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1910 Review of Industrial
& Commercial Guthrie


Many thanks to the Oklahoma Territorial Museum for allowing us
to copy this directory from their collection for use on this web site.

Transcribed by: Angela Loy.

Doctors J. A. and Emma Price Osteopathic Physicians

No new science in the history of the world has won its way into the minds of the people so rapidly or has made such rapid and consistent strides as the great science of Osteopathy. And there is of course a reason, and that reason is founded in the fundamental principle of the 'survival of their fittest". Only that which is good can last. The offices of their Doctors Price are located at number 309 East Oklahoma Avenue, and have telephone service number 785. These offices are elaborately and magnificently furnished and equipped with every necessity of the science. Drs. Price are graduates under the celebrated A. T. Still, of Kirksville, Missouri, the original discoverer of Osteopathy. Dr .J. A. Price is a member of the state board of medical examiners. Dr. Emma price is a specialist in the disease in of women and children. These physicians and at the head of their profession. Consultation freely given.

P.C. Robinson Shoe Emporium

This fine shoe store has been established or the past five years and is located at number 111 east Oklahoma avenue. Mr. P. C. Robinson was formerly a citizen of the state of Wisconsin, that he is now a permanent citizen of the capital city now, and is glad to be one of the crowd that is making one of the biggest, best and proudest cities in the southwest. He is a booster for everything that is best for Guthrie. Mr. Robinson handles a fine line of shoes both ladies and gentlemen, all the well known and popular brands being kept in stock at all seasons of the year, and at prices that cannot be duplicated great for grade, anywhere else in the country. Five expert shoeists are employed in Robinson's shoe emporium, and they can please any caller.

The Owl Cafe, Sherrill Bros. Proprietors

This business has been established for the past half year and is located at 333 west Oklahoma avenue, with telephone number 649. The motto of that owl caf� is this: "we never sleep-----open all night" and this motto is rigidly live up to, for it is possible to get just what you want and as you want it and when you want it at any time, day and night. Mr. C.W. Sherrill is the manager and he gives all this time and attention to looking after every detail of is popular business, and every guest is there only cared for in the most modern manner. The cooking at this caf� is as good as the best anywhere in the land, and the things to cook are most Carefully selected by the man who knows the best when he sees it, and who spares neither money or pains to get it. The Owl also handles tobaccos and cigars of the better brands.

A.G. Pettit, Pool and Billiards, Cigars, etc

This is a firmly established enterprise and had the confidence and good will of a large and growing circle of the best classes of gentlemen in the capital city. Mr. Pettit in located at 116 East Oklahoma avenue, and conducts a first-class pool and billiard parlor, where many of the best players assemble and enjoyed the harmless and scientific games. In addition to the tables Mr. Pettit has a fine line of imported and domestic cigars and tobaccos, which he knows how to handle to the pleasure of the gentleman who know the good brands and enjoy them.

The National Bank of Commerce

The following statement made at the close of business November 16, 1909 shows:
resources----loans and discounts, $194,568.66;
over drafts,$1060.99;
Securities $173,762.73;
U.S. bonds, $100,000.00;
Premium on U.S. long, $7,500.00;
Real estate, $3,000.00;
Furniture and fixtures, $5,000.00;
Cash resources-U.S. bonds,$40,000.00;
Cash and site exchange, $252,882.16------$292,882.16.
Total $777,774.54.
Liabilities------Capital, $100,0000.00;
Undimmed profits, net, $8,228.20;
Circulation, $1000,000.00;
Total, $777,774.54

D. R. Cotton, Contractor and Builder

This business is conveniently located at number 111 North 1st St., and office is connected with telephone number 906. The residence the number is 457 in a workman. If you have any sort of building or contract, and want work done in a workmanlike manner, at the earliest possible moment on the with the best of materials and at the lowest possible price, it will pay you to ring one of the telephones and yell for Mr. D. R. Cotton. He is so well known to the building world, and to the people of the capital city it had things done, that it is not necessary to say anything of his personality. But he is splendidly equipped for any contract he accepts, and his where deal policy always insurers the fairest terms and the most substantial work.


This shoe shop and repairing factory was established in August 1909, and is located at 124 � East Oklahoma avenue. Mr. C. H. Inskeep has had an experience of more than twenty years, and is amply qualified to give the entire satisfaction to every customer who patronizes this shop. Mr. Inskeep has equipped his factory with the modern method of rapid and neat shoe repairing, and by this means has been enabled to formulate a very low scale of prices. Every stitch of his work is genuinely guaranteed, and patrons can get their work just at the moment promised.


This modern and up-to-date grocery has been established about 1 � years and is located at number 113 east Oklahoma Ave, and is doing a fine business, catering to the cash and better class of trade. This is the house of good things to eat, caring at all times a mammoth stock of everything that a first class grocery ought to handle. Mr. A. L. Druse is one of the most expert grocers in the business, and he has built up a fine and consistently growing trade by reason of his business methods and by the fact that he handles the best grade of goods and sell at prices as low as the lowest.


This caf� has been established or the past eight years, and is located at 116 west Harrison avenue. Matchett's cafe is open all the time, the key having been lost long ago. Mr. L. A Matchett, the proprietor, is a mighty fine hand to give a customer the best there is in town and will do anything else that will make him feel at home while stopping at the Matchett caf�. This gentleman searches the markets daily where the best things it come to town. He gives the biggest meals in the capital city where the money. He issues meal tickets. Their rooms and connection and guests are made comfortable in every particular


This is indeed one of the original pioneer firms, having been established 21 years ago when the new Indian country first saw the dawn of civilization. Mr. A. Traband is located at 224 east Oklahoma Ave, and he gives strict personal attention to every detail of his cigar factory, and the product is known all over the country. He employs a number of expert cigar makers, and his tobaccos are carefully selected by himself. He knows what a good cigar is, and has thousands of customers who want the best, and know that he can supply them. You don't have to go anywhere else other than Traband's to get just what is desired in the cigar line.


This business has been established or the past seven years, located at the corner of noble ave and division street, with telephone number 635. Mr. James N. Anderson is the proprietor, and he believes in the capital city, and that it will become greater in every way as the years go by. Anderson's variety store handles a fine line of groceries and notions, bicycles, sporting goods, guns, ammunition, Edison phonographs and records, and thousands of other staple and fancy articles, such as every family must have.

Guthrie, the Capital City of Oklahoma,
Steadily increasing in population,
wealth and improvements
an ideal residence and business center:

Guthrie! There is magic in that name, Whenever anyone anywhere in the world, at any time, thinks of the great southwest, or the wonderful new state of Oklahoma, the name of Guthrie is instantly telegraphed to the front rank of the thought.
Oklahoma and the southwest are great, but greater still is Guthrie. The lovely Capital City is builded upon a spot that only a few brief years ago was a wilderness-beautiful, it is true, in its isolation, but still as desolate at that time as any stretch of prairie on the outpost of civilization.
How changed it is all now! The home of the coyote and the wolf is now the home of culture and wealth and education, and the pulsing throbs of the mighty engines of commerce make men and women and little children happy.
While, it has ever been the work of the ages to transfer the wilderness into a mighty city of grandeur and refinement, the people of Guthrie required only months, and Guthrie became a factor in the race or supremacy some years ago, and she has just now only reach the age of maturity or as the politicians say, "the voting age."
The Capital City, of the great baby state of Oklahoma, is now a thriving metropolis, with modern buildings, and homes, fine schools and churches, paved streets, splendid street car system, a full quota of manufacturing plants, beautiful parks and many other exquisite things that other and older and larger cities do not have and cannot get. Magnificently located in the picturesque valley of the Cottonwood River, and the rolling plains that border the valley, with the Cimarron River only 2 miles to the north, with its fertile bottom lands. From every direction, as far as the eye can see, can be seen indications of thrift and prosperity, waving fields of corn in the summer and fall, surrounding homes, that are modern in every particular, and vast fields of cotton and wheat and oats, all taking on the rich colors according to the kind and season.
The state capital of Oklahoma occupies a commanding position with an abundant water supply for all purposes, including factories, good drainage, convenience of the access for railroads; the location is an ideal one.
The great stretch a glorious country, with this delightful climate, makes it the most attractive place in which to live, as it abound in untold riches and exceptional opportunities; is now a and has ever been attracting all classes of investors.
As superior as have been the natural advantages and resources of Guthrie, loyal and enterprising citizens have been quick to add to them, and no city in Oklahoma has made more rapid progress than this one. It is estimated, and the estimate is based upon their knowledge of men, who rarely miss a guess, that within seven years the capital city will be populated with more than 50,000 people, and the commercial and manufacturing center of Oklahoma. Guthrie has a larger amount of street paving, according to size, than any city west of the Mississippi River.

The Capital City has:

