurika, O. T.
City Transfer – Clint Morgan, Prop. – Waurika, O. T.

The WAURIKA TELEGRAPH – Thursday, October 26, 1905

Vol. 1 No. 6




Many Useful and Valuable Articles Will

Be Sold in the Interest of the

Baptist Church

The public is cordially invited to be present on Saturday afternoon and evening on Nov. 11, 1905, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. JOHNSTON on Main Street, Waurika.  There will be given a real treat of music, both instrumental and vocal.  Do not fail to lend your presence to make this undertaking of the Ladies’ Aid Society of the First Baptist church a thorough success.

The ladies have been untiring in their efforts and have secured a large assortment of very valuable goods, and have spent a great amount of time arranging for your pleasure and profit.

Some of the excellent vases and Oriental rugs were contributed from Boston, Kansas City, St. Louis and other eastern cities, and are things of beauty.  The home donations are not only useful, but good:

The exercises will be held in the private apartments of Mrs. JOHNSTON
.   The rooms are commodious and so arranged that by drawing doors and removing portieres, there can be had one large auditorium that will set comfortably two hundred guests.  The booths will be decorated beautifully, and the dining room will cause you to hungry and want to spend a small fortune, or to form a trust to monopolize all the good things prepared by the Ladies of the Aid.

The house party will be composed of Waurika’s stateliest women, who will assist Mrs. JOHNSTON in the entertainment of the guests.  The booths will be under the management of some of the sweetest girls in the Southwest.  No man will be permitted to loiter around the booths and talk to the salesladies more than two hours at a time.

The little flower girls will sell you roses at “their” own price.  Every one is cordially invited to attend this bazaar and as there is no admission fee charged, you can be as liberal with your purse as you may think best.
The single statehood excursion proposition to go to Washington, D. C., is one of the absorbing propositions through the two territories just now.


Of course at Oklahoma City it is completely overshadowed by the overwhelming importance of the water works election which is soon to be brought up before the people.

But from the Indian Territory comes the cry for single statehood.  Clubs are springing up all along the line, and the money is coming in every day.  It is surprising how much faster the sentiment is spreading in the Indian Territory than it is in Oklahoma, and how much stronger the single statehood sentiment is.

A letter from W. T. SPROWLS, an attorney of Durant, I. T., state that he had organized a club of 100 at Durant, and had been the Jos. W. BAILEY Statehood Club.  He sent in his remittance for himself as he had been chosen the delegate to represent Durant.  He also stated that there would be other clubs that would be formed at Durant.

Clifford L. JACKSON, the general attorney for the M., K. and T. railroad for the Indian Territory, writes a very encouraging letter.  He states that a club will be organized at Muskogee very soon.  He says: “My own judgment has been not to stir up the question of opposing the Sequoyah constitutional convention people, believing that if they are left along that it will ultimately wear out.”
News scare at this place,

Health is good in this community.

Miss Cora PERRY spent Sunday with Mrs. Kate JAMES.
Mr. RAY and family visited his father and mother Sunday.
Mr. W. REINERS made a business trip to Hastings Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. BRANDON visited Addington last Friday.
We had a rain Monday night, which stopped cotton picking.
Miss Ethel STINER spent last Sunday afternoon with Miss Renor DAVIS.
Mrs. Jimmie DAVIS took dinner with her sister, Mrs. Alva DAVIS Sunday.
Mr. Harvey LIKELY and Miss Gussie TRICE visited with Mr. and Mrs. HAYNES Sunday.
Mr. W. T. BRANDON made a business trip to Waurika Tuesday, and reports the town flourishing.
Mr. A. C. SAVAGE and family spent Sunday with the family of his brother, Mr. Front SAVAGE.
Our Sunday School is progressing finely at this place, with Mr. Jimmie DAVIS as superintendent.
Quite a few from this community attended church at Madden Grove Sunday, Rev. PORTER preached quite an interesting sermon.
THOMPSON Bros. Have moved to this place from Sugden and are now opening a first-class harness and repair shop on Main street.  They are a valuable acquisition to the town and will do a large business.
Let Every Person Interested in Joint State – Help Prepare the Resolutions for Memorial to Congress.

Oklahoma and Indian Territory are a part of each other.  They are socially linked together. Nature has laid the boundaries and an intelligent congress will at the coming session of that body decree that they shall be one “grand domain forever.”

