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Nicoma Park History

Mrs. Knott named Nicoma Park by winning a contest to name the poultry colony. She chose by taking Nic for Nichols and oma from Oklahoma. Nicoma

beginning of Nicoma Park (a)  (b)

Nicoma park streets
Overholser, Henry= president-manger of the OKC Chamber of Commerce in 1927
Ives Way =
Fred H. Ives, Nicoma Park poultry supervisor, the poultry expert
Whitehurst = John W. Whitehurst, member of the agricultural committee of the OKC Chamber of Commerce [Miss Louise Whitehurst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Whitehurst, will be queen of the parade opening day]
Jeffords = T. H. Jeffords, member of the agricultural committee of the OKC Chamber of Commerce
Nichols - G. A. Nichols (money man)

A. S. Johnson = executive general agent of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railway

the men made a brief trip to Calif. several months ago [07/1927  ] to visit the poultry colonies there.

Nicoma Lane

July 23, 1927  road building equipment is on way from Missouri to Oklahoma to begin work clearing the 2,000 acre tract recently purchased for a poultry colony site, G. A. Nichols said. The opening is planned for Sept 15.

August 21, 1927 Work on Poultry Colony Due Soon
project extends for a mile and a half on both sides of highway East Twenty-third street. Warehouses and other central buildings needed to care for the wants of residents of the community will be constructed, Davis said.

September 25, 1927 G. A. Nichols has purchased the farm crops of the remaining tenants of the 1,800 acres of land included in the Nichols poultry colony project.

The poultry colony which is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce is located ten miles est of the city on Twenty-third street highway.

November 10, 1927 Name Sought For Poultry Colony
Formal Opening is Set For December 3
Name for the Nichols' poultry colony on East Twenty-third street road will be selected from those submitted in a contest sponsored by the agricultural committee of the Chamber of Commerce. Contest will closed December3. Preference will be given names that bring in the word "park" Formal opening of the colony will be January 7.

November 14, 1927
T. M. Jeffords, leader of the Chamber of Commerce agricultural committee and argicultural agent for the Katy railroad.

November 20, 1927
Beautiful Homes Included in Nichols New Project East of City
Pleasing arrangements of business buildings will mark the entrances to the poultry colony proper.. Parks and winding streets and boulevards will be featured in the 1,800 acre tract. The town will be a place for the raising of poultry, but also a modern comfort to suburbanites.

December 7, 1927
Jones Woman First In Poultry Contest
Profit of $43 a Month Made By Winner
Mrs. Nora McMillian of Jones took first place in Rotary Club poultry record contest. It was announced at the luncheon Tuesday. Award carries a prize of $100. Other winners of prizes were Mrs. Sadie Graves, Moore, $50; Mrs. Anna King, Edmond, $60, Mrs. H. A. Miller, Jones, $40 and Mrs. Will Arthur, Luther, $20. Prizes were given for maximum egg production at lowsest cost.

December 11, 1927 Name Chosen For Poultry Colony
Nicoma Park is the name selected for Oklahoma City's new suburb, the country residence section being developed as a poultry colony on East Twenty-third street.

Mrs. George L. Knott, 1115 North Central street, suggested the name and has been awarded the $25 prize offered. Mrs. Knott's purpose was to combine the first name of Dr. G. A. Nichols, developer of the project, with the last of Oklahoma. More than 200 names were submitted for the tract of 2,000 acres, which will be one of the fist large poultry colonies in the Mississippi valley, according to its sponsors.

January 27, 1928
Parade Queen Announced
Miss Whitehurst to Lead March to Opening of Poultry Colony
Miss Louise Whitehurst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Whitehurst, will be queen of the parade, marking the opening of Nicoma Park poultry colony, Saturday.


In order to assure the success of every Nicoma Park colonist, Mr. Fred H. Ives, one of the southwest's foremost experts, has been engaged to help members of the colony make the utmost profit from their flocks.