Over 50 miles of brick and cement sidewalks.
The sixty - five factories running full capacity.
More cotton mills and factories than any other city in Oklahoma.
Bank deposits of $ 2,62821.00.
Nine lines of railway leading to the city and construction work now beginning on another.
Thirty-six passenger trains daily.
Bank clearings of three-fourths million dollars a week.
Five ward schools, one private college and one business college.
A $50,000.00 Logan County High School.
Has ninety per cent native born white.
Five parks, covering over 100 acres.
The best to street car line and service in Oklahoma.
More high school pupils in proportion to the population than any other city in the United States.
A $300,000.00 of publishing house and the book bindery.
A $150,000.00 convention hall, used by the state for legislative purposes.
A $150,000.00 Masonic Temple erected and equipped by the Scottish Right Consistory of the new state.
A $150,000.00 publishing house and book bindery.
A $150,000.00 fire-proof hotel.
A $100,000.00 Federal building.
A $100,000.00 courthouse.
A$ 50,000.00 pressed brick Methodist Episcopal church.
A $400,000.00 Carnegie library.
A $35,000.00 city hall.
Within one hundred miles extensive coal, oil and gas producing district. The gas field extends over a section fifty by three hundred miles: the gas is of better quality and greater volume than any heretofore discovered. It is now in general use in Guthrie
Has railroad facilities bringing Guthrie in direct communication with the entire state. Roads go out in every direction.
During the year just closed a $150,000.00 convention hall has been completed on the Capital Square, which place has always been reserved for the permanent capital: and the exclusive use has been given to the state for legislative purposes for a period of five years free of charge.
Several thousands of dollars have been spent of additions to the various schools.
Sixty thousand dollars has been expended for additional storm sewers.
Thirty thousand dollars has been expended for a new modern filtration plant.
One million dollars for street paving has been contracted for within the last year; this will give Guthrie 20 miles additional paving to what we already had at the beginning of the year, 15 miles being constructed of the asphalt and 5 miles of brick; the majority of this work has been completed.
A bond election for $125,000.00 additional fire equipment, extensions of water mains and sewers, and improvement of parks was virtually unanimous carried.
A $75,000.00 bonus was raised, which secured for the city the Mountain Valley and Plains, railroad, construction of which begins this January, and to be 450 miles in length, almost an air line from Guthrie to Cimarron, New Mexico. This opens up a new territory to Guthrie, consisting of thousands of acres of rich farming land and the richest coal mines in the world.
During the past year Guthrie secured the School and Office Furniture factory, being the only factory of it's kind west of the Mississippi River. This plant employs 100 hands when running full capacity and will manufacture 200 desks per day, besides other products.
A $75,000.00 packing plant is under construction, all the stock being subscribed by home capital. This plant will be strictly modern and employ a large number of hands when completed.
A $100,000.00 department store building has been erected and furnished throughout with modern mahogany fixtures.
A $50,000.00 Methodist Episcopal Church is nearing completion and will be ready for the dedication the first of the year.
As a manufacturing center Guthrie already equals any of her sister cities in the new state and excels most of them beyond comparison. The value of manufactured products of Guthrie for 1908 totaled $1,636,675.00 and more than $300,000.00 was paid out in wages to over 1,000 employees.
Guthrie is the only city in Oklahoma that has three large cotton bi-product companies, embracing mills and gins worth many thousands of dollars. We have the only textile cotton mill that manufactures twine, staging, carpet wrap, cotton rope, etc.; the largest machine shop and iron works in the entire southwest, with a branch house at Fort Worth, Texas; this institution does all kinds of structural iron work, has contracts with several railroads for all of their repair work in the Southwest, and does the major part of the repair work for all the oil rigs in the eastern section of the state; also manufactures stoves and does all kinds of foundry work: the only school desk and office factory west of the Mississippi River; the most modern an up-to-date lighting plant in the southwest. Other factories in addition to these of large importance are the cabinet factory, which manufactures all kinds of office furniture, a bank fixtures, showcases etc; our new packing plant which will soon be in operation; two large flowering mills; corrugated steel culvert and sewer pipe works; carriage and wagon factory; cotton compress; sheet metal works; ice plants and many smaller institutions that promise to make large factories in the near future.
All of the factories use natural gas and electricity for power purposes, both of them being secured at very reasonable rates.
Guthrie wants plants for the manufacturer all kinds of cotton goods, steel bridges, flour, cereals, grits hominy etc., steel plate, windmills, pumps, farm implements, shirts, overalls, cotton gloves, incubators, steel safes, wooden ware, fruit baskets and boxes, cutlery, bed springs, carriages and wagons, shoes, gasoline engines, sewer pipes, or any other factory that would be adapted to the country. Address Chamber of Commerce for information.
Guthrie is the center of the great cotton belt, and with its cotton compresses, cotton factories, cotton oil mills and cotton gins, is easily the leading market and manufacturing city of the new state. In seven years Guthrie will be the leading cotton market and manufacturing city of cotton products in the United States.

Guthrie Chamber of Commerce

The Guthrie Chamber of Commerce is composed of progressive enterprising business men, who are working for the promotion of Guthrie, already a great city, by aiding to develop the material interests of the beautiful city and tributary territory.
A careful perusal of this magazine and of the literature gladly sent by the Chamber of Commerce will convince conservative capitalist that there are rare opportunities in Guthrie, the Capital and leading manufacturing city Oklahoma, for profitable investments, as well as in the surrounding territory.
Liberal inducements are offered new factories and other forms of reputable enterprises, such as tax exemptions for five years, free site, etc.
Men with small capital, who want to look over the situation before investing, can find steady employment, as hundreds of industrious laborers can find work in and around Guthrie.
Mr. Charles Martindale is the president of the Guthrie Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. W. A. Rayson is the Secretary. The Secretary makes an speciaiaty of answering all inquiries about Guthrie, Logan County and Oklahoma.

Corrugated Culvert Company

"You've tried the rest, now try the best" no question but that Watson's Patent Culvert is the very best that was ever been invented . The Corrugated Culvert company has been established for the past five years, and is located on Division and Washington Streets. The manager of this company is Mr. A. H. Kaufman, a young man of superior ability. He is the right man in the right place, has a find useful product introducing it all over the country. Almost fourteen years ago Mr. Jas. H. Watson of Crawfordsville, Ind., began to experiment will culverts and finally perfected the corrugated culvert that is now being used whenever road commissioners desired the cheapest as well as the best. The corrugated culvert is made of specially prepared sheet that withstands all actions of the element and practically lasts forever. The Corrugated Culver Company ships its product all over the states and even to Old Mexico. They are much the best and last always.

J. N. Wallace, Druggist

Corner of First and Oklahoma Avenue this is one of the very large and progressive drug houses of the Capital City, and is splendidly managed. Mr. J. N. Wallace is a native of Missouri, but was educated in the wonderful state of Oklahoma, and it is a fact known all over the world that the man who gets his training in Oklahoma gets the best and gets the quickest. Mr. Wallace has been established in business for the past 20 years (and Oklahoma is no older than that) he handles pure drugs, chemicals, drugs sundries, rubber goods, toilet articles, brushes, fine stationery, paints, oils, wallpaper, jewelry, diamonds, watches, clocks, ornamental articles, and the thousand-an-one other articles always to be found in the modern and up to the second drugstore. Mr. Wallace is one of the popular and progressive gentlemen of the city, and is a hard worker for Guthrie to become the permanent capital of the newest and the best state in the cluster.

Burnett's Place

High-class caf�, Mr. W. L. Burnett is the well known, and very popular proprietor of this nice caf�, and has been established in business for about three years. His place is nicely and centrally located at the corner of First and Oklahoma avenue, and is the liberally patronized by the best class of trade in the city.
He makes a specialty of short orders and serving banquets for lodges and public meetings. The banquets he has served the Masonic Lodge of this city are famous and will long be remembered for their elegance and you like delightful manner in which every little detail was carried out. He has one of the best chefs in the country, and everyone who dines at Burnett's Palace is satisfied to a high degree. A very satisfactory caf� is Burnett's Place. Try it.

The Owl Drug Store, A. P. Tyler, Proprietor

This well established, and handsomely equipped drug store is located at number 104 East Oklahoma Ave, and has telephone service number 259. Mr. Tyler, the proprietor, has had years of experience and is thorough in every department of his business. He is a strong advocate of a Greater Guthrie and is always found with his shoulder to the wheel when any movement in begun that means something for the capital city. This splendidly appointed store handles a fine line of pure drugs, chemicals, patent remedies, rubber goods, books, wall paper, fine stationery, toilet articles, cigars, tobaccos, etc. Five competent assistants are employed, and the prescription department is one of the best administered in the city.

H. E. Miller, Hardware, Stoves and Ranges

This progressive and prosperous business has been established, about one and half years, and is well located at 118 North Division Street, with telephone number 1277. Mr. H. E. Miller, the popular and attractive proprietor, carries a fine line of heavy and shelf hardware, stoves, ranges, cutlery, tools, dose every kind of sheet metal work, and conducts one of the best equipped to repair shops in the city. His prices are based on the square deal and he invites the public to inspect his work, his wares and his prices. Mr. Miller is a prosperous and energetic citizen, ready at all times to do his part for any movement that will benefit, Guthrie and he is strong on the point of winning the big fight for the permanent state capital.

Collum Commerce Co.

W. H. Deamund, Manager; 503 East Oklahoma ave.--- This is one of the successful and prosperous enterprises of Guthrie and has been established for the past twelve years, and is under the able management of Mr. W. H. Deamund who has been with the company for nine years, and who has been the active manager for the past year. The large business transacted requires the services of twelve people, and this fact alone makes it a valuable Guthrie enterprise and worthy of support. Besides, the company carries an unusual assortment of high-grade household specialties. The company is thoroughly responsible and offers it goods for sale on the most liberal terms and lowest prices.

National Coffee and Tea House

This is both a wholesale, and retail enterprise, and is firmly established in the good will of the general public. The store is located at number 107 North Division Street and has telephone service number 466. The proprietor is Mr. George W. Cohagan, who is one of the most substantial and conservative businessmen in the capital city. Mrs. Cohagan, the estimable and pleasant wife of the proprietor ably assist the management of busy house. The National Coffee and Tea House also handles spices, extracts and baking powder, wholesale and retail, and operates a system of free delivery. The house also gives away many handsome and valuable premiums, to the amount of five percent of the amount purchased, besides handling the best products obtainable.

J. Ward Lumber Company

This most substantial company has been established a number of years, and is prominently located at the corner of Vilas Avenue and Division Street and has telephone service number 319. Mr. J. Ward is the proprietor and manager of the J. Ward Lumber Company, and he has built up a magnificent and constantly growing business. He handles the best materials that money will buy and sells for the lowest possible margin of profit. The J. Ward Lumber Company handles large stocks of lumber, brick, cement, building material, lath, shingles, and many other articles that are needed by builders and contractors. Mr. Ward is one of the best-known of the capital city businessman, and has been active in every movement that had the betterment of Guthrie as a cause. Mr. Ward is a firm believer in the future of Guthrie and is a first-class booster and advocate. He is a native of Massachusetts, was reared in Illinois and Kansas, and came to Guthrie in 1889.

Lewis and Owens, Real-Estate, Loans, Rentals, Insurance

The members of this hustling firm are Mr. James G. Lewis and Mr. John T. Owens. The agency is an old time one, but the present firm has only been established for the past three years. Messrs. Lewis and Owens are the best known businessmen in the capital city, and are energetic, influential, know their trade, know the territory, and always on the track of bargains for their clients. They farm land for sale or exchange, ranging in price from $15.00 to $75.00 per acre. They deal largely in city property and always have a large list for sale or exchange. Lewis and Owens make loans without delay or red tape or publicity, collect rentals, find prompt paying tenants, and write insurance of any kind in the most powerful companies in the world. This firm is located in Room 18 Gray Building, and has telephone service number 758. Write them for particulars and they will answer you promptly.


This is one of the great useful concerns of Guthrie, and is most important to the commercial life of the capital city, as well as the farmers of the county. The officers are: F. J. Phillips, President; F. W. Fox, Vice President; J. H. Bellis, Manager. The capital stock is $70,000.00 and fully paid in. This big and flourishing company as been established for two years and has a very rapid growth. The company manufactures all cotton seed products, and there is a general ginning business, and is extremely popular with a great farming class of the state. The officers of the company are all well known and able gentlemen, who have made good in every particular, and men who really have a heart interest in the welfare of the cotton grower, as well as in the future of the Capital City.


This fine and substantial company is composed of Mr. E. J. Wilber and his son, Mr. F. E. Wilber. The home of the company is on West Vilas Street, near the Santa Fe depot, and its telephone number is 38. Mr. E. J. Wilber, the founder of the business, is a native of the state Ohio, and Mr. F. E. Wilber is a native of Illinois. Both members of the company are known as able and splendid gentleman, great believers in the future of Guthrie, and have done a vast amount of telling and effective work in making the capital city the great place it is today. Both these gentleman, advance many unanswerable arguments why Guthrie should be maintained as the permanent capital of the state, and of course they will do whatever is possible to help the cause. The Wilber Commission Company is wholesale distributors of poultry, butter and eggs. The business was established 20 years ago and is solid as a rock.


