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Also many thanks to the Oklahoma Territorial Museum for allowing us to copy this directory from their collection for use on this web site.
It is with pleasure that we present to the citizens of Guthrie our first Business Directory. It would seem presumptuous to us to congratulate them on the prosperity of their city for the world has done that already. Our aim has been to furnish only the names of those engaged in the trades, business and professions, so that this book need not be regarded as an index to the entire population. To have included all would have made an expensive and bulky volume, which was not our purpose. If any have been omitted who came within our plan, we ask their pardon, and bid them meditate on the difficulties of compiling a First Directory of a city three months old. We promise the public a complete City Directory next year.
The plan of numbering adopted by most of the City Councils and used in this work, is to number east and west on the avenues from Division Street, allowing one hundred to the block, and in the same way on the streets north and south from Oklahoma Avenue; even numbers on the north and east, odd numbers on the south and west.
We tender our thanks to the business and professional turn of the city for their liberal patronage.
The Publishers
Is situated almost in the center of the Indian Territory. It is bounded on the north by the Cherokee outlet or Strip; on the south by the Chickasaw Nation; on the east by the Sac, Fox, Iowa, Kickapoo and the Pottawatomie reservations; on the west by the Cheyenne and Arapahoe country.
Perhaps no country has ever been more thoroughly and freely advertised than this. Ever since that indefatigable "boomer," Capt. Payne, led his band of home seekers within its boundaries, it has been the theme of Journalist and Statesman. The untiring efforts on the part of some seeking a home in this fertile district, brought it before the American people, and after much legislation it was declared open for settlement at 12. M. on the 22nd of April, 1889. Eager for homes in the "Land of Promise," thousands crowded its borders, till the bugle blast proclaimed the time for settlement had come. Then came that grand, memorable rush, the equal of which was never seen before and probably never will be again.
Oklahoma is truly, as its name indicates, a "beautiful land." Its undulating prairies are covered with native grass of excellent quality. It is abundantly watered by numerous springs of cool, sparkling, pure water. The Cimarron river and the north fork of the Canadian, traverse the country from east to west, while between the two, numerous small streams diversify the landscape. The country is well timbered, all the streams being supplied in abundance with oak, elm, cottonwood, ash, hackberry and cedar. As you go eastward from its western limits, the timber becomes more plentiful, so that in the eastern portion the prairies are interspersed with groves of oak. The soil is chiefly a red, sandy loam of great fertility. It is specially adapted to small grain and fruit, while corn, planted on sod since the opening day has proved that it is capable of raising the finest of crops, under proper cultivation. Our climate combines the best features of both North and South. Although situated in nearly the same latitude as Tennessee, our summer days are softened by the gentle breezes always in motion, while our nights are delightfully cool and refreshing. This southern latitude also gives us mild winters of short duration.
No better testimonial to the character of the settlers in Oklahoma could be found than the wonderful fact of there being so little disturbance in this new land. Where riot and bloodshed were expected, peace and quiet have been realized; thus testifying with a force more powerful than words to the manhood, honesty and uprightness of those who are seeking to build new homes for themselves. In the hands of such men, Oklahoma is safe, and the near future will see her with ample resources developed by untiring energy, ready to take an honored place in the sisterhood of states.
Guthrie, the Magic City of the Southwest, is situated very near the geographical center of the Indian Territory, on the Cottonwood river, which is said by cattlemen to be the best stream in Oklahoma, both as regards depth and perennial flow of water. It is on the line of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R., about one and one- half miles south of where it crosses the Cimarron river. The site is a most beautiful and picturesque one, rising as it does in gentle undulations both east and west from the river, giving a magnificent view of the Cimarron Valley, and a healthy location for a city of metropolitan proportions.
Unlike Rome, Guthrie was built in a day, or more correctly speaking, half a day. For when the noonday sun beamed down on Guthrie, it was but a city prospective a vast field of luxuriant vegetation, decked with wild flowers, apparently "born to blush unseen;" a plot of virgin soil, nutroddeu save by the feet of the Indian and the sacrilegious "Sooner". But that evening's sun bade good night to a tented city of 15000 souls. It was the miracle not only of our age, but of all ages. Train after train, in quick succession, unloaded its cargo of humanity at the depot; and what had been but a country station, in a few hours became one of the most important on the line. The settlement of Guthrie will never be forgotten by those who took part in the rush and excitement. The next thing to be done after staking out the lots was to have an election of temporary officers, who should maintain order until a regular election could be held. This was accordingly done.
The plan was a novel one. The candidates took their stations in various directions, and the voters were to fall in line, each after his particular choice. But after several attempts, it was unsuccessful, and a committee was appointed to name a candidate. This was done, and Col. D. B. Dyer was accordingly endorsed by the people as temporary mayor, and at the regular election on June 4th, was re-elected. The city covered two sections; and as the town site laws allowed but a half-section to each town, it became necessary to organize four town sites and elect four sets of officers. This was accordingly done, and T. H. Soward was elected temporary mayor of East Guthrie, Capt. Ennis of Capitol Hill, and Hon. W. T. Cannon of West Guthrie. At a called election in East Guthrie on July 18, 1880, the Hon. T. A. Stockslager was elected mayor. The country surrounding Guthrie is very fertile, and crops of all kinds promise to yield abundantly to the efforts of the husbandman.
RAILROADS. - - Guthrie is on the main southern line of the A. T. & S. F. R. R. This road has valuable property, consisting of a new depot, with extensive platform accommodations, a water tank, section house, large new freight depot, and between two and three miles of sidetrack. The original survey of the St. L. & S. F. road, authorized by congress, passes close to the present site of Guthrie. Preliminary surveys have been made from Guthrie to Kingfisher, with a view to building between these points, thus giving a direct connection with the Rock Island system. A charter has been filed at Topeka for the Galena, Guthrie & Gulf R. R., to extend from Baxter Springs, Kansas, through Guthrie to some point on the Gulf. This road will aid materially in giving direct communication with the eastern markets. Guthrie to-day stands first in commercial importance. Being the largest city in the territory, she has already a number of wholesale houses, which are doing a lucrative business among the many live towns and villages of the surrounding country.
BANKS. - - Six banks are located here with large capital, and are doing a flourishing business.
NEWSPAPERS - -There are two morning and two evening papers, beside four weeklies, which serve to keep the people up with their neighbors of other states in regard to news.
PLANNING MILL. - - One planing mill is located here, and is doing well.
ELECTRIC LIGHTS - - The engine and machinery for the electric light have arrived and are being put in place. The poles are all in place ready for the wires, and the plant will soon be in operation.
WATERWORKS - - We have a good system of water works with several miles of mains. The enterprise of the owners is shown by the fact that the water works were in operation before the city was a month old.
BRICK YARDS - - Four brickyards are kept busy, and are turning out a superior grade of brick.
TELEPHONES - - A telephone line is now being constructed from this city to Kingfisher, which will be of great benefit to both places.
CHURCHES - - The denominations represented here are the Methodist Episcopal, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist Episcopal South, Episcopalian, Christian and Catholic. They are all exerting themselves to provide comfortable places of worship.
SCHOOLS - - The cities of Guthrie and East Guthrie have each voted bonds for the purpose of erecting suitable school buildings, and work will be commenced as soon as possible.
LAND OFFICE - - The Land Office for the eastern half of Oklahoma is located here. In case the Cherokee strip is opened, this will be the office for part of it.
STONE QUARRIES - - Immense quantities of the finest of white and red sandstone are within one and one-half miles of the city.
BRIDGES - - Two good substantial bridges span the Cottonwood connecting with West Guthrie.
STREETS - - The principal streets have been put to grade, and substantial 12 foot sidewalks put down, enhancing the beauty of our naturally beautiful city.
PROSPECTS - - Guthrie will be the county seat of Harrison County as soon as a Territorial organization is completed. Her size and commercial importance, coupled with the fact that she is destined to be the center of a vast network of railroads, point with unerring finger to her being the Capital of Oklahoma when the territory is created.
CLIMATE - - The climate of Guthrie is equable, being mild in winter and in summer singularly free from the oppressive heat of the same latitude further east. The light breezes temper the noonday heat, and make the nights enjoyable at all times.
Ackley, Dr. F. M., physician, 315 E. Oklahoma Adair, T. J., clerk grocery, 223 W. Oklahoma Adams, H. E., real estate, b'ds Capital Hotel Adams, H. M., (Neill & Adams), lawyer Adams, W. M., Prop. barber shop at Hotel Springer Alcorn, S., real estate, res. 2nd W. between Noble and Warner Alexander, A. V., lumber, near cor. 2nd W. and Noble Allen & Anderson, grocers, n. w. cor. Vilas and 5th E. Allen, E. A. (Allen & Anderson), grocer. Alphan, Salvador, lemonade stand , Merchant's bank cor. Anderson, Amanda, (Allen & Anderson), grocer. Anderson, J. D., Star grocery, 222 W. Oklahoma Andrews, J., (Andrews & Martin), real estate. Andrews, J. L., (Andrews & Salmon), grocer. Andrews & Martin, real estate, 415 E. Oklahoma. ANDREWS & SALMON, grocers, cor. Oklahoma and Broad. Annabil, Frank, clerk Smalley Seed Co. Appleman, J. C., lumber dealer, cor. 1st E. and Grant. Ardery, H. F., city E. Guthrie, cor. Harrison and Broad. Arkansas City Milling Co., Ist E. and Noble. Arkansas Lumber Co., Vilas w. of Division. Armstrong, L., blacksmith, R. R., s. of Harrison. Arnold, I. B., blacksmith, W. Oklahoma near R. R. Arrell, D. B., clerk, W. S. Spencer & Co. Arrell, Simms & Co., real estate, 26 S. 2nd. Arrell, S. H., (Arrell, Simms & Co.), real estate. Axsom, J. R. Justice of Peace and attorney, cor. Cleveland and Broad. Ayers, J. F., bakery and restaurant, 109 S. 2nd.
Bagg, A.G., real estate, 3rd and Oklahoma, res. Mansur near 5th E. Bailey, E. H., lawyer, Times building. Bairpaugh, Wm., cook Sherman house, res cor. 3rd and University. Baker, C. R., laundry, 234 W. Oklahoma. Baker, B. R., laundry, Cleveland w. of river. Baldwin, E. M., grocer, 1 door s. of post office. Ball Bros., (J. E. & G. W. Ball)., grocers, cor 2nd & Vilas. Bank of Indian Territory, cor. Oklahoma & Division. BARKER, DR. E. O., physician, Lillie's Pharmacy. Barlow, N. A., mgr. Burrows & Butler, 10 N. Division. Barnes, C. B., clerk land office. Barnes, C. M., Receiver land office. Barnett, C. P., clerk Andrews & Salmon. Barton, W. H., real estate, 109 W. Harrison. Baugess & Landes, restaurant, 404 S. 2nd. Bangess, G., (Bangess & Landes), 404 S. 2nd. Baughn & Hahn, barbers, 405 S. 2nd. Baughn, W. H., (Baughn & Hahn), barber. Baum, Jos., livery stable, Cleveland w. of R. R. Baxter & Cammack, livery stable, 110 S. 2nd. Baxter, W. H., (Baxter & Cammack), livery stable. Beadles & Son, boots and shoes, Nat. bank building. Beadles, W. S., (Beadles & Son). Bear, S. E., real estate, Oklahoma & Division, res. Cleveland. near 2nd. Beeler, C. W., livery stable, cor. Vilas & 1st W. Bechtel, S. L., hardware, res. cor. Harrison & Capitol Boulevard. Beck, Geo., lemonade, Oklahoma E. of land office. Beggs & Co., Geo., lumber, R. R. bet. Vilas & Springer. Bell & Tharp, lawyer, National bank building. Beuder, R. F., shoemaker, 12 W. Oklahoma. BENEDICT HOTEL, Mrs. L. J. Benedict, propr., 228 W. Harrison. Benede, Wm., barber, Oklahoma opp. Gov. acre. BENHAM,Miss Lee, dressmaker, I7 1-2 E. Oklahoma. BENNETT, A. W., grocer. 316 E. Oklahoma. Bennett, James, (Mo. Real Estate Co.) Bennett, J. B., drinks, s. side of foot bridge. Berger, Chas. A., (Williamson & Berger), lawyer, 217 E. Oklahoma. Berry, R. C., clerk Berry & Bro. Berry & Bro., T. E., 111 S. 2nd. BERTRAM & CO., plumbers, cor. Oklahoma & 1st E. Bevans & Kelso, Lawyers, 4 1-2 S. 2nd. Bevans, S. B., (Bevans & Kelso). Bigger, J. S., boomer, bds. Tegg's restaurant. Billings, E. M., (Oklahoma Supply Co.) Billingsley, Geo., clerk post office. Blackburn & McComb, lawyers, S. 2nd opp. land office. Blenler, C. W., cashier Commercial Bank. Blocker, J. H., (M. R. Bruckner & Co.) Blocker, W. f., (M. R. Bruckner & Co.,) res. 717 E. Vilas. Blood, F. W., propr. "The Elephant," Perkins near cor 1st. BLOOMER, BROS., druggist, cor. Broad & Cleveland. Bloomer, J. F., (Bloomer Bros.), cor. Broad & Cleveland Bloomer, W. J., (Bloomer Bros.), cor. Broad & Cleveland. Blubaugh, D., propr. Palace Hotel, cor. 2nd and Harrison. Bockfinger, H. H., capitalist, Sherman House. Boles, V. P., Cap. City bank, cor. 2nd & Harrison. Bonebrake, Harrison, (Shipe & Bonebrake), real estate. Bonham, W. T., (Soward & Bonham), lawyer. Booth, H. A., foreman job department Herald, 2nd and Vilas. Boston Store, J. M., Brooks, Mgr. 7 W. Harrison. Boudrie, Michael, Dr. Cook's office, Cleveland near 4th E. Boyd, A. H., restaurant, cor. 1st E. 7 Oklahoma. Boyd, Mrs. A. H., dressmaker and propr. restaurant, cor 1st E. & Oklahoma. Braden, H., mgr. Southwestern Lumber Co. Bradley, S. H., lawyer, Oklahoma n. of land office. Brandon, Chas. Hotel Carlton, 226 W Harrison Brannan, J. C., shooting gallery, 113 E. Oklahoma. Brannum, Walter, (Hoggatt, O'Donnell & Brannum), city attorney. Brent, Jas. A., (Moulton & Brent). Brewer, J. E., printer, Daily Optie. Brierton, H. E., clerk Willson & Pinaire. Briggs, J. M., (Strickler & Briggs), Oklahoma 7 6th. Briggs, Milo H. clerk, (R. Briggs), cor Harrison & Broad. BRIGGS, RUSSELL, fence mfgr., cor. Harrison & Broad. Broadfoot, W. J., (Ferguson & Broadfoot), lawyer. Brock & Rolf, grocers, Cleveland bet. 5th & 6th W. Brooks, J. M,. mgr. Boston Store, 7 W. Harrison. Brown, Bierer & Cotteral, lawyers, S. 2nd. opp land office. Brown & Co., C. S., wholesale produce, n e cor. 2nd and Noble. Brown, L. A., grocer, 509 W. Noble. Brown, L. A., Pres. Electric Light Co., cor 1st E. and Harrison. Brown, N., (Tilghman & Brown). BROWN, W. A., mgr. Transfer Line, 7th W. and Noble. Brown, W. M., (Murray & Co.,) jeweler. BRUCKNER & CO., M. R., drug store, Harrison bet. Division and 1st E. Brucke, Wm., barber, Oklahoma opp, Gov. acre. Brumbaugh, Ira M., Asst Treas. Guthrie, city building. Burger, Moses, liquid drinks, 210 S. 2nd. Burns, Wm. M. K., clerk City Drug store, cor. 1st and Oklahoma. Burrows & Butler, paints and oils, 10 N. Division. Busenbark, J. A., (Busenbark & Skinner). Busenbark & Skinner, liquid drinks, cor. 1st W. and Oklahoma. Bush, F. L., propr. club rooms, 218 W. Harrison. Byers, J. M., foreign circulator Oklahoma Capital, 14 E. Oklahoma.
