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Embracing an Index of Residents in Guthrie, together with the names of all Homesteaders in Logan County, giving quarter section, township and range.
There are three parts to this directory. The Business and Resident section and the Homesteaders of Logan County (jump to that section). The last section is a variety of items of interest (jump to that section). Parts of this directory are unreadable.
Transcribed by: Angela Loy
ADAMS H M. (Lyman & Adms), r 122 north 2d
ADELSHON Harry, barber Tower's Tonsorial Parlor
ADLER Felix, mang. Kentucky Liquor House, r 124 Noble ave
ALAWY Jess, teamster Ark Lumber Co, r W G
ALCORN & WILLIAMS, groceries & feed, 101 Cleveland Ave.
ALCOM, (Alcom & Williams), r 424 Mansur (w)
ALLEN Frank, clk A Myers
ANDERSON Gus, night baggageman depot, r 602 Perkins e
ANDERSON & McCOMBS, real estate, 103 north 2nd st
ANDERSON Jake, clk Tontz & Hirschi, r 602 Perkins e
A M E Church, cor Vilas and Elm, Rev. A. E. JACKSON pastor
ANDRESON Carrie I, teacher, r n-e 3-15-1
ANDERSON W H, (Anderson & McCombs), 1123 w Cleveland
ANDERSON Geo, clk S C Starr
ANDERSON Geo, capitalist, r 116 Ok ave (w)
ANHEUSER-BUSH BREWING CO, office and warehouse 224 s 5th st
ANKENY F. G., clk Star Livery Stable r same
ARCADE SAMPLE ROOM, 102 Ok ave (w)
ARKANSAS LUMBER CO, L BELAND mang Vilas bet Division and Vine
ARKANSAS MILLING CO., 220 n Vine st Perry RUTHERFORD mang.
ARRELL S. H, clk Ball Bros
Asp & Cottingham, ATTYS AT LAW RMS 3-4-5-6-7 over Lillie Drug House
ASP Henry E., (Asp & Cottingham), r 311 n 1st st
ATHERTON & BURCH, broom fact 1001 Perkins ave (w)
AUCHMOODY E. C., yardman Vandervoort & McClung
AXTELL E. A., (Tingle & Axtella) r 324 Springer ave (w)
BABCOCK E. P, district court crier US District court room
BABCOCK, wk Capital Planning Mill
BACK J. W., (Capital Saloon) r 504 1st st (n)
BAEK E. P., (Capital Sallon) r 504 1st st (n)
BAILEY O.P., musisian, r 216 Harrison ave
BAILEY J. D., clk E T Paton & Co. r 323 Division (s)
BAILEY W. B., clk The Blue Bellie
BAKER B R, (Baker & Halstead), r 611 Warner ave (w)
BALDWIN HOUSE, E. Baldwin prop, 111 north 2nd st
BALDWIN & MALCOLM, real estate, room 3 Drake building
BALDWIN Alva G, (Baldwin & Malcolm), r 713 Cleveland ave (e)
BALL J E, (Ball Bros), r 411 n Briad st
BALL BROS, grocers, 104 Ok av (w)
BAILARD L G, painter, r cor Boul bet Perkins and Grant
BAMFORD E W, clk reg of deeds, r 1402 w Warner
BAPTIST CHURCH, cor Noble and Vine Rev Taylor Pastor
BARKELY C W, Pres of Ind Ty, r cor Warner and Division
BARKLEY Heney W, teller B of Ind. Ter, r cor Warner and Division
Bargain Resort, 112 Ok ave (e)
BARKER Dr. E O, physician and surgeon, office Lillie's drug store r same
BARNES E P, paper hanger, at Wallace's drug store
BARNES C M, receiver U S land office, r 323 n 1st st
BARNES J A, prop Mechanic's Home, 607 Harrison Ave w
BARNES Harry, clk U S land office, r 323 n 1st st
BARNES & SON C M, Insurance, 302 Ok ave (w)
BARNUM W L, atty at law, room 5 and 6 214 Ok ave (w)
BARNHILL W G, butcher and stock trader, r 623 west Cleveland
BARR Earnest, cook O K Rest
BATES A., grocery house, 104 n Division st r 305 Ok ave
BAUM & Co Joe, livery stable, 213 n 2nd st
BAUGHN W N, carpenter, r Third st bet Perkins and Grant
BANER A J, mang Chandler stage line, 112 Ok av (e)
BAXTER & CAMMACK, livery stable, 209 s 2nd st
BAXTER W H, (Baxter & Cammack), r 619 Vilas av (e)
BEADLE'S SHOE STORE, 204 Ok ave (w)
BEAMER H C, salesman, Sligh Carriage Works 317 s 3rd st
BEARMENN Chas, clk Wm Sexaner, r 414 e Cleveland
BEAHRS Chas, post office clk
BEALL F M, atty at law office in opera house, r 424 east Noble
BEERAS C E, wk Capital Planning mill
BEHRENS Heney, hides and furs, 613-15 Ok ave (w)
BELAND Louis, man Ark Lumber Co, r 418 Harrison ave (e)
BENIGHT C D, real estate, r cor Broad and Cleveland
BENHAM Miss Lee, dress maker, 115 Ok ave e r same
BENNETTMrs L, millinery, 121 Harrison ave w r same
BERGER C A, atty at law 114 n 1st st
BERKLEY B F, implement house 119 n Division st. r 723 Noble ave (e)
BERRY S B, asst cash G N Bank, r Maj Dodd's farm
BEVANS S B, land atty & pension agt room 36 Com Blk
BIERER & COTTERAL, attys rms 2 and 3, 214 w Ok ave
BIERER A G C (Bierer & Cotteral), r 501 e Cleveland ave
BISHOP D P, printer Daily News
BISCHKO Ben, prop Guth China Hall, r same
BISCHKSO, clk china hall, r same
BLACKERBY Henry, clk S C Starr
BLACKWELL W A (col) barber, r Broad and Grant
BLASS P P, Cedar Tree Sal, r 1106 w noble ave
BLEAKMORE W H, real estate, r Har ave bet 3d and 4th
BLEICH Gus C, clk Eng Kitchen
BLINCOE Wm, atty at law, r 107 Har ave (w)
BLOOMER J F, mang City Drug Store 124 w Ok ave r same
BLUE BELLE, 124 s 2d st
BLUBAUGH D, prop Palace Hotel
BLUE James, livery stable 407 s 2d st r 313 s 1st st
BOCKFINGER H H, county clk, r sw 1-4 sec 8 town 16 R 2 (w)
BOLES John J, U S com office Tontz & Hirschi blk r 301 e Guth
BOLOPUE C L, clk Silver King Sal 327 w Ok ave r same
BOLOPUE L E, prop Silver King Sal 327 w Oak ave r same
BOSWORTH C M, asst book keeper Guth Nat Bk, r 124 Broad st (n)
BOSWORTH Rev W A, pastor Cong ch, r 124 n Broad st
BOSS Peter (col), clk S C Star
BOUSE W P, groceries & feed cor Vine and Har, r same
BOYCE Howard, teamster Lenorad & Co
BRADLEY S H, atty at law room 2 DeFord blk, over P P r 322 e Perkins
BRAITHWAITE Arthur, steno and b k, r 105 e Noble
BRAITHWAITE Charles ( Hutchinson & Braithwaite), r 105 e Noble
BRACHER Earnest (col), fruits 203 Har ave w, r 415 Gr w
BRENHEN Joseph M, Shiooing clk Coyle & Smith
BREWER W F,carpenter r 108 e Logan av
BRICKNER J T, cont & builder 109 n 1st st, r 411 Cev
BRIGGS & Young, real estate law agey Bamford b'k
BRIGGS D S, ( Briggs & Young) , r Bamford blk
BROADFOOT Dr., dentist Bamford blk
BRONSON W M, abt real estate & ins 103 n 1st st, r 614 e Mansur
BROCKMAN Mary, clk F Brickman, 419 s 1st st
BROCKMAN F, groceries 104 e Ok ave, r 419 s 1st st
BROCKMAN Henry, clk F Brockman, r 419 s 1st st
BROOKS H, tankman pabst Ice Pit
BROOKS J M, E T Palton & Co, r 623 e Vilas
BROOKS O L, tailor wks Pace Tailor Shop
BROOKMAN Cyrus, clk Arcade Sample Room. R 123 n Broad st
BROWN F C, tankman Pabst Ice Pit
BROWN W A, mason 117 e Vilas
BROWN G G, wks Kan Hardware Co Wash st bet 11 and 12th sts W Guth
BROWN John A. clk Kimball Go Co, r 113 n Vine st
BROWN W M (Murray & Brown) , r 312 e Vilas
BROWN & SOWARD, attys rooms 1-2 No 212 w Ok ave
BROWN Chas ( Brown & Soward), r 504-6 e Noble ave
BROWN W A, compositor South and West, bds Barnes Ht
BROWN D G , farmer bds Barnes Hotel
BROWN J W , meat market 313 w Ok ave r 101 w Vilas
BROWN W H, south sec foreman S F R R
BRUMUTT Wm, farmer, r 423 e Logan ave
BRYANT S A (col) blacksmith and repair shop 801 w Noble ave
BUCKLEY E T, clk Ball Bros, r 413 s 3rd st
BURCHE Miss S M, steongrapher & typewriter
BURCH A W, wks broom fact, r 1013 w Perkins
BURCH A P, wks broom fact, r 1118 Grant (w)
BURCH E A, broom fact 1013 Perkins ave (w)
BURKE Miss Allie J, clk Racket Store
BUEEOUGHS Miss Clara, clk Robbins & Thomas, r Har ave bet Maple and Walnut
BUSSENBARK J A, fruits and confectionry 124 w Ok ave
BUXTON W A , pres Okla Univ, r Har and Broad
BYERS A A, atty at law room 32 com bnk, r 113 Okla e
BYERS Mrs. A A, millinery 113 Ok ave, e r same
BYERS Geo (col), cook Pal Hotel
BYRNE J W, harness mak A P Saunders, r 120 s 2nd st
BYRNS J, saloon 109 n Div st, r 210 Wash st (e)
CALHOUN John S, Probate Judge, Room 30 Com Blk
CALHOUN S C , clk Probate Judge, r room 30 Com blk
CALLIN Jon S, real estate, r Drexel boul. Bet Harrison and Vilas
CALVERT J L, atty at law, 12 Kendall blk r 1323 Warner e
CALVERT & Co, house movers, 514 Ok ave w
CAMERON C, Painter, Guthrie Carriage Works
CAMMACK, (Baxter & Cammack) r 30 Springer ave w
CAMPBELL Logan, clk W M Salmon, r cor Vilas and Maple e Guthrie
CAMPBELL E M, grocer, r 807 Vilas ave
CANNON W L, broker, 118 south 2nd st., r Cannon hotel
CAPITOL NATIONAL BANK, corner of Oklahoma ave and 2nd street
CAPITAL Barber Shop, Mottley Bros props. 101 Oklahoma ave (w)
CAPITAL Planning Mills, (Gothauer & Johnson Props) cor Ok ave and 5th st
CAPITAL Roller Mills, south half block 66 Guthrie Proper
CAREY Lombard Co. yard 101 Vilas and E
CARLIN & Gill, real estate, room 1 over P O
CARLIN R R ( Gill & Carlin) r 1301 Noble w
CARLISLE Alex, capitalist, bds Place Hotel
CARLISLE M L, real estate, 105 n 2nd st., r 402 Washington ave e
CARPENTER E H, (Prop Steam Laundry) r 609 Vilas e
CARSON Gus, clk Cooper & Son, r 413 Perkins e
CARSON Alma, teacher, r 413 Perkins e
CARTER N M, agt Walter Pierce Oil Co, r 213 n Vine st
CARTER H, clk G A R, Lunch Counter, r 701 s Division
CARUTHERS Allen, atty at law, room 32 Com blk
CASE J B S, tinner Spencer hardware store
CASSIDY P O, editor West and South under Bank Ind Ter
CASSILA Rose, waitress O K rest
CASTANIEN Bros, Props Hack Line, 113 Vilas e
CASTANIEN Frank, (Castanien Bros) r 113 Vilas e
CASTANIEN Chas, (Castanien Bros) r 113 Vilas e
CASTANIEN P M, (Castanien Bros) r 113 Vilas e
CATTLE J L, clk B of Ind Ter, r cor Warner and Division
CAVANAUGH P J atty at law, r 113 n 1st st
CHAMBLISS H D, clk The Blue Bell
CHANEY S W, wks Guthrie Planning Mill
CHEADLE N F, Territoral agt Ferd Heim Brewing Co 402 Ok ave n, r same
CHEATHAN J F, Prop Guthrie Planning Mill, r 517 Harrison ave w
CHERRY W B, steongrapher and typewritter, r 313 Cleveland w
CHESTER E N, clk F E Houghton, r 319 n 7th st
CARISEN L, sign painter, paper hanger, 113 n 1st st , r 419 s 1st st
CHRISTIAN CHURCH, cor Cleveland & Vine sts, Rev Boggess pastor
CITY Drug Store, J S Bloomer agt, 124 Harrison c
CITY Hotel, 338-40 Harrison w
CITY Building, 326 Harrison w
CLARK W C Manager Beadles Shoe store, r 311 Harrison e
CLARK M A, prop Welcome Grocery, r 504 Cleveland ave e
CLARK Harry T, clk Kentucky Liquor House r 108 Cleveland ave e
CLATWORTHY Ada L, prop Bargain Resort store, r 112 OK ave e
CLATWORTHY J H, carriage painter, r 112 Ok ave e
CLEAVER N V, capitalist, r 624 Cleveland
CLEAVER W M, clk U S Marshal Grimes, bds Mrs Van Voorhees
CLEMENTS Pete, Porter Palace hotel, r 504 s 1st st
CLINE C E, engineer, r 124 e Vilas
COGLE Clay, Pabst Beer wagon driver, r 202 Mansur e
COHEN & Strauss, N Y Clothiers, 214 w Ok ave
COHEN H L, (Choen & Strauss) r 302 n 2nd st
COLE Mrs May, clk Gardner hotel, 121 n 1st st
COLE R I, florist, 622 Harrison w
COLLAR Morris, hardware and implements, 214 s 2nd
CLARK J P, clk A Myers
COLLINS Ed, wks Broom Factory, 1013 Perkins w
COLTON L N, compositor, Daily State Capital
COLUMBIA Geo, clk Reeves Bros
CONE N D, atty at law, room 5-212 Ok ave w
CONGREATIONAL Church , Broad bet Okla & Cleveland, Rev Bosworth pastor
CONKLIN Bert, wks W M Stapleton
CONNELY Wm, Health Officer, City Building
COOK Sell, Cornetist, clk J A Busebark
COOK E, coal oil dealee
COOK L A, clk Bates Grocery house, r 701 w Warner
COOPER & Son, meat markert, 112 Okla w
COOK Tom, bds over Turf Exchange
COOPER Jas, (Cooper & Son) r 402 Springer e
COOPER O P, (Cooper & Son) r 402 Springer e
CORE E R, Mang Santa Fe Eating House
CORKINS A J, chief clk A T & S F R R, r 704 Vilas e
COTTERAL John H (Boer & Cotteral) r 514 e Cleveland
COTTERAL Chas, capitalist, office Bonfil blk, r same
COTTERAL Dr C F, physician and surgeon, office Bonfil blk, r 522 Vilas e
COTTINGHAM J R, (Asp & Cottingham) r 514 e Cleveland
COX E H, County Commissioner, r sec 1, lot 1 2 3 4 s 1-2 nw 1-4 town 16 r 4
COYLE & Smith, wholesale and retail grocers, 219-221 Harrison w
COYLE W H, (Coyle & Smith) r 319 Vilas w
CRABB A H, clk J M Craig & Co, 206 Okla w
CRAIG Dr J M (J M Craig & Co) r 1419 Cleveland w
CRAIG J M & Co, drugs, 206 w Okla
CRAIG Carl , clk J M Craig & Co, 206 Okla w
CRANE Wm, clk The Blue Bell
CRISMOND Dr J W, physician & Surgeon, office Bonfil blk, r 416 s 1st st
CROW C A, clk Star Bazaar, 423 Cleveland e
CROUSH & Burnett, feed and second hand, s Division
CROZIER Major L N F, private banker, office Bank Ind Ter, r Vine and Okla e
CUNNINGHAM Geo S, atty at law, room 20 Com blk
CUNNINGHAM Haroer S, atty at law, 114 n 1st st
CUMMINS C A, forman Democtat office
CUPPAGE & Smith, real estate, room 1 McNeal blk
CUPPAGE L H (Cuppage & Smith) room 1 McNeal blk, r same
CURRIER S, prop Missiouri Rest, 317 Okla w
DABIN Edw, carpt John Bricker
DAILY NEWS under Com Bank
DALE & THOMAS, attys rm 9 McNeal Bnk Blk
DALE Frank (Dale & Thomas), r 810 e Ok ave
DANIELS J, private bnkr and real est sta investor 105 Ok ave n, 201 Har ave
DARLINGTON-Miller Lumber Co, yd 118-20-22-24 Clev ave (w)
DAVIS A M, plaster, r cor Warner and 6th
DAVENPORT Noah, tinner N Y Hardware
DEAL A J & Co, real est 103 Har e, r 913 Har ave
DEEKER Geo W, carpt 702 s 4th st
DEAL W W, meat mkt 113 Har ave e, r 211 s Division
DEAL Geo W, carpt 702 s 4ht st
DECKER S D (Decker & Lawrence), r 309-11 Lin ave (e)
DECKER Henry A, teacher, r 702 s 4th st
DEEDS W A, wheat buyer, r 408 Spr ave (w)
DEFORD C H & CO, groceries 114 Ok ave (w)
DEFORD W S, farmer, r 524 Mansur (w)
DEFORD C H (C H DeFord & Co), r 408 1st st (n)
DEFORD J W, clk C H DeFord & Co, r 424 Div st (n)
DEFORD I S, money loaner, r DeFord Blk
DEGROFF, clk Cohen & Strauss, r 217 s Vine st
DELANEY L R agt S F depot, room Ellis Blk
DELAY F L, steno Bierer & Cotteral, r Spr Hotel
DEMPSTER Jake, eng Cap Plaining Mill
DERANDAMIE, fruits and confectionary 323 Ok ave w, r same
DEVORE Squire, real estate and insur, r 515 Perkins
DEWITT Alfred S, steno and typewritter 114 n 1st st
DIEHL Cora V, reg if deeds office Capt Bnk blk, r 609 s 1st st
DIEHL H C, depty reg of deeds, r 609 s 1st st
DIVEBISS G W, capitalist, r 710 Ok ave (e)
DODD E S, atty at law room 32 Com Blk
DONNELLY E S, drugs 116 Ok ave w, r 423 Vilas (e)
DONNELLY Heney J,. clk E S Donnelly, r 116 Ok ave (w)
DOOLEY James, real estate office in Lipe bld, r 106 w Cleveland ave
DOOLEY Miss Katie, clk Little Hamaker Co, r 106 Cleveland ave (w)
DOOLEY Thomas, wks W M Stapleton
DOUGLASS J E, Prop saw mill and crate fact, r 101 s 5th st
DOUGLASS James, lunch counter 117 w Ok ave, r same
DOUGHERTY Elizabeth, cook Gardner Hotel
DOWNEY Henry, constable Justice McCarver 106 n 1st st
DRACE C P & Co, real estate 107 Ok ave e Guth
DRACE C P (Drace & Co) r 107 Ok ave office
DRACE J A (Drace & Co) r at office
DRAKE Henry D , capitalist, r 422 Perkins e
DUFF Gertie, waitress Palace Hotel
DULL E E , barber Palace barber Shop, r 201 Ok ave (e)
DUNCAN Oliver, wks Capt Roller Mills
DUNCAN W W miller Capt Roller Mills
DUNCAN Herbert, wks Capt Roller Mills
DUNN G L, clks Star Bazzar
DWINNELL W T, money loaner office Bamford Blk, r 1005 Mansur (w)
EADES W H, real estate, r Har bet Vine and Broad
EAGLE Drug Store 109 Har ave (w)
EARL W E, atty at law 109 Har bet Vine and Broad
EASTWOOD J W, barber 701 Div st (s)
EBRIGHT Harry, binder, Daily Capital
ECKARD F M, real estate officer over Bamford Blk, r same
EDWARDS Ed, clk O K Rest
EDWARDS, porter N Y Hardware
EDWARDS Noel , foreman job rms Daily Capt, r 304 Har ave (e)
EGBERT Harry , clk E H Goode, r 201 Har ave (w)
EISENSCHMIDT & Hetsch , boots & shoes 118 Ok ave (w)
EISENSCHMIDT Chas F (Eisenschmidt & Hetch), r 402 Broad st
EKUNE H W, tailor Cohen & Struss, r 303 Ok ave (e)
ELKINS Fred, atty at law office opera house
ELLIASON A, brick manf and contractor 401 s 4th st
ELLIOT G, shipping clk Nix Haskell & Co
ELLIS J A, capitalist 201 Harison ave (w)
ELRICH Clarance, ladies delivery clk P O
ENGER Bros, grocers 416 Ok ave (e)
ENGER Martain, (Enger Bros), r 710 Ok av (e)
ENGLISH Kitchen 204 ok ave (e)
ETTER John, wks Guth Plan Mill
EPISCOPAL Church Noble bet 1st and Div sts, Rev C W Tyler rector
EUREKA Stables, J W Sutton Prop, 103 Clev (w)
EVANS Geo, prop G A T Lunch Cnt, r Bonfil Blk
EWING Grant (col) porter Palace Hotel
EWING R M, clk Bee Hive Cloth House, r Bonfil Blk
EYMAN J W prop Capt Barb Shop, r sw 25-16 3
FAIRFIELD J B, (Leonard & Co) r 320 n 1st st
FARMERS Restaurant, A B Trumbull prop, 320 Okla w, r same
FARQUHARSON A O, (Farquharson & Morris) r 319 Harrison e
FAWBUSH Mrs F E, City Restautant, 111 n 1st st, r same
FEGAN O R, atty at law, room 5-6 202 Okla, r 709-11 Springer e
FELTS Will, book keeper Guthrie National Bank, r 601 Cleveland e
FERD Heim Brewing Co. 492 Okla w
FICKLE Roy, barber wks W W Jennings, r 409 Springer e
FILSON C H, clk Supreme Court, r 415 n Division
FILSON F W, night operator and ticket agt depot
FILTSON Mrs. Chas, furnished rooms, Springer hotel building, 101 Okla e
FINLEY W D, clk Richmond second hand store, r 108 Noble e
FINCH Chas, warehouseman Pierce Oil Co
FISHER Geo H, contractor and builder 524 e Lincoln
FLANIGAN Frank, Mang Guthrie Bottling works 402 Okla w
FLOWER W A, Photographer, Drake blk 2nd st
FLYNN D T, Postmaster Guthrie, r 324 Cleveland e
FOREMAN Webster, clk Star Bazaar
FOSTER Judge John, chr Townsite Board No 6, r 423 n Broad
FOUCART J, Architect, Brooks blk, r 406 Vilas e
FOUCART Augustina, clk J Foucart, r 406 Vilas e
FRANTZ Wm B, tinner New York hardware
FRANKLIN I A, traveling salesman Nix, Haskell & Co
FRASIER W A, (Nix Haskell & Co) 317 n Broad
FRAZIER Bros., meat market, 117 Okla w
FRAZIER G N, (Fraxier Bros) r at shop
FREEMAN C B, atty at law, room 5, 212 Okla w
FRIEDLANDER H H, city agt Pabst Beer, r 508 Railroad ave
FRINK & LOWE, (col) Restauranters, 111 s 2nd st
FRINK Andrew (Frink & Lowe), r 723 s Division
FURBER Ike, restaurant and ldg house, 311 Okla ave w
FURROW W E, dentist, room 35 Com Bank blk, r 322 Har ave e
FURROW E H, Nurseryman, cor Maple and Har, r same
FURROW Mrs E H, Florist, cor Maple and Har, r same
GAMMON F R, Pres Board of Trade, World's Fair Com.