This reliable business has been established since the opening of the country in 1889. The telephone connection is number 198, and the store is located at corner First and Harrison. Mr. Olsmith, the proprietor, is a genuine lover of sports and sportsmen, and he caters to the best class, and has always been a prime favorite with them. He carries a fine stock of sporting and athletic goods, and also a good and carefully selected stock of imported and domestic cigars and tobaccos. He says to the sportsmen that after many years of experiment he has succeeded in having constructed an automatic machine or re-boring gun barrels, that is absolutely perfect. Mr. Olsmith is now prepared to do any kind of find gun work with accuracy and finish that cannot be approached by any gun shop this side of the eastern makers. Go and see him.


This up-to-the-minute bakery has been established about one year, and is located at 118 South First street, with telephone number 366. Five skilled people are employed in this neat and splendidly equipped bakery, and the product is a household word all over the capital city. Mr. Peter Ochs, the proprietor, is a well-known, clever and popular citizen, who has his heart in the future greatness of the capital city, and he believed the people of the state will vote to keep the capital where it is now and where it really belongs. Mr. Ochs is a highly skilled and experienced baker and uses only the finest in freshest materials in all his work, and the result is that his bread and a pastry are known far and wide as the best.


This is a recently established firm, and is prominently located at 111 North Second Street, and has telephone number 1030. The members composing the firm are Mr. E. J. Trapnell and C. E. Bowman. Mr. Trapnell is a native of Missouri, and has a life experience in the skilled work. Mr. Bowman is a native of Indiana and is a splendid businessman, and also a master workman. Trapnell & Bowman have a fine equipment for doing all kinds of perfect work in the line of plumbing, heating and the gas fitting, and once they do a piece of work it is done for all time, and never occasions trouble or dissatisfaction. They are thorough in every respect and carry a line of materials, that are furnished to customers cheaper than they can get the same grade of stuff elsewhere. The public will do well to consider the claims of Trapnell & Bowman.


The offices of this modern dental institution are at number 124 � W. Oklahoma Avenue, and are magnificently equipped for any and all scientific work of the teeth. Dr. H. E. Glick, the gentleman in charge of the office, has an experience of fifteen years, and is thoroughly capable in every sense of the word. The public is invited to inspect these parlors and have their teeth examined free; you will be told in advance just what your work will cost you; if you have you work done at this parlor, you will be saved misery as well as money. You are given a written guarantee for ten years with all work; no grafting schemes, no moving dentists, no bad after effects. Go and be convinced that these gentlemen do exactly as they advertise. This is the one place where teeth are extracted without pain------by the new Hypod method.


This splendid and stylish tailoring shop has been firmly established for the past fifteen years, and is located at 117 South First Street, with telephone number 587. The proprietor is Mr. C. W. Lindwall, who has many years experience in making clothing for the well-dressed public, and he is a merchant tailor of the highest type. He carries a fine assortment of cloths and patterns for which to select, and cuts and designs all of his garments. He employs only skilled and expert workmen, and sees personally to every order received. Mr. Lindwall is a conservative, splendid citizen, well established in the confidence of the people, and he invites strangers and others to visit his store and inspect his goods, his work and prices.


This first-class store has been established four years and is located at the corner of First and Oklahoma Avenue, with telephone 618. The well-known proprietor Mr. Ed. C. Petersen, is also a director of the National Bank of Commerce, and is a man of affairs, closely connected with the social and commercial life of the capital city. Mr. Petersen has always been active in every movement originated for the improvement of Guthrie, and has done his share intelligently and well. He is a great advocate of Guthrie for the permanent state capital. As a clothier and haberdasher Mr. Petersen is strictly "there with the goods," to use modern day language, but which is very expressive. This big and attractive store is the home of the celebrated Stien-Bloch ready to wear clothing for gentlemen, and carries a mammoth stock of the best wearing apparel for men.


112 Division Street, telephones number 374 and 192. This store is firmly established in the hearts of the people of the city and they can get more goods and better goods for less money at this store than most anywhere else in the capital city. Mr. Rucks, the active and well-known proprietor, strives to please each and every one of his numerous customers, by the square deal method, and he has succeeded. He handles everything that should be kept in the modern grocery. Mr. Rucks enjoys a high-class trade and his glad of the fact the he keeps his trade satisfied the year round. He is also proprietor of another high class grocery and produce business at 702 West Noble Street, where five clerks are kept busy under the management of W. W. Bishop.


This splendid drug store is located conveniently and centrally on Oklahoma Ave and has been established for the past 20 years, always doing a successful business. This is a first-class drug store in every respect, and handles the whole year round a full and complete line of pure drugs, toilet articles, rubber goods, fine stationery, brushes, glass, proprietary remedies, extracts, soaps and all other articles always to be had at a modern drug store. The prescription department is in charge of a registered pharmacist of known ability, and nothing is compounded here that does not bear the stamp of purity, strength and reliability. Errors have no place in the store, and the public have long since learned of the excellent of all goods handled here. Mr. Renfro is known for his conservativeness and thoroughness in all things.


This nice drug store has been established since the ninth of October and is working up a good trade. The well known and educated proprietor is a colored man of much real worth and merit, and is making his way to the top by his own efforts. He is a registered pharmacist, and is located at number 206 South Second Street, and has telephone number 1074. He handles pure drugs and chemicals, drug sundries, toilet articles, rubber goods, fine stationary, brushes, pens, pencils, and everything usually found in a good drug store. The prescription department is one the most accurate, and only the best purest and most reliable ingredients are compounded. The prices asked are reasonable, and the most courteous treatment is shown to everyone who may find business is at the store. The proprietor is a genial and most useful citizen, and has many friends.


The proprietors of this well established business are Miss. A. B. Campbell and Miss. L. F. Robinson, and they are well located at 120 East Oklahoma Ave. These estimable ladies are both expert in the wonderful art needlework, and their stock is beautiful, fine, attractive and much sought by those tasteful ladies who love their homes beautified. The articles in this establishment of really works of art and beautiful, and are not nearly so expensive as they were some time ago, before the art became so easy of accomplishment. The ladies owning and operating Art Needle Work Company are always delighted to have the public call and examine the wares and ask for prices, knowing full well that most everyone will be delighted with the articles on sale, and that most ladies will be interested in art as an art.


113 East Oklahoma Ave---This is an incorporated company and the officers are: W. H. Coyle, President; G. Z. Page, Vice President; John Dean, Secretary-Treasurer; John W. Coyle, Assistant Manager. Although this firm is one of the pioneers, having been established 20 years ago, it has only been operating under the present management for the past one and a half years. The capital stock of the company is $250,000.00, and the names of the gentleman who are officers and directors are a sufficient guarantee that there is no more substantial managed to industry in the southwest. The W. H. Coyle Consolidated Companies are manufacturers of cotton seed oil, meal and hulls, and dealers in grain and cotton. The company owns and operates ten elevators and 30 modern gins, and is undoubtedly one of the most important companies in the city. They use the Robbinson-Yopp codes and their cable address is Ellcoyle.


The officers of this company are: F. E. Houghton, President; A. T. Buenting, Vice President and General Manager; E. Cook, Secretary; E. M. Chester, Treasurer. All the gentleman interested in this enterprise are well known and able business men, closely allied with the social and commercial life of the capital city, and guarantee success and stability to any industry which they are associated. The Houghton & Douglass Cotton Company was established in 1903, and the general office is located at number 111 North Division Street. This industry proved an immense success in the commercial world, and is quite a factor in the factory life at Guthrie. The products of this industry are superior in every respect, close attention being given to the output. The equipment throughout the company's plant is modern, embracing the latest inventions in methods.


This is an incorporated company, and Mr. J. P. Bachelor is the President. The company was established in 1889, when the new country was first opened, and it has been an unqualified success ever since. The company is located at corner Division and Vilas Streets and has telephone service number 32. Mr. L. I. Beland is the manager of the Arkansas Lumber Company and his was the most efficient gentleman in the business. He gives his time and attention to every detail of the big business, and is extremely popular with all who know the best in lumber and building material. Mr. Beland is a great and sincere booster for the best interests of the capital city, and believes the city is destined to grow and prosper for all time to come and that it will remain the permanent state capital. The Arkansas Lumber Company handles everything in lumber, paints, cement, plaster, shingles, and building material at reasonable prices.


This is the oldest banking house in the state of Oklahoma, and is a household word with the people of the city and county. The officers are: U. C. Guss, President; Frank Dale, Vice-President; J. W. Perry, Vice-President; Robert Sohlberg, Cashier; C. R. Havighorst, Assistant Cashier. The directors are U. C. Guss, Frank Dale, G. A. Hughes, J. E. Douglass, J. W. Perry, Henry E. Asp, Robert Sohlberg. The following statement made at the close of business on November 16,1909, tells more plainly than words the magnificent condition of this, the oldest financial institution in the great new state of Oklahoma. Resources ----Loans and discounts, $453,331.91; securities, $220,609.92; United State bonds and premiums, $207,262.30; bills of exchange, $121,661.35; real estate, furniture and fixtures, $28,880.20; redemption refund, $7,500.00: overdrafts, $2,658.78: other real estate, $221.02 cash and site exchange, $259,035.47. Total $1,291,160.95. Liabilities-Capital stock $150,000.00; surplus and profit, $25,174.02; circulation, $145,942.50; deposits $970,044.43. Total, $1,291,160.95. Your careful inspection of the statement is earnestly requested by the officers and directors of this bank, who thoroughly appreciate your account and are not unmindedful of the confidence placed in them for the proper safeguarding of your funds.


213 East Harrison Ave, telephone number 176 residence telephone number 455. J. P. Douthitt, V. S, is in charge of the most practical and useful hospital, and he answers all calls promptly, day and night. All stock left in the hospital for treatment receives the personal attention of Dr. Donthitt, and his fine work has made for him an enviable reputation in his chosen profession. Dr. Donthitt, has ever been a lover and synthesizer of dumb brutes, and he is qualified both by nature and by splendid training in 20 years experience to care for afflicted and diseased animals. He is the official veterinarian for the Guthrie Humane Society.


The officers of this fine financial institution are: U. C. Guss, President; Robert Sohlberg, Vice-President; C. R. Havghorst, Cashier; E. O. Beunting, Assistant Cashier. The directors are: U. C. Guss, H. E. Asp, Robert Sohlberg, Frank Dale, J. E. Douglass. The Bank of Indian Territory is as old as Oklahoma, and just as substantial as the wonderful new state, Capital stock $50,000.00; profits, net, $892.11; deposits $50,078.24. Total $100,970.35. (note hand written in margin consolidated with Guthrie National).