Callahan, John, carpenter, Vilas bet. 3rd and 4th. Callin, J. S., (Granger & Callin), res. Drexel Boul. between Harrison and Vilas. Calmes, Dr. J. B., dentist, 2nd near Oklahoma. Calvert, J. L., lawyer, Merchant's bank building. Cammack, J., (Baxter & Cammack), livery stable. Campbell, Wm., fruit stand, 108 1-2 W. Harrison. Canady, E. E., clerk chop house, 235 W. Oklahoma. Cannon, L., grocer, 5th W. bet. Harrison and Oklahoma. CANNON, W. T., Mayor West Guthrie, cor. 7th and Cleveland. CAPITOL HOTEL, T. D., Hance, propr., s e cor. Square. Carey, J. T., salesman Carey-Lombard & Co. Carey, W. P., (Carey, Lombard Co.), Harrison and 2nd. CAREY-LOMBARD LUMBER CO., cor. Harrison and 2nd. Carlin, R. R., (Whiteley, Duncan & Carlin.) Carr, Ben, lawyer, S. @nd, 2 d. s. of post office. Carr, W. F., (M. L. Smith & Co.), real estate. Carter, H. S., lawyer, rear Merchant's bank, Oklahoma. Carter, N. M., agt. W. P. Oil Co., 1st and Oklahoma. Carter, N. M., (Carter & Skinner). Carter & Skinner, grocers, W. Oklahoma, cor. 1st. Carnthers, Allen, (Halley, Carnthers & Rucker.) CAREY, FRANK, sign painter, 7 N. Division, res. 4th E. and Noble. Cazort Bros. lumber dealers, cor. Broad and Vilas. Coase, Frank P., Police Judge, city building, 1st St. W. Chadwick, D. J., lawyer, Times building. Chase, C. W., boots and shoes, 15 W. Oklahoma. Cheadle, N. F., Agent Heims Hop Ten, R. R., S. of Vilas. Cheney, D. M., (cheney & Gingery.) Cheney & Gingery, Cosey Restaurant, 22 W. Oklahoma. Cherrier, H. A., (Spining & Co.) real estate. Cherry, P., harness maker, 1st n. of Harrison. Chitty, Wm. L., clerk post office. Chung Lee, laundry, cor. Division and 1st E. Churchill, C. H., (Shawhan & Churchill), S S. 2nd. CITY HOTEL, opp R. R. depot. Clark, Ed. S., (Douglass & Clark.) Clark, Harry P., (Kitchen & Clark). CLARK, O. A., surveyor, cor. Noble and Broad. Clark, W. C., clerk Beadles & Son. Classen, A. H., lawyer, cor. 2nd and Vilas. Cleveland, May, millinery and notions, 19 N. Division. Clevinger, J. W., (Rock, Clevinger & Hays), lawyer. Club Theatre, 1st st. W. & Harrison, Robbins & Hurford. proprietors. Cogsdal, John F., (Cuppage & Cogsdal), lawyer. Cohn, B., ( Cohn Cigar Co.) Cohn Cigar Co., cor 1st W. and Cleveland. Collar, Jacob, clerk, 114 S. 2nd. Collar, M, hardware, 114 S. 2nd. Collins, Robt., propr. planing mill, Harrison w. of depot. Colwell, E. J., propr. Princess Cafe, 1st St. n. of Oklahoma. Combs, Richmond & Co., livery stable, Harrison w. of R. R. Cone, Dr. N. D., physician and surgeon, 4 E. Oklahoma. Cook, J. H., Windsor restaurant, W. Harrison near 2nd. Cook, Dr. W. H., city physician, Cleveland w. of 4th E. Cooke, W. E., local editor Oklahoma Capital. Cooper & Co., bakers, 110 S. 2nd. Cooper, I. L., (Cooper & Co.) baker. Cooper, Lafayette, (Cooper & Co.) baker. Corrigan, Patrick, boarding house, Division s. of Perkins. Cotteral, Dr. C. F., physician, 2nd, opp. land office. Cotton, Geo., printer, cor. 2nd & Vilas, res. Warner and 6th E. Cowling & Co., restaurant, 4th W. Oklahoma. Cowling, P. C., (Cowling & Co.) restaurant. Cowling, Wm., (Cowling & Co.) restaurant. Cox, Geo. B., druggist, 1S W. Oklahoma. Coyle & Smith, grocers, Harrison e. of 2nd. Coyle, W. H., (Coyle & Smith), grocer. Crabb, A. H., (Mo. Real Estate Co.) 10 W. Harrison. Craddock, D. T., real estate, 2nd, 3 d. n. of Vilas. Craddock, T. D., city constable, 2nd, 3 d. n. of Vilas. Crafton, Dr. F. E., physician, cor. 1st W. and Noble. Craig & Co., J. T., farm implements, 12 E Harrison. Craig, Dr. J. M., physician, 16 W. Harrison. Craig, J. S., (Craig & Co). Craig, J. T., (Craig & Co). Craig, R. G., flour and feed, cor. 4th E. and Vilas. Crockett, A. G., blacksmith, R. R. s. of Harrison. CROCKETT & ARMSTRONG, blacksmiths, R. R. s. of Harrison. Cromwell, C. H., notion store, cor. Harrison and Division. Culliuan, W. H., marshal West Guthrie, city building, Noble and 7th. Cummings, A. A., lawyer, cor. 1st E. and Noble. Cummings, Jno. W., meat market,230 W. Oklahoma. Cummins, F. M., (Jackson & Cummins), real estate. Cunningham & Burke, merchant tailors, Oklahoma w. of Division. Cunningham, Carter & Hainer, lawyers, rear Merchant's Bank. Cunningham, G. S., cashier Merchant's bank. CUNNINGHAM, H. S., lawyer I20 W. Harrison, cor. 2nd. CUPPAGE & COGSDAL, lawyer, Times building. Cuppage, Thos., (Cuppage & Cogsdal), lawyers. Curts, M. II., publisher Getup, Harrison and 2nd.
Dabin, Ed., builder, cor. Lincoln and R.R. DAISEY, MISS NANITTA R. H., teacher and reporter, N. 2nd near Cleveland. Daker, Harry, carpenter, 4th W. and Lincoln. Dale, Frank, (Dale, Thomas & McLain). Dale, Thomas & McLain, lawyers, 12 1-2 S. 2nd. Darlington, E. R., (Darlington & Miller). Darlington & Miller, lumber, cor. Cleveland and 1st. Davidson & Case, lumber, cor. Vilas and R.R. Davidson & Walters, barbers, Harrison w. of 2nd. Davis, ---, Hatter, Harrison bet. 2nd and 3rd. Day, Driscoi & Co., real estate, S. 2nd and 3rd. Decker, S. M., lawyer, 2nd St. s. of Springer. De Ford, C. II., City Marshal, office opp. city buiding 1st St.W. De Groff, C. E., (Mitchell & De Goff), photographer. De Groff, Geo. M., (De Goff, Hamilton & Haifley), real estate. De Groff, Hamilton & Haifley, real estate, 215 W. Harrison. Dempsey, Mrs. Mary, restaurant and hotel, 1st St. W. bet. Harrison and Vilas. De Steigner, L. Bank of Guthrie. De Steigner, R., Bank of Guthrie. DIAMOND GROCERY, cor. Cleveland and 6th W. DILLE, JOHN I, register land office. Ditter, J. B., (Dorr & Ditter), druggist. Dittmer, Con., clerk R. M. Wright & Co. Donahoe, Thomas, liquid drinks, cor. 3rd and Oklahoma. Dooley, Mrs. A., restaurant, 1st W. bet. Harrison and Vilas. Door & Ditter, Gem Drug Store, 1st St., next to mayor's office. Dorr, E. H., (Dorr & Ditter), druggist. Doty, C. J., gent's furnishing goods, cor. Oklahoma and Capital Boul. Douglass Bros., sign painters, 105 W. Harrison. Douglass & Clark, grocers, 1st St. W. opp. mayor's office. Douglass, W. M., (Douglass & Clark). Drace, C. P., (Walker, Drace & Co). Drace, J. A., (Walker, Drace & Co). Drake, O. L., clerk, Carey - Lombard Co. Duff & Oldroyd, furniture, 6 W. Harrison. Dulany, J. C., real estate, cor. Cleveland and 5th E. Dunbar & Co., sign painters, 4th N. near cor. Oklahoma. Duncan, R. D. Painter, 5th and Noble. Dunn & Carson, livery stable, 122 E. Oklahoma. DYER, D. B., Mayor of Guthrie, city building, 1st St. W.
Eagle, S. B., Star Meat Market, 230 W. Oklahoma. EARL, W. E., lawyer, Harrison, bet. Division and 1st E. Eastwood, J. W., barber shop, 234 W. Harrison. Eberhardt & Sudendorf, lumber dealers, cor. Harrison and R.R. Edmonds, L. B., R.R engineer, Warner near 9th. EDWARDS, MRS. A. L., millinery, 111 S. 2nd. Egan & Newberry, shoemakers, 11 1-2 W. Harrison. Egan, T. C., compositor, Capital Office. Egbert, A., furniture, near 7th W. and Noble. Eggleston, B. F., jewelry gift enterprise, next cor. Harrison and R.R. Elsenschmidt, Chas. F., real estate, 111 E Harrison. Eldridge, D. C., propr. hotel, 227 W. Oklahoma. Elson, E. C., clerk Merchant's bank. Elson, J. E., lawyer, office 1st s. of Oklahoma. Emery, F. W., printer and engineer, Capital, 14 E. Oklahoma. Emery, M. B., propr. Lindell Hotel, R.R. s. of Oklahoma. ENGLISH KITCHEN, restaurant, Oklahoma, cor. 3rd E. ENNIS, Dr. J. M., Mayor Capitol Hill, physician, office 16 W. Harrison, res. cor. 9th E. and Harrison. Enright, John J., lawyer, s. 2nd near Vilas. Erwin, W. D., (Spencer & Erwin), lumber. Etter, C. H., carpenter, n. w. cor. Grant and 5th. Everett, Fred E., foreman Daily News, 17 N. 2nd.
Fair, Henry, clerk, Palace Hotel. Farnsworth, Robt., lunch counter, Division S. of Perkins. Farwell, Guy G., city treasurer, city building, 1st St. W. Fee, C. O., shooting gallery, 210 W. Harrision. Ferguson & Broadfoot, lawyers, 9 N. 2nd W. FURGUSON, DR. S. H., physician and surgeon, s. e. cor 1st W. and Harrison Ferguson, P. H., (Ferguson & Broadfoot), lawyer. Filson, F. W., (Guthrie & Filson), real estate. Filton, Chas. H., clerk, land office. Filtsch, Chas. A., propr. Hotel Springer, cor. Division and Oklahoma. Fishback, J. B., farmer, Harrison bet. 1st E. and Broad. Fisher, J. O., (Walker, Drace & Co.) Fisher, Dr. J. S., physician, 9 N. 2nd. Fitts, M. B., (M. B. Fitts & Co.) Fitts & Co., M. B., creamery butter, cor. Division and Warner. Fletcher & Co., C. S., Phoenix restaurant, 216 W. Harrison. Fletcher & Miller, painting, 1st and Harrison. FLYNN, E. T., Postmaster, P. O. 2nd bet Oklahoma and Harrison. Follett, Howard, (Follett & Maxwell). Follett & Maxwell, fruit stand, 13 W. Oklahoma. FONNER, DR. W. H., physician. office cor. 2nd and Harrison, res. R.R. n. of Vilas. Forch, Fred, clerk grocery, 213 W. Oklahoma. Forch, Jacob, grocer, 213 W. Oklahoma. Ford, Geo. E., city register, city building, 1st St. W. Foster, J. I., contractor, cor. Cleveland and 6th W. Foucart, J., (Foucart & Villeroy), architect. FOUCART & VILLEROY, architects, N. 2nd s. of Cleveland. Fowler, A. M., res. cor. Broad and Cleveland. Fowler Bros., lime, plaster, &c., cor. Vilas and 1st E. Frazier, E. C., (Williamson Bros & Co.) 106 E. Oklahoma. Freeman & Ward, lawyers, next door to mayor's office. Freudenberger, Geo., barber, 234 W. Oklahoma. Friedley, F. F., real estate, cor. 5th E. and Oklahoma. Friedley, W. G., clerk superior court, 5th and Oklahoma. Frink, A. A., restaurant, 111 E. Oklahoma. FRINK & LOWE, restaurant, 111 E. Oklahoma. Futrell, C. F., Harrison, 3 d. w. of Broad.
