Photographs of Seminole County, Oklahoma


This page dedicated to the memory of Ralph "Chief" Parrott

27-Dec-1920 to 26-Feb-2002



Law enforcement in Seminole Boom Days of 1926-1930, was not always a job for well dressed police officers-but the Seminole City Police force in January, 1930 pictured above, had on "their Sunday best" when this picture was made. The rugged days demanded police officers who could handle every type of criminal-from the purse-snatching punks to hardened criminals. Pictured above are an even dozen men who served Seminole as its police force in those rugged days. Seated left to right they are Charles Reynolds, now a Seminole realtor; Chris Whitson Sr., deceased; City Judge S.D. Powell; Jake Sims, police chief whose services were conducted here this week; Clyde (Whitie) Norman; and Henry Lewis. Standing in second row are Henry Ramey, Dave Nowland, Cliff Kersey, Butch LaCroix, T.H. Jeffries and 'Blimp' Smalley. Most of the officers shown above are deceased. (Picture courtesy Charles Reynolds, Seminole, OK)

~Newspaper photo courtesy of Ralph Parrott, Maud class of '42~


Newspaper photo courtesy of Ralph Parrott

Newspaper photo courtesy of Ralph Parrott


Boom Day Main Street looked like this-on dry days. The booming center of the Greater Seminole Oil Field was a modern city for that 1926-1930 period. Streets were crowded, business was good, petroleum was "King" and the city was growing. Modern stores, banks, theatres and thousands of 1926-27-28 automobiles lined the streets.


First Maud High Grads

This picture owned by Mrs. Grace Green Phillips of Maud shows the 1916 and 1917 graduating classes of Maud. Mrs. Phillips was a member of the first graduating class of 1916. Next Saturday the Maud alumni will stage a banquet in Maud Legion Hut marking the Golden Anniversary of this class, honoring all other alumni, also. The members of the 1916 and 1917 graduating classes shown above are:

Back row, stading left to right-John Pierce, Hugh Green, Leonard Culbertson, Gus Bristow, John Doyle, Ira Jackson, Felix Carroll, and High School Principal Tucker whose first name was not known.

Middle row, left to right-Bessie Bolinger Harris, Joe Villkies Culbertson, Grace Green Phillips, Gladys Witt Taylor, Cora Ballard, Emma Evans, Virginia Srayth Quast.

Front row, left to right-Wade King, Luther Cleveland, Leroy Casteel, Supt. F. L. Casteel and Fay Doyle. Two members of the 1916 class not shown in the above picture were Lester Campbell and Roy Tribbey.

Courtesy of Ralph Parrott



Built on land owned by the Seminole Nation, 'The Chase Barn' was built of sandstone and was a rendezvous place for young lovers, a starting point for giving directions, and was even used as a bona fide stable with horses. The site was very near the old settlement of Tidmore that later became present day Seminole. It is not known for certain who actually built the rock barn, but it now lives only in the memories of the past~

 -courtesy of Ralph Parrott




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 Copyright 2001-2002 by Rebecca Ramsey
Copyright 2002-Present Linda Simpson
Updated: Monday, 15-Feb-2010 10:49:51 EST