Fred H. Ives, Nicoma Park poultry supervisor, the poultry expert in charge of Nicoma Park...

Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce according Chamber President, Ed Overholser  they are using  activities of every means at their disposal to bring profitable industries to Oklahoma City has shown that a well-established, well-supervised, scientifically-managed poultry colony is an asset to the community in which it is located. The Chamber undertook and investigation of poultry colonies in the Pacific Coast states and elsewhere, visiting these colonies. They made trips to Canada, they visited New York City and other eastern egg markets.

April 8, 1928 Nicoma Park Plans party, Easter Egg Hunt for Children
Two hundred dozen Nicoma Park eggs and fifty liver rabbits will be given to youngsters who participate. Many families are planning to bring lunch baskets and spend the day. The Easter egg hunt is free, the children will assemble at Nicoma Park community house at 3 o'clock to receive instructions and "clues".

April 22, 1928 Nicoma Park Elms Planted
Beautification of Nicoma Park by its developers. A. Nichols, Inc. and by tract and home owners in "the largest poultry colony east of the Rocky Mountains"... Under the supervision of Fred H. Ives, poultry supervisor, more than a carload of Chinese elms have been planted in the colony. Some property owners are setting out Lombardy populars and other shade trees.  Grapes, fruit trees and vines are being planted in the poultry runs and on individual tracts. More than 8,000 young chickens from one week to eight weeks old, now are occupying the two big brooder houses at the park. According to Ives, before Fall he expects work to begin on the creation of the Nicoma  Park Egg Marketing Association.

May 6, 1928 Eight Families Move  Into Their Residences at Poultry Colony
Eight families occupying homes at Nicoma Park Saturday  are Chester Hill, H. F. Miller, August Wisseman, W. C. Patterson, Glen F. Congleton, Miss Nora Kramer, A. R. Wilson, Alma K. Medley and Fred H. Ives, the Nicoma Park poultry supervisor. There are now sixty-one houses either completed or under construction at Nicoma Park. Electric service was extended to all parts of Nicoma Park last week. Inquires have been received from the Bristish Isles.

May 11, 1928 The Chamber of Commerce has employed Fred H. Ives for a period of three years to help you succeed in Nicoma Park. He is paid by G. A. Nichols and his services to you are FREE. [some articles say Ives was hired by the Chamber....]

June 7, 1928 30 Families Now Living in Nicoma Park

July 29, 1928 Nicoma Park has developed more in less than six months than California poultry colonies at the end of five years according to S. Chester Davis, Sales Manager, G. A. Nichols, Inc. In addition Nichols announced the addition of a telephone exchange in Nicoma_Park.

August 19, 1928  Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Cushman of Ottumwa, Iowa, were among buyers at Nicoma Park last week.

August 26, 1928 Building Starts in New Nicoma Park Sector.
First construction in the new Southview section of Nicoma Park started when materials were unloaded for a new five-room residence for John W. Cushman, who moved here a short time ago from Ottumwa, Iowa.  Arrangements were being contemplated for a post-office in a new building now nearly completed in the Nicoma Park business district, facing the paved East Twenty-third street road.  Completed information required by the post-office department can be approved was forwarded to Washington. Construction of a brick building to house the telephone exchange was begun last week by J. B. Bohlen, proprietor of the system. The building will be completed before the middle of September.

September 2, 1928 School to Be At Nicoma Park House.
Enough children now live in Nicoma Park to warrant the creation of a school there, according to a letter sent out Saturday by S. Chester Davis, Nicoma Park sales manger, to residents of Nicoma Park.  The letter announced that during the first school term, Nicoma Park children can be sent to a school to be held in the Nicoma Park community house.  It is expected that within a short time a special school building will be constructed at the poultry colony.

September 9, 1928 Nicoma Park To Hold Beauty Event. Prizes offered for Colony Landscaping.
Nicoma Park residents can have the advise of N. D. Woods, newly appointed head of the G. A. Nichols landscape department in planning their yards.