103 West Harrison Avenue, phone 89. This up-to-date drug store has been established for a number of years. Mr. Edward Nichols is the proprietor, and he is a manufacturing druggist of rare ability and long experience. The Eagle Drug Store is the exclusive manufacturer of valuable prescriptions, many of which are household remedies and for which nothing can be substituted in the minds of the people who have often been benefited by them. The Eagle Drug Store carries a large and carefully selected line of pure drugs, chemicals, patent remedies, rubber goods, fine stationery, soaps, perfumes, other toilet articles, sponges, brushes, and the thousand-an-one other articles always to be found in a first-class high-class, modern drug house. The prescription department of the Eagle Drug Store has always given entire satisfaction as to service and prices.


This useful and important business has been established for the past five years, and is located at 221 East Oklahoma Avenue, with phone 951. Mr. George Sendelbach is the active proprietor of the works, and he has had nine years experience in the business. The Parisian Dry Cleaning and Dye Works is a popular industry and becomes more so every day as its merit and worth become known. That old suit you are about to throw away can be made to look just as good as new, and all for a trifling cost; you can have it dyed the same color and make it look as if it just came from the store; ladies' work is specialized at this place, and the most delicate fabrics worked over and strictly guaranteed. Men's hats reblocked, cleaned and made new.


Mr. H. D. Todd has been established in the practice of his profession since 1889, having been ready for any emergency since the day the beautiful country was opened for the public. His office is nicely located at 219 East Oklahoma Ave, with telephone service number 998. In addition to his well-established and prosperous law practice Mr. Todd finds time to crowd into it a flourishing real estate, loan and notary public business. He handles only first-class properties, consisting of high type city and farm property, and always knows where there are bargains for his customers. Mr. Todd can arrange a loan without the usual delays and red tape methods so annoying to the average person, and there is no publicity about the deal. Mr. Todd has a notary public in his office.


The officers of this most substantial financial institution are: A. L. Cockrum, President; J. R.Cottingham, Vice-President; H. G. Farquharson, Cashier; E. R. Cook, Assistant Cashier. The directors are: Dr. E. G. Sharp, A. L. Cockrum, J. R. Cottingham, Fred W. Green, H. G. Farquharson. The Logan County Bank is an old established and reliable depository, and its depositors are protected by the depositors' guarantee fund of the state of Oklahoma. The following is a condensed statement of the Logan County Bank at the close of business November 16, 1909, which shows a most healthful and flourishing condition; Resources-Loans and discounts, $101,729.12; bonds and warrants,$101,310.38; Furniture and fixtures $2,700.00; overdrafts $518.66; cash and sight exchange $75,039.45; --$281,297.61. Liabilities--Capital stock, $25,000.00; surplus and profits---net $3,637.09, deposits $252,660.50---$281,297.61. There is no stronger nor splendidly managed bank in all Oklahoma than the Logan County Bank.


214 East Oklahoma avenue. Phone 935. This business has been established for the past ten years, and is indeed prosperous and exceedingly satisfactory to hundreds of the good customers who have been its patrons, throughout its long career. Mr. C. E. McWethy is always ready to do his part in any movement inaugurated for the development of the town. At his store are found large and carefully selected stocks of new and second hand goods, consisting of stoves, ranges, furniture, household goods, kitchen furniture, carpets, rugs, mattings and stove repairs of all kind.


This establishment is nicely located under the Logan County Bank and is one of the cleanest and nicest shops in the city. It has been established firmly in the minds of the better class of men who want and demand good service, and has always given entire satisfaction to this sort of men. There are four chairs in this shop and everything is kept as nice and clean as a new pin, the instruments are given scientific antiseptic baths. The proprietors are Mr. Tom Towers and Mr. John Towers, brothers, experts in their line, and they employ only experts on the other chairs. The bathing department of this house is modern in every particular and detail, and the baths, and barbering departments are patronized steadily by many of the most prominent men in the capital city.


This first-class manufacturer of good things to eat has been established about twelve years and is prominently located at 210 East Oklahoma avenue, with telephone service number 344. Mr. J. S. Hall is one of the most active men in the business district of the capital city, and has always been a warm friend of any movement started for the purpose, of making Guthrie a bigger and better city. Mr. Hall has spent much time and money and labor in learning the fine art of making the best qualities of candies and ice cream, and he has succeeded in a manner that makes his place one of the most sought in the city. He handles everything in creams, candies, cigars tobaccos.


Mr. A. J. Boyd is the new proprietor of this good shop, he being the successor to Daper & Hughes. The shop is located at 114 East Oklahoma Avenue, and has four modern chairs. It is finely appointed, being it fitted with the modern luxuries and conveniences, such as hot and cold baths, electric massage, etc. Mr. Boyd, the proprietor, is one of the most expert and careful artists in the business, and employs only the steadiest and most expert workmen. The shop is clean, attractive and sanitary at all times, the instruments being scientifically sterilized. There's no cleaner, better managed or more attractive barber shop in the capital city than the Crystal, and Mr. Boyd may be relied upon to maintain its excellent standard.


This pharmacy has been established for six years and is one of the most attractive and most successful in the city. It is located at 116 West Oklahoma avenue, with phone 88, and handles a fine and splendid assortment of pure fresh drugs and chemicals, toilet articles, rubber goods, soaps, fine stationery, brushes, extracts, pens, pencils, patent remedies, and in fact everything a first class drug store should handle. The prescription department is one of the most noted in the city, being carefully and scientifically administered, using only the strongest, costliest, and purest ingredients in the compounding of prescriptions. The prices at this store are always satisfying and the results as true and modern science encompasses.


This splendid business has been established for sixteen years and is located at 113 and 115 Second Street, with telephone number of 144. The brothers who own and manage this business are Mr. F. J. Hirzell and Mr. L. J. Hirzel and they understand every detail of the business and are very successful. The gentlemen are young and active, and are rapidly building up one of the most substantial houses in the capital city. Three free delivery wagons are required to take care of the big trade, and the store handles everything good to eat, including high class groceries. There is a department devoted to all kinds of tinware, and in an adjoining building an immense stock of feed for livestock is carried. And the prices are kept right.


This firm was established about six years ago, and is prominently located at 216 East Oklahoma Avenue, the telephone 254. The members of the firm are: Mr. L. H. Lohr and Mr. E. W. Trapnell, two of the most expert and most energetic plumbers, in the city. Their motto is one of the safest and sanest propositions yet put forward. It is this "Choose your plumber as you would your doctor." There is much meaning and wisdom in that very suggestion and it will be a winner every time. If you're willing to be shown, whether you are from Missouri or not, choose the firm of Lohr & Trapnell when next you get ready for plumbing, heating, house drainage, bath outfits, sinks or pressure water systems.


This business has been opened for public favor for the past one and a half years, and is located over National Bank of Commerce Room 8. Mr. Gibson has telephone service number 933 and is always glad of the opportunity to explain his methods to anyone who may call him up or visit his office. Mr. Gibson is an enthusiast on anything pertaining to the future development of the capital city, and loves to tell visitors what the future holds for the big and growing city. Mr. Gibson handles of all kinds of real estate, investments, and writes insurance. He also collects rents, finds prompt-paying tenants, attends to the business of non-residential property owners, etc.


This important factory is a new industry for the capital city, having been established in September, 1909. The capital stock of the company is $60,000.00, and it is incorporated. The officers are as follows: F. P. Grode, President and Manager; R. E. Sohlberg, Secretary and Treasurer; Charles Seely, Vice President. These gentlemen are too well known in the social and commercial life of Guthrie to need any praise from any source whatever, and the brief space at command will be used to give an idea of the really big industry that has sprung up like a mushroom. The floor space amounts to 35,000 sq. ft., and 100 skilled and well paid people are employed. The products of the industry are school, church and opera house furniture, and the specialties are: school desks, office furniture, church furniture, and scientific furniture, cabinet work, store furniture and showcases, and every specialty office furniture as beautiful and substantial as made anywhere. The capacity of school desks alone is 200 per day, exclusive of the other products. The Guthrie School and Office Furniture Company is filling a long-felt want and is growing by leaps and bounds. It is a splendidly managed young giant in the manufacturing world, and is one of the biggest factors in the business life of the city.


This is the only baggage and transfer company, on the West Side, having been established about six months ago. This business is located at number 602 West Noble street, and is connected with telephone number 1283. The owners and managers of this company give special attention to transferring baggage, household goods, and in fact, anything that is loose at both ends. They have specially designed drays and vehicles, good heavy teams, and expert handlers of heavy or delicate articles. Pianos moved without a scratch or jar. E. V. Bishop & Company also buy and sell all kinds of furniture, stoves, ranges, articles of household use and most anything that you have tired of. Goods exchanged. "If you wish to buy or sell anything in our line, or want to move, ring us up and get our terms. We can save you money and do your work without delay of any kind."


This is the name of the man who promotes additions and deals in real estate. He is at the helm when the beautiful addition of COLLEGE HEIGHTS is mentioned. This fine property ajoins the original town site of the city, and under able management of Mr. Ewing it has been rapidly developed until only 200 lots remain unsold, and he is not very particular whether these are sold or not, as the property is desirable and prices rapidly advancing. Mr. Ewing had been here since 1889 and is a strong supporter of the capital city and new state of Oklahoma. He is well posted as to property values and will be glad to talk with anyone interested. Office 113 South First street.


This is an incorporated company and officers are as follows: Mr. D. P. Lowry, Jr. President; Mr. D. P. Lowry Sr., Secretary and Treasurer. Both are well-known businessman and financiers, and are closely identified with the best interests of the capital city. They are firm believers in the future greatness of the city and community, and have cast their fortunes in the crucibles of the Fates, willing to take their share of what is sent to the remarkable the city and it's remarkable people. Messrs. Lowry & Company are cotton merchants in the strict sense of the word, and conduct a general buying and selling business. They are strict adherents of the square deal policy and their customers are always assured of the most equitable consideration.


This gentleman is a genius in the broadest sense of the word, and before many years elapse he should have accumulated millions. Mr. Allison is a lover of mysteries of mechanics and stays close to general repair shop, where most of his ideas are worked out by his own hand. He is really a practical inventor and draughtsman, and is a dealer in his own patents and those of others. Mr. Allison is the inventor of a device to overcome the dead center on all machinery, one of the faults of every machine of what ever description. He has invented a device that doubles the speed of machinery and eliminates belts, coggs, etc. He has patented and of course invented a thoroughly adjustable sash lock for windows; another of his inventions is an automatic self of leveling clock; also a most successful crude oil burner; still another of his inventions is a detachable, compact folding wagon cover, and now he has applied for a patent covering an improvement on cotton gins. It is a known fact that many of Mr. Allison's inventions are meritorious, and some of them, if not all, will reap great rewards if properly managed.


This useful and reliable house is located at number 111 West Oklahoma avenue, and is connected with telephone number 773. It is unquestionably the best equipped grinding plant and workshop in the state of Oklahoma, and perhaps the entire great southwest. The scientific company makes its own lenses or grinds them perfect from rough blanks, and by this method insures the purchaser of eye glasses to get just what is needed. There is no guesswork here. Experts examine the eye, write a scientific prescription, and your glasses and are made for you and for your individual case. Quite different from going into any sort of store and walking out with a pair of glasses that were made for anyone who could see through them. The Crook Optical Company is a skillfully managed business, and a high class prescription and work, prompt service, accuracy lenses in axis, shape and size are points never overlooked by them. All mail orders received an immediate attention.


