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C. W. Scheihing

Logan County, Oklahoma


© 2000-02 Ned Benson

The following article was submitted by: Ned Benson

Please note: This was transcribed exactly as it was written in 1925
The Oklahoma Railwayan, Vol. 1, Number 18, Tuesday, December 1, 1925
The Men Who Man the Cars
This, ladies and gentlemen, is C. W. Scheihing, the Oklahoma Railway company's agricultural agent and the man who once convinced half the state of Iowa that you can't pull the well known wool over an Oklahoman's eyes.
Mr. Scheihing owns and operates a model farm near Guthrie, close to the interurban tracks. Qualified by his great agricultural successes to act as advisor to Oklahoma farmers, the Oklahoma Railway company has induced him to act in that capacity for the farmers living in the territory served by its lines. The model farm is open to inspection by the public and you'll find a hearty welcome if you choose to visit it.
But to get back to the time when Iowa met Oklahoma.
Once upon a time, Mr. Scheihing shipped a couple of carloads of peaches to a couple of Iowa commission houses and in a few days receive a check for about half what he had been led to expect he would receive. Naturally he thought he detected the presence of a dark complexioned gentleman in the wood-pile.
So he bought a cowboy hat and fifteen cents worth of chewing tobacco and started for Iowa. Arriving there he turned detective long enough to find out that his peaces had reached their destination in good condition and had sold for a good price.
The commission merchant, however, produced a small army of Italian vendors who swore the peaches had been sold at a ridiculously low price. Right there was where Mr. Scheihing began to act like the typical bad man of the great open spaces.
With a quick movement he shot his hand back to his hip pocket at the same time emitting an awful noise that was a cross between an Indian warhoop and a steamboat whistle. The Italians fell on their knees and told the truth about the peaches. Mr. Scheihing got a check for the actual sale price of the peaches and an additional amount to pay the expenses of his trip.
But the climax was not yet. When it was all over Mr. Scheihing rounded up all the actors in the little drama and showed them what he had in his hip pocket - a cotton handerchief.

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