Office Gray Bros bldg, r Noble bet Oak and Elm
GANDALL D J, wks A G Kesler flour and feed
GANO Bantz, clk Parkers book store
GANS SD, harness maker Heilman's shop, r 123 Okla ave w
GANT Fred, (col) cook, Frink & Lowe
G A R LUNCH COUNTER, 121 n Division st
GARDNER HOTEL, Cole & Griffith, 121 n 1st st
GARMAN M, (Suddock & Garman) r 709 Mansur w
GARRETT F N, groceries, 809 w Noble, r 924 Mansur
GEBKE B F, policeman, city bldg
GILL W H, (Carlin & Gill), r 706 Mansur w
GILL Warren, clk M W Smith
GILMER Tucker, (Gilmer & Taylor), r 514 1st st s
GILMAN W H, teamster Coyle & Smith
GILMER & TAYLOR, (col) grocers, 121 Har w
GOCHENOUR H J, Oriental Tea Co., r 605 Noble e
GOFF J N, harness maker Heilman's shop, r cor Vine and Warner e
GOLDSTEIN H, merchant tailor, 109 Okla w
GOLOBIE John, City Editor State Capital, bds Palace hotel
GOODE D H, grocer, 201 Harrison ave w, bds O K Res
GOODSEAL Lee, (col) porter, Nix & Haskell Co
GOODRICH CW, Police Judge, city bldg, r 302 n Brd
GORDON James, real estate, r 315 Cleveland w
GOTHANER H D, Capital Planning Mill, r 102 s 5th st
GRAY BROS, grocers, 103 Okla w
GRAY Geo E, capitalist, r Cleveland bet Ash and Oak
GRAY W H, (Gray Bros grocers), r Cleveland bet Ash and Oak
GRAY Albert E, druggist, 124 Okla w
GREENE E B, Chief Justice, r 415 n Div
GREENWAY John, Enigineer State Capital office
GREEN Marie, bindery girl, State Capital
GREGERY Wm, engineer, Capital Roller mills
GREER Frank H, Manager State Capital Printing Co. r 223 s 3rd st
GRIFFTH F E, City Editor Daily News
GRIFFTH U F, clk Kaylor & McDonald, r 702 Cleveland e
GRIFFTH C H, pharmacist McElHinney's, r 712 Cleveland w
GRIFFTH S C, Gardner hotel, 121 n 1st st
GRIMES Wm, U S Marshall, Herriott blk
GRIMES Wm, carpenter, r 1209 Noble w
GRIMES W B, yardman Richardson Lumber Co, r 1205 Noble w
GRISSELL A E, (Humphrey & Grissell), r 809 Cleveland
GRISWOLD C H, stenographer and typewritter, room 27 Com Blk
GRUBBS J C, grocer, 310 Okla w
GRUBER W C, clk J Byrns, r 454 Okla e
GUMM N J, teamster Vandervoort & McClung
GUTHRIE Planning Mill, 511-13-15-17 Har w
GUTHRIE Bottling works, N F CHEADLE prop, 402 Okla w
GUTHRIE Steam Laundry, 420 n 1st st
GUTHRIE National Bank, 202 Okla w
GUTHRIE Carriage Works, 806-808 Noble w
GUTHRIE Electric Light Plant, 123 e Har
GUTHRIE China Hall, 123 Okla w
HACLLEYS Barber Shop, 118 s 2nd st
HACKLEY L L, (col) barber r, Springer bet Broad and 3d
HACKLEY T L, (col) barber, 118 s 2nd st
HACKLEY A E, (col) barber, 118 s 2nd st
HAINER H T, school and Land department, office Brooks blk, r 505 n Division
HAINES, David M, shoemaker, bds O K Res
HAINES Mrs. Irene, furnished rooms, 203 s 2d st
HALE J R, contractor, r cor Noble and 1st st
HALLECK E L, City Supt of Schools, r over Bank Ind Terr
HALSELL Oscar, (Nix, Haskell & Co), r 607 Cleveland
HALSTEAD Dr. H P, physician and surgeon, office over Lillies drug store, r 511 Springer e
HAMAKER E L, (Little Hamaker Co), r 409 Clevland e
HAMILTON A G, hardware, 623 Okla, r Har and Maple
HAMLIN Wm, barber, 122 Har
HAMM S T, barber, Palace Barber Shop, r 611 s Ash
HANCE Miss Ella, clk Reg of Deeds, r supurbs n Guthrie
HANER P H, stenographer, r 117 e Cleveland
HANNA Benny, clk W M Salisbury, 402 e Okla
HANSEN Otto, clk Weinberger, r Holman Bros
HANSEL G D, harness maker Heilmans shop, r 123 Okla ave w
HARGIS G C, real estate, 103 n 2nd st
HARPER W H, (col) fruits, 203 Har, r 415 Grant w
HART T J, real estate, r 402 n 1st st
HARTMANN Gustave, clk K C Sal, r 321 Okla w
HARTZELL Dave, teamster, Leonard & Co
HAVIGHORST J H, Dep Cp clk, r 606-608 Cleveland e
HAVENKRATT D N, drugs, 338 Har w
HAWKINS J H, atty at law, office over Kentucky Liquor store, r 701 Okla e
HAWKINS E B, capitalist, office Justice Of Peace Morgan
HAYES Mamie, waitress O K Best
HAYNES Ed, (col) waiter Palace Hotel, r 232 Grant
HAYS W A, clk The Blue Bell
HEILMAN P J, Harness and Saddle, 123 Okla w, r 401 Cleveland
HENDERSON Jennie, prop Santa Fe house, 115 s 5 th st
HENDERSON Robert, real estate, r 111 s 5th st
HENNESSEY F A, Model Bakery, r 312 Okla w
HENN Wm, prop Henns Club Room, r 205 Har
HENRY Geo A, barber, r 924 Springer
HESS Lizzie, waitress English Kitchen
HESTER A C, dairy man, r cor Vine and Lincoln
HESTER Ida, waitress, Mrs S K Van Voorhees
HETSH David, (Eisenschmidt & Hetschi) r 118 Okla
HEWITT T P & SONS Livery Stable, 202 Cleveland e, r same
HIATT Dr L J, physician, 116 Okla w, r 505 Noble e
HICKS & MURLIN, contractors, 218 n 2nd st
HICKS Thomas W, (Hicks & Murlin) r 218 n 2nd st
HIGH Fred, prop Parlor Shoe store, r 417 Okla e
HIGGINS Neil, clk Rhodes Furniture House, r 106 Okla e
HIGGINS Thomas, real estate, 408 Vilas e
HILL Rev E T, presiding Elder El Reno Dist, r cor Perkins and 5th st
HILL James (col) wks Capital Barber shop, r Spencers Boarding House
HILL J F, Mailing clerk
HILL J F, real estate, Daily Capital office
HILTON F J, prop Electric Light Plant r 203 n 1st st
HINDMAN Frank, Under Sheriff, Sheriff office
HINES John, wks Reeves Bros
HIRSCHI E L, (Tontz & Hirschi) r 323 Springer e
HITCHCOCK Miss Lottie, M, stenog Theadore Risley
HIXON John, Sherriff Logan County, office Tontz & Hirschi blk, r 102 Cleveland e
HIXON Lou, butcher Coyle & Smith
HIXON Horace, Chief Deputy Sherriff, r 102 Cleveland
HIXON A C, pharmacist Wallace Drug Store
HOFFMAN Roy, atty at law, 107 Har w r same
HOFFMAN Miss Loa, stenographer and typewritter, 107 Har w
HOFFMAN Lydia, waitress Mrs S K Van Voorhees r same
HOGAN John, Mang West and South, r 509-11 Broad n
HOGGETT Volney, atty at law, office Bonfil blk r same
HOLCUMB A F & CO., real estate, loan and abstracts room 4 No 214 Okla
HOLCOMB A F, r 1005-7 Noble
HOLDEN L T, Teller Cap Nat Bk, r 600 e Noble
HOLDEN Dr W G, Vetinery Surgein, at Baxter & Cammacks
HOLLAND CC, att at law, room 24 Com blk
HOMSHER Lee, prop Palace Barber shop, r 402 n 2nd
HOPKINS Geo W, grocer, 224 s 2nd r same
HOPPER L G, second hand store, 418 Okla e, r same
HORNBERGER Mrs., Bakery and Lunch, 105-107 s 1st st., r same
HORSFALL, Cashier Guthrie Nat Bk, r 122 Okla e
HORTON J E, councilman, r cor Warner and 6th
HORTON Hattie E, stenog and typewritter, office Volney Hoggett
HOWARD Chas, Porter Reeves Bros, 513 s Broad
HOWE Miss Rose, dress maker, 112 Okla w r same
HOWELL Samuel, dealer in coal oil and gasoline, r Mundy blk
HUGHES James, clk The Blue Bell
HULL Mrs. J W, with Lee Benham, 115 Okla w r same
HUMPHREY & GRISSELL, real estate loan and insurance 107 Okla w
HUMPHREY A A, (Humphrey & Grissell), 321 n Cap Boule
HUNTER & POOLE, Missouri Livery Barn, Div st bet Har and Vilas
HUNTER S R, (Hunter & Pool), r Perkins and Walnut
HUNTER W L, agt St Louis Republic, r cor Vilas and Div
HUNTER & CO, drugs, 102 Okla e
HUNTER W S, (Hunter & Co), r 824 Cleveland e
HUNTER D C, (Hunter & Co), r 424 Cleveland e
HURST Fred, pressman Daily Capital bds Eng Kitchen
HUSE B R, clk Beadle Shoe store, r 122 Noble e
HUSTON A H, atty at law room 27 Com blk
HUTCHINS L F, teamster Richardson Lumber Co, r 211 n 1st st
HUTCHINSON James, (Hutchinsonn & Braithwait) r 406 Noble e
HUTCHINSON & BRAITHWAIT, Noble Avenue Bakery, 104 w Noble
HUTSELL J H, prop Capital Supply store, 701 Okla e, r same
HYND John, (Newcomb & Hynd) r 118 Noble e
INGRAM Chas, Eagle Drug store, r 113 Noble e
INGRAM Guy, clk Papace hotel
ISHMALL J L, clk Palace Hotel
JACKSON Thomas, (col) clk Frink & Lowe
JACOBY Al, clk Welcome Grocery, r 108 Okla e
JAMISON J C, Editor Weekley Oklahoma Decocrat, 116 Har, r cor 4th and Lincoln
JANKUS Carl, tinner Spencer Hardware store
JASPER Geo A, Deputy Co Treas, r 107 e Okla
JAY Clyde, city bill poster, r 319 w Vilas
JAY F M, carpenter, r 319 w Vilas
JENNINGS W W, barber, 103 2nd st, r 305 2nd st n
JONES B W, special correspondent, r 406 Cleveland e
JONES S H, (col) groceries, cor Har and Maple r same
JONES S N, Chairman County Commis'n r sa 23-19-4
JONES THOMAS S & SON County att, r 321 n Vine
JONES Thomas, (Jones and Son) r 321 n Vine
JONES Edgar, (Thos S Jones & Son) r 321 n Vine
JONES Albert, (col) teamster Darlington Miller Lumber company
JONES Miss Mable, clk, E T Patton & Co, r 523 Villas e
JONES Wm, (col) teamster, Darlington Miller Lumber company
JONES Wm, fruits and vegetables, 122 s 2nd st
JONES Mary, (col) wks O K Rest
JONES F M, painter, wks J E Smith
JOHNSON W C, (J M Johnson & Son), r Sherman house
JOHNSON W Y, clk, C H DeFord & Co. r 424 Div n
JOHNSON T J, clk, Lillies Drug House, r 216 n Broad
JOHNSTON J W, (J W Johnston & Son), r Sherman House
JOHNSTON J W & SON, Furniture Store 103 Okla
JOHNSTON Geo, wks Capital Planing Mill, r 610 Logan w
JOHNSTON Louis, wks Capital planning Mill, r 520 w Mansur
JOHNSTON Alex, Prop Capital Planning Mill, r 520 w Mansur
JOHNSTON sr Alex, wks Capital Planning Mill
JOYCE Ed, Prop The Clothing House, 218 Okla, r same
KANSAS HARDWARE Co, L R Thwing & Co, 113 Okla w
KAPPLE E, Fireman Pabst Ice Plant
KARR E A, real estate, r 224 n 1st st
KAYLOR & McDONALD, Prop, The Peoples store, 618 Okla e
KAYLOR W H, (Kaylor & McDonald) r 616 e Vilas
KEATON & TURNER attys at law, room 1-2-3 Drake blk
KEATON J R, (Keaton & Turner), r 1305 Cleveland w
KEDASH John, Saddle and Harness maker, r 408 Grant e
KEILEY Ed P, City Marshall, City Building, r RR righway bet Okla and Cleveland
KENARD W M, (col) Prop Troy Laundry
KENNEDY J J, wks Capital Planning Mill
KENTUCKY LIQUOR STORE, Felix Adher, Mang, 111 Okla w
KENWORTHY Wm, Job Printer Daily News
KEPLER A A, clk Arkansas Lumber Co, r at office
KERNS C W, atty at law, 214 Okla w
KESLER A G, Flour, Feed and Barn, 201-3 Div n
KETCHUM L R, Physician and Sugeon, Ragle Drug store, r 112 w Cleveland
KILLION Miss Rose, waitress Woman's Exchange, r 1309 College ave w
KILLION Dave, farmer, r 1039 College ave w
KILLION Wallace, teamster, r 1039 Collrge ave w
KILLION Annas, Cook Mission Rest, r 1309 College w
KIMBALL GROCERY and PROVISION company, 113-115 Div n
KIMBALL L E, (Kimball Grocery Co) r 123 Noble n
KINER L A & SON, Dry Goods, 101 Okla e
KINCAID A, (Kincaid & Son) r 510 Springer e
KINCAID Miss Nellie, Pianist, r 510 Springrer e
KINCAID F T, (Kincad & Son) r 510 Springer e
KING James, Prop Board Trade Sal, 208 Okla w, r 107 Noble e
KINKEAD W H, City Stock Marshal, r 801 Cleveland ave
KIRK & ALEXANDER, Windfield Roller Mill, 701 w Noble
KIRTLY Miss Mattie, wks Steam Laundry
KITCHEN Mike, clks, Henn's Club Room, r 201 Okla w
KITCHEN W T, (Kitchen & Wyand), r Cleveland & Walnut
KITCHEN & WYAND, Saloon, 203 Okla w
KOETSCH Miss Marie, steonographer and typewritter, room 13 Com blk
KRIPPENDORF Thomas, Sawyer, Douglas Saw and Crate Mill
KUSLER Jacob, Baker Empire Bakery
KUSLER John, clk Empire Bakery
LANNON G W, Soda Bottler, Anheuser Busch, 224 s 5th st
LARKINS Thomas, clk, Weinberger, r 120 Har ave
LA ROE Cora, waitress, Mrs S K Van Voorhees, r same
LAWRENCE S S, (Decker & Lawerence), r over Guthrie Nat Bk
LAWRENCE R E, West Side Grocery, 609 w Noble, r same
LAUX Chas, Prop, "Palace Royal", 2nd st
LAVERTY L F, County Treas, r 1201 w Logan st
LAWHEAD B B, asst Ter'l Auditor and Supt, r 708 e Vilas
LAYTON Perry, traveling salesman, Coyle & Smith
LEACH Jr L F, Job Orinter, 319 Har, r 511 Springer e
LEACH Sr L F, printer, 517 e Springer
LEACH M J, dressmaker, 117 Okla, r same
LEACH A S, millright, 117 Okla, r same
LEACH Herbert, stenographer and typewritter, Morgan & Pencoast
LEADER RESTAURANT, W W Porter prop, 308 Okla w
LEE Miss Ella, (col) 2nd cook, Palace Hotel
LEE Bert, wks Broom Factory, 1009 Perkins w
LEE Long, (chinaman), Laundryman 121 Okla w, r same
LEONARD & CO, transfers coal, office 510 Harrison w
LEONARD C E, teamster for Leonard & Co, r 324 n 1st st
LENOARD Abe, driver Wells Fargo Express
LENOARD Chas, teamster Coyle & Smith
LENTZ C, Prop, O K Candy Factory, r 207 Har w
LESTER W H, carpenter, r 623 s 5 th st
LEVY Ike, Mang, Bee Hive Clothing House, r Bonfil blk
LEWIS J H, painter, bds City Hotel
LEIBHART Amelia, clk J G Leibhart, r 106 Okla w
LEIBHART J G, baker and confectioner, 106 Okla w r same
LIEBENHEIM Joe, clk Home Ranch Beer Gardern, 703 Warner w
LIEBENHEIM B, Prop Home Ranch Beer Garden, r 703 Warner w
LILLIE F B, Prop, Lillie's Drug House, r 711 Noble w
LILLIEY James, plasterer, r 624 Warner w
LINDSEY & WIDMER, Gen agt Okla and Ind Ter Pabst Brewing Co's Ice plant at
Guthrie and Kingfisher, r 1201 Cleveland w
LINN Chas, (Smith & Linn), r 108 Okla w
LITTLE HAMAKER CO, Dry Goods, 120 Okla w
LITTLE W T, (Little Hamaker Co) bds Palace Hotel
LOASNER Clara, clk Wm Sexaner, r 414 e Cleveland
LOBBY The, 119 Har w
LOFUS Edward, clk L B Shapland
LONG John, clk Victor Neill, r 703 Cleveland
LORIE H. Noah's Ark, 117 Har w, r 215 Har e
LOWE T J, atty at law, room 27 Com blk
LOWE Wm, (Frink & Lowe), r 707 s Div
LUCE Ed, night clk Santa Fe Eating House
LYCAN EJ, Prop Chandler mail line, office McElhinney's
LYMAN & ADAMS, atty at law, 122 n 2nd st
LYMAN L B, (Lyman & Adams) r 122 n 2nd st
LYNDS G H, real estate, 201 Okla ave, 413 Springer e
LYON J S, farm Implements, 116 s Div r Warner bet Elm and Maple
MACKY Ed, mang Ford Water Work
MADARA W, boot and shoe maker, 122 s 2nd st
MADSEN C, clk U S Marshall Grimes
MAGUIRE C A, clk, Joyce Clothing House, r 109 s 2nd st
MAINE C W, printer State Capital, r 606 Springer e
MAKIELL EE, (col) grocries and feed, 420 Okla e r same
MALCOLM W H (Baldwin & Malcolm), bds O K Rest
MAILIN A B, prop Merchants Exchange Sal, r Cleveland bet 1st and Div
MALONEY T, blacksmith, Vilas bet 1st and Div, r same
MANLY Thomas, prop Boat House foot Har
MANNING Marguerite, stenographer and typewritter, Asp & Coottingham, r 408 n Broad
MANN W J, speculator, r 323 Logan e
MARCH J N, (Sutton & March), r 317 n Vine
MARION M D., F E, Physician and surgeon, office over Band Ind Ter, r same
MARTAIN Robert, Secy of Ter. Office Brooks blk, r 310 Broad n
MARTAIN Mrs. D W, Chicago Millinery, 111 s 1st st r same
MARTAIN J F, painter, wks J E Smith
MASTERSON James, Dept Sheriff, r 701 Cleveland w
MATER J S, blacksmith, r 524 n Broad
MATER Frank, printer, L F Leach Jr.
