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Logan County Letters


Letter of Nancy Polk Triplett

Submitted by & © 2000-02: Verla Pinkerton

This letter was written by Nancy Polk Triplett, to her daughter Lieuettie Triplett McArdle, who lived in Guthrie, O. T.

Chihuahua, Old Mexico June 15, 1897, San Hgustin
Dear Daughter
I received a letter from Annie Sat. and she sent me your letter to read. I was glad to get it as I would if you had sent it but it made me a little gelous you rote a longer letter to her than you did to us. you must send us the longest letters for we want to know all the news and even that that ain't news that would be something about your fellow in you take time to have one. We are so glad you did not get hurt in the flood. I don't beleave God will suffer you to be harmed while we are gone for it has ben my prayrs ever since we left that you be protected in our absence and we will be home some time this fall or summer. Don't know how long we will work there is a great many things to learn and concidder when you are out among strangers one never gets don learning. this world is a school and sometimes we are forsed to learn things that don't benefit us. I wanted to send you 50 or 60 the other day, but Pa was afraid to let it go till we got some cash for our work here. things has been a little blue on the ranch for a while but a new pardner has just moved in and we hope things will Boom. the two Ranchmen went to ElPaso this eving and left orders for 4 teems to follow early in the morning to bring out Binder a new wagon and pervision. We have plenty of good prevision to eat and all it costs us is my work and I only cook for the boss and ocasionly a freind of his drops in. Now I suppose there will be two of them to cook for but I will never crictz if there was two more of course I wash his clothes but it is not hard washing. he has his own room and he never even as mutch as bothers us for a pan of water to wash. the born man wates on him cleans his room gets a bucket of water sadles his horse and tends to the garden. the wheat is ready to commence cutting ought to of had a binder in it last week there is some of the finest wheat on the ranch I ever saw. lots of it or all the tall kinds is as high as Georgia and just as thick as it can stand we will will bring some home with us Pa sed for you to have all the coffer corn put out you can to not let no ground lay idle it would do for chickens ro feed if you can handy as not have some sweet potatoes put out and tomatoes if there is eny plants to be had I want just 5 bushel of green tomatoes to make preserves and pickles this fall tell Persey to plant a dozen hills pie melons* to mix with the tomatoes for my preserves and I will make him a few gallons for him & Tillie and if Mr Hall wont let him have Tillie I will bring him a pretty mexico girl well write and tell us what horses can be bought for if we should meet with a change to sell ours we are about to buy another teem and harness for 50 dollars for Jes to drive does Annie and John think of going back this fall tell Hattie to write and tell us how much crop they have out and how their hogs are getting along has she a good garden tell her to rase lots of chickens we are chicken hungry we have got 15 hens on the ranch, but just got them last week we have no cow and have no milk only condenced milk look out for a good cow does Hopkins still run his store in Guthrie yet and what did the people do that was washed out of Guthrie in the flood how far up the cottonwood did it damage people do you see arches folks oftin and Do you ever hear from Uncles folks we met a man on the railroad that was well acquainted with the California folks is the peoples store still running we get our dry goods at the ferm that is selling for the same ferm that they are and is well aquanted with them the Beotls Shoe Store belongs to the same ferm tell me in the next letter just what kind of clothing you need or will need for next winter for we might have to take up a good part of our wages in the store for fine dress goods is very cheap here they are very large Holesale Stores and deal in German and french Goods tell Hattie to write and answer that card and do write to Lillie I sent all the girls a postal the same day I sent yours the Boys is going to El Paso today I was up at 2 this morning and its 20 minutes past 4 now Breakfast is waiting now the children is in bed yet Jes and Hes has a peck of fun evry day with their Goats they clime and run all over the Born top and doby walls the correll is 10 feet high and over 2 feet thick built of dobys well they leaves us wel only mosqueto bites from mama
We will soon have a store on this ranch and then we will get our male brought out to us write oftin
Georgia got a present of a new dress Saturday 5 cents a yard She has 5 new dreses now write soon and oftiner
Send this to Hattie tell cemore and the babe Granmama has some present for them what is the babies name

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