Below is a transcription of the Application and Marriage license record and Marriage Certificate of my gg grandmother and her second husband Elihu H COX. First husband is my gg grandfather (Walter R. LITTLE, MD).
Submitted by: Carolyn Leverich Atkinson
From Guthrie, Logan Co, OK MARRIAGE RECORDS, BOOK 4, PAGE 339.
Territory of Oklahoma, Logan Co
I, Elihu H COX of Logan Co, Territory of OK, aged 57 years and legally competent to make and take an oath, do solemnly swear that I am acquainted with Mr Elihu H Cox and Mrs Almira LITTLE who are parties for the marriage of whom a LICENSE is hereby applied for. That said parties, and each of them, are of sound contracting mind and unmarried, and not disqualified or incapable under the law of entering into the marriage relation. That said parties are not of the relationship prohibited by law and may lawfully contract and be joined in marriage.
I furthermore solomnly swear that the following schedule, containing the names of the aforesaid parties, their age, color, place of birth, and residence is correct in every particular, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, to-wit:
Elihu H Cox-Groom/57/W/Indiana/Crescent POAlmira Little-Bride/55/W/Illinois/Ingalls PO
Elihu H Cox Applicant
Subscribed and sworn to before me, June 19, 1900
JC Foster, Judge
The Territory of Oklahoma, Logan Co.
In the Probate CourtTo any person authorized to perform the Marriage Ceremony, Greeting:
You are hereby authorized to join in marriage Mr Elihu H Cox and Mrs Almira Little, of the County aforesaid, whose ages, residence, etc are as follows:
Elihu H. Cox-Groom/57/W/Indiana/Crescent POAlmira Little-Bride/55/W/Illinois/Ingalls PO
And of this license you will make due return to my office within thirty days from this date
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Guthrie, in said County, this 19th day of June
AD 1900,
JC Foster, Judge of the Probate Court
Territory of Oklahoma
I, WM JUDD, Church of Christ, Minister, of Mulhall in Logan Co, Oklahoma Territory, do hereby certify that I joined in marriage, the persons named in and authorized by this license to be married, on the 19th day of June AD 1900, at Mulhall in Logan County, OT in the presence of Huldah A JUDD of Mulhall and WM E BAKER of Guthrie.
Huldah A JUDD
WM JUDD, Minister
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