MATHEWS Fred, clk Geo Stroebel
MANSELL David H, merchant, r 106 Cleveland w
McALLISTER Mrs. M J, stenographer and typewritter, room 21 Com blk
McELLISTER Ira, teamster Richardson Lumber Co, 211 n 1st st
McCABE E P, real estate, office 205 Okla w, r 404 n Division
McCAIN U G, mang J C Sowers, r 711 Warner w
McCANN F H, fireman Guthrie Electric Light Plant, r 409 n Division
McCANN Hugh, pop corn manufacturer, r 327 w Okla
McCOMBS R W, County Surveyor, 103 n 2nd st r same
McCORMICK J, eng Santa Fe Pump House, r 607 Springer w
McCORMICK J S, pumper Santa Fe R R depot, r 608 Perkins w
McCORD G C, Arcade Sample Room, r 102 Okla w
McCLUNG W E, (Vandervoost & McClung), r 102 n 1st st
McCLIEN Mangus, clk F N Garrett, r 809 w Noble
McCLURE W H, (J M Craig & Co), r 206 Okla w
McCARVER Wm H, Justice of the Peace, 106 n 1st st
McDONALD M W, (Kaylor & McDonald) r 710 Clev e
McDOWELL Harry, plumber New York Hardware
McELHINNEY A M, Mayor of Guthrie, r 924 Clev
McELHINNEY'S A M Drug Store,116 s 2nd st
McGINLEY Chas, with J M Walters, r 109 s 1st st
McGINTY'S PLACE, 119 Okla w
McGUIRE A J, agt Snyder Manf Co, office 102 n 2nd st, r same
McKAY D S, Investor, 114 Har w, r same
McKAY J S, clk E T Patton & Co, r 114 Har w
McKEAND Wm, teamster Thompson & Blincoe, r Washington and Broad
McKEAND A W, prop Steam Laundry, r 611 Vilas e
McKENNON F R, atty at law, office Opera House
McLAIN Albert, porter Coyle & Smith
McNAMARA Major Harry, journalist, r 221 2nd st
McNEAL J W, Prest Guthrie Nat Bank, r 1422-1424 Cleveland w
McNULTY Bros, drugs, 501 Okla e
McNULTY Ed, (McNulty Bros) cor Oak and Okla, r Warner and Oak
McNULTY John, (McNulty Bros), cor Oak & Okla, r Warmer and Okla
McPHERSON C R, engineer Pabst Ice Plant
Meacham A A, foreman Daily Capital
MEAL A H, agt farm machinery and steam engines, office Tontz & Hirschi
r 716 Noble e
MEALY O R, wks Guthrie Bottling Works, 402 Okla w
M E CHURCH, (South), Rev Wimberly pastor, cor Broad and Vilas
MEEK E L, atty at law, r 2 DeFord bldg, r same
MERRICK F J, wks Capital Roller mills, r Com blk
MERTON W H, (J O Keefe & Co), r 1423 w College
METCALF Geo A, Prest Captial Nat BK, r 700 e Noble
METHODIST CHURCH, cor Noble and Broad, Rev Buck pastor
METZ Charles, prop Racket store, r 102 Okla e
METZ John, butcher, r 501 w Noble
MEYER A A, City Agt Anheuser-Busch Brewing Co. 224 s 5th st
MEYER Fred, general store, 112 s 1st st, r 113 s 1st st
MILLHOLLAND W H, Veternary Surgeon, 213 n 2nd st
MILLER Art, prop The Lobby, r 410 1st st s
MILLER J W, att at law, 105 n 2nd st, r same
MILLER Fred E, stenographer, Robbins & Thomas, r Cannon hotel w Guthrie
MILLER D A, mang Darlington, Miller Lumber Co, r 124 Cleveland w
MILLER J P, blacksmith shop, 101 Cleveland w
MILLER H C, prop Millers Confectionery House, r 511-13 e Vilas
MILLKAN E G, city clerk, city bldg, r 324 s Broad
MILKAN T F, typewritter, 201 Okla w, 324 s Broad
MILLS Wm, wks Guthrie Planning Mill
MITCHELL W, fireman Pabst Ice Plant
MODEL BAKERY, 312 Okla w
MORGAN Dick T, (Morgan snd Pancoast), r 512 Noble e
MORGAN Fred, Justice of the Peace, 105 s 2nd st, r 509 Okla e
MORE Walter, ass't eng Pabst Ice Plant
MOREHEAD Wm, teamster, 115 Okla e
MORRIS H M, Cornetist, wks Model Bakery, 312 w Okla
MORRIS Dr, (col) r 423 Broad e
MORRIS M T, (Farquharson & Morris), r 323 w Okla
MORRIS T W, wks New York Hardware, r 317 Cleveland w
MORRISON M A, (col) Janator City building
MORTON Wm S, atty at law, 124 2nd st, r same
MORSE W H, jewler, 206 Okla w, r 622 Warner ave
MOTTLEY G W, (col) Capt Barber Shop, r Railroad ave
MOTTLEY J E, (col) Capt Barber Shop, r same
MULREIN M M, clk Turf Exchange
MUNDY Geo, Capitalist, r 322 Okla w
MURLIN Joseph, (Hicks & Murlin), 218 N 2nd st
MURPHY Samuel, Ter'l Treas office Opera House
MURPHY J A, salesman J O'Kerfe & Co., r 723 w Cleveland
MURRAY Frank, (Murry & Brown), r 609 e Noble
MYERS J R, prop Star Bazaar, 210 s R R ave
MYERS W R, bookeeper Star Bazaar, r 113 e Noble
NEAIE Dr. L B, Physician, 108 s 1st st, r 1312 Clev e
NEILL Victor, dry goods, 111 Har w, r 703 Clev e
NEILAN J A, real estate, Bonfil blk
NEWCOMB C M, clk Spengel's
NEWCOMB J J, (Newcomb & Hynd), bds O K Rest
NEWCOMB & HYNDS, Band Boy Cigar Manufactory 109 s 2nd
NEWMAN P, prop Misfit Clothing Parlor, r 301 Okla
NEW YORK HARDWARE STORE, Farquharson & Morris Props, 316 Okla w
NICHOLS Brace, cashier Wlls Fargo express, r 201 Vilas e
NICHOLS E S, prop Times Rest, 304 Okla w, r same
NICHOLSON H C, traveling sales man, Coyle & Smith, r 301 Noble n
NIX HALSELL & CO, whole sale and retail grocers, 101 s 4th st
NIX E D, (Nix & Halsell & Co), r 601 Cleveland w
NIXON W P, foreman West and South, bds Barnes Hotel
NUTTER J L, clk D N Goode, bds O K Rest
NUTTER N D, clk, Springfield Grocery House, r 418 Grant e
O'BRIEN W S, prop McGinty's Place, r 318 n Broad
O'BRIEN E G, clk, McGinty's Place, r 318 n Broad
OCHS Anton, carpentrer John Bickner
OFFANSEN A C, Empire Bakery, 311 s 2nd st, r same
O'KEEFE & CO J, Commission Merchants, 315 Okla w
O'KEEFE J, (O'Keefe & Co), r 203 n 1st st
OKLAHOMA UNIVERSITY, W A Buxton pres, Dr L H Buxton Dean Medical Faculty,
Har and Broad, r same
O K RESTAURANT, 205 s 2nd st
OLDS Harvey, Dept Sheriff, r 114 Drexel Boux
OLDS W J, printer, r 114 Drexel Boul
OLDHAM R, clk Spencer Hardware store
OLSON Otto, second hand store, 314 Okla w
OLDSMITH ARMS CO, Frank Olsmith prop, 101 Har e, r same
OLSON S H, blacksmith, 3 lot Cleveland
OLSON A, carpenter, 114 w Vilas
OMEY John, jeweler, r 624 Noble e
O'NEAL James (col) clk, W H Smith & Co
O'NEIL F C, Bill Clerk A T & S F R R, 201 Vilas e
ORNER Cal, chief clerk secy Martain, r 505 Cleveland
ORNER Clyde, clk Spencer Hardware store
ORNER Bert, clk Cohen & Strauss, r 505 Cleveland
OVERBAY John A, capitalist, r 617 Noble e
OVERBAY Jr John W, clk Victor Neill, r 102 Vilas w
OVERBAY Frank, clk, 617 Noble e
OVERBAY Retta, bindery girl Daily Capital
OVERHOLSER E J, janitor Herriott blk
OVERSTREET S L, Register U S Land Office, r cor 1st and Okla
OWENS G H, meat market, 116 Okla e
PACE H B, tailor, 205 Har blk
PACKER Wm D, clk Berkey Implement House, r 202 n 2nd st
PAINE Veeder B, farmer, r sw 1-4 sec 9 tp 16, 2 w
PALMER L H, real estate, r 412 Har e
PALMER Mont, clk E T Patton & Co, r 101 w Har
PANCOAST J L, (Morgan & Pancoast), r 324 n Broad
PHISTER Frank R, cashier Bk of Ind Ter, r cor Vine and Okla e
PINQUARD DR, physician and surgeon, room 20 Com blk, r 119 n 1st st
PITTS Louis E, law student with Geo Price
POLAND J G, flour and feed, 306 Okla w
PORTER Maud, bindery girl, Daily Capital
POOL H M, (Hurter & Pool), r Elm bet Har and Vilas
POOL Hugh, clk Hunter & Pool
POOL Wm, carpenter, r Elm bet Vilas and Har
PORTER Merton, clk F. E. Houghton
PORTER A L, electrician Guthrie Electric Light Plant, r 409 Springer e
POST OFFICE, DeFord bld, 2nd st
POTETE A (col), jaler r, 406 s 1st st
POTTER & STROUGH, real estate, 109 Okla w
POTTER Miss, wks Steam Laundry
POTTER Emma, waitress, Ike Furber
POWERS J C, stone cutter, bds City Hotel
PRATT Ray, clk, Gray Bros, r Noble bet Div and Vine
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, cor Div and Noble, Rev King pastor
PRESSLER Lillie, bindery girl Daily Capital
PRICE Geo, atty at law, office over Bank Ind Ter, r 107 n Capital Boule
PRICE Henry, (col) blacksmith, 106 Cleveland e
PRIEST Louis, clk, Horseman's Exchange, r 424 Vilas e
PRINGLE Perry, clk Stowe Hardware Co
PROUTY Frank G, publisher City Directory
PHUGH J D, real estate, r 1416 Noble w
PURDUM Frank, traveling salesman Coyle & Smith, r 106 Vilas e
RACKERBY J A, clk U S land Office, r 518 Har e
RACKET STORE, 102 Okla e
RAMEY E F, prop Singlefield Grocery, r 118 Okla e
RANSOM J K, printer, State Capital Job dept
RAY Teague, atty at law, over Craig & Co drug store, r 1423 Warner w
RAY Joseph, clk Star Bazaar
RAY Howard, clk Star Bazaar
RAY Frank, wks Steam laundry
RAY J (col) prop London Rest, 309 Okla w
REDER T B, Undertaker and Embalmer, r 517 s 1st st
REDER G H, clk Spengel's, r 517 s 1st
REEDER J W, clk E T Patton & Co, r over Eagle drug store
REECE L B, real estate, 104 n 1st st, r same
REESE W B, general acutioneer, 123 Har w
REEVES BROS, Sample Parlors, 123 s 2nd st
REEVES Richard (Reeves Bros), r 123 s 2nd st
REEVES HH, (Reeves Bros), r 215 s 3rd st
REEVES H P, secy Y M C A, r over Tontz & Hirschi
REEVES Wm, capitalist, r 319 s Div
REGISTER Chas, (col) prop The Blue Bell
RENFRO C R & Co, drugs, r 109 s 2nd st
RENFRO C R, (Renfro & Co) 502 s 1st st
REYNOLDS Effie May, waitress Ike Furber
RHODES A C, cigar dealer, 109 s 2nd st, r 712 Springer ave e
RHODES W L, (Rhodes Furniture House), r 523 Noble e
RHODES Robert, cistern builder, bds G A R Rest
RICH C P, photographer, 118 Okla e up stairs
RICHARDSON LUMBER CO T M, yard, 211-13-15-17 n 1st st
RICHMOND W A prop Star Livery Stable, r 518 Har w
RICHMOND A H, second hand store, 222 Har w
RILEY Chas S, night operator Western Union, r Okla bet Broad and Ash
RILING James A, chief clk, A T & S F R R, r 307 Okla w
RINEHART Frank, policeman, city bldg
RISLEY Theodore G, clk U S District Court, Harriott blk, r same
ROBACKER M W, capitalist, 706 Cleveland e
ROBB J C, clk U S Marshal Grimes, 624 Cleveland
ROBBINS & THOMAS, real estate, 205 Okla w
ROBBINS C H (Robbins & Thomas) r 402 Har s
ROBBINS A V, prop The Hoosier Saloon, 302 Okla w, r 111 Noble e
ROBERTS W C, Saloonist, 201 s 2nd st, t 901 Har e
ROBERTSON W S, member Townsite Board No 6, r 324 Springer e
ROBERTSON R W, Western Union Messenger, r 624 Springer e
ROBINSON Andy, clk A B Malin, r Merchants Exchange
ROBINSON Madison (col), shoemaker, 324 Okla w
RODGERS John, solicitor Daily News
RODGERS Frank, cook Ike Furber, r 1103 Wash w
ROE Dr, clk Reeves Bros, 1306 Noble w
ROHRER W W, carpenter, r 1st and Perkins G P
ROSENBAUM Phil C, General Fire Insurance Agent, office 7-8, 214 w Okla, r 605 e Okla
ROSS R C, Constable Justice Morgan, r 524 Warner w
ROTH Henry, barber, 122 s Har
ROWE Henry, teamster, r cor Vine and Har
RUDOLPH T M, real estate, bds Woman's Exchange
RUSS Geo, dog police, City bldg
RUSSELL J H, clk Okla ave Livery Stable, r same
RUTHVEN Miss, dress maker, 313 n Vine
RYAN T H, painter, wks, J E Smith
SALISBURY W M, meat market, 402 e Okla, r same
SALMON W M, prop Settlers Supply Store, 223 Okla e, r same
SAMPSON J J, Co Commissioner, r sw 2-16-2
SAMPSEL J A, bus m'gr Weekly Democrat, r 124 s 2nd st
SANDEFUR Mrs Laure E, stenographer and typewritter, U S land office
SANTA FE HOUSE, 115 s 5th st
SATTERLY D C, clk Star Bazaar
SAUNDERS A P, harness and saddles, 120 2nd st, r 119 Noble e
SAUNDERS Mrs. A P, milliner, 105 Okla w, r 119 Noble e
SCHILLING H C, money loaner, r 1003 Logan w
SCHNELL A C, member Townsite Board No 6, r 216 n 1st st
SCHNELL Nat, clk J Welton, r 216 1st st n
SCHONVALD David, clk Weinberger, r 120 Har
SEAHOLM Andrew, Cedar Tree Saloon, r 324 Wash w
SEALER Rube, (Walker & Sealer), r 109 e Noble
SEATON F M, foreman Darlington-Miller Lumber Co, r 415 n 1st st
SEAY A J, Gov of Oklahoma, r Herriott blk
SEAY Cliff, Gov Private Secretary, bds Mrs S K Van Voorhes
SEELY Frank, wks Capital Barber Shop
SEIDENSPINNER Fritz, prop K C Sallon, 321 Okla w, r 619 Warner w
SEIGRIEST Sam, meat market, 210 s 2nd st
SEXIAS F, cashier Pabst Brewing Co, r 819 Noble w
SELSTROM John, clk Turf Exchange
SELWAY Dr, physician and surgeon, office over McElHinneys drug store
r 412 n Broad
SEXANER Wm, grocries, 414 e Cleveland r same
SHAPLAND L B, grocries and hardware, 115 Har w
SHARP G, tankman Pabst ice Plant
SHARUM G M, dry goods, 118 w Har, r 714 e Clev
SHARUM J E, clk G M Sharum
SHAW O W, (col) barber, r Broad and Grant
SHAW O W, barber, 118 s 2nd st
SHEAR James, clk, A B Malin, r 523 Warner
SHEPARD Dr, clk, Tontz & Hirschi, r 112 Vilas e
SHERIFF W E, dry goods and groceries, 519 Okla e, r same
SHERIFF W D, wks W E Sheriff, 519 Okla e
SHIMER J C, prop Feed Mill, w Clev
SHORTMAN Harry, Stock Exchange, 123 Har w, r 213 1st st s
SHOOP I G, printer, Daoly News
SHULTZ J F, hardware, 719 Noble wm r 723 Noble w
SIEMER JOHN, foreman John Brickner, r 402 Clev e
SILVERS Mrs Mary, hotel proprietress, r 116 n 2nd st
SILLMAN H, painter, wks J E Smith
SIMONTON Seth S, miller, Feed Mill, Clev w
SIMONTON W H, salesman Sligh Carriage Works, r 315 Vilas e
SIVERLY Feank, teamster, Darlington-Miller Lumber co
SKAGGS Lizzie, wks Steam Laundry
SLATEN L H, clk E M Campbell
SLIGH M B, Craig Works, 222-24 s R R ave, r 315 Vilas e
SLOCUM Dr, dentist, 105 s 1st st
SLOCUM Vicy, wks Steam Laundry
SLOCUM Cora, wks Steam Laundry
SLUSSER Nellie, typewritter, office over Craig & Co drug store
r 1316 w Warner
SMALLY J, traveling salesman, nix Halsell & co
SMART Dr F M, physician, 124 Okla w, r 402 Capital Boule e
SMITH Dr Chas, physician ans surgeon, office over McElllinney's
drug store, r 524 Cleveland e
SMITH Dr J A, physician and surgeon, 1201 Manusr w
SMITH dr H L, physician and surgeon, room 31 Com blk, r 511 Cleveland e
SMITH Chas F, prop English Kitchen, r same
SMITH MRS M J, landlady English Kitchen, r same
SMITH H S, (Coyle & Smith), r 511 Clev e
SMITH M W, sal, 117 Har w, r same
SMITH Arthur, wks Reeves Bros
SMITH R V, (Cuppage & Smith), r 511 Clev e
SMITH H F, shoemaker, Beadles Shoe Store, r 1223 Okla e
SMITH J E, carriage and Sign painter, 115 n 2nd st
SMITH Phillip, clk S C Starr
SMITH F S, bricklayer, bds Santa Fe House
SMITH W H & Co (col) fruits and grocers, 119 s 2nd sr, r 513 s 4th st
SMITH Gro B (col) clk W H Smith & Co
SMITH C A (Smith & Linn), r 106 Har e
SMITH & LINN, boots and shoes, 108 Okla w
SMITHSON W H & CO, grocers, flour, and feed, 102 Har e, r 101 Vilas e
SMITHWICK R H, Civil Eng, room 1, 214 w Okla, r 414 n Div
SNOW D P, carpenter, bds Maple bet Vilas and Har
SNYDER J W, real estate, r 623 s 1st st
SOWARD Thomas, atty, r 605-607 Noble
SOWERS J C, grocer, 103 Har
SOWERS T C, clk J C Sowers, r 103 Har w
SPEED Horace, U S Dist Atty, room 21 Com blk, bds Mrs S K Van Voorhees
SPEED P B, yardman Santa Fe R R, r 307 Okla e
SPEER John T, manufacturer of tobacco, okla bet Vine and Broad, r same
SPIERS J O, drugist, r 224 1st st s
SPENGEL A J, furniture dealer, 113 s 2nd st, r 724 Noble e
SPENCER HARDWARE STORE, 115 s 2nd st, r 413 n Broad
SPENCER E E, mang Western Union Telegraph office, r Cap Boule and Park
SPRATLEN Mrs F B, dress making, 107 n 1st st, r same
SPRINGS G H (col), porter Nix Halsell & Co
STAHL Dr, physican and surgeon, office Tontz & Hirschi blk, r 123 e Okla
STAFFORD W R, blacksmith, Div bet Vilas and Springer, r Clev and 6th st
STAPLETON W R, at Stapletons BARN, 105 Clev e
STARR S C, wholesale and retail grocer, 322 Okla w, r same
St CLOUD HOTEL, 301 1st st
STEVENS J L, real estate, 104 n 1st st, r 512 Okla e
STEVENS Howell, wks E Thornton, 717 Noble w
STEVENS Dr D, physician and Surgeon, over McELHinneys drug store, r same
STEVENS J A, real estate, 311 okla w
STEVENS Fannie, clk Model Bakery, r 712 Clev w
STEVENS J N, farmer, r 1423 w Noble
STINSON S F, Richardson Lumber Co, r 410 n Div
STOCKBARGER M, policeman, city bldg
STONE John F, asst U S Atty, room 21 Com blk, r 501 n Div
ST MARY PRO CATHERDRAL, 524 Warner, Right Rev Bishop Meerscheart D D,
Vicar apostle of the Iad Ter, Rev DeFelix DeGaassi O S B, rector Rev F Dugal
STONE Frank E, money loaner, 124 w Okla, r 422 Broad n
STOVAUGH T, wks Cap Blacksmith shop
STOWE M (Stowe Hardware and Co), r 101 e Noble
STOWELL Miss Jane, clk Mrs Saunders, r same
STRADER S A, I X L dry Goods, 713 Noble w
STRAUSS Ben (Cohen & Strauus) r 302 n 2nd st
STREET J G, operator and ticket clk, 608 Har e
STROELAND John, stonemason, bds City Hotel
STROEBEL Geo, sallonist, 219 s 2nd st
STROUGH S B, teamster, pabst Ice Wagon
STROUGH H L (Porter & Strough) r 412 Broad st s
STRYKER I H, teacher, r 323 n Broad
STUMPF Mrs Lucy, tailoress, Cohen & Strauss, r 204 Grant e
SUDDOCK & GORMAN, flour and feed, 325 w Okla
SUDDICK W R (Suddock & Gorman) r 718 w Logan
SULLIVAN E W, prop O K Rest, r 205 s 2nd st
SUNFIELD Phillip, prop Horseman's Ex, r 709 Noble w
SUTTON & MARCH, marble dealers, yard, 109-11 Clev w
SUTTON J W (Sutton & March), r 109 Okla w
SWAOLES Dr J W, veternary Surgeon, office 103 Cle w
SWAN Geo, clk Empire Bakery
TARLTON A, prop Capt Roller Mill, r 517 Clev e
TARLTON F M, clk Capt Roller Mill, r 517 Clev e
TARLTON C R, wks Capt Roller Mill, r 517 Clev e
TAYLOR Will, real estate, 319 s 2nd
TAYLOR PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY, N N Taylor prop, Brooks blk, r 421 Perkins e
TAYLOR S, carpenter, r 421 Perkins e
TAYLOR Rev G W, pastor 1st Baptist, r 421 Perkins e
TAYLOR John T, capitalist, r 319 s 2nd st
TAYLOR Geo, house mover and contractor, r 211 Har e
TEAUGE S L, grocers, 602 Noble w, r same
TEAL M R, mang Carey Lombard Co, r 101 Vilas e
TEAL J M, yardman Carey L Co, r 101 Vilas e
TEARNEY JJ, prop Blue Belle, r 401 s 1st st
TEARNEY Henry, clk The Blue Belle
THE I X L DRY GOODS, 713 Noble w
THE STAR BAZAAR, 120-22 w Har
THOMAS Richard (col) wks Guthrie Carriage Factory
THOMAS Dick, wks O K Rest
THOMAS Eugene, clk Richmond second hand store, 521 s 1st st
THOMAS W W, (Dale & Thomas), r se 7-16-2
THOMAS W A, (Robbins & Thomas), r 323 Okla e
THOMAS John A, clk Geo W Hopkins
THOMPSON & BLINCOE, lumber yard, 117 Har e
THOMPSON W P, Editor and Prop Daily News
THOMPSON L C, hides and furs, 613-15 Okla w
THOMPSON M --------------------------Okla, office and r same
THORNTON E, Farmers Friend, groceries, 717 Noble w, r same
THURSTON H R, atty at law, 124 n 2nd st, r 401 e Wash
THWING L R, Kansas Hardware Co, r 505 Vilas e
TIBBETTS Mrs Mary, proprietress City Hotel Dining Hall, r 338 Har w
TILGHMANN Wm, prop Turf Exchange
TILTON A L, typographical artist, slug 2 Daily Capital
TINGLE & AXTELL, Job Printer, 305 Har w
TISE J W, clk Stock Exchange, r 217 1st st s
TINGLE T K, (Tingle & Axtell), r 602 e Clev