Gaffeny, James, propr. barber shop, Oklahoma opp. Gov. acre. Gaffeny, John, cook, N. Y., restaurant, s. 2nd St. Galbraith, Dr. J. physician, Springer bet. 1st and Broad. Galloway, Jas. P., res. cor. Harrison and 1sr W. Galloway, John M., lawyer, n. w. cor Harrison and 1st W. Galloway, Miss Delinda G., stenographer, office Judge Galloway. Galster, W., lemonade stand, Merchant's bank corner. Gammon, F. R., capitalist, Bank of I. T. Garner, C. W., mgr. Cazort Bros., cor. Broad and Vilas. Gartside, W. K., clerk Andrews & Salmon. Gates, Dr. R. A., physcian, Times building. Gavin, Martindale & Co., props. Sherman House. Gibbens, E. E., (Gibbens & Todd), lawyer. Gibbens & Todd, lawyers, 2nd St. opp. Gov. acre. Gilbert, J. E., r.r. conductor, cor. Harrison and 3rd E. Gill, Wm. H., (Sturgeon & Gill), tobacco. Gilmore, Lee, printer, cor. 2nd and Vilas. Gingery, A. C., (Cheney & Gingery). Glaze, B. A., (Oklahoma Supply Co). Glenn & Rannells, real estate, cor. 6th E. and Cleveland. Golden Eagle Clothing Co., cor. Harrison and 2nd. Golobie, John, journalist, Harrison bet. Division and 1st W. Gooch, John Young, lawyer, 1st. St. W. near corner of Cleveland. Good, Victor, Capital Bakery, cor. Cleveland and 7th W. Goode, D. H., grocer, cor. 4th E. and Springer. Goodrich Bros., real estate, 1st St. n. of Oklahoma. Goff, J. N., harness mfgr., 218 E. Oklahoma. Goodrich, C. W., (Goodrich Bros.) Goodrich, P. C., (Goodrich Bros.) GOTHAUER, HENRY, cabinetmaker, Springer w. of 1st. Got Lee, laundry, cor. Cleveland and 2nd. Gourdain, J. K., real estate, 108 E. Oklahoma. Gourdain, L. A., real estate, 108 E. Oklahoma. Grafton, Mrs. M. A., dressmaker, 14 W. Harrison. Graham, H. T., Mgr. lumber yard, cor. W. Oklahoma and R.R. GRANGER & CALLIN, real estate, office Drexel Boul., bet. Harrison and Vilas. Granger, J. H., (Granger & Callin), res. Drexel Boul. bet. Harrison and Vilas. Grant Bros., contractors, 5th W. and Cleveland. Grant, Ed., (Grant Bros). Graupner, R. F., barber, 413 E. Oklahoma. Gray Bros., grocers, 3 E. Oklahoma. Gray, G. E., (Gray Bros.), grocer. Gray, James, carpenter, R.R. bet. Harrison and Vilas. Graybill, J. W., mgr. Chase's shoe store. Green, David, grocer, Vilas bet. 3rd and 4th W. Green, L. B., transfer line, office 1st bet. Vilas and Springer. Greene, C. E., clerk Whitbeck's store. GREER, FRANK H., editor and proprietor Oklahoma Capital. Gregory, R. P., (Gregory & Son). Gregory & Son, paint and paper, Craig's drug store. Greiner, A. J., real estate, 7 W. Oklahoma. Gribble, S. G., (C. J. Fletcher & Co.) Griffin, W. H., lawyer, 202 1-2 W. Harrison. Griffith, C. H., propr. Palace drug store, cor. Harrison and R.R. Guillon, P. A., clerk, Weiss' Ice Cream Parlor. Guthrie Brick Works, cor. 1st and Grant. Guthrie Electric Light & Power Co., cor. 1st and Harrison. Guthrie & Filson, real estate, 1st W. opp. mayor's office upstairs. Guthrie, Frank, (Guthrie & Filson), real estate. GUTHRIE GETUP, newspaper, S. 2nd next Capital City bank. Guthrie Planing Mill, Harrison w. of depot. Guthrie Pressed Brick Co., cor. 1st and Vilas.
Hackett, J. A., mgr. Ark. City Milling Co., 1st and Noble. Hahn, J. J., (Baughn & Hahn), barber. Haifley, Chas., (De Groff, Hamilton & Haifley), real estate. Hainer, B. T., lawyer, Oklahoma and 2nd, rear Merchant's bank. Haines, D. M., shoemaker, Harrison w. of cor. 2nd. HAINES, P. W., Citizens' Lunch Counter, 228 W. Oklahoma. Hale & Bigerstaff, blacksmiths, Vilas near 5th W. Hale, H. L., (Hale & Son), grocer. Hale & Son, grocers, 103 W. Harrison. Hale, S. H., (Hale & Son), grocer. Hall, J. C., mgr. Arkansas Lumber Co., Vilas w. of Division. Halle, A. H., cigars and tobacco, 16 W. Oklahoma. Halleck, Prof. E. T., clerk P. O. Halley, Caruthers & Rucker, lawyeryers, 10 S. 2nd. Halley, John H., (Halley, Caruthers & Rucker). Hamilton, Alfred, restaurant, Cleveland and 4th W. Hamilton, J. H., (Hamilton-Rankin Hardware Co.). 8 W. Harrison. Hamilton, J. Hal., lawyer, cor. 5th and Oklahoma. Hamilton, R. E., (De Groff, Hamilton & Haifley), real estate. Hance, Elmer, clerk Capital Hotel. HANCE, T. D., Propr. Capital Hotel, s. e. cor. Square. HANENKRATT, D. V., druggist, S. 2nd bet. Springer and Perkins. HARGRAVE, J. J., photographer, 310 S. 2nd. Harkins, C. L., restaurant, 9 W. Oklahoma. Harris, S. S., clerk Hearn, Wall & Co. Harris, T. J., (Nipp & Harris), real estate. Harvey, Mrs. L. A., dressmaker, 14 W. Harrison. Hatfield, A. K., baker, 15 E. Oklahoma. Hatton, Sam'l., blacksmith, 4th St. W. near Oklahoma. Hawkins, J. H., lawyer, Vilas w, of cor. 2nd. Hawkins, L. J., Propr. Hotel Carlton, 226 W Harrison. Hawthorne, W. H., (M. R. Bruckner & Co.), res. next to drug store. HAY, DR. L. B., druggist, cor. 1st and Oklahoma. Hayes, Geo., hostler, 216 W. Oklahoma. Hays, O. V., (Rock, Clevinger & Hays). Hearn, Wall 7 Co., lumber dealers, cor. 1st E. and Harrison. Hecker, Jacob, Propr. Empire Bakery, 211 S. 2nd. Hecox, Frank, works Cherry's harness shop, 1st and Harrison. Helm, T. M., (Helm & Meadows), lawyer, Oklahoma n. of Land Office. Helm & Meadows, lawyers. Henderson, Jennie V., boarding house, W. 5th near Harrison. Henderson, Robt., grocer, W. 5th St. opp. depot. Hendricks, A. D., city circulator Oklahoma Capital. Hennessey & Strauss, bakery, 224 W. Oklahoma. hennessey, T. A., (Hennessey & Strauss), baker. Hentings, H., clerk Iowa Lumber Co. Herron, A. G., cashier bank, cor. 1st and Oklahoma. Hett, Dr. J. J., physician, office National Bank building. Hicks, J. M., furniture, res. cor. Warner and 1st. Higgins, Thos., restaurant, 207 S. 2nd. HILL, CHAS. M., real estate, res. 308 E. Noble. Hill, Rev. E. F., Pastor M. E. church, res. Noble bet. 3rd and 4th E. HILL, J. E., chop house, 216 W. Oklahoma. Hill, Robt. W., lawyer, res. n. e. cor. Cleveland and 5th E. Hill, W. J., propr. hotel, 227 W. Oklahoma. Hirens, A. R., salesman Lee Summit Nursery, boards Johnson Hotel. Hixon, C. E., clerk Wilson & Pinaire. Hixon, E. D., (Hixon & Son), meat market. HIXON & SON, meat market, 121 1-2 E. Oklahoma. Hoffman, R. V., stenographer, office with Judge Galloway. Hofins, J. C., lawyer, cor. Harrison and 2nd, above Capital City bank. Hoggatt, O'Donnell & Brannum, lawyers, Times building. Hoggatt, Volney, (Hoggatt, O'Donnell & Brunnum). HOISINGTON & CO., P. M., coal dealers, Harrison w of depot. Holden, W. G., veterinary surgeon, Baxter & Cammack's barn. Holland, C. C., lawyer, rear Merchant's bank. Holmben, T., works meat market, 230 W. Harrison. Holt, Dr. S. M., physician, Vilas next cor 4th E. Hood, E. J., barber, cor 3rd and Oklahoma. Hopkins Bros., feed store, cor 2nd and Vilas. Hortle, A. A., wagonmaker, 4th St W near Oklahoma. Hotchkiss, F. M., lawyer, Times building. Hotel Springer, cor Oklahoma and Division. Hough, Dr. Chas. F., City physician, office 11 W Oklahoma, res cor Cleveland and 5th. Houghton & Co., F. E., flour, 600 W Noble. Houk, Philip, carpenter, W Noble near 7th. Householder & Co., F., real estate, 310 E. Oklahoma. Houston, A. H., Police Judge East Guthrie, city building. Howe, J. W., contractor, Oklahoma by the river. Howell, C. C., city enfineer, 105 W Oklahoma. Howser & Baumberger, bakery, cor 1st E and Harrison. Hoyt, W. C., printer, Daily Optic. Hubbell, G. C., clerk Whitbeck's store. Huff, C. A., (Marshall & Huff), photographer. Hull, John W., treasurer W Guthrie, city building, Noble and 7th W. Hull, W. S., clerk Gray Bros. Humphrey, A. A., nursery business, Noble bet Division and 1st. Hunt, J., nursery stock, office Missouri Real Estate Co., 10 W Harrison. Hunter, W. S., real estate, 15 N. Division. Hurst, A. M., printer, 2nd and Vilas. Hutsel, John H., grocer, cor 6th E and Oklahoma.
I-- (?Ice) & King, grocers, cor Cleveland and Division. I-- (?Ingram), Guy, clerk drug store, 115 S 2nd. I-- (?Iowa) Lumber Co., cor Harrison and 7th. I -- (?Iwen), F. T., barber, opp. Gov. acre.
Jackson, A. R., (Jackson & Cummins), real estate. Jackson, Clifford L., lawyer, 13 N 2nd. Jackson, & Cummins, real estate, S. 2nd near Vilas. Jackson, L. B., tinner, 208 W Oklahoma. Jacobs, J., dry goods, Oklahoma near 1st. Jacoby, A., clerk Andrews & Salmon. Jamison, J. C., real estate, 18 W Harrison. Jeffery & Wright, grocers, Harrison w of 1st W. Jeffries Mrs. A. J., propr. hotel, cor 1st and Vilas. JEFFRIES, C. P., lawyer, s of Gov. acre. Jennings, J. J., (Jennings & Rollins). Jenkin, I. B., restaurant, 207 S 2nd. Jennings & Rollins, restaurant, cor Grant & 2nd. Jennings, W. W., barber shop, 215 W Harrison. JOHNSON, A. J., propr. Jim Fisk restaurant, 230 W. Oklahoma. Johnson & Co., E. S., gen'l merchandise, 12 W Oklahoma. Johnson, F. E., billiard hall, 231 W Oklahoma. Johnson, Frank, propr. bakery, 15 E Oklahoma. Johnson, J. W., barber shop, 215 W. Oklahoma. Johnson, T. J., well-digger, 1st W bet Cleveland and Noble. Johnston, Chas. M., carpenter, Dr. E. Morgan's office, Seely Block. Johnston, Geo. G., real estate, cor 5th E and Oklahoma. Johnston, T. K., propr. Johnston Hotel, cor Noble and Broad. Jones, B. W., clerk Joy & Smith. Jones, Edgar W., (Miller & Jones), lawyer. Jones, Freedom, carpenter, res cor Warner and 5th W. Jones, R. H., bath house, 10 W Oklahoma. Jones & Richardson, lumber, yd. Vilas w of R.R. Jones, S. A., wks at Knox & Loomis' blacksmith shop. JONES, T. S., lawyer, office Times building, s e cor upstairs. Jordan, Miss Cora, dressmaker, cor 3rd E and Harrison. Joy, B. H., (Joy & Smith), 10 S 2nd. Joy & Smith, tobacco, 10 S 2nd.
KANSAS CITY MERCHANTILE CO., 9 W Harrison. Kansas Hardware Co., 17 W Oklahoma. Karr & Robinson, real estate, cor 1st W and Noble. KAYLOR & McDONALD, gen'l merchandise, Oklahoma bet 5th and 6th E. Kaylor, W. H., (Kaylor & McDonald). Keck, Ed. A., jeweler, 4 S 2nd. Keeton & Crisen, painters, Division, bet Harrison and Vilas. KELLEY, D. B., druggist, cor 2nd and Harrison. Kelley, John, clerk R. M. Wright & Co. Kelso, E. L., (Bevans & Kelso). Kendall, Geo., mgr Kansas Hardware Co., 17 W Oklahoma. Kenner, Jas. B., (Kenner & Morgan). KENNER & MORGAN, lawyers, 2nd St, opp land office. Kentner, Frank G., clerk Princess Cafe. Kerns, C. W., lawyer, Harrison 2 d e of 1st. KETCHUM, DR. L. R., physician, office Kelley's Drug Store, Harrison and 2nd. KIMBALL GROCERY CO., 13 N Division. Kimball, L. E., (Kimball Grocery Co). K--head, W. H., grocer, E Cleveland cor 7th. KING, S. P., (McCaskey & King), lawyer. King, Rev. W. T., pastor Presbyterian Church, 3rd E and Vilas. KINNARD, W. M., Troy Laundry, Division s of Vilas. Kirk Bros., produce, Cleveland bet 5th and 6th W. KITCHEN & CLARK, real estate, 216 W Harrison. Kitchen, Theo. W., (Kitchen & Clark), real estate. Kitchen, W. T., clerk Hotel Springer. Knox, J. D., (Knox & Lomis), blacksmith. KNOX & LOOMIS, blacksmiths, cor 4th W and Oklahoma. KOOSER Bros., (H. J. & J. A. Koozer), restaurant, 206 S 2nd.
Landes, H., (Baugess & Landes), 404 S 2nd. L--, N., confectioner, 6 S 2nd. L--, Frank, works Oklahoma Supply Co. Lawrence, R. E., grocery, cor Noble and 7th W. Lauck & Lauck, lawyers, 8 S 2nd. Layton, J. T., blacksmith, Vilas, cor Division. Leach, L. F., printer, cor 2nd and Vilas. Lee Lung, laundry, 11 N Division. Lee Sing, laundry, 314 E Oklahoma. L--inger, H. W., grocer, 1st W s of cor Noble. Leonard, F. A., lawyer, 105 Oklahoma. Lester, R., prop. Wichita Cafe, 11S E Oklahoma. Lillie, F. B., drug store, Cleveland near 4th W. LILLIE'S PHARMACY, drug store, end of bridge n of depot. L--ell Hotel, R. R., opp depot. Lindsay, F. F., (Webb, Lindsay & Webb), lawyer. LINDSEY, PUTNAM & WIDMER, lawyers 4 S 2nd. Linehan, Thos., bds Sherman House. Linn, Chas., shoemaker, 209 W Harrison. Linn, Henry, druggist, 315 E Oklahoma. Little, W. T., real estate, office Getup building. Lombard, A. C., (Carey-Lombard Co.) Harrison and 2nd Loomis, B. T., (Knox & Loomis) blacksmith. LOVITT, MRS. I. M., millinery, cor Oklahoma and Division. Lowe, O. T., city marshal Cap. Hill, res Cap. Boul. near Noble. Lowe, W. M., restaurant, 111 E Oklahoma. Lumpkin, W., Mgr. Iowa Lumber Co. Lyman, L. B., Land Office attorney, 18 N 2nd. Lynds, G. H., capitalist, cor 4th E and Springer. Lyon, King & Co., real estate, cor Cleveland and Division.