This gentleman has been established about 20 years and has a fine reputation, as broad as the new country. He is handsomely located at number 112 Oklahoma avenue, with telephone service number 1094. Mr. Weathers also has an office in Kansas City Missouri, located in the Hall building. This gentleman is the consulting architect of the Oklahoma State Board of Public affairs, which shows at a glance his standing among the expert officials who are doing so much for the artistic and substantial upbuilding of a great new state. Mr. Weathers has always been at the forefront in every movement having for its purpose the uplift of the capital city and the new state, and he is an ardent lover and admirer of the great city which he has so signally helped to erect. Mr. Weathers makes a specialty of courthouses, and he has many beautiful buildings to his credit. He is far too well known to need an introduction or praise from any source. He makes the specialty of public buildings, courthouses etc. It may be well to mention the fact that he was the architect for the Logan County Court House, and Guthrie's handsome Convention Hall, costing $175,000.00 the use of which the city has so generously given to the state.


This important and flourishing business is located at number 212 1/2 West Oklahoma avenue, and is connected with telephone number 136, one of the busiest lines in the city. Although the business has only been established for the past eight months, it is one of the most prosperous in the city, and is growing at a rapid rate. The proprietors are Mr. J. J. Tallman and Mr. J. H. Funk, the latter gentlemen only recently becoming a member. Both gentleman are real hustlers, know their business well, and are extremely popular with all who know them, and that means nearly everybody, and a stranger in this city does not remain a stranger for more than an hour or so; for this firm makes a specialty of finding newcomers quickly. The O. K. Office of Business Opportunities has city businesses for sale or exchange and has many rare bargains listed with them. This firm cooperates with the Kenworth Employment Systems, which was established in 1884; they make collections, are state agents and distributors, and will be glad to explain any part of their system. See them.


The officers of this very important company are; W. H. Bruer, President; J. W. Shartel, General Manager; W. W. Carter Superintendent. The company has been established for the past five years, and the public has been enabled in that brief time to note what sort of men are behind a great company and what they have done. The past-- particularly in this case is an indication of what the future is to be, for the gentleman who have put their time, talents and money into the business are men of affairs and influence and have the interest of the capital city of heart. During the year just past the company spent some $15,000.00 for extra improvements. If the public knew of their great plans for the immediate future, it would indeed be a happy public, for they mean to so extend and improve Guthrie Railway Company, that will be a source of pleasure and convenience to every person in the city and a vast achievement for the capital city and its every interest. Guthrie is already receiving first-class car service, and this will improve daily.


This progressive company was established one year ago last July, and officers are as follows: Martin B. Madden, President; W. J. Dibbens, Vice president and Treasurer; Paul Henderson, Secretary. The office is located at 213 East Oklahoma avenue, and has telephone service number 493. Officers of this company are well known businessmen of affairs in the commercial and social life of the capital city. The business is a financial success, and is a very necessary industry. The company handles everything in the line of light improvements, being quick to take up the newest inventions, besides handling many of their own devices, all of which go to the benefit of modern homes in buildings. This company's purposes could not be told easily in a brief description, so the public is invited to their place of business.


This big candy company is well established and is located at 115 Harrison avenue. The proprietors and managers are Mr. C. E. Jackman and Mr. C. W. Wimber. They are among the substantial businessmen in the capital city, and have made good in every particular. The company employs quite a number of people, and their pay roll is quite an item in the commercial life of the city. The Guthrie Candy Company are wholesale jobbers, and also handle their products by retail. This company handles products that stand every test imposed, as good as the best in the world, and their sales aggregate an immense sum annually. The Guthrie Candy Company is an important industry and is splendidly managed.


113 � South First street, an introductory seems hardly necessary where Mr. Chappel is concerned, for his name is very familiar to Oklahomans. Mr. Chappel has the honor and distinction of having been a member of the first Legislature, in which body he served the republicans as their minority leader and was their nominee for speaker of the house. Mr. Chappel is a firm believer in Guthrie and makes his home in the beautiful capital city, which he believes will always serve Oklahoma as her capital. As an attorney he enjoys a fine practice. He is a native of Indiana and came to Oklahoma in 1902.


This is an incorporated company and officers are as follows: C. H. Martindale, President; Robert Sohlberg, Treasurer: J. H. Milam, Secretary. This is a very important industry in the commercial life of the capital city and was established in 1905; the business employee's from 60 to 100 people, and the capacity of the general foundry daily is 30 tons. This company manufactures both iron and brass products, boiler stacks, tanks, mill and railroad work ect. The foundry department building is 80 by 160 ft., and the machine shop is a double story building, 60 by 180 ft. In addition there are boiler shops, pattern shops, and the plant entire covers several acres. There is maintained a branch foundry at Fort Worth, Texas, and all together it is doubted if the southwest has a larger or more carefully managed ron company. The officers of the Southwestern Iron Company are all well known and influential capitalists, and in this vast plant have given Guthrie more than it realizes.


This big industry is one of the most important factors in the social and commercial life of the capital city. The business was established three years ago, and employs 100 people. The Pioneer Cotton Mills manufacture high grade wrapping twines, sea island twines, and carpet warps being highly specialized; here also are manufactured staging, seine and sail twines, cotton rope and miners' wick. All of the products of this splendid industry are stable articles of daily trade, and no superior quality is made anywhere in the world. The plant of Pioneer Cotton Mills is modern in every particular and its general equipment embraces all of the latest inventions and improvements in machinery. This great factory is one of the most important in the city. The manager of the Pioneer Cotton Mills is Mr. J. E. Douglas, one the most earnest and practical gentleman in Guthrie, and he gives his whole time and attention to the business, which has developed into a genuine success.


This business has been established for the past seven years, and gives special attention to gent's hats, ladies clothes; the club maintains an agency in the basement of the Ione hotel, with telephone service number 809, and also an agency in the basement of the Royal hotel, with telephone number 809. The proprietor is Mr. E. B. Metz, and he is one of the best hustlers in the business. He gives perfect satisfaction to every customer, both as to the quality of the service and as to the charge. Mr. Metz has built up a most useful establishment, and one that is being used by many of the very best people of Guthrie.


This first class jewelry store has been established 20 years and is located at 116 West Oklahoma avenue. Mr. C. W. White, the proprietor, is the official watch inspector for the Santa Fe and the Katy railroad systems, and his repairing department is said to be one of the most scientifically equipped of any in the country. There is no question but that he carries a very select stock of diamonds, gold watches, cut glass and silverware, and this jewelry house is famous for its reasonable prices, and you do not need to be an expert in jewelry in order to make purchases here. A guarantee that means something is given with every purchase in the store, your money's worth is assured.


Misses A. and L. Larson, Proprietors. This fine and up to the instant millinery emporium has been established for the past four years, and is located at number 117 East Oklahoma avenue. The Misses Larson have had an experience in the business of twelve years. They employ expert and tasteful milliners, keep apace with the ever changing fashions of the beau monde, and are splendidly equipped to make suggestions helpful to any lady who may care for the service. The Misses Larson carry an elegant stock of the finest most stylish creations of the milliner's art.


This splendid caf� has been established for the past 3 months, and is prominently located at 119 West Harrison avenue, and has telephone number 244. This is a nicely and conveniently located eating house and is a first-class place in every particular. There are sixth clean, attractive tables and a tempting lunch counter in this caf�, and is unquestionably the place where the good "eats" are to be had, and for the price that will not make you lose your appetite. Mr. Gus Ritterbuasch, the gentlemanly and expert proprietor, is working intelligently and industriously to build up one of the finest cafes in the city, and every guest is carefully looked after and courteously treated. The proprietor has had long experience in catering to the particular trade and feels confident he is able to please the most faulty appetite.


The officers of this first class wholesale and retail company, are N. H. Patterson, Secretary and Treasurer; W. K Patterson, President; J. E. Paymal, Vice president. All of the officers of this company are well-known businessmen, capable to accomplish any undertaking, and are among the most substantial men of affairs in the capital city. The Patterson Furniture Company have been established for the past nine years, and is located at numbers 120 and 122 West Harrison avenue. This is a first-class house in every particular, and one that is a genuine benefit to Guthrie. The lines handled by this company are plain and artistic furniture, carpets, rugs, art squares and other household furnishings. In addition the company are embalmers and funeral directors, and carry everything pertaining to any occasion. Telephone service number 86.


The officers of this substantial institution are: A. R. Eastman, President; S. W. Keiser, Vice-President; Lymon J. Gray, Cashier; C. T. Eisenschmidt, Assistant Cashier. The directors are: S. L. Spurrier, Felix Adler, W. H. Gray, Chas. O.Eisenschmidt, A. R. Eastman, S. W. Keiser, Lymon J. Gray. The deposits in the Oklahoma State Bank are guaranteed by the depositors' guarantee fund of the state of Oklahoma, the new state law thus providing absolute safety to their depositors. The following true statement, being rendered on November 16, shows the superior condition of this magnificent bank: Resources---Loans and discounts, $145,438.34; bonds and warrants $284,852.57 ; over drafts, $2,936.78; furniture and fixtures, $36000.00; cash and site exchange $136,218.66-Total, $573,046.35. Liabilities-Capital stock, $50,000; and divided profits, $925.79; deposits $522,120.56-Total, $573,046.35. a this is a magnificent showing.


This firm is composed of two excellent ladies, and their place of business is room thirteen, Lyon block. If this block where a steam boat or a steam ship it is quite safe to say there would be no number thirteen room aboard, for the well known superstition of mariners would cause a mutiny at the allegedly unlucky number. But there is very little superstition in modern business circles and even if there was it would find no place in the vicinity of the artists who are making the world prettier with their art. The business of Cozort & Patterson has been established about one year, and is growing at a rapid pace. The ladies have a splendid and attractive display of their wares and it will pay anyone to pay the house a visit and see how much beauty there is about. This firm does hand painting and at oil painting on chinaware and other things and will be pleased to exhibit work and quote prices.


Wholesale and retail 208 East Oklahoma avenue, telephone number 117.


The proprietor of this excellent bakery is Mrs. N. A. Silver. It has been established about nine months, and is located at 115 East Oklahoma avenue, with telephone number 288. Mrs. Silver was formerly in business in Oklahoma City or seven years, and she is a popular and pleasing lady, who understands thoroughly the business of making bread and pastries for the public; her place is doing a fine business, and there are hundreds of people in all parts of the city who believe that her baking is as near perfection as can be attained. This nice bakery and confectionery is kept clean an attractive and sanitary at all times, and is inviting, refreshing and tempting.