TITUS E Y, Co Supt of Public Ins, room 33 Com blk, r nw 1-4 sec 34-17-2
TODD Geo A, mang Richardson Lumber Co, r 110 Wash ave e
TODD H A, atty at law, 311 Okla w
TODD W N, atty at law, 311 Okla w
TONTZ & HIRSCHI, hardware and implements, 113 Har ave w
TORBITT Mark, harness maker, Heilman's shop, r 501 Har ave e
TOWERS J B, prop Tonsorial Parlor, 119 s 2nd st, r 218 s 2nd st
TRIBBLE T E, physician surgeon, room 1-2 Waite blk, r same
TRIMBLE W F, meat market, 604 Noble w, r same
TROY LAUNDRY, cor Broad and Lincoln
TUCKER R J, prop Tucker's Livery and Feed Barn, 302 s 1st st
TUCKER James, typographical artist Daily Capital
TUCKER Eugene, clk R J Tucker, r 310 s 1st st
TURNER J E, book keeper, 114 n 1st st
TURNER M L, cashier Cap Nat Bk, r over DeSteigner Bk
TURNER E (Keaton & Turner), r room 3 Drake Bk
TUOHY C J, book keeper, nix Halsell & Co
TWEEDALE, SHIMER & CO, Guth meal and feed mill, Clev near new bridge
TWEEDALE Robert (Tweedale, Shimer & Co), at mill
TWINE, SADDLER & SAWNER, atty at law, up stairs 212 Okla w
TYLER Rev C W, pastor Episcopal church, r 711 Noble w
TYLER Arthur P, clk Lillies drug house, r 711 Noble w
URBAN J E, real estate, 124 w Okla, 207 Har e
UNDERWOOD Joe, eng Guthrie Electric Light Plant, r 301 s 2nd st
VALENTINE James, plaster
VAN DEVENTER Miss Willie, clocutionist, r 413 Perkins e
VANDERVOORT Sallie, waitress Ike Furber
VANDERVOORT & McCLUNG, lumber yard, 112-14-16-18 w Noble
VANDERVOORT Dr M, physician and surgeon, r 118 n 1st st
VAN VORHEES S K, dpty, Dist Clk, r Com blk
VAN VOORHEES Mrs S K, private boarding house, Com blk, r same
VEATCH Miss Alice, book keeper Daily News, r 402 Hor ave e
VINSON T C, (col) barber, 203 Har w, r 1215 Har e
VOSS SS, book keeper Ferd Heim Brewing Co, r 1219 Noble w
WAITE A H, prop Waite blk, Har
WAITE N F, furnished rooms, 317 Har w
WAITE Mrs N F, furnished rooms, 317 Har w
WALKER & -----ler, sign and scenic artists, 123 s 2nd
WALKER David, painter, wks J E Smith
WALL Mike, laborer, 219 Wash w
WALLACE J R, clk U S Land Office, r 320 Har e
WALLACE J N, druggist, 214 Okla, r 216 s 2nd st
WALLY'S CAF�, 1221 s 2nd st, r same
WALTER PIERCE OIL CO, office 523 Vilas w
WALTERS Mrs J M, clk Walters Tailor House, 109 s 1st
WALTERS Mrs. Amelia, tailoress, r nw G
WALTERS August, tailor, r nw Guth
WALTERS J M, merchant tailor, 109 s 1st st, r same
WARREN L W, clk Turf Exchange
WASHINGTON Geo, (col) porter A T & S F R R
WATT Miss, U S Dist Court stenographer, office Opera House
WATSON James, wks Castamen Bros
WEAR Frank, clk E T Patton & Co, r 111 s 1st st
WEBB G A, fruits and confectionery, 220 Har w
WEICKER A C, transter line, r 206 Mansur e
WEID Karl, waiter O K Test
WEIGAND Ed, clk Horseman's Exchange, r Elm and Maple
WEHMEIER Mrs A S, groceries, 523 w Noble, r same
WEHMEIER Miss Annie, clk Mrs A S Wehmeier 523 w Noble, r same
WEHMEIER Mose, Saloon, 220 Har w, r ne 20-14-4 e
WELCH W R, foreman, bindery Daily Capital, r 416 e Warner
WELLENS W B, cigar maker Newcombs
WELLS E W (col), porter The Blue Belle
WELON J, jewelry, 108 Okla w
WENNER Chas L, book keeper Cap Nat Bank
WENNER Jack, teamster Ferd Heim Brewing Co
WERZ Ed, butcher, Sam Seigriest
WEST Luther, real estate, 106 Okla w, r 201 Okla e
WEST W H, prop City Hotel, r 338 Har w
WHITBECK Harry, bill clk Nix, Halsell & Co
WHITE C W, jeweler, 117 s 2nd st, r 221 n 1st st
WHITE C F, clk C W White, r 221 n 1st st
WHITE M A, clk J W Brown, r 303 Okla
WHITE M, brick and stone contractor, r 115 s 5th st
WHITFIELD J D, prop Okla livery stable, r 216 Okla w
WHITTLESEY Claud, clk J C Tutt, 907 Noble w
WICKS Mrs Ellen J, furnished rooms, 117 s 2nd st
WIDMER D R, (Lindsey & Widmer), r sw 10-16-2
WILBUR E J, mang Armour Packing Co, 308 Okla w, r 323 Clev e
WILLIAMS Miss Bertha A, stenogroher and typewriter, room 200 Com blk
WILLIAMS M T, (Alcorn & Williams) r cor Perkins and 6th st
WILLIAMSON Baxter, bds English Kicthen
WILSON D O, Okla Land Co, r City Hotel
WILSON E L, wks W E Sheriff, r 612 Har
WILSON Fred, barber, 220 Har w
WILSON Wm, clk U S Marshal, bds Wally Ongs
WILSON J O, prop meat market, 116 Okla e, r 108 Noble w
WILSON Collie, barberess Fred Wilson, 220 Har w
WILSON Price, clk Reeves Bros
WINSLOW Chas W, clk Kimball Grocery Com, r 123 N Div
WISBY Joseph, atty at law, room 23 Com blk
WITHERS E R, clk Geo W Hopkins
Witter Dr, physician and surgeon, 122 n 1st st
WITTER Chas M with A J Deal & Co
WOOD L C, prop Guthrie Carriage Works, r 806 Noble w
WOOD C A, windmills, 217 Okla e
WOOD Miss Mattie, clk Miss Sallie Patterson millinery store, r 806 Noble w
WOODFORD Thomas W, wks Cap Barber Shop, r same
WOLCOTT Dr, physician and surgeon, room 3 DeFord blk
WOMANS EXCHANGE, G T B Sabine prop, 105 n 1st st, r 1323 Springer e
WAS Kowits Zelic, boot maker, 302 Okla w
WRIGHT Frank, capitalist, r e Noble near bridge
WULFF Henry, carpenter, r 511 Noble e
WYATT Frank, prop Blue Belle, 124 s 2nd st
WYAND Jacob, (Kitchen & Wyand), r near Flouring Mill
YATES C J, real estate broker and money loaner, office Y M C A rooms, r 713 Vilas e
Y M C A Rooms, Tontz & Hirschi blk
YORDAN Dan, clk M W Smith
YOUNG J m, blacksmith and repair shop, 102 n Noble, r 206 e Wash
YOUNG F M, (Briggs & Young), r 318 Cap Boule e
YOUNG W T, flour and feed, 124 Okla e, r Vilas and 8th
YOUNG P A, blacksmith and wagon maker, r 602 Warner e
Abbott Robert J, ne 30-119-3
Abell Charles A, ne 13-17-3
Abrames Lafayette, se 10-17-2
Ackors Elias, nw 28-16-2
Acord James L, ne 24-19-2
Action O B, se1-18-4
Adams Fredrick, sw 26-17-3
Adams I R, nw 33-19-2
Adams J M, nw 22-17-1
Adams J, nw 34-15-2
Adams John M, se 29-15-2
Adams M J, ne 21-15-2
Adams M, sw 6-16-4
Adams S, ne 33-15-2
Adams Wm U, nw 1-17-4
Adamson S, nw 30-17-4
Adkins S, nw 30-17-4
Ahmsbrake Annie, ne 24-19-4
Aid J W, nw 3-18-3
Akirk Mary, nw 14-16-2
Albertson W H, se 22-18-4
Alcorn W, se 13-16-2
Aldred Elizabeth, sw 18-17-4
Alexander A H, se 35-17-2
Alexander Hopson, sw 28-17-4
Alexander Joel, ne 6-15-1 e
Alford C M, nw 15-18-3
Alford Wm H, sw 32-16-1
Allen A A, sw 4-15-1
Allen H R, sw 28-18-3
Allen H, sw 8-16-1 e
Allen I B, ne 25-16-1
Allen J R, nw 14-17-2
Allen Jas, sw 4-16-4
Allen L C, ne 21-15-1 e
Allen M W, ne 25-16-1
Allen W L, nw 27-18-3
Allison J J, ne 18-18-4
Allison J, sw 15-16-1 e
Allnet James, se 5-17-3
Allny C C, sw 22-16-4
Allright Mary A, sw 4-18-4
Almsbrake J, nw 19-19-3
Alsop E, ne 20-17-1
Alxley G, ne 30-17-1
Anderson C I, ne 3-15-1
Anderson D, ne 22-16-1
Anderson G L, nw 31-16-3
Anderson H L, nw 8-16-1 e
Anderson J A, ne 31-16-3
Anderson J A, sw 25-15-3
Anderson J A, sw 25-15-3
Anderson J N, nw 35-16-1
Anderson P H, nw 26-15-3
Anderson P H, nw 26-15-3
Anderson P, ne 17-18-2
Anderson W S, nw 6-16-1
Andrew A sw sw 32-19-4
Andrews Sml, ne 25-15-2
Ankeman E A, se 12-17-2
Ankins T P, ne 8-16-1 e
Annes E G, sw 19-16-3
Annis A A, se 19-16-3
Annis L P, ne 30-16-3
Anthis L J, ne 14-18-2
Anthis M C, ne 21-15-3
Anthony M, se 2-16-1
Appleman J, nw 1-17-1
Archer Jas, se 18-15-1 e
Armstrong H, nw 4-18-4
Armstrong R S, sw 15-15-1
Armstrong R, se 13-16-1
Armstrong W H, sw 34-19-3
Armstrong W, se 30-18-4
Arnell J E , sw 25-16-1 e
Arnet Ebenger F, se 25-16-3
Arnett E F, nw 31-16-2
Arnett N, nw 7-17-1 e
Arnold W H, ne 23-15-2
Arrington L, ne 1-18-3
Arthur C N, sw 26-16-4
Arthur J W, ne 7-16-2
Ashman J, ne 12-17-3
Atherton S P, sw 33-18-2
Athey M, nw 13-15-3
Atkins M L, sw 9-18-2
Austin H, se 15-16-4
Austin L M, nw 14-16-4
Austin L R, nw 15-16-4
Austin S, sw 13-15-1 e
Austin Solon, ne 13-16-1 e
Babb I, ne 12-19-3
Babb Thomas, nw 21-15-1 e
Babb W C, ne 1-19-3
Backes J, ne 21-16-2
Backhams Wm, se 20-16-2
Backus E U, ne 11-16-4
Bacon F, ne 4-16-3
Bacon W, sw 20-18-3
Baer A R, sw 5-17-2
Baggs A G, se 3-15-1
Bahrutte J, sw 32-18-3
Baiely A, se 17-16-1 e
Baiely D M, ne 17-17-1
Bailey C, sw 22-18-3
Bailey G D, sw 32-17-4
Bailey J R, sw 28-16-1
Baker B R, nw 2-18-3
Baker G, ne 27-17-1 e
Baker H M, se 9-16-2
Baker Harry M, se 9-19-2
Baker K, se 31-15-1 e
Baker Killis, se 31-15-3
Baker M, nw 19-18-3
Baker Rebecca J, se 11-16-4
Baker W M, ne 1-16-4
Baldoch A, ne 24-18-4
Baldock Ambrose, ne 21-18-4
Bales Thomas W, se 12-16-1 e
Ball Berne B, se 5-16-1
Ball Rebecca C, sw 31-18-4
Ballard Martha M, se 21-17-3
Balloen David, se 15-16-2
Bank Ernest, nw 4-17-3
Banter Samuel C, ne �-32-17-2
Barber Mary A, sw 7-16-1 e
Barber Wm B, ne 27-15-2
Barcrott John ll, se 22-19-3
Bardsher Kate, se 17-15-1 e
Barker John, ne 13-15-2
Barker Robert J, sw 14-17-4
Barnard Augustus H, se 21-15-1 e
Barnard Geo W, nw � 32-91-2
Barnard Oliver, nw � 17-18-2
Barnard Shendon G, ne � 19-18-2
Barnes Ben D, ne 34-19-4
Barnes Henry l, nw � 26-17-2
Barnes Tav O, nw 10-15-2
Barnett Elvin R, ne 2-17-4
Barnett Marshall, se 2-15-1 e
Barnhart Fred, se 30-16-4
Barnold Issac, nw 28-17-3
Barnthouse John M, se � 26-18-2
Barnthouse Thomas J, sw � 25-18-2
Barok Joseph, sw 17-15-4 * listed in the directory as Baroh
Barok Mary, sw 17-15-4 * listed in the directory as Baroh
Barr Albert S, se 5-19-4
Barrett Nelson T, sw 27-17-3
Barringer Wm nw 19-16-1
Barrow Benjamin, se � 25-17-2
Bartlett Benjamin F, se 14-16-1 e
Bartlett Geo H, ne 23-18-4
Bartlett James D, se 24-18-4
Bartness Francis M, ne 5-16-2
Bartness Jacob, ne 7-18-3
Basure Francis m, ne 5-16-2
Batch Wm H, se 30-17-4
Bates Wm, se 1-16-1
Battle Danoel, sw 2-16-1 e
Bay Edwin R, nw 3-15-4
Bayles Elijah J, se 24-16-1 e
Beal William, ne 13-16-1 e
Bear Nelson, sw 5-19-3
Beard David, sw 5-17-1
Beard Jerome P, se 6-17-1
Beard Thos B, nw 12-19-4
Beasley Joseph j, se 32-17-1
Beaumont Lewis, sw 23-15-1
Bechan Louis, se 24-19-3
Beck Harry M, se 3-19-3
Beeby Arthur W, nw 26-15-2
Beecher James O, ne 26-17-1 e
Beederman Auston, nw 14-16-1
Beeson John C, sw 26-19-4
Beguin Henry R, sw 29-17-4
Behon Thomas, sw 15-15-3
Beidler Jacob F, sw 3-17-3
Beleele Anthony, sw 29-19-3
Beleele Joseph, nw 32-19-3
Beleele Lewis, se 5-18-3
Beleele Peter, sw 5-18-3
Beliel Archa h, nw 9-19-3
Beliel Joseph A, ne 8-19-3
Beliel Joseph, sw 4-19-3
Beliel Mary A, nw 4-19-3
Bell Isabelle, sw 12-15-1 e
Bell James m, nw � 13-18-2
Belveal John E, sw 5-15-4
Belveale John J, nw 10-15-4
Bennett Daniel m, nw 8-17-2
Bennett L W, se 14-15-4
Bennett Noah W, nw 26-16-2
Bennett Samuel, nw � 17-19-2
Bennett Wm M, ne 8-17-2
Bennington Geo W, sw 24-15-3
Benson Abraham, sw 25-15-2
Benson John S, sw � 26-19-2
Benson John, sw 32-18-4
Berd Wm R, nw 34-16-4
Berg Wm R, nw 34-16-4
Berry Garrett, ne 12-15-4
-----Berry Mary A, nw � 20-----
---------------nw � -----------
------------ney B, se 24-16-2
Beuchan Ameil, ne 26-19-3
Beyer Amos, sw 20-16-3
Beyer Eugene, ne 29-15-3
Billings Arden O, se 13-17-3
Binkley Lafayette, sw 39-17-3
Birchet Elbin A, nw � 26-19-2
Bishop Davis p sw 36-15-2
Bishop Davis P, sw 36-15-2
Bishop John M, ne 14-16-2
Bishop Louis F, ne �-------
Black A, nw 25-15-4 e
Black G, ne 3-16-1 e
Black J W, sw 24-19-3
Black W, sw 3-16-1 e
Blackburn W se 1-15-1
Blackerby F, nw 25-15-1
Blackerby H, ne 25-15-1
Blackerby T, sw 25-15-1
Blackwell F, nw 7-19-2
Blackwell G, se 33-15-1
Blackwell J A, ne 12-19-3
Blair T F, se 11-17-2
Blakeslee J, se 20-16-1
Blakesley C, nw 12-18-2
Blakesley J S, se 11-18-2
Blanchard J D, se 2-17-2
Blanchard Mary E, se 2-17-2
Blanchard T A, nw 1-17-2
Blasier J, sw 26-19-1
Blass P P, nw 11-15-2
Bleesor J F, ne 10-16-1
Bliss S, nw 20-15-1
Blunt A W, ne 18-17-1
Bly B, nw 35-15-1
Bock Henry l, sw 34-15-3
Bocock C A, sw 31-15-4
Bocock James H, ne 28-15-4
Bocock Sherman, nw 10-15-4
Bocox C, se 24-18-3
Bocox John, ne 10-19-3
Bodenhammer M L, 32-19-4
Boguy W, ne 9-15-1 e
Bohl R L, ne 23-15-1
Boies T W, nw 1-19-2
Boles Elles, ne 25-17-2
Boles J H, nw 5-17-4
Boles T W, se 12-16-1 e
Bomwell H S, se 4-17-1
Bonchert E, sw 6-19-3
Bond E B, nw 29-17-1 e
Bonner F H, sw 23-17-3
Boone R L, se 25-15-4
Booth J W, nw 22-18-3
Booth T H, se 3-17-4
Borner L, se 18-19-4
Bosinger N, sw 3-19-3
Bosley H, nw 18-16-3
Bossard J, ne 23-16-4
Bost F, se 14-19-4
Bott J H, se 11-19-3
Bottoms D, se 18-16-1 e
Bourger I J, se 17-16-3
Bowe J A, ne 6-15-3
Bowen G M, sw 19-19-4
Bowers H, se 18-16-2
Bowers T S, nw 35-19-3
Bowman J, sw 31-19-3
Bowman W H, nw 2-15-3
Boyd J R, se 9-17-1
Boyle H A, nw 15-19-4
Boys Ellen, nw 20-16-1 e
Boys R A, se 18-16-1
Braden W, sw 17-15-1 e
Bradford F, se 18-17-4
Bradford S N, se 5-17-2
Bradley D, sw 20-19-2
Bradwell J R, nw 14-17-1
Brady D, ne 33-15-1
Brandon C, sw 14-17-1
Brandon N, se 22-17-1
Brannon T J, ne 26-18-2
Branson W H, se 20-16-1 e
Brass W F, ne 26-16-3
Brazil A, sw 14-15-1 e
Breakfield A H, nw 31-15-2
Bream C, sw 13-17-1
Breedon J W, nw 13-15-4
Brengle J F, sw 21-18-2
Brent J B, se 22-16-2
Brewer C F, ne 28-15-4
Bridges J H, ne 33-17-3
Brigg B F, sw 15-16-1
Briggs J S, se 24-15-1
Bright J, sw 15-15-4
Bright R, nw 23-15-2
Brill J, nw 34-16-2
Brink J, nw 29-17-1
Brinker J J, se 19-15-2
Brinkley l, se 34-18-3
Briscoe A G, ne 33-15-1 e
Broden H, ne 14-16-1 e
Brodt C, ne 35-18-2
Broils sw 11-15-1 e
Bronscomt Wm, se 22-16-3
Broodie John W, nw 35-16-4
Brooks A L, sw 24-16-3
Brooks W L, ne 11-16-3
Brothers T P, nw 20-18-3
Brothers W T, se 15-19-4
Brown A, nw 12-15-1
Brown A, nw 29-15-1
Brown Amanda E, nw 4-17-4
Brown D E, sw 20-17-3
Brown E L, sw 25-17-1 e
Brown H B, se 14-15-1
Brown H E, ne 30-19-1
Brown I J, se 34-19-2
Brown I M, ne 9-17-3
Brown J --- , ne 23-16-3
Brown J C, nw 8-17-4
Brown J H, ne 2-19-3
Brown J M, ne 25-18-3
Brown Jane, sw 28-15-1
Brown John, se 22-19-2
Brown Joseph, sw 28-19-1
Brown K, nw 11-15-1 e
Brown M, ne 15-19-4
Brown Merdith W, se 13-17-3
Brown O C, nw 23-16-3
Brown R L, se 30-17-2
Brown S, ne 25-26-1 e
Brown Thomas, sw 18-19-2
Brown W E, sw 13-15-3
Brown W H, se 21-15-1
Brown W W, se 32-17-3
Brown Wm, ne 14-17-4
Brunner W, ne 22-18-3
Bryan J R, nw 17-16-4
Bryan U E, nw 16-17-3
Bryan W R, se 17-17-1 e
Bryant J C, ne 4-18-2
Bubser J, ne 15-15-3
Buffiegier H J, sw 23-17-1 e
Bukley J, nw 5-15-1
Bundy J G, nw 27-18-4
Bunn J, ne 3-15-4
Buoz Wm, se 22-16-1
Burchhan H, nw 20-16-2
Burgwardt L, sw 10-19-2
Burnertt R, ne 26-17-3
Burnett A H, ne 4-15-2
Burnett J S, ne 23-17-3
Burnett Wm, se 25-19-2
Burns J W, ne 33-18-3
Burpee L h, sw 23-16-4
Burrell J O, ne 18-17-3
Burright J W, se 17-18-3
Burright O, nw 21-18-3
Burroughs B D, sw 14-16-3
Burrows A W, se 28-15-1 e
Burrows A, se 22-15-1
Burtch R, nw 28-16-1 e
Burton R, nw 28-15-1 e
Bury J, nw 15-17-1
Buseman Ernie, nw 33-15-1
Butner A S, se 22-16-1
---------- J M, nw 33-16-4
--------Mary E, sw 28-16-4
Butner S F, sw 33-18-4
Buts J W, sw 19-16-2
Bvane John, se 11-16-1
Byers H W, se 33-18-4
Bymasters D W, se 9-19-4
Byrne J ----, se 12-15-1
Cable Daniel N, ne 26-18-3
Cackler Rhoda, ne 4-19-3
Cagle Tyler Z, se 22-15-4
Calvert Thomas W, ne 29-17-3
Campbell Amanda nw 6-12-2
Campbell C C, ne 26-17-4
Campbell Daniel K, se 27-16-1 e
Campbell John B, nw 9-15-4
Campbell Layafette, se 7-17-1
Campbell Willaim H, ne 14-19-2
Campbell William J sw 27-16-1 e
Campion Thos, sw 21-17-1 e
Cansler James, sw 5-16-1 e
Cansler Mary J, nw 5-16-1 e
Cantley A, nw 35-16-2
Caon Joseph R, sw 34-19-4
Capers Hickson sw 21-17-4
Capper Richard A, ne 13-19-3
Carey O P, ne 11-17-3
Carlen Wm, se 20-15-2
Carlin Wm, se 20-15-2
Carney R, ne 22-17-1
Carpenter A, ne 29-18-2
Carpenter Ella G, nw 24-19-3
Carpenter J, ne 26-19-2
Carpenter M, ne 25-17-3
Carr J F, se 27-19-3
Carrier G, nw 25-19-2
Carroll E B, ne 19-16-2
Carson A P, ne 22-16-1 e
Carson E E, sw 13-19-----
Carson Peter S, nw 31-18-4
Carter A, ne 12-15-2
Carter F, nw ------
Carter J F, se 2-16-3
Carter J R, nw 29------e
Cartor G A, nw 28-17-1 e
Carwood L C, ne 15-15-1 e
Casali J H, sw 11-16-1
Case B R, nw 13-16-1 e
Case J B S, sw 3-16-2
Case J R, se 22-17-2
Case J R, sw 15-17-2
Case T J, nw 13-16-1 e
Casey B, nw 20-16-3
Casey Elizabeth V, ne 10-16-2
Casey J, ne 14-16-3
Casey J, nw 17-16-3
Cassady Ed, sw 15-19-4
Cassins S R, sw 19-15-1 e
Cavanaugh B, sw 1-15-4
Cavanaugh F, ne 2-15-4
Cavanaugh J E, se 1-15-4
Cavanaugh J, se 2-15-4
Cecil G, sw 8-15-1 e
Cenner G T, se 8-17-1
Chaderick G W, se 31-17-1 e
Chamberlain Kate C, se 27-15-4
Chambers D, ne 13-16-2
Chambers P, se 10-16-1 e
Chandler J, nw 22-15-1 e
Chandler J, nw 26-19-1
Chaney E L, sw 14-15-4
Channell A, nw 33-17-4
Chappell E, sw 21-15-1
Charvat W, se 5-17-1
Charvoz F, se 8-16-3
Charvoz J, se 8-16-3
Cheeksfiels, g H, ne 1-17-4
Cheny m nw 31-16-1
Chilson J G, nw 34-15-3
Chittum J T, se 3-18-3
Chitwood J, se 20-16-4
Christner M, nw 34-15-4
Christner N, ne 30-15-4
Christson A W, ne 28-16-1
Christy J, sw 21-16-3
Christy W H, sw 22-15-3
Church B A, ne 35-18-3
Church C C, sw 12-15-2
Cimekshank G, nw 21-19-3
Clannch W M, nw 27-19-2
Clark A Z, nw 22-15-4
Clark D B, ne 7-19-4
Clark E G, nw 17-16-1
Clark H, ne 7-19-4
Clark J B, ne 5-17-----
Clark J R, ne 15-15-1
Clark L, sw 3-19-4
Clawson Mary A, ne 19-15-3
Clayton G E, ne 26-15-3
Clemnnt H C, sw 27-17-1 e
Clevenger D L, nw 30-19-2
Clift L B, sw 19-16-4
Clinton F, nw 1-16-1
Coblunitz J H, sw 30-15-3
Cocker J W, ne 33-18-4
Coffey C F, sw 4-16-1 e
Coffhansen A, se 11-15-2
Cogswell T, sw 7-15-4
Cohee V D, nw 14-17-1
Cohee Wm M, nw 26-16-1
Cole A, se 6-17-4
Cole H, nw 24-17-2
Cole O M, sw 34-15-1 e
Cole Wm M, nw 26-16-1
Coleman H, sw 35-17-2
Colibert V E, sw 29-16-1
Colligan L, se 24-17-1 e
Collins C, sw 5-16-3
Collins H, sw 17-16-1 e
Collins J, nw 2-15-2 e
Colton H, se 19-17-2
Colwell J W, se 14-15-2
Comfort Linton, sw 8-15-4
Coming Wm, ne 31-17-1
Commanger D H, nw 17-16-2
Compton M, se 23-19-2
Compton W L, sw 23-19-2
Comwell Wm W, se 28-19-1
Conaway G L, nw 22-19-3
Conklin J, se 9-16-1
Conrad A E, sw 21-19-4
Conrad E L, se 20-19-4
Conwell P T, nw 27-16-1
Cook G F, sw 12-15-3
Cook H P, sw 20-15-2
Cook J S, ne 25-19-2
Cook J, se 13-19-3
Cook L R, sw 9-16-1
Cook T J, nw 13-19-2
Cooley F, sw 25-18-3
Cooley G P, ne 3-15-1 e
CooleyZ, se 34-15-1 e
Coombs Charles W, nw 10-15-3
Coon B H, nw 29-17-2
Coon M M, se 6-17-3