Macauley, Dr., physician, over Merchant's Bank. Mac Donald, D., portrait artist, 2nd St s of Noble. Madara, W. B., shoemaker, 209 W. Harrison. Mader, Chas., salesman, Geo. Beggs & Co., lumber. Madison, D. T., barber, 3 1-2 W. Oklahoma. Malin, Mrs. A. B., dressmaker, W Noble near 7th. Malone & Long, plasterers, Seely block, 1st s of Oklahoma. Mann, J. A., (Ricksecker & Co.), real estate. Mauser, Dr. J. J. A., dentist, 307 E Oklahoma. Mansfield, Geo. W., real estate, 7 W Oklahoma. MARCH & BROWN, barbers, cor Harrison and Ist W. Markland & Latham, lawyers, 9 N 2nd. Mariott, John, meat market, cor 4th E and Oklahoma. Marsh, J. N., baggage master, depot. Marshall, - - - - , painter, Vilas E of 2nd. Marshall, G. A., (Marshall & Co.). Marshall & Co., G. A., contractors, cor 1st and Cleveland. Marshall & Huff, photographer, cor Noble and Division. Marshall, L. H., cashier Express Co., depot. Marshall, M. C., real estate, 503 E Oklahoma. Marshall, N. F., (Marshall & Huff), photographer. Mar--, J. E., restaurant, cor Oklahoma and R.R. Martindale, H. C., Sherman House, 2nd and Oklahoma. Mar--, G. P., (Oklahoma Supply Co.) M----, Henry, works for Andrews & Salmon. M---, J. S., blacksmith, cor 1st W and Cleveland. M-----, C. A., gen'l merchandise, cor Ist W and Harrison. Mathews, John, clerk meat market, 113 S 2nd. M---, Jno., meat market, 423 Noble. Maxwell, D. S., (Follett & Maxwell). McBee, W.L., abstracter, 1st St 1 d n city building. McCall, J. G., clerk W. Guthrie, city building Noble and 7th. McCall, J. G., roofer, Warner near 9th W. McCASKEY, A., (McCaskey & King), city attorney, Capitol Hill. McCASKEY & KING, Lawyers, W Oklahoma opp. Gov. acre. McClure & Co., W. H., real estote, n e cor Gov. ocre. McConnell, Miss Margaret, teacher, warner e of 1st E. McCoy, J. M., carpenter, W Oklahoma w of R. McCrum, H. T., bookseller and stationer, 11 W Oklahoma. McDaniel, J. C., grocer, 218 W Oklahoma. McDonald, J. A., mgr Merchant's restaurant. McDonald, M. W., (Kaylor & McDonald). McELHINNEY, A. M., propr. P. O. Drug Store, res Cleveland near 9th. McElhinney, J. T., clerk club room, 212 W Oklahoma. McGeeney, Michael, lemanade seller, Merchant's Bank cor. McIntyre, G. O., propr. lodging house, 222 W Harrison. McKay & Co., D. S., municipal bonds and real estate, 14 W Harrison. McKeehen, I. D., clerk Craig's Drug Store, Harrison e of 1st. McKennon & Boles, lawyers, Palmer house. McKenzie, R. F., (Minger & McKenzie), baker. McKinney, J. w., grocer, 16 E Oklahoma. McKinnon, M., lumber, 4 W Harrison. McLain, C. R., (Ragsdale, McLain & Co.) McLain, Ed., barber, 10 W Oklahoma. McLain, J. S., (Dale, Thomas & McLain). McNaghten, John, shoe dealer, cor 1st and Oklahoma. McNEAL, J. W., pres. McNeal- Little Banking Co., cor 1st and Oklahoma. McNULTY, ED., prop. Central drug store, 4 E Oklahoma. McPherson, Thos., lumber dealer, Oklahoma bet 2nd and 3rd. Meadows, W. P., (Helm & Meadows), lawyer. Meeker, W. H., accountant, Broad bet Oklahoma and Cleveland. Melone, D. L., (Melone Spencer & Co.) Melone, Spencer & Co. Palace Clothing House. Mendenball, F. R., Mgr. Randall & Lyon, hardware. Merchants' Bank, cor Oklahoma and 2nd. MERCHANTS' RESTAURANT, 1st W and Cleveland. Merrick, J. J., (Thurston & Merrick) lawyer. Merriweather, w. H., Mgr. J. Tontz's Hardware store. MEYER & BRO., boots and shoes, 1st st., s of Oklahoma. Meyer, Fred, (Meyer & Bro.), shoe dealer. Michaels, O. P., well digger, n e cor Cleveland and 12th E. Mier, F., (Mier & Richmond). Mier & Richmond, fruit dealers, cor 1st and Oklahoma. Miller, Alfred, contractor, Cleveland near 11th W. Miller, A. W., (Darlington & Miller) lumber. Miller & Co., grocers, Vilas 3 d n of 4th E. Miller, Dr. D. S., Cleveland near 6th. Miller, G. M, clerk grocery, 316 E Oklahoma. Miller, John (Radcliff & Miller) blacksmith. Miller, Geo. M., butcher, 111 S 2nd. MILLER & JONES, lawyers, Times building, upstairs. Miller, J. W., (Miller & Jones), lawyer. Miller, Mrs. M., bakery, cor Oklahoma and 7th E. MILLER, S. L., architect and builder, 314 E Oklahoma. Millikan Bros., ( A. G. and E. G. Millikan), cigars and tobacco, 112 E Oklahoma. Mills, C. C., gen'l merchandise, 2nd and Springer. Minger, J., (Minger & McKenzie.) Minger & McKenzie, prop. bakery, 1st and Harrison. Missouri Real Estate Co., 10 W Harrison. Mitchell and DeGroff, photographers, 212 W Harrison. Mitchell, E. S., (Mitchell & DeGroff) photographer. Money, Joseph, clerk Ball Bros. Monroe, Rev. J. M., pastor Christian church, res cor Oklahoma and R.R. Montgomery, C., builder, Noble e of 1st E. MOORE, E. R., M. D. physician and surgeon A. T. and S.F.R.R. s e cor 2nd anfd Vilas, res 614 E Vilas. Moore, Jno., restaurant, Harrison W near 5th. Moore, M. D., clerk freight office, depot. Moore, S. S., lumber salesman, Harrison W of Broad. MOOSE, H. H., real estate and abstracting, office, cor of 1st E and Cleveland, res Cleveland bet 3rd and 4th. Moran, James, lawyer, Oklahoma 2 d e of Land Office. Morgan, Dick T., (Kenner and Morgan.) Morgan, Dr. E., physician, Seely Block. Morris, Thos., (Smalley Seed Co.), 210 W Oklahoma. Morris, T. W., clerk, G. E. Mundy's store, 226 W. Oklahoma. Morse, W. H., jeweler, cor 4th E and Oklahoma.' Moskedal & Co., real estate, 6 E Oklahoma. Moulton, J. W., (Moulton & Brent.) Moulton & Brent, real estate, 2nd opp City Building. Mount, C. V., jeweler, 4 S 2nd. Moyer, H. P., woodworker at Rexroad's shop. Mullen, Chris., carpenter, Vilas bet 3rd and R.R. Mulrein, M. M., tobacco stand, 19 W Oklahoma. Mundy, Geo. E., hardware, W Oklahoma bet 2nd and 3rd. Murphy, John, clerk freight office, depot. Murray & Co., jewelers, S 2nd n of Harrison. Murray, F. L., (Murray & Co.), jeweler. Myres, J. R., merchant, 218 W Oklahoma.
Nagel, Dennis, shoemaker, N 2nd bet Oklahoma and Cleveland. National Loan & Trust Co., National Bank building. Neff, Geo. W., (Uhl & Neff). Neill, A. T., (Neill & Adams), lawyer. Neill & Adams, lawyers, cor Oklahoma and 2nd, above Merchants' bank. Neill, David, barber, Harrison e of R.R. Neilson, Mrs. Sarah, laundry, cor 1st W and Grant. Nelson, J. F., real estate, Cleveland bet 5th and 6th. NEW YORK PHOTO CO., 318 E oklahoma. New York Restaurant, s 2nd bet Harrison and Vilas. Nichols & Bro., grocers, 314 E Oklahoma. Nichols, O. T., (Nichols & Bro). Nichols, Edward, (Nichols & Bro). Nichelson, H. C., propr. Merchants' restaurant, cor Cleveland and 1st W. Nipp & Harris, real estate, cor Broad and Oklahoma. Nipp, J. B., (Nipp & Harris), real estate. Nutton, R. B., asst. cashier Merchants' bank. Null, W. F., shoemaker, 17 1-2 W Harrison. Nutter, P. W., capitalist, 11 E Oklahoma. NYMAN, C., cigars, 1st E s of Noble.
O'Donnell, J. F., lawyer, Times building. OKLAHOMA CAPITAL, 14 E Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA MERCANTILE CO., 13 N 2nd. Oklahoma Supply Co., gen'l supplies, R.R. n of Springer. O-vant, Jim. H., photographer, Hargraves' Gallery. Oliver Bros., lumber dealers, cor Springer and R.R. Oliver, H. L., carpenter, Noble near 10th W. Olsmith, F., (stanhope, Olsmith Arms Co.,) Division and Harrison. O'Neil, F. C., assistant postmaster, P.O. Onstott, John H., (Onstott Land Co.) Onstott Land Co., real estate, 12 W. Oklahoma. O---- Daily, 213 S 2nd. Orput, Geo. D., (Whitley & Orput), National Bank Block. Osborne Bros., druggists, Vilas and 1st W. Osborne, L. A., (Osborne Bros.), druggist. Osborne, W., veterinary surgeon, Vilas and 1st W. O----, G. A., lawyer, Sherman House. O----, J. A., gen'l merchandise, 9 W Oklahoma.
Palace Clothing House, Harrison bet 1st and 2nd. PALACE HOTEL, D. Blubaugh, propr., cor 2nd and Harrison. PALACE MEAT MARKET, 113 S 2nd. Palmer, A. C., propr. Palmer House. Palmer House, cor Harrison and 3rd W. Pamperin, F. A., (Witherell & Paperin), grocer. Park & Co., J. H., pumps and windmills, 313 E Harrison. Parker, C. C., book dealer, 12 S 2nd. PARKER, F. L., lumber dealer, 1st St. and E Oklahoma. Parke & Tyler, builders, Vilas 4 d w Division. Parsons, J. N., (Suttle & Parsons), real estate. Patten, Dr. B., physician, s e cor 1st W and Harrison. Patterson, C. M., clerk Sherman House, 2nd and Oklahoma. Patterson, R. M., mgr Fowler Bros. Patten, John, feed store, 8 N Division. Patton, Robert, physician, E Harrison, e of 7th. Paulson, Ole, "The Elephant," res bet Perkins and Springer. Paxton, Geo. W., City Clerk, City building, 1st St. W. Paxton, Dr. R. H., physician, cor 1st and Harrison, upstairs. Payne, Chas., fruit stand, 207 W Oklahoma. Payne, Jos., tinner, (Spencer & Co.), opp. P.O. Payne, W. S., fruit stand, 207 W. Oklahoma. Peale, W. T., carpenter, Vilas bet 10th and 11th. Pearson, W. M., (Tarr & Pearson), blacksmith. PELSUE, J. W., dry goods, 109 E Oklahoma. Pelsue, O. E., salesman, 109 E Oklahoma. Penfield, W. H., druggist, E Harrison, cor 6th. Penne, Louis, restaurant, 220 W Oklahoma. Pentecost Bros., real estate, Cleveland e of 5th PEOPLES, Dr. D. A., dentist, cor 2nd and Noble. Perkins, B. P., (M. B. Fitts & Co.) PETERSON, E. W., photographer, res N Division and Logan. PHELPS, DR. J. H., physician, 18 W Oklahoma, res 5th and Warner. Piburn, J. H., feed store, 5th W. and Oklahoma. PICKENS, DR. F. M., physician, office cor Cleveland and Broad. Pierce, H. A., (State Herald Co.), cor 2nd and Vilas. Pinaire, J. F., (Wilson and Pinaire.) Pinguard, Dr. Joseph, office 2nd St. cor Perkins avenue. Plummer, J. M., barber, 215 W Oklahoma. Points, Joseph, baker, rear of Cherry's harness shop, 1st and Harrison. Porter, G. W., printer, 2nd and Vilas. Potter, E. H., grocer, 217 E Oklahoma. Potts, M. W., surveyor, S 2nd opp Land Office. Potts, T. F., painter, Noble 2nd block w of bridge. Pound, J. W., bookkeeper, Merchants' bank. Powell Bros., Broad s of Oklahoma. Powell, F. A., (Powell Bros.) Powell, W. F., (Powell Bros.) Pratt, Ray, clerk McKinney's grocery. 16 E Oklahoma. Purvis, G. W., grocer, Harrison e of Broad. Putnam, F. W., (Lindsey, Putnam & Widmer.) Pye, James, merchants tailor, 26 S 2nd.
Rackerby, Jas. A., clerk Land Office. Radeliff, Geo., (Radeliff & Miller). blacksmith. Radeliff & Miller, blacksmiths, cor Cleveland and Division. Raff, Norman C., Pres. Bank of I. T., Oklahoma and Division. RAGSDALE, J. M., Pres. Commercial Bank. Ragsdale, McLain & Co., Commercial Bank. Raleigh, Mrs. B. A., teacher, Vilas bet Division and 1st. Ramey, Chas., water hauler, cor Lincoln and 2nd. Randall & Lyon, hardware, cor Oklahoma and Division. Rankin, R. C., clerk freight office, depot. Ransom, C. W., lawyer, ab 3 N 2nd. Rawson & Prichard, bakers, cor 5th and Harrison. Reaves Bros., real estate, n w cor Harrison & 2nd. REED & REINERT, Daily Optie, 213 S 2nd. Reed, W. F., (Reed & Reinert), publisher. Reeder, C. L., real estate, s w cor 1st and Cleveland. Reinert, W. F., (Reed & Reinert), publisher. Renfro & Wier, props. restaurant, 17 N Division. Reynolds, E. S., dept. reg. of deeds, Division St. REYNOLDS, M. W., editor State Herald, cor 2nd and Vilas, res 203 S 2nd. Rexroad, W. H., blacksmith, Grant w of cor 1st E. Rhoades, W. S., carpenter, W Oklahoma 3 d e of 5th. Rhoads & Co., A. C., cigars and tobacco, 26 S 2nd. Rhoads, G. W., (Rhoads & Co.) Rhodes, W. L., furniture, Oklahoma bet Division and 1st. Richardson, T. J., lawyer, 215 W. Harrison. Richmond, W. D., (Mier & Richmond.) Ricksecker, A. C., (_. C. Ricksecker & Co.), real estate. RICKSECKER & CO., A. C., real estate, 3 W Oklahoma. Ricksecker, J. H., lawyer, Harrison 4 d e of depot. Rielator & Briggs, restaurant, Cleveland near 6th W. Rinehart, F. M., druggist, cor 4th E and Oklahoma. Riner, Wm. H., 1005 E Cleveland. Rinker, Claude, real estate, cor Cleveland and Broad. Robbins, E. G., restaurant, "Elephant", Perkins w of 1st W. Robbins, J. M., real estate, cor 5th E and Oklahoma. Robbins, Lee, restaurant, 4 d e cor Oklahoma and R.R. Roberts, W. C., real estate, 723 E Harrison. Roberts, W. C., undertaker, res cor Harrison and Capitol Boulevard. Roberts, W. R., lumber yard, Divison cor Harrison. ROBERTSON, W. S., U. S. Commissioner, next to Capitol Hotel. Robinson, C. D., bds next to cor 3rd and Harrison. Robinson, E., capitalist, e of cor 6th E and Oklahoma. Robinson, Geo. F., carpenter, res 413 E Harrison. Rock, Clevinger & Hays, lawyers, Times building. Rock, J. L., (Rock, Clevinger & Hays), lawyer. Roe, S. E., billiard hall, 15 W Harrison. Rolfs, F. A., cracker mfgr., cor Vilas and 1st E. Rollins, J. C., (Jennings & Rollins). Ross Ave. Bakery, cor Orange and Ross ave. ROSS, D. M., Acting Mayor, office city building, 1st St. W. Rossean, D. H., lawyer, 2nd St. near Harrison. Rucker, E. B., (Halley, Carnthers & Rucker). Ruffner, Harry, clerk Post Office. Ruhl, Dr. N. B., physician, near cor W Oklahoma and R.R. Ryan, T. W., meat market, Harrison bet 1st and R.R.