The Star Laundry has been an active member of the capital city industries for the past seven years, and is one of the best laundries and best managed institutions in the city. The Star is located at First and Cleveland, and has telephone service number 610. Mr. E. J. Allen, the proprietor is one of the real hustlers of the city. He devotes his entire time and attention to the business, and no man in the world is more anxious or more quick to rectify any error that might be made in the course of a busy day's work. The Star laundry employs 20 people in the process of taking care of the people's clothing, and is therefore a very important factor in the commercial and factory life of the city. Three wagons are required to make collections and deliveries of bundles.


Mr. M.E. Mooney, proprietor; located near the Santa Fe depot, Mr. Mooney makes a specialty of serving. Short orders to hungry and particular people, and it has been said that he creates the finest chili in the Southwest. At any rate he has a long list of delighted customers who believe they have missed much if they happen to miss a day without getting some of the excellent chili. The New Era is strictly a short order house with reasonable prices and everyone who eats here is satisfied. Drop in when you want something appetite appetizing.


This enterprise has been operated under the present management for the past year, and is located at numbers 501 and 509, inclusive, West Oklahoma avenue. Its telephone number is 39. The company makes a specialty of transferring and storage and heavy moving such as safes, pianos and machinery. Mr. W. R. Polson gives his personal attention to every detail of the business, and therefore everything that seemed like an error has been eliminated; it is a most reliable institution and it is a great convenience for the public. This company employs fifteen people all skilled in the business, and well acquainted with every section of the city; nine busy wagons are required to take care of the big trade built up by Mr. Polson, and the business is still constantly growing.


This is one of the biggest, busiest and best stores in the capital city -it is Guthrie's strictly one price store, and the people have long since learned that this is true. The Brown Dry Goods Store has been established under the present management for the past 1 � years, and is prominently located at numbers 105 and 107 West Oklahoma avenue. A attractive electric sign bearing the magic named "Brown's" has recently been erected, and the presence of the giant company is the almost felt when one gets within a block or more of it. There is no more substantial storing all of the country than Brown's immense is about the only word that describes it properly. The great stock consists of ladies' furnishings, silks, dress accessories, and a superior line of millinery is one of the most attractive departments. The Brown Dry Goods Company employs 25 intelligent salespeople, and is unquestionably one of the big and important enterprises in the capital city.


209 East Harrison avenue, telephone number 211. This business has been established for five years and members of the firm are Mr. Charles McNulty and Mr. James McNulty, and they give their entire time and attention to catering to their innumerable and delighted customers, who are scattered in all parts of the capital city. The terms of this splendid grocery are strictly cash, and its plan serves to make the cost the same to one and all. The McNulty Brothers are good men, fine merchants and handle everything good to eat. The prices have been reduced to a minimum and it is a prosperous store.


519 East Oklahoma avenue. Telephone number 629. Mr. Sam Warren, the proprietor of this store, is one of the pioneer citizens of Guthrie, having come to the city when the country was opened in 1889. He conducts a first-class store, has been at his present location for seven years. He carries a good stock as a good trade and the delivery service is prompt.


The proprietors of this business are Messrs F. C. Miles, W. B. Miles and L. Overless, all excellent gentlemen, in great believers in the future greatness of the Capital City. The Guthrie Steam and Bottling Works is located near the Santa Fe depot and has been established for the past 20 years, and is connected with telephone number 548. This concern is manufacturers of all flavors of soda pop and fountain extracts, and a specialty is made of charging fountains. The proprietors have given many years of study an experiment to their business and have perfected many new methods of manufacturing high class goods, and their trade has grown steadily from the beginning. Messers Miles Brothers and Overless devote all their time to every detail of the business, and they are experts in their line.


Has been established for the past eighteen years and its home is in the famous Royal Hotel, where many of the big people of the state stop when they come to the capital city. The street number of this good shop is 110 East Harrison. There is no better known barber in the city than T. C. Vinson, the expert proprietor of the Royal Hotel Barber Shop. He would lend you his only umbrella on a rainy day, and that is some clever. But he was born generous and with much consideration for others, and that they has made him immensely popular and eminently successful a business way. He employs only the most skilled of workmen, in his customers are numerous and satisfied, and many noted men are among them.


This big and prosperous firm has been established for the past six years and is composed of Mr. K. W. Dawson and Mr. J. A. McElhinney. The home of the firm in the capital city is opposite the Santa Fe depot, and to give an idea as to how it has grown in the short six years of its existence it is only necessary to state that it has branches over the country as follows: Dawson & McElhinney, Arkansas City, Kansas; Dawson & Schuler, Lawton; Dawson & Schuler, Chickasha; Kaye W. Dawson, Shawnee; Dawson Brothers Fruit Company, Ardmore; Dawson & Carpenter, Enid. Perhaps no concern of the kind in the Southwest has grown so rapidly as this one, and it has builded upon merit and business ability; its popularity, of course, has been won by giving the people the best fruits and produce for the least money, and seeing to it at all times that nothing but the best was handled. Messers, Dawson & McElhinney are among the best known and most able men in the capital city.


These people have recently taken charge of the long established Danderine Shop. The Proprietors are Mr. J. L. Gordon and Mr. A. L. Ridge, both expert workmen, hustlers, clever, good citizens, and firm believers in the future greatness of the capital city. The establishment is under the Oklahoma State Bank and contains four chairs, which are kept occupied most of the time. Messers, Gordon & Ridge will have nothing but the best, cleanest and most modern work, and they have a large and constantly growing list of pleased customers. This is one of the strictly clean and sanitary shops in the city, the baths are first-class and every detail of the business is closely watched and guarded by the owners, who strive to please one and all, and this they are doing at all times.


Mr. Harry B. Pace is the proprietor of this modern cleaning parlor, and he has had fifteen years experience in the business that has made good at all along the line. He has been established one year in his present location, which it is at 107 South Division street. The telephone number is 378, and a phoned order or a request will receive immediate and courteous treatment. The cleaning, pressing, and repairing of ladies clothing is specialized in its establishment, and every piece of work is guaranteed with a guarantee that means something to you, and gentlemen may have their clothing cleaned, pressed or repaired, or all three at once (and most of them need it), and then, too, their hats are made new while they wait---blocked, trimmed, and cleaned, and all for a very small price.


Its first-class livery and boarding stable has been established for the past seven years, and is well located on South Second street, with telephone number 128. Mr. J. B. Hoover is the manager, and he is an expert in the managing and the handling of horses. He has weeded out of his barn all horses not suitable for the business, and now has what is believed to be as good a selection of livery stock as can be found in the country. Hoover Brothers have fine and substantial rigs, safe horses, and their prices are very reasonable. As a boarding stable for horses there is none in the country better adapted for the business than this one. The Hoover Brothers are lovers of horses and they give their personal attention to every horse entrusted to their care, and see to it that each animal has plenty of the best and cleanest food, good water, is curried and brushed, kept in the proper physical condition, and ready for the owners use the first ring of the telephone bell.


The well known an attractive proprietor of this place is a native of Illinois, and has been in Guthrie since 1891. Although he has been in business for the past two years, is present establishment has been at its present location----number 103 South Second street-for only six months. Mr. Lester is rapidly building up a fine and satisfied list of customers, who believe that no American in this country can make as fine a chili as he can, he makes a specialty of this fine and health full food and has given it many years of careful study, even sending to the land of the ancient Aztec in Old Mexico for the proper recipes and ingredients. Besides the fine chili served by Mr. Lester one can find anything and everything good to eat and in the shortest possible time, and at the most reasonable prices.


This modern tailoring company was established July 1, 1909, and has rapidly won its way to the hearts of many of the well the dressed men of the capital city. This company is located at 126 South First street, with telephone number 71. Mr. E. R. Adams is the proprietor, and he is a popular, expert and well-known gentlemen, who strives to please, the public in every possible manner, and he is succeeding. The New Era makes, cleans, presses, dyes, repairs, and alters garments for both ladies and gentlemen, and guarantees satisfaction. A trial will convince anyone that the methods in vogue here are the correct ones. If you don't know Mr. Adams and his work it will pay you to get acquainted as soon as you can. Both you and he loose money if you go elsewhere to have your work done.


102 East Oklahoma avenue. Now, here is something new and as part of the country, at least, and it ought to tickle the public well nigh into ecstasy. The Cooked Food Exchange---just think how much that means! And then, besides, it is a regular delicatessen, and a place where one can get lunches. The proprietors are Miss Renette Hill and Miss Pearl Brink. They are nine clean, attractive, sanitary tables in this eating place, and one can get many good things to eat and undoubtedly cooked to please even an old grouch. All kinds of meats are cooked to order for families, for sale to anyone who is hungry. And the lunches are with out equal. Go and learn about this cooked food exchange you will be glad you read this notice.


Officers of this association are; U. C. Guss, President; George M. Green, Vice-President; Charles Seely, Secretary; Dr. E. O. Barker, Treasurer; Charles H. Woods, Attorney. The directors are: U. C. Guss, Geo. M. Green, S. L. Spurrier, F. L. Williams, Dr. G. A. Hughes. The depository is the Guthrie National Bank. The Employees Building and Loan Association is one of the finest organizations for the great middle class of people ever got together. It is the ready means of permitting the wage earner becoming the master of his own home, and when an industrious man owns a home there's no way to break him down; he is truly the master then. And this company offers the way. The men behind it are among the best known business men and financiers in the capital city; they have the brains, the capital, the honesty of purpose and the desire to help you and the city, and at the same time help themselves and their association. Every working man should investigate the terms and principles of this association.


This is one of the substantial firms in the capital city, and has been established for the past twelve the years. The agency is located on Division street, and is devoted to general insurance, surety bonds, notary public work. The agency represents many of the greatest insurance companies in the world, among them are the following: Phoenix Fire Insurance Company; Hanover Fire Insurance Company, Springfield F. & M. Insurance Company, New York Underwriters; Northern Assurance Company of London; National Fire of Hartford; Lloyd's Plate Glass; Scottish Union & National, etc. Mr. Charles Seely is also Secretary of Employee's Building & Loan Association, and is one of the most active gentlemen in the city.


This famous hostelry had been established about sixteen years, and is well located at 118 East Harrison avenue. The Hotel Royal has always been the resting place of celebrated politicians and businessmen, and is a household word all over the southwest, and especially the state of Oklahoma. The rates at this fine hotel are $2.00 and $2.50 per day, according, of course, to the room one wishes. There is steam heat, electric lights and every other modern arrangement for the perfect enjoyment of the guests, who are always present in large numbers. Mr. J. M. Brooks, the well known and very popular proprietor, is one of the most influential men in the capital city, and gives his personal attention to seeing that every guest of the Hotel Royal is right royally to treated. There is nothing left undone that would be apt to interest a guest of this place, and accommodations are all that the most exacting could desire.