Cooper A G, nw 15-15-1
Cooper C A, se 5-16-3
Cooper Geo, nw 11-15-3
Cooper J T, ne 22-15-1
Cooper P, nw 18-17-2
Cooper S, sw 22-16-1
Cooper S, sw 9-15-3
Corbin J A, nw 22-19-4
Corlett T A, sw 35-17-3
Corn C M, se 1-15-3
Cornwell L, ne 12-15-1
Corrigan P, sw 29-15-3
Costole J, se 2-17-3
Cothern J L, nw 17-18-3
Cottermann L, se 25-16-1 e
Coulson J, nw 14-18-2
Coulter J N, nw 21-17-1
Coulter J W, sw 34-18-2
Countryman F W, nw 7-19-3
Courtney C M, ne 19-15-4
Covert W, sw 10-17-3
Cowley J W,---17-17-4
Cox A, sw 2-19-3
Cox E H---------------4
Cox E, nw 20----------
Cox J H, nw 28-16-3
Cox J R, sw 32-19-3
Cox L J, nw 32-17-3
Cox L, se 6-15-1 e
Cozine G E, sw 35-18-2
Crabb A H, nw 12-16-3
Crabb I C, se 22-15-2
Craig H M, sw 34-16-2
Craig I G, sw 3-18-4
Craig J L, nw 9-15-2
Craig J R, nw 27-16-4
Craig W E, se 8-15-2
Craig Wm, se 4-18-4
Cravens Ellen E, ne 27-17-3
Cravens J, nw 27-17-3
Cravens John A, se 27-17-2
Crawford L, sw 7-15-1 e
Crawford R R, se 5-19-3
Crawford W S, nw 8-19-3
Creary J M, nw 3-15-2
Crews C F, ne 7-17-1
Crews F, ne 27-16-1 e
Crews Lousia, se 22-16-1 e
Cripper L B, sw 16-15-1
Crisp E A, ne 20-17-3
Crisp W, nw 15-15-2
Cristy J, ne 21-16-3
Crocker C M, sw 11-17-4
Crocker F E, se 15-17-4
Crockett J, nw 19-17-4
Crockett W, se 15-19-2
Cromwell W T, nw 14-19-3
Cronk Wm, ne 35-16-1
Cronkite A M, ne 25-15-4
Crow F M, sw 15-18-3
Crowdy W S, nw 26-15-1 e
Crump S, se 18-17-4
Crump Wm, nw 7-16-4
Cue J F, sw 11-18-4
Culbertson A, nw 33-19-4
Culbertson Emily E, sw 33-19-4
Cullen C F, ne 2-19-2
Culliam F S, ne 17-17-1
Culver L A, ne 12-17-1 e
Cummings A J, ne 28-19-2
Cummings A. se 6-17-4
Cummins F M, sw 10-16-2
Cunningham C, ne 2-15-1 e
Cunningham H J, ne 7-16-4
Cupp T P, sw 7-16-1
Curtis D E, se 6-17-3
Curtis F D, ne 8-16-4
Curtis F M, sw 34-17-2 e
Cutter O G, ne 27-18-4
Cutter T R, nw 25-18-4
Dabner F, sw 31-15-1 e
Dailey F L, ne 34-16-1
Dalaney Wm T, nw 23-16-2
Daniels D, sw 29-15-1
Daniels H, sw 19-18-4
Darby sw 25-19-4
Darby W J, sw 30-19-3
Darsh J S, ne 26-15-1
Davidson G R, se 29-16-3
Davidson N, sw 8-16-4
Davis J, se 5-16-1 e
Davis M E, nw 29-17-4
Davis S B, ne 9-16-1
Davis S C, nw 11-15-3
Davis S, ne 6-18-2
Davison L, se 11-15-1 e
Dawson Alice E, se 26-18-3
Day H, sw 25-15-3
Dean T J, ne 13-15-1
Dean Wm, nw 6-15-1
Decker H S, sw 30-15-4 e
Decker W H, ne 3-18-3
Deckman C C, sw 31-15-1
Deering H G, sw 9-18-2
Deering S H, se 11-18-3
Defebaugh D, nw 31-18-3
DeGun F, ne 35-16-2
DeHass T, se 13-17-1 e
DeLacey B, ne 17-17-4
Delay C R, ne 6-19-3
Delf H, se 35-16-1 e
Demington B C, sw 27-19-3
Dempsey Mary J, sw 29-16-2
Demurer J T, nw 1-15-3
Dening H, ne 22-19-2
Denly J A, se 28-18-3
Dennis A G, ne 3-18-4
Dennis J M, sw 25-16-4
Denton A J, se 24-15-4
Denton G, nw 21-18-4
Deroff H, sw 4-19-2
Derwiler G N, se 22-18-2
Deveay J, nw 8-16-4
Devine J A, se 28-17-3
Deweese J R, ne 25-15-1 e
Dick C C, se 32-19-2
Dick W G, sw 32-15-2
Dickinson G E, nw 35-18-2
Dickinson M W, ne 35-18-2
Dicks M S, ne 28-17-3
Dill Rolan, nw 34-15-1e
Dillion P H------------
Dison T, sw 2-17-4
Ditto J D, sw 15-17-4
Dixon A T, se 1-16-1 e
Dixon C E, se 29-16-1 e
Dnnn E, sw 6-17-3
Dobson J B,, se 11-17-1
Dobson J S, nw 23-17-4
Dodd E S, se 1-16-2
Dodd E, ne 4-16-2
Dodd W, se 15-17-3
Dohl N P, ne 27-19-3
Dolan B, se 26-16-2
Dole G H, sw 13-18-4
Dollsberry C, nw 25-18-2
Dolson G, se 11-17-1
Donahoe J J, nw 24-17-3
Donahue J J, ne 5-17-2
Donaldson Bessie, ne 19-15-2
Donaldson F M, ne 28-15-1 e
Donaldson O, sw 26-15-3
Donnell J, nw 33-15-1 e
Donnelson J W, nw 22-17-4
Dooley Ann, sw 15-16-2
Doolittle A, sw 4-17-3
Doolittle L, ne 8-17-2
Doran S, 11-17-1
Dormie J c, sw 23-18-2
Doty C J, nw 18-17-1 e
Douglas S A, se 27-15-1 e
Douglas S, sw 33-17-1 e
Dowell N, ne 20-19-2
Downing D, se 31-15-1
Draper W H, nw 13-17-3
Drum E, sw 4-17-2
Drye G, se 34-17-4
Dubois M, se 14-18-4
Duigman J H, ne 1-17----
Dumas M, ne 22-15-1 e
Dumel D, nw 31-17-2
Dun J J, se 9-15-4
Dunable C, sw 22-17-1
Dunbar J, ne 31-15-2
Duncan J M, se 31-15-2
Duncan R D, se 32-17-1
Dunham S, nw 22-16-1
Dunlap F M, sw 25-17-1
Dunlay W R, sw 15-17-3
Durrett E M, sw 11-16-1
Duton J, se 12-16-1
Dwier E F, se 1-18-3
Dyche T A, se 30-19-3
Dycke DD, se 18-19-3
Dyer R E, se 26-16-1
Dyer S, ne 35-17-1 e
Dyre M, ne 34-17-4
------ Andrew W, sw 35-17-4
Eager Wm P, ne 11-16-2
Earl Wm E, sw 19-16-2
East James, W sw 8-18-3
Eastland Charles T, se � 29-17-2
Eastland Frank, se 30-17-1
Eastman Charles L, ne � 4-15-3
Easwod Thomas J, nw 17-17-1
Eaton Earnest, nw 7-15-4
Ebell George G, s � se 35-16-2
Edgerly James K, ne 15-16-3
Edgerly Raymond W, se 10-16-3
Edwards Albert E, ne 22-16-4
Edwards Asa L, se 21-18-4
Edwards Frank A, se 2-16-1 e
Edwards Owen A, sw 11-19-3
Eichinger William, nw 30-17-3
Ellefit Jas W, nw 10-17-4
Elleich Marion A, sw 25-15-4
Elling Paul E, ne 31-16-4
Elliott Archie C, nw � 4-18-2
Elliott Henry A, se 5-17-4
Elliott James W, ne � 21-18-2
Elliott Jesse, E, nw 14-17-3
Ellis Frank, se 10-16-1
Ellis John W, se 20-17-1
Ellis John, se 3-16-4
Ellison John W, sw 8-17-2
Ellison Riley, sw 8-17-2
Elmore John, se 8-15-1 e
En----- John T, nw 18-16-1
Engle Harry R, sw 18-15-2
English Charlie V, ne 18-19-3
Eoff Walker, ne 22-19-4
Ereekson Lewis, nw 12-18-3
Erwin Thomas, nw 12-16-1 e
Erwin W L, sw 29-16-4
Erwin Wm H, sw 7-15-1
Estes Charles M, sw 8-19-3
Estes Franklin E, sw 19-16-2
Estes Hezekuah W, se 13-18-3
Estes James W, sw 31-----
Estes Madison C, nw 24-18-3
Evan Sammel, se 35-17-1
Evans Ira D, ne 1-19-4
Evans James W, ne 14-15-1
Evans Moses E, ne 11-15-1 e
Evans Thomas E, ne 24-18-4
Evans Wm H, nw 1-19-4
Evans Wm, nw 25-17-1
Evart Thomas S, se 27-19-1
Everett Fred L, nw 35-15-2
Everett Warren D, sw 35-17-1
Everhart martin L, ne 3-17-1
Evertz Martha, ne 7-17-1 e
Ewers Abriam, sw 26-16-1
Ewing Silas R, se 34-16-4
Eymeer Jacob W, sw 25-16-3
Fail Creed B, se 7-17-4
Falk Creed B, sw 29-16-3
Falkner Guyton B, se 30-19-4
Fallin John W, nw � 12-18-2
Farley Edward, s � of nw of se 7-15-2
Farley Issac, ne 32-16-2
Farquharson James A, ne 17-17-2
Farr Isac, nw 6-15-1e
Farr John H, se 17-17-2
Faskeu John F, ne 23-18-3
Faubine Hiram, ne 2-15-1
Faubion Ezekiel, se 22-15-3
Faubion Jacob A, nw 21-15-3
Faubion Spencer H, nw 27-15-3
Faught Henry, sw 35-18-3
Faulkner Charles A, ne � 8-15-3
Faulkner Wm, sw 28-16-2
Favor Issac S, nw 18-18-3
Fawburn Wm W, nw 29-15-2
Ferguson Henry M, nw � 28-18-2
Ferguson Levi, ne 31-18-4
Fernald James H, ne 35-16-3
Ferris James H, ne 35-16-3
Fickel William, se 27-16-3
Fields Albert, se 19-17-4
Filer Cabel, ne 31-15-3
Finley Sammuel D, se 9-19-3
Firestone Jerome, nw 7-15-2
Fishback McShelby, ne � 15-18-2
Fisher Henry, ne 8-17-4
Fisher Lane, ne 7-19-3
Fitzgerald Edwd W, se 30-16-2
Fitzpatrick Joseph J, ne � 23-18-2
Fitzpatrick Wm, ne � 23-18-2
Flanger Lafe, sw 4-15-4
Fleak Andrew R, ne 12-16-3
Fleenor N G, nw 22-16-4
Fleming Nancy, nw 3-17-4
Fleming Ralph, ne 9-17-4
Fleming Thos, se 9-17-4
Fleming Wallace W, ne 3-47-4
Fleming Wm, sw 30-17-4
Flenner Robert W, sw � 27-18-2
Flinn James C, nw 11-16-1
Flyner Zachariah, sw 17-15-2
Forbes Morton, sw 17-16-1
Forbis Chas, sw 34-16-4
Forbis Ed, G, se 33-16-4
Ford James S, ne � 25-18-2
Ford Lewis V, se 29-15-1
Ford Thomas, se � 13-18-2
Former Wm H, se 28-16-2
Fort Robert H, sw 13-15-4
Foster John W, se 12-17-4
Foster Nenemiah, sw � 27-17-2
Fowler John E, sw 10-18-2
Fowler John H, se 34-15-1
Fox Wm C, se 24-17-4
Foxworthy Frank G, sw 17-16-3
Frank Thomas, sw 34-16-3
Franklin James, ne 28-15-2
Franklin Silmeon, ne 26-16-2
Frazier Henry I, se 20-17-4
Frazier James W, sw 8-16-2
Frazier Solom, ne 15-16-2
Frazier William A, se 22-15-3
Fredine Henry, se 20-15-3
Freeman Elijah, se 12-15-3
Freeman Ira, se 35-19-4
Freeman John E, se 29-16-2
Freze Jacob A L, sw 8-16-3
Friend Gustave, sw 9-17-3
Friend Howard F, ne � 2-15-3
Fritzgerald Peter W, ne 12-17-4
Fritzpaunch Jasper S, nw � 24-18-2
Fruman Edward, se 18-15-2
Fry Harvey H, sw � 12-19-2
Frye James, sw 14-19-3
Fugate Ambrose E, ne 12-17-1
Fugate Homer, sw 3-17-1
Fulford Elisha A, nw 11-16-1e
Gaber Mike, ne 28-17-1
Gaines Grange, ne 32-15-1 e
Gaines William, nw 4-15-1 e
Garard James, ne 17-19-3
Gardener Ishmael A, sw 24-16-1 e
Gardiner Issac, sw 1-16-3
Gardner R F, nw 18-19-4
Garick Joseph, sw � 9-19-2
Garland Chas W, sw � 2-15-3
Garrett Samuel F, se � 24-19-2
Garrett Samuell G, sw 18-17-1 e
Garrett Wm ---, ne 34-19-3
Garrick Edward, nw � 3-19-2
Garrison Aaron, sw 32-15-1
Garrison Geo A, se 22-18-3
Gaskell Thomas, P, se 8-17-2
Gast Joseph D, sw 28-17-1
Gates Peter, se 29-16-1
Gates Royal A, ne � 28-17-2
Gates Wm N, se 23-17-1
Gay Joseph A, ne 27-17-4
Gearhart Valentine, nw 27-15-2
Geddes Richard G, sw 33-16-3
Geiber Charles, nw 11-18-3
Gelfillan Robert E, nw � 2-18-2
Gentry William, ne 17-15-1 e
George Ellen D, se 23-16-2
Gerlach Charles J, ne 1-------
Gessner Wm H, nw 15-15-3
Gettings James, sw 21-18-3
Gibbs Nathan, nw 3-16-1 e
Gibson John E, nw 11-17-3
Gieber Vincent, sw 11-18-3
Gilbert Joseph E, ne 27-15-4
Gill Augustus R, se 3-16-1 e
Gill Richard W, se 34-15-3
Gillard John J, ne 32-17-3
Gillen Hugh E, sw 24-18-4
Gillenwater L E, sw 25-18-4
Gilles Thomas R, ne 19-17-3
Gillespe Geo H, se 30-19-1
Gillespie James H, nw 1-16-2
Gillette Alanson R, ne 20-16-3
Gilliam Samuel, nw 27-16-3
Gilmore Eldrige H, ne 14-19-3
Gilmore Patrick H, nw � 18-19-2
Giner Geo H, se � 13-19-2
Giner Lucinda E, ne � 13-19-2
Gist Nathan, se 13-15-4
Gist Thomas H, sw � 25-17-2
Givens Samuel B, nw 23-15-1
Glasgow Robert L, ne 11-17-3
Glass George, sw 28-19-1
Glass Ira D, sw 32-18-2
Glazier Henry E, nw � 11-19-2
Glick Kaul, nw 35-17-1
Glover Wm R, sw 12-15-4
Gloyd Samuel, se 19-19-4
Gobble Emery W, ne 34-16-4
Goddard Katie, J, sw 29-18-4
Goddard Lyman B, nw 29-18-4
Godfrey John C, ne 7-16-3
Goebel John W, sw 32-16-4
Goff James N, ne 4-17-1 e
Goff Mason, se 35-16-1
Goings Nathan, sw 20-16-1
Goldrick P J M, se 6-17-2
Goldtrap Samuel C, se 32-16-3
Goldy Wm C, se 27-17-3
Gooch Henry P, nw 7-17-2
Gooch Howard B, se 11-17-3
Gooch James B, se 7-17-2
Gooch Joseph, nw 18-17-2
Gooch Lee, sw 12-17-3
Gooch Nathaniel, sw 7-17-2
Good Charles E, sw 22-17-4
Goode Geo D A, se � 32-17-2
Goodnight Calvin N, ne 13-17-1 e
Goodnight L E, sw 4-17-4
Goodrich Alpheus C, se 6-16-1
Goodrich Joel, se 19-16-1 e
Gordin Nils, ne 4-18-3
Gordon Thomas A, nw 13-15-2
Gorman John, se 17-18-4
Goso Geo W, sw 24-15-1
Goss Usaih, ne 14-18-3
Gow Daniel A, nw 8-16-3
Grace Crev, se 35-17-1 e
Graff Chris, se 29-15-3
Graham Anna, ne 4-16-1 e
Grass Joseph, se 4-15-2
Graves William R, se � 5-15-3
Gray Geo B, sw 15-15-1 e
Gray Israel W, se 26-16-3
Gray James M, se 6-18-3
Gray John T, ne � 33-18-2
Gray Robert J, nw � 24-19-2
Gray Sherry L, ne 9-17-1
Green Frank, ne 6-17-3
Green Ida M, ne 30-18-3
Green Jackson, se 4-15-1
Green Jesse M, nw 32-16-4
Greenway Geo W, sw 5-15-1
Greenwell Robt T, nw 18-16-4
Greenwell Wm, ne 32-19-4
Gregory Wilson G, nw 8-15-1 e
Gregory Wm, sw 22-17-3
Grham Geo C, nw 11-17-4
Griffard Henry, nw 32-17-1
Griffin Allen, sw 19-15-1
Griffin Marion, nw � 34-18-2
Griffith Chas H, ne 4-15-1
Griffith Geo H, se � 28-19-2
Griffith John, se 20-18-3
Griffith Joseph R, ne 12-16-1
Griffith Shelbourn C, ne 7-17-2
Griswold Charles J, se 34-17-1
Griswold Henry, nw 34-17-1
Griswold John N, nw � 9-19-2
Groh Michael, nw � 9-19-2
Groveniger Jacob, se � 4-19-2
Grover Addie L, nw 14-17-1
Groves James W, se 23-19-3
Grow John C, se 12-18-4
Guber Anton, sw 6-16-3
Guckian James, ne 24-15-3
Guckin James, ne 13-15-3
Gum Jacob se � 14-19-2
Gunter Joseph D, sw � 22-17-2
Guy Harry, se 19-16-1 e
Haas J, se 32-16-1
Hahn J A, se 18-17-3
Haight G F, se 20-15-1
Halkyasd E, ne 31-18-2
Hall B, nw 25-19-3
Hall J, nw 19-16-3
Hallcock W J, nw 19-18-2
Hallman E, se 5-18-2
Halloway T F, ne 2-16-1 e
Halse A G, ne 10-16-4
Halt C, se 10-15-2
Ham C M, ne 5-16-3
Hamden J, sw 2-18-4
Hamel D, sw 19-19-3
Hamilton J K, nw 14-15-2
Hamilton J, nw 20-17-2
Hamlin J, nw 9-15-1
Hammer C, se 31-17-1
Hammond G, ne 8-15-4
Hamsen A D, sw 31-17-1
Hancock B T, sw 21-16-4
Hancock R L, se 21-16-4
Handcock L D, sw 31-16-2
Hanes E, nw 27-15-1 e
Hanks M V, sw 15-19-3
Hansen G, nw 15-19-3
Hansen H, ne 15-19-3
Hansen J A, se 15-19-3
Hanson J W, sw 3-19-4
Hanson N, sw 20-16-4
Hanter S, se 21-15-4
Harbison R H, se 10-15-1
Hardell A, ne 27-19-2
Harden W, sw 35-15-1 e
Harding E S, se 15-15-4
Harding H, ne 5-15-4
Hardy H A, nw 33-15-4
Hardy T J, ne 33-15-4
Harman W A, ne 12-18-3
Harman Wm, ne 26-15-1
Harned M W, 24-18-4
Haro A, nw 14-17-1 e
Harod M, nw 10-17-2
Harper J H, se 15-17-1
Harper J W, se 29-17-1
Harper S, sw 26-17-1
Harper W, nw 2-16-1 e
Harrington C, ne 13-17-2
Harris E W, ne 2-18-2
Harris G W, ne 25-16-2
Harris S E, 31-19-2
Harrison Ella, ne 6-16-1 e
Harrison H, ne 28-15-1e
Harrison W H, ne 27-16-3
Hart E T, ne 33-16-3
Hart H, se 321-18-4
Hart J J, ne 10-15-3
Hart M C, ne 1-15-3
Hartman A R, sw 8-17-4
Harwood T M, nw 3-17-2
Hasrings B T, se 21-18-2
Hass J E, ne 32-16-1
Hastings J K, se 20-19-4
Hastings L, se 28-18-2
Hatfield F M, ne 9-13-4
Hatfield G, nw 25-18-3
Hatfield W, sw 11-17-2
Hathaway B R, nw 22-17-3
Hathaway E E, sw 34-15-2
Hathaway H F, se 34-15-2
Havenstrite W B, se 30-18-3
Havenstute A L, ne 14-18-4
Havenstute J L, nw 14-18-4
Havenstute J W, se 14-18-4
Havman Wm D, se 23-19-4
Hawer H, sw 17-17-4
Hawkins T L, se 8-18-4
Haws J M, se 31-18-2
Hayes A, nw 25-15-2
Hayes C C, ne 34-15-1 e
Hayes E C, sw 23-15-4
Hayes J, nw 7-16-3
Hayes Lewellvn, se 9-15-3
Hayhunt J J, ne 5-18-2
Haynes E T, ne 7-15-1 e
Haynes Rhoda, sw 5-15-1 e
Hays L, nw 4-17-2
Hays S, nw 19-15-3
Hazlett G C, ne 28-19-1
H-de E W, nw 4-16-3
Heam E L, sw 27-19-4
Heam J L, se 28-19-4
Hedgececk J P, ne 18-19-4
Hedgecock J E, nw 4-19-4
Hedgecock J S, nw 21-16-4
Hedsell J, sw 29-17-1
Helm F B, sw 3-16-3
Helm P, nw 3-16-3
Helton A G, sw 22-16-4
Hem G, nw 5-15-4
Henderson A, nw 34-17-4
Henderson D L, nw 18-15-3
Henderson H C, nw 33-17-2
Henderson Jennie, nw 27-16-1 e
Henderson John, ne 17-18-3
Henderson Jonathan, ne 18-17-1 e
Hendman F, ne 19-17-2
Hendricks S, ese 19-19-3
Henks H, nw 11-18-3
Henly J D, se 1-16-1 e
Henney J, sw 19-16-4
Henning A H, se 8-17-4
Henning Wm, sw 9-17-4
Henry J W, sw 30-17-3
Henry Wm A, se 32-15-2
Hensley W, se 24-15-1 e
Herbert E A, se 10-18-2
Herlacker C F, ne 31-19-2
Herman J, sw 13-18-2
Herren Wm M, ne 4-16-4
Herrington J, nw 23-18-4
Herwig C E, se 9-15-2
Hesler J M, ne 28-17-4
Heth W, nw 26-17-1 e
Heyne L S, ne 3-19-4
Hicklin C L, nw 35-15-1 e
Hickman S W, se 1-19-3
Hicks M, nw 32-18-3
Hidderbran N, ne 10-17-1
Hides S, ne 31-18-3
Higgins G, se 23-16-1 e
Hill G C, se 33-15-2
Hill A M, sw 3-16-1
Hill C, ne 26-15-1 e
Hill E W, sw 23-15-2
Hill F B, ne 11-15-1
Hill L H, nw 28-16-4
Hines J A, nw 2-17-2
Hines J, nw 13-19-3
Hinkenbottom C J, nw 8-19-4
Hipple Henry Jr, ne 35-16-4
Hixon E, se 10-16-2
Hixon J W, se 34-16-1 e
Hixon L C, ne 26-16-1 e
Hoag F, ne 23-17-4
Hodge J P, nw 30-16-3
Hodgen S, sw 18-15-1 e
Hodkinson G P, nw 23-17-4
Hoffmeyer C, sw 19-15-3
Hogelin A, sw 10-15-1
Hogelin S, nw 10-15-1
Holcomb A E, nw 33-18-2
Holcomb I W, ne 34-18-2
Holden C W, se 21-15-3
Holland A C, se 28-17-2
Holland C C, ne 33-17-2
Holland J A, sw 34-15-2
Hollen P, nw 13-16-1
Holl----G W, nw 24-15-2
Holliday D E, se 1-17-4
Holliday J, sw 6-7-3
Hollingsworth L M, nw 4-15-3
Hollman J, se 25-15-2
Hollock D B, sw 19-18-2
Hollon W, sw 14-16-1
Holloway R J, ne 10-15-2
Holt D, nw 4-19-4
Holt G C, se 22-16-2
Holt L J, ne 5-19-4
Homisback J, nw 30-15-4
Homisback P, sw 30-15-4
Honser M, sw 1-18-3
Hood J C, sw 9-15-4
Hoover W S, ne 3-10-2
Hopewell T N, nw 22-15-3
Hopkins E H, nw 29-16-2
Hopkins J E, sw 10-17-4
Horn F S, se 30-16-3
Horton G W, se 18-16-3
Horton J E, nw, 4-15-4
Horton S P, ne 4-15-4
Hosington D J, se 10-17-4
House D B, ne 8-17-3
House D, sw 7*-18-2
House E R, nw 11-19-4
Householder F, se 14-16-4
Houser H----, 1-18-3
Howe A W, se 2-15-3
Howe C C, ne 2-16-1
Howe J W, ne 17-16-2
Howell H M, sw 3-19-2
Howell S, sw 34-17-3
Howk C E, nw 25-16-4
Howland L A, sw 6-17-4
Howland W B, nw 6-17-4
Hoy John J, sw 17-19-4
Hoye J P, se 8-19-4
Hoyt A W, se 18-17-2
Hoyt F, ne 32-15-4
Hoyt H, nw 13-15-4
Hoyt M C, nw 10-16-2
Hoyt W H, nw 29-15-4
Hubbard J A, ne 19-16-1
Hubbard J L, ne 28-19-4
Hubbard J W, se 19-16-1
Hubbartt Maggie J, sw 11-16-1 e
Huchins M A, sw ---16-1
Huff C, sw 1-19-2
Huff S, se 15-18-3
Huff W F, ne 1----3
Hughes W F, sw 2-18-3
Hull C, sw 3-18-3
Hulme J, ne 8-15-2
Hulse J M, se 10-16-4
Hulse L D, nw 3-16-4
Hulse L G, nw 10-16-4
Hume J F, se 8-16-1 e
Hummer Wm M, ne 18-16-1 e
Hunt D, ne 19-19-4
Hunt F A, sw 30-19-4
Hunt G A, sw 20-19-4
Hunt G, sw 28-9-4
Hunt H N, nw 21-19-2
Hunt M, nw 8-18-2
Hunter J A, sw 26-18-2
Huntley D T, nw 31-17-4
Huntley H M, sw 30-17-4
Hurlbert A M, se 25-15-3
Hurley F M, sw 19-17-1 e
Hurley J J, nw 5-16-3
Hurley Joseph J, ne 32-17-3
Hurt F M, se 23-15-1
Hutchinson A J, nw 23-16-1 e
Hutchinson A J, se 2-17-1
Hutchinson T L, se 14-17-2
Huves W, nw 31-17-1
Hyde Ella R, sw 23-15-3
Hyder B A, nw 18-16-1 e
Hyete J L, ne 17-16-1
Hysell W H, se 2-19-2
Imel B M, sw 30-17-1 e
Imel G W, se 29-17-1 e
Imel J A, sw 32-17-1 e
Ingeam J G, nw 18-16-2
Inglish D, se 7-19-3
Inglish J M, ne 5-19-3
Ingram D C, se 7-16-3
Ireton H, ne 35-19-4
Ireton S, ne 31-19-3
Irwin A M, nw 28-16-1
Isom J, ne 29-19-1
Jackson A, sw 12-16-1 e
Jackson C W, sw 11-18-2
Jackson Jennie, se 35-17-3
Jackson M, ne 12-17-2
Jackson M, nw 10-16-1 e
Jackson S J, sw 35-15-3
Jackson T D, nw 19-16-1 e
Jackson Wm A, sw 8-16-3
Jacobns E, sw 15-16-3
James J Jr, se 11-16-3
James J, ne 1---18-4
James Mary J, ne 13-18-4
James W D, sw 12-18-4
James W, nw 26-18-2
Jarid E, nw 24-15-4
Jarrell D C, nw 32-16-1
Jefferson I, sw 25-17-1
Jefferson N, nw 6-15-1 e
Jeffries D, se 17-15-3
Jeffries J W, se 15-15-3
Jeffries T G, ne 27-15-3
Jeffries W, se 27-15-3
Jenkins D, ne 27-16-1
Jenkins L, ne 30-15-1 e
Jenner J, sw 2-17-2