Sawyer Lumber Co., Vilas w of R.R. Schnell, A. C., (W.H. McClure & Co.) Scholl, J. P., clerk R. M. Wright & Co. Scott, Frank S., propr. "The Elephant," Perkins and 1st Scott, J., grocer, Vilas bet Division and 1st E. Scott, J. P., clerk restaurant, 17 N Division. Scott, Rod, (Palace Meat Market.) Scrutchfield, C. H., barber, Harrison e of Division. SEAMAN & BREUMMER, bakers, Oklahoma w of R.R. Scars, G. A., U. S. Commissioner, 202 1-2 W Harrison. Sebring, F. M., salesman McNaghten's store, cor 1st - Oklahoma. Seely, S. E., lawyer, 1st W., s of Oklahoma. Seixas, F., grocer, Cleveland and 6th W. Sexauer, Wm., baker, Cleveland bet 3rd and 4th. Shafer, J., pie bakery and lunch, 16 W Oklahoma. Shapland Bros., contractors, rear Merchants' bank. Shatzer, J. B., grocer, 304 S 2nd. Shaw & Adair, grocers, cor Division and Harrison. Shaw, Geo. H., propr. Guthrie Brick Works. Shaw, L. A., (Shaw & Adair), grocer. Shawhan & Churchhill, cigars, S S 2nd. Shawhan, J. E., (Shawhan & Churchill). SHELTON, DR. J. C., physician, 114 1-2 S 2nd. Sherman House, Merchant's Bank Building, 2nd and Oklahoma. Shipe & Bonebrake, real estate, cor Oklahoma and 1st E. Shipe, M. M., (Shipe & Bonebrake), real estate. Shuler, R. B., barber, cor 1st and Oklahoma. S--& Morris, real estate, 7th W and Noble. S--, L. B., carpenter, 116 N 2nd. Simms, W. M., (Arrell, Simms & Co.), real estate. Skinner, C. L., (Busenbark & Skinner), cor 1st W and Oklahoma. Skinner, Frank, carriage maker, Noble and 7th W. Skinner, L. J., (Carter & Skinner). S--, J. H., carpenter, Springer bet 5th & 6th. S--, L. H., lawyer, 8 E Oklahoma. S--, Dr., dentist, 1st s of Oklahoma. S--, H. H., mgr. Rolfs' Cracker Manufactory. S--, J., mgr, Smalley Seed Co., 210 W Oklahoma. Smalley Seed Co., 210 W Oklahoma. S-- Bros. & Co., ag. implements, Noble w of bridge. S--, billiard hall, Cleveland near 5th W. S--, Chas., physician, office over Merchants' bank. S--, -. F., propr. English Kitchen, 306 E Oklahoma. S-- & Co., M. L., real estate, cor 6th E and Oklahoma. Smith, C. W., capitalist, cleveland bet 4th and 5th E. Smith, E. D., with Joy & Smith. Smith, E. L., barber, 2nd near P.O. Smith, Geo. W., (Smith & Stewart). Smith, G. O., propr. lunch counter, 232 W Oklahoma. Smith, Harry F., shoemaker, Nat. Bank building, W. Oklahoma. SMITH, DR. H. L., physician, 114 1-2 S 2nd. SMITH, DR. HILA W., physician, cor Cleveland and Broad. Smith, H. S., (Coyle & Smith), grocer. SMITH, DR. J. A., physician, res cor Division and Noble. Smith, James, foreman lumber yard, cor W Oklahoma and R.R. Smith, J. F., (M. L. Smith & Co.) real estate. SMITH, JULIUS, variety store, 116 E Oklahoma. Smith, R. S., barber, 2nd, 3 d s P.O. Smith & Stewart, props. shooting gallery, 235 1-2 W Oklahoma. SMITH, W. S., lawyer, 1st W, cor Oklahoma. Smithes, Henry, builder, 112 S 2nd. Snow, C. C. A., 14 E Oklahoma. Snyder, Chas., cigars and tobacco, 226 W Oklahoma. Southwestern Lumber Co., cor Vilas and Division. SOWARD & BONHAM, lawyers, cor Broad and Oklahoma. Soward, T. H., (Soward & Bonham), lawyer. Speed, Horace, (Speed & Stone) lawyer. Speed & Stone, (Horace Speed & J. F. Stone), lawyers. 110 W Oklahoma. Spencer & Co., W. S., hardware, 2nd, opp P.O. Spencer, E. E., Oklahoma Capital, 14 E Oklahoma. Spencer & Erwin, lumber, Vilas and 3rd W. Spencer, Geo. W., (Melone, Spencer & Co.) Spencer, Henry, tinner, 13 W Oklahoma. Spencer, H. F., pres Capital City bank, cor 2nd and Harrison. Spencer, H. F., (Spencer & Erwin) lumber. Spengel, A. J., undertaker, S 2nd opp Land Office. Spice, Fred., water hauler, S Division, near Grant. Spiers, J. P., lawyer, res Harrison near 9th. Spinning & Co., C. P., real estate, 6 W and Noble. Spink, J. E., laborer, cor 6th W and Noble. Stackhouse, J. B., salesman, 4 W Harrison. Stahl, Dr. M. S., physician, 111 1-2 E Oklahoma. Staley, Amos, restaurant, 218 W Harrison. STANHOPE-OLSMITH ARMS Co., cor Division and Harrison. Stanley, Grant, lawyer, National Bank Building. Star Meat Market, near cor Oklahoma and R.R. Starr, G. W., shoemaker, 6 E Oklahoma. STATE HERALD CO., 2nd and Vilas. Stevenson, Rev. J. B., pastor M. E. Church, (South), cor Broad and Vilas. Steward, E. D., grocer, cor 5th and Vilas. Stewart, G. E., (Smith & Stewart). Stewart, Jas., capitalist, W Noble near 6th. Stewart, W. A., propr. Missouri Restaurant, cor 3rd and Oklahoma. Stitler, J. W., Stitler & Truesdell. Stitler & Truesdell feed store, cor Division and Springer. STOCKSLAGER, T. A., mayor E. Guthrie, 4th E and Oklahoma. Stone, John F., (Speed & Stone), lawyer. Stowe Bros., (C. H. and A. A. Stowe), hardware, 109 N 2nd. Strauss, Chas., Hennessey & Strauss, baker. Strickler & Briggs, real estate, cor Oklahoma and 6th. Strickler, J. W., (strickler & Briggs.) STROUB & Co., B. F., livery stable, Division, cor Vilas. Stough, H. L., propr. N. Y. Restaurant. STUMPFF BROS., blacksmiths, S Division n of Harrison. Stumpff, J. H., (Stumpff Bros.), blacksmith. Stumpff, R. J., (Stumpff Bros.), blacksmith. Stumpff, W. R., (Stumpff Bros.), blacksmith. STURGEON & GILL, tobacco and agts. laundry, 214 W Harrison. Sturgeon, W. A., (Sturgeon & Gill). SUMMERFIELD & CO., fruit market, 2nd and Vilas. Summerfield, L., (Summerfield & Co.), 2nd and Vilas. Summerfield, Simon, clerk, cor 2nd and Vilas. Summerfield, W., Oklahoma Market, 2nd and Vilas. SUNDAY, F. P., blacksmith, cor 7th and Noble. Sunfield, Philip, 610 W Noble. Suttle, H. C., (Suttle & Parsons), real estate. Suttle & Parsons, real estate, 107 E Oklahoma. Sykes, A. B., foreman Ok. Capital, 14 E Oklahoma.
Tainter, H. L., real estate, cor 3rd and Oklahoma. Tanner, E. A., gen'l merchandise, 111 S 2nd. TARR & PEARSON, blacksmiths, cor 5th E and Vilas. Tarr, S. J., (Tarr & Pearson), blacksmith. Taylor & Fitch, surveyors, 1st S: 3 d s of mayor's office. Taylor, John, real estate, cor Broad and Harrison. Taylor, N. M., lawyer, Nat. Bank Block. Teal, M. R., salesman Carey-Lombard Co., Vilas and R.R. Tegg, J. C., restarurant, Cleveland e of R.R. Terry, Frank, printer, 14 E Oklahoma, res. E Oklahoma and 6th. Thompson & Blincoe, lumber dealers, E Harrison w of 1st. Thomas, F. L., grocer, 1st W s of Warner. Thomas, J. D., boots and shoes, 4 S 2nd. Thomas, Jerome M., carpenter, Noble bet (?) and 9th. Thomas, M., bowling alley, W 5th near Harrison. Thomas, W. A., cashier Cap. City Bank. Thomas, W. D., typewriter, 4 1-2 S 2nd. Thomas, W. W., (Dale, Thomas & McLain). Thompson, J. E., propr. chop house, 235 W. Oklahoma. THOMPSON, W. P., propr. Daily News, 17 N. 2nd. Thurer, C., farmer, 216 W Oklahoma. Thurston, H. r., (Thurston & Merrick), lawyer. THURSTON & MERRICK, lawyers, 22 N ?nd. Tilden, W. W., salesman Oliver Bros. Tilghman & Brown, drinking house, s w cor Perkins and 2nd. Tilghman, W. M., (tilghman & Brown). Todd, H. D., Gibbens & Todd. Thompkins, J. G., salesman Oliver Bros. TONTZ, JOHN, hardware store, 13 W Harrison. Tontz, J. W., flour and feed, 11 W Harrison. Toohne, Gregory, clerk Tuller's Commission House. Tosh, E. L., fruit dealer, 121 E Oklahoma. Tout, Rev. J. F., Pastor Christian Church services E. Guthrie City Hall. Townsley, Henry P?, Townsley & Winter, grocer Townsley & Winter, grocers, 1st and Harrison. Traband, Adam, G. W. Cigar Manufactory, cor Okalhoma and Broad. Traband, L., Oklahoma and Broad. Trask, E. O., printer, 2nd and Vilas. Trask, E. R., foreman State Herald, cor 2nd and Vilas. Tribble, Dr. T. E., physician, 218 E Oklahoma. Truesdell, O. J., Stitler & Truesdell, feed store. Tucker, Jas. L., printer, Capital Office. Tucker, John M, cook, Land Office. Tucker, rJ., water hauler, 5th W and Grant. Tuller & Co., W. L., commission merchants, O W Oklahoma. Turner, G. M., propr. meat market, 13 E Oklahoma. Tutt, J. C., news stand, 204 W Oklahoma, res 2nd and Cleveland. Tutt, Mrs.l Lulu, saleslady, 204 W Oklahoma. Twyford, S. B., teamster lumber yard, cor Oklahoma and R.R.
Uhl, Frederick, Uhl & Neff. Uhl & Neff, contractors, 1st E and Oklahoma. Upeburch, W. A., with Jones & Richardson Lumber Co. Upmeyer, H. H. G., Wilhamson Bros. & Co., 106 Oklahoma.
Vanatta, W. J., Rickseeker & Co., real estate. Vandervoort, Dr. M., physician, Division and Noble. Van Elm, August, shoemaker, Mansur bet 4th and 5th. Van Laningham Bros., restaurant, 10 W Harrison, res W. Washington and 8th. Van Slyke, E. E., propr. billiard hall, 220 W Harrison. Van Voorhees, S. K., cashier R. R. Co., Depot. Van Wormer, J. L., City Attorney E Guthrie, City Building. Veatch, Mrs L. M., propr. Bon Marchae Dining Hall, 1st St. W bet Oklahoma and Cleveland. Villeroy, L., (Foncart & Villeroy) architect. Vollmer, Chas., Golden Eagle Clothing Co. Vollmer & Wolter, Golden Eagle Clothing Co. Vorpe, J. J., res Cleveland e of Broad.