This short order caf� is located at number 121 � South 2nd St., and has been established 1� years. The proprietors are J. C. Rollins and R. T. Eggleston, colored people of the best class, and in their business the employ a number of expert assistants. Their telephone number is 757, and they handle a full and complete line of foreign and domestic cigars and tobaccos and smokers supplies. Messers Rollins & Eggleston serve only short orders at the Coffee Caf�, but everything they handle is of the best variety and served in expert and attractive style. They are said to have one of the finest chefs in the city and most certainly are giving entire satisfaction to one and all who patronize them.


While this nice market has only been recently established under the present firm name, it has begun to take high rank among many particular customers who know when meats are properly handled. Mr. Pinkard, the well-known proprietor, is one of Guthirie's leading colored businessmen, and he has many good friends among all races of people. Is located at number 222 South Second street, has phone connection and has installed a first class system and free delivery that is giving satisfaction to a large and growing list of customers. This meat market handles everything in season, and at times keeps a fine stock of fresh meats, which are sold to its customers at the smallest margin of profit.


This first rate meat market has only been recently opened, but is striking the public favor, and bids fair to be one of the real successes of the day. The Pearl Meat Market is located at 723 West Noble street, with telephone number 36. In this market there is handled everything in the choice meat line, and every piece of meat is handled in a manner that makes one think it is the best in the city. Mr. Surber is an expert in handling meats of all kinds, and he is striving to please his customers and to keep them, as well as to make new ones every day. Mr. Surber's prices are low; and all meats handled by the Pearl Meat Market.


The members of this firm are Mr. C. R. Jones and Mr. E. A. Jones, both of whom have the faith of the believing that the capital city is the best town in the world, populated by the best people, and that it is going to be bigger and better yet. They have been established in business seven years and are located at number 810 West Noble street with telephone number 177. This grocery store handles flour, meal, feed, can and bottle goods, staple and fancy groceries, poultry, eggs, vegetables, meats, coffees, teas, spices, farm products, and everything a grocery ought to handle, and at the smallest prices ever asked in the capital city. Give them a trial order and see how much money you have been losing. They also operate a store at 802 East Oklahoma avenue, telephone number 206.


The shop has been established for the past nine years, and is well located at 724 West Noble avenue, telephone number 278. The proprietor, G. Mims, is a well known blacksmith and colored man of the best type, and he has had a lifetime of experience. He does work of all kinds in both wood and iron, wagon and carriage work, expert horseshoeing, repairing of wagons, vehicles, plows, agricultural implements, and everything that is usually done in a well equipped shop. Here every customer will receive the most courteous treatment, and will be entirely satisfied with both the work and the prices.


Mr. S. Varley is the manager of the successful and enterprising firm, and he is the right man in the right place. The business of L. C. Blake & Company has been established for the past three years, and is nicely located at 113 South 2nd St., and is connected with telephone number 650. This firm handles a full line of new and second hand furniture, from which the public can always select genuine bargains, also they handle jewelry and a limited stock of watches; the repair department is one of the best equipped in the city. In another section of the city this firm owns and operates a high-class grocery store, under the successful management of Mr. L. C. Blake. The L. C. Blake & Company stores are prosperous and popular and splendidly managed.


This magnificent jewelry house is firmly established in the confidence of the people. If you are in doubt when you want something first-class, ask them and they will tell you. If you get it from the Koetsch Jewelry Company, it is all right. This big house is located at 104 West Oklahoma avenue, and has telephone number 437; call up the office and ask questions and you will get answers that will make you feel welcome. This store guarantees to save anyone money on diamonds and they know how. It is really a big, busy, first-class store, owned and managed by people who know the business. They handle diamonds, watches, clocks, rich jewelry, silverware, cut glass, and umbrellas; the repair department is well equipped for all purposes and every piece of work is guaranteed.


This business has been established for the past 1 � years, and is located at the corner Harrison and Division, with telephone number 897. Mr. Robert J. Bradley is the pleasing and popular proprietor, and he caters to the highest type of trade. Mr. Bradely is well known in the capital city, and his friends everywhere. His stock of imported and domestic strictly union made cigars and tobaccos have been carefully selected and are very properly handled to give the best results. The Turf Cigar Company handles many famous brands of cigars and tobaccos and smoker's goods, and the prices are always correct. In addition there is a handsomely fitted billiard and pool parlor, carrying six modern and well cared for tables, and many of the city's most prominent men enjoy the games when hours of business are over. A very nice place, this.


504 West Oklahoma avenue, phone 109---This is an incorporated company and has been established since the wonderful opening of Oklahoma in 1889. The officers of this old and reliable company are Mr. J. H. Phillips, President, and Mr. A. C. Richardson, Secretary and Treasurer. Although the Guthrie Laundry Company is perhaps the oldest laundry in the state, it keeps apace with all the improvements in machinery and its equipment is strictly modern and first-class, and the work executed is as near perfect as human ingenuity can accomplish. This company employs 25 expert people, and no pains or expense are spared to give its customers the very best of service. Three wagons are required to collect and deliver bundles, and no laundry in the state enjoys a higher class of trade or does better work.


This is a newly established business, but is rapidly coming to the front, because it is being managed by a natural born hustler. Mr. Brown's place of business is located at number 205 West Oklahoma avenue, and his telephone number is 480. He has many fine bargains listed with his agency, and will do his best to please you. He has already built up a splendid business and is expanding constantly. Mr. Brown is thoroughly acquainted with the city and county and adjoining territory, knows where the real values are, and he is known as one of the most reliable men in the business. In addition to his real estate business Mr. Brown handles the celebrated Bromide water from Sulphur, Oklahoma, and will take pains to explain the medical properties of this water to you.


This store has been established about two years, and is well located at 109 South Division street. Mr. C. B. Carson, the active, popular and well-known proprietor, is a genuine booster for the capital city and is identified with all movements created for the purpose of developing the already remarkable city. Mr. Carson is a carefully, conservative businessman, who has builded his good business on the square deal plan, making one price to all alike, and giving the best goods for the least money. This splendid store carries fine stocks of men's furnishing goods, trunks and grips, and ladies and gentleman's shoes. Only first-class goods are handled, and it is certain that the purchasers can find just what they have been looking for at the store, and at prices that will prove themselves correct.


This business is firmly established in the good will and confidence of the public, and is located at 106 North Vine street, with telephone number 102. Mr. V. G. Houston is an expert in his line and employs only the most skilled workmen. He does all kinds of plumbing and gas fitting, handles all kinds of supplies, does every sort of pipe and repair work, installs baths outfits, sinks, lavatories, and everything in this line of work. Mr. Houston is a firm believer in the square deal policy, and gives value received for every dollar spent with his house. He has inaugurated a scale of prices that has proved entirely satisfactory with his customers, who are among the best known people of the capital city, and is sure he can satisfy any who need work in this line. At any rate you should get his estimates on your next work.


205 West Oklahoma avenue. Phone 480. Mr. Ferrier is a native of the Keystone State, and has been in Guthrie for the past fourteen years. He has 40 years of experience in his various lines. He is a practical watchmaker, jeweler and optician, and the following high testimonial is as much as can be said of any man. P. B. Hicks, Pastor of the M. E. Church, South says: "This is to certify that for 20 years I was constantly trying to have my eyesight improved by the use of glasses, but without satisfactory results, until I met Mr. J. W. Ferrier, who so perfectly fitted my eyes that I feel I owe him a debt of gratitude." Mr. Ferrier is equally as expert in fine watch repairing and as a practical jeweler, and asks patronage strictly on the merit of his work.


This prosperous and immense business is truly one of the pioneers, having been established 21 years ago, when the country was but a baby. In fact, it's old and reliable house was opened for business the day after the opening of the country to civilization. This business is prominently located at number 122 North Division street, with telephone number 62. While the establishment as a wholesale and retail business, about three fourths of the volume trade is wholesale. Mr. Emil L. Hairschi, the proprietor, is one of the big men of the capital city. He has built up a fine business in shelf and heavy hardware by square methods, low prices and the best goods possible to obtain. The tinsmith and repair department of this house is finely equipped and the prices are always right.


This fine combination business has been established one year, and is conveniently located opposite the post office, on Oklahoma avenue and Second street, with telephone number 723. The proprietors are Messers, F. E. Mater and L. C. Scott, who are rapidly building up a trade to be proud of. The Old Coin Barber Shop contains three chairs of modern pattern, and each is presided over by a tonsorial artist who knows how to please anyone. The cigar department is doing a nice business, carrying in stock many fine brands of imported and domestic cigars and tobaccos and other smokers supplies. The pool hall is one of the popular places of the capital city. This is all together a very good place to visit for business or pleasure.


This caf� is firmly established in the affections of thousands of people, and is centrally located at 317 West Oklahoma avenue. The most particular men in the world, as far as what they eat is concerned, are the millions of high class men who operate the great railroads of the country and when a caf� is popular with the boys of the steam and the steel, the rest of the public is all right. Such is the case with the Saddle Rock Caf�; a large percent of the railroad men who come to Guthrie are regular patrons of this place, and that tells the story. The Saddle Rock Caf� employs eight expert assistants, and the service in all departments is satisfactory. Choice cigars and smokers supplies are kept for the guests.


This buying business has been established the past two years, and is located at number 206 West Harrison street, with telephone service number 2. The members of this firm are Mr. Harry Weinberger and Mr. Will Rodman, two of the best-known and most popular gentlemen in the capital city. Theirs is the only strictly cash wholesale cigar house in Oklahoma, it is an unqualified success. It is conducted as a wholesale and retail establishment. In connection the proprietors operate a high-class pool and billiard parlor, containing eight modern and well cared for tables, where many of the city's most prominent businessmen met after hours and enjoy the harmless and scientific games. This is one of the finest establishments of the kind in the country and it is splendidly managed.


It gives us pleasure to refer to this institution as one of the best in the great southwest, and especially in Guthrie it stands as a leader. The business is well established and growing all the time. Before the coming season is on, Mr. P. D. Piersol, the proprietor will be in a new building, with a new plant equipped with the latest facilities, and will greatly enlarged the business generally, that he may take care of all orders to the full satisfaction of the trade. The company manufactures all kinds of pure and finely flavored ice cream, ices and sherbets. Special attention is given to the wholesale trade through out central Oklahoma. Mr. Piersol is a young man of progressive ideas and believes in turning out the purest and best products possible. Orders filled promptly.


This firmly established and most useful enterprise is prominently located at 108 North Vine street, the telephone number 555. All work sent into this club is strictly guaranteed, with a guarantee that means something. All goods are called for promptly and delivered in astonishingly short time, looking new and clean and attractive. The Keep-U-Neat Club cleans and presses all sorts of clothes and makes a specialty of ladies work. Mr. Marley F. Smith, the wide- awake proprietor of the Keep-U-Neat Club, is building up a fine and steadily growing business. The people have learned that his process of working over garments is saving them much money and keeping them clean and neat besides, and they know if it is done at the Keep-U-Neat Club it has done right and on time and at the lowest possible prices.