Jennings E, sw 26-17-2
Jennings J P, ne 33-16-1 e
Jennings J, ne 32-16-4
Jernigan T L, ne 19-17-1
Jillsen F E, se 28-15-2
Joh J C, nw 20-16-1
John E V, sw 1-8-2
John G H, se 17-16-1
Johnson Fannie M, sw 10-19-4
Johnson A T, se 13-15-2
Johnson Amasa C, se 27-19-4
Johnson C M, sw 15-17-1
Johnson D S, sw 24-16-1
Johnson Ella, nw 15-17-1 e
Johnson F A, ne 30-15-3
Johnson F C, 4w 10-16-1
Johnson G B, 27-15-4
Johnson J E, nw 27-15-1
Johnson J F, se 34-17-2
Johnson J F, sw 11-15-4
Johnson J O, ne 28-19-3
Johnson J W, ne 11-16-1
Johnson J W, nw 7-16-1
Johnson J, sw 4-19-4
Johnson L, se 3-18-2
Johnson L, sw 5-18-2
Johnson M, se 28-19-3
Johnson ---N, sw 28-17-2
Johnson O T, ne 15-17-4
Johnson O, se 33-16-1
Johnson R, se 15-15-1
Johnson T, se 5-16-1 e
Johnson W H, sw 26-16-3
Johnson W M, nw 24-16-2
Johnson William M, se 8-19-3
Johnston E S, ne 31-16-1 e
Johnston J K, nw 10-19-2
Jones A G, sw 5-16-2
Jones A M D, nw 4-17-4
Jones B, se 26-15-1 e
Jones C L, ne 30-18-4
Jones E, ne 19-16-1 e
Jones F A, se 14-19-3
Jones G W, sw 12-15-1 e
Jones G W, sw 17-15-3
Jones G W, sw 18-18-2
Jones H F, sw 1-15-1 e
Jones H H, se 6-16-4
Jones J L, se 10-15-1
Jones J, nw 24-15-1 e
Jones J, sw 7-17-3
Jones M, nw 35-17-4 e
Jones Mand, ne 24-16-1 e
Jones S A, --w 17-16-4
Jones S L, sw 10-18-4
Jones S N, sw 23-19-4
Jones W R, nw 28-15-1 e
Jones Wm, sw 23-16-1
Jonson B, nw 34-19-3
Jordan E C, ne 26-19-4
Jordan J, nw 15-15-4 e
Jordan M, nw 25-19-4
Jordan S F, se 9-15-1 e
Juhah Emma J, se 33-17-1
Juhl J, se 29-16-4
Justice G H, sw 14-19-2
Kaderly H, ne 27-19-1
Kaderly J J, sw 27-19-1
Karnegay G, se 1-15-1 e
Keawotrhy W, se 7-15-2
Keek L H R, nw 5-18-4
Keek Lee, ne 17-18-4
Keek M, se 10-18-4
Keek Wm, nw 15-18-4
Keelon M C, ne 28-17-1 e
Keister Robb, nw 3---15---
Keith J W, sw 5-16-1
Keller H J, ne 10-17-3
Keller B F, ne 13-16-3
Kelley J R, nw 27-17-2
Kelley N O, ne 34-16-3
Kelley W E, sw 35-16-4
Kelley Z T, sw 24-17-2
Kellogg W P, ne 7-15-1
Kelly E G, ne 25-19-2
Kelly J M, se 25-18-4
Kelly Mary, se 25-19-3
Kelso Magnes F, nw 6-18-3
Kemper H M, ne 24-16-3
Kendrick S M, nw 30-18-3
Kendrick Susan E, sw 19-18-3
Kenduck J B, nw 22-18-4
Kennedy J P, sw 7-17-1
Kennedy J T, se 14-18*-2
Kennedy J, nw 27-19-1
Kennedy J, se 19-15-1 e
Kennedy W H, se 21-17-4
Keown J A L, nw 24-16-4
Keown J M, sw 24-19-4
Kersey W C, ne 15-16-4
Kessler J H, nw 14-15-1
Kessler P S, ne 8-16-3
Kessler W S, nw 9-16-3
Ketchum C B, se 7-17-3
Ketchum W A, sw 31-18-3
Kidd T, nw 22-15-2
Kidwell C, se 6-16-1 e
Kidwell J L, se 6-16-1 e
Kieffer D, ne 29-16-2
Kies I J, se 27-17-1
Kight J, sw 6-15-1 e
Kimberly W T, nw 5-15-3
Kimbro P, se 5-19-4
King G, ne 17-16-1 e
King H P, sw 23-19-3
King S, sw 21-17-1 e
King T C, se 26-17-2
King W C, se 12-15-2
Kinney J A, nw 30-15-1
Kinzer J F, nw 12-15-2
Kirkman L, ne 8-17-1
Kirtley L, sw 25-17-4
Kite T O, sw 5-15-3
Klipp P H C, se 3-19-2
Kllough J W, se 6-15-1
Klopffenstein W S, ne 30-17-3
Kneiland W H, ne 11-15-2
Knight J, nw 25-17-4
Knight P, ne 28-18-4
Knowles J A, sw 6-15-1 e
Knox F S, sw 21-17-1
Korble J, ne 18-15-4
Koser J, se 12-18-2
Kretzer J, nw 18-17-1
Kruger F, nw8-19-2
Kuhn G L, ne 2-17-3
Kuspert J P, ne 3-15-2
La Rei J E, ne 18-17-2
Lacey A, ne 35-17-1
Lacey S, sw 18-16-4
Ladum T H, se 15-16-1
Laedis G N, se 33-18-3
Lair F M, se 28-16-1
Laman S W, 4-16-1
Laman W D, ne 5-16-4
Lamb N L, ne 25-17-1 e
Lamb S J, se 4-15-3
Lambert W L, ne 26-15-1
Lamblin S M, sw 13-16-4
Landes D E, nw 12-17-2
Landes Dr, sw 1-17-2
Landes F B, sw 1-17-2
Landis H F, ne 19-17-4
Landis J A, sw 34-18-3
Lane G W, sw 30-15-1
Lane J W, se 30-15-1
Langfitt J W, nw 19-15-4
Lanzle P, sw 22-16-3
Larnicb W E, sw 20-18-2
Larry A, sw 35-16-1
Larson F W, nw 28-10-3
Lathem J, nw 27-15-4
Latta G, ne 34-18-4
Lattin S D, sw 12-16-1
Lawhead H N, nw 17-17-3
Laws L B, sw 7-17-1
Laws L H, sw 23-17-1
Lawson A W, ne 14-16-4
Lawson C L, sw 28-19-3
Leach J D, nw 28-17-2
Leafquist O R, ne 4-19-4
Leak M, nw 22-15-1
Leang A, ne 14-16-1
Leathers G H, nw 22-17-1 e
Lebrault Julia E, sw 11-16-2
Lee A, nw 17-17-4
Lee G, sw 18-15-1 e
Lee T, sw 10-15-1 e
Leer P C, se 5-15-1
Legrand C M, ne 27-15-1
Legrand J H, nw 26-15-1
Legrate W A, ne 21-15-1
Leisteter C, ne 19-16-4
Leisteter G, sw 9-16-4
Lelan M P, se 21-19-4
Lemasters E, nw 2-17-4
Lempry G, se 23-16-1
Leneger J J, sw 7-15-3
Lenhard A, se 30-15-4
Leonard J B, ne 34-15-3
Leonard W M, nw 20-19-4
Lesher T H, nw 11-15-4
Lester A D, ne 25-16-3
Lester D, sw 20-15-1 e
Lester W E, se 9-18-2
Letster R, nw 17-15-1 e
Level John, 19-17-4
Leweller Ed F, sw 14-18-2
Level Ruben, se 8-15-1
Lewis Nora E, sw 29-19-2
Lewis Reed, nw 1-16-1 e
Lewis T J, se 7-17-1 e
Liggett Nancy J, nw 1-16-1 e
Likes M M, nw 2-16-4
Linder C H, nw 30-16-4
Lindsey T J, ne 20-15-4
Linn Margaret, sw 30-19-2
Little F M, sw 6-15-2
Little John, nw 35-15-3
Livingston Eloja, ne 10-18-2
Livingston Isacc, ne 19-15-4
Lockwood Julsa A, se 21-18-3
Logan A A, nw 27-17-1 e
Londer H, nw 23-16-4
Long G W, nw 32-18-4
Long J, se 33-17-1 e
Long R, se 19-18-3
Long W H H, sw 28-15-2
Lorah J, se 19-18-2
Loranger C A, nw 32-15-3
Lord J, sw 8-15+1
Lorie H, sw 31-17-2
Lothlen D W, nw 27-17-1 e
Louder R, ne 23-16-4
Lowe E A, nw 10-18-2
Lowe W, sw 13-15-2
Lowery C R, se 24-16-2
Lumber G, ne 5-19-2
Lunkenbill A, ne 18-15-2
Lyon J A, nw 6-17-4
Lyons D H, se 19-15-3
Mack A, nw 4-19-2
Mack H, se 26-16-1 e
Mackey J L, ne 30-16-2
Mackey J ne 19-17-1 e
Macy H C, nw 21-15-2
Madden F, ne 12-16-2
Madison C D, sw 34-17-1 e
Madly W, sw 25-16-2
Magill C, sw 27-16-4
Mahan I W, sw 26-19-3
Mahan W A, nw 23-19-3
Maher D, nw 20-15-3
Mahoney J T, sw 31-16-1 e
Mahoney P, se 7-19-2
Mahoney Sarah, nw 22-16-2
Maikes J H, sw 30-16-1
Maize G W, sw 31-16-2
Major G F, se 27-18-2
Mallatt N B, sw 2-16-4
Mallett N I, sw 2-16-4
Mallon J, se 23-18-3
Maloney T, sw 35-19-2
Maloy B, ne 29-16-1 e
Man J, ne 19-15-1 e
Man M P, sw 17-18-3
Mann J L V, ne 6-17-1
Manning G W, ne 30-17-4
Maple C M, ne 25-16-4
Maple D, sw 15-18-2
Maple O, sw 30-16-3
Maple W, ne 25-16-4
March F, se 30-15----
Marham A D, se 21-17-2
Mark N, se 25-16-2
Marlone J m, sw 18-15-4
Marriott F E, nw 31-16-4
Marriott G C, nw 6-15-4
Marsala B, se 21-15-3
Marshall Hannah, ne 5-17-1
Marshall O B, sw 21-16-1e
Marshall P M, ne 14-15-1
Marst A, ne 23-16-1 e
Martin Birdie, sw 12-17-1
Martin D M, nw 31-16-1
Martin D W, sw 23-16-2
Martin G, sw 29-17-2
Martin J B, se 12-17-1
Martin L, se 11-15-1 e
Martin L, se 4-18-3
Martin P, sw 18-16-3
Martin S D, nw 11-17-1
Mason P L, ne 11-15-3
Masson B, sw 20-15-1 e
Mather J, ne 15-17-1
Matheson W A, nw 15-17-2
Mathews M B, ne 22-15-2
Mathews W M, sw 4-18-2
Matt E, sw 1-15-2
Maurice B, ne 17-16-3
Maxwell J P, sw 32-15-3
McAnley J J, nw 9-19-4
McBride L A, ne 30-17-4
McCain R G, ne 21-17-1
McCalhron J G, nw 8-16-1
McCandle E O, sw 31-19-4
McCannon F M, ne 35-18-4
McClintock A, nw 32-17-1 e
McClure F P, sw 24-15-1 e
McClure H, ne 33-19-3
McClure Wm, ne 26-16-1
McCnue S, nw 6-16-4
McCommon J L, se 24-17-4
McConnehey D, nw 10-19-3
McConnell J W, ne 5-16-4
McCormick A, sw 23-15-1 e
McCormick J, sw 14-16-1
McCoy M P, sw 26-16-1 e
McCoy W M, ne 17-16-2
McCrosby C W, ne 8-15-1 e
McCue T, ne 10-18-3
McDaniels A, nw 6-15-1
McDaniels J J, sw 31-16-1
McDermid P H, sw 27-19-2
McDermott T, sw 25-19-2
McDonald J, se 17-15-2
McElory T R, se 35-15-1
McElory W,, ne 7-17-4
McFarland Wm, ne 34-15---
McGarvey J, ne 6-15-2
McGinn H, ne 23-19-2
McGinnis F, se 2-16-2
McGinnis H, se 10-17-1
McGinnis R A, nw 31-18-2
McGinnis Sallie J, sw 1-17-2
McGinty S jr, 6-18-4
McGinty T R, 9-18-4
McHendry S, ne 23-17-2
McHually, T J, nw 23-15-4
McIntosh A F, nw 23-15-4
McIntyre C, ne 7-15-3
McKain J, se 15-15-4
McKenney D, nw 19-15-1 e
McKight A, ne 5-16-1 e
McKinley J, se 21-19-3
McKoin S, sw 14-18-3
McLean J H, se 18-17-1
McMahone E, ne 1-18-4
McManus J, sw 10-18-3
McManus T A, nw 10-18-3
McMillen D, se 12-19-3
McMurray P, se 7-15-1
McNalley T, ne 20-17-2
McNally Cora, ne 5-18-4
McNally J W, se 32-18-3
McNeal G W, se 28-17-1
McNeal J, se 24-15-2
McNeal Mary, se 32-15-1 e
McNeil G H, se 25-18-2
McNeil Sarah A, se 28-15-4
McNett M L, se 35-15-3
McNulty J, ne 31-16-2
McNutly C W, se 31-16-2
Mcord W J, ne 34-17-2
McPeck G S, ne 6-18-3
McPeck Susan, nw 7-18-3
McPherson T, nw 11-16-2
McReyonalds Jr, sw 9-16-3
Meade C E, ne 2-16-3
Meade L J, ne 1-16-3
Meikel J, se 13-17-4
Melone C T, sw 3-15-2
Melviile C E, nw 26-19-4
Merry E C, ne 21-17-2
Metts E A, nw 30-17-2
Meyer N A, nw 29-16-3
Meyer W, sw 28-16-3
Meyers Effie, sw 25-19-3
Michaels R, ne 19-19-4
Michal B S, nw 20-17-1
Middleton J, ne 21-17-4
Middleton P, se 21-17-4
Mige J H, nw 23-10-2
Migee L J, ne 11-18-3
Miles G, sw 35-16-1
Miles J C, sw 24-17-4
Miles J D, nw 28-15-7
Millard C D, ne 24-17-3
Millaway Wm W, sw 12-18-2
Millen J M, se 6-19-3
Millen W R, nw 34-18-3
Miller A, ne 22-19-3
Miller A, nw 20-19-3
Miller C I, nw 24-16-4
Miller C K, se 9-18-3
Miller C, nw 17-15-3
Miller D W, se 4-17-3
Miller E P, nw 15-18-2
Miller H N, nw 23-17-2
Miller -H, se 32-16-4
Miller J A, nw 18-16-1
Miller J H, ne 22-17-2
Miller J R, sw 18-15-3
Miller J, nw 14-16-1 e
Miller L, nw 25-17-1 e
Miller L, sw 9-17-1
Miller M, nw 22-----2
Miller Mary , nw 9-16-1
Miller S, se 18-19-2
Miller T J, ne 29-17-2
Miller W O , nw 28-17-4
Miller W T, se 28-17-4
Miller W W, ne 19-19-3
Mills E L, sw 21-19-2
Mills G B, sw 15-16-4
Mills I A, sw 27-15-3
Mills W--, se 2-18-4
Milton I, ne 30-16---
Minick J M, nw 12-15-3
Minnt J, se 25-15-1
Misch G, se 31-15-3
Mitchell B, sw 28-17----e
Mitchell D S, ne 3-16-1
Mitchell J H, se 8-18-2
Mitchell J, se 24-17-2
Mitchell Mary A, nw 5-17-3
Mitchell W H, sw 33-16---- e
Mitchell W M, se 33-16-2
Mittasch F, se 18-18-2
Mohnev J, nw 35-16-1 e
Monahan G, ne 30-15-2
Monroe H, ne 31-16-1
Montgomery C, nw 35-17-3
Montv M F, ne 33-17-1 e
Moon D, se 21-16-1
Mooney J, ne 18-16-1
Moore A, nw 1-16-3
Moore A, se 25-17-4
Moore B F, ne 27-18-4
Moore C H, nw 35-16-3
Moore E T, se 3-18-4
Moore H G, se 24-16-3
Moore J T, sw 20-16-1 e
Moore J, sw 30-19-4
Moppin G, se 19-15-1
Moraine J M, sw 34-19-3
Morell W M, nw 24-16-1
Morgan E, se 6-17-2
Morgan G, se 17-17-3
Morgan P, ne 31-16-1 e
Morgan T, se 3-17-1
Morman R, se 30-15-1 e
Morris C S, ne 14-17-2
Morris E, nw 21-17-4
Morris G G, sw 23-18-4
Morris H R, sw 13-19-2
Morris O, sw 18-18-3
Morris S E, se 31-19-3
Morris S, ne 11-17-2
Morris W F, ne 27-18-3
Morris W H, ne 34-16-2
Morris W, sw 20-19-3
Morrison F A, sw 7-16-2
Morrisson N, sw 28-15-1 e
Morton R P, ne 21-16-1 e
Morty R C, ne 27-18-2
Mosher Bm ne 29-16-3
Mosier J H, nw 9-15-3
Mosier M, se 8-15-3
Moss P, nw 6-16-3
Moulton W A, ne 27-19-4
Mounks W, ne 32-18-2
Mount C, sw 10-16-2
Mowery J R, ne 15-15-1
Moynes May M, nw 27-19-4
Mudd J, sw 22-15-2
Muhall P, ne 8-16-1
Mulhall J L, nw 9-18-2
Mulhall Z, se 4-18-2
Mullenueix G, se 26-19-1
Murdock M, se 34-19-3
Murkledore W, se 34-17-1 e
Murohy J D, ne ne 27-16-2
Murphy B, se 12-19-4
Murphy J C, ne 17-19-4
Murphy M D, nw 32-15-4
Murphy Mary E, ne 2-17-2
Murray D F, ne 2-17-4
Murray H W, nw 18-15-4
Murray J D, se 35-18-4
Murray R J, nw 35-15-3
Musgrove L S, sw 8-19-4
Muskedale A O, sw 14-16-2
Mutgig E, ne 2-18-1
Myers G W, ne 22-18-2
Myers G, ne 29-17-1
Myers H M, sw 1-18-3
Myers H, sw 34-16-4
Myers J A, sw 9-15-4
Myers J E, sw 32-19-2
Myers W H, sw 14-19-4
Myier A, nw 5-19-2
Nakviead F, se 15-15-4
Nand R B, nw 33-17-4
Nass B B, nw 28-18-4
Neal G M, sw 35-19-4
Neal H, ne 5-15-1 e
Neal King, nw 25-17-1
Neal M, sw 29-17-4
Neal W M, se 1-15-1
Neals S M, nw 33-19-3
Neer John D, se 32-18-3
Neff J, nw 21-15-1
Neher J H, nw 3-17-3
Neidy S M, se 25-16-4
Neitman W, se 25-17-1 e
Nelson A J, sw 9-16-1 e
Nelson A, 3e 25-15-1 e
Nelson H N, sw 9-16-1 e
Nelson H W, ne 21-16-4
Nelson J J, ne 5-15-3
Nelson J R, se 12-15-4
Nelson L P, ne 19-16-3
Nelson R L, ne 7-16-4
Nesbit A, ne 33-17-1
Nesbitt J A, se 33-16-3
Neve D, sw 17-18-4
Newbeck A, ne 11-19-3
Newcomer S, ne 27-17-4
Newland J R, nw 34-16-1 e
Newlin L, nw 35-17-4
Newman G, 33-16-4
Newman R, sw 18-19-3
Newton J M, nw 21-17-2
Nichols C, se 14-16-1
Nichols H, sw 6-18-3
Nichols J S, ne 8-18-3
Nichols S, nw 28-16-1 e
Nicholson S E, nw 17-19-4
Nida J R, nw 11-19-3
Noe S S, ne 35-15-1 e
Noewood R, nw 24-16-1 e
Norman R, ne 32-15-1 e
Norris Allen, nw 19-17-2
Norris J H, sw 33-17-2
Norris J M, sw 26-16-2
North C W, sw 12-18-3
Norton R, ne 28-18-3
Nugent E C, se 34-19-4
Nugent J, ne 1-19-2
Nulich C A, sw 17-15-4
Nye J C, se 26-16-3
Nyman C, se 26-19-3
Oakey W H, ne 32-17-1 e
Oberbalger E J, ne 9-15-2
O'Brier P, ne 18-16-4
Oden W H, ne 25-17-4
Oden J W, se 23-15-1 e
O'Donough P, sw 9-19-4
Ogden Q B, ne 6-16-1
Ogle E B, nw 12-19-2
Ogle G, sw 8-17-3
Oldeyes H, ne 1-15-4
Oldham J W, sw 14-18-4
Oldham J, sw 23-16-3
Oldham W L, sw 29-15-4
Oliver Josephine, ne 15-17-4
Oliver L M, nw 12-15-1 e
Olmey L H, se 35-19-3
Olsen L H, ne 35-19-3
Olsen N H, nw 30-16-2
Osborne D J, ne 24-17-2
O'Neil J, nw 18-19-3
O'Neil J T, nw 35-17-2
Osborn M, nw 35-18-4
Osborn J B, sw 35-18-4
Osteman J, ne 6-15-4
Ott F G, nw 10-17-1
Overholt S, ne 23-19-3
Overman A M, nw 25-17-3
Overstreet W C, se 27-17-4
Overstreet Wm C, sw 26-17-4
Overton H A, sw 17-18-2
Owen H A, sw 17-18-2
Owen C W, sw 6-16-3
Owens Jack, sw 31-17-4
Owens E, sw 29-15-4
Owsley T C, nw 24-17-1 e
Padghan R, se 5-15-2
Page H, nw 28-15-4
Painter W W, sw 34-16-4 e
Palmatur N S, ne 34-17-1 e
Papin H, se 2-18-2
Pardue J M, se 29-17-3
Parker G W, nw 31-15-3
Parker G, sw 3-15-2
Parker H, sw 27-17-1 e
Parker S N, sw 13-16-1 e
Parr J, ne 22-17-3
Parr W M, se 14-17-3
Parrish C S, se 1-19-2
Parsell W T, sw 10-17-4
Parsley J N, nw 24-18-3
Partinhimer J, ne 28-16-3
Pastrick M, ne 33-16-2
Patker M, se 39-15-3
Patrick H F, ne 7-16-2
Pattdrson J, se 35-17-4
Pattersin W A, nw 6-16-2
Patterson C W, se 9-16-3
Patterson F W, sw 14-15-3
Patterson J L, sw 27-18-4
Patterson Jos, nw 20-17-4
Patterson L B, se 10-16-3
Patterson Sus E, ne 20-15-1 e
Patterson V, nw 32-15-1 e
Patton T M, se 30-18-2
Payne F D, ne 27-16-1
Payne R, nw 9-16-2
Pearl J W, ne 26-19-1
Pearson M, se 13-16-4
Pearson S, nw 25-18-3
Pearson W, ne 13-16-4
Peck G A, se 3-15-3
Peck T J, ne 18-17-4
Pednick S, ne 34-15-2
Peel D W, sw 30-18-2
Peerg M F, se 15-16-2
Pellerson L L, sw 19-15-1
Penland A M, se 4-16-4
Pennington A J, se 4-16-1
Pennoch E A, se 7-16-4
Peoples A, se 35-15-1 e
Pepper H, se 34-15-2
Pepper J H, ne 35-15-2
Perkins U, nw 33-17-1 e
Perkins W D, se 20-17-3
Peruber P, nw 7-18-4
Peters S S, sw 29-18-2
Peters W E, ne 34-15-2
Peterson E W, sw 6-16-1 e
Peterson G, ne 26-15-1
Peterson J E, nw 30-15-3
Peterson P A, ne 2-18-3
Peterson S C, sw 21-16-1
Pfiffer S, sw 1-19-3
Pfitzenmier B, nw 14-16-3
Pfitzenmier J, sw 14-16-3
Pfriminer J T, se 14-17-4
Phelps J, nw 1-18-3
Phelss J T, ne 20-18-3
Phenis ---H, ne 15-17-2
Phenis W R, ne 13-17-2
Phillip J T, na 4-17-2
Phillips C, sw 21-15-4
Phillips D M, nw 11-18-2
Pickard C, ne 1-16-4
Pickard Francis E, se 33-19-2
Pickard J E, nw 3-16-2
Pierce G W, ne 20-18-2
Pierce J R, nw 20-18-2
Pierce S W, sw 6-15-1
Pierce W J, sw 4-17-1
PierceR M, sw 30-15-4
Piersall Wm, ne 33-16-4
Pinix H M, nw 12-17-4
Pinnick L, se 5-15-1 e
Pinquard Jos, sw 8-17-1 e
Pipes R, sw 31-18-2
Piphen C D,se 6-18-2
Piphen F, ne 3-18-2
Pitt L E, se 33-17-2
Pittmore H K, se 35-18-2
Pixley G H, sw 34-15-2
Plag Peter, sw 24-17-3
Ploeger A, ne 9-15-3
Ploeger P, sw 10-15-3
Plumb J B, sw 7-18-3
Pogue D S, ne 24-16-4
Poindexter L C, nw 17-18-4
Polite R H, se 31-16-1
Poorbaugh Mary J, ne 17-16-1 e
Pope E H, nw 30-17-1
Pope T G, se 19-17-1
Pope W G, sw 13-17-3
Porter H W, se 6-15-3
Porter H, se 30-16-1 e
Portoune Amel, ne 9-18-3
Portwood S, se 21-17-1 e
Post S P, nw 35-19-4
Post W S, ne 3-17-3
Poteet G, se 2-15-2
Poteet J W, sw 2-15-2
Poteet T, ne 2-15-2
Potter J T, sw 31-19-2
Potter N H, sw 7-17-1 e
Potter S C, se 18-18-3
Potter T, nw 5-17-4
Pough P, nw 4-16-4
Powell L, sw 22-16-2
Powers F, ne 14-15-2
Prater R, sw 25-17-4
Prather W H, ne 31-17-1 e
Preble C H, sw 8-17-1
Prens P, nw 9-17-1
Preston E, se 1-16-2
Preston H, sw 6-16-1
Price A, nw 29-19-3
Price C L, ne 20-19-3
Price E R, sw 22-15-1
Price J V, nw 28-19-2
Price S A, se 27-16-1
Prichard A, nw 23-15-1 e
Priest F W, se 17-19-4
Prince G R, ne 4-18-4
Prince W, ne 21-19-4
Pritts R H, sw 26-15-4
Prollochs F, sw 6-19-2
Propech G, ne 34-19-2
Province D, nw 13-16-3
Provolt Z, sw 18-16-4
Pry W W, sw 9-18-4
Puckette B B, ne 7-15-4
Pugh M, se 33-15-4
Pulliam H D, ne 26-16-4
Pulliam Mary, 17-16-4
Punnie M B, nw 12-16-2
Purcell H T, nw 34-18-2
Purcell M T, nw 4-15-4
Quier W, sw 33-18-3
Quigby J E, sw 21-18-4
Radcliff J W, se 29-19-4
Raiseh C W, nw 8-15-3
Ralph G W, nw 20-17-3
Rambo C T, ne 7-18-2
Ramey D, nw 24-15-3
Ramey S O, se 20-16-3
Ramsdel L E, sw 26-18-3
Ramsey W A, ne 17-17-1 e
Ramsey W S, nw 2-15-2
Ramseyer A J, sw 21-19-3
Ramseyer P S, sw 4-19-4
Ramy B F, ne 21-16-1
Randall C A, ne 2-16-4
Randall H, nw 25-16-1
Randall O, nw 11-15-1
Randall O, nw 11-15-1
Randalls T, nw 32-15-2
Randolph C M, ne 12-16-4
Raneier G H, sw 34-16-1
Raney J P, ne 22-15-3
Rawling J F, se 29-19-2
Ray G M, se 29-17-3
Ray J C, ne 32-16-3
Rayburn J C, nw 1-15-2
Raynor J W, se 27-15-2
Reader J P, sw 33-16-2
Reanes W D, sw 1---17-3
Reber A, nw 2-19-4
Rector L, se 1-15-1 e
Reise J W, sw 14-15-2
Remer J, se 3-16-2
Remington M N, nw 5-17-2
Reynold T, sw 3-27
Reynolds H C, nw 28-18-3
Reynolds P, sw 29-19-4
Rice J J, se 33-15-3
Rice R P, nw 7-17-4
Rice S T, nw 3-19-4
Rice W E, nw 20-18-2
Richards O H, se 29-18-3
Richardson E E, se 20-19-2
Richardson R, ne 27-15-1 e
Richardson W J, ne 27-15-4
Richmond Laura L, nw 19-17-1 e
Ricketts B, sw 35-17-1 e
Rickstraw W H, ne 29-16-1
Ridgeway I N, se 19-19-2
Riedlinger J, ne 29-18-4
Riess E, sw 22-16-1 e
Riggs J W, nw 24-17-1
Riley C, se 32-17-4
Riley Ida A, ne 32-17-4
Rinbolt D, sw 24-18-3
Rinehart E M, sw 12-15-4
Rinehart H T, nw 5-16-4
Rinehart J, se 2-15-1
Rinehart W J, sw 1-15-1
Ringo Mary, nw 7-15-1 e