September 16, 1928 Nicoma Park Films to Be Seen At Fair
Motion pictures of Nicoma Park will be shown to state fair visitors. A complete amateur motion picture record of the building of Nicoma Park has been kept by John W. Coyle of G. A. Nichols, Inc. since the property was opened for sale January 28, 1928. On that day Coyle took pictures of the crowds that attended the formal opening of the poultry colony and the parade and other ceremonies. He also photographed the untouched ground which is now dotted with more than 135 homes. Since the opening day Coyle has taken motion pictures at regular intervals, depicting the principal events in the development of the colony. A part of these picture has been made on the newly invested natural color film of the Eastman company. These were exhibited at a private showing a few weeks ago.

September 23, 1928 Property Sales At Nicoma Park Total $1,000,000
pg 13] this one has pics - need to copy and see what can be done with pics  Sep 30 has another pic.

January 16, 1929 Jimmy D. Comer, of Burger, Texas died in an accident in Nicoma Park.

February 17, 1929 150,000 Chicks Due at Nicoma in Spring - Storage Brooder Houses Are Completed
More than 150,000 chicks will be hatched this spring in the 52,000 egg incubator at Nicoma Park which is expected to produce 4,000 young White Leghorns on March 4 according to Fred H. Ives, Nicoma Park supervisor. The incubator production at Nicoma Park will be absorbed by Nicoma Park property owners and eliminate the necessity of importing adult stock from California and other out of state points.

March 17,1929 Nicoma Park to Get Telephone Service
Service will be available for residents of Nicoma Park within a short time, S. Chester Davis, sales manager for G. A. Nichols, Inc. said Saturday. Installation of new manual switching equipment began in the newly constructed telephone building at Nicoma Park last week. Virtually every resident of the poultry colony is expected to subscribe to the service.

March 24, 1929 Poultry Colony is Thriving in Nicoma Park

March 29, 1929 Nicoma Park To Have New School Building
Nicoma Park school will get a new two room building next term as the result of a mill levy vote, Mrs. Ida M Hale, county superintendent, said Thursday. The park is in Choctaw Consolidated school district.

May 5,1929 Nicoma Park Grows Fast

March 3, 1930 Nicoma Park Church Cornerstone is Laid
Combined with cornerstone laying ceremony, dedicatory services for Nicoma Park Baptist Church was held Sunday when the church congregation occupied its new $4,500 home. Dr. J. D. Rounds, state Baptist secretary, preached a dedicatory sermon at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. The cornerstone was laid by Doctor Rounds Sunday afternoon. Contributions of $1,204 were made to the building fund at the ceremony.

March 10, 1930 Zimmerman, J. B. member of Nicoma Park poultry colony (1930)

October 7, 1932 KFJF Radio Station
Court injunction filed to prevent change in the name of KFJF radio station and removal of transmitting equipment from Nicoma Park south by G. A. Nichols. KFJF, now being rebuilt to operate as KOMA, has been off the air pending rebuilding.



Various articles published in The Oklahoman about Nicoma Park and the egg industry.




Daily Oklahoman, The 
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 
July  29, 1929

Telephone Exchange to Be Moved to Nicoma Park

Addition of a telephone exchange to Nicoma Park will give Oklahoma City's poultry colony complete utility service, it was announced Saturday at the offices of G. A. Nichols, Inc. following completion of arrangement with J. B. Bohlen to install telephone service there. Bohlen who is an experienced telephone man has bought the exchange at Choctaw.


photo courtesy July 2009.


Sources:  good faith fair use of sources stated above

Compiled, transcribed and submitted by Marti Graham, Oklahoma County, OKGenWeb Coordinator, January 2012. Information posted for educational purposes for viewers and researchers. The contributor is not related to nor researching any of the above.

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Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
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