Senators BEVERIDGE of Indiana, and Senator CLAPP have publicly expressed themselves that their influence in the hall of the Senate chambers shall be the deliverance of 2,000,000 of people from a territorial form of government.  Every senator that attended the great statehood convention held at Oklahoma City last year had the privilege of hearing the story of the people and believe it is a remedy for some of the wrongs perpetrated upon us as people.  They are amazed at the “Tomfoolery” being carried on by some of the leaders of the Muskogee convention.

The most able speakers that can be obtained are to address us on Saturday at this place.  If you are interested, come out and help.
Mrs. George RUSLER, Territorial Superintendent of the House Visitation Department of the Sunday School Association, will spend a week in Comanche county*.  Her addresses will be very interesting and instructive to all interested in Sunday School work.

Mrs. RUSLER will be at Waurika on Tuesday, No. 7, and all schools of Apache township should avail themselves of the opportunity to receive valuable instructions from this efficient and enthusiastic Sunday School worker.
S. T. COTNER, of Wilburton, I. T., has located in Waurika, and has opened a blacksmith shop next door to the DISHMAN livery barn.  Mr. COTNER is a good mechanic and will be an advantage to the community.  There is a large scope of country to draw business from and Mr. COTNER has selected his new location wisely.
CHARGE YOUR MIND With the fact that there will be some of the “Double-Staters” to mislead the Senate in regard to the condition of affairs in the two territories.  If you have a friend in the states from which you came, write today and urge them to use their endeavors, and demand of their senators and congressmen a deliverance from a territorial form of government.  Do it now!  Two millions of people will be benefitted by your aiding in this matter.
Messages From

Mr. FROSTS visited Mr. WITT’S on Sunday.
Mrs. Thomas JEFFREY of Banner, is visiting friends in Duncan this week.
Miss BUMP, the Sugden milliner, visited with Mrs. Will GARNER’S family over Sunday.
Miss Zoe GOODLOE has been employed to teach the Spring Hill school the coming winter.
Mr. HALLIDAY, Jr., of Waurika, attended the box supper at Riverview Saturday night.
The gentle rain drops that are falling would sound better if the cotton fields were not quite so white.
Mr. M. W. LYONS, of Riverview, killed a fine beef Saturday and sold the most of it to his neighbors.
Messrs. J. A. HEENAN and Wallace HAYES, and Misses HEENAN and RODGERS, all of Ryan, visited at Mr. JEFFREY’S Sunday.
Mr. TUPIN, of near Riverview, has erected another residence on his farm to be occupied by his son, Mr. Charley TUPIN and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. BRENNAN returned home Sunday, after spending a week with Mr. BRENAN’S (sic) parents, of near Walters on Cache Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. MOORE
of Greer County, are visiting at Mrs. MOORE’S brother’s, Mr. Bob GILLESPIE, of Banner, this week.  Mrs. MOORE was formerly Miss Ola GILLESPIE, who has many friends who welcome her return and gladly make the acquaintance of her husband.  We hope that they will decide to locate in our midst.
That the Riverview box supper was a success goes without saying.  Financially speaking it was far more than was expected, the proceeds amounting to $64.80.  Socially, every one seemed to enjoy it and the behavior was better than usual at gatherings of that kind.  Miss Call MITT received the cake, which brought $7.  The money will be used in ceiling and painting the school house and purchasing song books for Sunday School and worship.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas JEFFREY of Banner, celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary Thursday evening, Oct. 10, 1905, by inviting a few friends to spend the evening.  At about 8 o’clock the guests were ushered into the dining room, where a sumptuous repast in the way of turkey, salads, sauces, tarts, cakes, jams, etc., etn.  To say that guests did justice to themselves and injustice to the eatables and also vice versa is beyond doubt.  Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. N. A. GUYER, Mr. and Mrs. McMANAMY, Mr. and Mrs. MEADOWS, Mr. and Mrs. GARDNER, Mr. and Mrs. BAGGETT, D. W. HUGHES, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. JEFFREY and Miss Nannie CAMERON.  The guests were departed at a late hour, wishing these good people many more anniversaries.


*In 1905, Waurika was part of Comanche county.

submitted by Sheridan Brandon Drowatzky


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