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Col Dublan Chihuahia Aug 5, 1896
My loving child we rec your letter yesterday was verry glad to hear from you I hadn't had a letter from eny of you for over 3 weeks I had two letters from Lillie not long ago She has a big boy he was born about the first of july 1 had begin to think we would not hear fromeny of you again till the heavy ranes was over Sometimes the male don't come in on account of high watter and sometimes the letters get lost we cant start before the middle or last of August on account of the rains it rains evry after noon we had a hale storm a few days ago that ruined the gardens and lost of corn fields our corn fared better than many another one peace of 5 achors was just beginning to silk and to tossel the others just ready to put out the tosel the bees in making loads of honey now fromt he corn and lucerine* we hold oru bees at 30 dolars we will bring a can of honey now fromt he corn and for 18 cts per pound henry can get to to work for all the honey we want to bring butter is worth 35 cts eggs 24 hens 45 cts they are making cheese now Loyd is working for 35 dolars per month now at a contract making fence Henry has his corn lay by and can work now for wages till we start it may be later still than we think now for we don't know how long it will rain and keep the streems up well Lieu I have the toothache so bad I hardly can sit still and the rel8ieif society teachers has just ben here and give us a good talking aobut going back they think we will be sorrow if we go back but I must risk it and ill never start and leave one single child behind again Pa ses
Hezy ses tell you Girls that Jesse is not sick for he plays
Luly theas lines are from pappy rent some of the place for wheat 50 acres if you can I wil want some for cotton keepe the horses and pasture have some hay cut if you can on shares wil the cows give milk this winter what time dose school comemence we ________ _______ thare and I want to school the children thare I cant stand home in 2 places Ma is afful homesick don't let the stove rust out I think Ma wil be wiling to marry it when she gets back she is stil cooking on the fire place yet wages is hy hear but everthink is hy that eat or ware so it takes al to live God bles ever one of you goodby
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