Wagner, Anna, Wagner Sisters. Wagner, Hattie, Wagner Sisters. Wagner, Mattie E., Wagner Sisters. WAGNER SISTERS, millinery, Vilas e of 1st St. E Waite, A. H. mgr K. C. Merchantile Co., 9 W Harrison. Wall & Cropper, club room, 212 W Oklahoma. Walker, Drace & Co., real estate, 9 E Oklahoma. Walker, H. R., Walker, Drace & Co. Walker, J. H., realestate, Oklahoma bet 1st and Division. Walker, J. S., carpenter, Vilas bet 3rd and 4th W. Walker & McCoy, sign painters, 1st St. opp mayor's office. Wallace, B. H., shoemaker, 15 W Oklahoma. WALLACE, J. N., 2nd St. City Pharmacy, 116 S 2nd. Wallace Jno. R., clerk Land Office. Wallace, Vincent, cashier Bank of Indian Territory. Walters & Evington, N. Y. Photo Co., 318 E Oklahoma. WALTERS, J. M., merchant tailor, Seely Block e of Post Office. Wanner, J. E., clothing, 6 E Oklahoma. Ward & Flanary, notion store, 314 S 2nd. Warmoth, W., capital?ist, W Noble near 9th W. Washington & Hollingsworth, restaurant, Oklahoma w of depot. Walters-Pierce Oil Co., 1st and Oklahoma. Way, John F., lawyer, 2 S 2nd W upstairs. Webb, Lindsay & Webb, lawyers, Webb Building, Harrison. Webb, L. S., Webb, Lindsay & Webb, lawyer. Weekel, Adolph, billiard hall, cor 1st E and Oklahoma. Wehmeler, A. S., grocer, 417 W Noble. Weicker, A. C., transfer, depot. Weinberger, M., fruit stand, 218 W Oklahoma. Weiss, Philip, ice cream parlor, 108 S 2nd. Welch, Thos., tailor, Mausur and Division. West Guthrie Lumber Co., W Cleveland bet 5th and 6th. West, Luther, News solicitor, News Building. West, W. H., propr. City Hotel, opp R.R. depot. Westervelt, E. E., Mgr. Western Union, depot. Westfall, J. T., real estate, with Slupe & Bonebrake. WHEELER, CHAS., gunsmith, 9 N Division. WHITBECK, M., dry goods, cor 1st and Harrison. White, B. S., (J. H., Park & Co.). WHITE, C. W., jeweler, Kelly's Drug Store, cor 2nd and Harrison. White & Grayson, Short Order House, S 2nd bet Harrison and Oklahoma. Whiteley, Carlin & Duncan, real estate, 5th W and Noble. Whiteley, T. C., (Whiteley, Carlin & Duncan). Whitley & Orput, real estate and loans, Nat. Bank Block. WACHITA CAFE, 118 E Oklahoma. Williams & Co., John M., pool room, 214 W Oklahoma. Williams, D. H., contractor, Capital office. WILLIAMSON & BERGER, lawyers, 217 E Oklahoma. Williamson Bros. & Co., gen'l merchandise, 106 E Oklahoma. Williamson, M. B., (Williamson Bros. & Co.) Williamson, P. N., (Williamson Bros. & Co.) Williamson, W. W., (Williamson & Berger.) Wills, C. A., builder E Harrison 2 d w of 6th. Willis & Rowe, lawyers, S 2nd opp Land Office. Wilson, Chas., clerk J. Tontz's store. Wilson, Chas. B., lawyer, 13 1-2 N 2nd. Wilson, G. L., 3rd E 4 d s of Noble. Wilson, John, barber, 7 W Oklahoma. Wilson, J. P., (Wilson & Pinaire) Division St. cor Oklahoma. Wilson & Martin, lawyers, ab Merchants' Bank. WILSON & PINAIRE, meat market, Division cor Oklahoma. Wilson, U. A., circulator state Herald, 2nd and Vilas. Winer, J. E., sign painter, N 2nd. Winer, Dr. W. J., Hotel Carlton, W Harrison. Winter, Jas. F., (Townsley & Winter), grocer. Winton, J. P., Bus Manager Oklahoma Capital. Witherell A. J., (Witherell & Pamperin), grocer. Witherell & Pamperin, general merchandise, cor Vilas and Division. Withrow & Pamperin, grocers, 205 E Vilas. WOLCOTT, HERBERT, 17 N 2nd, New Building, lawyer. Wolff, H. P., (D. Wolff & Son), grocer. Wolff & Son, D., grocers, 210 E Oklahoma. Wolter, E. J., Golden Eagle Clothing House. Wood, L. C., blacksmith, 606 W Noble. Woodbury, F. A., (Palace Meat Market.) Woods, C. L., tailor at J. M. Walter's. WRAY, E. W., baker, 110 S 2nd. WRIGHT, A. D., books, 614 W Noble. Wright & Co., R. M., gen'l merchandise, 219 W Oklahoma. Wyatt, F. M., pool room, 214 W Oklahoma.
Yee Quong, laundry, 107 W Harrison. Young, D. J., local mgr. Carey-Lombard Co. Young, J. S., barber, S W Oklahoma. Yuen Sing, laundry, 206 1-2 S 2nd.
Zachry, A. S., lawyer, Harrison bet. 1st and Broad. Ziegler, J. A., photographer, 212 W Harrison.
Adair, A. A. (Shaw & Adair), grocer. ALLISON, W. M., U.S. Commissioner, n of Gov. Acre Atchison, J. R., mgr W Guthrie Lumber Co. Ballou, O. B., res Springer near 6th E. Barlow Bros., propr's Florida Hotel, Cleveland and Division. Barlow, Lehroy W., (Barlow Bros.), Florida Hotel. Beck, C. G., clerk Mulrein's store, Oklahoma and 1st. Bell, Rev. J. B., pastor 2nd (col.) M. E. Church, res opp Bruckner's store. Best, F. J., clerk freight office, depot. Biggs, W. R., clerk freight office, depot. Blaine, Jas. A., night watchman, depot. Bowman, Harold W., with F. L. Parker. Brodie, J. W., bricklayer, cor Logan and 6th W. Brown, W. H., real estate, Cleveland e of Division. Bryant, S. A., blacksmith, Noble near 6th W. Bushnell, Lou, clerk Ice & King. Calligan, M., contractor, Cleveland near Division. Carr, R. A., grocer, Noble and Division. Carroll, Jno., stage mgr. Club Theater. CARSON & PATTERSON, livery, Oklahoma and Broad. Case, J. B., tinner, 110 E Oklahoma. Christian, H. E., clerk Express Office, Depot. Clark, F. E., clerk Ok. Merchantile Co. Clark, J. J., clerk Express Office, depot. Colwell, T. S., mgr. S. J. Converse's store. Converse, S. J., general stock, e of cor Oklahoma and 1st. Corlett, T. A., mgr. P.M. Hoisington. Cortins, A. J., chief clerk R. R., Depot. Cowling, R. B., real estate, 1st W bet Warner and Noble. Craig, L. S., with Oklahoma Farmer, Nat. Bank Block. Crismond, Dr. J. W., physician, cor 1st and Springer. Crow, C. A., city assessor E. Guthrie, res Cleveland and 4th. Crowe, J. H., agt. Wells-Fargo Express, Depot. Cunningham, G. T., cor Oklahoma and 2nd W. Davis, C. E., Jr., Pres. Guthrie Investment Co. Delaney, L. R., Agent S.F.R.R., Depot. DeGrasse, Rev. Felis, pastor Catholic Church, res Cleveland and 3rd E. Dick, L. O., mgr. Oklahoma Merchantile Co. Dobbs, B. F., feed and produce, 115 E Oklahoma. Dodge City Ice Co., Springer w of r.r. Fegan & Tharp, lawyers, Nat. Bank Block. Fisher, Dr. Anna, physician, Division and Noble. Fletcher and Miller, painting, 1st and Harrison. Graham, H. T., mgr. lumberyard, Oklahoma e of r.r. Gribble, J. F., with Jones & Richardson Lumber Co. Guthrie Investment Co., 1st St. W n of Oklahoma. Hair, Robt., clerk S.J. Converse's store. Hall, Oliver H., reporter, R.R. n of Vilas. Hamlin, E. M., Ex. NO. 7, Depot. Hart, T. J., Guthrie Investment Co. Herron, F. C., (Marshall-Herron Produce Co.) Howard, J. B., Sec. Guthrie Investment Co. Hutcheson, James, Bon Ton Bakery, Division and Noble. HUTCHINSON & CO. MRS., A. V., milliners, cor 1st E and Oklahoma. Kalklosch, L. J., real estate, 311 E Oklahoma. Keller, J. P., blacksmith with J. S. Mater. King, J., (Lyon, King & Co.) Leroy, Ed., prop. Club Theatre, Harrison and 1st W. Lyeth, H. C., clerk Ok. Merchantile Co. Lyon, M. P., (Lyon, King & Co.) Marshall, G. A., (Marshall-Herron Produce Co.) MARSHALL-HERRON PRODUCE Co., w of cor Oklahoma and Broad. Mc Dermott, Thos., tailor, 3 N 2nd. McNamara, Jas. A., painter, Oklahoma Farmer. Newlon, W. M., Ohio restaurant, 7 W Oklahoma. Pond, Chas., rubber stamps, Oklahoma w of 2nd. Reynolds, Jos., master property Club Theater. Roe, Dr. M. P., office Gem Drug Store, N 2nd. Roussel, Thomas, first and second hand store 108 E Oklahoma. Rutherford, P. M., mgr. Arkansas City Milling Co. Schlegel, M., clerk Ok. Merchantile Co. Smith, Jas., clerk lumber yd., Oklahoma and R.R. Starkey, Chas., leader orchestra, Club Theatre. Taylor, Wm., prop. billiard hall, Oklahoma w of 1st W. Turner, Miss E. L., stationery, next to Capital office. Wilmoth, L. W., salesman Ice & King, grocers. Winner, Mrs. M. D., renovating, Noble and Division. Wiseman, F. J., prop. Oklahoma Farmer, Nat. Bank Block. Workman, G. A., mgr. Dodge City Ice Co.
Craig & Co., J. T., 12 E Harrison. Smith Bros. & Co., Noble w of bridge.
Mac Donald, D., 2nd n of Noble
(See Lawyers.)
CALIFORNIA BAKERY, Oklahoma w of R.R. Copper & Co., cor 110 S 2nd. Good, Victor, cor Cleveland and 7th W. Hecker, Jacob, 211 S 2nd. Hennessey & Strauss, 225 W Oklahoma. Howser & Baumberger, cor 1st E and Harrison Hutcheson, Jas., Division and Noble. Johnson, Frank, 15 E Oklahoma. Lanx, N., 6 S 2nd. Miller, Mrs. M., cor Oklahoma and 7th. Minger & Mckenzie, 1st and Harrison. Rawson & Prichard, cor 5th and Harrison. Ross Ave. Bakery, cor Orange and Ross Ave. Sexauer, Wm., Cleveland bet 3rd and 4th. Shafer, J., 16 W Oklahoma.
Bank of Guthrie, 12 E Oklahoma. Bank of Indian Territory, cor Division and Oklahoma. Capital City Bank, cor 2nd and Harrison. COMMERCIAL BANK, Oklahoma w of 2nd St. McNEAL LITTLE BANKING CO, cor 1st and Oklahoma. Merchants' Bank, cor 2nd W and Oklahoma.
Adams, W. M., Hotel Springer. Baughn & Hahn, 405 S 2nd. Brueke, Wm., Oklahoma opp Gov. Acre. Davidson & Walters, Harrison w of 2nd. Eastwood, J. W., 234 W Oklahoma. Gaffeny, Jas., Oklahoma opp Gov. Acre. Graupner, R. F., 413 E Oklahoma. Hood, E. J., cor 3rd and Oklahoma. Jennings, W. W., 215 W Harrison. Johnson, J. W., 215 W Oklahoma. MARCH & BROWN, cor Harrison and 1st. McLain, Ed., 10 W Oklahoma. Scrutchfield, C. H., Harrison e of Division. Shuler, R. B., cor 1st and Oklahoma. Smith, R. S., 2nd St., 3 d of P.O. Young, J. S., S W Oklahoma.
Johnson, F. E., 231 W Oklahoma. Roe, S. E., 15 W Harrison. Smith, C. A., Cleveland near 5th W. Taylor, Wm., Oklahoma w of 1st. Van Slyke, E. E., 220 W Harrison. Weckel, Adolph, cor 1st E and Oklahoma. Williams & Co., 214 W Oklahoma.
Arnold, T. B., W Oklahoma of R.R. Bryant, ?. A., Noble near 6th W. CROCKETT & ARMSTRONG, R.R. bet Harrison and Vilas. Hale & Bigerstaff, Vilas near 5th W. Hertle?, A., 4th W near Oklahoma. Holten?, Saml., 4th St. W near Oklahoma. KNOX & LOONIS, cor 4th W and Oklahoma. Layton, J. T., Vilas cor Division. Muler?- L. S, cor Cleveland and 1st E. Radeliff & Miller, cor Cleveland and Division. Rexroad, W. H., Grant w of 1st E. Skinner, F. Noble and 7th W. STUMPFF BROS., Division n of Harrison. SUNDAY, F. P., cor 7th W and Noble. TARR & PEARSON, cor 5th E and Vilas. Weed, L. C., 606 W Noble.
Parker, C. C., 12 S 2nd. Raffner, Harry, s of Post Office. Turner, Miss E. L., next to Capital Office. T. . ?, J. C., 204 W Oklahoma. WRIGHT, A. D., 614 W Noble.
Beadles & Son, Cor 1st and Oklahoma. Chase, C. W., 15 W Oklahoma. MEYER & BRO., 1st St. s of Oklahoma. Thomas, J. D., 4 S 2nd. Wallace, B. H., 15 W Oklahoma.
Bender?, R. F., 11 W Oklahoma. Egan & Newberry, 111-2 W Harison. Hinmes?, D M., Harrison W of cor 2nd. Madara, W. ?., 209 W Harrison. McNaghten, John, cor 1st and Oklahoma. Nagel, Dennis, N 2nd next to News Office. Null, W. F., 17 1-2 W Harrison. Smith, Harry F., with Beadles & Son. Van Elm, August, Mansur bet 4th and 5th.
Fitts & Co., M. B., Davidson and Warner.
Guthrie Brick Works, cor 1st and Grant. Guthrie Pressed Brick Co., cor 1st and Vilas.
Calligan, M. Cleveland near Division. GOTHAUER, HENRY, Springer, cor 1st. Grant Bros., 5th W and Cleveland. Howe, J. W., Oklahoma by the River. FOUCART & VILLEROY, N 2nd near Cleveland. Marshall & Co., G. A., cor 1st and Cleveland. MILLER, S. L., 314 E Oklahoma. Montgomery, C., Noble of 1st E. Parke & Tyler, Vilas bet Division and 1st. Powell Bros., Broad S of Oklahoma. Shapland Bros., rear Merchants' Bank. SIMMONS, L. B., 116 N 2nd. SLANE, J. H., Springer bet 5th and 6th. Smithes, H., 112 S 2nd. Uhi & Neff, 1st E and Oklahoma. Williams, D. H., Capital Office. Wills, C. A., E Harrison 2 d w of 6th.
NYMAN, C., 1st E s of Noble. Traband, L., cor Oklahoma and Broad.
Halle, A. H., 16 W Oklahoma. Joy & Smith, 18 S 2nd. Milligan? Bros., 112 E. Oklahoma. Rhoads & Co., 26 S 2nd. Sampsel, J. A., 117 W Harrison. Shawhan & Churchill, 8 S 2nd. Snyder, Chas., 226 W Oklahoma. STURGEON & GILL, 214 W Harrison.
CLARK, O. A., cor Noble and Broad. Howell, C. C., 105 W Oklahoma. Potts, M. W., S 2nd opp Land Office. Taylor & Fitch, 1st St., 3 d s City Building.
Davis, ----- Harrison bet 2nd and 3rd. Doty, C. J., cor Oklahoma and Capital Bvl. Golden Eagle Clothing Co., cor Harrison and 2nd. Palace Clothing House, Harrison near 1st. Pioneer Clothing House, 5 E Oklahoma.
HOISINGTON & CO., P. M., Harrison w of R.R.
Campbell, Wm., 108 1-2 W Harrison. Follett & Maxwell, 13 W Oklahoma. Mier & richmond, cor 1st W and Oklahoma. Payne, W. S., 207 W Oklahoma. SUMMERFIELD & CO., cor 2nd and Vilas. Tosh, E. L., 121 E Oklahoma. Weinberger, M., 218 W Oklahoma.
SMITH, JULIUS, 116 E Oklahoma.
Mauser, J. J. A., 307 E Oklahoma. PEOPLES, D. A., cor 2nd and Noble. Slocum, ---- 1st s of Oklahoma. Wilson, F. M., Vilas and 1st W.