Ringold Etta L, sw 3-17-3
Ringold F, nw 31-17-3
Risley J G, se 4-19-4
Robb C S, nw 7-18-2
Robbins A W, sw 1-15-3
Roberts D, nw 25-16-2
Roberts M F, sw 26-15-1 e
Roberts O P, se 4-15-4
Roberts P N, sw 3-15-4
Roberts R M, se 11-17-4
Robertson A, nw 15-16-4
Robertson F J, nw 6-15-3
Robertson G R, ne 8-18-4
Robertson J, sw 5-18-4
Robertson T A, sw 18-15-4
Robey W H, se 2-16-4
Robinson B J, ne 9-16-4 e
Robinson E, se 18-17-4 e
Robinson G B, nw 12-15-4
Robinson J H, ne 35-19-2
Robinson J W, se 1-17-3
Robinson L, nw 30-15-2
Robinson T K, se 1-15-4
Robinson W L, nw 19-15-1
Robinson W, ne 18-15-1
Rockwell C C, sw 11-17-2
Rockwell E, sw 12-17-2
Rodman J R, nw 1-15-1 e
Rogers B C, nw 26-17-4
Rogers W E, ne 30-15-4
Roistin J, nw 21-16-4
Roper W, se 22-15-1 e
Rose C B, ne 9-19-2
Rose E J, sw 24-16-2
Rose E, se 3-17-3
Rose V, nw 29-19-4
Rosecrans C P, sw 7-16-3
Rosenbusy R, sw 27-16-2
Rosley Maggie, se 28-15-4
Ross L C, nw 29-19-2
Rothbone H W, ne 32-15-2
Rowell C J, sw 10-17-2
Roy C F, sw 12-19-2
Ruble D B, ne 25-17-4
Ruck F, se 9-19-2
Rude H B, se 8-18-3
Ruhl A W, nw 8-17-3
Ruhl E F, sw 5-17-3
Ruhl N B, se 11-15-4
Runels G, se 7-15-1 e
Ruoe J B, nw 20-16-2
Rush J J, nw 5-15-1 e
Rush N W, se 9-17-2
Russell J D, ne 13-15-4
Rutherford M, sw 8-17-1 e
Ruthledge J F, nw 4-15-4
Ryan M, sw ---15-4 e
Ryan W J, sw 22-15-1 e
Ryland B F, nw 13-17-4
Deroggins J G, ne 32-18-4
Rhephard L D, nw 27-17-1
Rmith D L, nw 13-17-1(? here with an R)
Sample M D, sw 7-19-2
Samples G F, ne 35-15-4
Sampson J J, se 2-16-2
Sanders M E, sw 28-19-4
Sanderson B F, sw 22-17-3
Sannders ----L, se 20-18-2
Sartain G F, se 13-15-3
Schafer P, nw 13-17-2
Scheeble A, sw 2-18-2
Schenhing C W, nw 8-15-2
Scherhing J, sw 12-16-3
Schetrompt J, ne 14-15-3
Schetrounpt C W, se 14-15-3
Schlegel G W, se 32-16-2
Schmahl J, ne 31-17-3
Schoodover Ella, ne 7-19-4
Schormaten J H, Nw 8-17-1
Schreffler M, nw 15-17-3
Schreiner E A, ne 4-19-2
Scofield O S, sw 2-16-3
Scott G, nw 17-17-
Scott J B, sw 22-15-4
Scott J W, Jr, nw 27-18-2
Scott L, nw 32-17-4
Scott M J, se 24-18-2
Scott P P, ne 32-19-2
Scott R W, se 23-18-2
Scott W B, nw 27-18-2
Scruthfield C H, ne 8-17-1
Seabring W E, sw 30-18-4
Seaman A F A, se 1-19-3
Seaman C E, se 24-19-2
Searbrough J L G, ne 23-15-1 e
Seeley Chas, ne 32-15-3
Seeley F, sw 33-15-3
Seeley Helen, sw 28-15-3
Seeley Maggie, se 28-15-3
Seeley O--, nw 24-16-3
Seeley S E, nw 33-15-3
Seeley T, ne 33-15-3
Seep S B, nw 28-17-1
Seffler D, se 17-15-1
Sehalyee C, se 15-18-2
Sehwake F, sw 27-15-2
Seitzinger W, sw 32-16-3
Seldon J W, ne 33-19-2
Sellars N U, nw 17-16-1 e
Sellers M, nw 1-15-1
Sellers W, se 13-15-1
Selsor Agnes, sw 10-19-3
Selsor H B, nw 2-19-3
Selsor R P, ne 9-19-3
Serivner L, sw 24-16-4
Serner U A, ne 18-15-1 e
Serverns J O, se 5-16-2
Settle W H, sw 10-15-4
Seward J, nw 14-15-1 e
Seyfaith E M, sw 19-16-1
Seyler N, nw 13-15-4
Shafer W H, ne 12-15-3
Shafer W, se 2-18-3
Shaffer T L, ne 32-19-3
Shanahan P, sw 24-17-1
Shannon D E, ne 9-18-2
Shanohan S E, se 20-17-1 e
Sharo J R, sw 29-18-3
Sharp C, ne 29-19-3
Sharp F M, se 29-19-3
Sharp G R, sw 29-18-3
Sharpe D W, ne 29-18-3
Sharpnack H, nw 32-18-2
Sharpnack J H, ne 30-18-2
Shasett J J, nw 17-15-2
Shawcross J, ne 28-15-3
Shawcross Mary J, nw 28-15-2
Shay D, se 24-17-1
Shay W E, sw 1-15-1 e
Shea B, se 11-19-2
Shea H, se 19-17-1 e
Shea Mary, ne 24-17-1
Shellengarger M, sw 32-15-4
Shelly W H, ne 24-17-1 e
Shelton M M, se 29-18-3
Shepard J L, sw 7-19-4
Shepherd J N, se 35-18-3
Shields W, nw 19-15-2
Shiffido F P, ne 21-18-3
Shimerhorn Mary E, nw 31-15-1 e
Shiplet R H, se 12-19-2
Shippy A, se 17-19-2
Shirley C, ne 34-15-2
Shockey L T, se 26-16-2
Shoemaker F M, nw 31-17-1 e
Shoemaker J, se 25-17-1
Shoemaker W, nw 32-16-1 e
Shoenhair J, nw 15-16-3
Shore S E, se 34-18-4
Shores J W, sw 4-15-3
Shores R, nw 3-18-4
Shreffler E F, se 9-15-1
Shugart B C, sw 33-19-2
Shuley A, nw 30-17-1 e
Shuley L, ne 30-17-1 e
Shultz F, nw 7-15-1
Shultz M L, se 22-17-3
Shultz W D, sw 23-18-3
Shutt F G, Jr, sw 7-17-4
Shyock W T, se 35-19-2
Sibley B H, sw 19-15-4
Siek P, ne 23-16-2
Siling T, sw 21-15-1
Silver Mary J, ne 1-17-3
Silvernail E D,ne 17-19-2
Simmions J W, nw 30-18-2
Simmons C, sw 4-15-1 e
Simmons J, ne 21-16-3
Simmons S, se 32-17-1 e
Simpson E J, se 11-16-1 e
Simpson J T, ne 20-16-1
Simpson J W, se 33-17-4
Simpson L B, se 24-15-3
Siuts J M, nw 7-17-1
Skaggs F, se 31-17-2
Skinner W J, se 17-19-3
Slaten D H, nw 17-17-2
Slawson H J, se 26-15-1
Slawson S S, ne 26-15-2
Sloan G W, sw 18-17-3
Smack J, se 26-17-1 e
Smack J, sw 24-17-1 e
Small T W, se 25-19-4
Smalley J, sw 20-16-2
Smalley W, sw 35-19-3
Smarr R, ne 17-17-3
Smith A G, nw 6-19-3
Smith Agnes M, se 18-16-4
Smith C A, sw 13-16-3
Smith C E, ne 28-16-2
Smith C E, ne 8-19-4
Smith D B, se 8-15-4
Smith D, ne 19-15-1
Smith E, nw 32-16-2
Smith F A, se 23-17-2
Smith F E, se 31-17-3
Smith F L S, se 18-15-1
Smith J A, se 27-18-4
Smith J A, sw 8-15-2
Smith J E, ne 34-17-1
Smith J L Jr, ne 6-15-4
Smith J L, se 6-15-4
Smith J P, ne 34-18-4
Smith J W, nw 31-19-1
Smith J, se 7-16-1 e
Smith L, sw 3-15-1
Smith O B, sw 33-18-3
Smith P B, sw 13-16-3
Smith R S, sw 3-15-3
Smith R, nw 26-16-3
Smith S G, sw 14-16-4
Smith S J, ne 35-17-2
Smith Sarah, ne 35-16-1 e
Smith T C, sw 17-17-1
Smith T G, se 17-17-1
Smith T S, nw 9-17-2
Smith T, sw 4-15-2
Smith W E, ne 14-19-4
Smith W E, ne 15-18-3
Smith W H, sw 27-18-4
Snell J W, se 13-16-3
Snow J E, se 15-15-1 e
Snyder C, se 12-16-3
Snyder J B, sw 33-15-2
Sorah W, nw 34-16-3
South J, ne 33-19-1
Sparrow G W, nw 17-19-3
Spaudlding D, sw 11-17-3
Spear J R, ne 30-16-2
Spenceer G, sw 12-17-4
Spencer L H, se 7-15-4
Spencer T J, se 28-17-4
Spencer W D, sw 32-16-1 e
Spenser W, ne 32-16-1 e
Sprase O, se 33-15-1 e
Spurgeon J T, se 43-16-1 e
Sronce D,
Stack G, sw 5-19-4
Stagg E B, sw 21-16-2
Staiger J, se 28-18-4
Staleup S R, nw 22-18-2
Stanbaugh G W, ne 25-15-4
Stanbaugh W L, sw 27-15-4
Stanbrough R A, nw 27-15-4
Stanbrough W, ne 34-15-4
Standifer J W, se 27-18-1
Stanley C N, ne 2-17-1
Stanley F M, sw 20-16-3
Stanley J A, sw 1-17-1
Stanley J F, nw 2-17-1
Stanley J W, se 12-16-2
Stanton B F, nw 1-17-3
Stark J J, ne 22-16-2
Starlin W, se 8-19-2
Starmer N, ne 18-19-2
Starmer W F, nw 3-19-3
Starr J C, sw 18-19-4
Starr J M, se 12-17-3
Statman V, ne 13-18-3
Steele D T, se 31-17-4
Steele G W, nw 33-17-3
Steele J H, se 7-19-4
Steele J, se 12-16-4
Steele Nancy, sw 34-19-2
Steele W A, sw 5-16-4
Steele W, ne 29-19-4
Steger M, sw 14-15-1
Steimel F C, nw 23-15-3
Stein J L, sw 30-17-2
Steles J, ne 34-16-2
Stell H, sw 13-16-2
Stell W, se 30-17-1 e
Stephens A, nw 34-18-4
Stephens C, sw 12-18-4
Stephens E, nw 2-18-4
Stephens G M, ne 3-15-3
Stephens J, ne 7-15-2
Stephens N, nw 3-15-3
Stephens T R, sw 20-17-1
Stephenson E H, sw 13-19-4
Steraub G R, sw 4-15-4
Stevens H H, se 23-15-2
Stewart C W, sw 8-18-2
Stewart F, ne 19-15-1 e
Stewart M C, nw 5-19-3
Stewart W F, nw 18-18-2
Stewart W, se 20-15-1 e
Stewart W, sw 11-15-3
Stiegers G W, ne 10-15-1
Stien J, nw 7-17-3
Stine A, se 31-18-3
Stirten D R, se 19-17-1
Stitt J R, sw 13-15-4
Stitzel J M, sw 2-15-4
Stober H C, sw 17-19-3
Stobough E, sw 13-17-4
Stockham A, se 33-19-4
Stoddard D C, sw 19-19-2
Stokes D R, nw 34-17-1 e
Stone W B, se 4-19-3
Stoneking M, ne 20-15-3
Stoneking W, sw 21-15-3
Stoner W M, ne 29-16-4
Storm D F, ne 10-17-2
Story H, ne 20-17-1 e
Stoul C M, sw 8-16-1
Stovall M L, sw 35-16-1 e
Stowors D, sw 25-15-1 e
Strang E B, se 13-15-1 e
Strange E, 9-18-4
Strange G W, ne 28-18-4
Street E, se 11-15-1
Strobaugh J, sw 30-18-3
Strothman L P, nw 5-18-2
Stroub B T, ne 13-15-1 e
Stroud L, ne 28-17-1
Strunk W, se 27-19-2
Strvens W, sw 11-15-3
Stucker A E, sw 35-16-3
Stumff J H, ne 26-17-2
Stumpff G, se 32-15-1
Sturgis N H, ne 1-15-2
Suggett T J, ne 11-15-4
Sullivan M D, nw 2-15-4
Sullivan W L, ne 11-19-3
Summer H T, sw 12-16-2
Summer M G, sw 23-17-2
Summerlin S J, se 23-17-3
Sunday F P, nw 34-16-4
Sutton J W, se 14-16-3
Sutton J, se 35-19-4
Swain H M, ne 29-17-4
Swan E A, se 13-17-1
Swanbolt H, nw 25-16-2
Swank D, ne 34-16-1 e
Swanson O J, nw 26-19-3
Swanson W R, nw 22-16-3
Swayne N D, sw 24-15-2
Sweet E M, se 30-16-1
Swerdfeger E, sw 4-16-3
Symonds D, ne 23-15-4
Taber J M, nw 22-16-1 e
Tallaman E E, ne 3-16-2
Tannehill W H, nw 13-15-1
Tansey D, ne 3-17-2
Tants B, nw 9-17-3
Tarber G, sw 11-15-2
Tarbox D P, sw 22-19-4
Tate J J, se 20-18-4
Tate M M, sw 20-18-4
Taylor A, nw 17-15-3
Taylor C H, ne 28-16-4
Taylor H, se 34-16-2
Taylor J H, se 9-15-3
Taylor Jane, se 22-17-1
Taylor R E, se 24-17-3
Taylor W J, ne 6-16-1 e
Taylor W M, ne 17-15-2
Teague S L, nw 26-16-4
Tedford A T, sw 27-15-1 e
Tellan M, sw 1-17-3
Tellar A, nw 12-17-3
Tellman M, ne 1-16-1 e
Terhune J E, sw 17-17-3
Terrell W, nw 35-19-2
Terry A E, ne 24-16-1
Terry J E, sw 19-17-2
Teubner Kate, sw 25-16-1 e
Teuscher D, sw 34-15-1
Thietle Francis, sw 2-18-4
Thomaa W W, se 7-16-2
Thomas (no name)---- nw 35-18-3
Thomas A D, nw 10-16-3
Thomas D, sw 6-16-4
Thomas E J, se 1-19-4
Thomas J, sw 23-17-4
Thomas P, ne 9-16-4
Thompson B A, nw 3-16-1
Thompson F A, ne 21-17-1 e
Thompson J E, nw 32-16-3
Thompson J F, se 3-17-2
Thompson J J, nw 3-15-1
Thompson J R, sw 1-16-2
Thompson J, sw 6-17-2
Thompson L, ne 31-15-1
Thompson M, se 14-18-3
Thompson N F, se 27-18-3
Thompson W H, sw 20-17-1 e
Tibbitt C E, ne 34-17-3
Tibbitts A H, sw 3-17-4
Tibbitts Ellen, se 33-17-3
Till C F, sw 11-19-2
Timpy C, nw 26-16-1 e
Titus E Y, nw 34-17-2
Titzer J E, ne 6-16-4
Todd H D, ne 7-15-2
Todd Hanibel D, nw 2-17-3
Todd L D, ne 32-15-1
Tomlin Emma, nw 9-15-1 e
Tomlin Sufprona, nw 9-15-1 e
Tomson W, sw 30-15-1
Tontz M, nw 34-17-3
Torrance J M, se 21-16-1 e
Towell C W, sw 7-16-4
Townsend J A, se 21-19-2
Townsend J D, ne 21-19-2
Townsley S, ne 12-19-2
Townsley W H, nw 12-16-4
Townsley W L, nw 14-19-2
Trabue W W, nw 33-16-3
Trapp C F, se 1-15-2
Treagle E P, nw 18-15-1
Trego J W, sw 2-17-2
Trenten W C, ne 13-18-2
Treskey F, sw 31-16-3
Tressler J J, nw 33-15-2
Tribble J N, se 21-16-3
Tribble M R, ne 6-16-2
Trim D, se 13-17-2
Triplett C G, nw 5-16-1
Trisbie A P, nw 2-16-2
Tronson R, nw 32-16-1 e
Trott J S, se 10-15-3
Troxel J R, se 25-17-3
True R N, sw 10-15-2
Trueblood T, nw 9-18-3
Trull Susan F, ne 22-17-1 e
Tucker W, nw 13-15-1 e
Tudon J H, nw 15-19-2
Turguson T, nw 23-16-1
Turner B, se 5-19-2
Turner H, nw 20-17-1 e
Turner J, nw 8-18-2
Turner W W, nw 30-19-4
Twamley J, ne 15-15-2
Underwood E J, se 17-16-2
Underwood J G, ne 18-16-3
Underwood M W, nw 7-16-1 e
Upham F, ne 18-16-2
Urban W, ne 10-16-3
Utz K, ne 29-19-2
Valle F T, ne 8-19-2
Vampner L, nw 29-16-1
Van Dyne H, nw 19-17-1
Vancruen W, sw 19-19-4
Vanderpool A, ne 4-17-1
Vanderpool E M, sw 17-17-1 e
Vandeventer J H, ne 11-19-2
Vandiver J, se 20-17-2
Vansickler F J, nw 12-17-1
Veach T, se 10-19-2
Vhvig E, ne 18-18-2
Vict H, ne 1-15-1
Vict M, nw 34-15-1
Vincent J A, se 10-15-4
Voight W, se 35-15-4
Vooman G W, sw 17-16-2
Wade J, sw 11-16-1 e
Wade S, nw 23-18-2
Wagner H, se 14-16-2
Wagner J, se 7-16-1
Wagner Mattie E, sw 32-17-1
Wagoner J R, se 33-19-3
Waldron J M, ne 2-16-2
Waldrum J S, se 32-18-2
Walker I S, nw 12-16-1
Walker J W, se 24-15-4
Walker T S, ne 33-17-4
Walker W P, ne 19-19-2
Wall W, se 25-18-3
Wallabern Nancy S, nw 5-16-2
Wallace D J, nw 19-17-1 e
Wallace F W, sw 22-17-1 e
Wallace G D, nw 27-16-2
Wallace J, sw 12-19-3
Wallace W T, nw 12-19-3
Waller A T, ne 5-17-4
Wallgren L P, se 20-19-3
Walter E, ne 31-15-4
Walters A G, sw 9-17-2
Walters D, ne 26-17-1
Walters J, se 15-16-1 e
Walters S, nw 3-17-1
Walters W J, sw 2-15-1
Walton A J, ne 17-15-1
Walton A, nw 31-15-1
Walton D W, se 17-18-2
Walton J M, ne 12-16-1
Walton W T, nw 26-17-3
Wansor J H, se 28-16-3
Ward A P, se 11-19-4
Ward B R, sw 27-15-1
Ward G B, sw 14-17-2
Ward H H, ne 12-19-4
Ward H O, se 2-19-4
Ward J W, se 1-17-1
Ward J, nw 28-15-2
Ward L O, sw 2-19-4
Ward S, se 3-16-4
Warden G, sw 28-18-2
Ware I, nw 9-16-1 e
Warrenberg J H, se 1-17-4
Warrenberg L G, ne 25-18-4
Wasenda H, sw 8-15-4
Waterman M, ne 5-18-3
Watkins W S, nw 11-16-3
Watson D G, ne 24-15-2
Watson J, ne 5-16-2
Watt E A, sw 21-17-3
Watt E F, ne 21-17-3
Watt S, nw 21-17-3
Watts D B, se 4-17-2
Watts Ella B, sw 19-15-2
Wavach Linn, ne 11-16-1 e
Weasil F, sw 33-15-1 e
Weaver D B, se 3-15-1 e
Weaver T B, nw 29-16-4
Weaver T, nw 17-15-1
Webb D M, ne 26-16-4
Webb E B, se 26-16-4
Webb E F, se 24-16-4
Webb J, nw 29-15-3
Webster H, sw 8-19-2
Weepston F M, sw 18-17-2
Wehmeir C H, nw 25-17-3
Wehr J E, nw 11-17-4
Wehr J F, ne 10-17-4
Wehr J W, sw 2-17-4
Weinand A, ne 5-15-2
Weinand A, ne 5-15-2
Weisse P, se 3-16-3
Welch H C, nw 4-16-1 e
Welford F M, ne 24-19-3
Weller C, sw 22-18-2
Wellett F, se 10-18-3
Wells C E, nw 14-17-4
Wells D M, sw 21-17-3
Wells E C, nw 11-19-3
Wells W, nw 2-15-1
Wellsford F M, ne 4-15-1 e
Wenger L F, sw 22-19-3
Wesley J H, ne 9-18-3
West E, nw 30-19-3
West I P, ne 12-18-4
West J, nw 5-18-3
West O J, ne 10-15-4
Wheadon J H, ne 29*-15-2
Wheatly W M, nw 7-15-3
Wheticer A, sw 20-17-2
Whistler G, se 12-18-3
Whitaker Alice M, ne 23-16-1
White A R, sw 23-17-1 e
White A, ne 35-17-3
White C, ne 25-15-3
White G W, ne 10-15-1 e
White H L, se 31-16-3
White J A, ne 20-19-4
White J H, ne 28-15-1
White T, sw 28-16-1
White W C, nw 31-16-1 e
White W S, nw 33-16-1
Whitehead Ada M, sw 15-15-2
Whitehead J M, se 15-15-2
Whiteley T C, ne 32-17-1
Whithrow H, ne 23-17-1
Whitman A, se 17-17-4
Whitman G, se 21-15-2
Whitman S C, nw 10-18-4
Whitmore B F, (nothing listed)
Whitmore Sophia, sw 9-19-3
Whitney P G, sw 34-17-1
Wiancko W, nw 21-16-2
Wicken W T, ne 3-19-3
Wickle F E, sw 5-15-2
Wicks J C, nw 33-16-2
Widman W H,ne 7-19-2
Wifford J, sw 17-19-2
Wikle M, nw 2-19-2
Wikle S, sw 2-19-2
Wilcox C W, ne 21-18-3
Wiley Mary L, nw 18-17-3
Willard G B, ne 20-15-2
Williams A, nw 29-17-3
Williams A, se 4-16-1 e
Williams A, sw 20-17-4
Williams Anna, nw 15-16-2
Williams B nw 8-15-1
Williams C T, sw 24-16-2
Williams E, sw 23-16-1 e
Williams H E, nw 26-18-3
Williams H W, sw 32-15-1 e
Williams H, ne 5-15-1
Williams J E, nw 2-16-3
Williams J T, se 32-15-3
Williams J, nw 32-19-4
Williams M H, ne 29-19-4
Williams N, sw 27-17-1
Williams Nancy J, sw 19-16-1 e
Williams R L, ne 4-17-3
Williams R O, nw 15-16-1 e
Williams R, nw 21-17-4
Williams S S, sw 1-18-4
Williams T J, sw 28-17-3
Williams T, sw 20-18-4
Williams W H, sw 10-16-1 e
Williams W, se 30-17-3
Williams Z B, se 24-16-1
Williamson W W, nw 7-16-2
Willis J S, sw 15-19-2
Willis W, ne 23-19-4
Willson Martha, se 32-16-1 e
Willy T, sw 23-16-1
Wilson G B, nw 13-18-4
Wilson J D, sw 32-16-2
Wilson J J, ne 6-16-3
Wilson J, ne 22-17-4
Wilson O G, se 13-18-4
Wilson R J, se 30-19-2
Wilson W S, sw 27-16-1
Wimby G, sw 2-16-1 e
Win L, sw 10-17-3
Windom B T, nw 19-16-2
Wingard J B, sw 14-17-3
Winn G W, ne 15-17-3
Wolcott H W, ne 9-16-2
Wolf J H, nw 4-18-3
Wolf J, se 28-16-1 e
Wolf M C, nw 1-18-4
Wolf V, ne 32-18-3
Wolfington J, nw 22-17-2
Wolford A B, nw 19-19-2
Wood A B, nw 1-18-2
Wood C H, se 34-16-3
Wood C, ne 9-16-3
Wood H G, se 1-18-2
Wood M C, ne 1-18-2
Wood W B, se 33-18-2
Wood W C, se 34-15-4
Wood W H, sw 6-18-2
Woodall Ann, nw 32-17-3
Wooddall E C, sw 24-15-4
Wooddall W L, se 23-15-4
Woods A, ne 25-15-1 e
Woods J J, se 9-17-3
Woods J, sw 2-17-3
Woodwirth E, ne 30-16-4
Woodworth B T, sw 6-15-4
Woodworth D G, se 19-16-1
Woodworth H C, se 6-19-2
Worall I S, sw 7-19-3
Workman T C, nw 4-16-1
Workman W W, ne 4-16-1
Worthing J W, se 23-15-3
Worthusly S, ne 16-16-1 e
Wortman S, ne 8-18-2
Wren Fannie, sw 9-15-1 e
Wright Elizabeth A, sw 33-16-1 e
Wright J M, sw 3-16-4
Wright J P, nw 23-19-4
Wright J W, se 1-16-3
Wright J W, se 15-17-1
Wright J W, se 7-18-4
Wright S N, ne 19-18-3
Wright T G, ne 30-19-4
Wycoff C P, ne 11-19-4
Wycoff D G, sw 11-19-4
Wycoff S G, nw 33-18-4
Wycopp J G, ne 10-19-4
Wycopp S D, se 10-19-4
Yager C W, ne 1-17-2
Yeager C T, se 1-17-2
York W H, se 7-18-2
Yountz G W, nw 34-19-4
Zellhart S, se 11-15-3
Zetter A, se 10-19-3
Ziesing A E, ne 10-19-4
Zipf L, se 35-15-1
H A Reed, W W Black, H Elrod, I W Bebout
A L Cochrun
A M Pace
Oder & Hudson
J H Burns & Bro
Walter DeGarmo
Chas Howe, John Marker, J W Walker, B A Malin
W S Hoover, J B Sego & Co
M Weisel
L W Fairbanks, Shively Bros & Van Wick
Mrs A L Schott
Geo H Dodson
R W Black
Dave Hunt
Ira Verhoeff, Frank Furman, S Wilke
J M Shafer
Mat Kincaid & Co, Silas Stewart, Cummings Mercantile Co
D Skinner & Son
City Drug Store
Bryant & Lemon
Carey-Lombard Co
S F Frame, Dr McConnehay
F J Barthouse
David Lake
W H Mathews
P H McDermind
Geo L Deihl
Geo Carrier
Mrs S M Ewing, S F Garrett, Mr Wakeman
Sears Bros editors
A Ron Bros
J B Bangham
Rotterman & Hanna
L S Kemp prop
Brow & Cress, B F, Ryland, J J Woods
P H Elwell
Meeks & Sturges
John Sturgess
M Riley
Frank Mock, A J Cress
L W Long
Ryland & Patterson
Wm Risch, Post & Son
M Mills
Dr Kendall, Dr Lawhead
John H Warrenberg
Frank Mock, Harry Armstrong
Ed Stobaugh
W R Graves
Jerry Webb
Patton & Cameron
J C Schtromph
Wm Stewart
Scott & Brown
R S Smith
A J Hart
C H Hunt
C W Patterson
Geo F Cook
Sam Lamb
F M Graves
Millarfd Graves
A T & S F R R , Frank Broadwell
John Crossley & Bros
Arthur Cooper
Sam Corn
Henry Funston
Geo Peck
John Morgan
Wm Tackwell
Gus Woody
C W Garland
Owner Townsite and Deputy Sheriff
H Callark
J I Hazelwood
Robt Slaughter prop
R S Cook
W Williams & Sons, C Fisher, Poles & Hagins
Wallace & Stewart, A L, Ayers, Hooks & Stewart, C G Garrett
Pres Clairville Breaux, Sec and Tres R E Stewart,
Bus Mang D J Wallace, Editor W L Eagleson
H Gephart founded by E P McCabe, Oct 22, 1890
Peter Stroud's
S Parrish
On the 20th of July 1889 the Board of Trade was organized in Guthrie with H. J. Whitley, Prest, G. S. Cunningham, 1st Vice-pres, J W. McNeal, 2nd Vice-pres, C. P. Spining, Sec, D. J. Flynn, Treas. At the election Jan. 11th, 1890 the following officers were elected A J, Spengel, 1st Vice Pres., J. E. Ragsdale, 2nd Vice Pres., C. P. Spinning, Sec., W. A. Thomas, Treas.
