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Dublan Mexico Chihuahia Jan 24, 1897
Dear Daughters
I seat my self this beautiful Sabath evening to inform you how we are getting along and to see if I can get a letter from some of you we are all tolerable well but Georgia She was sick all night and is in bed now but think it is from cold I walked up in town Friday a mile to sew and took cold and settled in my neck and shoulders mekes me quite miserable but washed yesterday my head aches most all the time but I think it is caused by studying aout you all so mutch I hope you are all weell and if you get this letter o write soon and oftin so if our letter gets misplaced another might get through this is the 3 or 4 letter since I have got eny from eny of you I got a letter from Annie rite away after she got through She got through in time for dinner Christmas She sed they had rented a furnished room and was boarding She sed you was about to rent the old place Purcy did you and does he intend to live in the house if he does take the book and sutch things to Hatties let them use the old talbe if they don't use it for a citchen table She sed he was wating on Tilly Hall and I thought they might make a match tell Weldon that's right tak that little girl and raise it to suit him self who is flying around with you or have you got time to fly does Mr. Durett ever come to see you or is he married tell him if he isint that I will give you to him if he will bring you out when the railroad gets through and they think it will be here Dublan by the last of March or sooner they are in 18 mil now with their grade and more contractors will commence work here rite away and work up the other way Our boys went out to work with two teems and lost their horses 8 days ago today and haven't found them yet they think they have eather ben stole or gone to the rong where they was rased they haven't ben able to get a horse to hunt them on and get only around camp and from there home Loyd rode two days all over the mountains between here and the camp he is at work now by the day single handed but if he don't get some one that's aquanted with the ronge he will go to the ronge that is about 20 miles from where they are working Henry come in yesterday to see if he could get the lone of a horse out there but he was on the ronge and they could not find it and nearly all the horses is out on the raod that is broke they have only 3 horses gone the one they bought out at the camp is unbroken if they don't find their horses they will have to buy another and then hire a gentle horse to broke them they are to pay 65 dollars for the one they have and can get others from 60 to 80 dollars they are American horses Well we are getting along and living in spite of all our bad luck we have got plenty of meat and bread and milking a good cow will ahve another butter is worth 35 cts per pound pork is cheaper this winter con be bought at home for 12 1/2 whare last winter it was 15 cts we are pretty well fisced for cloths, but Georgia and Hez needs shoes the boys need Sundy cloths if it hadent ben for that I expect they wouldn't have quit school Loyd has over 4 dollars coming to him in cash for work but if he ever get it he will have to traffic it out our wheat don't look verry well how would you like to come out on the train and go back by wagon after a little vist they have changed th rout a little at this end it will run now right through Dublan they think this will be the end of the road for a while there is strong talk of a non mormon settlement 25 mile east of us from the east well Hattie how is you and your Baby getting along and did you get my letter and what did you name your boy when I come I will bring him a hood and a pare of kid shoes how big is cemore Lieu when will your School be out and how mutch do you get a month do you hear from Lillie oftin I haven't had a letter from her for some time Well the children is giving out and spellign and Pa is hungry and I will close and get supper now if you get this letter please answer it rite away don't put it off a day or a night for I want to hear from you all God bless evry one of you and prosper you in all your good undertaking your loving Mother N P Triplett to one and all kiss the Babies for me
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