BENHAM, MISS LEE, 17 1-2 E Oklahoma. Cleveland, Miss May, 10 N Division. EDWARDS, Mrs. A. L., 111 S 2nd. HARVEY & GRAFTON, MRS., 14 W Harrison. HUTCHINSON & CO., MRS. A. V., cor 1st E and Oklahoma. Jordan, Miss Cora, cor 3rd and Harrison. LOVITT, MRS I. M., cor Oklahoma and Division. Malin, Mrs. A. B., W Noble near 7th. WAGNER SISTERS, Vilas e of 1st E.
Buserbark & Skinner, cor 1st E and Oklahoma. Cheadle, N. F., Agt. Hop Tea. R.R. s of Vilas. The Gem, opp Gov. Acre. Tilghman & Brown, s w cor Perkins and 2nd.
BLOOMER BROS., cor Broad and Cleveland. BRUCKNER & CO., M. R., Harrison bet Division and 1st E. Cox, Geo. B., 18 W Oklahoma. Craig, J. M., 16 W Harrison. Dorr & Ditter, Gen Drug Store, 1st St. next to Mayor's Office. Griffith, C. H., Palace Drug Store, cor Harrison and R.R. HANENKRATT, D. V., S 2nd bet Springer and Perkins. HAY, L. B., 1st W and Oklahoma. KELLEY, D. B., cor 2nd and Harrison. Linn, Henry, 315 E Oklahoma. LILLIE'S PHARMACY, end of bridge n of Depot. McELHINNEY, A. M., Post office Drug Store. McNulty, ED, 4 E Oklahoma. Osborne Bros. Vilas and 1st W. Penfield, W. H., E Harrison, cor 6th. Pioneer Drug Store, Cleveland w of 4th W. Rinehart, F. M., cor 4th E and Oklahoma. SARGENT, S. S., Oklahoma n of Land Office. WALLACE, J. N., 116 S 2nd.
Cremwell, C. H., cor Harrison and Division. Jacobs, J. Oklahoma near 1st. PELSUE, J. W., 109 E Oklahoma. Ward & Fla---?, 314 S 2nd. WHITBECK, M., cor 1st and Harrison.
Welch, Thos, cor Division and Mansur.
Guthrie Electric Light & Power Co., 1st E and Harrison.
Wells-Fargo, J. H., Crowe, agt., depot.
BRIGGS, RUSSELL, cor Harrison and Broad.
Arkansas City Milling Co., 1st E and Noble. Brown & Co., C. S., cor 2nd and Noble. Craig, R. G., cor 4th E and Vilas. Dobbs, B. F., 115 E Oklahoma. Hopkins Bros., cor 2nd and Vilas. Houghton & Co., F. E., 600 W Noble. Oklahoma Supply Co., R. R. n of Springer. Patton, John, 8 N Division. Piburn, J. H., 5th W and Oklahoma. Rolfs F. A., cor Vilas and 1st E. Stitler & Truesdell, cor Division and Springer. Tontx, J. W., 11 W Harrison.
Duff & Oldroyd, 6 W Harrison. Egbert, A., near 7th W and Noble. Rhodes, Wm., Oklahoma bet Division and 1st. Spengel, A. J., S 2nd opp Land Office.
Berry & Bros., T. E., 111 S 2nd. BOSTON STORE, 7TH W Harrison. Converse, S. J., e of cor 1st and Oklahoma. KANSAS CITY MERCANTILE Co., 9 W Harrison. KAYLOR & McDONALD, Oklahoma and 5th E. Johnson & Co., E. S., 12 W Oklahoma. Matheu, C. A., cor 1st W and Harrison. Mills, C. C., 2nd and Springer. OKLAHOMA MERCHANTILE Co., 13 N 2nd. Overbay, J. A., 9 W Oklahoma. Tanner, E. A., 111 S 2nd. Williamson Bros. & Co., 106 E Oklahoma. Wright & Co., 219 W Oklahoma.
Allen & Anderson, n w cor 5th and Vilas. Anderson, J. D., 222 w Oklahoma. ANDREWS & SALMON, cor Oklahoma and Broad. Baldwin, E. M., 2nd St. s of P.O. Ball Bros., cor 2nd and Vilas. BENNETT, A. W., 316 E Oklahoma. Brock & Rolf, Cleveland bet 5th and 6th w. Brown, L. A., 509 2 Noble. Cannon, L, 5th w near Harrison. Carter & Skinner, cor 1st and Oklahoma. Carr, R. A., Noble and Division. Coyle & Smith, Harrison e of 2nd. DIAMOND GROCERY, cor of Cleveland and 6th W. Douglass & Clark, 1st w opp Mayor's Office. Forch, Jacob, 213 w Oklahoma. Goode, D. H., corner 4 E and Springer. Gray Bros., 3 E Oklahoma. Green, David, Vilas bet 3rd and 4th w. Hale & Son, 103 w Harrison. Henderson, Robt., w 5th opp Depot. Ice & King, cor Cleveland and Division. Jeffery & Wright, Harrison bet 1st and 2nd. KIMBALL GROCERY and PROVISION Co., 13 N Division. Kinkead, w. H., cor Cleveland and 7th E. Kirk Bros., Cleveland bet 5th and 6th w. Lawrence, R. E., cor. Noble and 7th. Leininger, H. W., 1st w cor Noble. MARSHALL-HERRON Co., w of cor Oklahoma and Broad. McDaniel, J. C., 218 w Oklahoma. McKinney, J. W., 16 E Oklahoma. Miller & Co., Vilas bet 4th and 5th E. Nichols & Bro., 314 E Oklahoma. Potter, E. H., 217 E Oklahoma. Purvis, G. W., Harrison, e of Broad. Scott, J., Vilas bet Division and 1st. Seixas, F., Cleveland and 6th w. Shatzer, J. B., 304 S 2nd. Shaw & Adair, cor Division and Harrison. Steward, E. D., cor 5th e and Vilas. Sunfield, P., 610 w Noble. Thomas, F. L., 1st w s of Warner. Tuller & Co., W. L., 20 w Oklahoma. Wehmeier, A. S., 417 w Noble. Witherell & Pamperin, cor Vilas and Division. Wolff & Son, D., 210 e Oklahoma.
STANHOPE-OLSMITH ARMS CO., cor Division and Harrison. WHEELER, CHAS., 9 n Division.
Collar, M., 114 s 2d. Hamilton - Rankin Hardware Co., 8 w Harrison. Kansas Hardware Co., 9 w Oklahoma. Mundy, Geo. E., 226 w Oklahoma. Randall & Lyon, cor Oklahoma and Division. Spencer & Co., W. S., 2d st op Postoffice. TONTZ, JOHN, 13 w Harrison.
Cherry, P., 1st and Vilas. Goff, J. N., 218 e Oklahoma.
Arlington Hotel, 1st and Vilas. BENEDICT HOTEL, 228 w Harrison. CAPITOL HOTEL, s e cor Square. CITY HOTEL, OPP R R depot. Eldridge, D. C., 227 w Oklahoma. Florida Hotel, Cleveland and Division. Henderson, Jennie V., w 5th near Harrison. Hotel Carlton, 226 w Harrison. Hotel Johnston, Broad and Noble. Hotel Springer, cor Division and Oklahoma. Hotel Apartment House, 6th and Oklahoma. Lindell Hotel R. R. opp depot. PALACE HOTEL, cor 2d and Harrison. Palmer House, cor Harrison and 3d w. Sherman House, 2d and Oklahoma.
Dodge City Ice Co., Springer w of R R.
Mount, C. V., 4 s 2d Murray & Co., s 2d n of Harrison. Strede, Geo., R., C. C. Parker's store. WHITE, C. W., cor 2d and Harrison.
Baker, B. R., Cleveland w of river. Got Lee, cor Cleveland and 2d. KINNARD, W. M., Division s of Vilas. Lee Lung, 11 n Division. Lee Sing, 314 e Oklahoma. Neilson, Mrs. Sarah, cor 1st and Grant. Tom Sing, cor Harrison and 1st w. Yee Quong, 107 w Harrison. Yuen Sing, 206 1/2 s 2d.
Axsom, J.R., cor Cleveland and Broad. Bailey, E.H., Times building. Baker, B.R., 234 w Oklahoma. Bell & Tharp, National bank building. Bevans & Kelso, 4 1/2 s 2nd. Blackburn & McComb, s 2nd opp land office. Bradley, S.H., Oklahoma n of Gov acre. Brannum, Walter, city building 1st street w. Brown, Bierer & Cotterall, s 2nd opp land office. Calvert, J.L., Merchant's bank building.' Carr, Ben, s 2nd 2 d s P.O.. Carter, H. S., rear Merchants bank. Chadwick, D. J., Times bldg. Classen, A. H., cor 2nd and Vilas. Cummings, A. A., cor 1st e and Noble. Cunningham, Carter & Hainer, rear Merchants bank. Cunningham, H. S., 120 w Harrison. CUPPAGE & COGSDAL, n of Land Office. Dale, Thomas & McLain, 12 1/2 s 2nd St. Decker, S. M., 2nd bet Springer and Perkins. EARL, W.E., e Harrison near Division. Elson, J. E., 1st s of Oklahoma. Enright, J. J., s 2nd near Vilas. Fegan & Tharp, Nat. bank blk. Ferguson & Broadfoot, 9 n 2nd w. Freeman & Ward, 1st st w next d to mayor's office. Galloway, John M., cor Harrison and 1st w. Gibbens & Todd, 2nd st w of Gov acre. Gooch, J. Y., 1st s of Cleveland. Griffin, W. H., 202 1/2 w Harrison. Halley, Caruthers & Rucker, 10 s 2nd. Hawkins, J. H., Vilas w of cor 2nd. Helm & Meadows, Oklahoma n of land office. Hill, R. W., Cleveland and 5th. Hofius, J. C., ab Cap City bank. Hogatt, O'Donnell & Brannum?, Times bldg. Holland, C.C., rear Merchants bank. Hotchkis, F. M., Times bldg. Jackson, C. L., 13 n 2nd. JEFFRIES, C. P., s of Gov. acre. JONES, T. S., Times bldg, 2nd and Oklahoma. KENNER & MORGAN, 2nd st opp land office. Kerns, C. W., Harrison 2 d e of 1st. Lauck & Lauck, 8 s 2nd. LEONARD, F. A., 105 w Oklahoma. LINDSEY, PUTMAN & WIDMER, 4 s 2nd. Lyman, L. B., 18 n 2nd. Marsh, E. H., opp Gov acre. Murkhand & Latham, 9 n 2nd. MaCASKEY & KING, Oklahoma opp Gov acre. McKennen & Boles, Palmer house. Miller & Jones, Times building upstairs. Moran, James, Oklahoma, 2 d e of land office. Neil & Adams, cor Oklahoma and 2nd w. O'Donnell, J. F., Times bldg. Outeelt, G. A., Sherman house. Ransofu ? Ransoin, C. W., ab 3 n 2nd. Richardson, T. J., 215 w Harrison. Ricksecker, J. H., Harrison 4 d e of depot. Rock, Clevinger & Hays, Times bldg. Rosseau, D. H., 2nd st near Harrison. Schoch, W. F., ab Cap City bank. Seely, S. E., 1st w s of Oklahoma. Slaten, L. H., S e Oklahoma. SMITH, W. S., 1st st cor Oklahoma. SOWARD & BONHAM, corner Broad and Oklahoma. Sp??ed & Stone, 110 w Oklahoma. Stanley, Grant, Nat'l bank bldg. STOCKSLAGER, T. A., cor 4th e and Oklahoma. Taylor, N. M., Nat'l bank bldg. THURSTON & MERRICK, 22 n 2nd. Todd, H. D., 6 s 2nd. Van Wormer, J. L., city bldg E Guthrie. Way, John F., 2 s 2nd, up stairs. Webb, Lindsay & Webb, Webb bldg. WILLIAMSON & BERGER, 217 e Oklahoma. Willis & Rowe, 10 s 2nd. Wilson, C. B., 13 1/2 n 2nd. Wilson & Martin, ab Merchants' bank. WOLCOTT, HERBERT, 17 N 2ND. Zachry, A. S., Harrison bet 1st and Broad.
Baum, Jos., Cleveland w of R.R. Baxter & Cammack, 110 s 2nd. Besler?, C. W., cor Vilas and 1st w. CARSON & PATTERSON, Oklahoma and Broad. COMBS & RICHMOND, Harrison w of R.R. STROUB & CO., cor Division and Vilas.
Alexander, A. V., near cor 2d and Noble. Appleman, J. C., cor 1st e and Grant. Arkansas Lumber Co., Vilas w of Division. Beggs & Co., Geo., R. R. bet Vilas and Springer. CAREY - LOMBARD LUMBER CO., cor Harrison and 2nd. Cazort Bros., cor Broad and Vilas. Darlington & Miller, lumber, cor Cleveland and 1st w. Davidson & Case, cor Vilas and R.R. Eberhardt & Sudendorf, cor Harrison and R.R. Fowler Bros., cor Vilas and 1st e. Hearn, Wall & Co., cor 1st e and Harrison. Iowa Lumber Co., cor Harrison and 7th. Jones and Richardson, Vilas w of R.R. McKinnon, M., 4 w Harrison. McPhearson, Thos., Oklahoma bet 2d and 3d. Oliver Bros., cor Springer and R.R. PARKER, F. L., 1st st e cor Oklahoma. Roberts, W. R., Division cor Harrison. Sawyer Lumber Co., Vilas w of R.R. Southwestern Lumber Co., cor Vilas and Division. Spencer & Erwin, Vilas and 3d w. Thompson & Blincoe, e Harrison w of 1st.
Eagle, S. B., 230 w Oklahoma. HIXON & SON, 121 1/2 e Oklahoma. Marriott, John, cor 4th e and Oklahoma. Matz, John, 423 Noble. Miller, Geo. M., 111 s 2d. PALACE MEAT MARKET, 113 s 2d. Ryan, T. W., 230 w Harrison. Star Mest Market, near cor Oklahoma and R.R. Turner, G. M., 13 e Oklahoma. WILSON & PINAIRE, Division at cor Oklahoma.
Browning, King &Co., next cor 2d w and Harrison. CUNNINGHAM & BURKE, 8 doors w of Division. McDermoit, Thos., 3 n 2d. Pye, James, 26 s 2d. WALTERS, J. M., Seeley block, e of postoffice.
Barrows & Butler, 10 n Division. CARY, FRANK, 7 n Division. Douglass Bros., 105 w Harrison. Dunbar & Co., 4th e near cor Oklahoma. Duncan, R. D., 5th and Noble w. Fletcher & Miller, 1st and Harrision. Kreton & Crisson, Division bet Harrison and Vilas. Patt, T. F., Noble 2 d w of bridge. Walker & McCoy, 1st st w op Mayor's Office. Wiser?, J. E., n 2d.
Gregory & Son, Craig's Drug store, Harrison e of 1st. Waters-Pierce Oil Co., and Oklahoma.
