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The following was submitted by JoJo
The Oklahoma Conference Epworth League Institute
Robert M. LEHEW, Jr., Manager Dean C. DUTTON, Dean
A. G. WILLIAMSON, Treasurer and Registrar
Prof. Frank G. BROOKS, Assistant Registrar
The Conference Epworth League Institute Board of Control is composed of the District Superintendents, the District Epworth League Presidents and the officers of the Institute.
Board of Control meeting, Saturday, at 2 p. m.
Morning Watch and Personal Evangelism ---
Dr. A. E. HENRY, Pastor at Liberal, Kansas.
General Bible Hour and Life Service ---
Dr. W. E. J. GRATZ --- Institutes and General Life Work Secretary from the Central Office, Chicago, Ill.
General Methods Hour ---
Dr. B. M. POWELL, Topeka, Kansas.
Missions ---
Dean of Women --- Mrs. B. M. POWELL, Topeka, Kansas
The Romance of Methodism ---
Geo. E. DOUGHERTY, Topeka, Kansas.
Stewardship ---
Rev. A. E. PETERSON, Life Work Secretary for Wichita Area.
Bible Study --- The Psalms as Daily Companions ---
Prof. B. F. NIHART, Oklahoma City College.
Rural Epworth League Work ---
Prof. Frank G. BROOKS, Oklahoma City College.
Practical Methods in Social Service ---
Martha M. HANSON of Kansas City, Mo.
Junior League Organization and Methods ---
Miss Hope WOLFE, Topeka, Kansas.
Recreation and Practical Fourth Department Methods---
Rev. M. S. COLLINS, Student Pastor, Manhattan, Kansas.
Director of Music ---
Rev. Leslie MILLER, Assistant pastor, First M. E. Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Special Speakers ---
Bishop Ernest Lynn WALDORF.
Miss Mabel Ruth NOWLIN of China.
To begin Tuesday, August 30 1921
6:00 Bugle Call. 6:45 --- 7:30 Morning Watch for Everybody --- Dr. A. E. HENRY. 7:40 Breakfast. 8:30 --- 9:10 General Bible Hour for Everybody --- Dr. W. E. J. GRATZ. 9:30 --- 10:00 Stewardship --- A. E. PETERSON. Bible Study, Psalms --- Prof. B. F. NIHART. Evangelism --- Win My Chum Week Methods --- Dr. A. E. HENRY. Social Service --- Third Department Methods --- Martha M. HANSON. Rural Methods --- Prof. F. G. BROOKS. John WESLEY, Junior Missions --- Mrs. B. M. POWELL. Fourth Department Methods --- Rev. M. S. COLLINS. 10:05 --- 10:45 Life Service --- Dr. W. E. J. GRATZ. Bible Study, Psalms --- Prof B. F. NIHART. Evangelism --- Win-My-Chum Week Methods --- Dr. A. E. HENRY. Romance of Methodism --- Mr. Geo. E. DOUGHERTY. Social Service --- Third Department Methods --- Martha M. HANSON. Rural Methods --- Prof. F. G. BROOKS. Junior League, Organization and Methods --- Miss. Hope WOLFE. 10:50 --- 11:30 Romance of Methodism --- Geo. E. DOUGHERTY. Life Service --- Dr. W. E. J. GRATZ. Social Service --- Third Department Methods --- Martha H. HANSON. John WESLEY, Junior Missions --- Mrs. B. M. POWELL. Junior League, Organization and Methods --- Hope WOLFE. Fourth Department Methods --- Rev. M. S. COLLINS. Stewardship --- Rev. A. E. PETERSON. 11:35 --- 12:15 General Methods Hour for Everybody --- Dr. B. M. POWELL. 12:20 Dinner.
1:00 --- 3:00 Rest. 3:00 Athletics. 4:30 Personal Interviews and Student Council. 5:30 Supper
6:30 Recreation and Social Hour --- Rev. M. S. COLLINS Director. 7:45 Community Sing. 8:00 --- 8:10 Announcements. 8:10 --- 9:10 Inspirational. 9:20 --- 9:50 Moonlight Conferences. 10:15 Lights Out.
Monday --- Get acquainted social; introduction of the members of the Faculty and announcements.
Tuesday --- Address --- "The Challenge of the Morning" --- A. E. PETERSON.
Wednesday --- Address --- Miss Mabel Ruth NOWLIN of China.
Thursday --- Address --- "The Time O' Day" --- Dr. W. E. J. GRATZ.
Friday --- Moving Picture --- "The Stream of Life." Free to all registered students. Otherwise admission 25 cents. Saturday --- Hike and campfire meeting.
6:30 Bugle Call. 7:00 Life Decision Service. 8:10 Breakfast. 9:30 Sunday School Groups. 10:30 Sermon by Bishop WALDORF.
3:30 District Meetings for Prayer, Praise and Plans. 5:30 Supper.
6:30 Praise Service led by Rev. A. E. PETERSON. 8:00 Mizpah Hour, followed by the closing Consecration Service led by Bishop E. L. WALDORF.
Additional pages contained various hymns.
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