A year later a reorganization was effected and active work was commenced with the following officers:
President, Frank G. Gammon; Vice-president, A. J. Spengel; Secretary, Col. D. M. Ross; Treasure, J. W. McNeal. On Jan. 1, 1892 the officers were re-elected with F. E. Marion, Secretary. The organization has been an important factor in interesting foreign capital in the advantages offered here for its employment. Some of the great things this organization has accomplished are as follows:
In 1889 it procured plenty of cotton seed for the farmers for their first crop. By this act Messrs Patton and Cameron built a cotton gin.
It secured the Guthrie Flouring mill.
It was instrumental in opening of the Iowa Sac and Fox countries.
It bridged the Cimmaron river at Perkins and at Guthrie.
It gave $2,000 towards the building of the Oklahoma University.
It delegated Col. D. M. Ross to Congress and maintained him there during the entire session. The points of which Guthrie is the permanent capital.
It sent a decorated grain train to Chicago, previous to the opening of the Iowa Sac and Fox country with W. H. Merton in charge, and Frank G. Priuty as press agent. Thousands after thousands of people witnessed this train daily and read of the good things in Guthrie Oklahoma. President Harrison or Ex-President Cleveland could not have attracted more attention. This enterprise brought 50,000 people to Guthrie, a majority are now prosperous farmers in Logan and County "A" all trading in Guthrie.
It gave $5,4000 towards the erection of a new hotel.
It is due to the Board of Trade that the present years tax rate is $2.80 instead of $4.00 perhundred a savings to the city on the assessed valuation of $1,700,000 over $20,000.
It sent the band to Washington to notify the eastern people that Guthrie was still " in it".
It has assisted many other enterprises in Guthrie.
The following is a list of the members:
Ader, Felix Ball, J E Bamford, E M Baum, Joe Baxter, Wm Beland, L J Berkey, B F Bierer, A G C Bischko, Ben Blincoe, Wm Bloomer, J F Brickner, John Broadfoot, W J Bronson, W M Brooks, J M Brown, Chas Brown, J W Brown, W M Calhon, J C Carter, N Cheadle, N F Clark, W C Cohen, H L Cook, E Coooper, O P Cotteral, J H Coyle, W H Craig, J m Crozier, L N F Cunningham, Geo S Cunningham, H S Cuppage, T H Decker, S D DeFord, C H Delany, L R Eisenschmidt, C F Ellis, J A Ellison, A Fairfield, J B Farqiharson, O A Fegan, O R Filson, C H Flynn, D T Frazier, W A Friedlander, H Gammon, F R Goodrich, C W Gov A J Seay Gray, Geo E Greer, Frank Grissell, A E Hart, T J Heilman, P J Heim, J Hilton, W H Hirschi, E L Hoffman, R V Horner, C G Horsefall, W J Houghton, F E Hutchison, J Ingram, C C Kesler, A G Kimball, L E Lawrence, S S Levy, I Lillie, F B Little, W T Lowe, T J Lynds, G A Lyon, J S Malin, A B Marion, F E Martain, Robt McClung, W E McCord, G C McCoy, W M McElhiney, A M McKae, J W McKennon, F R Merten, W H Metcalf, Geo A Millikan, E G Morgan, D T Mundy, G E Murray, F L Neill, Victor Nix, E D O'Keef, J Olsmith, F Ong, Wally Overstreet, S L Pancoast, J L Parker, C C Parker, W A Patton, John Peoples, D A Price, George Ramey, C H Reaves, R S Robbins, C H Ross, D M Schnell, A C Sexaner, Wm Shapland, L B Sligh, N B Smith, H F Speed, Horace Spencer, E E Spencer, W S Spengel, A J Stapleton, Willard Starr, S C Stone, J F Stowe, C H Stryker, I H Sutton, J W Thomas, N A Thompson, W P Thwing, F H Tighlman, Wm Tucker, R J Turner, M L Vandergerg, Henry Vandervoort, M Wallace, J R Wallace, J W Wilbur, E J Wilder, C R Wisby, Jas Wyatt, Frank Yates, C J
One of the best musical and handsomely uniformed bands west of the Mississippi river is the Guthrie Board of Trade Band. Wherever they go the music is always enjoyed and the boys welcomed. The officers and members are:
L. Beland, pres L West, secy F. L. Murray, Treas Mike Kitchen; leader H. A. Pentacost, mang Sell Cook, Solo Bb cornet Hugh Morris 1st Bb cornet Harry Whitbeck, 2nd Bb cornet Horris Hixon, 2nd Bb cornet John Newcomb, 1st Eb clarient W. P. Miller, 1st Bb clarinet Phil Rosenbaum, 2nd Bb clarinet John Hynds, piccalo L. Beland, tuba George Johnson, tuba Thomas Cook, baritone W. E. Furrow, slide trombone George Swan, slide trombone L. West, 2nd tenor Ed Dull, solo alto L. F. Leach, Jr., 2nd alto Oscar Baily, bass drum C. J. Warner, snare drum
In May 1889 a franchise was granted for electric lights, and at the end of six months the status of Guthrie was already determined. Her streets and business houses were lighted by the latest improved electric lighting machinery. The plant is the Westinghouse apparatus of 750 incandescent 16 candle power lamp capacity, and 40 arc lamps of 2,000 candle power capacity; carbons burning forty-eight hours each. Both dynamos are the alternating current. The power is furnished by a Buckeye engine of 100 horse power, and an Erie steel boiler of equal capacity. The city's streets are lighted by thirty arc lights placed on its principal streets with a large tower erected on Capital Hill square by its citizens; this light can be seen nearly 20 miles off. There are over 500 business houses using the incandescent lights. Nearly 12 miles of insulated wire are used to convey the electric current. The station is supplied with all the latest improved electric apparatus. W. H. Hilton, the proprietor, will enlarge the plant this fall, expending over $10,000. Entirely new machinery will be supplanted.
One of the greatest enterprises in Guthrie is the Pabst ice plant. This company purchased the plant for $13,000. It immediately went up in flames and was rebuilt at the cost of $30,000. Its capacity is 18 tons and cannot supply the demand. They will at once enlarge to a capacity of 50 tons. The monthly expense is $1,100. It employs 15 men and 5 wagons. The ice is manufactured by the compression system.
Besides the Ford water works, which has supplied Guthrie with plenty of water since the opening, Guthrie will have the Holly standpipe system. The standpipe will be 100 feet high and 16 feet in diameter, and will be located east of Capital Hill. There will be eight miles of pipe, which will grade down from 12 to 4 inches in diameter. The pressure from the stand pipe will be 45 pounds per square inch. The well will be forty feet square with numerous tributaries which flow into the drain well. Two engines and two 12 inch pipes will convert the water from the well to the stand pipe.
There are numerous other plants and mills in Guthrie. Over 13 whistles blow for dinner, and thousands of laborers stop work to dine. Among the prominent ones are the:
Ferd Heim Brewing Co, Anhaueser-Bush Brewing Co., Capital Roller Mills, Guthrie Planing Mills, Capital Planing Mills, Tweadle & Skinne's Grist Mill, J. E. Douglas's Saw Mill. Ford's Water Works, State Capital Printing Co., Patton & Cammeron's Gin Mill. Guthrie Steam Laundry, Guthrie Carriage Works, Pabst Ice Plant.
Supt, E L Hallock, room 6 Bank of Ind Ter 9th Grade, Cora Boswoth teacher, cor Elm and Okla 8th Grade, I H Stryker, Okla near Vine 7th Grade, Alma Carson teacher, Christian church cor Clev and Vine 6th and 5th Grade, Miss. Lou Northrup teacher, Christian Church, cor Clev and Vine 6th and 5th Grade, Mrs. Alice Markland, Noble and 4th 4th Grade, Mrs. Lucy Fowler, Vilas bet Div and Vine 4th Grade, Mrs. Mary Ackley, M E Church south, bet Vine and Broad 4th and 3rd Grades, Dell Seely, Cannon bldg, cor 7th and Cleveland 3rd Grade, Mrs. Agnes Scott, M E Church south, cor Vilas and Broad 2nd Grade, Mrs. Julia Ryan, Cannon bldg cor 7th and Clev 2nd Grade, Mrs. May Meadows, cor Har and Elm 1st Grade, Mattie Wagner, cor Okla and Elm 1st Grade, Carrie Anderson, cor 1st and Cleve 1st Grade, Marguerite Byrns, Cannon Bldg cor 7th and Cleve
7TH AND 8TH Grades, Jueth Carter, cor 1st and Springer 3rd and 4th Grades, Mrs. Sallie Shaw, cor 1st and Springer 1st Grade, Mrs. Mary T. Granger, 4th and Vilas 1st and 2nd Grades, Mrs. Queena Lee, cor Oak and Okla 1st and 2nd Grades, Mrs. E. T. Jackson, Congregational Church west side
East of Division- Vine, Broad, Ash, Oak, Elm, Maple, Walnut, Capital Boulevard, Cedar, Cypress, Poplar, Pine West of Division- First, Second, Third, Forth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth North of Oklahoma- Cleveland, Noble, Warner, Mansur, Logan, Washington, and College South of Oklahoma- Harrison, Vilas, Springer, Perkins, Grant, Lincoln and University
Since Guthrie has been designated the capital, and the question is settled, capitalists are quietly buying resident and business lots at good figures. They seem to think that now is the proper time to purchase for the reason that money, marbles, or anything else will not purchase it in the short distant future. Guthrie will have a population of 25,000 in less than five years. Her wholesale houses, factories and numerous plants will unquestionably force trans-continental lines to her and make numerous railroad divisions.
Hon. A. J. Spengel
First Mayor of Guthrie
The First furniture and carpet house in Guthrie was opened by A. J. Spengel, who was engaged in the same line of business previous to coming to Oklahoma on the 22d of April, 1889. He took an active part in organizing the people's government, and has proved himself valuable to the public as a cool-headed counselor as has been successful in business. He is endowed by nature and education with those commendable qualities of mind that were so essential in meeting the many obstacles that presented themselves in the organization of the city government. Always cool-headed and calm, his influence and example did much to obviate strife and to prevent violence and bloodshed. From the first he gained the confidence and esteem of the public, and the people of Guthrie owe him a deal of gratitude for the ceaseless and untiring energy that he always put forth in their behalf. He made the interests of Guthrie his own, and his example has inspired many to do the same. While conducting his own business in a most successful manner, he has always been among the foremost in every project to build up the city. He is a gentleman of fine business attainments and of sterling integrity and honor, his whole business life being entirely free of bolt or stain. He is first vice-president of the Guthrie Chamber of Commerce, president of Guthrie Building and Loan Association, and Past Master in the Guthrie Lodge of Masons. April 1890 he was elected Mayor of East Guthrie, the duties of which position he discharged with marked ability and wisdom. On April 9th, 1891 he was elected mayor of the consolidated governments, being the first legal Mayor of Guthrie.
A. M. McElhinney
Mayor of Guthrie
Among the pioneers that entered Oklahoma on the memorable 22nd of April, 1889, and gave money and influence in aiding the work of building up Guthrie, was Hon. A. M. McElHinney. He opened a first-class drug and stationary house in the old postoffice building.
He has always taken a deep interest in and given with a liberal hand to all projects tending towards the advancement of Guthrie.
Mr. McElHinney was born in Washington County Ohio, Feb 23,1838. He received a through academic education, and being extremely found of books and of studious habits, there are few better informed men in Oklahoma. At the age of twenty-five years he embarked in mercantile business in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for six years, when he removed to Lincoln, Nebraska where he engaged in the real estate and commission business. He also became the proprietor of the Tichnor House of that city, which he managed for two years. In 1876 he removed to Colorado and engaged in business at the new mining town of Roseta. In 1879 he removed to Silver Cliff, in the same state, where he opened the first store in that place, and was appointed the first postmaster. He arrived in Guthrie on the first train and was elected mayor of Capital Hill in 1889 and by his careful management made many friends. Of the consolidation of all the Guthrie's he was a member of the village board. On September 1891 citizens of Chandler elected him president of the Board of Trade and he placed that city on a solid foundation. He was influenced to return to Guthrie and was elected mayor to which office he now honorably fills to the satisfaction of all.
D. T. Flynn
First Post-Master of Guthrie
Is a native of Pennsylvania. He received a liberal education, read law at Buffalo and was admitted to practice in that city, came west and started the Riverside Herald at Riverside, Iowa. Later editor and proprietor of the Kiowa Herald at Kiowa, Kansas. Me. Flynn is a genial cultured gentleman, and an able and influential member of the republican party, He is an ardent worker for Guthrie and is always found in the front ranks working for Guthrie and her interests. The ratification of the Iowa, Sac and Fox treaties was through his efforts. Two years ago he had the republican nomination for Congressman in his had, but for Guthrie's sake sacrificed it. His honesty and popularity over the Territory gave him the nomination recently and he will represent Oklahoma Territory in Congress for he is so well versed as to the wants of the Territory. He cannot be excelled in the art of rustling.
George W. Taylor
President of the Guthrie Fire Department
Scarcely had the settling of Guthrie been chronicled when the enterprise of her citizens had organized a Fire Department. April 23rd, 1889, found Guthrie a city of tents without any relief whatever in case of fire.. Before the sun sank beneath the horizon on that day, and through the energy of Geo. W. Taylor, a hook and ladder company was organized and Mr. Taylor was elected foreman. He has been elected three times Chief of the entire department and by his efforts the Guthrie Fire Department is the best in Oklahoma Territory. Mr. Taylor is now President of the department and is the right man in the right place. He was born to be a fireman.
Theodore G. Risley
President Republican Territorial League
There are scores of Kansans in Oklahoma that will remember Theodore G. Risley, the brilliant young orator who made the canvass of Kansas in 1888 with the late ex-Governor John A. Martin. Mr. Risley was appointed clerk of the United States District Courts for the First Judicial District of Oklahoma, and in company with Chief Justice Green arrived in the Territory on the 26th of May 1890. Mr. Risley is a native of the State of Illinois, and was born in Wabash County in 1865. At the age of seventeen he entered the Norman National University at Lebanon, Ohio, where he remained one year, and then entered Northwestern University at Geneseo, Illinois, where he graduated, and afterwards taught history and political science in his Alma Matter for six months. He then entered the Wesleyan University at Bloomington, Illinois, where he read law and was admitted to practice. In the summer of 1889 he moved to Washington Territory, where he was prominently identified with the work of the republican party. In February, 1892 he was elected President of the Republican Territorial League. He is also secretary of the Territorial Central committee. In the near future he will represent Oklahoma in the halls of congress. He is a clear thinker, an eloquent speaker, and a sound and logical reasoner. He has made the science of government an especial study, and young as he is, on that subject and the absorbing question of tariff he has few peers in this country. It is such men as Mr. Risley that are needed in Oklahoma to the part in shaping its future destiny.
Hon. C. M. Barnes
Receiver of Land Office
There is no name more intimately identified with the settlement of Oklahoma than that of Hon. Cassius M. Barnes, who was appointed Receiver of Publics Moneys of the United States Land Office at Guthrie at the opening of the Territory of Oklahoma in 1888. His ever-courteous treatment of the people of the territory, his impartial rulings and honorable record as a public officer and as a citizen, will forever be a part of history of the early life of Oklahoma. He is Department Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic for the Territory of Oklahoma, and also occupies a prominent position in the Knights of Pythias. He is a most courteous and refined gentleman, and has the peculiar faculty of making friends of all with whom he comes in contact.
Hon. William H. Merten
Without the least disparagement to the many other honorable and deserving members of the first legislative assembly of Oklahoma, it can be said that William H. Merten, of Logan county, was the acknowledged leader of that body. With a well-cultivated mind, broad and liberal views, large experience as a legislator, he proved of incalculable value in moulding into form the large mass of inexperienced material composing the first House of Representatives of the Territory. That he was not chosen as the presiding officer of that body, a position for which he was most eminently qualified, was owning to a combination. The honor that Mr. Merten was thus deprived of, however redounded largely to the advantage of the people, as the value of his services on the floor in holding check many of the unparliamentary scenes witnessed during the more exciting hours of that body cannot be over estimated. It was in the exciting contest over the passage of bill number seven that his powerful influence, his teal merit as a legislator, were clearly brought out. No one in that packed lobby will ever forget the masterly manner in which Mr. Merten championed the right of the minority on that occasion against the unparliamentary and arbitrary proceedings of the majority. No one will ever forget those clear, ringing words: "Mr. Speaker, I arise to a question of the highest personal privilege-- involving one of the most sacred rights of the body; rights that all members are alike entitled to; tights that I will not see violated and remain silent." The scene was intensely dramatic, It was in vain that the Speaker ruled him out of order; he held the floor for over two hours, and fought earnestly for the minority's rights in the most eloquent and brilliant manner. The opposition leaders quailed before his scathing denunciations, the sympathy of the lobby and galleries were with him, and there is no doubt, had the sergeant-at-arms attempted to obey the mandate to seat Mr. Merten, that most exciting scene ever witness in the House would have closed with a tragedy.
Hon. Edward P. McCabe
Edward P. McCabe, a New Yorker by birth, is unquestionable, the most prominent man of his race, not alone is this true of him in Oklahoma but in the entire west; this has grown out of his political successes. He was the first colored man to be appointed to a clerkship in Cook County, Chicago, Illinois; then the first of his race to be elected to a county office in Kansas, Clerk of Graham county, to which he was reelected and later transferred to a State office, and it the financial office of a great State with only ten thousand negro voters out of a total of three hundred thousand; to this office he was also re-elected towit State Auditor. He is the man who has found many a home in Oklahoma for men and women of his race and but for his indefatigable efforts they would never have known that such a place existed. He was the first Treasure of Logan county and turned it over to his successor with clean hands. He afterward declined the unanimous nomination for that office at the hands of the Republicans and has devoted his time, money and brains to the establishment of the Langston Herald, which he subsequently sold, after witnessing it a deiced success. He declined the Federal Positions from the present Administration which, for a man of his race; is phenomenal.. He is engaged in the real estate business, is a good citizen, with an interesting wife and two children.
MAYOR-A M McElHinney COUNCLMEN: 1ST Ward -- B F Berkey, A J Deal 2nd Ward - Cghas Filson, L J Hyatt 3rd Ward - G H Lynds, Wm Lowe 4th Ward - J E Horton, E M Bamford 5th Ward - W A Richmond, W S Robertson CITY CLERK - E G Millikan CITY ATTORNEY - J L Pancoast CITY TREASURE - Geo A Metcalf POLICE JUDGE - C W Goodrich CITY ASSESSOR - J E Urban CITY MARSHALL - Frank Rinehart ASSISTANT MARSHALL - Frank Rinehart PRESIDENT FIRE DEPARTMENT - Geo W Taylor CHIEF FIRE DEPARTMENT - Wm Crane TAX COLLECTOR - Frank Gebke NIGHT POILCE - M Stockbarger HEALTH OFFICER - Wm Connelly CITY STOCK MARSHAL - W H Kinjead DOG POLICE - Geo Russ CITY POUND - Baxter & Commack's livery barn
GOVERNOR - Abram J Seay, r Kingfisher SECY OF TERRITORY - Robt Martain, r Guthrie U S ATTORNEY - Horace Speed, r Guthrie ASST U S ATTY -- John F Stone, r Guthrie CHIEF JUSTICE - Edward B Green, r Guthrie ASSOCIATE JUSTICE - Judge Hurford, El Reno, John G Clark, Oklahoma City U S MARSHALL - Wm Grimes, r Kingfisher ATTORNEY GENERAL - Chas Brown, r Guthrie TREASURER - Samuel Murphy, r Oklahoma City AUDITOR and SUPERINTENDENT - J H Parker, r Kingfisher REGISTEWR LAND OFFICE, GUTHRIE - Samuel Overstreet RECEIVER LAND OFFICE, GUTHRIE, -- C M Barnes REGISTER LAND OFFICE, KINGFISHER - J C Roberts RECEIVER LAND OFFICE, KINGFISHER - J V Admire REGISTER LAND OFFICE, OKLAHOMA CITY - D D Leach RECEIVER LAND OFFICE, OKLAHOMA CITY - J C Delaney CLERK SUPREME COURT - Chas H Filson, Guthrie CLERK DISTRICT COURT - T G ---- Guthrie U S COMMISSIONER - John J Boles, Guthrie
Guthrie Fire Department
Guthrie is blessed with the most servicable fire organizations in Oklahoma. I has a membership of fifty professional firemen. The officers are:PRESIDENT - Geo W Taylor CHIEF - Wm Crane FOREMAN - Waite Hose Cart Jack Werner Heim Hose Cart M B Cherry FOREMAN PABST HOOK and LADDER TRUCK - Geo Fisher
Location of Institutions
Free Homes
To be Opened for Settlement
Kickapoo reservation southeast of GuthrieWichita reservation southwest of GuthrieCherokee strip north of Guthrie[The indians in the above reservations have made treaty with the United States and the ratifications of their treaties are pending in Washington. These reservations will be opened to homesteafers in 1893. These are among the last of public lands.]GUTHRIE the capital of Oklahoma is the headquarters and supply point for all new lands.
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