This factory has been established for the past year and is conveniently located at number 816 West Noble street. Mr. A. L. Lokey, the skilled and able proprietor, is said to put up one the most substantial and best products in his line in the country, and his factory should grow to great proportions. More brooms of all kinds are used today than were ever known before in history of the world, even in proportion to the number of people, the usage is increasing every day. The capacity of Mr. Lokey's factory is five dozen brooms daily, but he can easily increase the capacity as occasion requires. This factory manufacturers all kinds of brooms and many other small brooms for various uses. Mr. Lokey is particular in his use of material, buying only the best and making only the highest class brooms.


Mr. McDaniel is another of Guthrie's colored men, who has made good in mercantile pursuits. He is firmly established in business at 217 West Harrison avenue, and has telephone number 1253. Here is where the public finds pants making a specialty and there is no question but that genuine satisfaction is given to every order. The Arlington Tailor Shop employs competent workmen and makes up anything in the clothes line, and at prices for the same grade of work and cloth that cannot be duplicated anywhere else in this part of the state. This shop also makes a specialty of cleaning, pressing and dyeing garments of any and all kinds and guarantees the best of satisfaction along with the lowest the prices. The proprietor is an expert in these matters and will not turn out anything but the highest grade of work.


This popular business house is firmly and securely established in the confidence, of a big and growing list of people, and is snugly located at 801 West Perkins street; its telephone number is 942 and is kept constantly busy all the time by customers who have learned that they can order goods and get them by wire just as well as if they called in person. The Henry House Store is clean and neat and sanitary, inviting and refreshing, and the goods handled are the best, including the freshest groceries, fancy and staple, flour, meal, salt and fresh meats, eggs, butter, poultry, can and bottle goods, teas, coffees, spices, pickles, and in fact everything that a first-class grocery house usually keeps.


This business has been established since the fifteenth of June 1908, and is located at the corner of Harrison and Second streets, with telephone number 1294. Messers, Copeland & Bunis have an establishment that the public can find most anything wanted and at prices that cannot be duplicated in the city. These active mercantile men handle suitcases, trunks, musical instruments, jewelry, furnishing goods for gentlemen, and will lend you the money to pay for anything they handle. That is what may be called accommodating, that such as the case, into either of the owners will be glad to explain their methods at any time one may call. Loans are made at lowest rates.


This store has been established for the past thirteen years, and is located at that 717 West Noble street, with telephone number 93. Mr. A. H. Richmond, the proprietor, is a well-known businessman of the capital city, and has built up a fine and steady growing business by giving the great buying public what it wants. He handles everything in the grocery line, both fancy and staple, flour, feed, coffees, teas, spices, extracts, lard, farm products, poultry, eggs, butter, meats, can and bottle goods, kraut, pickles, vegetables of all kinds and high class bakery goods.


This splendid meat market has been established for the past three years and is conveniently located at 713 West Noble street, with telephone number 1019. The members of this firm operating this first class market are Mr. T. P. Hopper, who is the active manager, and Mr. W. T. Coleman. Manager Hopper gives his personal attention to every detail of the business and he is one of the best experts in the market business. His method of handling choice meats has been given universal satisfaction to one and all who have been customers of this market, and the list of first-class customers grows constantly. Here is everything that is good in the meat line, and it is handled in the proper manner; the market is always kept clean, sanitary and inviting. What has pleased others is sure to please you, and a trial will make you a regular customer.


This store has been established for the past six years and is conveniently located at 701 West Noble avenue, and is one of the most popular and best patronized stores in the vicinity. By honest methods, square dealing and handling the purest and freshest goods at the smallest possible margin of profit. Mr. Holler has built up a trade that he is proud of and justly so. His telephone number is 311 and the little silver bell is nearly always jingling, telling the office that some customer somewhere in town wants this or that. Mr. Holler handles staple and fancy groceries, can and bottle goods, farm produce, poultry, eggs, vegetables, feed, meal, flour, coffees, teas, spices, lard, extracts, pickles, kraut, butter, and in fact everything good to eat usually found in a good grocery.


This gentleman has been established for the past five years, and is located at 218 S. 1st St., the telephone number 397. Mr. C. D. Wachob, the active proprietor, has had 25 years experience in his line, and is a master of the trade. He employs several skilled assistants an never a job is done unless it is satisfactory to both horse owner and shop owner. Mr. Wachob knows that there are a number of ways to shoe a horse, but he learned the right way many years ago, and has stuck to it all through his busy career. His method requires a little more time and a little more work, but Mr. Wachob considers all these little things, and feels that he has done right, even if he has to labor just a little mite harder than some others in the same profession. Mr. Wachob is now arranging, to erect a new two-story brick building across the street, the first floor to be used as a shop the second floor for residence.


This up-to-the-second bakery has been established for the past 16 years and is located at number 203 West Oklahoma avenue, and has telephone connection number 211. The proprietors of this splendid bakery are Mr. J. G. Liebhart and Mr. G. W. Webster. Both of the gentlemen are well and favorably known in all parts of the city. The Model Bakery is one of the best equipped bakeries of the city and its products are as good as the best anywhere. No baking house in this section of the country has a larger list of pleased customers than the Model Bakery, and the great public has long since learned that its famous bread, pies and cakes are clean, excellent and wholesome, and are used exclusively by many of the most particular families in the city.


This is a very nice place and is prominently located on Harrison avenue, adjoining the Elks Hotel, and has always been liberally patronize by a high-class trade. The owner and manager of the business is Mr. D. C. Campbell, who is well-known and liked for his sterling qualities. He is an expert tonsorial artist, has a splendidly equipped shop, which is kept scrupulously clean, sanitary and attractive all the time. The Elks' Shop is a big and growing business of the right class, and patrons are justly proud of it. There are so many horrible places in the country, where a scrape is called a shave, that when a man gets out of a chair in the Elks, Shop he thinks he has had a pleasant dream. Try this shop and see.


This home-like and comfortable boarding and rooming house has been established for the past year and has pleased others and will please you if you give it the chance. It is conveniently located at West Oklahoma avenue, and has telephone number 1240. Mr. Marian Duncan and his good wife, Mrs. Jane Duncan, the proprietors, have had a long experience in caring for the boarding public, and they know those of many little things in life so dear to the hearts of the people who have to live at hotels, and they provide them on every occasion. Mrs. Duncan always keeps the table up to the minute with the best things the markets have. The beds and rooms are clean and nice and sanitary and home like, and the rates are very reasonable.


The editor of this illustrated magazine does not know whether Mr. John Schmidt is a relative of that other immortal John Smith whose life was saved by the beautiful Indian maiden, Pocahontas, or not; but we do know that Mr. Schmidt is one of the best-known and most popular businessman in the city, and that his fine meat market is without superior anywhere. This market has been established for the past twelve years and is located at 212 West Oklahoma avenue, and is connected with telephone number 25. Mr. Schmidt handles fresh and salt meats, poultry, game, butter, eggs, fish, oysters, and many other good things to eat, and his prices have always been satisfactory to the largest list of delighted customers in the city of Guthrie. Schmidt's Meat Market is known to every lover of clean, healthful and wholesome meats in the city, and its location is one of the best. It is a most popular and successful market and deservedly so.


202 North Second street, successor to J. W. Lane. It has been established ever since the opening of the country in 1889. Mr. T. F. Lane, the proprietor, is a master at the business and believes only in doing the best work at the fairest prices. He operates a general black-smith and wagon making business, makes a specialty of expert horse shoeing, builds wagons of all kinds, buggies, carts, and plows to order. The reairring department of this shop is one of the best equipped. Mr. Lane's motto is "Best work and best materials at the lowest possible prices."


This home-like hotel had been established for four years, and is located at 322 West Oklahoma avenue. Mr. F. M. Burton, the proprietor, gives his entire attention to the business and looks personally to comfort and welfare of every guest who enters his hospitable doors. At all times he keeps a strict watch on the markets of the day, and buys with carefulness that insures his tables to be among the best in the city. The Burton hotel is well managed, clean and sanitary, comfortable and well patronize. Mr. Burton has been a traveler himself in other days and he discovered then that there was not all the comfort in the world in every hotel stopped at; so, when he went into the business he made it a point to provide good clean beds and furnish a fine table, and it has been a winner for him.


This is a recently established firm, located at number 112 South Division street. The members of this firm are Mr. W. W. Brown and Mr. L. L. Hancock. Mr. Brown, the senior member of the firm, has had 40 years experience in the business, and of course is a master workman. Mr. Hancock has had twelve years experience and is also a fine expert. This firm under the present name has been established for the past four months, but it is well known, and has the reputation of doing the most expert work in the capital city. Every stitch of work turned out by the Electric Factory is strictly guaranteed, and their guarantee means something. Repairing of all kinds is the specialty of this factory, which is splendidly equipped with machinery necessary to the business.


This house been established for six years and is located at 501 East Oklahoma avenue, the telephone number 536. Two free delivery wagons are required to take care of the trade, pleased customers being scattered in all of the city. Mr. J. E. Smith is a great booster for Guthrie. He is a warm advocate of Guthrie for the permanent capital, and there's no way to get around his arguments in favor of his hometown. Mr. Smith gives his personal attention to every detail of his store. He handles everything that is good to eat, feed, and all kinds of farm and garden seeds.


Jones Brothers are successors to C. F. Hopkins. This store is located at number 802 East Oklahoma avenue, with telephone number 206. Jones Brothers are undoubtedly operating one of the best and most reliable houses in this section of the capital city, and the gentlemen who own and manage the business are well known and substantial businessmen, and are active, able and have the confidence of the people. This store handles a big and fresh stock of pure staple and fancy groceries, farm products, can and bottle goods, coffees, teas, and everything that is good to eat, and at the lowest possible prices, consistent with the highest grade goods. In addition they carry a big line of notions and feed. Jones Brothers also have a store at 810 West Noble street, phone 177. They are giving the public general satisfaction in every way.


This business is located at 124 North 2nd St., with phone 236, and has been recently established under the present managed. The Delmonico makes a specialty of short orders, exclusively. But then, that is enough, when one learns you can get anything and everything good to eat, served in the most appetizing way, and on very short notice. Mr. C. H. Sherrill, the well known and wide-awake proprietor, knows the business as well as any man in the trade, and he devotes his time to buying the best the markets hold and seeing that it is served to his customers in proper style. This method is making the Delmonico one of the most popular and most substantial cafes in the capital city, and it is growing and extending its influence every day. No mistake can be made by anyone in looking up the Delmonico when you really want something to eat that will please you all over.


206 East Oklahoma avenue. Telephone connection number 30. Mr. W. F Power, the proprietor, is one of the busiest, cleverest and the best-known gentlemen in the capital city, and never goes to sleep on a contract. He is the one plumber in the world who does not cover charge and who thinks you really want the work when you order it. This is a large and substantial plumbing house, and Mr. Power employs seven expert plumbers to assist him, and that is one reason why you don't have to wait forever when you place an order. All kinds of plumbing and heating contracts are executed by this house, in an expert manner and every job is guaranteed. Mr. Power handles all kinds of supplies and his prices are as low as possible consistent with the best material and the best work.

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