HARGRAVE, J. J.. 310 s 2d. Marshall and Huff, Noble and Division. Mitchell & DeGroff, 212 w Harrison. New York Photo Co., 318 e Oklahoma. PETERSON, E. W., n Division and Logan.
Ackley, F. M., 315 e Oklahoma. BARKER, E. O., Lillie's Pharmacy. Calmes, Dr. J. B., 2d near Oklahoma. Cone, N. D., 4 e Oklahoma. Cook, W. H., Cleveland w of 4th e. Cotteral, C. F., 2d st op Land Office. Crafton, F. E., cor 1st w and Noble. Crismond, J. W., cor 1st and Springer. ENNIS, DR. J. M., 10 w Harrison. FERGUSON, S. H., cor 1st w and Harrison. Fisher, Anna, Division and Noble. Fisher, J. S., 9 n 2d FONNER, DR. W. H., cor 2d and Harrison. Galbraith, J., Springer bet 1st and Broad. Gates, R. A., Times Building. HAY, DR. L. B., cor 1st and Oklahoma. Hiatt, J. J., National Bank blk. Holt, S. M., e Vilas next cor 4th. Hough, Chas F., 11 w Oklahoma. KETCHUM, L. R., Kelley's drug store, Harrison and 2d. Macauley, Dr., above Merchants' Bank. Miller, D. S., Cleveland near 6th. Moore, E. F., office cor 2d and Vilas. Morgan, Dr. E., Seely block. Patten, B., s e cor 1st w and Harrison. Patton, Robert, Harrison e of 7th. Paxton, R. H., above cor 1st and Harrison. PHELPS, DR. J. H., 18 w Oklahoma. PICKENS, F. M., cor Cleveland and Broad. Plaquard, Joseph, cor 2d and Perkins. Roe, M. P., office Genl' Drug Store. Rubl, N. B., Oklahoma west of R.R. Shelton, J. C., 114 1/2 s 2nd. Sinits, Chas., ab Merchants bank. SMITH, HILA W., cor Cleveland and Broad. SMITH, J. A., res cor Division and Noble. Stahl, M. S., 111 1/2 e Oklahoma. Vandercoozt?, M., cor Division and Noble. Winer, W. J., Hotel Carlton, w Harrision.
Guthrie Planing Mill, Harrision w of depot.
Matene? & Long, Seely block, 1st st s of Oklahoma.
MERTRAM & CO., Oklahoma and 1st.
Park, J. H. & CO., 313 e Harrision.
Andrews & Martin, 415 e Oklahoma. Arrell, Siurns? & Co., _26 s 2nd. Barton?, W. H., 109 w Harrison. Bear, S. E., cor Oklahoma and Division. Blackburn & McCombs, 6 s 2nd. Cowling, R. B., 1st near Noble. Craddock, D. T., 2nd 3 d n of Vilas. Day, Driscoll & Co., 23 s 2nd. De Groff, Hamilton & Haifley, 215 w Harrison. Glenn & Rannells, cor 6 e and Cleveland. Goodrich Bros., 1st n of Oklahoma. Gourdain, J. K., 108 e Oklahoma. Gourdain, L. A., 108 e Oklahoma. GRANGER & CALLIN, Drexel near Harrison. Guthrie & Filson, 1st opp mayor's office. Guthrie Investment Co., 1st w n of Oklahoma. HILL, CHAS. M., res 308 e Noble. Housebolder & Co., 310 e Oklahoma. Lyon, King & Co., Cleveland and Division. Hunter, W. S., 15 n Division. Jackson & Cummins, s 2nd near Vilas. Jamison, J. C., 18 w Harrison. Karr & Robinson, cor 1st w and Noble. KITCHEN & CLARK, 216 w Harrison. Little, W. T., office Getup bldg. Losey, M. D., Broad n of Cleveland. Mansfield, Geo. W., 7 w Oklahoma. McBee, W. L., 1st next to City bldg. McClure & Co., W. H., n e cor Gov acre. Missouri Real Estate Co., 10 w Harrison. McKay & Co., 14 w Harrison. MOOSE, H. H., cor 1st and Cleveland. Moskedal & Barnard, 6 e Oklahoma. Moultn & brent, 2nd opp City bldg. Nipp & Harris, cor Broad and Oklahoma. Onstatt Land Co., 12 w Oklahoma. Pentecost Bros., Cleveland bet 5th and 6th. Reaves Bros, n w cor Harrison and 2nd. Reeder, C. L., cor 1st e and Oklahoma. Reynolds, E. S., Division at RICKSECKER & CO., A. C., 3 w Oklahoma. Shipe & Bonebrake, cor Oklahoma and 1st e. Shultz & Morris, 7th w and Noble. SMITH & CO., M. L., cor 6th and Oklahoma. Spining & Co., C. P., 6 w Oklahoma. Stickler & Briggs, cor Oklahoma and 6th e. Suttle & Parsons, 107 e Oklahoma. Tainter, H. L., cor 3rd and Oklahoma. Taylor, John, cor Broad and Harrison. Walker, Drace & Co., 9 e Oklahoma. Walker, J. N.?, Oklahoma bet 1st and Division. Westfall, J. T., with Shipe & Bonebrake. Whiteley, Carlin & Duncan, 5th w and Noble. Whitley & Orput, Nat'l bank block.
Ayers, J. F., 109 s 2nd. Baugess & Laudes, 404 s 2nd. Bon-Merebae?, n of Mayor's office. Boyd, A. H., cor 1st and Oklahoma. Cheney & Gingery, 22 w Oklahoma. Cook, J. H., 216 w Harrison. Cowling & Co., 4 w Oklahoma. Dining Parlors, 1st st w bet Harrison and Vilas. English Kitchen, 306 e Oklahoma. Fletcher & Co., C. J., 216 w Harrison. FRINK & LOWE, 120 e Oklahoma. Hamilton, A., Cleveland and 4th w. HAINES, P. W., 228 w Oklahoma. Harkins, C. W., 9 w Oklahoma. Higgins, Thos., 207 s 2d street. HILL, J. E., 216 w Oklahoma. JIM FISK RESTAURANT, 230 w Oklahoma. Koozer Bros., 206 s 2d. Lyons' Short Order House, s 2d near Harrison. Marti, J. E., cor Oklahoma and R.R. MERCHANTS' RESTAURANT, cor 1st w and Cleveland. Missouri Restaurant, cor 3rd e and Oklahoma. Moore, John, Harrison w near 5th. Mulrein, M. M., 19 w Oklahoma. Newlon, W. M., 7 w Oklahoma. New York Restaurant, s 2d bet Harrison and Vilas. Penna, Louis, 220 w Oklahoma. Princess Cafe, 1st st s, n of Oklahoma. Renfro & Wier, 17 n Division. Rielator and Briggs, Cleveland near 6th w. Smith, G. O., 232 w Oklahoma. Staley, Amos, 218 w Harrison. Tegg, J. C., Cleveland e of R.R. Thompson, J. E., 235 w Oklahoma. Van Laningham Bros., 10 w Harrison. Washington & Hollingsworth, Oklahoma w of depot. Weiss, Phillip, 108 s 2d. White & Grayson, s 2d bet Harrison and Oklahoma. WICHITA CAFE, 118 e Oklahoma. Windsor Restaurant, w Harrison near 2d.
Pond, Chas., Oklahoma w of 2d
Roussel, Thos., 108 e Oklahoma.
Smalley Seed Co., 210 w Oklahoma.
Galloway, Delinda G., 1st and Harrison. Hoffman, R. V., office with Judge Galloway. Thomas, W. D., 4 1/2 s 2d st.
Western Union Co., depot; E. E. Westervelt, manager.
Case, J. B., 110 e Oklahoma. Jackson, L. B., 208 w Oklahoma. Spencer, Henry, 13 w Oklahoma.
Brannan, J. C., 113 e Oklahoma. Fee, C. O., 210 w Harrison. Smith & Stewart, 235 1/2 w Oklahoma.
ALLI-ON, W. M., n or Government acre. Hav, Daniel, office Harrison and 2d w. ROBERTSON, W. S., next to Capitol Hotel. Sears, G. A., 202 1/2 w Harrison.
Holden, W. G., Baxter & Cammack's barn. Osborne, W., Vilas and 1st w.
Mayor, D. B. Dyer. Treasurer, Guy G. Farwell. Clerk, Geo. W. Paxton. Marshal, C. H. DeFord. Physician, C. F. Hough, M.D. President of Council, D. M. Ross. Register, Geo. E. Ford. Attorney, W. D. Lindsey. Judge appellate Court, T. S. Jones. Justices of the Peace, John F. Stone, J. J. Enright. Constables, J. J. Graham, Thos. Craddock.
First Ward, Jas. Dooley, W. C. Hunter. Second Ward, S. S. Sargent, J. B. Howard. Third Ward, D. M. Ross, M. D. Duval. Fourth Ward, Dan'l P. Pratt, A. H. Waite. Fifth Ward, J. L. Horton, Frank Clancey.
First Ward, R. R. Carlin, H. C. Shilling. Second Ward, C. H. Filson, T. J. Hart. Third Ward, J. W. McNeal, Jno. H. Onstott. Fourth Ward, Frank Guthrie, W. H. Barton. Fifth Ward, G. H. Fisher, Joseph Pinquard.
Mayor, T. A. Stockslager. Judge Superior Court, Chas. Brown. Police Judge, A. H. Houston. Justice of the Peace, J. R. Axsom. City Clerk, H. F. Ardery. Clerk Superior Court, W. G. Friedley. City Attorney, J. L. Van Wormer. Treasurer, J. Scott. Assessor, C. A., Crow. Marshal, F. B. Goebke. Constables, P. K. Albert, Owen Purvis.
First Ward, Thos. McPherson, A. G. Bagg. Second Ward, A. A. Humphrey, R. C. Hanna. Third Ward, R. Briggs, S. A. Blackburn. Fourth Ward, G. W. Miller, G. H. Lynds.
First Ward, C. Dunbar, J. T. Westfall. Second ward, Dr. F. M. Pickens, M. D. Losey. Third Ward, George Taylor, S. H. Blackburn. Fourth Ward, L. J. Kalklasch, T. A. Stockslager.
Mayor, W. T. Cannon. Police Judge, C. H. Cannon. Clerk, J. G. McCall. Treasurer, John W. Hull. Marshal, W. H. Cullinan.
Victor Good, J.G. McCall, Jerome M. Thomas, L.B. Edmunds, W. Warmoth, H.L. Oliver, Alfred Miller.
Mayor, Dr. J. M. Ennis Marshal, O. T. Lowe Attorney, A. McCaskey Recorder, J. P. Spiers Treasurer, S. P. King Engineer, C. C. Howell
A.M. Mc el Hinney W.C. Roberts J.H. Granger S.L. Bechtel A. McCaskey
School No. 1, East of 1st street E; Principal, Miss Margaret McConnell. Central School, 2d street, south of Cleveland ave; Principal, Miss Nanitta R. H. Daisey. Vilas Avenue School, between Division and 1st Street E, Principal, Mrs. B. A. Raleigh. Select School, at the residence of Mr. M. W. Potts, between 3rd and 4th. Music, painting and embroidery taught. Preceptress, Mrs. M. F. Limond.
Baptist services have been held in the Masonic Hall near 2d and Harrison. Complete organization will soon be effected. Catholic corner Warner and _ East Guthrie; Rev. ______ Servises now held at Mr O'Keefe's building, Vilas between 3d and Railroad, at 10 a.m. every Sunday. Christian, corner of 4th e and Cleveland, Rev. J.F. Tout, pastor. Services now held at East Guthrie City Hall Preaching each Lord's Day morning at 11 o'clock, and evening at 7:30; Sunday school at 10 a.m.; prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Episcopal, services have been held on 1st St. opposite the city building, Bishop Pierce, from Little Rock, Ark., presiding. A rector will soon be appointed. Methodist Episcopal, cor Broad and Noble avenue, Rev E.F. Hill, pastor. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.; prayer meeting Thursday evening. Methodist Episcopal South corner Vilas and Broad, Rev., J.B. Stevenson, pastor. Services every Sunday morning and evening except first Sunday of each month; Sunday school 9:30 a. m. ; prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Presbyterian, corner 3d e and Vilas, Rev. Wm T. King, pastor. Sunday school 9:30 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; prayer meeting Thursday at 8 .m. - COLORED: - Second M. E. Church, Harrison between 3d and 4th _, Rev. J. B. Bell, pastor. Sunday services at 2:30 p. m. A. M. E. Church, Division near Vilas, Rev. John Gillians, pastor. Sunday services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
COMMERCIAL BANK, J. M. Ragsdale, pres.; C. W. Bleuler, cashier. McNEAL-LITTLE BANK, J. W. McNeal, pres.; A. G. Herron, cashier. Bank of Indian Territory, capital, $50,000; N. C. Raff, pres; Vincent Wallace cashier. Merchants' Bank, G. S. Cunningham, cashier. Capital City Bank, capital, $50,000; H. F. Spencer, pres.; W. A. Thomas, cashier. Bank of Guthrie, capital $25,000; R. De Steigner, pres.; T. De Steigner, cashier.
H. J. Whitley, president. C. P. Spining, secretary.
Oklahoma Capital (Daily and Weekly) Frank H. Greer, Editor and Propr., 14 E Oklahoma Ave. Oklahoma State Herald (Daily and Weekly), M. W. Reynolds, Editor, cor 2nd and Vilas. Guthrie Daily News, W. P. Thempson, Editor, 17 N 2nd street. Guthrie Getup (Weekly) Dr. D. A. Peoples, Propr., cor Harrison and 2nd. Oklahoma Farmer (Weekly), published by the Farmer Printing Co., National Bank Block.
City Park, north end of Drexel Boulevard. South Park, south of University avenue, bet First and Seventh streets East. College Hill, (reserved for State University) west end of Oklahoma Avenue.
Atchison, Topeka & Sante Fe R.R., freight and passenger depots, R.R. Avenue between Oklahoma and Harrison. L. R. Delaney, agent.
Leo E. Bennett, U.S. Indian Agent, Muskogee. D.M. Wisdom, chief clerk. R.D. Martin, assistant clerk.
L.C. Perryman, principal chief, Tulsa. Hotulka Emambla, second chief, Wetumpka. N.B. Moore, treasurer. W.A. Palmer, auditor, Eufaula.
Joel B. Mayes, principal chief, Talequah. Samuel Smith, second chief. Robert Ross, treasurer.
B.F. Smallwood, chief, Atoka. Allinton Telle, national secretary, Atoka. N.B. Ainsworth, national auditor, McAllister. Wilson Jones, treasurer, Caddo.
Wm. M. Guy, principal chief, Mill Creek. Alexander Kennie, treasurer. J. W. Harris, auditor.
John F. Brown, principal chief, Sasakaw. Holputter, second chief, Wewoka. Jackson Brown, treasurer. T.S. McGeisey, superintendent schools.
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